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        한국 중소벤처기업이 경험하는 기업간 불공정거래행위의 10년(2008~2017)간 변화 추세와 시사점

        이춘우(Lee, Choonwoo) 한국창업학회 2018 한국창업학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        오랜 동안 대기업의 중소·벤처기업에 대한 불공정거래행위가 이슈가 되어 왔지만, 불공정거래 행위에 관한 선행연구들은 불공정거래행위 유형과 법률적 논쟁에 관한 연구들이 다수를 차지하고 있고, 불공정거래행위가 얼마나 광범위하게 발생하고 있는지, 불공정거래행위가 증가 또는 감소추세인지, 그리고 발생 원인이 무엇이며 사전 예방 방법은 무엇인지에 대한 연구가 매우 미흡한 상태이다. 이에 본 연구는 공정거래위원회의 통계연보 자료 및 벤처기업협회의 불공정거래 조사자료 등 불공정거래행위 관련 2차 자료들과 연구자가 수집한 현장 기업인 인터뷰 자료 등을 토대로 불공정거래의 발생 정도, 원인 및 예방방법에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 연구결과 불공정 거래행위의 유형들로는 일방적 납품가격 인하요구(납품단가 후려치기), 계약범위 이상의 일을 추가로 요구하기, 기술 및 설계도의 제출요구, 대기업 담당직원 금품수수, 계열사 거래채널에 끼우기(일감 몰아주기), 사전예고 없이 거래선 변경 일방통보, 납품대금 결제기한 넘기기, 90일 이상짜리 어음 끊어주기, 지적재산권 넘기도록 요구하기, 신규업체에 대한 암묵적 진입장벽 만들 기, 담당직원의 인격 무시적 고압적 자세, 대기업의 벤처기업 시장 침투해오기, 보복행위 등이다. 그리고 약 30% 정도의 중소벤처기업들이 대기업과의 거래에서 불공정거래행위를 경험하고 있는 것으로 보인다. 불공정거래행위 문제가 한국 대기업과 중소벤처기업 간 거래에만 국한되는 상황은 아니지만, 해외기업과의 거래에서보다 우리나라 대기업이나 대기업의 1, 2차 벤더와의 거래에서 더 많이 발생하고 있어, 불공정거래행위가 한국의 B2B 거래에서 해결해야 할 과제라는 점을 발견할 수 있었다. 특히 불공정거래행위는, 한국 대기업과의 거래에서만 발생하는 문제가 아니라 중소기업 및 벤처기업간의 거래에서도 발생하고 있어 B2B 상거래 문화 개선 운동을할 필요가 있다는 결론을 내릴 수 있었다. This study examined the trend of unfair trade practices that Korean high tech business ventures have experienced with Korean Lager companies for 10 years from 2008 to 2017. Most prior research has focused on the legal issues of unfair trade practices and identified the types of unfair trade practices, not investigating the trend of unfair trade that Korean high tech business ventures have experienced with Korean Lager companies. The unfair trade is the legal violation, and many business firms involved with unfair trade keep in silence. Therefore, primary data collection of unfair trade could hardly be possible. Thus, this study has collected several secondary data of unfair trade for recent 10 years. Naturally, this study investigated several research questions such as how many high tech business ventures faced the unfair trade with the ‘Chaebul’ large companies or other small and medium domestic and multinational enterprises, which type of companies forced high tech business ventures to meet more unfair trade, and so on. Further, the study has identified several unfair trades between Korean high tech business ventures and other small and medium enterprises, 1st or 2nd vender of larger companies and multinational foreign enterprises. We found that about 11%~35% of Korean high tech business ventures had experienced unfair trade with Korean lager companies. The portion of unfair trade that Korean high tech business ventures have experienced has not changed for the last 10 years. Korean Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act which includes the prohibition of unfair trade among or between business enterprises, has not appeared to play much role for decreasing the unfair trade practices in Korean high tech business ventures. About 20% of Korean high tech business ventures have experienced unfair trade practices with Korean ‘Chaebul’ companies. Korean high tech business venture have more unfair trade experiences with large ‘Chaebul’ companies than with multinational companies. These results suggest that Korean large companies and small and medium or high tech business ventures should try best to terminate the practices of unfair trade in Korean business industry.

