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      • KCI등재

        ‘삼성X파일’사건의 대법원 판결과 기자들의 인식차이

        임연희(Yeon-hee Lim) 한국언론법학회 2011 언론과 법 Vol.10 No.2

        이 연구는 ‘삼성X파일’사건을 보도한 MBC 이상호 기자에 대한 대법원 유죄판결을 현직 기자들이 어떻게 인식하고 있는지 알아보기 위한 것이다. 대전?충남북 신문?방송기자 112명을 대상으로 대법원이 형법20조 정당행위위법성조각 요건으로 꼽은 △공적관심의 대상 △자료취득의 정당성 △통신비밀 최소화 △보도 이익에 따라 설문조사했다. 연구결과 ‘삼성X파일’을 보는 기자들의 시각은 대법원과 크게 달랐다. 이 사건을 국민들의 비상한 공적관심의 대상이 아니라고 한 대법원과 달리 기자들은 8년 전 사안임에도 보도가치(89.3%)가 높고 공적관심사(87.5%)라고 했다. 이학수 삼성그룹 회장 비서실장과 홍석현 중앙일보 사장의 대화를 ‘사인들 사이에 은밀히 이뤄진 대화’로 규정한 대법원에 비해 기자들은 이 비서실장(72.3%)과 홍 사장(94.7%)은 명백한 공인이며 실명보도 해야 한다고 밝혔다. 대부분의 신문기자들(85.3%)은 ‘삼성X파일’을 제보 받는다면 보도하겠다고 했지만 이상호 기자 유죄판결에 대해 100% 알고 있다는 방송기자들은 60%만이 보도의사를 나타냈다. 방송기자들의 보도여부 결정에는 대법원 판결이 영향을 미쳤으며(68.6%) 비보도 이유도 통비법 때문이어서 위축효과가 나타났음을 알 수 있었다. 하지만 신문기자들은 같은 사건이 다시 발생해도 국민 알권리와 언론의 사명을 위해 또다시 보도하겠다고 답해 향후 유사사건과 소송의 재발 가능성을 드러냈다. 이런 점에서 언론자유와 국민 알권리보다 통신비밀보호가 우선한다고 본 대법원 판결은 언론 현실을 제대로 반영하지 못한 채 언론자유를 위축시킨 판결로 기록될만하다. The purpose of this study was to investigate how reporters perceived the guilty ruling the Supreme Court gave to Mr. Lee Sang-ho, an MBC reporter who covered the "Samsung X File" case. A survey was taken with 112 reporters working for newspapers and broadcasting stations in Daejeon, Chungnam, and Chungbuk based on the following exclusion causes of illegality for justifiable acts according to Article 20 of Criminal Law on which the Supreme Court based its ruling: objects of public interest, legitimacy of material acquirement, minimization of communication confidence, and benefits of reporting. The survey results show that the reporters had widely different opinions about the "Samsung X File" case from the Supreme Court. Unlike the Supreme Court that argued the case was not the object of people"s particular interest, the reporters said that the case had high news value(89.3%) and was the object of high public interest(87.5%) even though it happened eight years before. While the Supreme Court decided that the conversations between Director Lee Hak-su and President Hong Seok-hyeon were “secret conservations between two private persons,” the reporters said that Director Lee(72.3%) and President Hong(94.7%) were public figures with no doubt and should be reported in their real names. Most of the newspaper reporters(85.3%) said they would report the “Samsung X File” case if they got the tip, whereas only 60% of the broadcast reporters who admitted they were well aware of Reporter Lee Sang-ho"s guilty verdict intended to report the case. The decision of the broadcast reporters was influenced by the Supreme Court ruling(68.6%), and the reason they were reluctant to report the case was the Communication Privacy Act, which well indicates the withdrawal effects. On the other hand, the newspaper reporters said they would definitely report a case of the same kind for people"s right to know and the mission of the press. Given the possibility for similar cases in future, the study offers basic data to understand the field reporters and judge the objects of public interest and public good.

