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      • KCI등재후보

        역사교육 강화의 필요성에 관한 연구-동북아 영토분쟁을 중심으로

        김남원 명지대학교(서울캠퍼스) 인문과학연구소 2013 인문과학연구논총 Vol.34 No.2

        In this study, I examine basic historical facts related to territorial dispute between Korea and neighboring countries, and analyze descriptively the necessity of history education reinforcement based on a survey of subject of history, students’ security perception . The main consequences of this study are as follows. First, there is a correlation between security perception of people and history education. What we, who live our lives, need most is to have the right attitude of history awareness and the mission to make a right history. To carry out our mission, we have to cure the neglect of the security which is widespread our society. First of all, we must reinforce history education for students who will be a leader in the future. Second, we need to reform policy of education focuses only on college entrance exams. There are blind spots that the ratio of history class is lack and it’s an elective course. The conclusion of this study is that, to cope with Northeast Asian Territorial Dispute effectively, we must reflect history education reinforcement under the supervision of government and municipal corporation in school and reform it actively, systematically. When students remind of historical lessons, establish concept of territorial sovereignty and boost a strong security perception, I’m convinced that the future of upcoming unification of Korea will be better.

      • 북방사 연구의 문제점

        김위현 만주학회 2005 만주연구 Vol.- No.3

        It must be essential for Korea to research into the history of Baeksan-Huksoo region north of the Korean peninsula, because her ancestors founded a nation for the first time and since then, had long managed the territory. The Chinese had described the history of our ancient nations in this territory in such chapters edited at the back of their histories as ’Eastern Barbarians’ Biographies' or 'Strange Territory', and since the 10th century, they had classified this territory into 'foreign countries'. Recently, however, they have included the histories of Koguryo and Balhae in those of their own history, calling these Korean nations 'their local governments'. For us Koreans, it must be a big problem how to cope with such a historical invasion from China. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to identify the problems of our researches into our history and set a desirable direction for our researches. The first problem is poor collection and sorting of the historical data as well as poor re­ searches into them. So, it is pre-requisite to collect the historical data dispersed in and out of Korea and sort them systematically to research into them. The second problem involves poor theories about the historical development of our nomadic and hunting age. The fact that we accept the theories suggested by the Western historians during early and mid-19th century without doubting them proves that we have not much endeavored to research into this turf of history. Third, it is necessary to research into the natural environment of this territory or the past no­madic and hunting areas. Since personality and industrial activities vary depending on weather or climate conditions, it is very important to research into the natural environment from a historical viewpoint. Fourth, it is also required of us to research into languages, custom, habits and religions of the people living in this territory. since this territory has long been influenced by its natives, Chinese and Koreans. Lastly, we face the following challenges for a desirable research into our history about the northern territory; (1) We need to correct the Chinese historical data in reference to our data. For example, 'History of Koiyo' may be a wealth of rich Historical data useful to complement the Chinese official History. (2) A cooperative researchers encompassing relevant disciplines is required. Namely, not only historians but also other professionals should cooperate with each other to solve our histor­ical problems. (3) It is essential to carefully review the past excavation reports and pending excavation spots. (4) It is deemed necessary to record the testimonies from the aged people living in this terri­tory, their legends and local languages and thereby, reinforce our historic database. (5) It may well be useful to collect in time the information about the researches into this terri­tory being conducted by local people and foreigners to be informed of the research trends.