      • 충북 수출기업의 정보기술 활용성과 실태 분석을 통한 전자무역 활성화 방안

        윤영한 충북연구원 2011 지역정책연구 Vol.22 No.2

        This paper tries finding out activating way of the Usage Level and Performance of e-Trade in Chungbuk's Exporting Companies. While there are about 6,000 companies in Chungbuk Province, 1,600 companies were registered for international trade. Among them, 500 exporting companies that have been conducted international trade during last three years were selected for survey. According to the survey, overall awareness level of e-Trade was very low. Especially, more than a half of surveyed exporting companies showed less than 20% of their e-Trade's leverage ratio, while less than 15% of the surveyed companies showed more than 80%. The awareness level of simplified business processes and reduction costs showed high level of e-Trade benefits but the others, such as customers in the excavation, advertising & marketing, and trade information were somewhat low. The highest usage level of e-trade was marketing promotion and came to next position of customs clearance and transportation, international information, meanwhile dispute settlement was low. This result is very similar to those of prior research shown. In regard to the difficulties of using e-trade factors, lack of specialized personnel and technology infrastructure were the most highly selective. Small and Medium Enterprises(SMEs) in Chungbuk also had similar difficulties to adapt e-trade same as the results of previous research showed that SMEs usally had. In order to enable e-Trade, trade management system and strengthening the prevalence supporting project seems to be a topic that appears most highly. Therefore, it must be considered that the central and local government support such projects for SMEs, because both human and material resource of SMEs are inferior to those of lagre companies. Enabling of e-Trade also must be included a policy of promoting and continuing education, that is the most significant point and SMEs desired. The corresponding measures to overcome these problems must be included the ways that Chungbuk accurately determines the status of local businesses through field survey and be established support programs based on the e-Trade. And a combination of online and offline that blended learning should be conducted after systemized those programs. The customized consulting and operation of the systems with the target companies should be also conducted continuously. In addition to these promotion, furthermore, advertizing for the e-Trade will be continued. Since the current development of electronic trading on the changes in information technology has been growing, these trends must be checked periodically and expanded the supporting systems continually. Finally, as the e-Trade is also a way to activate trade, Chungbuk government should prepare road map for its own trade policy(CTRIEM), put the policy in the e-trade area and review the policy comprehensively and systematically. -

