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        유아의 이행추론과 오류에 관한 연구

        조선희(Jo Seon-Hee) 한국열린유아교육학회 2011 열린유아교육연구 Vol.16 No.1

        본 연구에서는 유아의 논리적 사고교육의 기초를 마련하기 위하여 유아의 이행추론의 성격을 파악하고자 하였다. 유아의 이행추론과 오류에 미치는 과제유형과 전제제시순서의 효과가 어떠한 지를 알아보기 위하여, 6세 유아 76명의 이행추론 정답수행 정도와 오답수행에 나타난 오류를 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 첫째, 과제유형에 따라 유아의 이행추론에 차이가 있으나, 전제제시순서별 과제유형의 효과가 다른 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 전제제시순서에 따라 유아의 이행추론에 차이가 있으나, 과제유형별 전제제시순서의 효과가 다른 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 이행추론 과제에 대한 오답수행에 나타난 오류를 분석한 결과, 과제 자료에 내포된 서열적 특성에 기인한 오류, 과제자료 구성에 기인한 오류, 과제자료의 표면적 특성에 기인한 오류, 문제 이해 부족에 기인한 오류 등을 나타내었다. 넷째, 과제유형에 따라 이행추론과정에 나타난 오류 유형에 차이가 있으나, 전제제시순서별 과제유형의 효과가 다른 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to understand the characteristics of young children's transitive inference in order to provide basis for young children's logical thinking education. In this study, 76 six-year-old children were asked to answer four transitive inference tasks[two types of task(the ABC task & the Color task) × two presentation orders of premises(X>Y, Y>Z & Y>Z, X>Y)] and to give the verbal report for the solving processes. The degree of correct transitive inference performance and the errors in the wrong transitive inference performance were analyzed. The results of this study were as follows: First, there were the effects of the task types on the degree of correct transitive inference performance. Specifically, in the presentation order of premises 1(X>Y, Y>Z), the degree of correct transitive inference performance of the ABC task was higher than that of the Color task. But in the presentation order of premises 2(Y>Z, X>Y), there was no difference between the ABC task and the Color task. Second, there were the effects of the presentation orders of premises on the degree of correct transitive inference performance. Specifically, in the ABC task, the degree of correct transitive inference performance of the presentation order of premises 1(X>Y, Y>Z) was higher than that of the presentation order of premises 2(Y>Z, X>Y). But in the Color task, there was no difference between the presentation order of premises 1 (X>Y, Y>Z) and the presentation order of premises 2(Y>Z, X>Y). Third, the errors in the wrong transitive inference performance were analyzed as 4 types: the error coming from the order connotation of the task items, the error coming from task construction, the error coming from the superficial characteristics of task items, and the error coming from the shortage of task comprehension. Fourth, there were the effects of the task types on the error types in the wrong transitive inference performance. Specifically, in the presentation order of premises 1(X>Y, Y>Z), there was no difference between the ABC task and the Color task. But in the presentation order of premises 2(Y>Z, X>Y), the error types in the wrong transitive inference performance of the ABC task was different from that of the Color task. In the ABC task, the errors coming from the order connotation of the task items and the errors coming from task construction were the most often appeared. But in the Color task, the errors coming from task construction and the errors coming from the superficial characteristics of task items were the most often appeared. It seems that these results could suggest reference to development of programs for logical thinking education and teaching methods.

      • KCI등재

        A Systematic Literature Review on the Effects of Non-Driving Tasks on the Takeover Process in Highly Automated Driving