      • KCI등재

        ‘삼성 X파일’ 보도 및 공개사건 판결 비판

        조국(Cho, Kuk) 한국형사법학회 2012 형사법연구 Vol.24 No.1

        The Samsung X-File, which was illegally wiretapped by agents of the Agency for National Security Planning in 1997 and leaked in 2005, showed that the Samsung Group illegally provided fund to a conservative candidate before the 1997 presidential election and had regularly given 'rice cake money' to a number of high ranking public prosecutors. All of the related figures were not punished for the statute of limitation, while two reporters and a congressman were punished for revealing the X-file to the public. Mr. Lee Sang-Ho, who as an Moonhwa Broadcasting Company[MBC] reporter first obtained the X-file and reported it through MBC, was punished for the violation of the Communication Privacy Protection Act[CPPA]. Mr. Roh Hoe-Chan, who as a Democratic Labor Party congressman distributed the list of the prosecutors who had received the 'rice cake money' to the reporters in the National Assembly and unloaded on his internet homepage, was punished for defamation of the prosecutors and the violation of CPPA. The eight-to-five majority opinion of the Supreme Court held that Mr. Lee is guilty in that CPPA prohibits the release of the communication obtained by illegal wiretapping. The majority opinion provides very narrow exception for the prohibition, which is not applicable to the defendant. After this decision, the Court also held that Mr. Roh is guilty of uploading the list of the prosecutors on the internet homepage whileas not guilty of defamation and distributing it to the reporters. Criticizing these two decisions, this Article argues that the Supreme Court overprotects the personality rights of the public figures who committed serious crimes; the communication obtained by illegal wiretapping may be released by the press if the press is not involved in the illegal wiretapping and the communication contains significant public interests; and the congressman's privilege of speech covers the uploading of the list on his/her internet homepage.

      • KCI등재후보

        언론 보도 방식에 따른 수용자 인식과 의견 형성에 관한 연구

        반현(Ban Hyun),김수정(Kim Soo-Jung) 한국정치정보학회 2006 정치정보연구 Vol.9 No.1

        이 연구는 ‘X파일ㆍ도청’ 사건을 보도하는 언론사가 각각 다른 이슈를 중요하게 전달함으로써 뉴스 미디어에서 공중으로 전이된 이슈와 속성 현저성이 이슈에 대한 공중의 의견을 형성하는데 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 2차 의제설정 효과를 입증하고자 했다. 2차 의제설정 효과를 입증하는 데 있어 이 사건을 보도하는 언론사의 입장은 국민의 알 권리를 위해 ‘X파일 내용’을 밝히는데 중점을 둔 보도와 ‘안기부의 불법 도청’으로 인한 국민의 사생활 침해라는 부분에 중점을 둔 보도로 나뉘어졌다. 따라서 어떤 보도를 보느냐에 따라 수용자의 판단에도 중요한 영향을 미칠 수 있는 사안이었으며 정치적으로 주요한 쟁점이었다. 특히 ‘X파일ㆍ도청’ 사건의 언론사별 보도는 언론이 ‘무엇을’ 보도하는지의 문제를 넘어서서 언론이 ‘어떻게’ 보도하는지에 대한 모든 단면을 포함하고 있는 사건이었다. 결론적으로 2차 의제설정 효과에서 전제하고 있는 인지적인 측면과 정서적인 측면의 속성의 전이를 실험한 결과 유의미한 결과가 나타나지 않았지만 개별적인 스키마를 형성하는 요인에 의해 인지적인 측면과 정서적인 측면의 속성이 부차적 효과를 통해 의견을 형성할 수 있다는 가능성을 발견할 수 있었다. This study attempted to answer the questions by confirming a second-level agenda setting effects and attribute-transfer to audience. To analyze the issue-and attribute-salience, 'X-FileㆍWiretap' case was selected for the study. Since 'X-fileㆍWiretap' divided 'open to the public' and 'illegal wiretap as a violation of human rights', the case was expected to form public opinion and attribute transfer. According to the results of the contents analysis, the differences among the newspapers are statistically significant. But according to experiment, the effects of second-level agenda-setting and attribute transfer were not found. That is, the salience of the issue and of the attributes did not transmit from media to the public opinion. However, public opinion could be formed when a couple of personal schemata involved, such as 'interest in the issue,' or 'political orientation'.

      • KCI등재

        언론의 자유와 통신비밀 - ‘안기부 X파일’ 사건과 미국연방대법원 판례와의 비교를 중심으로

        허순철(Huh Soon-Chul) 한국헌법학회 2007 憲法學硏究 Vol.13 No.3(2)

