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      • KCI등재

        상생형 현장실습교육을 통한 기업가정신과 창업가 역량 향상에 관한 연구: 새가게운동 사례

        이유태,정대성,오윤석 한국벤처창업학회 2016 벤처창업연구 Vol.11 No.1

        There is a growing interest in the technology transfer and commercialization both at home and abroad. Accordingly, this study looked at the concept of technology transfer and commercialization, identified the factors that should be taken into account in order to facilitate technology transfer and commercialization, and then performed a empirical analysis. As for the conventional technology transfer and commercialization, there was a tendency to limit its scope to the exploration, transfer and commercialization of technology itself. Here in this research, technology transfer and commercialization is defined the category to expand as various activities implemented in order to make sure that intellectual properties such as intangible technological developments, know-how, and knowledge are transferred between the relevant parties through a contract or negotiation, and the party to which the transfer is made can then further develop and exploit the technology into tangible products and other activities to obtain economic benefit out of that. In addition, the findings of the positive analysis of technology transfer and commercialization revealed that the focus of facilitating technology transfer has been on the technology itself, its management and securing efficiency of the systems and institutions involved in the technology transfer and commercialization. So there was lack of recognition as to the importance of financial support given to the phase of technology commercialization. This indicates that when it comes to the technology transfer and commercialization, quantitative performance has been the focus of interest such as patent application, registration, number of technology transfers, royalty, etc. So there was not enough understanding as to the issues of starting up a business, creating quality jobs through technology transfer and commercialization, which are directly related to the realization of the creative economy. In this regard, this research is expected to be used for the development for the future policies to boost technology transfer and commercialization as it suggests not only simply ensuring quantitative performance but also necessary to create the environment for the creation of the stable ecosystem for the parties involved in the technology transfer and commercialization and then to build circumstances in which creative economy can be realized. 본 연구에서는 상생형 현장체험 창업교육의 일환인 새가게운동이 대학생 창업의도와 현장체험 대상기업인 소상공인 경영개선에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 본 연구의 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 새가게운동 체험이 기업가정신, 창업태도, 창업의도를 향상시키는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 기업가정신은 창업태도에, 창업태도는 창업의도에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 소상공인들의 창업가 역량(경영역량)과 기업가정신이 향상되고 이들의 향상은 재무적, 비재무적 성과에 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 시사점은 새가게운동과 같은 새로운 상생형 체험 프로그램이 참여한 대학생과 업주에게 양방향적으로 긍적적인 영향을 주고 있는 것이다. 따라서 창업교육에 있어서 세대별로 단절되는 것보다는 새가게운동과 같이 청장년이 같이 노력해서 그 결과가 상생적인 양방형 현장체험학습의 강화가 필요하다고 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        대학의 내부요인이 기술이전사업화 의욕에 미치는 영향