        윤솔희,이슬찬 대한인간공학회 2023 大韓人間工學會誌 Vol.42 No.1

        Objective: The aim of this research is to analyze the characteristics of non-driving related tasks (NDRT) and determine how they affect the transition of control in highly automated driving. Background: Highly automated driving systems are intelligent and assistive systems that are mostly used in commercial vehicles. These technologies aid drivers in the task of driving, allowing them freedom to attend to other tasks. However, these highly automated driving systems will continue to demand driver intervention in driving. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the characteristics of NDRT and their influence when regaining control of the vehicle. Method: A systematic literature review was conducted to investigate the effects of NDRT on the transition of control in highly automated driving, considering task characteristics, type of measurement, and experimental results from previous studies. A total of 27 articles were selected for the final analysis based on the selection criteria. Results: The literature review results showed that, depending on the task characteristics, NDRT can be classified into experimental tasks or natural tasks. In highly automated driving, NDRTs are generally used to simulate different drivers' states before a transition of control occurs. The transition of control is measured by evaluating and analyzing each of the stages of the takeover process. These measures are divided into takeover performance measures and post-takeover performance measures. The influence of NDRT in the transition of control differs between studies which can be explained by the specific NDRT selected in each of the research and the measure selected to analyze the transition of control. Although there is a difference in the effect of NDRT, it is agreeable that NDRT has an important influence on drivers' state in highly automated driving, and can affect the transition of control. Conclusion: In highly automated driving, NDRT are a key factor that influences the transition of control. The driver's cognitive, physical, and visual resources used during the NDRT can affect each of the processes and tasks that the drivers have to perform to regain control of the vehicle. Application: This research provides insights into the influence of NDRT in highly automated driving and its effect on each of the processes of transition of control. It allows an understanding of the impact of drivers' state before the takeover is performed.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 말하기 과제의 상호작용적 실제성 연구

        김지영,강현주 이중언어학회 2013 이중언어학 Vol.52 No.-

        This study aims to examine interactive authenticity of speaking tasks presented in intermediate Korean textbooks, and to suggest ways to enhance the interactive authenticity. As the core principles of the Korean education, communicative language teaching,task-based language teaching, and learner-centered language teaching are emphasized, and it results that material developers have made great effort to include the authentic materials which reflect the real-world situations. However in order to increase the ability of task performance, the experience of classroom task performance should transfer to a real-world situation, thus more attention should be paid to the authentic process of task performance as well as authentic task itself. Therefore, in this study it is termed ‘interactive authenticity’ to refer this authentic process of task performance, and it is specified as follow: i) topic development, ii) turn-taking, iii) response utterance, iv) attitude and gesture. Among these, interactive authenticity of intermediate Korean materials is analyzed based on the framework of topic introduction, topic transition, and topic deepening. As a result, all materials analyzed in this study have devices to teach topic development. Especially expressions and devices to present the way to deepen given topic abound, but topic introduction, which helps to start discourse, and topic transfer, which extend discourse moving to other topic within given theme, are shown relatively small percentage. This study also gives actual example of topic development presented in analyzed intermediate Korean materials. Based on this, more effective ways to lead students to develop a seamless interaction. This study highlights on the need of paying more attention to the interactive authenticity when developing speaking tasks and teaching speaking tasks.

      • KCI등재

        선진공여국 전환의 신학적 의미와 과제

        마호영 연세대학교 신과대학 연합신학대학원 2024 신학논단 Vol.115 No.-

        한국 신학계에서 시대적 변화에 따른 신학적 과제 수립 연구는 꾸준히 진행되어 왔다. 같은 맥락에서 본 연구는 최근의 중요한 시대적 변화로 국제 사회에 의한 한국의 선진공여국 전환을 선택하여, 변화가 가진 신학적 의미를 파악하고, 변화가 초래할 문제를 해결하기 위해 한국 신학계가 수행해야 할 과제를 수립하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위해, 선행 연구들이 사용한 연구방법론을 수정하여 [시대적 변화―초래할 문제―변화의 신학적 의미―신학적 과제―과제 수행을 위한 방법]의 개념적 틀로 연구를 진행하였다. 연구를 통해, 일반적으로 자부심, 희망, 실현 가능성 등으로 이해되는 한국의 선진공여국 전환은 책임과 무게를 내용으로 하는 하나님의 부르심이라는 신학적 의미를 갖는 사건임을 주장하였다. 그리고 이를 감당하기 위해 한국 신학계가 수행해야 할 과제로 한국과 기독교를 넘어 일반 사회와 지구 생태계에까지 연구 범위를 확대할 것과 지식 습득에서 문제 해결로 연구 목적을 확장할 것을 제시하였다. 나아가, 과제 수행을 위한 구체적인 방법으로 신학 연구에 있어 경험 연구와 융합 연구를 수행할 것을 제안하였다. Research on the establishment of theological task in accordance with the changes of the times has been steadily conducted in the Korean theological academia. This study chose the transition of Korea to an advanced-donor country by multilateral agencies as an important recent change and suggested the theological meaning of the change and the academic task of the Korean theological academia accordingly. By referring to the research methodology of previous studies, the research was conducted with the conceptual framework for analysis of [A Change of the Times―Difficulties―Theological Meaning of the Change―Theological Tasks―Methods for Task Performance]. Korea’s transition to an advanced-donor country, generally understood as pride, hope, and feasibility, has the theological meaning of God’s calling with commitment and pressure. In addition, as a task for the Korean theological academia to handle this, it suggested expanding the scope of research beyond Korea and Christianity to the secular society and the global eco system and expanding the purpose of research from knowledge acquisition to problem solving, and suggested conducting empirical research and transdisciplinary research as a way to carry out the theological task.