      • KCI등재

        일본종합상사의 지속가능경영 활동에 관한 탐색적 연구

        박영곤,정무섭 한국국제경영관리학회 2020 국제경영리뷰 Vol.24 No.3

        본 연구는 일본종합상사들의 지속가능경영 활동들을 살펴보고 국내 무역업체들에 줄 수 있는 시사점을 살펴보았다. 세계 경제가 저 성장의 뉴노멀 시대로 접어들면서 기업들의 지속가능성장을 위한 지속가능경영에 대한 관심은 기업뿐 아니라 정부 및 사회에서도 높 아지고 있다. 더욱이 코로나 19로 인해 안전, 환경, 사회적 문제들에 대한 기업의 참여에 대해 외부 이해관계자들의 요구가 높아지고 있는 상황에서 기업들은 지속가능경영이 선택이 아닌 필수적인 사항이 되어 가고 있다. 기존 연구들이 제조업체들의 사회공헌활동에 초점이 맞추어진 반면, 코로나 19로 세계교역이 급감하면서 타격을 받고 있는 무역업체에 대한 지속가능경영 활동에 관한 연구는 미흡 한 실정이다. 이에 일본종합상사들이 지속가능경영을 어떻게 추진하고 있는지 기본적인 방침과 추진조직, 구체적인 실행과제와 실제 사례들, 외 부 이해관계자들에 대한 정보 공유 방식 등 지속가능경영의 전반적인 현황을 살펴보았다. 연구결과 첫째, 일본종합상사들은 지속가능 경영 활동의 동기가 재무적 성과보다는 기업이념이나 경영방침과 연계하여 추진함으로써 이에 대한 당위성에 대해 조직 전체적으로 수용하고 따르는 문화가 구축되어 있었고, 둘째, 지속가능경영 활동에 대한 각 영업본부 차원의 자발적인 참여보다는 지속가능경영 활 동을 전담하는 조직체나 위원회를 구성하여 전사 차원에서 드라이브를 걸고 있으며, 셋째, 각사 모두 지속가능경영을 위한 추진 과제 들이 UN의 SDGs와 연계되기도 하지만 현재 추진하고 있는 사업 분야와 주요 시장에서 지속가능경영 활동을 전개할 수 있는 분야를 모색해 나가고 있었다. 연구결과를 통한 국내 무역업체들에 대한 시사점으로는 첫째, 사내 산업 분야가 상이한 다양한 영업그룹을 보유하고 있는 종합상사 의 경우 회사 전체의 공통적인 지속가능경영 활동을 추진하기 위해 오너십을 가지고 지속가능경영 활동을 전담할 조직이 필요하다는 점이다. 둘째로는 국제사회로부터의 요구와 외부평가에 대응하기 위함뿐 아니라 실제 경영활동에 지속가능성의 개념이 내재하여서 추 진되어야 외부로부터 그 진정성을 인정받을 수 있다는 점이다. 셋째로는 사업을 전개하는 시장에서 단독으로 지속가능경영 활동을 추 진하는 것에서 나아가 현지 공급업체, 판매업체, 수요가 및 에이전트와 협업하거나 그들의 지속가능경영 활동을 지원해 주게 되면 장 기적으로 기업 이미지와 성과에도 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 점이다. This study analyzed the sustainability management activities of Japanese general trading companies and suggested implications for domestic trading companies. As the global economy enters a new normal of low growth, not only companies, but also various stakeholders are interested in companies' sustainability management. Moreover, with the demand of external stakeholders for corporate participation in safety, environmental and social issues due to COVID-19, sustainability management is becoming an essential rather than an option. While most of the existing studies on companies' sustainability management focused on manufacturers, research on trading companies affected by the sharp decline in global trade due to the COVID-19 effect was insufficient. Therefore, this study examined the basic policies, promotion organizations, specific implementation tasks, and information sharing methods for external stakeholders in the sustainability management activities of Japanese general trading companies. As a result of this study, firstly, it was found that Japanese trading companies have established a culture in which the motivation for sustainability management activities is embraced and followed by the organization as a whole, in connection with corporate ideology or management policy rather than financial performance. Secondly, Japanese general trading companies are conducting sustainability management activities through dedicated organizations or committees rather than voluntarily participating at the level of each sales division. Lastly, although each company's initiatives for sustainability management are linked to the UN's 17 SDGs, they are looking for areas where they can develop sustainability management activities in existing markets and business areas. The implications for domestic trading companies through the research results are: First, general trading companies that have sales groups with different industries need an organization that can take charge of sustainability management activities with ownership in order to promote common sustainability management activities across the groups. Second, not only to respond to the demands and external evaluations from the international community, but also to ensure that the concept of sustainability is inherent in the actual management activities, trade companies can be recognized for their authenticity from outside. Third, if trading companies collaborate with local suppliers, vendors, consumers and agents in the market in which they conduct business, or support their sustainability management activities, it can have a positive impact on corporate image and management performance.

      • KCI등재

        일본 기업집단의 폐쇄성과 종합상사의 역할

        차일근 한일경상학회 2006 韓日經商論集 Vol.33 No.-

        Japanese business group and the general trading company have relations closely. They are indispensable as much as the general trading company without business group is not able to exist and business group without the general trading company is not able to exist also. The closed function of business group is also closely related with the role of the general trading company. The general trading company has cooperated through having relative stocks or mutual transactions with the member of business group and maintained high solidarity. The transactions between the members of business group mostly accomplish through the general trading company. The most of these transactions have the character of mutual transactions. Because the general trading company has the function that can purchase all goods from wherever and sell to whoever, it has an easy condition to sell and purchase at the specific company. Therefore, the general trading company is easy to have mutual transactions. The mutual transactions make the stable market that is exclusive to the external company. Moreover, based on the stable market, the mutual transactions have the function that makes the mutual transactions to expansive reproduction. However, these mutual transactions have continuously decreased since 1999. It shows that transactions in business group have decreased a lot. It shows that transactions in business group have decreased a lot. Besides, this decreasing tendency is expected to keep up with limitation of the general trading company's function and inclination of the company to trade directly.

