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      • KCI등재

        청소년 고위기 상황 및 효과적 개입에 대한 청소년상담복지센터 위기청소년 담당자의 인식 연구

        김동일,현은정,우예영,박준영 한국청소년상담복지개발원 2020 청소년상담연구 Vol.28 No.2

        With youth problem becoming more serious, as to lay the foundation for more effective intervention for high-risk youth, the goal of the present study is to explore the youth counselors’ perception on the definition of high risk youth and the effective interventions for them. 81 youth counselors including the head of the youth counseling welfare center and the team leader of community youth safety-net team participated in the study. Data was analyzed using the Consensual Qualitative Research-Modified method. The results were as follows. First, the perception of the high-level youth crisis was in 1 domain (definition of the high-level youth crisis) and 3 categories(problem types at the individual level, environmental level, and problem characteristics). Secondly, there were 4 domains about effective crisis intervention for high-risk youth. The first domain, ‘Infrastructure for effective high-level youth crisis interventions’ was classified into 2 categories: existence of external institution to engage and the attention and participation of the head of the agency. The second domain, ‘Effective intervention in the urgent high-level crisis of youth’ was categorized into 2 sections: to secure safety immediately and to work together through reporting and consultation. The third domain, ‘Competence of effective counselors for high-risk youth’ was put into 2 categories: professional attitude for high-level crisis intervention and professional knowledge for crisis intervention. The forth domain, ‘Individualized/multilateral intervention and management for resolving high-level youth crises’ was divided into 3 categories: multilateral intervention to resolve high-level crisis, case management and individualized intervention. Finally, Implications and limitations were discussed. 위기 청소년 문제가 심각해지고 있는 상황에서 본 연구는 보다 효과적인 위기 청소년 개입의 기틀을 마련하고자, 청소년 고위기 상황이 무엇이고, 고위기 청소년들에 대한 효과적인 개입이 무엇인지 청소년상담복지센터 위기청소년 담당자의 인식을 탐색하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 청소년상담복지센터의 센터장 및 청소년안전망 팀장 등을 중심으로 위기 개입을 담당하는 81명을 대상으로 설문을 실시하였으며, 수집된 자료를 합의적 질적분석 방법을 사용하여 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 청소년 고위기에 대한 인식은 1개 영역(청소년 고위기에 대한 정의)으로, 개인적 차원의 문제 유형, 환경적 차원의 문제 유형, 문제의 특성의 3개 범주가 나타났다. 둘째, 고위기 청소년에 대한 효과적인 위기 개입은 4개 영역이 나타났는데, ‘효과적인 청소년 고위기 개입을 위해 필요한 기관 인프라’ 영역은 연계할 수 있는 외부기관이 존재, 기관장의 관심과 참여의 2개 범주로, ‘청소년의 긴급한 고위기 상황에 대한 효과적 개입’ 영역은 즉각적인 안전 확보, 보고 및 협의를 통한 협업의 2개 범주가 나타났다. 또한 ‘청소년 고위기에 효과적인 상담자의 역량’ 영역은 위기 개입을 위한 전문적 태도, 위기 개입을 위한 전문 지식의 2개 범주가 나타났고, ‘청소년 고위기 해결을 위한 개별화된 다각적 개입 및 관리’ 영역은 고위기 해결을 위한 다각적 개입, 사례관리, 개인맞춤형 방안 모색의 3개 범주가 제시되었다. 끝으로 주요연구결과에 대한 의의 및 시사점과 더불어 제한점을 기술하였다.