          After the broadcasting media reported that the undisclosed voice-tapped conversation containing the political bribery between the high-ranking official of the conglomerate and the daily newspaper publisher had been surreptitiously recorded by the spy agency of the Agency for National Security Planning(NSP), so-called, the ‘NSP X-file’ has ignited the debate on the conflict between the freedom of speech and the communication privacy.<BR>  Since the lower courts have come to differing conclusions about the alleged guilty of the accused reporter, it seems useful to compare and analyze the ‘NSP X-file’ with Bartnicki v. Vopper, the very important and similar case of the U.S. Supreme Court, before the final judgment of the Supreme Court of Korea on the alleged crime and the constitutional controversy.<BR>  Despite the Seoul High Court(appeal court) decided that the accused violated, the Korean wiretap act, the Protection of Communications Secrets Act(PCSA), article 16 paragraph (1), subparagraph 2, it applies not to the person who did not “directly involved in the recording or eavesdropping” the conversation, but to the person who has disclosed or leaked the sub- stance of communications or conversations he has learned “in a manner referred to in subparagraph 1.”<BR>  Assuming that it has the same text of the equivalent article of the ECPA, the U.S. federal wiretap act, it is reasonable to regard this problem as the limitation of the constitutional right other than the justification defenses. Because the government limits the constitutional right, the freedom of the speech, with the PCSA, the Court should review the constitutionality or validity of the article of the PCSA in light of the principle of the Article 37, paragraph (2) of the Korean Constitution. Therefore, it seems plausible to consider the following facts: (1) whether the disclosed private conversation with other parties was “legitimate public concern,” (2) whether the contents of the conversation was illegal, (3) whether the publisher of the conversation encouraged or participated directly or indirectly in the interception, (4) the degree of the reasonable expectation of communication privacy.<BR>  In conclusion, the accused was not guilty since his report was not a crime proscribed in the PCSA. Furthermore, it seems the PCSA unconstitutional because of violating the essential aspects of the free speech. Therefore, it appears reasonable to revise the PCSA with newly inserting the justification defenses.

      • KCI등재

        모바일 플랫폼상의 X-File Viewer

        하경주(Kyeoung Ju Ha) 한국산업정보학회 2010 한국산업정보학회논문지 Vol.15 No.4

        본 논문에서는 다양한 모바일 플랫폼 환경에서 실행이 가능한 모바일 문서 뷰어를 제안한다. 제안한 문서 뷰어는 자체 파일분석을 통한 파일 decoding 엔진과 독립적인 모듈로 동작하는 엔진으로 OS에 따라 유연하게 장착이 가능하게 설계되었다. 또한 제안된 뷰어에서는 문서파일의 특징을 분석하여 문서파일의 editing tool들의 기초 자료로 사용되어질 수 있다. In this paper, we propose a mobile document viewer which is executable on a variety of mobile platforms. The proposed viewer is designed with file decoding engine and independent module which are adopted with os independent. The proposed viewer can be used as a basis of document editing tool by analyzing the characteristics of the document file.