      • KCI등재

        일본종합상사의 4차 산업혁명 대응 사업에 관한 탐색적 연구

        박영곤,정무섭 한국경영컨설팅학회 2020 경영컨설팅연구 Vol.20 No.3

        This study analyzed how Japanese general trading companies are responding to changes in the business environment following the 4th industrial revolution. The development of major innovative technologies that lead the 4th industrial revolution will change the industry paradigm and affect not only manufactures that directly use them, but also trading companies who are doing business in various industries. Nevertheless, existing studies on the 4th industrial revolution focuses on defining the concept of the 4th industrial revolution. the types of innovative technologies, and predicting future changes accordingly. On the other hand, the case study of the companies’ response to the 4th industrial revolution or the study on strategic directions that can give implications to the business activities of the companies is insufficient. Therefore this study is meaningful to suggest implications for the directions of countermeasures against the 4th industrial revolution of domestic trading companies through case study on Japanese general trading companies. As a result of this study, the first implication is that in oder to respond in a timely to the changes in the 4th industrial revolution and to obtain business opportunities, it is necessary to induce information exchange and cooperation between each sales department through a dedicated organizations or committees at an enterprise level. The second implication is to increase the efficiency and profitability by applying innovative technologies related to the 4th industrial revolution tie the existing business area, while using it as an opportunity to innovate the business model or create new business in the long term. In particular, it is also a good implication for domestic trading companies that Japanese general trading companies make new businesses in the 4th industrial revolution by utilizing cross-industry insights obtained through business experience in various industries. Innovative technologies that lead the 4th Industrial Revolution may increase the connection and sharing between suppliers and consumers, and there is a risk of weakening the intermediary function of traders as a middleman. It is also a good implication that Japanese general trading companies are actively responding to the development and enhancement of functions and roles in response to the 4th industrial revolution, as in the changes in the industrial paradigm such as the past information and communication technology revolution. 본 연구는 일본 종합상사의 4차 산업혁명에 따른 사업환경 변화에 대한 대응 현황을 분석하였다. 4차 산업혁명을 이끄는 주요 혁신기술들의 발전은 산업패러다임을 변화시켜 이를 직접 활용하는 제조업체뿐 아니라 다양한 산업군에서 사업을 전개하고 있는 무역업체들에도 영향을 미치게 될 것이다. 4차 산업혁명이 기업의 경영과 비즈니스에 큰 영향을 미칠 가능성이 큼에도 4차 산업혁명에 대한 기존 연구들은 4차 산업혁명의 개념적 정의와 혁신기술의 종류 및 그에 따른 환경변화를 예측하는 데 중점을 두고 있으며, 기업의 대응 현황에 대한 사례분석이나 경영활동에 시사점을 줄 수 있는 전략 방향에 관한 연구는 미흡한 상황이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 국내 무역업체들이 4차 산업혁명에 따른 사업환경 변화에 어떻게 대응해 나갈지 일본 종합상사들의 사례를 통해 나아갈 방향을 제시했다는 데 의의가 있다. 본 연구 결과, 국내 무역업체들에 대한 주요 시사점으로는 첫째, 4차 산업혁명의 변화에 적기에 대응하고 사업기회를 얻기 위해서는 초기에는 전사적인 차원에서의 전담 조직이나 전사 위원회를 통해 각 영업부서 간 정보교류와 협력을 유도하는 것이 필요하다는 것이다. 둘째로는 사업 추진방식에 있어서 단기적으로는 4차 산업혁명과 관련한 혁신기술을 보유한 유망 기업에 대한 투자나 동 분야와 유관한 관계사 및 자회사와의 협력을 통해 기존 취급품목이나 사업 분야에서 효율성과 수익성을 높이는 한편, 장기적으로는 비즈니스모델을 혁신하거나 신규사업을 창출하여 새로운 수익사업을 창출해 나가는 전략이 유효하다는 것이다. 특히 신사업을 창출하는 경우에는 다양한 산업 분야에서의 사업경험을 통해 얻는 종합상사만이 가지는 종합력을 발휘하여 4차 산업혁명과 관련하여 새로운 분야를 찾는 것도 국내 무역업체에 주는 좋은 시사점이라 할 수 있다. 4차 산업혁명을 이끄는 혁신기술들은 공급자와 수요자 간의 연결과 공유를 확대케 하여 무역업체들의 미들맨으로서의 중개 기능을 약화시킬 위험도 있으나, 일본 종합상사의 경우 과거 정보통신 기술 혁명 등의 산업패러다임 변화 때와 같이 4차 산업혁명 시대에도 기능과 역할을 발전시키고 제고해 나가면서 적극적으로 대응해 나가는 점도 국내 무역업체들에 주요 벤치마킹 포인트라 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        전자무역 활용과 성과에 관한 실증적 연구 - 한국 수출입기업의 내ㆍ외부 환경요인을 중심으로