      • KCI등재

        학교상담현장에서의 위기유형분류와 기독교 가정교육(사역)적 접근

        박미라 한국기독교교육학회 2012 기독교교육논총 Vol.30 No.-

        Every youth has gone through the crisis period, and how to undergo this time has made big influence to their entire life. Modern society has offered various crisis environment to obstacle the youths’ development and adaptation. This study tried to understand and help the youths who faced crisis situations with Christian educational approach. The researcher proposed the concepts of youth crises and their characteristics and problems through the literature reviews. This research classified the students’ crisis patterns with three categories: family crisis, emotional crisis, and school crisis. Family crisis included communication problems,financial problems, violences, parentless family, and single family problems. Emotional crisis included depression, anxiety, impulse control disorder,and stress. Family and emotional crisis problems are turned up to the school crisis problems. Individual student’s crisis patterns appeared in psychiatric and health problems such as depression, anxiety, self-inflicted wound, suicide,Internet addiction, and alcoholic and smoking problems. These problems are connected to the societal problems such as ostracism, kleptomaniac,extortion, violence, school maladjustment, ADHD, sexual violence. This research suggested various supporting alternatives to overcome youth students’ three crisis patterns. Affirmative self-esteem, family life educational supporting, local church and social institution supporting, and specialized counseling treatment are proposed to cure the youths’ family,emotional, and school crisis problems. 청소년들은 ‘위기’를 겪게 되는데, 이 위기를 어떻게 보내느냐에 따라 개개인의 일생에큰 영향을 미치게 된다. 현대사회는 청소년의 발달과 적응에 장애가 될 수 있는 다양한위기상황이 존재하므로 기독교 교육적 차원에서 위기의 청소년을 이해하고 도울 수 있는방안을 모색할 때이다. 선행연구를 통하여 위기청소년의 개념을 정리하였고 그들의 특징과 문제점을 설명하였다. 현재 학교현장과 교육기관에서 사용되어지는 시스템의 분석을통해 청소년의 위기유형을 분류하는 기준을 분석하였으며 기독교교육을 통한 가정사역적접근을 통해 교회에서 품어야 할 위기청소년의 다양한 지원방법을 제시하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서 학생의 위기유형은 크게 세 가지 유형(가정위기, 감정ㆍ정서위기, 학교위기)로 분류된다. 가정위기는 정서대화, 경제문제, 가정폭력, 결손 및 조손가정의 문제들을포함하고 감정ㆍ정서위기는 우울, 불안, 충동조절, 스트레스등의 문제들을 포함한다. 이러한 문제들은 학교위기로 나타나는데, 학생의 개인적인 위기유형으로 우울, 불안, 자해, 자살등의 정신건강적인 양상들과 인터넷 과몰입, 음주ㆍ흡연의 모습을 보이며, 학생의 사회적인 문제로는 집단 따돌림, 도벽, 금품갈취, 학교폭력, 학교부적응, 품행장애, ADHD, 성폭력 등의 사회적 문제들이 야기될 수 있다고 하였다. 청소년의 3가지 위기유형을 극복하기위하여 긍정적 개인요인을 통한 위기지원, 가정사역에서 가정을 통한 위기지원, 교회 및사회기관을 통한 위기지원, 전문상담치료를 통한 위기지원으로 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        교회 위기청소년의 자아탄력성 증진을 위한 기독교 교육상담적 접근

        강연정 ( Yeon Jeong Kang ) 한국복음주의상담학회 2012 복음과 상담 Vol.18 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to investigate for the possibility of Christian educational counseling approach in order to help Christian youth in crisis to adjust and function more effectively in churches, families, schools and society by improving resilience, which is their inner resource to overcome and recover from crisis or problem situations in their lives. Based on the understanding on the youth in crisis and resilience, this researcher outlined the possibility of Christian educational counseling and its methodology, and then finally surveyed educational counseling approach to the Christian youth`s crisis and their response modality. This research categorized 5 types of crisis situations in the youth`s life: family/relational crisis, educational/vocational crisis, psychological/emotional crisis, social/cultural crisis, and spiritual/faith life crisis. By dealing with educational counseling approach to these crisis situations from the three dimensions, which are therapeutic-oriented response, growth-oriented response, and prevention-oriented response, this research seeks to secure the possibility of educational counseling in churches where they can help and improve the resilience of the Christian youth in crisis and thereby suggest specific educational counseling programs and methods.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국 사회 청소년사업과 정책의 위기와 과제 -청소년활동 영역 사업을 중심으로-