      • KCI등재

        역사교육에서의 영토 교육 현황과 문제점

        강승호(Kang, Seung-ho) 역사실학회 2015 역사와실학 Vol.57 No.-

        본 연구는 역사교육에서의 영토교육이 지나치게 독도 관련 연구에 치우쳐 있어 한국의 영토 변천 과정을 제대로 반영하지 못하고 있다는 문제의식을 바탕으로 역사교육에서의 영토교육 현황과 문제점을 살펴보았다. 먼저 역사과 교육과정에서는 1990년대 중반까지 영토 관련 내용이 매우 드물어 체계적인 영토교육을 기대하기 어려웠다. 그러나 중국의 동북공정과 일본의 독도 영유권 주장 등 역사왜곡 문제에 대한 사회적 관심이 고조되면서 1997년에 마련된 제7차 교육과정부터 역사교육에서도 영토교육의 중요성이 강조되기 시작하였다. 그리고 2009년에 개정된 고등학교 한국사 교육과정에서는 독도와 간도 문제가 하나의 독립된 성취기준으로 제시되었다. 역사과 교육과정에 영토 관련 내용이 늘어남에 따라 고등학교 한국사 교과서의 영토 관련 서술도 증가하였다. 2011 교육과정에 의해 발행된 고등학교 한국사 교과서에는 초기 우리 민족의 활동 무대부터 현재에 이르기까지 영토의 변천과정이 비교적 체계적으로 서술되었다. 검정제로 발행된 교과서이지만 전근대 시기의 영토 관련 내용은 분석 대상으로 삼은 3종의 교과서가 매우 유사하다. 하지만 근현대 시기의 경우에는 독도와 간도 문제가 강조되면서 교과서마다 서술 분량과 내용, 수준에 큰 차이를 보인다. 역사교육에서의 올바른 영토교육을 위해서는 영토 관련 내용의 범위와 수준 등에 대한 체계적인 논의가 필요하다고 생각된다. This study has reviewed the current status and issues of the territory-related education in history class, based on the understanding that tilting heavily to Dokdo-related studies, the territory-related education in history class cannot properly reflect the transformation of the Korean territory. First of all, one could hardly expect a systematic territory-related education with the curriculum in History, which constitutes the basis of history class, as territory-related details were very rare up to the mid-1990s. However, as increasing social attention was paid to the distortion of history including the Northeast Project of China and the Japanese claim to Dokdo, the importance of the territory-related education in history class began to be emphasized, starting with the 7th educational curriculum established in 1997. In the 2009 amendment of the high-school curriculum in Korean History, the issues of Dokdo and Gando were presented as independent criteria of achievement. As the curriculum in History got more and more content on territory, the territory-related description increased in the high school textbooks in Korean History. The high-school Korean history textbooks published in accordance with the 2011 curriculum included a relatively organized description of the transformation of the national territory from the earlier domain for the Korean nation to the present. Published with official certification, the three textbooks selected for the analysis are more or less the same with respect to their description of the territory in the pre-modern periods. Different textbooks show much difference in length of description, content, and level, however, as the issues of Dokdo and Gando receive emphasis, coming into the modern and contemporary periods. To ensure correct territory-related education in history class, a systematic discussion of the scope and level of the territory-related descriptions should be necessary.

