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        영어교육에서 글쓰기 지도방안

        박기태 ( Kee Tae Park ) 한국현대언어학회 2010 언어연구 Vol.26 No.3

        There are four skills in learning a foreign language; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The four skills are further divided into two modes; receptive (listening, reading) and productive (speaking, writing) skills. Among them, writing is very important for students to learn the way on "How to Write Things Down." In fact, writing is likely one of their most crucial tools in communicating their thoughts to others both in and out of school. Thus, in the purpose of this study, the importances of writing is deeply considered and emphasized in the context of the four skills of a language. Taking into consideration the characteristics of poor writers, developmental steps with controlled writing or guided writing in production are presented as teaching proposals. Also, some issues concerning `common error` are discussed in relation with the erroneous use of native language and analogy. These can be used to help students organize and develop their writing ability in English education.

      • KCI등재

        STEAM 교육을 지원하는 ICT 융합형 블록 교구 개발을 위한 디자인 제안 - 조형 구축을 위한 블록 형상과 방법을 중심으로 -

        최현아,김소영,박재완 디자인융복합학회(구.한국인포디자인학회) 2015 디자인융복합연구 Vol.14 No.5

        With the advance of ICT, convergent products and services have appeared. Our educational environments need to foster ICT-based convergent capable people through STEAM education. A standard framework for STEAM education consists of 3 steps: (1) situation presentation, (2) creative design, and (3) emotional experience. This can enhance students' creativity through the virtuous circle that teachers help students solve their own problems by themselves and make students feel satisfied with the process. Accordingly, the creative robot-making and its application with a convergent teaching aids blocks have been proposed. But, existing ICT convergent blocks are limited for students in order to realize their ideas with them easily and quickly. Thus, new ICT convergent blocks to support STEAM education are needed. This study aims to propose the strategies for the design of ICT convergent blocks as teaching aids for STEAM education. Through the in-depth case studies of existing ICT convergent blocks, the design for ICT convergent blocks that can create different forms quickly and easily were proposed based on the driven-problems. ICT 기술의 진보에 따라 융합제품과 융합 서비스가 등장하고 있으며 교육환경에서도 창의적 인재 육성을 위한 융합교육인 STEAM 교육이 강조되고 있다. STEAM 교육의 학습준거 틀인 상황 제시, 창의적 설계, 감성적 체험은 기존의 주입식, 암기식 교육과 다르게 학습자 스스로 문제를 해결하고 성취를 통한 학습 동기를 부여받는 선순환 구조를 통해 학생들의 창의성을 향상시킬 수 있다. 이에 따라 창의적 로봇 제작 및 활용 교육 방안이 제안되고 있으며 이를 위한 블록 교구들이 활용되고 있다. 그러나 기존의 ICT 융합 블록 교구들은 교육현장에서 학습자의 아이디어 실현을 위해 빠르고 쉽게 다양한 형태를 구체화하며 실험할 수 있는 교수, 학습 도구로써 한계를 지닌다. 따라서 STEAM 교육을 지원하는 ICT 융합형 창의 블록 교구의 개발이 요구되는 상황이다. 따라서 본 연구는 STEAM 교육에 적합한 ICT 융합형 창의 블록 교구 개발을 위한 디자인 전략을 제안하는 것을 목표로 한다. 이를 위해 STEAM 교육 준거 틀을 기반으로 기존 ICT 융합형 창의 블록의 사례 분석을 통해 문제점을 도출하고, 이를 기반으로 창의적 설계 단계에서 학습자가 아이디어를 쉽고 빠르게 다양한 조형을 통해 구체화할 수 있는 ICT 융합형 창의 블록을 위한 디자인 방안이 제안되었다.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : STEAM 교육을 지원하는 ICT 융합형 블록 교구 개발을 위한 디자인 제안 -조형 구축을 위한 블록 형상과 방법을 중심으로-

        최현아(주저자) ( Hyun A Choi ),김소영(공동저자) ( So Young Kim ),박재완(교신저자) ( Jae Wan Park ) 디자인융복합학회 2015 디자인융복합연구 Vol.14 No.5