      • KCI등재

        레벨3 자율주행차량에서 운전자의 제어권전환 인지 및 행동 반응 연구

        김현숙(Hyunsuk Kim),김우진(Woojin Kim),김정숙(Jungsook Kim),이승준(Seung-Jun Lee),권오천(Oh-Cheon Kwon),윤대섭(Daesub Yoon) 대한인간공학회 2020 大韓人間工學會誌 Vol.39 No.6

        Objective: The purpose of this research is to conduct an experiment on the human factor of control authority transition and analyze the performance of control authority transition by using a vehicle simulator to support the driver"s take-over mechanism in level 3 automated vehicles. Background: How to inform the transition of control to manual driving, the driver"s NDRTs (Non-Driving Related Tasks), the driver"s age, and driving experience can affect the quality and timing of manual driving re-engagement. Therefore, research on human factors for control authority transition is needed in level 3 automated vehicles. Method: We conducted experiments to identify how visual and cognitive workloads, pre-cue for attention shifts, driving situation information, modality types that provide TOR (Take Over Request) information, driving readiness, and driver"s secondary task types affect control authority transition. Results: In this study, we found that pre-cue or driving situation information is provided before TOR, the performance for driver"s take-over is improved. When pre-cue is provided auditory (4.25s), the time to recognize TOR is significantly faster than when it is provided visually (6.25s). We found that the case of providing driving situation awareness information (3.19s) is faster than the case of not providing (3.96s). We also identified that the performance for driver"s take-over is improved when haptic interactions are added to provide TOR information. Adding a haptic modality (3.75s) to an auditory interaction to provide a TOR notification has been observed to have a much faster TOR recognition time than adding a visual modality (4.57s). In addition, we found that the greater the cognitive, visual, auditory, and hand-based physical demands related to the type of secondary tasks (NDRTs), the greater the workload felt by the driver, so it takes a long time to recognize the TOR and the performance for control authority transitions is lowered. The TOR recognition time was found to be faster in cases of looking ahead or around (2.74s) than in the case of drinking task (3.12s) or texting (3.23s). Conclusion: The level 3 automated vehicles must manage the driver"s readiness to drive at any time so that the driver can regain control from the ADS and engage in driving. To this end, it is necessary to continuously develop a driver monitoring system and related technologies that measure the driver"s gaze, hand movement, in-vehicle conversation, and seating information in real-time. Application: The results of this research can be used for the development of guidelines and commercialization policies that can be referenced and applied by Level 3 automated vehicle companies and organizations related to automated driving.

      • KCI등재

        동유럽 국가의 의료보장 변화를 통해서 본 남북한 통일 후 의료보장제도의 과제

        배화숙 평화문제연구소 2005 統一問題硏究 Vol.17 No.1

        The main purpose of this study is to indicate tasks of a medical security scheme for a unified Korea. To estimate the problems of medical security that could occur after unification I analyze the processof unifying medical security systems in unified Germany which had experienced many difficulties in the drastic process of unification and the change of systems of Eastern Europe in transition. As the result of the study, the tasks of medical security scheme include the factors which are the comprehensive provision of all necessary services, equitable contribution, and the macro-budget system as a payment and reimbursement system which is effective in stabilizingpublic finance and controling supply of medical services. Also it emphasizes central role of national and local government in paying for medical costs especially for poor, unemployed, and migrated people who can not afford to contribute for health care insurance.