        이광호 미래를 여는 청소년학회 2010 미래청소년학회지 Vol.7 No.3

        As shedding new light on the youth policy & youth work followed by change of society, this research suggest three topics: firstly, it suggests when a youth activities sector appeared in a youth work and, also, suggests a political mean of a youth activities sector. Secondly, it suggests what a crisis of a youth work and policy resulted from a youth activities sector is. Thirdly, it suggests three political tasks for overcoming the crisis. The youth activities sector appeared in mid-80s, when supervise department of the youth policy was transferred to specific departments of Ministry of Sports. Also, after that, the youth policy has focused on specific department's distinct youth work policy which is not treated in any other departments. For overcoming a crisis of the youth work and policy, firstly, the youth work needs to expand an area of ‘youth activities’ to that of ‘youth education’, which includes ‘youth education’, ‘youth protection’, and ‘youth welfare’. Secondly, we need to get out of the youth work policy which equates existing youth work with policy and need to boost general dynamic of a youth area by reestablishing the youth policy as national youth policy. Thirdly, a youth fundamental law modifies a law system related to youth that can distinct national youth policy with youth work. 이 연구는 사회변화에 따른 청소년정책의 재조명 차원에서 우리사회 청소년활동 영역 사업의 기원과 문제를 진단하여 새로운 청소년정책과 사업의 방향과 과제를 제시하는데 주요 목적을 두고 있다. 이 목적을 달성하기 위해 연구문제는 다음과 같은 3가지로 설정한다. 첫째, 청소년활동 영역 사업은 우리사회에서 언제부터 등장하였으며, 그 정책적 의미는 무엇인지 둘째, 청소년활동 영역 사업의 위상과 정체성 위기는 무엇이며 셋째, 위기극복을 위한 정책 과제는 어떻게 제안될 수 있는가 등이다. 청소년활동 영역 사업은 1980년대 중반 이후 청소년정책 주관부서가 체육부의 개별 특정부처로의 이관되면서 등장하였고, 그 후 청소년정책은 다른 부처에서 하지 않는 특정부처의 고유 업무 중심의 ‘청소년사업정책’(youth work policy) 성격을 갖게 되었다. 이러한 청소년활동 중심의 청소년사업정책은 청소년사업과 정책의 정체성 위기를 심화하고 있다. 청소년활동 영역 사업의 위기 극복을 위해서는 첫째, 청소년사업은 ‘청소년활동’ 영역을 청소년교육 영역으로 확대 개편하여 ‘청소년교육’, ‘청소년보호’, ‘청소년복지’ 영역으로 재편할 필요가 있다. 둘째, 기존의 청소년사업과 청소년정책을 동일시하는 청소년사업정책 중심 틀에서 벗어나 청소년사업과 청소년정책을 분리하고, 청소년정책은 국가 청소년정책(national youth policy)으로서 새롭게 포괄적으로 재정립하여 전반적인 청소년 부문의 역동성을 살려야 한다. 셋째, 청소년기본법은 국가청소년정책과 청소년사업을 분리하여 추진할 수 있는 법적 기반을 하도록 청소년관련 법령 체제를 수정․보완하여 하여야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        자립플랫폼을 적용한 위기청소년의 자립: 사회적협동조합 청년식당의 함의

