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        김수현(Kim Su-Hyun) 동국대학교 박물관 2019 佛敎美術 Vol.30 No.-

        Buddhist wooden tablet is a wooden form tablet that is used for rituals in buddhist temple or to make Buddhist alter more grandeur. In Buddhism, Buddhist wooden tablet is ritual tool that symbolizes characters such as Buddha and Bodhisattva. It is also being considered as a medium through which the Buddhist could meet Buddha. It is considered that this form of Buddhist wooden tablet was produced in Korea since the 15th century. According to Buddhism engravings made in the 15th century, such as Worin seokbo ( Episodes from the Life of Sakyamuni Buddha ) 『 月印釋譜 』, This Buddhist dharani spread out and diffused due to its easy teaching 『 佛頂心陀羅尼經 』 etc.. started to illustrated icons of Buddhist wooden tablet. Buddhist wooden tablet located in Anseong Chiljangsa Temple is the only Buddhist wooden tablet made in the early Joseon period. This tablet was confirmed to be produced in year 1557 and used as The Three Palace Plaques ‘ 三殿牌 ’. The most active period for the production of Buddhist wooden tablet is after the 17th century, the latter part of the Joseon Dynasty. This is because of the loss of Buddhist temples in the late 16th century due to war such as Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592. With the loss of Temple, wooden tablets were also being destroyed, which increased the demand of the tablet after the war is over. Moreover, Buddhist rituals, such as Suryukjae ( Land and Water Rite ) was centered around Buddhist temples. According to Chunjimyeongyang suryukjaeuibumsanbojip (天 地冥陽水陸齋儀梵音刪補集) written by Buddhist Jihwan from late 17th century to early 18th century, in order to perform ritual, such as junpae eun (殿牌移運) , Buddhist wooden tablet must be equipped as ritual instrument. In the late Joseon period, use of Buddhist wooden tablet was divided largely into two. plaque that pray for longevity and prayers for the loyal family and The Three Palace Plaques that used in a buddhist worship. The plaque was generally set up in a set of three, and it was encircled on altar. In the majesty pattern, dragon and phoenix symbolizing the royal authority were expressed together with clouds, lotus, and peony. On the other hand, The Three Palace Plaques is not clear in its quantity to be sealed in altar, and its majesty pattern is characterized by its religious color, such as full-length, top, lotus flower, chrysanthemum flower and bead. Analysis of the work that can identify the precise time of production by leaving a prestigious seal on the bottom of the tablet or the back of the tablet in the late Joseon period. from early 17th century to early 18th century, head, body and bottom of Wooden tablets were beautifully, splendidly, and magnificently designed in small to medium size. However, after mid 18th century, tablet s structure and form were simplified and the size of the tablet became smaller. Separately, 1 to 2 meter wooden tablets were made temporarily to be enclosed in a large Buddha statue from 4 to 6 meters long from the first half of the 17th century to the second half of the 17th century. Buddhist wooden tablets were made with other wooden pieces, such as statue of Buddha and Bodhisattva, altar, and platoon, and interestingly, buddhist monk sculptures, who easily handle the trees, participated in the work. All four pieces of the exhibition which were exhibited at the Dongguk University Museum Special Exhibition show no typical record of production, but it shows the typical form of the Buddhist wooden tablets produced in the late Joseon Dynasty. Among the exhibits, Dongguk University Museum s 3 collections, tablet s body and head were used in the majestic pattern and the phrases described in the work shows that they were plaque. The other two were made before 18th century mid size tablets and large size tablet that only head and body were remained is considered to be made between the middle of 17th century to late 17th century. On the other hand, tablet collection of Chentae ( Ti

