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        한국 임상연구코디네이터의 담당업무와 시험자가 인식하는 적절업무

        정인숙 대한임상약리학회 2011 Translational and Clinical Pharmacology Vol.19 No.2

        Background: This study was aimed to investigate current tasks done by clinical research coordinators (CRCs) and appropriate tasks of CRCs perceived by investigators, and to classify tasks for CRCs into four categories such as standard, recommended, considered and limited tasks. Methods: The participants were 533 CRCs and 114 investigators who have employed CRCs. Data were collected with self-administrated questionnaire including general characteristics and 32 possible tasks of CRCs from August to November, 2010. Data was analyzed using SPSS win (version 18.0) with descriptive statistics. Results: There were 24 tasks being done by more than half of CRCs, and 15 tasks by more than 75 % of CRCs among 32 possible tasks. The most common task done by CRCs was 'collecting data based on the protocol' and the next was 'scheduling of subjects'. More than half of investigators perceived that all tasks but budgeting appropriate to be done by CRCs, and 18 tasks by more than 75 % of investigators. 13 tasks were classified as standard tasks, 14 as recommended tasks, four as considered tasks, and one as limited task. Conclusion: Standard and recommended tasks for CRCs in Korea have been drawn based on the current tasks done by CRCs and appropriate tasks of CRCs perceived by investigators. It is recommended that investigators utilize this results when they delegate tasks to CRCs and appropriate educational programs could be provided so that CRCs perform standard and recommended tasks proficiently.

      • KCI등재

        유치원 유형에 따른 영양(교)사의 필수 업무 및 위임 가능 업무 비교·분석

        경민숙 ( Min Sook Kyung ),신유리 ( Yu Lee Shin ),함선옥 ( Sunny Ham ) 대한영양사협회 2021 대한영양사협회 학술지 Vol.27 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to compare differences between essential tasks and delegable tasks among public kindergarten dietitians. A survey study was conducted through a self-administered online method from November 18 to December 28, 2019. The survey consisted of essential tasks and delegable tasks, including 6 Duties, 25 Tasks, and 94 Task Elements. The survey was distributed to a sample of 500 kindergartens in Korea, after excluding incomplete surveys and outliers, and a total of 224 responses were used for the analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to compare essential tasks and delegable tasks. The results show that ‘Duty A. Nutrition Management’, ‘Duty B. Foodservice Management Practices’, ‘Duty C. Hygiene management of kindergarten foodservice’, ‘Duty D. Nutrition-Diet Education and counseling’, and ‘Duty F. Professionalism Enhancement’ were recognized as essential tasks to be performed by kindergarten dietitians. All 16 tasks elements (100.0%) in ‘Duty E. Managing snacks during semesters, and lunch/snack during breaks’ were identified as delegable tasks. In conclusion, most tasks were recognized as essential tasks to be performed by kindergarten dietitians. On the other hand, ‘Duty E. Managing Snacks during semesters, and lunch/snack during breaks’ was considered a delegable task by public-attached kindergarten dietitians. It is recommended that public-attached kindergartens should consider additional workforce related to ‘Duty E’. This study is expected to offer basic data on laws and regulations about the duties of kindergarten dietitians.