      • KCI등재

        The Role of Plausibility and Structural Information in L2 Learners’ Acceptability Judgments of English Verbs

        김지현 한국외국어대학교 영미연구소 2019 영미연구 Vol.47 No.-

        This study investigates the role of plausibility and structural information in L2 learners’ acceptability judgments of English sentences with verbs differing in transitivity. Results showed that both structural information and semantic plausibility significantly affected acceptability ratings. L2 learners showed a tendency to give higher ratings to sentences with NP-V-NP constructions when the verb was a transitive verb. Higher ratings were also given to sentences in which the NP following the main verb was a plausible object, or semantically associated with the subject. The results also showed an interaction between structural information and plausibility, with greater effects of plausibility for the transitive verb conditions. The current results suggest that L2 learners are sensitive to both structural and plausibility factors when judging the acceptability of English sentences. However, L2 learners with lower proficiency may rely more on plausibility information for intransitive verbs. These results are consistent with previous studies suggesting that intransitive verbs are a common source of difficulty in both acquisition and processing for L2 learners, and are also compatible with theories that claim L2 learners are more reliant on semantic/plausibility information than native speakers.

      • KCI등재

        전환교육 실행과정에 따른 실천적 과제분석

        조인수 ( In Soo Cho ) 한국지적장애교육학회(구 한국정신지체아교육학회) 2011 지적장애연구 Vol.13 No.2

        이 연구는 특별한 교육적 요구를 지닌 학생들의 실질적인 지역사회 통합을 위한 결과중심 전환교육 실행과정에 따른 실천과제를 분석 제시함으로써 전환교육을 실천하는 관련 인사들에게 실질적인 도움을 주고자 하는데 있다. 연구 목적은 결과중심 전환교육의 효율적 실행을 위한 실행과정 분석에 따른, 전환 과정별 실천적 과제를 탐색·제시하였다. 전환교육의 보편적 실행과정은 전환사정, 전환교육계획수립, 훈련, 배치, 사후지도의 순으로 이루어진다. 이 연구에서 분석된 실행과정 영역별 구체적 실천 과제는 현장 교사들과 전환관련 전문가들에게 실천적인 지침을 제시 할 수 있을 것이다. This is a literature study whose aim is to give kinds of help those persons working in the areas related with transitional education fields who are going to practice transitional education in order to really include the students into their communities having some particular problems in intellectual problems after analysing and suggesting its practicing tasks according to transitional education curriculum. The purpose of this study is to suggest its each stages` important tasks to be carried out according to its effective practice tasks in order to achieve result-oriented transitional education. The results of this study are as follows; In order to achieve real social inclusion, transitional education must be practiced systematically in the viewpoint of result-oriented transitional education. Especially, for students with intellectual disabilities, social skill education must be practised effectively. Transitional services must be achieved in the light of assessment, ITP, practice, placement, after services respectively according to personal needs. First there must be five stages in transitional education such as assessment according to personal needs, individualized transitional education plan, practice, placement, after service. The tasks in each stages are decided among the personnels related with each transitional stage. The first transitional assessment task must be done in the way that it must be collected much information comprehensively among students, parents, teachers and then be done in the viewpoint of students` future plan, communication skill, social skill, occupational assessment, the style of learning and studying patterns, career and interest, self-determination and so on. Also transitional assessment can be divided into initial assessment and assessment according to transitional procedure and transitional results. The urgent problem would be developed proper instrumental tools adapt to our reality so as to assess good assessment according to transitional experts, the systematic assessment and to the assessment models. In the second stage to achieve proper transitional education plan, we must emphasize the enhancement of social skills to achieve result-oriented procedure to harmonize a series of activities and then through a systematic stage and finally the total team cooperation. Next stage of individualized transitional education plan, it must be finished through ①composing transitional education team ②individualized transition education meeting ③composing individualized transitional education plan ④practising individualized transitional education plan ⑤adjustment, feedback, appreciation of transitional education plan ⑥closing meeting in turn. The third stage is in the stage of practice composed of functional life-centered curriculum, providing supported employment program, attainment of professional personnels. Because handicapped students have some tendency of stopping their studies in the process of studying in school, students with intellectual disabilities must be included in life-centered career education. The fourth stage is placement, which are composed of occupational and residential placement. To solve occupational placement, we must consider it longer terms with viewpoint of support of transitional services having the help of national policy and systematic support. The process of occupational procedure is composed of 8 stages such as ①initial assessment ②developmental plan ③communication between employers and employees ④vocational placement ⑤training ⑥continuous support ⑦supervision ⑧access stage in a designated time and it sometimes is composed of both placement and train and train and placement. The placement of housing must be controlled by the governmental policy. After placement of housing, if a person has some kind of difficulty to live alone then government must consider thinking about the placement of assistant personnel to help that person more effectively. The fifth stage is in the after services to attain the professional personnels needed to help those students with special needs to experience their occupational career and to live independently. To solve this kind of problems, we must attain and prepare enough professional personnels to provide those students with after services.