        한국무역학회 2011 貿易學會誌 Vol.36 No.4

        <P>The purpose of this study is twofold: (1) to broaden this perspective by investigating the environmental, organizational drivers of business-to-business e-commerce adoption and implementation by korean export and import companies. (2) to gain some insights about global paperless trade in korea. The basic research question is : What are the most important factors Affecting Global Paperless Trade Usage and its Performance in Korean Export-Import Company? The factors proposed for this study includes The pressure of trading companies, Industrial internal competition, Supported by a third party, top management support, formalization of organization</P><P> We gathered detailed data on our sample companies mainly from publicly available sources : Korea Trade Network (KTNET). A structured questionnaire was used to collect information about: (1) the company (size, lines of business, products and services provided, employee, and some financial data about exporting), (2) To investigate the factors of the five contexts described above on korean export-import companies’s global paperless trade. (3) Usage level of global paperless trade. and to get some information, We have to investigate. The factors proposed in the model were evaluated for reliability and factor analysis. The reliability or internal consistency was assessed by computing Cronbach’s alpha. Factor analysis was also used to examine the convergent and discriminant validity of the constructs. A Principal Components Analysis with VARIMAX rotation. The multiple regression technique was applied to test the research hypotheses.</P><P> The analysis result revealed that the pressure of trading companies, Industrial internal competition, Supported by a third party, top management support are influential variables on the affecting global paperless trade in korean export-import companies.</P><P> The major contribution of this study is in the understanding what the environmental, technological and organizational drivers of electronic trade implementation are.</P>

