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        원형 이론에 근거한 장편 디즈니 애니메이션 주요 캐릭터의 외모 이미지 분류에 관한 연구 -공주 캐릭터의 외모 이미지를 중심으로-

        왕단,이용수 한국만화애니메이션학회 2023 만화애니메이션연구 Vol.- No.72

        장편 디즈니 애니메이션은 오랫동안 엔터테인먼트 및 문화 상품으로 관객들의 인기를 끌었다. 풍부한 줄거리, 개성 넘치는 캐릭터, 아름다운 그래픽 등다양한 인기 요인이 있을 수 있다. 장편 디즈니 애니메이션의 핵심 요소 중 하나인 주요 캐릭터의 외모 이미지도 관객들의 흥미를 유발하는 요인 중 하나이다. 장편 디즈니 애니메이션 캐릭터에 대한 학계의 다양한 분류가 이루어지고 있지만, 주요 캐릭터의 외모 이미지에 대한 분류와 분석은 심도 있게 연구되지 않았다. 이러한 맥락에서 본 논문의 연구문제는 장편 디즈니 애니메이션에서 주요 캐릭터의 외모 이미지와 주요 인물형 캐릭터의 외모 이미지 중에서, 특히 공주 캐릭터의 외모 이미지를 어떻게 분류할 것인지, 그리고 어떻게분류하는 것이 더 효과적인가에 대한 것이다. 이를 위해 엘레노어 로쉬의 원형 이론을 바탕으로 장편 디즈니 애니메이션에서 주요 캐릭터의 외모 이미지분류, 특히 공주 캐릭터의 외모 분류와 특징을 분석하였다. 우선, 엘레노어 로쉬의 원형 이론과 원형 이론 분류 기본 원칙에 따라 장편 디즈니 애니메이션의 주요 캐릭터를 수평과 수직의 두 가지 차원으로 나누어 여성 인물형 주요캐릭터의 외모 이미지를 분류한다. 수평적 차원에서는 여성 인물형 주요 캐릭터의 외모 이미지를 공주 캐릭터의 외모 이미지와 비 공주 캐릭터의 외모 이미지로 나눈다. 수직적 차원에서는 공주 캐릭터의 외모 이미지를 백인종 공주캐릭터의 외모 이미지와 비 백인종 공주 캐릭터의 외모 이미지로 분류하여 공주 캐릭터의 외모 이미지 원형 이론 분류 원칙을 정립하고 장편 디즈니 애니메이션에서 공주 캐릭터의 외모 이미지 디자인의 패턴과 특징을 밝히고자 하였다. 연구 결과, 장편 디즈니 애니메이션에서 백인종 공주와 비 백인종 공주캐릭터의 수는 모두 여섯 개로 동일하며, 분류 유형은 모두 세 그룹으로 나타났다. 백인종 공주 캐릭터의 외모 이미지는 부드러운 백인종 공중 캐릭터의외모 이미지, 프리스타일 백인종 공주 캐릭터의 외모 이미지, 독립적인 백인종 공주 캐릭터의 외모 이미지의 특징과 변화 패턴을 보였고, 비 백인종 공주캐릭터의 외모 이미지는 신비로운 비 백인종 공주 캐릭터의 외모 이미지, 용감한 비 백인종 공주 캐릭터의 외모 이미지, 자신감 있는 비 백인종 공주 캐릭터의 외모 이미지의 특징과 변화 패턴을 보였다. 이 분류 원칙은 공주 캐릭터의 외모 이미지 분류 연구에 적용할 수 있으며 향후 디즈니 애니메이션 캐릭터 디자인에 대한 분류 기준과 참조 값을 제공할 수 있다. Feature-length Disney animations have long been popular with audiences as entertainment and cultural products. Its popularity can be attributed to a variety of factors, including rich plots, unique characters, and beautiful graphics. One of the key elements of feature-length Disney animation is the physical appearance of the main characters, which is also one of the factors that attract audiences. Although there are various classifications of Disney animation characters in the literature, the classification and analysis of the appearance images of major characters has not been studied in depth. In this context, the research question of this thesis is how to categorize the body image of major characters and the body image of major anthropomorphic characters in feature-length Disney animation, especially the body image of princess characters, and how to do so more effectively. To this end, this study analyzes the classification and characteristics of physical appearance images of major characters, especially princesses, in feature-length Disney animations based on Eleanor Roche’s archetype theory. First, based on Eleanor Rosch’s archetype theory and the basic principles of archetype theory classification, we classify the appearance images of major characters in feature-length Disney animations into two dimensions: horizontal and vertical. In the horizontal dimension, we divide the appearance images of the main female characters into the appearance images of princess characters and the appearance images of non-princess characters. In the vertical dimension, the appearance images of princess characters are categorized into the appearance images of Caucasian princess characters and the appearance images of non-Caucasian princess characters to establish the principles of the archetype theory classification of the appearance images of princess characters and to reveal the patterns and characteristics of the appearance image design of princess characters in feature-length Disney animations. The results of the study showed that the number of Caucasian princess and non-Caucasian princess characters in feature-length Disney animations is equal to six, and the classification types are divided into three groups. The appearance image of white princess characters showed the characteristics and change patterns of soft white aerial character appearance image, freestyle white princess character appearance image, and independent white princess character appearance image, while the appearance image of non-white princess characters showed the characteristics and change patterns of mysterious non-white princess character appearance image, brave non-white princess character appearance image, and confident non-white princess character appearance image. This classification principle can be applied to the study of princess character appearance image classification, and can provide classification criteria and reference values for future Disney animation character design.