      • KCI등재

        고대 목간의 형태 재분류와 고려 목간과의 비교

        한정훈(Han, Jeong-hun) 한국목간학회 2016 목간과 문자 Vol.0 No.16

        본 논문은 고대 목간과 고려 하찰목간의 형태 비교를 목적으로 작성하였다. 이를 위한 전제 작업으로 고대 목간의 형태를 분류하던 중 선행 연구에서 구멍형 목간을 소홀히 다루었음을 알게 되었다. 고대 목간의 형태와 용도를 대략적으로 검토한 결과, 백제 목간을 중심으로 삼국시대에는 구멍형 목간이 荷札 뿐 아니라 편철용 문서목간, 신분증표용 목간, 주술용 목간 등 다양한 용도로 활용되었음을 확인하였다. 그래서 장방형과 홈형 그리고 일정한 기능을 부여하기 어려운 측면이 있는 뾰족한 형상[尖形]과 더불어 구멍형도 고대 목간 형태의 분류체계에 포함시킬 것을 제안하였다. 양자의 형태 비교에서 손쉽게 확인된 내용은 고대 목간에서 다면형이나 원주형 목간이 어렵지 않게 확인되는데 반해, 고려시대 목간은 기본적으로 두께가 얇은 板材形이었다. 이러한 차이는 고려시대 목간이 荷札이기 때문에 짐 꼬리표로서 부피가 작고 두께가 얇은 장방형이 부착하기에 편리하였기 때문이다. 더불어 고대 목간에서 여러 형태가 확인되는 것은 목간이 다양한 용도로 널리 이용된 것과 관련이 있을 것이다. 달리 말해, 통일신라를 거치면서 목간의 용도가 축소됨에 따라 고려시대에는 그 형태도 단순화된 것이다. 뒤이어 동일한 용도의 하찰목간인 성산산성의 것과 고려시대 목간의 형태도 비교하였다. 그 결과 고 · 중세를 막론하고 좌우 양쪽에 홈을 낸 목간이 하찰목간의 전형이었음을 확인하였는데, 이러한 홈형 목간의 비율이 고려시대에 더욱 높아진 것은 하찰목간 형태의 정형화나 규격화가 보다 진전되었음을 의미한다. 또한 고려시대는 짐에 부착하기 위한 가공 부위로서 홈이 보편화되면서 荷札목간에서조차 구멍이 거의 사라지게 되었다. This paper is designed to compare forms of ancient wooden tablet and Goryeo Hachal(荷札) wooden tablet. At first, forms and uses of ancient Kokgans are reviewed to find that the hole-type of wooden tablet was variously used in the period of Three Kingdoms. Therefore, rectangular, groove and sharp shapes as well as hole-type are also suggested to be included in the class of ancient forms of wooden tablet. In addition, different from ancient one, the use of wooden tablet in Goryeo period was limited to the parcel note[Hachal], so its forms also tended to be simplified. On the other hand, the Seongsan-Sanseong wooden tablet, a representative Hachal wooden tablet was compared with that in Goryeo period. It is found that the wooden table with left and right side grooved was a typical Hachal wooden tablet during both the ancient and the middle age, indicating that an increase in ratio of hole-type of wooden tablet in Goryeo period means the developments in standardization or normalization of forms of the Hachal wooden tablet. As the groove was generalized as a cutting part to which a parcel was attached in Goryeo period, the hole-type of wooden tablet almost disappeared even in the Harchal.

      • KCI등재

        태안사 적인선사비의 이수(螭首)와 ‘비말(碑末)’에 관하여

        이일규(李一揆),남혜민(南慧敏) 한국역사연구회 2020 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.117

        The authors of this article visited the Tae’an-sa monastery in December 2019, and confirmed the existence of the original main stone(“Momdol, body stone”) of the Stone tablet for Master Jeog’in (Jeog’in Seonsa), which is recorded to have been first erected in 872. It has been a general belief that the artifact does not remain today, but we beg to differ. In this article we report the results of our survey while also discussing two issues related to this artifact. The inscription of this tablet supposedly included a record known as ‘Bimal (碑末),’ which documents the properties of the Tae’an-sa monastery (including the land it owned). The record itself has been considered an invaluable source of information concerning the socio-economic reality of the ending days of Shilla. Yet the tablet itself was never found, so whether or not ‘Bimal’ was really part of this tablet has been a constant object of debate. Meanwhile, a new tablet which was erected in 1928 to replace the original Jeog’in Seonsa tablet features a ‘Dragon head(Isu, 螭首),’ which itself was entangled in a rumor that it was originally from the Gwangja Daesa-bi tablet. Several studies explored such possibility but a definite answer to the rumor was never given. Yet the newly confirmed Jeog’in Seonsa-bi tablet seems like it would be able to provide the aforementioned two questions with an adequate answer. Our inspection of the tablet led us to believe that the ‘Bimal’ record would have been at the left end portion of the front side of the Jeog’in Seonsa-bi tablet. It seems like it was the intention of the creators to protect the properties and land owned by the monastery in a turbulent time (at the end of the Shilla dynasty no less), by clarifying the monastery’s rights over those assets specifically on the tablet. Meanwhile, the dragon head placed on the newly built Jeog’in Seonsa-bi tablet seems to have been indeed from the Gwangja Daesa-bi tablet. And another dragon head that is right beside the Gwangja Daesa-bi tablet seems to be from another entirely different stone tablet.