        안윤숙,김흥주 한국교정복지학회 2022 교정복지연구 Vol.- No.76

        This study focuses on the self-reliance platform to support the self-reliance of youth in crisis, and examines the self-reliance platform of public institutions introduced by the government and the youth cafeteria of private companies to find out what the differences are and what is the difference between the two platforms. We tried to find the direction of the platform. Because data were collected and analyzed based on the experiences of youth at risk, the study was conducted by applying the case study method. Various methods were used for data collection, such as interview, observation, and collection of artifacts. The study participants interviewed nine youths who signed a labor contract at a youth restaurant and are currently working, nine youths who have left the company, and two social workers. The contents of the analysis were largely the experiences of participating in self-reliance support and the work experiences of social workers and youth in crisis. The analysis results are as follows. First, it was found that the self-reliance platform for youth at risk should have appropriate support through organic linkage with not only public institutions but also private institutions, and that support should be provided within the scope of non-overlapping. Second, it was found that the youth in crisis need a support system that looks after them and supports them, rather than receiving vocational training or certification through various supports. Third, it was found that there is a need to create jobs for high-ranking youths in the government policy because they cannot find jobs on their own. In this respect, it can be said that the implications of the youth restaurant model as an independent platform for youth in crisis are significant. 이 연구는 위기청소년의 자립을 지원하기 위해 자립플랫폼에 주목하여 정부가 도입하고 있는 공공기관의 자립플랫폼과 민간기업의 청년식당에 대해 알아봄으로써 두 플랫폼의 차이점이 무엇인지를 알아보고 위기청소년의 자립플랫폼의 방향을 모색하고자 하였다. 위기청소년들의 경험을 토대로 자료를 수집하고 분석하였기 때문에 사례연구 방법을 적용하여 연구를 진행했다. 자료수집에는 면담, 관찰, 인조물(artifacts) 수집 등 다양한 방법이 이용되었다. 연구참여자들은 청년식당에서 근로계약을 체결하고 현재 일을 하고 있는 청소년과 퇴사를 한 청소년 9명과 사회복지사 2명을 면담했다. 분석내용은 크게 자립지원에 참여한 경험과 사회복지사와 위기청소년의 일경험이었다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 위기청소년의 자립플랫폼은 공공기관뿐만 아니라 민간기관들과의 유기적 연계를 통해 적절한 지원이 있어야 하고 그 지원은 중복되지 않는 범위 내에서 이루어져야 한다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 위기청소년에게는 여러 가지 지원을 통해 직업훈련을 하거나 자격증을 취득하는 것보다는 든든하게 옆에서 바라봐주고 지지해주는 지지체계가 필요하다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 셋째, 고위기청소년들은 스스로 일자리를 찾지 못하기 때문에 정부 정책 속에서 이들만을 위한 일자리를 만들어 줄 필요가 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이런 점에서 청년식당 모델을 위기청소년의 자립플랫폼으로써 시사한 바가 크다고 할 수 있었다.

      • Informal Learning during the Early Career CRISIS of Entry-Level Youth Workers as Public-Sector Temporary Employees in the Republic of KOREA

        Joo Kyoung-phil J-INSTITUTE 2017 International Journal of Crisis & Safety Vol.2 No.3

        In Korea, various initiatives for youth development are the social driver for building a sustainable society by means of the public investment for next generations. The national need to make the society sustainable has been especially salient in Korea as it has accomplished both economic and democratic development in an unprece-dented pace since the Korean War. Youth work has been institutionalized with the foci on protection and welfare of youth as well as various activities for youth. In the national youth work, youth workers play a key role in implementing youth policies and delivering programs and services for young people. However, the labor marker for entry-level youth workers is far from favorable. Korean youth work agencies such as youth community centers, youth cultural centers, and youth shelters hold less and less capacity to ac-commodate newcomers, given the recent recession of national youth work. Due to the limited budget and the unstable market of youth work, the job security of entry-level youth workers in Korea has become more insecure than ever since the Korean government initiated the national youth work. In this career context, even for those who fortunately got some positions in the field of youth work, their career path is vulnerable from the beginning. This early career crisis of entry-level Korean youth workers reflects various aspects of the public-sector labor structure in Korea. At the same time, entry-level youth workers’ understanding of their career and life also illu-minate how individual needs and expectations collide with socio-cultural structures and norms in the Korean society. This gap between the personal agency and the societal organization can be further examined along with the conception of informal learning. The purpose of this exploratory study is to illuminate entry-level youth workers’ informal learning about self-identity and career though their job experiences. The study takes a phenomenological approach, a qualitative research method to delve into the nature of a phenomenon, to designing the methodological framework. Through a qualitative data analysis, the research identified a number of open codes that converged into eight categories and three major themes. Subsequently, the analysis results were interpreted along with three activity systems that was constructed upon the three major themes and attendant categories and codes. What and how the entry-level youth workers learn informally on the job emerged from the methodological application of CHAT to their experiences and perceptions. Therefore, this study entails the theoretical implications of CHAT for examining informal learning in the workplace, highlighting its integrative approach to the job inse-curity and the early career crisis of Korean entry-level youth workers.