        ICT 기술의 진보에 따라 융합제품과 융합 서비스가 등장하고 있으며 교육환경에서도 창의적 인재 육성을 위한 융합교육인 STEAM 교육이 강조되고 있다. STEAM 교육의 학습준거 틀인 상황 제시, 창의적 설계, 감성적 체험은 기존의 주입식, 암기식 교육과 다르게 학습자 스스로 문제를 해결하고 성취를 통한 학습 동기를 부여받는 선순환 구조를 통해 학생들의 창의성을 향상시킬 수 있다. 이에 따라 창의적 로봇 제작 및 활용 교육 방안이 제안되고 있으며 이를 위한 블록 교구들이 활용되고 있다. 그러나 기존의 ICT융합 블록 교구들은 교육현장에서 학습자의 아이디어 실현을 위해 빠르고 쉽게 다양한 형태를 구체화하며 실험할 수 있는 교수, 학습 도구로써 한계를 지닌다. 따라서 STEAM 교육을 지원하는 ICT 융합형 창의 블록 교구의개발이 요구되는 상황이다. 따라서 본 연구는 STEAM 교육에 적합한 ICT융합형 창의 블록 교구 개발을 위한 디자인 전략을 제안하는 것을 목표로 한다. 이를 위해 STEAM 교육 준거 틀을 기반으로 기존 ICT 융합형 창의블록의 사례 분석을 통해 문제점을 도출하고, 이를 기반으로 창의적 설계단계에서 학습자가 아이디어를 쉽고 빠르게 다양한 조형을 통해 구체화할수 있는 ICT 융합형 창의 블록을 위한 디자인 방안이 제안되었다. With the advance of ICT, convergent products and services have appeared. Our educational environments need to foster ICT-based convergent capable people through STEAM education. A standard framework for STEAM education consists of 3 steps: (1) situation presentation, (2) creative design, and (3) emotional experience. This can enhance students`` creativity through the virtuous circle that teachers help students solve their own problems by themselves and make students feel satisfied with the process. Accordingly, the creative robot-making and its application with a convergent teaching aids blocks have been proposed. But, existing ICT convergent blocks are limited for students in order to realize their ideas with them easily and quickly. Thus, new ICT convergent blocks to support STEAM education are needed. This study aims to propose the strategies for the design of ICT convergent blocks as teaching aids for STEAM education. Through the in-depth case studies of existing ICT convergent blocks, the design for ICT convergent blocks that can create different forms quickly and easily were proposed based on the driven-problems.

      • KCI등재

        행위중심 접근법과 플립드 러닝의 접목을 통한대학 교양 스페인어 교육방안

        송예림 서울대학교 라틴아메리카연구소 2018 이베로아메리카硏究 Vol.29 No.2

        The Action-Oriented Approach, as proposed by the European Common Framework of Reference, has been introduced to the Spanish as a Foreign Language curriculum in Korean universities as a theoretical framework for language teaching and learning. This approach requires practical research that will be applied in the actual education field. This study’s purpose is to develop a didactic proposal that can effectively develop the learners’ communicative competence by incorporating the Action-Oriented Approach to Flipped Learning. The study designed a didactic proposal consisting of a four-unit online pre-class and in-class activities for 16 learners in a university Spanish class. Thereafter, the learners’ perception and evaluation were analyzed by questionnaires on the five items of motivation for the Spanish class, evaluation of the duration of the flipped learning, an assessment and proposal for the pre-class learning and in-class activities, and a general evaluation of the didactic proposal. The resulting findings show that learners positively evaluated the materials, the preparation through inclass learning, interaction with peers through group activities, dynamic class participation, and various learning opportunities. 한국 대학의 ‘외국어로서의 스페인어’ 교육과정에 도입된 유럽공통참조기준이 언어 교수 ·학습의 이론적 틀로 제시한 ‘행위중심 접근법’은 실제의 교육 현장에서 적용하기 위한 실천연구를 필요로 한다. 본 연구는 대학의 교양 스페인어 강좌를 대상으로 하여 ‘행위중심 접근법’ 이라는 이론을 ‘플립드 러닝’이라는 구체적인 수업 방식과 접목하여 학습자의 의사소통 능력을효율적으로 발달시킬 수 있는 교육방안을 설계 및 시행하고자 한다. 이를 위해 교양 스페인어 강좌의 16명의 학습자를 대상으로 온라인 사전학습과 오프라인 강의실 활동으로 이뤄진 교육방안을 설계했으며, 이를 4차시에 걸쳐 실행하였다. 이후 학습자 설문지법 조사를 통해 스페인어 수강동기, 플립드 러닝 강의 기간 평가, 개인 온라인 사전학습 평가 및 제언, 오프라인 강의실 활동평가 및 제언, 플립드 러닝 강의 전반에 대한 평가라는 다섯 가지 항목에 대한 인식 및 평가를분석하였다. 학습자들은 본 교육방안을 통해 충실한 학습 자료, 온라인 사전 학습을 통한 예습, 그룹 활동을 통한 동료와의 상호작용 및 역동적인 수업 참여, 다양한 학습 기회 체험 등에 대해긍정적으로 평가하였다.