      • KCI등재

        MiC 교과서의 수학적 과제의 인지적 요구 정도 분석 -함수 내용을 중심으로-

        황혜정 ( Hye Jeang Hwang ),박현파 ( Hyun Pa Park ) 한국수학교육학회 2013 수학교육논문집 Vol.27 No.4

        본 연구에서는 2006년에 새롭게 출판된 MiC 교과서를 대상으로, Stein 외(2009)가 제안한 바 있는 인지적 요구 정도(cognitive demand level)에 따라 구체적이고 체계적인 분석 기준과 분석틀을 이용하여 MiC 교과서에서 다루고 있는수학적 과제들의 유형을 분석하고자 하였다. MiC 교과서에서 다뤄지는 내용은 크게 수, 대수, 기하와 측정, 자료 분석과 통계인데, 본 연구에서는 모든 영역의 내용을 다루기에는 너무나 양이 방대하여, 본 연구에서는 학교 안팎의 실생활 소재나 문제 상황이 보다 풍부한 함수 영역을 선정하여 이에 한정하여 다루었다. 다만, MiC 교과서는 level 1,2, 3의 세 권으로 구분되어 있는데, 함수 내용은 Level 3에만 제시되어 있으므로 본 연구에서는 level 3만을 대상으로한다. 이 연구를 통하여 궁극적으로 MiC 교과서의 수학적 과제가 얼마만큼 융통성 있게 풍부하게 다뤄지는가를 분석을 통하여 파악해 봄과 동시에, 이로부터 도출된 양질의 결과를 토대로 우리나라 교과서 개발 및 구현을 위한 시사점을 도출하고자 한다. Instructional materials including problem situations or problems or tasks on real-life situations are considered as an important and significant factor to lead a successful math instruction. MiC Textbook is a representative one showing good examples and tasks including fluent realistic situations on the basis of the background of the Freudenthal`s theory. This study explores concretely and in detail the type of level of mathematical tasks, by the subject of MiC Textbook. To accomplish this, this study reconstructs and establishes an elaborated analysis framework using ``the cognitive demand level`` suggested by Stein, et, al. The cognitive demand level is comprized of four elements such as Memorization Tasks, Procedures Without Connections Tasks, Procedures With Connections Tasks, and Doing Mathematics Tasks. Memorization Tasks and Procedures Without Connections Tasks are considered as low level tasks,and Procedures With Connections Tasks and Doing Mathematics Tasks are as high level tasks. MiC Textbook is comprized of the four areas of ``number``, ``algebra``, ``geometry and measurement``, and ``data analysis and statistics``. This study deals with the tasks relevant to Function content dealt with in MiC 3 level Textbook, and explore the level of cognitive demands on each task.

      • KCI등재

        실어증 환자의 단기기억 및 작업기억용량과 실어증 중증도 및 문장처리와의 상관

        성지은(Jee Eun Sung) 한국언어청각임상학회 2010 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.15 No.3