        박영욱(Park YoungWook),하규수(Ha KyuSoo) 한국산업정보학회 2018 한국산업정보학회논문지 Vol.23 No.5

        본 연구의 목적은 첫째 대학의 평가제도, 교육지원, 인적자원등과 같은 내부지원 요인이 기술이전 사업화 활동에 종사하는 관계자들의 기술이전 사업화 의욕에 영향 요인 인지 밝히고자하였다. 둘째 이러한 내부 요인과 기술이전사업화 의욕의 인과관계에서 사회적 지지의 조절효과를 검증 하고자 하였다. 위 연구 내용을 분석 하기 위해 전국 40개 대학의 기술이전 사업화 조직에서 해당업무에 종사하는 산학교수, 직원을 대상으로 설문조사를 하였으며, 총160부를 배부하여 145부를 회수하였다. SPSS Statistics 22.0 을 이용하여 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 대학 내부요인, 즉 업적평가, 교육지원, 인적자원 모두 기술이전사업화 의욕에 유의한 영향을 미쳤다. 둘째, 대학내부요인과 기술이전 사업화 의욕과의 관계에서 사회적 지지의 조절효과를 분석한 결과, 업적평가와 기술이전 사업화 의욕 관계에서 사회적 지지는 유사조절효과를 나타냈다. 하지만 교육지원 및 인적자원과 기술이전 사업화의욕 관계에서는 사회적 지지의 조절효과는 나타나지 않았다. 이 연구결과를 바탕으로 대학에서 기술이전 사업화 활동을 하는 사람중심의 지원정책수립에 시사점을 제공 하고자 한다. The first purpose of this study is to find out whether internal support factors such as evaluation system, education support program, and human resources of universities are factors that influencing the motivation of technology transfer and commercialization among those engaged in technology transfer and commercialization activities. Second, verified the regulation effect of social support from the cause-and-effect relationship between motivation of technology transfer commercialization and the said internal factors. In order to analyze the above research, a questionnaire survey was conducted for the professors and employees engaged in the technology transfer and commercialization organization of 40 universities in Korea. A total of 160 surveys were distributed, of which 145 were collected. The results of analysis using SPSS Statistics 22.0 are as follows. First, all internal factors of university such as evaluation system, education support program, and human resources have significant influence on the motivation for technology transfer and commercialization. Second, as a result of analyzing the regulation effect of the social support in relation to the internal factor of the university and the motivation of technology transfer and commercialization, the quasi regulation effect can be founded in between evaluation system and motivation of technology transfer and commercialization. However, there is no regulation effect of social support between the education support program, human resources and motivation for technology transfer and commercialization. Based on the results of this study, suggestions can be founded for establishing a support policy for those who are engaged in technology transfer and commercialization in universities.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A Study on the Factors that Affect the Negotiation of Technology Trading for Promotion of Technology Transfer Commercialization

        Wanki Kim 한국유통과학회 2014 유통과학연구 Vol.12 No.1

        Purpose - This Study aims to promote technology transfer commercialization and ultimately make contribution towards enhancement of the success rate of commercialization of technology transfer at national level by deducing the factors that impart influence on the negotiation at the time of technology trading between the seller and buyer of technology of public research institutions subjected to transfer and sales. Research design, data and methodology - This Study deduced 5 research hypotheses through preceding researches related to technology transfer commercialization related technology marketing for technology trading negotiation. This Study was conducted by verifying the hypotheses through multiple regression analysis. Results - As the result of the Study, the research hypothesis H1, 'Promotion of commercialization of technology transfer trading will be affected in accordance with the innate characteristic factors of the technology', and H5, 'Promotion of commercialization of technology transfer trading will be affected in accordance with the mutual factors of the parties of the technology trading', among the 5 research hypotheses were chosen. Conclusions - It was found that the technology seller must be able to demonstrate technological value of the technology being sold in order to successfully conclude technology transfer trading negotiation and mutual understanding and harmonious communication between the parties.

      • A Study on the Influence Factors Affecting the Technology Dealing Negotiations as Aimed at the Promotion of Technology Transfer Commercialization

        Wanki Kim 한국유통과학회 2013 한국유통과학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2013 No.-

        Purpose – Acceleration of convergence between industries in this era of global competition has imparted marked influence on dealing, distribution and relevant laws of technological assets, thereby enticing great deal of academic and commercial interest on technology dealing. While the traditional distribution structure of commodity had taken unidirectional distribution format of consumers purchasing manufactured commodity from the manufacturers, technological sales of technological assets take the form of bidirectional distribution transaction. Recently, the need to enhance the success rate of commercialization of technology through technology transfer for the results of R&D at national level is being emphasized. However, the technology transfer rate through public research institutes remains at about 23% of the R&D investment, thereby increasing the concerns on the efficiencies of national R&D investments. The main goal of technology transfer is to elevate the technology competitiveness of the nation by commercializing the technological assets that public research institutions have through transfer to enterprises or in Spin-off format. However, the discrepancies in the cognition of the technology being traded between the seller and buyer of the technology at the time of trade negotiation for the sales of technology are making the conclusion of trade negotiation for technology transfer. This Study aims to promote technology transfer commercialization and ultimately make contribution towards enhancement of the success rate of commercialization of technology transfer at national level by deducing the factors that impart influence on the negotiation at the time of technology dealing between the seller and buyer of technology of public research institutions subjected to transfer and sales. Research design, data and methodology – This Study deduced 5 research hypotheses through preceding researches related to technology transfer commercialization-related t