      • KCI등재

        국회의원의 면책특권에 있어서 ‘직무부수행위’에 대한 검토

        정영훈(Jung, Young-Hun) 한국법학원 2013 저스티스 Vol.- No.138

        판례처럼 면책특권의 대상이 되는 직무행위에 직무부수행위만 인정하고, 특히 그 판단기준으로 회의의 공개성, 시간적 근접성, 장소 및 대상의 한정성, 목적의 정당성 등 네 가지 요소로 엄격하게 한정하는 것은, 직무부수행위에는 해당하지 않지만 직무관련행위로 포섭될 수 행위를 누락시킬 수 있고, 경직된 기준으로 인해 시대의 변화에 유연하게 대처하지 못할 수 있어 면책특권의 범위가 협소하게 인정될 위험성이 존재한다. 현재는 인터넷의 비약적인 발전과 보급으로 국회의원의 의정활동은 물론 모든 국가기관 심지어 사회 일반에서도 인터넷홈페이지를 직무와 관련하여 활용하고 있는 이른바 ‘인터넷 민주주의’ 또는 ‘정보화’의 시대이다. 그런 관점에서는 ‘일반인에 대한 전파가능성’은 국회의원의 인터넷홈페이지보다 국회방송이나 국회 인터넷의사중계가 더 크다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 국회의원의 인터넷홈페이지도 헌법 제42조 ‘국회에서’의 기능적 장소 개념으로 포섭될 수 있다고 할 것이다. 한편, 면책특권의 대상이 되는 직무행위에는 경직된 기준으로 범위의 협소성이 초래될 수 있는 직무부수행위라는 개념보다 의원의 국회 내에서의 자유로운 발언 외에 국정통제 및 국민의 알권리 실현 및 여론형성이라는 면책특권의 취지 및 공익적 기능도 고려한 직무관련행위라는 개념으로 파악하는 것이 타당하다. 그 기준으로는 회의의 공개성, 직무 내용 즉, 사안 및 공익의 중대성, 발언 내용의 동질성, 목적의 정당성, 방법의 적절성 등을 종합적으로 고려하여 평가하여야 한다. 이에 의할 경우 국회의원이자 법사위 위원인 노 전 의원이 X파일에 담겨진 대화 내용을 법사위 회의에서 발언하고 이 사건 보도자료를 기자들에게 배포함과 동시에 인터넷홈페이지에 게재한 행위는, 우리나라의 최대 재벌그룹인 삼성과 법무부ㆍ검찰의 전ㆍ현직 최고위급 간부들이 유착된 대형 뇌물수수 사건인 X파일 사건의 수사촉구를 통한 국정통제 및 국민의 알권리와 여론형성을 위한 일련의 행위로서 면책특권의 대상이 되는 직무관련행위로 보아야 할 것이다. Judicial precedents admit only "accompanying act of duty" in concept of duty-act to be the object of immunity and apply the criteria consisting of narrowly defined requirements: openness of the meeting, temporal proximity, restriction of place and object, legitimacy of purpose. There is a risk of narrow range of immunity because the rigid criteria do not include duty-related act which is not necessarily admitted as "accompanying act of duty" and cannot cope with the changes of the times flexibly. In the so-called Internet Democracy or Information Age, Congressmen, other state agencies and the public in general utilize Internet homepage with respect to their duties owing to the rapid development and universality of the Internet. In such a perspective, the broadcast of the National Assembly via the Internet or TV has more potential for transmission than the Internet homepage of the Congressman. Therefore, the Internet homepage of the Congressman can be included in the concept of "Congress" prescribed in the Article 42 of the Constitution in functional perspectives. The concept of duty-related act is more reasonable than that of accompanying act of duty. While the former can take into account the purpose of immunity such as national control, the public"s right to know and the formation of public opinion in addition the guarantee of free speech in the National Assembly; the latter can result in the narrowness of the scope by applying rigid standard of duty-act to be the object of immunity. The standards of duty-related act are as follows: openness of the meetings, gravity of the issues and public interest, homogeneity of the speech content, legitimacy of the purpose, propriety of methods. These factors must be considered synthetically in the evaluation. When the above standards are applied to this case in which No, Hoe-chan, the Former Congressman as well as a member of the National Assembly Legislation and Judiciary Committee, revealed the contents of X-file, handed out a news release to reporters in the National Assembly and concurrently published a news release at his Internet homepage, his act can be regarded as duty-related and thus the object of immunity. It should be evaluated as a series of acts intended for national control, the public"s right to know and the formation of public opinion through the urging investigation of X-file case, that is a large-scale bribery case in which the former and current executives in highest rank of the Justice Department and prosecution ties with Korea"s largest conglomerate, Samsung.

      • KCI우수등재

        불법도청에 관여하지 않은 언론의 도청결과물 보도의 위법성조각 -X파일 보도사건을 중심으로-

        조국 ( Kuk Cho ) 법조협회 2008 法曹 Vol.57 No.12

        2005년 발생한 ``X파일`` 사건에서 불법도청을 행한 안기부 요원, 불법선거에 관여한 것으로 의심되는 모 그룹과 모 일간지의 수뇌부들은 법규 위반의 공소시효가 지났기에 기소되지 못하지만, ``X파일`` 사건을 보도한 M 방송의 L 기자는 통신비밀보호법 위반 혐의로 불구속 기소되었다. 제1심 판결은 ``X파일`` 보도행위의 동기·목적이 정당하고 행위의 수단·방법이 상당하고, 대화당사자의 인격권 침해가 있었으나 이는 공적 인물로서 감수해야 할 정도라고 파악하여 무죄판결을 내렸다. 반면 제2심 판결은 통신비밀의 공개의 위법성조각이 가능한 상황을 매우 한정한 후, ``X파일`` 보도는 ``사회상규성``이 인정되지 않는다고 보았다. 필자는 제1심 판결에 동의하면서, 언론기관이 직간접적으로 도청에 관여하지 않았고, 도청의 내용이 민주적 질서의 근간을 이루는 중대한 공익적 사항이며, 도청내용의 공개를 통해 인격권이 침해되는 인물이 공적인 인물이라면 도청내용의 언론보도는 ``정당행위``에 해당하여 위법성이 조각된다고 주장한다.

