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      • KCI등재후보

        한국전쟁 당시 미국잡지에 실린 한국 이미지 분석

        문현영 육군사관학교 화랑대연구소 2012 한국군사학논집 Vol.68 No.2

        The Korean War is a "forgotten war" to Americans. Situated between the World War II, or known as 'the great war,' and the Vietnam War, or known as 'the bad war,' the Korean War lacked any heroic war stories or great achievements, but only the tiresome tug-of-war. Even though a large number of U.S. and U.N soldiers lost their lives in Korea War, it ended in armistice which could hardly be defined as either a victory or a failure. On the other hand, the Korean War was the beginning of the Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Although the Korean War was instigated due to the North Korean crossing of the border, it was hardly a war between the North and the South. It was rather a proxy war between the U.S. and the Soviet and China. All three superpowers needed to win the Korean War to prove their ideologies and themselves as the true superpower. However, Korea was an unknown country to American public. The inscription of the Korean War Veterans' Memorial describes Korea as "a country they never knew and a people they never met." Moreover, the Korean War broke out shortly after World War II, so American people were rather reluctant about the idea of engaging in another war. Therefore, U.S. government needed effective propaganda to draw more support from their people and to win the 'ambivalent, yet important war.'The role of the media was a crucial factor in the government's propaganda efforts. The Korean War was a transitional period between World War II and the Vietnam War, and the media's attitude changed greatly during that period. Strong anti-Communist sentiment was prevalent in America and the government enacted several laws to strictly prohibit the media from reporting anything that might be harmful to U.S. On the other hand, the Vietnam War was just the opposite of World War II. After the 'Pentagon Papers Revelation' and the 'Watergate Scandal,' the media became highly skeptical of the government activities. In addition, since the Vietnam War was a guerilla war, there was no set defense line which allowed the reporters to witness firsthand the cruelty of the war. With the increasing number of TV sets in each homes, American public was exposed to the gruesome images of the war. Situated in this transitional period of the changing media attitude, this paper examines the U.S. popular magazines during the period of the Korean War. If the Vietnam War was a 'television war,' the Korean War was a 'magazine war,' and American public was largely influenced by the magazines. After carefully studying the images of Koreans in U.S. magazines, this paper came to following conclusions: Firstly, among the Koreans' images, Korean soldiers were almost absent, and even when they made appearances, they were limited as either off-focused or background. Secondly, Korean men's images were almost absent, and most of the images were those of women or children. Thirdly, the stories of American soldiers who saved suffering Korea orphans or children were repeated. Lastly, U.S. was depicted as the 'good and kind,' while demonizing the Soviet Union and China. Aforementioned results are related to the circumstances of the time. First of all, the absence of men's images is due to the fact that they were taken during the war when most of the young men were drafted into the military. Moreover, since South Korea's defense capability of that time was rather meager because of the long history of Japanese Occupation, South Korean role in the Korean War was limited to assisting position to the U.S. On the other hand, the repeated images of Korean children and orphans saved by U.S. soldiers were the result of the Cold War rhetoric and the U.S.'s need to gain support from its people. By demonizing the Soviet and North Korea as evil forces that hurt small children, U.S. could depict themselves as the good force who cured and rescued them. Moreover, that kind of rhetoric earned sympathy from its people.

      • KCI등재

        터키 제작 한국전쟁 영화의 특징적 양상 연구

        이난아(Lee, Nan-A) 명지대학교 중동문제연구소 2016 중동문제연구 Vol.15 No.2

        This paper aims to examine the image of Korea and Korean people reflected in the films made in Turkey against the backdrop of the Korean War. As Turkey’s interest in Korea grew after its participation in the Korean War, Turkish movie directors made films about the Korean War with support from the Ministry of Defense in Turkey. Between 1951, right after the outbreak of the Korean War, and 1983, 15 Korean War films were made. Although those movies were set in Korea, they were never actually filmed in Korea due to several limitations. The 15 movies share some similarities in that they include documentary films in the introduction or midsection that reflect the historical circumstances of Korea and the trend of world politics around the period of the Korean War. They also reflect the gruesome reality of Korea that was undergoing a war. In the films, the image of Korea and Korean people is reflected and reproduced on the basis of the brutal image of the Korean War. Particularly, the movies describe the painful misery that Turkish people held about the Korean War. This is related to the sympathy that they feel for Korean people and the movies do not portray any negative images of Koreans at all. A majority of the images of Korea or Korean people reflected in the Korean War films made in Turkey are used as a tool to highlight the tragedy of the war, the bravery of Turkish troops and the sense of cooperation. This is a common and widely accepted characteristic among a series of war pictures.