      • KCI등재

        부르디외의 계급이론을 이용한 중년 남성 CEO의 외모관리에서나타나는 구별짓기 특성에 관한 연구

        은광희,문윤경 한국의류산업학회 2019 한국의류산업학회지 Vol.21 No.6

        This study investigated the appearance management aspects of middle-aged male CEO's based on Bourdieu's class theory. We conducted in-depth interviews with male CEOs in their 40s and 50s to understand the characteristics of appearance management in terms of economic, cultural and social capital. We found that they acquire educational capital based on their parents' economic capital and form their own cultural capital as adults. They had the characteristics of Petit Brujois, which aimed for a higher class. The characteristics of differentiation based on appearance management identified three results came from solidifying one's class position: clothing management, diversifying and upgrading appearance management, and pursuing their own ideal image. The influence of social network and cultural capital was also observed in appearance management. This study explored the characteristics of discriminatory appearance management through an in-depth study of middle-aged male CEOs as well as contributed to understanding the context of capital and appearance management by applying Bourdieu's class theory. In addition, this study provides basic data that can be referred to a design and marketing direction for the men's clothing market by providing information on male consumers with high purchasing power.

      • KCI등재

        『논어(論語)』에 적용된 체용논리(體用論理)와 음양론(陰陽論)

        윤용남 ( Yun Yongnam ) 동양철학연구회 2020 東洋哲學硏究 Vol.103 No.-

        Some say that there is no logic in the East so western logic has to be adopted, while others argue that the correct-naming principle(正名論) is eastern logic. However people from the east had been used appearance-hiddenness principle(顯微論) and root-branches principle(體用論) as their logic. Therefore this paper tries to prove the existence of CheYong logic(體用論理學), which was the logic from the east. Appearance-hiddenness principle is that the core-being(=微) is in the outward appearance(顯), and is also the cause of it. Root-branches principle is that the core-being from appearance-hiddenness principle become root(=體) which changes and grows to become branches(=用) while maintaining its nature. As such, appearance-hiddenness principle and root-branches principle are interconnected, collectively known as CheYong theory(體用理論). CheYong theory is both a natural law and people's principle of conduct. Eastern people believe that it is logical and reasonable to think and act on this basis. This kind of thinking and reasoning is CheYong logic. Inductive method is a method of making conclusion by collecting same cases based on the principle of identity, but appearance-hiddenness principle is the principle that there is core-being which penetrates conflicting phenomena. Deductive method is a method of drawing conclusions from the major premise, but the root-branches principle is the principle that the root(=體) change and grow in contrast to each other. This contrast is EumYang. CheYong theory and EumYang theory are systematically fused. In the text, the examples used in the Analects of Confucius were analyzed in detail by applying CheYong theory and EumYang theory. In the past, CheYong logic was widely used among scholars as well as in everyday life, but recently it has been greatly reduced as we have become accustomed to Western formal logic. In the future, if formal logic and CheYong logic are used together, the disadvantages will be complemented and the advantages will be magnified and greatly useful.