      • KCI등재

        남⋅북한 역사 교과서의 독도관련 내용분석

        이서영,이상균 영남대학교 독도연구소 2018 독도연구 Vol.- No.24

        In the era of Kim Jung Eun, a new history textbook was issued in accordance with the North Korea curriculum reform. In this textbook, we can confirm the content of North Korea's history education on Dokdo which was not included in previous textbooks. In this paper, texts and learning materials related to Dokdo in the contents of North Korea history textbooks were compared with those of South Korea history textbooks. As a result, we could find the following common points in history textbooks of both countries. Both countries emphasize the unfairness of Japanese historical distortion claims. Commonly, the description of Dokdo includes location, chronological guidance, and history distortion. All the maps in the history textbooks depicted the shape of Dokdo. And the portion of Dokdo related parts is similar in both textbooks. Differences in the history textbooks of the two countries are as follows. The North Korea history textbook emphasized the people. South Korea has used a wide variety of learning materials. In the history textbooks of both Koreas, the contents related to Dokdo are common in the Joseon era, but South Korea repeatedly emphasizes it in modern history. In conclusion, I hope that both Koreas can solve the Dokdo issue with a single point of view and will. 김정은 시대, 북한의 교육과정 개편에 따라 발행된 새로운 역사 교과서에는 이전 교과서 에서는 수록되지 않았던 독도에 관한 북한의 역사교육 내용을 확인할 수 있다. 독도에 대한 북한의 역사 인식을 좀 더 자세히 살펴보기 위해 본고에서는 북한 역사 교과서의 내용 중 독도에 관한 텍스트, 학습 자료 등을 남한 역사 교과서와 비교 분석하였다. 그 결과 양 체제의 역사 교과서에서 다음과 같은 공통점을 발견할 수 있었다. 첫째, 남북 한 모두 일본의 역사 왜곡 주장에 대한 부당성을 강조한다. 둘째, 독도에 관한 내용서술의 측면에서는 독도의 위치와 통사적 안내가 제시되고, 일본의 역사왜곡에 대한 문제를 지적하 고 있다. 셋째, 역사 교과서에 수록된 모든 지도에는 독도의 형상이 표현되었으며, 독도를 다루는 비중은 비슷하였다. 양국의 역사 교과서에서 특징적인 차이점은 다음과 같다. 북한 역사 교과서는 인민을 강조해서 인물 위주로 내용을 서술한 반면, 남한 교과서에는 다양한 학습 자료를 통해 내용 이 구성되었다. 남북한 역사 교과서에서 독도 관련 내용은 공통적으로 조선시대를 중심으로 다뤄지는데, 남한의 경우 현대사 시기의 학습단원에서 강조되고 있다. 이상의 공통점과 차이점을 개진하며, 독도에 관해서만은 남․북한이 하나의 관점과 의지로 함께 문제를 해결할 수 있기를 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        2000년대 한국의 ‘극단적’ 민족주의에 관한 비판적 연구: ‘국수주의 역사학’의 존립 기반을 중심으로

        전재호 한국정치사상학회 2019 정치사상연구 Vol.25 No.1

        이 글은 기존 역사학계를 식민사관으로 공격하는 등 한국사회에 큰 파문을 일으켰던 국수주의 역사학을 다루었다. 그들은 영토 팽창주의에 근거해 거대한 영토와 문명을 지닌 한민족의 위대한 고대사를 주장했다. 1970, 80년대에는 자신들의 주장을 국사 교과서에 반영하는 활동을 전개했고, 1990년대부터는 사이버 공간을 이용하여 대중적 확산을 꾀했으며, 2010년대에는 역사학계의 학술사업을 공격하여 좌초시켰고 국가의 학술지원사업을 받기까지 했다. 지금까지 국수주의 역사학의 존립에는 일본과 중국의 민족주의, 정관계의 지원과 언론의 동조, 한국인들의 강한 민족주의 경향 등 역사학계 외적 요인이 존재했다. 역사학계 내적으로는 학계의 무대응과 방관 및 민족주의 과잉이 존재했다. 특히 민족주의 과잉의 구체적 사례는 초역사적인 민족 개념, 현재 민족주의적 시각에서의 역사 해석, 단군 신화와 고조선에 대한 ‘모호한’ 태도, 애국심 고취를 위한 국난극복 강조 서술 등이다. 역사학계는 초역사적 민족 개념 사용의 탈피, 당대 시각에서의 역사 해석, 전근대 정치체와 근대 국가의 구별, 과거에 대한 인식의 한계 적시을 통해 민족주의의 과잉에서 벗어나야 한다. This article examines recent “chauvinistic” approaches to Korean history, as a form of extreme nationalism. These narratives have been creating controversy in Korean society because of their aggressive attacks on current Korean history scholarship, accusing it of accepting a colonial perspective. Based on a nationalistic theory of territorial expansion, these approaches argue that the Korean people enjoyed the ancient history of a great civilization commanding enormous territory. After engaging in efforts to introduce their claims into Korean history textbooks in the 1970s and 1980s, they also attempted to disseminate their arguments among the wider public through activities on the worldwide web. During the 2010s, they not only attacked and thwarted important scholarly projects in the field of Korean history but also garnered state support for their efforts. A number of different factors have contributed significantly to this spreading of a chauvinist approach to Korean history. Outside of scholarship, these factors were Japanese and Chinese nationalism, political and governmental support and a sympathetic media, and a strong nationalist tendency in recent Korean society. Within the field of historical scholarship, contributing factors were scholars’ lack of response, as well as, at times, their own excessive nationalist tendencies. In particular, Korean historical scholarship embraced, to a degree, the concept of the nation transcending history, and occasionally interpreted history from a nationalist perspective, exhibited in an ambiguous attitude toward the Dangun founding myth and Gojoseon, and an emphasis on the Korean people’s overcoming of national crises in historical narratives. Based on underlying studies, this article argues that it is imperative for the field of Korean history to distance itself from excessive nationalism, by shedding the concept of a nation transcending history, by interpreting history strictly from the perspective of the known historical past, by differentiating premodern polities and the modern state, and by acknowledging the limits to our understanding of ancient events.