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁(韓國戰爭) 해외기록 문화유산 자료구축 연구 방법 -구미(歐美)지역 참전전우회 기관지 및 구술자료를 중심으로-

        엄현섭 국제어문학회 2019 국제어문 Vol.0 No.82

        This study presents a list of oral experiences of participants and officials of the Korean War from the Bulletin/Organ of the Korean War Veterans Association in Area of Europe and America. The Korean War veterans in the Area of Europe and America have relatively systematic data on the war, which helps understand the Korean War. As millions of people have been collated in the data and hundreds of thousands of casualties have occurred, the meaning of the Korean War in foreign countries is much more important than we imagine. Since the countries involved in the war have organically cooperated to preserve the Korean War record, Korean academics need to collect various international data to fully understand the history of the Korean War through securing abundant feed. To incorporate the Korean War in our history and retain its significance, systematic classification, reconstruction, and cataloging of Korean war-related materials from overseas countries is an essential resource for Korean War research. Research on the Korean War is not done in communication with the world. Ideology is still working because the interests of the combatants and the political dynamics are still present. It is not necessary to exclude ideological positions and subjectivity in historical research, but it is necessary to watch the closed viewpoint by collecting the multilateral gaze as much as possible. A new paradigm is needed for the study of the Korean War. 본 연구는 구미(歐美)지역 한국전쟁 참전협회 기관지(Bulletin/Organ)와 한 국전쟁 참가자 및 관계자의 구술체험담 목록화 제시이다. 구미(歐美)지역 한국 전쟁 참전국들은 참전 관련 자료를 비교적 체계성 있게 확보하고 있다. 이들 자 료는 대부분 한국전쟁의 온전한 실상을 파악하는 데 큰 도움을 준다. 수백만 규 모의 인력이 투입되었고 수십만의 사상자가 발생한 만큼 해외참전국들이 한국전 쟁에 대해 갖는 의미는 우리가 쉽게 상상하는 것보다 훨씬 중대하다. 해외 참전국들은 관계 당사자들이 유기적으로 협조하여 한국전쟁 기록 유산을 지속적으로 보존해나가고 있기 때문에, 우리 학계는 풍성한 사료 확보를 통해 한국전쟁의 역사성을 총체적으로 규명하려면 해외 참전국의 다양한 자료를 집성할 필요가 있다. 한국전쟁을 우리만의 역사로 축소시키고 방기하지 않으려면 해외 참전국 의 한국전쟁 관련 자료에 대한 체계적 분류⋅재구성⋅목록화는 한국전쟁 연구를 위한 필수적인 자료학 작업이다. 한국전쟁 연구는 세계와의 소통 속에서 이루어지지 못하고 있다. 참전 당사자 간의 이해관계가 상존하고 있고 정치적 역학관계가 주를 이루었기 때문에 아직 도 이념의 문제가 작용하고 있다. 물론 역사연구에서 이념적 입장과 주관성을 반드시 배제해야 하는 것은 아니지만, 다각적 시선들을 최대한 수집함으로써 폐 쇄적 관점을 경계할 필요가 있다. 이제 한국전쟁 연구에 있어서도 새로운 패러 다임이 필요한 시점이다.

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁과 전남지역 기독교 연구 - 현황과 과제 -

        윤정란 순천대학교 남도문화연구소 2020 南道文化硏究 Vol.0 No.40

        In this study, research trends related to the Korean War and Christianity were summarized, and research tasks were suggested based on the Korean War study until 2020, the 70th anniversary of the Korean War. In particular, we looked at the Jeonnam area. This area was the site of the Yeonsun incident just before the Korean War, and the conflict between left and right was very critical, and it was known that Christian sacrifices were more common than any other region during the Korean War. Christian churches in the Jeonnam region established martyrdom to Christians who were victims of the Korean War and continued to commemorate them. The research trend of the Korean War and Christianity in the Jeonnam region with these characteristics was investigated, and research tasks were presented: To begin with, from the Korean War outbreak in 1950 to the end of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, by the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992, I examined the Korean War documents about the Cold War and Christian sacrifice in the Jeonnam region. Then I reviewed the records. As a result, the research in the following direction was necessary to study further the Christianity that was sacrificed during the Korean War: First, it is the continuous use of oral history research methodology. Second, it is necessary to study the modern history of the village. Third, an in-depth study of the conflicting factors in the town must be conducted beyond understanding the conflict between Christianity and socialism. Fourth, it is necessary to review the records of Christians who were victims of the Korean War. If this kind of research is conducted, I think it will contribute to not only to the Korean War study but also to the deeper understanding of Korean history. 본고에서는 한국전쟁 70주년이 되는 2020년까지의 한국전쟁 연구 중에서 한국전쟁 과 기독교와 관련된 연구동향을 정리하고 이를 토대로 연구과제를 제시하였다. 특히 전 남지역을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 이 지역은 한국전쟁 직전 여순사건이 일어난 곳으로 좌 우익의 갈등이 매우 첨예했던 곳이며, 한국전쟁 당시 기독교인들의 희생이 어느 지역보 다 많았던 곳으로 알려져 있다. 전남 지역의 기독교회들은 한국전쟁 당시 희생당한 기독 교인들에 대한 순교비를 설립하고 오늘날까지 추모를 지속하고 있다. 이러한 특성을 가 진 전남지역의 한국전쟁과 기독교에 대한 연구동향을 조사하고 연구과제를 제시하였다. 먼저 냉전시대 한국전쟁과 전남지역 기독교 희생에 대한 기록물을 1950년 한국전쟁 발발로부터 1992년 소련의 붕괴로 인한 미소 중심의 냉전체제가 종식되는 시기까지 조사하였고, 이어서 그 기록물에 대해 검토를 하였다. 그 결과 한국전쟁 당시 희생당한 기독교에 대한 연구가 좀 더 진척되기 위해서는 다음과 같은 방향의 연구가 필요하였다. 첫째는 구술사적 연구방법론의 지속적인 활용이 다. 둘째는 마을의 근현대사에 대한 연구가 필요하다. 셋째는 기독교와 사회주의간의 충돌이라는 이해에서 벗어나 마을의 갈등 요인에 대한 심도 깊은 연구가 이루어져야 한다. 넷째는 한국전쟁기 희생당한 기독교인들에 대한 기록의 재검토가 필요하다. 이러 한 방향의 연구가 이루어진다면 한국전쟁 연구뿐만 아니라 한국현대사를 보다 더 깊이 있게 이해하는데 기여하리라고 본다.