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Factors that Affect the Negotiation of Technology Trading for Promotion of Technology Transfer Commercialization

        김완기 한국유통과학회 2014 유통과학연구 Vol.12 No.1

        Purpose – This Study aims to promote technology transfer commercialization and ultimately make contribution towards enhancement of the success rate of commercialization of technology transfer at national level by deducing the factors that impart influence on the negotiation at the time of technology trading between the seller and buyer of technology of public research institutions subjected to transfer and sales. Research design, data and methodology - This Study deduced 5 research hypotheses through preceding researches related to technology transfer commercialization related technology marketing for technology trading negotiation. This Study was conducted by verifying the hypotheses through multiple regression analysis. Results - As the result of the Study, the research hypothesis H1, ‘Promotion of commercialization of technology transfer trading will be affected in accordance with the innate characteristic factors of the technology’, and H5, ‘Promotion of commercialization of technology transfer trading will be affected in accordance with the mutual factors of the parties of the technology trading’, among the 5 research hypotheses were chosen. Conclusions - It was found that the technology seller must be able to demonstrate technological value of the technology being sold in order to successfully conclude technology transfer trading negotiation and mutual understanding and harmonious communication between the parties.

      • KCI등재

        대학의 기술이전 및 사업화를 위한 접근방안 고찰 - 미국 코넬대학을 중심으로 -

        유완식 한국지식재산학회 2009 産業財産權 Vol.- No.30

        The technology transfer and commercialization in university which has became the center of public interest under Bayh-Dole Act gives the measure of university activities in the United States and starts to have an effect on regional and national economic development. Of course, the direct impact of technology transfer and commercialization in universities on the economy of the United States is relatively small yet. Also revenues of universities from the technology transfer and commercialization are not as much as to cover their research funds. Above all, most universities do not withdraw the invested capital from their technology transfer and commercialization. Nevertheless, 27 universities in the United States have made more than one million dollar for a period of 2007 from the technology transfer and commercialization, Columbia university has made 135.6 million dollars, and most of all, NYU has made 791 million dollars which amounted to 2.5 times as much as total research fund. In this paper, the present state of the technology transfer andcommercialization in the United States centering around Cornell university is surveyed and several schemes for a success in technology transfer and commercialization will be drawn up for Korean universities. To sum up, it is important for universities to have a deep concern on technology transfer and commercialization, to secure human and material resources over the long term, and to strengthen capability and ability of the technology transfer centers and managers. Also faculties as an inventor should have an active mind on technology transfer and commercialization, and combine with an entrepreneur who has a spirit of true venture. First and foremost, universities need to understand the technology transfer and commercialization as not a golden goose but a fertile training ground for implanting venture-mind in their students and a driving force of the development of a local society through the academic-industrial cooperation.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Technology Entrepreneurship Policy Focused on Innovative Growth

        Jeong-Keun Yun,Jae-Chul Kwon,Sun-Hee Choi 한국유통과학회 2019 The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business( Vol.10 No.2