      • KCI등재

        SU 파일 입출력을 위한 포트란 라이브러리 개발

        하완수 한국자원공학회 2015 한국자원공학회지 Vol.52 No.1

        본 연구에서는 포트란 언어 사용자들이 Seismic Un*x 자료 처리 패키지에서 사용하는 SU 형식의파일들을 자유롭게 읽고, 수정하고, 쓸 수 있도록 입출력 라이브러리를 개발하였다. SU 이진 형식 지원을 위해기본 입출력 함수들은 C로 구현한 후 포트란 2003의 ISO_C_BINDING 모듈을 이용하여 포트란에서 해당 함수들을 사용할 수 있도록 하였다. 포트란 라이브러리는 객체 지향적으로 설계하여 사용자들이 SU 파일과 트레이스에 해당하는 클래스 객체들을 통해 파일과 트레이스에 접근할 수 있도록 하였다. 본 라이브러리를 이용하면포트란을 이용해 탄성파 자료 처리를 연구하는 연구자들과 학생들이 쉽게 SU 파일을 읽고 쓸 수 있음을 예제들을 통해 보였다. This paper suggests a Fortran library for reading, editing, and writing SU files of the Seismic Un*xdata processing package. The basic input/output routines are developed in C to support SU binary formats andthe Fortran module calls those routines using ISO_C_BINDING module of Fortran 2003. The Fortran interfaceis designed in the object-oriented way so that users can access SU files and traces using corresponding classinstances. Code examples demonstrate that researchers and students studying seismic data processing using Fortrancan easily read and write SU files.

      • 팬픽션에 나타나는 인물 분석과 재구성에 관한 연구 -한국의 <엑스파일> 팬픽션을 중심으로

        남명희 ( Myoung Hee Nam ) 한국디지털영상학회 2011 디지털영상학술지 Vol.8 No.1

        Fanfiction is the majority action in fandom. Fanfiction writers work with their favorite characters. Character analysis of fan is different with the one of common people. Fan works have different standards, so that makes misunderstanding comparing with common literature. This study subscribes about the standards and the analysis ability of fans. This study is based on Korean The X-Files fanfictions, which has database from 1990s to 2000s. The category of fanfiction is close to ``tag``. Tag is the guideline of fanfiction writers and readers. For example: Shipper. Relationship is important to fanfiction and it gives a lot of categories: shipper, fence sitter, slash, and etc. And in fictional fanworks, timeline is important to determine character`s mind. The modern literature characters isn`t flat: their mind is original, but actions are various. So fans describe a character in many ways, but they know the character should do something based on canon. Vladimir Propp talks about functions of characters in Morphology of the Folk Tale. The X-Files characters are set in Propp`s Morphology: villian-smoking man, helper-The Lone Gunmen, Princess` Father-Skinner, hero-Mulder and Scully, false hero-Krycek, etc. Absentation-kidnapping of Samantha, interdiction-the classify of case, violation of interdiction-Mulder`s investigation, etc. This makes alternative universe fanfiction: the characters are same but the background(place, time) is different. In even canon, 6X03 Triangle showed alternative universe in world war II, and 7ABX18 Hollywood A.D. showed it with ``feature film`` as a fiction in a fiction. Fans also know the functions of characters, and apply to their works. But, fans choose the one side of peculiarities in canon. Each of fan wants to see what he or she likes(or should be): someone chooses Mulder`s braveness, but another chooses his ditching to Scully, and another choose his laziness to write on their story. Fan are curious about the characters, and further they imagine what the character would do. The fanfictions are fan`s analysis of characters. Fanfiction is a kind of guideline. A canon which has a lot of fanfictions means that the accepters(reader/viewer/audience) of this work are active, and the canon has a value of poaching.

      • KCI등재

        미국식 시즌 제도의 TV 드라마 내용 전개에 관한 연구

        남명희(Nam Myoung Hee) 한국영화학회 2009 영화연구 Vol.0 No.40

        This article introduces the meaning of season on US TV schedule. During 1990~2000, The X-Files, CSI, Sex and the City and many shows influenced Korean viewers and creators. They learned that US TV schedule called 'season' is so different with Korean schedule. In 2007, Korean TV show Auction House creator team called the show as 'Season System Drama', which means collaboration of serialized situation, manipulate production, high budget, in-house team work, and season system. There were some mistakes to understand what is season system on TV schedule. A season combines airtime and respite time on schedule, like weather. The storyline of US TV shows is influenced by season. A season schedule can help the creators and his team to prepare a long-time narrative. The plot of multiple narratives is the distinction of US TV show compared with Korean one. The X-Files was the prototype of mythology show and multiple narrative. Desperate Housewives has multiple storyline per each episodes, but one central mystery per a season. Supernatural is closer to mythology show, but the central storylines are changed by season, not developed. Lost is a mythology show which has multiple storyline per each episodes. These shows lead multiple storylines for a long time, and it based on the 'season' which has respite time. The plan of narrative by season is helpful to make the solid foundation of long storylines. Season means not only high budget TV shows, but the respite time of creators: season needs collaboration of broadcast system, creators, and viewers in Korea. TV shows effect strongly on channel share than any other programs in Korea. The viewers under 30 years old of Korea are rather easy to admit the concept of a season because many of them are internet users, organized online fandom, and learned oversea TV schedule by themselves.

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