      • KCI등재

        청소년이 지각한 부모 양육방식의 프로파일과 과제가치의 성장잠재계층 간 잠재전이분석

        김소영(Kim, Soyoung),송주연(Song, Juyeon) 한국청소년정책연구원 2020 한국청소년연구 Vol.31 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 청소년이 인식하는 부모양육방식의 프로파일과 시간에 따라 변화하는 과제가치의 성장잠재계층을 각각 분류한 후, 부모양육방식의 프로파일과 과제가치의 성장잠재계층 사이의 관계를 확인하는 것이다. 연구목적을 달성하기 위하여 부모양육방식은 횡단자료를 바탕으로 잠재프로파일을 분류하고, 청소년 과제가치는 종단자료를 바탕으로 성장잠재계층을 분류한 후, 두 잠재계층 사이의 잠재전이분석을 실시하였다. 연구 결과 부모의 양육방식 유형은 ‘고수준 집단’, ‘자율성지지 집단’, ‘과잉기대간섭 집단’ 그리고 ‘중도 집단’의 네 개 집단으로 분류되었고, 청소년의 과제가치 발달궤적은 ‘고수준 집단’, ‘중간-무변화 집단’, ‘감소 집단’, 그리고 ‘저수준 집단’의 네 개 집단으로 분류되었다. 잠재전이분석 결과, 자율성지지 양육방식 집단에 속한 청소년은 과제가치의 고수준 집단으로의 전이가 두드러졌다. 부모 양육방식이 고수준 집단일 때는 과제가치의 고수준 집단이나 감소집단으로 전이되었다. 부모 양육방식이 과잉기대간섭 집단인 경우에는 과제가치의 중간-무변화 집단이나 감소집단, 그리고 저수준 집단으로 전이되었다. 부모 양육방식이 중도 집단인 청소년은 과제가치의 중간-무변화 집단과 저수준 집단으로 유입이 두드러졌다. 이 연구의 결과는 자율성지지의 긍정적인 역할을 재확인하면서, 과잉 기대와 간섭의 한계점을 보여주었다는 데 의의가 있다. The purposes of this study are (a) to classify the latent profiles of parenting styles, (b) to classify the latent classes in the growth of adolescents’ task values, and (c) to investigate the latent transition rates between the latent profiles and the latent growth classes. For these purposes, latent transition analysis was conducted between the latent profiles of parenting styles with a cross-sectional analysis and the latent growth classes of adolescents’ task values with a longitudinal analysis. The results showed that the types of parenting styles could be classified into four latent profiles: a ‘high-level group’, an ‘autonomy support group’, an ‘excessive expectations/interference group’, and a ‘moderate group’. The trajectories of adolescents’ task values were classified into four growth latent classes: a ‘high level group’, a ‘moderate-stable group’, a ‘decreasing group’ and a ‘low level group’. In terms of the transition results, in the case of the autonomy support group and their parent’s parenting style, the adolescents tended to transit to the high level group in terms of task value. For students who belong to the high-level group of their parent’s parenting style, the students tended to transit to the high-level group or the decreasing group of task values. For who belong to the excessive expectations/interference group of their parent’s parenting style, they tended to transit to the moderate-stable group, and the decreasing group and low level group in terms of task values. In the moderate group, the adolescents tended to transit to the moderate-stable group, and low level group in terms of task value.