      • KCI등재

        2009개정교육과정에 따른 고등학교 "한국사"와 "동아시아사" 교과서를 통해 본 영토교육의 현황과 과제

        김정인 ( Jeong In Kim ) 수선사학회 2015 史林 Vol.0 No.52

        Examined in this article are eight types of High School Korean History Textbooks, as well as three types of High School East Asian History Textbooks, which were all commissioned and published in 2014 according to the Revised Education System of 2009. Analyzed here in particular are references to certain ‘territorial issues,’ in order to determine how the history of borders and territories are described in these textbooks, and how they are usually discussed nowadays. With such determination, I would like to raise some points that would concern the direction education of such histories should take in the future. Personally, it feels relevant to ask what kind of new challenges are being thrown at the historical education community, in a day and age when education of those subjects are being reinforced. Coming into the 21st century, historical education of territories and boundaries continued to be reinforced substantially. In both Korean History and East Asian History highschool textbooks, the amount of paragraphs and chapters dedicated to the description of such histories definitely increased. But the overall tone and nuance displayed by all these textbooks turn out to be more of the same. They do not reflect diverse perspectives from academic differences as much as they reflect state-sanctioned materials for educating territorial and boundary histories.The most primary objective of today’s territory education, which shows a long history being led by the government, and had maintained the issue surrounding Dok-do island as its centerpiece, was the preservation of the territory of the Republic of Korea. In the future, such objective has to be overcome. We should set a new goal that transcends all that. There should be more than one goal that could be pursued by us. The Korean realm of life should be preserved, but a new, forward-looking kind of relationship should be established between Korea and Japan, and theKorean people should keep training themselves on their way to becoming true guardians of democratic values. These goals will often put us on contradictory paths, but a compromise should be out there, somewhere. Historical education of territories and boundaries should be able to serve ultimately as a tool to educate people the merit of peace. And the academic community should not shy away from throwing hard questions, and responding to them in kind.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국의 영토인식과 역사교육 -현행 중국 중학교 역사교과서의 지도를 중심으로-