      • KCI등재

        내수기업 수출활성화를 위한 무역전문인력 양성 방안에 대한 연구

        강호연(Ho Yeon KANG),정윤세(Yoon Say JEONG) 한국무역상무학회 2018 貿易商務硏究 Vol.78 No.-

        In all countries of theworld, the development of trade is an important factor for the survival of the national economy. Increased export will lead to national economic growth. Export is directly linked to employment, and the industrial structurewill be developed in the direction to produce products of comparative advantages. Therefore, every country around the world is trying to promote export regardless of the size of its economy. Accordingly, this paper focused on the promotion of export of domestic companies. It proposed to cultivate trade experts to promote export of domestic companies. The following five methods were proposed to materialize the proposal. First, it is important to foster trade experts to expand and foster the one-person creative companies. In particular, it is important to develop a professional education curriculum. It is necessary to design and conduct a systematic curriculum throughout the process including follow-up after education such as teaching detailed procedures for establishing a trade business, identification of relevant regulations and related organizations, understanding of special features of each exporting country, and details of exporting procedures through specialist training for the individual industries, helping themto keep their network steady so that they can easily get help from consultants. Second, it is necessary to educate tradersworking in the field tomake them trade experts and utilize themin on-the-job training and consulting. To do this, it is necessary to introduce systematic consultant selection process, and to introduce a systemto educate andmanage them. It is because,wemust select themost appropriate candidates, educate themto be lecturers and consultants, and dispatch themto the field, in order tomake the best achievement in export. Nurturing trading professionals utilizing the current tradingworkers to activate export of domestic companies can be more efficient through cooperation of trading education agencies and related agencies in various industries. Third, it is also proposed to cultivate female trade experts by educating female tradeworkerswhose career has been disrupted. It is to provide career disrupted women with opportunities to work after training them as trade professionals and to give manpower pool to domestic companies that are preparing for export. Fourth, it is also proposed to educate foreign students living in Korea to be trading experts and to utilize them as trading infra. They can be trading professionalswhowill contribute to the promotion of export. In the short term, theywill be providedwith opportunities for employment and start-upin the field of trade, and in themid- to long-term, theymay develop a business network between Korea and their own countries. To this end, we need to improve the visa system, expand free trade education opportunities, and support themso that they can establish small but strong enterprises. Fifth, it is proposed to proactively expand trade education to specialized high school students. Considering that most of domestic companies pursuing activation of export are small but strong companies or small andmediumsized companies, they may prefer high school graduates rather than university graduates because of financial limitations. Besides, the specialized high school studentsmay occupy better position in the jobmarket if they are equippedwith expertise in trading. This study can bemeaningful, in that it is the first research that focuses on cultivating trading experts to contribute to the export activation of domestic companies. However, it also has a limitation that it has failed to reflect themore specific field voices. It is hoped that detailed plans will be derived from the opinions of the employees of domestic companiesmaking efforts to become an export company in the related researches in the future.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 마산지역 조선인 회사 생존기 - 원동무역주식회사를 중심으로 -

        김예슬 한국민족운동사학회 2022 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.- No.110