      • <태종무열왕릉비> 비액연구

        진복규 慶州大學校 慶州文化硏究所 2007 慶州文化硏究 Vol.9 No.-

        It has reaffirmed that the calligraphic style at e Top Part of The Tablet in Royal Tomb of King Taejong Mooyul has deep connection with that of the Northem Wei Dynasty (386-534)of China, just as former studies. Ancient Scholars Believed that the style of calligraphy at the Top Part of The Tablet in Royal Tomb of King Taejong Mooyul connected with that of Tang Dynasty (618-907), but recent studies show that it is closer than that of the Northem Wei Dynasty. The shape and technique used in calligraphy were specifically influenced by <Whangjaenamsoon Tablet) (Onchunsong Tablet) (Wheebok Temple Tablet). The '宀' part is particularIy similar. The Top Parts of the Northem Wei Dynasty tablets traditionally written in xiao zhuan(sma11 seal script) style. The splendid and magnificent top part of e Han Dynasty tablets made gradual progress and became that of the Northem Wei Dynasty, which have a little difference in shape and technique. The straight lines in stroke of (Whangjaenamsoon Tablet) (Onchunsong Tablet) (Wheebok Temple Tablet) are not soft and curves in stroke are too exaggerated and decorated. The Top Part of The Tablet in Royal Tomb of King Taejong Mooyul, however, is not decorative but elastic, neat, mighty and magnificent. That is, it puts emphasis on aesthetic of temperance. It accepted traditions of ancient Chinese styles but achieved an unprecedented development in stroke. The writer of the Top Part in The Tablet of Royal Tomb of King Taejong Mooyul had acquired traditional Northem Wei Dynasty style and added it a new spirit of unification in Korean Peninsular and a new aesthetic. Finally, he created more developed style of calligraphy. The writing style of the Top Part of The Tablet in The Royal Tomb of King Taejong Mooyul, which is strikingly similar to the Top Part of The Tablet in Royal Tomb of King Moonmoo and that of General Kim You-shin, is thought to had created new form. The styles are so similar that the writer of these three tablets is thought to be the same man or at least teacher-learner relation. They were written within the Kim In- moon's lifetime. They were written for the purpose of praising kings and a commanding general. The new tradition in writing top part of tablet appeared in the Top Part of The Tablet in The Royal Tomb of King Hungduk and other tablets between the late Silla Dynasty and the early Koryo Dynasty. For example, <Silsang Temple Suchulwhasang nunggabowol Tablet) and (Salsang Temple Junggakdaesa Eungryo Tablet) were more or less contemporaneously built and their writing styles are so alike that they also seems to be influenced by the Top Part of The Tablet