        Purpose - Research on the ability of domestic public institutions to conduct business is being conducted. Research on government support policy for public technology projects, emphasizes technology creation. Public agencies are encouraging evolutionary barriers at the stage of realistic business. This paper presents the policy possibilities by presenting policies and strategies based on corporate public policy. Research design, data, and methodology – In this study, we surveyed the actual state of public technology commercialization based on the data on state of technology commercialization of public institutions. We collected and analyzed the literature data to enhance the competitiveness of technology commercialization by identifying success cases of public technology commercialization. In Korea, there are not many research papers that provide policy alternatives for technical commercialization of public research institutes. Therefore, in this paper, we review various government policies and check the status of technology commercialization to increase its value. Results – As a result of this study, it is suggested that various policy development is necessary for the commercialization of public technology, because it is important to increase the value of technology users, suppliers, investors and customers through various network activation. In particular, it is necessary to establish differentiated Korean public technology commercialization model for the proliferation of public technology commercialization by presenting methodical model of technical commercialization. Conclusions - Through this study, it is important to raise the competitiveness of domestic public technology commercialization, to create economic value, and to improve the performance of technology commercialization. Therefore, it is necessary to contribute to the creation of research achievement, research method of excellent technology, and method of commercializing technology, and to create achievement of technical commercialization in the future. In addition, from the viewpoint of commercialization of technology, strategies for creating value through utilization of public technology should be prepared, and a plan for mutual prosperity among domestic companies should be prepared. Policy alternatives of various public technology commercialization to build national competitiveness have been developed, and various examples of performance for the performance of public technology commercialization should be derived.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문(硏究論文) : 지식재산 사업화 관련 법제도 체계에 대한 분석

        손승우 ( Seung Woo Son ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2012 법학논총 Vol.36 No.2

        As one of the Five IP Offices(IP5), Korea has maintained world-class level in a creation and protection of Intellectual Property. However, when it comes to create value by taking advantage of the created IP, it falls short of expectations. For these reasons, the recent policy of the government`s research and development, and technology and intellectual property is concentrated on commercialization. Support commercialization of intellectual property policies of the government, which is run mostly on the legal foundation, such as Technology Transfer and Commercialization Promotion Act, The Framework Act on Intellectual Property, Invention Promotion Act, Industrial Technology Innovation Promotion Act, Framework Act on Science and Technology, Regulations on Management of national Research and Development Projects, etc. These laws include a variety of programs and institutions for the commercialization. For example, specialized technology commercialization company, technology evaluation, technology holding company, finance, technology trust, technology start-ups specializing in company, asset-backed securitization, gratuitous donation, etc. The commercialization policy has been implemented by various government agencies such as the commercialization of research and development by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, industrial property commercialization by the Patent and Trademark Office, and the commercialization of the technology industry by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, and the commercialization of the technology-related venture company by the Small & Medium Business Administration. Therefore, IP(including technology) commercialization in relevant laws can be overlapped, and the organic connection may not be enough. For instance, the Framework Act on Science and Technology does barely address facilitating commercialization of intellectual property from the research and development stage. This paper provides the basic comprehensive review of the relationship of the laws and institutions related to intellectual property rights commercialization. It examines inefficiency caused by redundant regulations of commercialization, and non-legislative space as well. It also suggested the necessity for a further study on comprehensive analysis on the legal system for the commercialization of intellectual property.

      • KCI등재

        중소기업에 대한 공공기술이전사업화 활성화 방안의 수립: 기술공급자, 기술수요자, 정책적 관점의 비교

        한수은,이민규 한국혁신학회 2019 한국혁신학회지 Vol.14 No.4

        The Korean government enacted ‘The Technology Transfer Promotion Act’ in 2000 to promote commercialization by transferring public research performance to the private sector and has implemented plans for facilitation of technology transfer and commerciali zation every three years. As a result, technology transfer performance has greatly in creased in terms of quantity, but the connection to the commercialization of the original purpose is limited. In this regard, this study aims to explore the facilitation plans for public technology transfer and commercialization promotion in the perspectives of tech nology suppliers, technology consumers, and policy. This study analyzed the problems of public technology transfer and commercialization on the basis of previous study as well as survey and derived the plans for facilitation and execution in the perspective of each stakeholder. It is revealed that the increase in demand, the establishment of efficient support system, the stable budget management, and the preparation of management system for performance diffusion are required to promote the technology transfer and commercialization. This study is expected to provide policy-makers with valuable in formation for promoting the public technology transfer and commercialization for SMEs. 정부는 국가연구개발 성과를 민간으로 이전하여 사업화하기 위해서 2000년 기술이전촉 진법을 제정하고 매 3년마다 기술이전 및 사업화 촉진계획을 수립하여 시행하고 있다. 하지만 기술이전사업화를 위한 정부의 지속적인 정책 추진으로 기술이전 건수 및 금액 등양적인 측면에서 나름의 성과를 창출하고 있지만, 공공연구성과가 중소기업으로 이전된 후 기술사업화로 연계되지 못하는 문제점이 나타나고 있다. 이러한 배경하에서 본 연구는 기 술공급자(공공연구기관), 기술수요자(중소기업), 정책적 관점에서 기술이전사업화 촉진을 위한 활성화 방안을 모색하였다. 이를 위해, 기술이전사업화 관련 선행연구와 정부 실태조 사를 바탕으로 기술이전사업화의 문제점과 원인을 진단하고, 각 주체별 관점에서 활성화 방안과 추진방안을 도출하였다. 기술이전사업화 촉진을 위해서는 수요 발굴 제고 및 효율 적 지원체제 구축, 예산 운용의 안정성 확보 및 성과확산 관리체계 마련, 전문역량 강화 및 정책추진의 효율성 제고가 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 기술이전사업화의 선순환 구조 마련과 중소기업의 공공 기술이전사업화 활성화를 위한 정부의 정책 수립에 기여할 것으로 기대된다