      • KCI등재

        중국과 일본에서 저술된 한국현대문학사의 한국전쟁 인식과 문학사 기술양상: -허쩐후아의 『조선현대문학사』와 사에구사 도시카쓰의 『한국문학을 맛보다』를 중심으로-

        윤송아(Yoon Song Ah) 동남어문학회 2018 동남어문논집 Vol.1 No.46

        본고는 중국과 일본에서 저술된 한국문학사 중에서 허쩐후아의 조선현대문학사와 사에구사 도시카쓰의 한국문학을 맛보다를 중심으로, 각국의 한국전쟁 인식과 이에 기반한 한국전쟁문학의 특징적 기술양상을 고찰하였다. 먼저 허쩐후아의 조선현대문학사는 한국전쟁에 대한 중국의 기본인식이 충실히 반영된 문학사로, 기본적으로는 북한문학사의 시기구분과 주 제 분류에 바탕을 두면서도 주체사상에 기반한 유일사상체제와는 일정한 거리를 유지하며, ‘중조우의(中朝友誼)’를 내세운 국제주의적 친선과 ‘항미원조 전쟁(抗美援朝戰爭)’으로서의 한국전쟁의 위상, 인민대중의 혁명적 영웅주의 와 애국주의를 강조하는 입장을 취한다. 즉 한국전쟁에 있어서 중국과 북한의 정치적 결속 및 역사적 상관성, 한국전쟁에서의 중국의 역할을 의식적으로 강조함으로써, 북한문학사를 중국인민의 입장에서 조망하고 그 근접성과 교차점을 모색하려는 노력이 뚜렷이 표출된 문학사이다. 다음으로 사에구사 도시카쓰의 한국문학을 맛보다에서는 한국전쟁에 대한 심도 있는 성찰이 누락된 채 전쟁에 대한 각 문학자의 대응방식을 개인의 내면문제 혹은 문학적 표출양상으로만 환원하여 바라보는 외부자적 시선을 보여준다. 이는 미국의 ‘기지국가(基地國家)’로서 한국전쟁에 관여하면서 ‘조선특수(朝鮮特需)’를 통해 패전 이후 단기간의 경제회복을 이루었음에도 불구하고 이를 ‘평화담론’으로 은폐해온 일본의 무의식적 망각 및 무관심과 연동하는 것으로 보인다. 이처럼 허쩐후아와 사에구사의 문학사는 한국전쟁에 대한 중국과 일본의 정치적 입장과 역사적 인식 태도를 직·간접적으로 반영함으로써 한중일 한국현대문학사를 가로지르는 중층적이고 상호침투적인 교섭과 문화횡단의 한 양상을 보여준다. This study deliberated patterns of describing characteristics of Korean War Literature based on Korean War recognitions of each country, focusing on Taste of Korean Literature by Saegusa Toshikatsu and Choseon Modern Literature History by Huzhenhua among the history of Korean literatures written in China and Japan. First of all, fundamental awareness of China about Korean War was fully reflected in Choseon Modern Literature History by Huzhenhua. Basically, it was distant from unique ideological system. It takes a position to emphasize the status of Korean War as internationalist goodwill and anti-Americanism assistance war which was based on China-Korea Friendship , revolutionary heroism, and patriotism of people. In other words, emphasizing the political ties, historical concern between China and North Korea, and the role of China in the Korean War conscientiously in terms of Korean War, the history of North Korean literature was reviewed from the stance of Chinese people. Its proximity and intersection were tried to find out in the literature. Next, in Taste of Korean Literature by Saegusa Toshikatsu, there is a lack of introspection on the Korean War. But each author s response to the war was just considered it as individual issues or simple literary expressions from outsider’s viewpoints. This seems to associate with unconscious forgetfulness or indifference of Japan, which tried to conceal it as a discourse on peace despite the short-term economic recovery after its defeat in the war by increased demands by Choseon as America was concerned in Korean War as a base . Like this, the history of Huzhenhua and Saegusa s literature reflects directly and indirectly the political position and historical recognizing attitude of China and Japan about Korean War. They show cross-sectional and interpenetrating contact and single aspect of cross-cultural literature in Korea-China-Japan Modern Literature History.