in The Royal Tomb of King Taejong Mooyul. So, the writer of these is thought to be the same person. The writing style of the top parts of the tablets in (Yungwol Hungnyung Temple Jinghyodaesa Tablet), (Bo- ri Temple Daekyungdaesa Tablet) and <Biro Temple Jingongdaesa Bobup Tablet) is so alike that they also seems to be influenced by the Top Part of The Tablet in The Royal Tomb of King Taejong Mooyul. The Writer of these tablets is thought to be written by one parson or quite relative person. Some 300 years (from the year 661: The Royal Tomb of King Taejong Mooyul to the year 939 : Biro Temple Jingongdaesa Bobup Tablet) of tradition is reconfirmed. It's outstanding artistic quality, the calligrapher Kim In-moon's capabilities, who had contacted advanced and splendid civilization of the early Tang Dynasty of China and a great king to whom the tablet dedicated, these great complexity made The Tablet of Royal Tomb of King Taejong Mooyul establish a new style in top part writing style and had been succeeded to later tablets. <태종무열왕릉비> 비액의 서풍은 기존의 연구대로 북위의 서풍과 관련성이 두드러지는 것이 다시 확인되었다. 이전에 이 비의 형제에 대해 거론한 선학들은 당의 것을 닮은 것으로 보았기에, 비액의 서풍도 당비의 비액서풍과 관련해서 생각해 보았으나 오히려 북위와 더욱 가까운 것으로 밝혀졌다. 비의 형제도 북위와의 관련성이 깊지 않을까 생각된다. 구체적으로 북위의 <황제남순비>과 <온천송>, <휘복사비> 등에서 서풍의 연원을 살펴 볼 수 있었다. 필획의 형태나 결구 장법상에 있어서 일정한 영향을 감지할 수 있었다. 특히 <온천송>의 갓머리 표현과 이 비액은 서로 담은 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 북위 비액의 서체는 소전으로 오랜 전통을 가진 것이다. 거기에 예서의 자형과 필획이 부분적으로 어울려 장식적이면서도 위엄 있는 漢碑額이 시대를 거치며 북위의 비액 전통으로 계승 발전된 것이다. 그러나 북위의 <황제남순비>이나 <온천송>, <취복사비> 등의 획은 직선은 너무 경직되어 있고, 곡선은 지나치게 과장되어 장식화된 경향이 있으나, 무열왕릉비액은 상대적으로 단정함과 위엄을 갖추고, 지나친 곡선의 장식성을 배제하여, 탄력적이고 완만한 곡선으로 강력한 힘을 내재시킨 것으로 파악된다. 한마디로 절제의 미학을 앞세운 것이다. 앞서 거론한 것처럼 중국의 역대 전액의 전통을 수용하였으나 그 어디에도 똑 같은 획은 찾을 수 없는 발전된 형태의 필획이다. 무열왕릉비액의 서자가 북위비액의 전통서풍을 익힌 바탕 위에, 통일기의 위대한 군주에 대한 역사적 환경을 고려하고, 새로운 미감을 더하여, 변화하고 발전한 형태의 전형을 성취해 낸 것이다. 이러한 무열왕릉비액의 서풍은 사천왕사지 비액 편(문무왕릉비액)과 천관사지 비액 편(김유신비액)을 거쳐 역사적 전통이 된 것으로 파악되는데, 이들 비액의 서자는 무열왕릉비액의 서자와 동일인이거나, 적어도 사승관계에 있는 인물로 생각된다. 여러 가지 면에서 너무 혹사한 서풍이며, 건립연대가 김인문의 계세기간으로 비슷하고, 또 왕이거나 왕에 버금가는 인물의 비액이기에 그렇다. 무열왕릉비액 전통의 영향은 흥덕왕릉비액 조각에서 다시 확인할 수 있었고, 신라말 고려초의 여러 선사들의 탑비에서도 확인할 수 있다. <실상사수철화상능가보월탑비>나 <실상사증각대사응료탑비>는 서로 건립시기도 시대적으로 가깝고, 비액의 서풍도 둘 사이에 닮았는데, 이들 역시 무열왕릉비액의 전통을 이은 것이다. 서자 역시 동시대의 동일인물이 아닐까 생각한다. <영월흥넘사징효대사탑비>와 <보리사대경대사탑비> <비로사진공대사보법탑비>의 비액도 서로 흡사한 서풍으로 무열왕릉비액의 전통을 계승하였다. 이들의 서자도 동시대의 관련 깊은 인물일 가능성이 짙다. 근 3백년(무열왕릉비의 건립을 661년으로 보고, <비로사진공대사보법람비>의 연대가 939년이므로, 278년의 기간이 됨)간 지속된 전통을 확인할 수 있다. 이것은 아마 세계적인 대제국 초당의 문화예술 세례를 받은 서자 김인문의 역량과, 삼국통일의 초석을 놓았던 위대한 군주의 비액이라는 점이, 비액 자체의 예술성과 더불어 인식되었기 때문에 생겨난 전통으로 볼 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        조직의 태블릿 PC 이용 및 업무성과에 영향을 미치는 조직필요성 요인과 조직혁신문화의 조절효과에 대한 연구