      • KCI등재

        공과대학 학생들의 연구계획서 쓰기 교육 사례 연구

        김혜경(Kim, Hae-kyung) 원광대학교 인문학연구소 2016 열린정신 인문학연구 Vol.17 No.1

        This study was carried out to evaluate the coaching-learning and colleague feedback methods when they are used in science and engineering proposal writing education. The purpose of this study was to discover whether there were meaningful achievement results associated with these kinds of writing education methods. Also, this study illuminated the discussion about science and engineering proposal writing education and verified the educational need for proposal writing. From the study results, the practical use of coaching-learning and colleague feedback techniques in proposal writing education was found to be an effective method for achieving active and aggressive writing. The students could obtain broad comprehensive understanding of proposal writing through this process and develop their perspectives on writing through feedback analysis and evaluation of other teams. Moreover, the students could check and revise their writing problems, methods, attitudes, and writing processes and could be freely participate in proposal writing. The result was evident in the class satisfaction and survey results. Above all, it is very meaningful that the students gain confidence in proposal writing. Therefore, practical use of coaching-learning and colleague feedback methods is very effective as a teaching-learning method, and it has educational value in respect to maximizing student learning, strengthening the interaction between student and teacher, and developing a student-centered learning method.

      • KCI등재

        상경계열 학생을 위한 대학 글쓰기 교수학습법 제언 - ‘제안서’ 및 ‘프레젠테이션’의 연계수업 사례를 중심으로

        임이랑 한국 리터러시 학회 2019 리터러시 연구 Vol.10 No.4

        This paper suggests undergraduates in College of Business and Economics, especially students in the Department of Business Administration, an effective teaching and learning method using actual samples from writing classes in each college, given writing by college is gradually highlighted in writing classes in universities. Students in the Department of Business Administration show higher interest in different idea contests, youth startup supports, etc. than their peers in other departments in terms of preparations for their future career or working life. That’s why they have the learning need of stylistic writing requiring certain conditions and expect real situations to increase their presentation skills. Thus, considering the inclination and interest of students of the Department of Business Administration, the researcher extended and intensified the unit of proposal and presentation in a form of connected classes. As the result, several meaningful educational achievements could be made as follows. First, specific topics and subdivided goals were presented in the proposal and presentation connected classes, which made students in the business major freely release their ‘desire to participate’. Second, the proposal and presentation connected classes enabled