        This study analyzed the executives, capital and operation of Wondong Trading Company a representative Korean company located in Masan, by period based on ≪List of full-time executives and personal information of 元東貿易(株)≫. It was to reveal the status of the company's existence. Through this study, (1) The Wondong Trading Company was established in December 1919 under the leadership of Koreans from Masanpo, and it was confirmed that some national activists, such as Myeong-Doseok, who led the March 1st Movement in Masan, and Jeong-Jaewan, who worked hard to finance the independence movement through Baeksan Trading Co. In addition, it is judged that the reason that 'domestic and foreign product trade and consignment sales' was promoted as the business purpose of the company at the time of its establishment was to respond to the situation of a local product collection center and a Japanese company monopolizing the transportation warehouse and distribution business. (2) In the 1930s, it was confirmed that Wondong Trading Company expanded its executives and capital composition from its establishment, but still had a high proportion of Masanpo Koreans, and continued to participate in local education and social activities such as participation in commerce and industry promotion discussion meetings. In addition, as the participants of the national movement continued to take on the role of executives, new administrative bureaucrats entered the company, and the two groups with opposite personalities coexisted. During this period, the business purpose of the company was changed to rice sales business according to the regional economy transforming into a rice collecting center. (3) In the 1940s, Wondong Trading Company gradually decreased in the number of executives from Masanpo, and was operated separately as a head office (Gyeongseongbu) and branch (Masanbu and Busanbu). In particular, in May 1939, when Jo-Jooyoung took office as the CEO and a major shareholder with 1/3 of all stocks, it was judged that the company was effectively managed by a single person. During this period, the company operated a designated rice mill in Gyeongnam and made a large amount of national defense donations from 1940 to 1941. In short, Wondong Trading Company was established in December 1919 under the leadership of the Koreans in Masanpo, advocating nationalist consciousness. In the 1940s, it was placed under the influence of a small number of executives and participated in the Japanese-controlled economy, transforming the anti-Japanese consciousness into a somewhat faded form. Nevertheless, the company was closed for as long as 26 years or remained until liberation without being absorbed or merged with Japanese companies, showing how Korean companies in the local economy under Japanese colonial rule changed and survived. 본 연구는 ≪元東貿易(株) 전 중역 명단 및 인적사항≫을 바탕으로 마산의 대표적인 조선인 회사 원동무역(주)의 중역, 자본, 운영에 관해 시기별로 분석하여, 일제강점하 지역경제 속 조선인 회사의 존속 실태를 밝히는데 목적을 두었다. 이 연구를 통하여, (1) 원동무역(주)은 1919년 12월 마산포 출신의 조선인들 주도 아래 세워졌고, 민족주의 의식을 표방한 만큼 마산의 3‧1운동을 이끈 明道奭, 백산무역(주)을 통해 독립운동 자금 조달에 힘쓴 鄭在涴 등 민족운동가들의 일부 참여도 이루어졌음을 확인하였다. 또한, 설립기에 회사 운영 목적으로 ‘내외국물산 무역 및 위탁매매’를 내세웠던 것은 인근지역의 물산집산지가 된 상황과 지역 내외의 운수창고 및 유통업을 독점하고 있는 일본인 회사에 대응하기 위함으로 판단된다. (2) 1930년대 원동무역(주)은 설립기보다 중역과 자본 구성이 확장되었으나, 여전히 마산포 조선인의 비중이 높고, 상공업 진흥 좌담회 참여, 癩豫防 기부, 교육 및 극빈자 구제비 지원 등 지역교육과 사회활동에 지속적으로 참가했음을 확인하였다. 또, 明道奭, 金轍斗, 李祐植 등 민족운동 참여자들이 계속해서 중역을 담당한 상황에서 새롭게 내서면 面協議員인 金喆祚, 固城邑會議員인 朴相堯, 府會議員인 金駿榮 등 일제강점하 행정관료 출신들이 회사로 진출하면서, 상반된 성격의 두 그룹이 공존하는 모습도 보였다. 아울러, 이 시기에 회사는 미곡집산지로 변모하는 지역경제에 따라 사업목적이 미곡판매업으로 변화되어 운영되었다. (3) 1940년대 원동무역(주)은 점차 마산포 출신 중역 수가 감소하고, 본점(경성부), 지점(마산부와 부산부)으로 분리되어 운영되면서, 더 이상 마산포 조선인의 회사, 지역회사만으로 볼 수 없음을 확인하였다. 특히, 1939년 5월 趙柱泳(경성부)이 대표와 전 주식 중 1/3을 소유한 대주주로 취임하면서 사실상 1인 독점으로 회사가 경영되었을 것으로 판단되었고, 나아가 이 시기 회사는 경남의 指定 精米工塲을 운영하며, 1940년~1941년에 걸쳐 많은 액수의 국방헌금을 하였는데, 일제의 통제경제에 참여하는 모습을 통해 초창기에 내세웠던 취지가 옅어졌음을 알 수 있었다. 요컨대, 원동무역(주)은 1919년 12월 마산포의 조선인들 주도 아래 민족주의 의식을 표방하며 세워졌으나, 1940년대에 이르러 소수의 외지 조선인들 영향 아래 일제의 통제경제에 참여하며 항일의식이 다소 퇴색되는 모습으로 변모하였다. 그럼에도 이 회사는 무려 26년간 폐업되거나, 일본인 회사에 흡수‧병합되지 않고 해방 전까지 존속됨으로써, 일제강점하 지역경제 속 조선인 회사가 어떻게 변해가며 생존하는지 그 실태를 보여주었다.