        김상현 ( Sang Hyun Kim ),박현선 ( Hyun Sun Park ) 한국정보시스템학회 2012 情報시스템硏究 Vol.21 No.4

        Growth in the device field is driven by various emerging devices, tablet PC are among the most recognizable. Tablet PC are mobile computing devices enabled with touch screens or pen inputs and provide the functions of various other devices. Firms are interested in utilization of tablet PC on task. Many of firms is considering accepting of tablet PC and is looking forward to performance of tablet PC. Thus, this study propose to discuss strategies for the usage of tablet PC from organizational needs perspective. The goal of this study is to identify factors influencing use of tablet PC and task performance. The results of this study showed that the proposed factors of organizational needs with a exception of Service Flexibility had a positive impact on perceived usefulness that then positively affected Usage of Tablet PC and Task Performance. In addition, perceived task-technology fit had a positive impact on perceived usefulness and Usage of Tablet PC. Finally, Innovative Culture of Organization as a moderating effect significantly influenced the relationship between perceived usefulness, perceived Task-Technology Fit and Usage of Tablet PC. This study is expected to be a reference for a subsequent study associated with Tablet PC at organizational viewpoints.


        Investigation on Raman spectral features of a coated tablet under variation of its orientation respective to laser illumination and measurement of nominal coating thickness of packed tablets

        Kim, J.,Hwang, J.,Woo, Y.A.,Chung, H. Pergamon Press 2016 Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis Vol.131 No.-

        To investigate Raman spectral features of a coated biconvex tablet under variation of its orientation respective to laser illumination, spectra of the tablet were collected by illuminating laser on 12 different locations on the tablet with 3 different illumination angles of 45, 75 and 90<SUP>o</SUP>. The spectral variations were more substantial when the tablet faces with engraved letters and greater surface curvature were measured, since the sampled volume of coating relative to that of a core tablet changed significantly under these circumstances as the illumination angle varied. The preliminary examination confirmed that the acquisition of tablet-representative spectra was the requisite for reliable measurement of coating thickness. Then, to mimic real monitoring of coating process, Raman spectra were directly collected on a packing of 30 tablets with repetition of random tablet packing up to 15 times and univariate models utilizing the intensity of coating peak at 638cm<SUP>-1</SUP> were developed using the cumulatively averaged spectra with an average weight of the 30 tablets as a reference. To acquire less tablet orientation-sensitive spectra, a wide area illumination (WAI) scheme providing a large sampling area (28.3mm<SUP>2</SUP>) on a tablet with a long focal length (~25cm) was employed. The averaging of the first to seventh spectra, equivalently utilizing more packing-representative spectra for quantitative analysis, made the measurement of nominal coating thickness of packed tablets accurate.

      • KCI등재

        태블릿 기반 스포츠심리측정의 타당도와 신뢰도

        우영임,김병준 한국스포츠심리학회 2022 한국스포츠심리학회지 Vol.33 No.3

        Purpose: The purpose of the current study was to provide evidence for validity and reliability of tablet-based Korean versions of sport psychological measurement (psychological skills, competition anxiety, performance profiling technique). Methods: A total of 113 athletes of 7 sports (handball, archery, baseball, volleyball, basketball, soccer, and shooting) responded to the sport psychological measurement using paper and tablet, and 78 athletes participated in the retest session using only tablet devices. Paper-based test data were collected to verify the validity of tablet-based sport psychological measurement, and a 1-week interval test-retest using tablet device was conducted to verify reliability. Results: The correlation between the paper- and tablet-based test for TOPS-2, SCAT, and IZOF performance profiling technique showed high positive correlation for most factors, securing validity. Second, the TOPS-2, SCAT, and IZOF performance profile scores of tablet-based tests showed no average differences in the test-retest results, proving reliability in terms of time stability and showing high correlation, which was interpreted as evidence of reliability. In the case of the IZOF performance profiling, there was an average difference, but the correlation for each factor was high, so it was judged that temporal stability was secured. Conclusion: Although the tablet-based test had a different measurement format, the validity and reliability were demonstrated for the selected sport psychological tests. The results supported practical applicability of the tablet-based measurement in research and consulting situations in sport psychology.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 磁器製 器物形 誌石 연구