        배경 및 목적: 실어증 환자들의 단기기억(short-term memory) 및 작업기억용량(working memory capacity)의 개인차에 따른 실어증 중증도 및 문장처리능력 차이에 관한 연구가 주목을 받고 있다. 하지만, 정상인을 대상으로 개발된 산출을 기반으로 하는 기억기제 평가방법을 실어증 환자들에게 직접적으로 적용하는 데는 다양한 문제가 제기될 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 기존에 사용되던 단기 및 작업기억과제(Martin, Kohen & Kalinyak-Fliszar, 2008)를 지시하기폭과제(pointing span task)로 변형한 후, 숫자 및 단어로 자극 양상을 조절하여 과제별 수행력 차이를 살펴보았으며, 기억과제들과 실어증 중증도 및 문장처리 능력에 관한 상관관계를 분석하였다. 방법: 대상자는 영어를 모국어로 사용하는 실어증 환자 20명과 정상 노인 30명이다. 단기기억과제로는 숫자 및 단어 바로 따라지시하기 과제가 사용되었으며, 작업기억과제로는 숫자 및 단어 거꾸로 따라지시하기 과제를 사용하였다. 실어증 중증도는 Porch Index of Communicative Ability(PICA)를 통해 평가되었으며, 문장처리능력은 Computerized Revised Token Test(CRTT)를 사용하여 살펴보았다. 결과: 두 집단 모두 단기기억과제에 비해 작업기억과제에서 더 낮은 수행력을 보였으며, 숫자에 비해 단어에서 더 어려움을 보였다. 두 집단 간의 차이가 가장 크게 나타나는 과제는 숫자 거꾸로 따라지시하기 과제였다. 주성분 분석 결과에 따르면, 네 가지 기억과제는 하나의 공통적인 성분으로 추출될 수 있으며, 총분산의 80% 가량을 설명하는 것으로 나타났다. 논의 및 결론: 네 가지 기억과제의 공통적인 기제를 개념화하자면, 짧은 시간동안 정보를 저장하거나 조작하는 데 기여하는 인지적 기제라고 할 수 있다. 네 가지 기억과제 중, 실어증 중증도와 실어증 환자의 문장처리 수행력을 유의하게 예측한 변수는 숫자 바로 따라지시하기 과제였다. 작업기억용량이론에 바탕을 둔 결과 해석이 논의되었으며 한국어를 사용하는 실어증 환자를 위한 작업기억과제 개발에 대한 필요성도 제기되었다. Background & Objectives: Short-term memory and working memory capacities have gained considerable attention as underlying cognitive mechanisms, which may account for language processing difficulties in people with aphasia. However, there are limitations to the employment of short-term and working memory tasks for assessing normal cognitive processing in order to evaluate language-impaired clinical populations. The current study investigated 1) the performance differences between people with aphasia and normal elderly adults in short-term memory and working memory tasks when the stimuli modality was manipulated using digits and words and 2) how their performances on the memory tasks were related to aphasia severity and sentence processing. Methods: Twenty people with aphasia and 30 normal elderly adults participated in the present study. Digit forward and word forward span tasks served as short-term memory tasks, and digit backward and word backward span tasks served as working memory tasks. Porch Index of Communicative Ability (PICA) was used as a measure of language impairment severity, and the Computerized Revised Token Test (CRTT) was a measure of sentence processing. Results: Both groups showed greater difficulties in working memory tasks than short-term memory tasks and those involving words compared to those involving digits. The greatest group differences were found in the digit backward span task. Principal component analysis of four span tasks revealed that a one-factor solution accounted for approximately 80% of the total variance in both groups, indicating that the four span measures served as a unified index of the underlying memory-related cognitive mechanism that is responsible for maintaining and manipulating information. Among the four span measures, the digit forward task significantly predicted aphasia severity and sentence-processing abilities in people with aphasia. Discussion & Conclusion: Results were partially consistent with the working memory capacity theory. Korean versions of short-term and/or working memory span tasks need to be developed in order to investigate the underlying cognitive mechanisms responsible for language impairments in aphasia. (Korean Journal of Communication Disorders 2010;15;285-297)

      • KCI등재

        MiC 교과서의 과제에 대한 인지적 요구 수준 탐색 -`자료 분석과 확률` 영역을 중심으로-

        황혜정 ( Hwang Hye Jeang ),정지혜 ( Jeong Ji Hye ) 한국수학교육학회 2017 수학교육논문집 Vol.31 No.1

        수학 수업에서 교사가 학생들이 제시할 적절한 과제를 선정하는 것은 중요하며 다양한 유형의 수학적 과제를 수반하는 수학 교과서의 효율적인 활용 또한 유의미하다고 할 수 있다(NCTM, 2000). 이러한 맥락에서 수학적 과제와 관련하여 이를 수반하는 수학 교과서의 탐색 및 분석은 의미 있는 일이며, 이때 수학적 과제들을 중심으로 구현된 MiC 교과서의 탐색이 적절할 것으로 판단된다. 그리하여 본 연구에서는 MiC 교과서에서 다루고 있는 수학적 과제들을 대상으로 학생들이 다양한 유형의 수학적 과제들을 통해 겪게 되는 인지적 요구 수준에 대해 살펴보고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 2006년에 출판된 MiC 교과서를 대상으로 하되, MiC 교과서의 모든 내용을 다루기에는 방대하므로 학교안팎의 실생활 소재나 문제 상황이 보다 풍부한 `자료 분석과 확률` 영역을 선정하여 중학교급에 한정하여 다루기로 하였다. 한 마디로, 본 연구에서는 Stein 외(2009)가 제안한 과제 유형별 특징, 즉 `인지적 요구 수준(cognitive demand level)`을 기반으로 과제 유형 분석틀을 재구성하여 마련하고, 이를 토대로 MiC 교과서에서 다루고 있는 총22개의 수학적 과제들의 수준(유형)을 살펴보고자 하였다. 끝으로, 본 연구 목적에 따라 도출된 양질의 결과를 토대로 교수·학습 자료의 개발 및 활용을 위한 제언을 덧붙이고자 한다. Mathematical tasks in general introduce and deal with real-life situations, and they derive to students` thinking fluently in solving the given tasks. The tasks might be considered as an important and significant factor to lead a successful mathematical teaching and learning situation. MiC Textbook is a representative one showing such good examples and tasks. This study explores concretely and in detail the cognitive demand level of mathematical tasks, by the subject of MiC Textbook. To accomplish this, this study is to reconstruct more elaborately the analysis framework developed by Hwang and Park in 2013. The framework basically was set up utilizing `the cognitive demand level` suggested by Stein, et, al. The cognitive demand level is divided into two levels such as low level and high level. The low level is comprized of two elements such as Memorization Tasks(MT), Procedures Without Connections Tasks(PNCT), and high level is Procedures With Connections Tasks(PWCT), and Doing Mathematics Tasks(DMT). This study deals with the tasks on the area of `data analysis and statistics` in MiC 1, 2, 3 level Textbook. As a result, mathematical tasks of MiC Textbook led learners to deal with and understand mathematical content for themselves, and furthermore to do leading roles for checking and reinforcing the content. Also, mathematical tasks of MiC Textbook are comprized of the tasks suitable to enhance mathematical thinking ability through communication. In addition, mathematical tasks of MiC Textbook tend to offer more learning opportunity to learners` themselves while the level of MiC Textbook is going up.