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁과 스페인 내전의 유사성에 관한 비교

        홍성후 한국동북아학회 2012 한국동북아논총 Vol.17 No.1

        This paper is to analyse a few similarities between Korean War and Spain Civil War. Korean war had been going on for 3 years from 1950 to 1953, and Spain Civil War from 1936 to 1939 as well. These two civil wars broke out on basis of ideology conflict. Korean war was originated from the conflict between capitalism of South Korea and communism of North Korea. Likewise, Spain Civil war began with the conflict between right-wing nationalism of Pranko military group and left-wing people republican government of Madrid, which resulted from historical conflict of spanish society. Korean War and Spain Civil War were intervened in by World Imperial Powers. in short, Korean war was controlled by United States and Soviet. After collapse of Japanese Imperialism in far east asia region, The United States tried to establish capitalism country in Korean Peninsula, but Soviet and Red China maneuvered Korean Partisan to communized Korean Peninsula. But two Powers failed to agree on building one independent country in Korean peninsula, which resulted in separation of Korean peninsula. Unfortunately two regimes were founded in Korean peninsula, which were capitalism-South Korea and communism-North Korea. In conclusion, Korean war was made out by ideology of these two regime. Also Spain civil war was broken out, for spain military nationalism attacked the people's republican government of Madrid, both of which were controlled by World Powers such as Natism Germany and Communism Soviet. Hitler aided spanish military revolt, while Stalin supported the people republican of left-wing Madrid. In other hand, Korean War and Spain Civil War had a similarity in sense of elite struggle. The reason was why political elite of each war were educated from two Powers's society in different political socialization. President Leesungman of South Korea studied in America and acquired Phd. of Political Science in the famous Princeton University. Conversely, Premier Kimilsung of North Korea was trained in Soviet military, and he succeeded in getting intelligence-officer position of soviet military captain. In a sense, two wars' leaders were political children of super imperial Powers such as America, Germany, and Soviet. This Author concluded that any civil war be the worst crime of all wars. This paper explained this criminal civil war through real battle material of Korean war and Spain civil war. Any civil war should be refused in spite of any ideology. Rather, peaceful conflict situation is better than agreement through war. All the more, any war must be denied at all cost as a international measures to solve the world problems. 한국전쟁과 스페인 내전은 양자 모두 외세가 개입된 국제내전이라는 점이 유사하다. 한국전쟁은 중국과 구 소련의 사주에 의한 북한군의 남침으로 발발했다. 미국측은 16개국의 지상군이 유엔군의 형식으로 참여했다. 반면 스페인 내전은 독일, 이태리, 소련, 프랑스, 영국, 그리고 자원병 국제여단이 개입했다. 한국전쟁과 스페인 내전은 좌우 사상 갈등이 배경이 되었다. 한국전쟁은 자본주의를 신봉하는 남한 측과, 공산주의 신봉하는 북한 측이 싸운 사상적 내전이었다. 무력 도발한 측은 프롤레타리아 독재체제를 만들려는 공산주의자들이었고, 방어하는 측은 미국적 민주체제를 만들려는 자유주의자들이었다. 스페인 내전은 독일과 이태리 파쇼적 정부가 지원하는 국가주의 우파 프랑코 군부와 소련 맑스적 정부가 지원하는 인민공화파와의 내전이었다. 한국전쟁은 유신론과 무신론이 충돌한 전쟁이었다. 또한 남한의 다당 체제와 북한 유일정당인 노동당 정권과의 전쟁이었다. 반면 스페인 내전은 국가주의를 신봉하는 스페인 군부와 인민공화주의 건설을 주장하는 반왕정 공화파의 대결이었다. 스페인 보수주의 군부와 인민의 자유, 종교의 자유를 더 중시한 스페인의 진보주의의 충돌이었다. 또한 한국전쟁과 스페인 내전은 출신배경이 다른 정치 엘리트간의 충돌이었다. 미국은 미국식 정치교육을 받은 이승만을, 소련은 소련군 장교 출신인 김일성을 한반도의 지도자로 키우려는 입장이었다. 즉 이승만과 김일성이 각각 외세를 등에 업고, 군사적 대결을 벌인 셈이었다. 반면 스페인 내전은 스페인군부의 국가주의자인 프랑코 장군이 스페인의 좌익화를 반대해서 일으킨 내란이었다. 프랑코 뒤에는 독일의 히틀러가 있었고, 인민공화파 뒤에는 소련의 스탈린이 있었다. 한국전쟁과 스페인 내전은 세계 2차 대전과 연계된 전쟁이었다. 스페인내전은 유럽에서 세계 2차 대전을 준비하는 독일, 이태리와 소련, 영국, 프랑스 등이 벌인 전쟁이다. 반면 한국전쟁은 세계대전에서 승리한 미소가 지배영역을 확보하고자 동북아시아에서 충돌한 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        한반도 종전선언의 법적 쟁점과 과제