        김지훈 ( Ji Hoon Kim ) 수선사학회 2015 史林 Vol.0 No.52

        It is Tan Qi Xiang``s The Historical Atlas of China that the most influences China``s recognition of its territory. Tan Qi Xiang``s The Historical Atlas of China defines the Qing``s prime-time territory and history as the scope of China``s history based on the theory of unified China of multiple races, and includes all activities therein in the history of China. Maps, featured in all Chinese history textbooks published by the People Education Publisher, are all based on Tan Qi Xiang``s The Historical Atlas of China. Tan Qi Xiang``s The Historical Atlas of China adopted a standard chronology in the process of compiling China``s atlas. In the process, due to a lack of data, situations of the same times could not be reflected in the atlas, thereby leading to data of different times being reflected in the atlas. Thus, the atlas of different times, compiled on the standard chronology, does not accurately reflect the respective times`` historical facts. In addition, maps in history textbooks separately mark Spratly Islands which have been the object of marine territorial disputes from the Tang Dynasty to present time. The Yuan Dynasty described Paracel Islands as Wanlishitang according to Zheng He``s Navigation Chart published in 1430. Chinese textbooks sees the Qing Dynasty as the solidified unified China of multiple races, and much describes territorial and racial contents such as Yakesa Battle and the Treaty of Nerchinsk with Russia, incorporation of Taiwan, appointment of Grand Minister in Tibet, Mongolia``s attack on Galdan, and the surrender of the Torgut tribe. The history textbooks, published by the People Education Publisher, describe the Chinese territory as follows: In the Qing Dynasty, the territory stretches past Pamir Mountains to the west, reaches Lake Balkhash to northwest, extends to Siberia to the north, reaches Outer Khingan Rang and Sakhalin north of Heilong Jiang to the northeast, converges on the Pacific Ocean to the east, reaches Taiwan and its islands such as Diaoyudao and Chiwei Yu (known as Taishow Jima in Japan) to the southeast, and includes the southern sea islands to the south. As such, the textbooks describe China as the biggest nation in Asia. China, through such textbook compilation, seems to try to educate its students that the currently disputed areas or lands were historically its own lands. As marine territory disputes are deepening in East Asia in recent years, the tension of not only mutual relations between relevant nations but also the region is being increasingly heightened. Amid this situation, relevant nations use territorial issues politically, fanning the populace``s nationalist emotions. In particular, in recent years, they are strongly moving to transfer the current territorial disputes to their next generation. Recently, the Chinese government demands that its new textbooks boosts the contents about territorial sovereignty. Thus, textbooks of nations in East Asia are likely to boost the contents about territorial disputes between nations and territorial sovereignty.

      • KCI우수등재

        [총설] 한국 서양사학 2009~2010

        유희수(Lew, Hee-soo) 역사학회 2011 역사학보 Vol.0 No.211

        The two years 2009~2010 of the Korean world of western history experienced the visible slowdown of the rapidly growing trend which appeared during the previous several years in quantitative achievement, and the deepening and specialization of existing various themes in qualitative evaluation, all of which can be abbreviated as ‘a territorial consolidation’ of the Korean western history. The perceptible tendencies characteristic of the past two years in western history research can be sorted out in three categories. First, classical historical study such as political history, social history, intellectual history and history of thought extended its own boundary by appropriating the various trends of ‘new history’ while maintaining the traditional methods. Second, cultural history(‘culture’ in its broad anthropological sens) came to have the wide range of case studies like women, gender, cult of heros, religious sensitivity, daily life and generation. Finally, history of every period and country, especially German history and British history was under the current stormy influence of a categorical series of ‘transnational history’ such as Eurocentrism, immigration, memory, global history and environmental history. In sum, Korean scholars of western history for the last two years made a lot of efforts to extend and tamp the Korean territory of western history. However, we are faced with the imminent problem of sharp decrease in the recruitment of young scholars to continue the present active research capacities and to explore the ignored fields, which remains an urgent task to be overcome.