      • KCI등재

        外貌的社會比較對補償性購買和符號消費的影響: 身體自尊的中介作用

        ( Seong Yeon Park ),( Yu Mi Ko ) 한국마케팅과학회 2011 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.2 No.2

        Interest in the body from a psychological perspective has increased dramatically in recent years. One of the central terms in this field, body image, was conceived to represent the "picture of our body which we form in our mind, that is, the way in which the body appears to ourselves" For many people, the body is the most obvious object with which they identify themselves. As the body becomes more significant as a means of recognizing and expressing the self, people focus on the body and try to improve it. This emphasis on outward appearance has been popularized because of the development of mass media. Presumably, the more pervasive is media image, the more people feel that they must meet these unattainable standards and the less positive about their bodies. As the interest in body image has been growing rapidly, many researchers have found that it is influenced by mass media. To give implication to marketing researchers and practitioners, we brought a conception of body image, which was mainly examined by medical and psychological researchers, to the marketing field by investigating its influence on purchasing behavior. This study examines how social comparisons of appearance influence compensatory buying and symbolic consumption through the mediating role of body esteem. Social comparison theory has been suggested as a useful theoretical foundation for associating the individual`s physical self with a social ideal of physical appearance influenced by mass media. Festinger suggested that humans have a drive to assess their own opinions and abilities, and meet it by comparing themselves with others. Major, Testa, & Bylsma (1991) found that responses to the self include changes in self-related emotions, perceptions and behavior, and may involve emotions, changing self-esteem, expectations for self-capacity and efforts to better oneself. Thus, we build hypothesis 1: consumer`s social comparisons of appearance negatively affect their body esteem based on these extant findings. Body esteem is consumers` attitudes and feelings about their bodies and appearance. It is composed of three correlated factors -physical condition, general attractiveness, and physique appearance. Body esteem is distinct from self esteem. Self esteem can be concerned with performance, social relations, and appearance (Heatherton & Polivy, 1991). Conceptually, body esteem is most strongly related to appearance esteem. Compensatory buying is a means of compensation for stress, disappointment, despair, loss of autonomy, lack of self-esteem, and so on (Scherhorn, Reisch, & Raab, 1990). One is that low body esteem leads to higher consumer`s compensatory buying. Grenmo (1989) suggested that compensatory buying comes from attempts to meet unsatisfied needs, including lack of self-esteem or self-realization, by the way of purchasing, particularly where there is a lack of more appropriate ways to meet the needs. Thus, we build hypothesis 2: consumer`s body esteem negatively affects compensatory buying. In contemporary society, consumption activities are not simple activities of buying goods, but a signaling and communication process based on certain codes in buying goods, as well as a process of classification and social differentiation between oneself and others (Baudrillard, 1991). According to symbolic self-perfection theory, people with low self-esteem choose to buy products as a symbolic means to "complete" themselves (Wicklund & Gollwitzer, 1981). Individuals with low body esteem should see symbolic products as a means of bolstering appearance and building self-esteem. We build hypothesis 3: consumer`s body esteem negatively affects symbolic consumption based on existing finding. Our empirical results support all the hypotheses and offer theoretical and managerial implications for consumer purchase intent. First, the research provides a useful framework in the development of empirical marketing strategies. The current study can help companies to understand how societal ideals about the body affect a consumer`s need and desires as they relate to expectations about beauty. Second, consumer`s body esteem has a negative influence on compensatory buying and symbolic consumption. This suggests that a person with low body esteem tends to indulge in compensatory shopping to meet their unsatisfied needs and choose luxury brands as a means of bolstering appearance and improving self-esteem. Third, previous researches address that consumers with low body esteem are likely to exhibit low involvement with body-involving products because they do not see body-involving products as affirming their self-concept (Rosa, Garbarino, & Malter, 2006).