        최철영 성균관대학교 법학연구원 2018 성균관법학 Vol.30 No.4

        한미동맹의 시각에서 한반도안보를 유지하려는 관성적 안보인식으로 인해 종전선언은 정치적 성격의 선언으로 추진되고 있다. 따라서 종전선언이 한국전쟁 당사국 정상들이 서명하는 문서의 형식으로 체결되더라도 국제법적인 조약이 될 수는 없다. 이는 종전선언의 당사자 입장에서 법적인 종전선언으로 인한 급격한 근본적 안보환경의 변화를 제어하고, 주변국의 한반도에 대한 이해관계와 기득권을 유지하도록 하면서도 현행의 냉전적 법제도의 개폐에 관한 논의를 본격화할 수 있는 정치적 정당성이 근거를 마련하려는 주관적 의도가 반영된 결과이다. 하지만 정치적일지라도 당사자 간에 종전에 대한 합의가 공식화되면 법적으로 종결되지 않은 한국전쟁의 종식, 한국정전협정체제 해체, 남북한에 내재화되어 있는 냉전적 국내법제의 근본적인 개선 등과 같은 후속 조치는 신의성실의 원칙에 따라 수반되어야 한다. 결국 한국전쟁의 종전선언이 이루어지면 한국정전협정이 전쟁의 존재를 전제로 규정하고 있는 군사분계선(MDL)과 비무장지대(DMZ), 군사정전위원회와 중립국감독위원회를 대체하는 제도에 대한 합의가 필요하며, 동시에 한국전쟁을 근거로 설치된 UN군사령부(UNC)의 정치군사적 정당성의 근거도 소멸하기 때문에 UN군사령부의 해체 이후 한반도와 동북아 안보를 위한 UN차원의 새로운 한반도 평화기구 설치가 논의되어야 한다. 또한 남북한 국내법제의 정비, 남한의 입장에서는 헌법의 영토규정을 포함한 헌법의 규정 그리고 국가보안법과 북한이탈주민보호법 등 북한의 국가성을 부정하고 반국가단체로 간주하여 제정된 법제의 개선이 필요하다. 이런 측면에서 한국문제의 독특한(sui generis) 성격을 반영한 정치적 종전선언은 전쟁법에서 평화법으로 전환되는 시기의 음영지대에서 역할하는 연성적 전후법(jus post bellum)으로서 의미가 있다. 종전선언은 통일을 지향하는 국가적 실체로서 남북간 관계의 독특성과 승자도 패자도 없는 한국전쟁 결과의 독특성 그리고 종전을 통해 전쟁 전 질서의 회복이 아니라 현존 질서의 유지와 평화를 위한 다음 단계로의 전환을 도모하는 창의적 방안으로서 “(가칭)한국문제의 최종적인 평화적 해결에 관한 합의서”의 체결을 포함하는 평화협정체제의 구축을 지향해야 한다. 한국전쟁 종전선언은 한반도 평화프로세스의 소극적 평화단계를 규율하는 법적 문서들의 체결을 목표로 하는 정치적 합의문서이며, 평화협정체제를 구성하는 법적인 합의문서들을 도출하는 협상의 플랫폼으로서 안정적인 한반도평화협정체제가 구축되면 그 기능을 상실하고 소멸하는 잠정성을 갖는 독특성을 갖게 될 것이다. 종전선언은 남북차원에서 부조리한 시대착오적 냉전체제의 종점이면서 동시에 새로운 평화프로세스의 시작을 위한 제도적 플랫폼이며, 동북아시아 차원에서는 이념적이며 아시아를 분열시키는 샌프란시스코 조약체제를 재구성하는 촉매제역할을 하게 될 것이다. 또한 UN차원에서 한반도와 동북아시아의 지속적 평화를 담보할 수 있는 새로운 평화기구의 설립을 검토해야 하는 필요성의 기반이 될 것이다. 이 과정에서 한국전쟁 종전선언의 당사자들 간에는 신뢰와 공정성의 원칙을 기초로 창조적인 평화체제구축 방안이 모색되어야 한다. The declaration to end the Korean War is being proceeded as a political declaration due to the inertial sense of national security from the South Korea-U.S. alliance point of view to maintain security on the Korean Peninsula. As a result, the end-of-war declaration will not be a treaty under international law even when it is contracted in the form of documentation signed by the heads of the parties of the Korean War. This is a result of the reflection of the subjective intention of the parties of the declaration as to provide grounds for a political justification to accelerate the discussion on the opening and closing of the current cold-war legal system, while controlling the rapid change in the security environment that might have been induced by a legal end-of-war declaration and maintaining the interests and vested rights of the neighboring countries with regard to the Korean Peninsula. Albeit political, the end-of-war declaration should be accompanied with follow-up measures, such as the termination of the Korean War that has not been legally terminated, the dissolution of the Korean Armistice Agreement System, and the fundamental improvement of the cold-war legislations in South and North Korea, in compliance with the principles of good faith once the end-of-war agreement between the parties is formulated. When the end-of-war declaration is realized, an agreement on the systems that will replace the MDL, DMZ, the Military Armistice Commission, and the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission created by the Korean Armistice Agreement on the premise of the existence of a war. At the same time, the establishment of a new Korean Peninsula peace organization at the UN level should be discussed to guarantee security in the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia after the dissolution of the UN Command which was established on the basis of the Korean War, as the grounds for the political and military legitimacy of it will be extinguished, as well. The legislative system also needs to be improved in North and South Korea. South Korea, especially, would need to improve the laws including the National Security Act and the North Korean Refugees Protection and Settlement Support Act which were enacted by considering North Korea as an anti-government organization as opposed to a state. In light of this, the political end-of-war declaration reflecting the suigeneris characteristics of the Korean issue is meaningful in that it is a form of jus post bellum that serves as soft law in the grey zone during the transitional period from laws of war to laws of peace. The Korean War is very unique in that North and South Korea both strive for reunification as state entities and that there is no winner or loser in the war. The end-of-war declaration should aim for the formation of a peacea greement system that contains the conclusion of the “Agreement on the Final and Peaceful Resolution of the Korean Problems(tentative title)” as a creative measure that promotes a transition to the next step through the end-of-the war as to maintain the existing orders and peace rather than to restore the order suprior to the war. The declaration to end the Korea War is the document of a political agreement that aims to draw up the legal documents which regulate the negative peace step in the Korean peace process. Also as a platform for the negotiation to induce legal documents of a greement to form a peace agreement system, the declaration bears uniqueness that it will be distinguished when a stable Korean peace agreement system is established. To North and South Korea, the end-of-war declaration is the last stop of the irrational and anachronistic cold war system and the starting point of a new peace process. From a Northeast Asian perspective, the declaration will serve as a catalyst that reorganizes the San Francisco Peace Treaty system which is ideological and splits Asia. The declaration will also lead to the review of the establishment of a new pea...