      • KCI등재후보

        초등학교 영어수업에서 개방형 과업의 구안과 적용

        이승민(Seungmin Lee),김진영(Jinyoung Kim) 한국중원언어학회 2010 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.18

        Task-based language teaching has increasingly attracted the worldwide attention of language researchers, curriculum developers, and language teachers. Tasks can provide a driving force for bringing together the various dimensions of language, communicative context, and the mental processes of individual learners that are key to learning. In terms of language teaching and learning, tasks are viewed as contents and activities that provide learners with authentic opportunities to develop communicative competence and problem solving skills. This study attempted to design open tasks and to apply them to elementary English classes. It examined some positive effects of open tasks compared to closed tasks in elementary English teaching and learning. Through this study, it is believed that tasks, especially open tasks can help elementary school students raise English communicative competence and problem solving skills. In addition, open tasks can affect a positive impact on students' affective domain such as their interest and confidence. There are theoretical grounds and empirical evidence for believing that tasks might be able to offer all the opportunities for successful language learning. In this perspective, further empirical research is needed.

      • KCI등재

        중학교 3학년 영어교과서의 듣기과업 분석 연구

        정은주 ( Eun Ju Jeong ) 글로벌영어교육학회(구 호남영어교육학회) 2006 Studies in English education Vol.11 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the listening tasks found in English textbooks in Korea improve learner` listening comprehension skills from the perspective of a task-based approach. Out of thirteen English textbooks, the five most frequently used textbooks were selected and compared in the light of a task-based approach using the following three criteria: task types, task settings and task topics. This paper obtained the following results from the analysis of the listening tasks: First, the listening tasks are limited to such types of activities as direct or indirect inference, finding the main idea, and question and answer. Furthermore, approximately 89% of the listening tasks are mainly focused on top-down/ bottom-up processes, while only 11% of the listening tasks are interactive. Second, individual listening tasks by far outnumber group activities. The individual listening tasks have to be presented for more than 90% of the listening time, while both pair- and group- work could be done for less than 10% of the listening time. This means that the students should be provided with a much more time to do pair- and group- work activities. Finally, the most common topics of the listening tasks were individual activities, school life and social events. However, more challenging topics such as literature, arts, cultural understanding, politics and social problems were found to be lacking in the textbooks. It is suggested that learners be provided with more varied topics ranging from easier ones to more challenging ones.