      • 전자무역중개기관의 역할강화 방안에 대한 연구

        정재영(Chung Jay-young),이승관(Lee Seung-kwan) 한국전자상거래학회 2003 전자상거래학회지 Vol.4 No.1

          In the era of IT period, international sale of goods willl be changed rapidly both global marketing and efficiency. Especially, the appearance of e-Trade Metamediary show that the possibility is to replace existing Gneral Trading Companies" limited maketing capabilities. In these circumstances, e-Trade Metamediary started this March sponsored by The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy. First of all, this system also have lots of expectation from Small & Medium sized Enterprises around the Republic. In these meanings, concerned parties do their best to realize planned vision and result from that project. As we know, traditional GTCs(General Trading Companies) faced with lots of hardship both global marketing and competitive edge with trading partners. They changed their strategy into specific items with their capability. They will be concentrated on marketing within their capacity. So, e-Trading companies will be collaborated with each other in doing different role in global marketing.<BR>  e-Trading competitive markets and companies, such as B2B marketplace providing the most powerful global company directories, trade leads, and their search engines in the industry and featuring in increasing traders" globalizations and network establishing in the international trade arena, will be the most potential successful ones in the future, which helps traders and organizations preparing for globalization and accelerating the trading speed in the next decades.

      • KCI등재

        한국 전문무역상사제도의 법제화에 관한 연구-종합상사제도의 폐지와 대외무역법 개정을 중심으로-

        신장철 한일경상학회 2017 韓日經商論集 Vol.76 No.-

        한국의 종합상사(General Trading Company: GTC)는 1970년대 중반 이후 무려 30여 년간에 걸쳐 한국의 수출증대에 있어서 첨병역할을 담당하였다. 그러나 오늘날에는 종래의 ‘종합상사제도’가 폐지되고, 새로운 형태의 수출모델인 ‘전문무역상사제도’(Certified Trading Company system: CTC)로 대체되었다. 즉, 민간주도에 의해 중소ㆍ중견기업의 수출확대를 위해 국가정책에 의해 전문무역상사가 인위적으로 도입된 것이다. 종합상사는 2000년대 초반까지만 하더라도 한국의 전체 수출액 중에서 거의 과반수를 차지하였다. 그러나 국내․외 경제질서와 교역환경의 급격한 변화에 의해 종합상사의 체질이 약화되어, 2007년에는 전체 무역규모에서 차지하는 비중이 5%대로 급격히 축소하였다. 즉, 종합상사제도의 존재의미가 의문시 되게 된 것이다. 이처럼 종합상사의 수출기능과 국민경제에서의 역할이 크게 감소한 것에 대해, 정부는 지속적인 수출증진을 위한 대체방안을 적극 검토하게 되었다. 그 결과 2009년 10월에 기존의 관련법규를 개정 종합상사제도를 폐지하였으며, 새로운 수출진흥을 위한 모델로 전문무역상사제도를 채택하게 되었다. 이처럼 한국의 전문무역상사제도는 종래의 종합상사제도를 대신한 것으로, 정부주도에서 민간주도로 중소ㆍ중견기업의 수출확대를 위한 차원에서 도입되었다. 한국의 전문무역상사제도는 수출 및 해외시장 마케팅 노하우를 갖고 있는 전문무역상사를 육성하여 내수기업과 초보기업의 수출을 확대할 수 있는 제도적인 장치라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 최근에 지정된 전문무역상사는 중소ㆍ중견기업의 수출확대라는 정책적 기대에 부응하지 못하고 있어 보다 실효성을 제고할 수 있는 제도개선이 요구되고 있다. Until the early 2000s, Korea’s General Trading Company(GTC) accounted for almost a half of its total exports. However, due to the rapid changes in the domestic and foreign economic order and the trade environment, the constitution of GTC’s has weakened. As a result, the share of total trade volume in 2007 fell sharply to 5%. In other words, the meaning of the GTC system became questionable. As such, GTC’s export function and its role in the national economy have declined significantly. The government has been actively reviewing alternatives for sustained export promotion. As a result, in October 2009, we abolished the amendment of the existing commercial law. Finally, the Certified Trading Company(CTC) system was adopted as a model for new export promotion. The CTC system in South Korea was replaced by the GTC system, which was introduced by the private sector to expand exports of small and medium-sized enterprises. The CTC system in Korea was aimed at fostering CTC which has marketing know-how for export and overseas market. In other words, the CTC system is an institutional device that can expand the exports of domestic companies and novice companies. However, the recently designated CTC has failed to meet the policy expectations of expanding exports of small and medium enterprises. Therefore, it is required to improve the system that can enhance effectiveness.

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