      • KCI등재후보

        제3장 6·25전쟁과 남북한관계 - 교훈과 과제 -

        김강녕 한국통일전략학회 2010 통일전략 Vol.10 No.1

        본 연구는 6‧25전쟁의 교훈과 남북한관계: 교훈과 과제를 분석하기 위한 것이다. 이를 위해 6‧25전쟁의 전개과정과 교훈, 6·25전쟁 이후 남북한관계, 한국의 안보와 통일을 위한 과제 등의 순서로 살펴본 후 결론을 도출해보았다. 6·25전쟁은 1950년 6월 25일 새벽 북한 공산군이 북위 38도선 이남으로 무력침공함으로써 남한과 북한 간에 발생하여 1953년 7월 27일 정전협정이 조인될 때까지 약 3년 1개월에 걸쳐 지속된 전쟁으로서 실로 엄청난 인적․물적․정신적 피해를 안겨준 전쟁이었다. 6‧25전쟁의 발발원인과 관련해서는 치열한 논쟁이 지속되어왔지만 그동안의 논의과정에서 명백해진 사실은 6‧25전쟁이 소련과 중국의 지원으로 무력통일을 기도한 북한의 남침에 의해 발발하였으며, 전쟁의 일차적 책임은 김일성을 비롯한 북한 지배층에 있다는 점이다. 6‧25전쟁은 한국 역사상 가장 비참한 동족상잔의 비극이었으며 자유․공산 양대 세력의 세계적인 전쟁이었다. 한국전쟁은 대내외적으로 실로 엄청난 영향을 미쳤다. 국제적으로 미국을 세계 최강대군사대국화하고 미소냉전을 악화시키는 등 국제정치에도 실로 엄청난 영향을 미쳤다. 또한 국내적으로 국토가 초토화되고 민족의 이질화가 심화되었다. 최근 2000년 남북정상회담 이후에도 남북관계는 아직도 군사적으로 주적관계로서 분단체제가 지속되고 있는 것이 현실이다. 6·25전쟁은 이러한 비참한 전쟁이 이 땅에 다시 되풀이되어서는 아니 됨을 우리에게 가르쳐준 전쟁이었다. 북한의 변함없는 대남전략과 군사위협, 그리고 정전체제의 존속이 말해주듯이, 6‧25전쟁은 아직 끝나지 않았다. 북한은 사회주의권의 대변혁으로 인한 세계적인 탈냉전 이후에도 선군정치의 기치 아래 사상무장을 강화하고 대량살상무기 개발과 전력증강에 주력하는 등 군사적 위협의 실체에는 아직 변함이 없는 실정이다. 따라서 우리는 튼튼한 안보역량의 기반 위에서 한반도에서 전쟁을 방지하고, 남북대화․교류협력과 주변 관련국들과의 외교적 협력을 통해 한반도의 평화를 정착시키고, 나아가 우리 민족 최대의 숙원인 남북통일을 이룩해내는 일이 중요한 과제라 할 수 있다. 미국은 1950~53년까지 한국 전쟁에서 북한과 싸웠고, 오늘날까지 한국의 든든한 후원자이다. 6‧25전쟁 당시 미국을 위시한 유엔군의 도움을 우리가 받지 못했더라면 북한의 공산화통일에서 한국을 지켜낼 수 없음은 물론 오늘과 같은 국운융성의 기회를 갖기 어려웠을 것이다. 이러한 맥락에서 볼 때 통일과정에서는 물론 통일 이후에도 한반도를 둘러싼 동북아지역의 안정과 평화를 위해서도 한미군사협력관계는 지속적으로 유지되어야 할 것이다. This paper is aimed at analysing the Korean War and inter-Korean relations. It is focused on the lessons of Korean War and ROK's military and diplomatic tasks. On June 25, 1950, North Korea launched an unprovoked full-scale invasion of the South, triggering a three years war which drew in U.S., Chinese and other foreign forces. The Korean War lasted about three years 1950-1953. The Korean War ended with the armistice of 1953. The Korean War was the first armed confrontation of the Cold War and set the standard for many later conflicts. It created the idea of a limited war, where the two superpowers would fight in another country, forcing the people in that nation to suffer the bulk of the destruction and death involved in a war between such large nations. The superpowers avoided descending into an all-out war with one another, as well as the mutual use of nuclear weapons. The North Korean army armed with the Russian tanks and guns. The leader of them, Kim Il-sung prepared the war for a long time. He wanted to make Korea as a communist country. He kept in touch with Russia and China and got weapons from those countries. But the South Korean army and allied forces including the US army and other decades of countries' army were not defeated easily. The entire peninsula was devastated by the conflict. Many people got injured or died. For three years during the war, everything was destroyed and people had to leave their hometown to be alive. South and North Korea are still technically in a state of war, since the 1950-53 Korean War ended in a truce and not a peace treaty. The Korean war is a sad history for us and it cannot be happend again. The Korean War had a transformative impact on North and South Korea, and consolidated the postwar division of the two Korea. Nowadays, North Korea is making hot issues. They launched missiles and did nuclear experiment. They treated the world with missiles and nuclear weapons. They still want to make a whole Korea as a communist county but the South Korean army is definately different from 60 years ago and they are armed with a lot better weapons than North Korea's to prevent from the war. The Korean War damaged both Koreas heavily. Although South Korea stagnated economically in the decade following the war, it was later able to modernize and industrialize. In contrast, the North Korean economy recovered quickly after the war and until around 1975 surpassed that of South Korea. However, North Korea’s economy eventually slowed. Today, the North Korean economy is virtually nonexistent while the South Korean economy is expanding. Therefore we should work toward a durable structure of peace on the peninsula and common prosperity for South and North Korea through peace, reconciliation and cooperation, while at the same time maintaining a firm and combined defense posture. The United States fought North Korea in the 1950-53 Korean War and should remain a staunch supporter of the Republic of Korea. Based on the outcome of the past 50 years, Korea-U.S. alliance should be continued to develop to mutually beneficial relationship through close assistance and cooperation.