        오임숙 동아대학교 석당학술원 2015 石堂論叢 Vol.0 No.63

        Epitaph tablet is one of funeral equipments that is buried in the last stage of funeral arrangements. Many information including buried person birth and death and burial, which can be said to be the history of a person. Human definitely dies once born. There are people who want to leave a trace, after death. One of the means to leave a trace is Epitaph tablet. Epitaph tablet appears since the Three Kingdoms period, however it was organized and generalized since Goryeo period. However, the classes that left Epitaph tablet in Goryeo period were mostly governmental officers or noble men. In Joseon dynasty, as Confucian bier funeral system was generalized and nationally great quantity of Porcelain Epitaph tablet appeared. The 18th century was the crest of Epitaph tablet in respect of material, shape, and quantity. Particularly, as most of general people participated in manufacture of Epitaph tablet, Epitaph tablet culture became prosperous in earnest. Since this period, Utensils type Epitaph tablet appeared in a similar shape to living vessels in a large quantity mainly with general people, which showed various shapes, e.g. wipae type, cylindar, bowl type, dish type, yeonsang type, polygonal bottle type, etc. Particularly, in many cases they were hurriedly written with ink stick or engraved in bowl or dish, etc. This way, Utensils type appeared in unique and various types, in respect of content composition, in many cases they were briefly recorded in shoddy letter form. This phenomenon is considered to have a close relation with the establishment of Epitaph tablet as the general phenomenon along with recommendation for active use of Porcelain Epitaph tablet at the national level. Also, the researcher considers that the general people were hurriedly buried by urgently engraving letters in living vessels, etc., since their funeral period was shorter than governmental officers and funeral style was simple, accordingly, they could not be prepared with proper shape of typical Epitaph tablet type. 誌石은 장례절차 마지막에 埋納하는 장례용구의 하나이다. 여기에는 被葬者의 生沒에서 埋葬에 이르기까지 많은 정보들이 기록되어 있기에 한 개인의 역사라 할 수 있다. 인간은 태어나면 언제가 한번은 죽기 마련이다. 사후, 생전의 흔적을 남기려는 사람들이 있다. 그 흔적을 남기는 수단의 하나로 誌石을 들 수 있다. 誌石은 삼국시대부터 등장하지만 체계를 갖추고 보편화되기 시작한 것은 고려시대 부터이다. 하지만 고려시대에 지석을 남긴 계층은 대부분 관리나 귀족계층이었다. 조선시대로 접어들면 儒敎式 喪葬禮 제도가 보편화되면서 전국적으로 엄청난 양의 磁器製 誌石이 등장을 한다. 시기적으로 18세기는 지석의 재질이나 형태, 수량에 있어 최고 절정기라 할 수 있다. 특히 일반인들이 상당부분 지석제작에 참여하면서 본격적으로 지석문화의 꽃이 피는 시기이다. 이 시기부터 일반인들을 중심으로 생활용기와 유사한 형태의 器物形 誌石이 대거 등장을 하는데, 位牌形을 비롯해 圓筒形, 沙鉢形, 楪匙形, 硯床形, 多角甁形 등 다양한 형태를 보이고 있다. 특히 沙鉢이나 楪匙 등에 급하게 墨書를 하거나 陰刻을 한 경우가 많다. 이처럼 器物形은 독특하고 다양한 형태로 나타나며 내용구성에 있어서도 간단하게 기록하며 글자체도 粗惡한 경우가 많다. 이러한 현상은 국가적인 차원에서 磁器製 誌石의 적극적인 사용 권고와 더불어 지석이 일반적인 현상으로 자리 잡는 것과 밀접한 관계가 있다고 보여 진다. 또한 관직자들에 비해 장례기간이 짧고, 장례형태가 간소하였던 일반인들이 전형적인 지석의 형태를 제대로 갖추기 힘들었기 때문에 생활용기 등에 급하게 새겨 埋納했을 것으로 보여 진다.