      • KCI등재

        취약점 기능군 강조부분 변화시키기를 통한 취약점 완성하기 과제가 인지부하, 학습전이, 교수효율성에 미치는 영향

        최순리 ( Soonri Choi ),송지훈 ( Jihoon Song ) 한국교육공학회 2019 교육공학연구 Vol.35 No.3

        전체 과제는 기존 일반적인 과제 제시 방법에서 취약점 완성하기 과제로 제시하고 이에 대한 효과를 검증하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 연구문제는 사전지식이 형성되어 있는 학습자들이 복합적 학습을 수행할 때, 취약점을 기준으로 제시한 완성하기 과제가 인지부하, 학습전이, 교수효율성에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는지 살펴보는 것이다. 연구 대상은 강원도에 소재한 고등학교 1학년 2학년 학생 32명을 무작위 배분하여 두 집단으로 분류하였다(일반적인 과제, 취약점 완성하기 과제). 우선, 사전 검사를 통해 취약점을 확인했으며, 두 집단모두 사전 검사 기반의 취약점 기능군의 학습을 진행했다. 단, 통제 집단은 기능군별 일반적인 과제를 수행했고, 처치 집단은 취약점 완성하기 과제를 수행했다. 집단의 인지부하, 학습전이, 교수효율성은 독립표본 t검증(t-test)을 통해 분석되었다. 연구 결과, 과제는 사전검사로 확인된 지식을 제외하여 취약점 기능군별 학습 과제를 반복 수행하는 취약점 기능군 강조부분 변화시키기에 유의미한 영향이 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 인지부하 유형에 따른 내재적 인지부하, 외재적 인지부하, 본유적 인지부하 취약점 완성하기 과제 집단이 낮은 내재적 인지부하와 높은 본유적 인지부하가 나타났다. 더불어 과제에 적합한 난이도는 개별 사전지식에 따라 제공된 취약점 완성하기 과제가 학습자에게 적합한 과제 난이도를 제공하여, 주요 가설 검증에 영향을 미쳤음을 확인할 수 있었다. This research verified the effects of the least-abled completion tasks instead of conventional whole tasks. Research questions identified whether the least-abled sets of completion tasks is effective on cognitive load, learning transfer, and instructional efficiency when learners with prior knowledge performs complex tasks. To examine the research questions, a quasi-experimental research was conducted. 32 participants in their first and second year of high school in Kangwon-do enrolled in the research. Subjects of the research were randomly assigned to one of two groups(Conventional tasks, The least-abled sets of completion tasks). All participants identified their least-abled sets of constituent skills through prior test, and both groups carried out learning process of the least-abled sets of constituent skills based on the results. However, controlled group carried out conventional tasks according to constituent skills. Experimental group carried out the least-abled sets of completion tasks. In order to analyze the results of cognitive load, learning transfer, and instructional efficiency, independent samples T-test was conducted. The results of analysis showed that the least-abled sets of completion tasks group showed significantly lower intrinsic cognitive load and higher germane cognitive load. In addition, the least-abled sets of completion tasks according to the prior test results suggested appropriate task difficulty.