      • KCI등재

        마음이론과 실행기능의 발달 및 관계: 한국아동 자료를 중심으로

        이현진 한국심리학회 산하 한국발달심리학회 2011 한국심리학회지 발달 Vol.24 No.4

        This study examined the development of theory of mind and executive function, and then the relation between them in Korean children. Theory of mind was measured by 3 kinds of ToM tasks (discrepant belief tasks, false belief tasks, appearance-reality tasks). Executive function was measured by 3 types of tasks (conflict inhibition tasks, delayed inhibition tasks, working memory tasks). The finding indicated that 3-year-olds understand the discrepant beliefs, but not false beliefs and appearance-reality. There was a developmental change between age 3 and 5 in the latter tasks. Korean children showed good performance in inhibition tasks from the early age, while there was a developmental change between age 3 and 4 in the development of working memory. The overall performance on executive function tasks was better in Korean children than in western children. Executive function measures were not correlated with ToM measures. The results suggested that executive function does not seem to play a role in the development of theory of mind in Korean children. 본 연구에서는 상이한 믿음 과제, 틀린 믿음 과제, 외양 실제 과제를 사용하여 마음이론을 측정하고 갈등 억제 과제, 지연 억제 과제, 작업 기억 과제를 사용하여 실행기능을 측정하여 각 능력의 발달과 이 두 능력 간의 관계를 살펴보았다. 그 결과 상이한 믿음은 3세 아동부터 잘 이해하였다. 3세 아동들은 틀린 믿음 과제나 외양 실제 과제에서 많은 오류를 범했고, 5세가 되면서 수행에 유의한 증진이 보였다. 실행기능과 관련하여서 3세 아동들은 갈등 억제와 지연 억제에 대해서는 좋은 수행을 보였지만, 작업 기억에서는 저조한 수행을 보였다. 작업 기억에서는 3세와 5세 사이에 발달적 변화가 있었다. 한국 아동의 실행기능을 서구 아동과 비교했을 때, 한국 아동은 실행기능 과제에서 서구 아동보다 더 좋은 수행을 보였다. 마음이론과 실행기능과의 관계에서는 세 종류의 마음이론 과제에서의 수행이 갈등 억제나 작업 기억과 유의한 상관을 보이지 않았다. 이러한 결과는 마음이론과 실행기능 간에 관계가 있음을 보여준 서구권 연구 결과와 대비되었다.

      • The Effect of Social Comparison of Appearance on Compensatory Buying and Symbolic Consumption: The Mediating Role of Body Esteem

        Seong-Yeon Park,Yumi Ko 한국마케팅과학회 2011 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.2 No.2

        Interest in the body from a psychological perspective has increaseddramatically in recent years. One of the central termsin this field, body image, was conceived to represent the“picture of our body which we form in our mind, that is, theway in which the body appears to ourselves” For many people,the body is the most obvious object with which theyidentify themselves. As the body becomes more significant asa means of recognizing and expressing the self, people focuson the body and try to improve it. This emphasis on outwardappearance has been popularized because of the developmentof mass media. Presumably, the more pervasive is media image,the more people feel that they must meet these unattainablestandards and the less positive about their bodies. Asthe interest in body image has been growing rapidly, many researchershave found that it is influenced by mass media. Togive implication to marketing researchers and practitioners, webrought a conception of body image, which was mainly examinedby medical and psychological researchers, to the marketingfield by investigating its influence on purchasing behavior. This study examines how social comparisons of appearanceinfluence compensatory buying and symbolic consumptionthrough the mediating role of body esteem. Social comparisontheory has been suggested as a useful theoretical foundationfor associating the individual’s physical self with a social idealof physical appearance influenced by mass media. Festingersuggested that humans have a drive to assess their own opinionsand abilities, and meet it by comparing themselves withothers. Major, Testa, & Bylsma (1991) found that responses tothe self include changes in self-related emotions, perceptionsand behavior, and may involve emotions, changing self-esteem,expectations for self-capacity and efforts to better oneself. Thus, we build hypothesis 1: consumer’s social comparisons ofappearance negatively affect their body esteem based on theseextant findings. Body esteem is consumers’ attitudes and feelings about theirbodies and appearance. It is composed of three correlated factors—physical condition, general attractiveness, and physique appearance. Body esteem is distinct from self esteem. Self esteemcan be concerned with performance, social relations, andappearance (Heatherton & Polivy, 1991). Conceptually, bodyesteem is most strongly related to appearance esteem. Compensatory buying is a means of compensation for stress,disappointment, despair, loss of autonomy, lack of self-esteem,and so on (Scherhorn, Reisch, & Raab, 1990). One is that lowbody esteem leads to higher consumer’s compensatory buying. Grenmo (1989) suggested that compensatory buying comesfrom attempts to meet unsatisfied needs, including lack ofself-esteem or self-realization, by the way of purchasing, particularlywhere there is a lack of more appropriate ways tomeet the needs. Thus, we build hypothesis 2: consumer’s bodyesteem negatively affects compensatory buying. In contemporary society, consumption activities are not simpleactivities of buying goods, but a signaling and communicationprocess based on certain codes in buying goods, as wellas a process of classification and social differentiation betweenoneself and others (Baudrillard, 1991). According to symbolicself-perfection theory, people with low self-esteem choose tobuy products as a symbolic means to “complete” themselves(Wicklund & Gollwitzer, 1981). Individuals with low body esteemshould see symbolic products as a means of bolsteringappearance and building self-esteem. We build hypothesis 3:consumer’s body esteem negatively affects symbolic consumptionbased on existing finding. Our empirical results support all the hypotheses and offertheoretical and managerial implications for consumer purchaseintent. First, the research provides a useful framework in thedevelopment of empirical marketing strategies. The currentstudy can help companies to understand how societal idealsabout the...