      • KCI등재

        고등학교『2022 사회과 교육과정』에서 역사ㆍ지리 교과의 독도 교육 내용 반영 분석과 교수-학습 적용 방안 연구

        안운호 영남대학교 독도연구소 2024 독도연구 Vol.0 No.36

        최근 일본에서는 독도와 관련하여 주목할 만한 정책이 발표되었다. 2022년 12월 일본의 기시다 후미오 총리는 내각 최고 의사결정 회의인 각의를 통해 안전보장 관련 전략 문서를 개정하고 독도에 대한 일본 영유권을 확정하였다. 그리고 국가안전보장전략을 통해 “영토·주권 문제에 대한 이해를 확산하기 위해 노력을 강화한다.”는 정책 방향을 제시하고, 이에 따라 초·중·고 교과서와 지도에서 ‘독도는 일본 고유 영토’라는 내용을 수록하도록 하였다. 더불어 일본 정부는 내년도 예산안에 독도와 센카구 열도, 쿠릴열도 남단 4개 섬이 일본 자국의 영토라는 홍보를 위하여 약 3억엔(약 27억)을 편성했다. 이런 일련의 일본 정부의 모습을 통해 우리는 독도 교육 강화에 필요성을 다시금 느끼게 된다. 특히 우리가 현재 대한민국의 독도 관련 교육 정책에 있어 담당해야 할 역할은 일본의 조직적이고 체계적인 독도 왜곡 문제에 대해 학교 현장에서의 현실적인 교수-학습 방안을 찾는 것이다. 또한 이와 함께 학생들에게 영토 주권의 중요성을 바탕으로 독도 영유권의 정당성을 확립시키기 위한 적극적인 교육 프로그램을 마련해야 할 것이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 당면한 독도 영유권 문제를 확인하고 이에 대하여 올바르게 대처할 수 있는 교육적 대안을 마련하는데 있다. 특히 앞으로 교육 현장에 적용될 2022 개정 교육과정에서 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있는 역사ㆍ지리 교과목을 중심으로 독도 교육 내용의 편제와 운영상의 특징을 분석하고, 이를 통하여 2022 개정 교육과정 안에서 독도 교육의 취지를 충분히 살릴 수 있는 방안을 제시할 것이다. Not long ago, a remarkable policy was announced in Japan regarding Dokdo. In December 2022, Japanese Prime Minister ‘Fumio Kishida’ revised the security-related strategy document and confirmed the sovereignty of Dokdo through a cabinet meeting, the highest decision-making meeting. In addition, through the national security strategy, the policy direction of "strengthening efforts to spread understanding of territorial and sovereignty issues" was suggested, and accordingly, elementary, middle, and high school textbooks and maps were required to include the contents of "Dokdo is Japan's own territory." In addition, the Japanese government set aside about 300 million yen (about 2.7 billion won) to promote that Dokdo, the Senkagu Islands, and the four southern islands of Kuril Islands are Japanese territory in next year's budget. As can be seen from this series of images, the Japanese government's series of Dokdo-related moves are reawakening the need to strengthen our Dokdo Territorial education. In this regard, the role of the educational community in Korea's current Dokdo-related education policy is to find effective teaching-learning methods for Japan's systematic and systematic Dokdo distortion problem. In particular, active educational programs should be prepared to establish the legitimacy of Dokdo's sovereignty based on the importance of territorial sovereignty to students. Therefore, this paper intends to contribute to the issue of Dokdo sovereignty at hand in the current situation and to prepare an educational alternative to properly cope with it. In particular, we wanted to analyze the organization and operation characteristics of Dokdo Territorial education, focusing on history and geography subjects that play an important role in the 2022 revised curriculum to be applied to high school education sites in the future, and suggest ways to fully utilize Dokdo Territorial education within the revised curriculum.

      • KCI등재

        트랜스내셔널 히스토리의 가능성과 한계

        鄭鉉栢(Chung Hyun-Back) 역사교육연구회 2008 역사교육 Vol.108 No.-

        Transnational History is the new research trend which criticizes the nation-centered historiography and tries to analyze the historical process across the nations. It has received intellectual stimulations from the postcolonial history research and the increase of interests on world history and global history since the last 20 years. In Germany, where Transnational History research is relatively active in discussions, whereas the historical science had concentrated on historical structures before, it now shows big interests in relations, comparisons and transfers in historical process. Transnational history begins with criticizing several preconditions governing historical researches until now. It suggests to overcome eurocentrism, linear theory of historical stage and heterotemporality. These perspectives regarded industrialization, democratization and modernization as the implanting of civilizations from the center into the periphery and got lid of the mutual interactions and complex networks of both parts from the eyes of historians. Here, there would be no space for multiple modernities. Transnational history pointed out the incompleteness of national history. It takes 'Network' as the key concept and pays attentions to various relations across borders and beyond the nation state. In this context it insists that the relations of empires and colonies were not unilateral, but interactive. Therefore transnational history suggests that such relations should be comprehended as 'hybridization' rather than 'difference' and 'otherness'. Also transnational history proposes to make use of the concept 'space' more actively, and at the same time awakens us to regard the territoriality as a artificial formation. In spite of its criticism transnational history does not ignore the nation state in historical research, as the nation state still plays a important role in economy, social welfare, education, defence and so on. Rather transnational history tries to open new perspective and new methodology in historical science.

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