      • KCI등재

        교사직무에 대한 예비유아교사의 인식

        박신영(Park, Seen-young),김언경(Kim, Eon-kyung) 한국교원대학교 유아교육연구소 2020 한국유아교육연구 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구는 유아교사 양성기관의 질적 내실화를 위해 교사직무의 중요도와 수행난이도에 대한 예비유아교사의 인식을 살펴보았다. 190명의 예비유아교사를 대상으로 교사직무에 대한 설문조사를 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 첫째, 예비유아교사는 유아 보호 관련 업무, 시설설비 관련 업무, 교수학습 실제는 중요한 직무로, 행사 관련 업무, 학부모 관련 업무, 교수학습 평가는 어려운 직무로 인식하고 있었다. 상대적으로 주요한 직무분석을 위해 IPA(Importance Performance Analysis) 기법을 사용한 결과, 예비유아교사는 행사 관련 업무는 지속유지하는 직무로, 교수학습 준비, 실제, 유아보호 관련 업무, 시설설비 관련 업무는 집중관리하는 직무로, 사무 관련 업무, 대인관계 및 사회적 업무는 저순위 직무로, 교수학습 평가, 전문성 신장, 학부모 관련 업무는 과잉 직무로 인식하는 것으로 드러났다. 둘째, 현장실습을 받은 예비유아교사의 직무 인식을 살펴본 결과, 대부분의 영역에서 중요도와 수행난이도가 높아졌으며 중요도는 전문성 신장, 학부모, 행사 및 사무 관련 업무에서, 수행난이도는 학부모와 행사 관련 업무에서 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 양성기관의 질 제고를 위해 결과를 바탕으로 교육과정 운영에 대한 시사점을 제시하였다. This study examined pre-service early childhood teachers’ perceptions about the importance and difficulty of the teacher s work and tasks in order to improve the quality of early childhood teacher training programs. For the study, a questionnaire survey was conducted for 190 preschool teachers. As a result of the study, first, pre-service teachers perceived the tasks related to child care, facility management, and practical teaching and learning work as important, whereas the tasks related to event-related work, parent-related work, and teaching and learning evaluation work as difficult. The IPAs was used to analyze the importance of teachers’ tasks. The results showed that pre-service teachers recognized event-related tasks as their ongoing tasks and perceived the planning/implementing teaching and learning task, child care related work, and facility maintenance work as intensively managed tasks. They also believed paper work, interpersonal or social relational work as their low- priority tasks and perceived students’ learning assessment, their professional development, and parent-related work as excessive tasks. Second, as a result of examining the perceptions of pre-service teachers who completed their practicum, levels of the task importance and the performance difficulty increased in most areas. Significant differences between two groups were found in their importance in terms of professional development, parent-related work, and event related work. The group differences were also found in their job difficulty in terms of parent-related work and event-related work. Based on these results suggestions were made to improve the quality of early childhood teacher training programs.

      • KCI등재

        한국어교육에서의 말하기 과제에 관한 연구 -말하기 과제의 개선 방향성 및 모형 제시를 중심으로-

        김보은 한국국어교육학회 2017 새국어교육 Vol.0 No.110

        최근 언어 교육은 실제 언어 사용 능력을 중요시하고, 특정 맥락이나 상황 속에서 적절한 언어 수행을 할 수 있도록 하는 데 초점이 있다. 이 연구는 최근의 언어 교육 현실에서 강조하고 있는 언어 사용 능력 향상과 관련하여 말하기 과제 개선에 대한 논의를 하고자 하였다. 특히, 학습자들의 적극적인 수업 참여와 능동적인 과제 수행을 이끌어 내고 교실 현장과 교실 밖에 일상생활에서 유창한 언어 사용을 촉진시킬 수 있도록 하는 과제 유형과 과제 수행 방법에 주안점을 두었다. 과제는 일상생활에서 접할 가능성이 높은 특정 맥락과 상황을 가정하여 의사소통 연습을 하는 수단으로써 교실 언어와 교실 밖 실제 생활의 언어를 매개하는 장치로써 중요한 기능을 한다. 따라서 이 연구는 대학 내 한국어교육 기관에서 사용하고 있는 한국어 중급 교재에서의 말하기 과제 유형과 과제 수행 방법을 분석하고 고찰함으로써 한국어 교재 및 한국어교육에서의 말하기 과제 개선 방향을 논의하고 그 방향에 맞는 과제를 제안하고자 한다. 이상의 연구는 말하기 과제의 연구 영역을 좀 더 넓히고 다양한 관점에서 말하기 과제 유형과 과제 수행에 관한 연구들이 지속되어야 한다는 근거를 마련해주는 데 의의가 있다. The purpose of this study is to discuss the improvement of speaking tasks related to the improvement of language use ability which is emphasized in recent language training courses. Specifically, it focused on the type of tasks and the way of carrying out the tasks that enable students to participate positively in class and actively carry out tasks and to promote the use of fluent language in the classroom and in everyday life outside the classroom. Tasks are a means of communicating with the assumption of specific contexts and situations likely to be encountered in everyday life. Therefore, this study analyzes the types of speaking tasks and how to perform tasks in Korean intermediate textbooks used in Korean language education institutions in college, and discusses ways to improve speaking tasks in Korean textbooks and Korean language education. The above-mentioned researches also broaden the research area of the speaking task and provide a basis for the study on the speaking task type and how to perform tasks from various perspectives.

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