      • KCI등재

        영,유아의 마음 이론 발달에 관한 연구

        김영심 ( Kim Yeong Sim ),이종희 ( Lee Jong Hui ) 미래유아교육학회 2003 미래유아교육학회지 Vol.10 No.3

        The purpose of the present study was to examine the theory of mind of 67 young children. The children were selected from 3 non-profit, play-oriented daycare centers. The age of the children ranged from 19 to 48 months. To examine children’s theory of mind, two instruments, the pretense-reality task and hide-and-seek play task, were utilized. A series of two-way ANOVA was performed to examine the significant age and sex differences in terms of the scores of the pretense-reality task and of the hide-and-seek play task. In addition, the test of Pearson’s correlation was implemented to identify the relationships between the scores of the two tasks. According to the results, some subjects below 2 years could perform the two theory-of-mind tasks and some of them obtained relatively high scores. The correlational analysis also demonstrated a significant relationship between the scores of the two theory of mind tasks. This study implies that theory of mind may appear even for children as young as 2 years old.

      • KCI등재

        골드맘의 유아복 소비에 관한 질적 연구

        신연욱 ( Yeun Wook Shin ),노지연 ( Ji Yeon Noh ),김주경 ( Joo Kyung Kim ),고애란 ( Ae Ran Koh ) 한국소비자학회 2012 소비자학연구 Vol.23 No.2