      • Youth Mental Health CRISIS and Countermeasure in KOREAN

        Bae Jeong-yee,Kim Yoon-jung J-INSTITUTE 2016 International Journal of Human & Disaster Vol.1 No.1

        Adolescence is a rapid change of physical, psychological state mental health problems but also the prime of life is easy to develop also in times of crisis. This study was tried to examine realization degree about children s mental health problem to parents who keep youth children, and presents countermeasure plan on the basis of youth mental health problem admin-istration present condition from domestic and outside the country. Examined to parents who keep youth children inhabiting to B city for parents realization investigation about youth mental health problem, investigation period was enforced over about 1 month from October 8, 2012. By enumeration method through preparatory audit (pilot-test), expert inquiry correction and supplementation. It was said that there is no result of study, 27.3% of parents responded that youth children have mental health problem, and experience that 67.2% of these seeks cooperation in the school for problem solution. De-gree that recognize youth mental health problem and experience that seek cooperation in the school for chil-dren’s mental health problem solution of study were shown low ratio. Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, Ministry of Education, Health-Welfare Ministry and NGO is pro-gressing youth problem behavior administration, mental health examination, suicide courtesy call and pro-gram for positive realization change for our country youth mental health administration, and the United States of America and Britain are administering support program for each parents·family support program and school violence prevention as outside the country example. Present our country youth mental health administration who analyze interior and exterior s program are do-ing to school and youth mainly, and program that manage with parents can confirm that is unprepared rela-tively. Therefore, for communication and stress administration program and family bonds strengthening doing to parents and youth children for youth mental health problem solution. Must have systematic backing, and need continuous educational connection and national policy for mutual interchange that compose parents - school conference. I wish to quoat countermeasure plan to manage youth mental health problem on the basis of this. First, need two-way and positive communication education program. Second, it must be educational link and on-time interchange composing school-parents conference. Third, weekend must strengthen family’s bonds by recreation of holiday that attend to learning program or experience program after school. Fourth, it must be establishment of debate culture policy.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Approaches to Addressing Crises Experienced by Out-of-School Youth

        김나영,김광병 (사)위기관리이론과실천 2023 Journal of Safety and Crisis Management Vol.13 No.6

        This study focuses on the crises experienced by out-of-school youth, with attention to the recent increase in the number of out-of-school youth. Through a review of various previous studies, it was revealed that out-of-school youth not only experience psychological and emotional crises, but also addiction, delinquency, violence, and crises in the workplace. In order to address the crises experienced by out-of-school youth, the roles of the national and local government, educational authorities and schools, centers that support out-of-school youth, professionals, and local communities are presented. Based on this, it emphasizes the need for various collaborative support to overcome the crises that out-of-school youth may experience. Previous studies have not addressed the comprehensive crises experienced by out-of-school youth, and this study has significance and uniqueness in presenting various roles to address those crises.