      • KCI등재

        南冥神道碑와 後世 儒林들의 論難

        허권수 경상대학교 경남문화연구원 2013 남명학연구 Vol.40 No.-

        Nammyeong Jo Sik was great scholar in Chosun Dynasty, ranked together with Toegye. He has teached many disciples, they have was distributed over the whole country. They very respected their master Nammyeong, so after Nammyeong’s death, they carried out memorial project as erecting shrine, building Stone Tablet. Typically only one stone tablet was built for a famous people, but four stone tablet was built for Nammyeong. Who wrote sentence of the stone tablet were Jung Inhong, Chogyeong, Heo Mog, Song Silyeol. They all were renowned scholars. Among them Heo Mog and Song Silyeol were contrast in the way of the study and the recipe of sentence. Plus, their parties was different. Heo Mog belonged to South party, Song Silyeol belonged to East party. Deogchun academy which sacrifice Nammyeong were driven by South party that hailed Heo Mog as chief. Because the stone tablet written by Heo Mog was built The way to of Nammyeong’s bomb. But the stone tablet written by Song Silyeol can not be built The way to Nammyeong’s bomb. While The contents of Stone Tablet written by Heo Mog were stirred up Nammyeong descendants’ complaints. On the other hand, the contents of Stone Tablet written by Song Silyeol was greatly welcomed by Nammyeong descendants. Through many controversies, finally in 1926, Nammyeong descendant had erected the stone tablet written by Song Silyeol, had got rid of the original stone tablet written by Heo Mog. Because of this issue the relationship between South party and East party have been more disconnected. As a result, four stone tablet of Nammyeong which left to present period will provide us with more material benefits. 南冥 曹植은 退溪 李滉과 더불어 朝鮮을 대표하는 학자다. 그의 사후 그의 생애를 기록한 여러 傳記文字가 존재한다. 그 가운데서도 그의 神道碑는 여느 인물들과는 달리 네 개나 존재한다. 신도비는 하나만 있는 것이 일반적이다. 1609년 남명이 領議政에 追贈됨으로 해서 당시 대표적인 제자라 할 수 있는 來庵 鄭仁弘이 神道碑를 지었다. 그러나 1623년 仁祖反正이 일어나 來庵이 처형되자, 죄인이 지은 神道碑는 둘 수 없어 즉각 없애버렸다. 다시 神道碑의 글을 받아 세울 필요가 있을 때, 남명의 손자 曺晉明이 謙齋 河弘度에게 請文했다. 겸재는 자신은 지을 수 없다는 뜻을 표하였다. 대신 西人의 대표적인 학자로서 志節로 널리 알려진 淸陰 金尙憲에게 請文하도록 주선해 주었다. 그러나 淸陰은 지어주지 않았다. 당시 남명의 弟子나 後學들로 주축을 이루었던 大北派가 몰락한 직후라 南冥學派는 매우 곤경에 처해 있었다. 겸재는 南冥學派를 존속시키기 위해서는 西人들과 제휴할 필요를 절실히 느꼈기 때문에 西人 가운데서 영향력이 있는 淸陰에게 청문하도록 주선했던 것이다. 淸陰이 지어주지 않자, 당시 南人의 영수였던 龍洲 趙絅에게 청문했다. 그러나 그는 오랫동안 지어주지 않았다. 그 뒤 용주보다 후배로 南人의 영수인 眉叟 許穆과 西人의 영수인 尤庵 宋時烈에게 청문하여 두 편의 神道碑文를 받았다. 그 당시는 德川書院을 南人들이 주도하였으므로 南冥의 묘소 밑에 眉叟가 지은 神道碑를 세웠다. 尤庵이 지은 神道碑文은 나중에 三嘉 龍巖書院의 廟庭碑로 세워졌다. 1764년 『南冥別集』을 만들어 南冥에 관계된 附錄文字를 수록할 때도 眉叟와 龍洲가 지은 神道碑文은 수록되었지만, 尤庵이 지은 神道碑文은 수록되지 않았다. 처음에 南人의 영수와 西人의 영수에게 南冥의 碑文을 동시에 받은 것이 論難의 발단이었다. 두 사람은 學問의 方法이나 文章體裁가 다르기 때문에, 보는 시각에 따라서 그 碑文은 처음부터 문제가 될 수 있었다. 眉叟는 스스로 ‘漢나라 이후의 글은 안 본다’라고 선언할 만큼 六經에 바탕한 古學 위주의 학문을 했고, 文章도 아주 簡明하면서 含蓄的이었다. 반면 尤庵은 철저한 朱子學 신봉자였고, 문장도 朱子처럼 내용 위주의 雄渾, 質朴한 文體를 즐겨 사용하였다. 南冥의 후손들은 애초에 어느 특정 黨派에 얽매인 것은 아니었지만, 眉叟가 지은 神道碑文에서, 제목을 「南冥先生神道碑」라 하지 않고 「德山碑」라고 한 점 , 南冥이 學問淵源이 없이 독자적으로 一家의 學問을 이룬 것처럼 서술한 점, 氣節만 강조한 점, 이미 처형된 鄭仁弘의 이름을 비문에 특별히 기록한 점, 자손을 수록하지 않은 점 등에 강한 불만을 갖고 있었다. 그래도 南人系 儒林들이 眉叟를 워낙 尊崇하기 때문에 불만을 가진 南冥 후손들은 어쩌지는 못 하고 오랜 세월을 지내왔다. 그러다가 眉叟가 南冥을 존경하지 않는 느낌을 주는 내용이 담긴 「答學者書」를 남명 후손들이나 西人系列의 인사들이 입수하여 보게 되자, 眉叟가 지은 神道碑에 대한 불만이 더욱 크게 고조되었다. 1879년부터 勉菴 崔益鉉, 淵齋 宋秉璿, 心石齋 宋秉珣, 老栢軒 鄭載圭 등 老論系 學者들이 眉叟가 지은 神道碑文의 문제점을 지적하면서, 尤庵이 지은 神道碑를 칭찬하자, 南冥 後孫과 西人系 儒林들은 尤庵이 지은 碑文을 세울 운동을 하였다. 이런 상황에서 眉叟가 지은 南冥 神道碑에 강한 ...