        본 연구에서는 최근 유아복 시장의 고급화, 명품화 열풍을 주도하고 있는 골드맘을 대상으로 그들의 유아복 소비 에 대한 내적 동기 및 관련된 요인들을 파악하고자 하였으며, 변화하고 있는 유아복 소비문화를 분석해보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 자녀와 유아복에 관여도가 높고 비교적 높은 구매수준을 보이고 있는 기혼 여성들을 대상으로 심층 면접을 실시하고, 이들의 구매 동기와 구매 행동 전반에 대한 주관적 경험담을 근거이론 방법을 통해 탐색적이고 귀납적으로 분석하였다. 분석은 개방코딩과 축코딩 및 선택적 코딩 과정을 통해 핵심 범주를 중심으로 하여 범주들을 하나의 과정으로 통합하는 방법으로 이루어졌다. 분석 결과, 중심 연구 현상을 이루는 패러다임 과정을 도출하였으며 이는 1) 중심현상으로 내 아이는 가장 소중하기에 의복뿐 아니라 교육, 음식, 놀이에 있어서까지 프리미엄 소비를 추구하는 VIB(Very Important Baby)현상 2) 이러한 현상을 발생하게 한 인과적 조건으로 가족 환경의 변화와 외모의 중요성 인식 3) 이러한 현상에 반응하기 위해 골드맘들이 선택한 전략으로 대리만족적 소비 4) 전략에 영향을 미치는 맥락적이고 중재적인 조건으로는 문화적 자본인 경험으로서의 소비와 사회적 자본의 중요성 인식 5) 대리만족적 소비로 표출된 전략들의 결과로는 특정 모임이나 행사 참여에 따른 과시적 소비와 다양한 정보와 유통 경로 탐색을 통한 합리적 소비가 나타났다. 실사용자와 소비자가 상이한 유아복 소비에 있어서, 골드맘의 고급 소비의 내적 동기들을 분석한 결과, 자녀를 위한 부분보다는 부모 자신을 위한 부분이 상당히 많이 투영되어 있음을 발견할 수 있었으며, 소비중독과 같은 행동으로 파생된 사례도 살펴 볼 수 있었다. 반면 합리적 소비에 대한 고민과 TPO에 맞는 옷차림을 위한 행동들은 자녀의 바람직한 소비행동을 이끌어낼 수 있는 초석이 될 것이란 점도 확인하였다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 하여, 향후 유 아복 구매행동과 관련된 새로운 연구방향을 제시하였다. Consumers who competitively seek only the best for their children have recently emerged as the main customers in an infant clothing market. These consumers are leading the trend to gentrified and name-brand infant clothing. Various forms of media call this group of consumers ``gold-mom`` and the children of these parents ``gold-kids``. The media attribute the cause of the growing market for luxury infant goods to the changes in consumption culture produced by a low birth rate and the consumption pattern of a new generation of parents who were raised in an era of economic abundance. In addition, recent precedent studies have identified a new generation of housewives who pursue luxury clothing, distinguishing the buying behavior and consumption patterns of these consumers from other groups. In line with the gradual expansion of the market for luxury infant goods, this study conducted a focused, in-depth analysis on the motives and related factors regarding infant clothing consumption by gold-mom in order to analyze the transforming infant clothing consumption culture. To achieve this, in-depth interviews were conducted with married women who demonstrated high degree of involvement with their infants and their infants` clothing, in addition to high consumption levels. Exploratory and inductive analyses were achieved on the subjective personal experiences of these women regarding consuming behaviors and motives through grounded theory. Grounded theory is a qualitative and inductive research method that serves to form theories of abstract, analytical structures regarding process (or behavior/interaction) (Strauss and Corbin 1990). As the process begins without establishing a clear research problem, grounded theory is an appropriate research method to explain theoretically a special phenomenon that has yet achieved adequate research, namely the pursuit of luxury infant clothing. Analysis was accomplished by integrating all categories into a single process centered on the core categories through open coding, axial coding, and selective coding process. The deducted paradigm process is as follows. 1) The main core category surrounding the consuming behavior of infant clothing by goldmoms was the VIB (Very Important Baby) phenomenon. These consumers tried to provide the very best products for their children, products that are luxurious and safe, even though they might be more costly than other goods. Organic clothing products were popular for underwear, which is an item that comes in direct contact with the body. In the case of food, these consumers preferred eco-friendly, organic food products and showed a tendency to frequent organic shops or department stores that provide such products. Furthermore, gold-moms preferred hardwood toys to plastic toys and displayed the will to make the best choices for the future educational plans of their children regardless of expense. In general, they presented the tendency to spare no cost for their children. 2) Causal conditions refer to pre-conditions that generate a certain phenomenon. The changes in family environment of the research participants and awareness of the importance of external appearance were deeply rooted in the VIB phenomenon. This study interpreted a decreased birth rate, which was caused by late marriage and other factors, as well as little interest in caring for the appearance of the husband as the direct factors that could lead to free or excessive spending by gold-moms for their children. Furthermore, most research participants regarded external appearance as holding great social value and such a perception was consciously/unconsciously conveyed to their children. 3) Intervening conditions refer to the effect of causal conditions of a phenomenon, or the extensive, concrete situational factors that influence the character of experiences regarding a certain phenomenon. This study analyzed the consumption from the experience as cultural capital and awareness of the importance of social capital. Results indicated that little resistance for high-quality consumption was presented through past abundant experiences for clothing (inherited capital) and high-quality tastes for styles and sense which demonstrated by continuous shopping and information search, and conformity or distinction with other people (acquired capital). Such consuming behaviors and attitudes about clothing that were derived from intrinsic high-quality tastes were unconsciously and naturally realized in behaviors and attitudes about clothing for their children. Furthermore, high expectations and desires for social capital were displayed at the basis of the various behaviors of these research participants, which in turn led to the development of trust in expensive educational institutions. These participants believed that they would be able to accumulate social capital by educating their children in these exclusive educational institutions. 4) Action/interaction refers to the strategic and daily behaviors selected by individuals or groups as ``measures`` to confront a certain problem or phenomenon. Research participants selected luxurious mass-consumption of infant clothing as the strategy for the VIB phenomenon, which was expressed in the form of compensatory consumption. 5) In a paradigm process based on grounded theory, consequences refer to the responses presented by an individual or group regarding an action/interaction or related situations and are displayed as intentional or unintentional concrete behavior. Examples of concrete behavior presented through luxurious mass-consumption of infant clothing and expressed as compensatory consumption included conspicuous consumption for participation in a certain meeting or event and reasonable consumption through various information-gathering and search for the purchase routes. Most research participants presented a tendency to wear a special or more elegant outfit to a meeting or event. Moreover, the participants actively searched for information, used various purchase routes, and did not hesitate to use time and efforts to find more economical alternatives. This could be interpreted as a result that reflected the generational characteristics of the research participants. According to analysis on the motives for the consumption of luxury infant clothing by goldmoms, which is a product that presents separation between the actual user and consumer, we could ascertain that their was additional motives regarding infant clothing cunsuption against their own`s and a considerable part of the purchase was projected for the parents rather than for the children. Nevertheless, the consumers` efforts for achieving reasonable consumption and their behaviors for finding the correct outfit according to TPO were also analyzed to serve as the cornerstone for achieving advisable consumption behavior of children. Furthermore, a new research direction related with future infant clothing buying behavior was presented based on the acquired data.