      • KCI등재

        청소년의 위기 중복 유형 탐색: 서울, 인천지역 청소년(상담)지원센터 위기지원 청소년을 중심으로

        김형수,최한나 한국상담심리학회 2009 한국심리학회지 상담 및 심리치료 Vol.21 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 청소년들의 위기 중복 실태를 조사하여 인접한 위기 유형들을 밝혀 위기 청소년 선별 과정의 타당성을 제공하기 위한 경험적 기초정보를 제공하는 것이다. 본 연구는 이를 위해 위기청소년 세부유형을 표기한 점검목록을 구성하였다. 서울, 인천 지역에 소재한 청소년상담지원센터에서 청소년동반자, 위기상담 사례를 분석대상으로 하였으며 연구대상은 524명(남자 278명, 여자 246명)이었다. 수집된 자료에 기초하여 위기요인 구분에 따라 연구대상자들이 가지고 있는 복합된 위기요인의 수와 복합율을 파악하였다. 그리고 연구대상자들에게 나타난 위기요인 발생의 양상을 시각적으로 확인하기 위하여 다차원척도분석을 실시한 후 도출된 좌표에 위치한 개별 위기요인들의 좌표 값을 사용하여 위계적 군집분석을 실시하였다. 위기요인들에 대한 근접성을 확인하고 유형화한 결과 청소년의 위기요인은 비행관련 위기요인과 비행 무관련 위기요인을 중심으로 하는 두 개 차원으로 크게 나누어지며, 이에 따라 6가지 위기 유형 군집으로 나뉘었다. 본 연구 결과는 위기진행과정에 대한 기존 모델의 단계 내 위기 유형들에 대한 경험적 타당성을 제공하고 있으며 동시에 기존 모델이 고려하고 있는 않은 위기 항목들을 통합함으로서 위기 진행 모델을 확장하였다. This study explored the multiple crisis occurrences among adolescences and identified the adjacent crisis factor to each crisis factor in order to advance crisis intervention. 524 adolescence cases(male: 278, female: 246) from Youth Counseling Support Centers in Seoul and Incheon were analyzed. They had received either youth companion(YC) services or crisis counseling. The number and the rate of multiple crisis occurrences were examined according to counselors' crisis screening check-lists which were composed of 26 crisis factors. The data was analyzed using multidimensional scaling(MDS) and clustering analysis and a positioning map illustrating distance among 26 crisis factors was elicited. The primary dimension was identified as delinquency related crisis vs. delinquency not related crisis. Crisis factors were clustered into 6 groups.

      • KCI등재

        청소년쉼터 위기청소년의 사회적 요인이 스마트폰 중독에 미치는 영향과 자아효능감의 조절효과

        이용섭(Yongseop LEE) 한국교정복지학회 2020 교정복지연구 Vol.0 No.66

        본 연구는 위기청소년의 스마트폰 중독문제를 해결하기 위해 청소년 쉼터를 이용하거나 거주 중인 위기청소년의 사회적 요인과 스마트폰 중독과의 관계에서 자아효능감이 가지는 조절효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 연구대상자는 경기도에 소재하고 있는 쉼터(임시, 단기, 장기)에 보호하고 있는 위기청소년 211명을 대상으로 하였다. 연구의 필요성을 설명하고 2018년 9월 17일부터 09월 27일까지 조사를 실시하였다. 수집된 자료 분석은 SPSS 23.0 통계 프로그램을 활용하여 상관관계분석, 위계적 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 청소년 ?Y터를 이용하는 위기청소년의 스마트폰 중독에 친구들의 역할이 중요하다는 것이다. 사회적 관계를 형성하는 민감한 시기에 친구들의 지지는 중독에 빠지지 않게 하고 유익한 학창생활을 할 가능성을 높여 준다는 것이다. 둘째, 위기청소년의 자기효능감은 위기청소년들의 스마트폰 중독 해소에 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study was to examine the moderating effect of self-efficacy in the relationship between the social factors of adolescent crisis youth and mobile phone addiction, using a youth shelter to solve the mobile phone addiction problem of crisis youth. The subjects of the study were 211 crisis youths who are protected in shelter (temporary, short-term, and long-term) located in Gyeonggi-do. The necessity of the study was explained and the survey was conducted from September 17 to September 27, 2018. To analyze the collected data, correlation analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were performed using SPSS 23.0 statistical program. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, the role of friends is important in the mobile phone addiction of adolescents who use youth centers. The support of friends at a sensitive time to form social relations is that it does not lead to addiction and increases the likelihood of a beneficial school life. Second, the self-efficacy of the crisis youth could help the crisis youth to eliminate the mobile phone addiction.

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