      • KCI등재

        발달장애학생의 성인기 전환을 위한 직업교육 측면에서 본 직무기술과 자기관리기술의 통합적 교수 접근에 관한 탐색

        김영준 ( Young Jun Kim ),도명애 ( Myung Ae Do ) 한국정서·행동장애아교육학회(구 한국정서학습장애아교육학회) 2014 정서ㆍ행동장애연구 Vol.30 No.3

        발달장애학생이 학교 졸업 이후 학령기 동안 실시된 직업교육의 성과를 통해, 성인기 전환 시 취업 및 고용에 따라 사업체로 진출하는 것은 특수교육의 궁극적 성과 중 하나이다. 발달장애학생의 직업교육은 성공적 성인기 전환을 목표로 삼는 만큼, 사업체 직무기술만을 단편적으로 보장하는 한계에서 벗어나 그 직무기술을 보다 바람직한 맥락에서 수행할 수 있도록 원조하는 자기관리기술 역시 주된 학습 소재로 포함해야 한다. 이런 입장은 다양한 집단(예: 학생, 부모, 특수교사, 고용주 및 직장 동료, 직업재활사 등)의 이해관계로부터 표면적으로 중요하게 공감되어 온 부분이지만, 발달장애학생이 학령기 동안 직업교육에서 직무기술과 자기관리기술을 통합적 교수 접근의 차원으로 학습하여 성인기 직업생활 및 교육에 대한 긍정적인 전이 효과를 이뤄 나가야 한다는 측면은 직접적으로 강조되어 오지 못한 경향이 많다. 따라서 본 연구는 발달장애학생의 성인기 전환을 중요히 조망하는 직업교육 측면에서 직무기술과 자기관리기술의 통합적 교수 접근을 전반적으로 탐색하고자 실시되었다. 이를 위해, 가장 먼저 본 연구는 직무기술과 자기관리기술의 통합적 교수 접근의 필요성 근거를 몇 가지로 고찰하였으며, 두 가지 기술의 통합적 교수 접근이 교수내용으로 발달장애학생에게 실제로 적용될 수 있도록 구성 절차 및 방법 역시 고찰하였다. 아울러, 학령기 중심의 입장에서 강조된 두 가지 기술의 통합적 교수 접근에 대한 직업교육이 성인기의 직업교육에 주는 기대효과를 밝힘으로써, 그 통합적 교수 접근을 발달장애학생의 평생학습 소재로써 전망하였다. To make students with developmental disabilities enter the workplace by recruit and employment in adulthood transition through the performance of vocational education during the school age after graduation from school is one of the ultimate performances of special education. As vocational education of students with developmental disabilities is targeted for successful adulthood transition, it must include self-management skills as a major learning matter enabling them to perform task skills in a more desirable context beyond securing task skills of the workplace simply. While this position has been significantly sympathized ostensibly from the interests of various groups (ex. students, parents, special teachers, employers, colleagues and vocational rehabilitation specialist), there has not been directly stressed that integrated instruction approach of task skills and self-management skills during the school age for students with developmental disabilities must be made to achieve positive transition effect on the vocational life and education of the adulthood. Accordingly, this study aimed to examine the integrated instruction approach of task skills and self-management skills in terms of vocational education for adulthood transition of students with developmental disabilities. For this purpose, this study examined basis of needs for integrated instruction approach of task skills and self-management skills in several ways, and also studied the composition procedure and methods so that the integrated instruction approach of two skills could be applied to students with developmental disabilities realistically as contents of instruction. Furthermore, this study demonstrated the expected effect of the integrated instruction approach of the two skills that are stressed from the perspective of school age, and prospected the integrated instruction approach as a matter of lifelong learning for students with developmental disabilities.

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