      • KCI등재

        공공기술이전 · 사업화 영향요인 및 연구개발 관리전략

        성웅현(Oong-Hyun Sung),문혜정(Hye-Jung Moon),강훈(Hun Kang) 한국기술혁신학회 2015 기술혁신학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 공공 기술이전 활성화를 위해서 연구개발 단계에서 선행적으로 도입할 연구개발 관리관점과 전략을 제시하는 것이다. 기술이전·사업화 영향요인은 기술공급자 관점에서 기술미활용 영향요인, 기술수요자 관점에서 기술이전 영향요인과 기업의 사업화 영향요인 등으로 구성하였고, 영향요인을 도출하기 위해서 21세기 프론티어사업단 기술자료를 활용하였다. 기술 미활용에 대한 주요 영향변수는 추가 기술개발, 수요기업의 발굴, 대량생산 기술의 확보와 신뢰성 검증 등으로 나타났고, 기술이전 영향변수는 기술의 우수성(혁신성)과 새로운 시장창출로 나타났다. 기업의 사업화 성공요인은 추가기술 개발과 개량, 연구개발 인력의 우수성과 CEO역량 등으로 도출하였다. 연구개발 기술이전 성과를 개선하기 위해서는 연구개발단계부터 기술이전?사업화 목표를 분명히 하고, 향후 라이선스 관점에서 상용화 가능한 원천형 핵심기술을 창출하여야 한다. 또한 연구개발조직의 성과관리가 정량적 성과보다는 글로벌 기술경쟁력, 상용화 파급효과 등으로 평가된다면, 기술이전·사업화 흐름이 가속화될 수 있을 것이다. The major objective of this research is to suggest the proactive strategy and management of public R&D for the active transfer of technology based on the influential factor analysis of technology transfer. This study identified influential factors which make the greatest impact on the success of public technology transfer and commercialization through three points of viewtechnology supplier’s view, technology adopter’s view and view of commercialization-which contribute to successful technology transfer and commercialization. The core influential variables for blocking technology transfer are identified such as additional technological development, search for technology adopter followed by mass production technology and testing of confidence. Technology adopter is to create new markets or expand existing markets through the superiority (innovation) of licensing technology, increasing the internal innovation capabilities and maximizing the impacts of technology. This research suggests two effective strategies for improving technology transfer such as technology planning and marketing in the view of technology license. The strategy of technology planning should be established and executed to meet both technology trends and adopter’s needs. And strong patents should be secured in terms of licensing of technology. Also the technological performance should be evaluated at mid-term appraisal, confirming the needs of adopter and competitive advantage of technology and patent. In addition to this, the customized technology marketing strategy for different fields of applications is also required in order to improve the likelihood of technology transfer. If the performance of R&D organization could be evaluated by global technological competitiveness and spillover effects of commercialization rather than quantitative output, the flow of technology transfer and commercialization would be accelerated.

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