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁기 북한에서 미술인의 전쟁 수행 역할에 대한 연구

        조은정 미술사학연구회 2008 美術史學報 Vol.- No.30

        This essay examines North Korean art as part of the preparation for the Korean War, which North Korea had been geared for since Kim Il-Sung took power, by focusing on the artists who were active in North Korea during the Korean War. As a way of mobilizing the public, art served as a powerful means of propaganda in socialism. In North Korea, art education for art's sake was prohibited; instead, art education as part of the preparation for war was encouraged and the activities of artists during the war were an outcome of such education. With this as a premise, this essay explores art education in North Korea right before the Korean War and the role of North Korean artists during the Korean War. During the war, the government exercised its power, emphasizing its authority to take retaliatory actions against its people, and the nation submitted themselves to the government in a state of national emergency. During the Korean War, many North Korean artists came to South Korea and equally many South Korean artists went to North Korea. However, even right after the liberation of Korea from Japan and before the war when the 38thparallel was already established, some artists chose to work in North Korea by crossing the 38th parallel. Therefore, the artists who went to North Korea can be divided largely into three groups: those who went to the northern peninsula before the war, those who went after the restoration of Seoul, and those who went after the war. There were also artists who grew up and lived in North Korea. They were affiliated with many socialist organizations and leagues and devoted to socialist art. There was also a group of artists who did not have professional education in art but allied themselves and worked as artists after North Korea established itself as a nation. Finally, there was another group of artists which was newly identified during this study. They were artists who studied art in the Soviet Union and were included in the talent education program after the war. Even during the period of the Korean War, artists in North Korea produced many works with Kim Il-Sung as the major theme, including Kim's portrait. Also, they were actively engaged in propaganda more than ever before, as art was a critical means of propaganda during the war.In fact, the flyers and posters produced by North Korean artists far outnumbered those by Korean armies and the U.N. forces. Newspapers and publications by North Korea were widely distributed across the peninsula, which included 7,000 posters of "Kim's Portrait" and 4,000 posters of "the Portrait of Stalin." One group of artists produced and distributed 15,000 fliers of "Actions for the Expulsion of the U.S. Forces," 80,000 flyers of the "Expulsion of the U.S. Forces," and 8,000 posters of the "Statement for the Expulsion of the U.S. Forces." The propaganda paintings for victory in the war were considered a privilege only the artists loyal to the communist party or with a strong sense of patriotism could produce and artwork produced during that period was also limited to propaganda. The posters and flyers seen in the pictures in South Korea tend to inspire military actions through the portrayal of military soldiers or by highlighting cruelty by the U.S. forces through the depiction of South Korean people inpain. Propaganda paintings during wars require persuasive power and incitement more than any other art genre, especially when the illiteracy rate was high and the public did not have access to printed matter like newspapers and magazines. Propaganda paintings should be readily understandable and convincing to the public. Accordingly, North Korean art at that time focused heavily on simplicity so that the public could easily understand the message it attempted to convey. As a result, it is speculated that the artists who produced propaganda paintings during the Korean War had been obsessed with the conception that art based on socialist realism should be readily understandabl... This essay examines North Korean art as part of the preparation for the Korean War, which North Korea had been geared for since Kim Il-Sung took power, by focusing on the artists who were active in North Korea during the Korean War. As a way of mobilizing the public, art served as a powerful means of propaganda in socialism. In North Korea, art education for art's sake was prohibited; instead, art education as part of the preparation for war was encouraged and the activities of artists during the war were an outcome of such education. With this as a premise, this essay explores art education in North Korea right before the Korean War and the role of North Korean artists during the Korean War. During the war, the government exercised its power, emphasizing its authority to take retaliatory actions against its people, and the nation submitted themselves to the government in a state of national emergency. During the Korean War, many North Korean artists came to South Korea and equally many South Korean artists went to North Korea. However, even right after the liberation of Korea from Japan and before the war when the 38thparallel was already established, some artists chose to work in North Korea by crossing the 38th parallel. Therefore, the artists who went to North Korea can be divided largely into three groups: those who went to the northern peninsula before the war, those who went after the restoration of Seoul, and those who went after the war. There were also artists who grew up and lived in North Korea. They were affiliated with many socialist organizations and leagues and devoted to socialist art. There was also a group of artists who did not have professional education in art but allied themselves and worked as artists after North Korea established itself as a nation. Finally, there was another group of artists which was newly identified during this study. They were artists who studied art in the Soviet Union and were included in the talent education program after the war. Even during the period of the Korean War, artists in North Korea produced many works with Kim Il-Sung as the major theme, including Kim's portrait. Also, they were actively engaged in propaganda more than ever before, as art was a critical means of propaganda during the war.In fact, the flyers and posters produced by North Korean artists far outnumbered those by Korean armies and the U.N. forces. Newspapers and publications by North Korea were widely distributed across the peninsula, which included 7,000 posters of "Kim's Portrait" and 4,000 posters of "the Portrait of Stalin." One group of artists produced and distributed 15,000 fliers of "Actions for the Expulsion of the U.S. Forces," 80,000 flyers of the "Expulsion of the U.S. Forces," and 8,000 posters of the "Statement for the Expulsion of the U.S. Forces." The propaganda paintings for victory in the war were considered a privilege only the artists loyal to the communist party or with a strong sense of patriotism could produce and artwork produced during that period was also limited to propaganda. The posters and flyers seen in the pictures in South Korea tend to inspire military actions through the portrayal of military soldiers or by highlighting cruelty by the U.S. forces through the depiction of South Korean people inpain. Propaganda paintings during wars require persuasive power and incitement more than any other art genre, especially when the illiteracy rate was high and the public did not have access to printed matter like newspapers and magazines. Propaganda paintings should be readily understandable and convincing to the public. Accordingly, North Korean art at that time focused heavily on simplicity so that the public could easily understand the message it attempted to convey. As a result, it is speculated that the artists who produced propaganda paintings during the Korean War had been obsessed with the conception that art based on socialist realism should be readily understandable...