      • KCI등재

        유방암 환자의 외모 관리 경험에 대한 근거이론적 접근

        김선우 ( Sunwoo Kim ),손형진 ( Hyungjin Son ) 한국의류학회 2017 한국의류학회지 Vol.41 No.3

        This study explored the appearance management experiences of breast cancer patients undergoing mastectomy. For data collection, one-on-one interviews were held with 18 Korean females diagnosed with breast cancer from the first stage to the third stage from 2008 to 2015. The data was analyzed through a three-step analysis of grounded theory. QSR NVivo 11.0 for Mac was applied in order to avoid biased results accord-ing to the subjective viewpoint of researchers. From open coding results, six paradigms and 15 categories were drawn. The results of axial coding showed that the psychological changes category was the central phenomenon. Additionally, three categories (skin changes, scalp/hair changes, and general reactions) were found to be causal conditions, and five paradigms (clothing behavior, skin care behavior, makeup behavior, scalp/hair-care behavior, and shopping behavior) were found to be action/interaction strategies. Last, selective coding integrated fragmented qualitative data through open coding and axial coding in order to derive explanatory narratives. A comprehensive examination of the appearance management behaviors of breast cancer patients suffering from extreme stress due to physical/psychological changes enables this study to provide a foundation for related studies to be activated in the clothing and textiles discipline.

      • KCI등재

        근거이론에 기초한 자녀의 학업과 외모에 대한 어머니의 대리만족과 소비 분석

        김상지,진현정 대한가정학회 2018 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.56 No.6

        This study analyzed the substitute behavior of mothers of infants or elementary-school-aged children in terms of consumption. For this study, in-depth interviews were conducted with women residing in the Seoul metropolitan area who show significant interest in their children. The interviews were analyzed based on the grounded theory. The findings of this study are as follows. First, mothers show substitute behavior for their children’s appearance. The younger the children, the more substitute consumption exhibited by mothers. As children grow older and are able to choose what to wear, mothers show less substitute behavior tendencies regarding appearance management. Second, mothers tend to exhibit substitute behavior regarding their children’s academic achievements. Mothers hope their children will be more successful than themselves were or will achieve the dreams that they failed to accomplish, which drives substitute behavior. Mothers affectionately provide children with financial support so they can obtain academic achievement and they hope their children will have successful occupations in the future. Third, mothers who are not satisfied with their appearance and have low self-esteem are more likely to exhibit substitute behavior with their children. This study will be helpful in understanding mothers’ motivation and psychological factors regarding the support of their children.

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