the ‘simultaneous increase of writing and speaking skills’ that students majoring in business expected from writing classes. Third, since they took the proposal and presentation classes adopting the ‘storytelling’ technique, they could have real-life experiences of the timely and highly utilized storytelling technique. Lastly, this paper has significance as a case of finding a microscopic teaching method, in terms of making and carrying out an independent lesson plan by properly combining existing several teaching plans, as an instructor, without relying on a specified teaching model. 이 글은 대학 글쓰기 수업에서 점차 계열별 글쓰기가 강조되고 있는 점에 기반하여 계열별 글쓰기 수업의 실제적 사례로 상경계열 특히, 경영학과 학생들에게 실효성이 있는 교수학습법을 제시한다. 경영학과 학생들은 향후 진로 및 직업생활에 대한 대비 차원에서 타 전공 학생들에 비해 각종 아이디어 공모전, 청년 창업지원 등에 높은 관심을 보인다. 그렇기에 그들은 일정한 요건을 갖추어 쓰는 양식적인 글에 대한 학습욕구를 가지고 있고 더불어, 발표력 신장을 위한 실전 활동도 기대하고 있었다. 이에 따라 본 연구자는 경영학과 학생들의 이러한 성향과 인식을 고려하여 제안서 및 프레젠테이션 단원을 연계수업 형태로 심화 ․ 확장하여 진행해보았다. 그 결과 다음과 같은 몇 가지 유의미한 교육적 성취를 이룰 수 있었다. 첫째, 제안서 및 프레젠테이션 연계수업에서 구체적인 주제와 세분화 된 목표를 제시하여 경영학과 학생들이 가진 ‘참여 욕구’가 자유롭게 발산되었다. 둘째, 제안서 및 프레젠테이션 연계수업은 경영학과 학생들이 글쓰기 수업에서 기대하는 ‘쓰기와 말하기 능력의 동시적 신장’을 성취하도록 하였다. 셋째, ‘스토리텔링’ 기법을 활용한 제안서 및 프레젠테이션 학습을 진행했기 때문에 시의적으로 활용도가 높은 스토리텔링 기법에 대해 학생들이 실전 경험을 할 수 있었다. 마지막으로, 교수자로서는 특정한 교수모형에 의존하지 않고 기존의 여러 수업 방안들을 적절히 배합하여 독자적인 교수학습안을 마련하고 실행했다는 점에서 본고는 미시적 교수법 모색의 한 사례로서 의의를 가진다.

      • KCI등재

        『파이데이아 제안』의 관점에서 자유학기제 고찰: 교수 학습을 중심으로

        정은주 ( Jeong Eun-ju ) 한국교육철학회 2017 교육철학 Vol.62 No.-

        The free semester program was implemented in Korean middle schools from 2016 in order to establish the turning point of primary and secondary school reform. This study examined the diversification of teaching and learning, which is one of the `classroom innovations` in the free semester system, and searched f or its value and problems. For this study, the teaching and learning styles were compared based on the Paideia Proposal proposed by Adler, which led the American primary and secondary education reforms in the 1980s. Free semester teaching and learning were reviewed based on three main types proposed by Adler-learning of knowledge, development of function, and expansion of understanding. The fundamental goal of the free semester program is to encourage students to be self-directed, creative, able to solve problems themselves, and to lead a happy school life. In order to do this, various methods are practiced in teaching and learning, but acquiring knowledge, a task to be done at the beginning of middle school, tends to be neglected. Also, some students complained of fatigue due to participation in excessive learning activities, projects, and performance evaluations. Leading active participation in learning is positively valued, but basic learning functions for active participation must also be trained at school. These functions are useful skills for knowledge acquisition, discussion, and seminars. Gradual efforts are needed to ensure that student participation activities do not end with the free semester but continue in the regular semester.