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Evaluation of Physical Properties as Magnesium Stearate Blended in Hydrophilic Matrix Tablets

        ( Du Hyung Choi ),( Youn Jung Jung ),( Hun Sik Wang ),( Jeong Hyun Yoon ),( Seong Hoon Jeong ) 한국약제학회 2011 Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation Vol.41 No.2

        Main objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of a lubricant, magnesium stearate, as blended in a hydrophilic matrix tablet and to identify significant factors using a tablet ejection force and a swelling property. The characteristics of tablet ejection were evaluated with three different compression forces (30, 40, and 60 MPa) and two controlled factors, amount of magnesium stearate and its mixing time. A hydrophilic model drug (terazosin HCl dihydrate) was regarded as a default factor. Tablet swelling was also evaluated. The optimal amount of PEG compared to PEO was set to be 88.50% w/w. As the amount of magnesium stearate was varied from 0.79% to 2.20% w/w, the amount of PEO and PEG was adjusted to meet the tablet`s total weight while maintaining the ratio between the two excipients constant. As the mixing time of magnesium stearate was increased, the tablet ejection force and the swelling property were decreased. As the amount of magnesium stearate was increased, the tablet ejection force and the swelling property were decreased since the increased mixing time and the amount of magnesium stearate induced hydrophobic properties of the matrix tablet more effectively. The ejection force of the tablet increased as a result of increase in the compression force, which means that the breaking of tablet/die-wall adhesion energy was also increased when the compression energy was increased. The results gave a valuable guide how to choose suitable amount of the lubricant with processing conditions for the development of hydrophilic matrix formulations.

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