      • KCI등재

        베트남 학계의 남,북한 연구 동향 및 쟁점: -베트남 전쟁 시기(1954~1975년)를 중심으로

        도미엔 ( Mien T. Do ) 이화사학연구소 2015 梨花史學硏究 Vol.0 No.50

        Following the end of the World War II, both Vietnam and Korean peninsula ware divided. Since the 1950s, South Korea (the Republic of Korea) and SouthVietnam (the Republic of Vietnam), North Korea (the Democratic People`s Republic of Korea) and North Vietnam (the Democratic Republic of Vietnam) started to establish official diplomatic relations. The Park Chung-Hee government from 1964 sent South Korean combating troops to Vietnam War battle fields and North Korea from this moment also started its assistance for Vietnam officially. This study examines and analyzes research trends in Vietnam so far on North and South Korea during the Vietnam War, which covers: ① South Korean participation in this war; ② North Korean assistance; and ? North-South Korean relationship. Firstly, the studies in Vietnam have formed discussion issues regarding the motivation of war participation, the fighting role on the battles and the results of sending South Korean troops to Vietnam. The views of Vietnamese academia are divided into "subjective" and "objective" motivations, that is to say South Korean government`s decision to dispatch troops to Vietnam was for national interest or followed the request by the US. The latter point of view is in fact in more accordance with the official standpoint of current Vietnamese government. It at last argues that the US was the one that took greater responsibility in sending South Korean combating troops to Vietnam. In reality, this point of view reflects the characteristics of the Vietnam War, at the same time reflects the current standpoint of Vietnam that the Vietnam War was indeed the "resistance war against the Americans." On the fighting role and the importance of South Korean troops, changes of perception are happening now among Vietnamese scholars. There exists research trend that recognize the importance of South Korean troops in the battle fields based on their special fighting and operating capacity. Yet while mentioning the combating process of South Korean troops, these researches could not overlook the main leading-commanding role of the US. Studies of the results of sending troops mainly focuses on analyzing the interests that South Korean government received by participating in the war, surrounding military-economic, South Korea-South Vietnamese relations, US-South Korean relations, and politico-social aspects. Most of the studies mention the negative consequences of South Korean participation in the Vietnam War, such as strained North-South Korean relations, the anti-war movement within Korean society and all over the world which South Korean government had to face. Among the consequences that mentioned, the worst can be said the civilian massacres done by South Korean army during the Vietnam War. This has been seen leaving painful marks for Vietnam and the darkest chapters in the history of Vietnam-Korean relations. Secondly, this study analyzes the issue of assistance from North Korea during the Vietnam War, starting from the moment of formation of the solidarity community spirit between North Korea and North Vietnam. Through the books published since the 1950s, we are able to see North Vietnam`s interest in the Korean War which left lessons and experiences for Vietnam, at the same time the characteristic of North Korea-North Vietnam relationship at the moment ? the Anti-American solidarity community spirit and Socialist solidarity community spirit. It was during the period of formation of the solidarity community spirit that North Korea paid attention to the Vietnam War and started to assist North Vietnam since the mid-1960s. In Vietnam in 2000 appeared researches on the assistance of North Korea and the dispatch of its air-force to North Vietnam. It can be argued that the announcement of North Korean assistance by Vietnamese government was thanks to the improvement of North Korea-North Vietnam relationship at the moment (follows Vietnam War`s end, the relationship between the two countries was worsen). In general, researches on the assistance by North Korea to Vietnam so far remain limited. Thus, the clarification of North Korea-China-North Vietnam relations with macro-level approach, as well as digging up material sources from the Vietnam side with micro-scope approach, is truly needed. Last but not least, to be brief, the research results in Vietnam on the North-South Korean relations during the Vietnam War affirm that the opposition and complexity of North-South Korean relations was stemmed from both inside and outside factors, especially the dependence on great powers. Among the outside factors that influenced the division of the Korean peninsula, current Vietnamese point of view sees the role of the US as crucial. In fact, with the perspective that the origin of the Vietnam War was due to US containment strategy in Asia, the division of Korean peninsula was seen in the same standpoint by Vietnamese scholars. Moreover, Vietnam - whose unification was achieved after a long resistance war - is insisting that the issue of division and unification of North-South Korea could only be achieved in a peaceful way.

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