      • KCI등재후보

        교직적성과 검사지 도출

        강재원 ( Jaewon Kang ) 부산대학교 과학교육연구소 2014 교사교육연구 Vol.53 No.2

        교직적성은 학생을 가르치는 능력과 자질을 말하며, 교수 능력에는 지적 활동으로서 언어, 대인관계, 개인지각, 실존지능이 포함되며, 특히 교직 종사에 필요한 정의적 적성도 요구된다. 이와 같이 교사는 건전한 사상과 지도자의 인격과 품성을 구비해야 한다. 이러한 요구에 맞추기 위하여 교사양성기관은 일반대학과 달리 교직 전문성, 확고한 교육자적 인격과 자질, 그리고 전인적 품성 등을 고루 갖춘 교육자를 양성해야 하는 것이다. 이를 위해 교육부는 예비교원들에게 의무적으로 적성에 대한 측정검사를 받아 일정한 기준을 충족하여야 교원 자격증을 취득할 수 있도록 규정하였다. 교육부가 개발하여 보급한 교직적성 인성 검사도구 표준안은 2013년부터 처음 시행되기 시작하였는데, 해당 교육기관이나 예비 교원 모두 여기에 적응하지 못하여 혼선을 빚고 있다. 본 연구는 이 표준안에서 제시하는 교직적성 검사의 항목을 중심으로 교직적성의 요인을 추출하고 이를 토대로 예비교원과 경력교사들에게 설문과 면담을 실시하여 실제 학교 현장에서 요구되는 교직적성을 도출하고자 한다. 여기서 제시된 특성들은 바람직한 교사 양성이라는 본 제도의 정착과 효율적인 운용 그리고 앞으로 마련될 검사지 표준안의 개선에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. The teaching profession requires teachers to acquire the ability and talent to adapt to the generaland specialized knowledge of their particular field by developing their aptitude of affective domains like sound thought, personality and leadership qualities. Teaching colleges educate prospective teachers to become persons who are fully qualified to fulfill these qualities. To meet this requirement, the Ministry of Education created guidelines for the prospective teachers to following in order to pass the standard measurement of the aptitude test. The standard proposal for teaching profession aptitude and personality came into effect in 2013 however both the relevant educational institutions and the prospective teachers are in a state of confusion to accept the requirement due to its accuracy and reliability. This study aimed to identify the significant factors of aptitude for the teaching profession through the items of the standard proposal issued by the Ministry of Education, and to draw conclusion for questionnaire through asking items to prospective teachers, and by the paper interview with the career teachers. In conclusion, it was helpful and useful to develop a desirable aptitude testing tool for the teaching profession however further studies are required as this study proposed one part of the systematic planning which is needed to develop testing tools for teaching profession.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 교재분석을 통한 감정표현기능 어법 항목 선정에 대한 고찰

        최현미 중국어문학연구회 2018 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.110

        As we know, Currently, there are various attempts to recognize and improve the problems of the existing teaching grammar methods in the Chinese educational academy. Among these attempts, the analysis of the rich linguistic phenomena has led to a new interest in grammar education combined with the linguistic function of guiding the learners to the linguistic rules or the sentence structures that constitute the concrete linguistic behaviors. In this paper, As a part of research that combines phonics function and phonetics, I extracted the phonetic rules that constitute these emotional expression functions through the analysis of textbooks, focusing on the frequently used emotional expressions among various phonetic functions. In other words, it is because I think that it is possible to increase the efficiency and interest of the teaching of phonics at the same time by examining what kind of language forms the emotional expressions that are frequently used in everyday life. In addition, when extracting these formats based on language phenomena, using textbooks as a source of data collection would be an effective way to secure both representative and reliability of the data. In this paper, we first examine the previous studies related to phonology and phonology combination, and then, based on this, we extracted the phonetic items that constitute emotional expressive behavior through text analysis. Finally, we discussed how to use these teaching methods in practical teaching and how to use them in education.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 교재분석을 통한 감정표현기능 어법 항목 선정에 대한 고찰

        崔?才(Choi, Eun-jae) 중국어문학연구회 2018 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.110

        As we know, Currently, there are various attempts to recognize and improve the problems of the existing teaching grammar methods in the Chinese educational academy. Among these attempts, the analysis of the rich linguistic phenomena has led to a new interest in grammar education combined with the linguistic function of guiding the learners to the linguistic rules or the sentence structures that constitute the concrete linguistic behaviors. In this paper, As a part of research that combines phonics function and phonetics, I extracted the phonetic rules that constitute these emotional expression functions through the analysis of textbooks, focusing on the frequently used emotional expressions among various phonetic functions. In other words, it is because I think that it is possible to increase the efficiency and interest of the teaching of phonics at the same time by examining what kind of language forms the emotional expressions that are frequently used in everyday life. In addition, when extracting these formats based on language phenomena, using textbooks as a source of data collection would be an effective way to secure both representative and reliability of the data. In this paper, we first examine the previous studies related to phonology and phonology combination, and then, based on this, we extracted the phonetic items that constitute emotional expressive behavior through text analysis. Finally, we discussed how to use these teaching methods in practical teaching and how to use them in education.

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