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      • The Crowd-out Effects of Medical Assistance Expenditure on Cash Assistance and Social Services Expenditures

        서기정 ( Ki Jung Seo ) 한국정책학회 2012 한국정책학회 학술대회 Vol.2012 No.4

        This paper examines the crowd-out effects of the three types of social welfare spending on each other: (1) cash assistance spending, (2) medical assistance spending, and (3) social services spending. In doing so, it employs a fixed-effects model and utilizes panel data covering 1980 to 2004 for 50 states. Empirical findings are intersting. Medical assistance spending has crowd-out effects on social services spending and vice versa. The size of crowd-out effect flowing from medical assistance spending to social services spending is quite comparable to the crowd-out effect size flowing from social services spending to medical assistance spending. Medical assistance spending has crowd-in effects on cash assistance spending and vice versa. The size of crowd-in effect flowing from medical assistance spending to cash assistance spending is three times as large as the crowd-in effect size flowing from cash assistance spending to medical assistance spending. Social services spending and cash assistance spending have neither crowd-out nor crowd-in effects on each other. These findings suggest that a recent continuing expansion of health care spending in state budgets has cut spending for people in need of non-health social services from state and local governments.

      • KCI우수등재

        혼합지각의 규범적 접근에 의한 사회적 수용능력에 관한 연구 : - 내장산국립공원 단풍이용객 대상의 사례연구 -

        박청인,Park Chung-In 한국조경학회 2005 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.33 No.1

        The main concept of social carrying capacity is based on the principle that 'there are limits to the number of users a given recreation site can accommodate in order to provide quality of recreation experience'. The quality of the experience is revealed as user's satisfaction and perceived crowding. In this respect, studies of social carrying capacity have been frequently conducted by measuring perceived crowding and satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to identify the variables affecting perceived crowding, and causality bet-ween satisfaction and perceived crowding. Four hundred seventy six visitors were selected at Naejangsan National park on peak day of autumn excursion through on-site survey. The collected data were applied by factor analysis for categorizing the research variables, and multiple regression for finding the causality among variables. The study results are follows. The expectation of crowding, as a normative variable for perceived crowding, are categorized by three factors; circulation, user facility, and landscape. The circulation factor is the most powerful affecting perceived crowding among three factor. The landscape factor, however, do not have statistical significance on perceived crowding. The causality between satisfaction and perceived crowding is found. Although this relation is significant in statistics, magnitude of the coefficient is very small. It might be interpreted that satisfaction cannot be predicted simply from a user's perception of crowding, but a multi-dimensional concept such as adaptation and coping behavior.

      • KCI등재

        공간 집약적 관광지에서 사회적 수용력 연구

        김진선,정성태 한국조경학회 2003 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.31 No.2

        This study was conducted to identify the characteristics of social carrying capacity at mega-events, especially the 2000 Kwangju Biennale in Korea. In particular, this paper has proposed some management policies for mega events taking into account the relations between social carrying capacity, satisfaction and crowding. The research method was to look into the general characteristics and distributive forms of the location, and then to confirm the possibility of sampling the factors involved in satisfaction degree; last, A factor analysis for causal analysis of perceived crowding was performed. The study needed correlation analysis in order to compare expected crowding and perceived crowding, and performed regression to examine the causality of perceived crowding and satisfaction. The research results were as follows: the correlation of expected crowding, perceived crowding, and the total satisfaction was very low or meaningless. The relation between satisfaction and elements for factor analysis such as convenient facilities and value experience showed partial meaningfulness. The factors of convenient facilities, entrance fee, parking lot use, toilet convenience, and exhibit room use had meaningful results; on the other hand, the factors of value experience showed a meaningful result in the guide service of an event place. In conclusion when those holding an event make a basic project, they should consider management measures for convenience of facilities, proper education for guide service, and systematic guidance. Also, as a method for perceived crowding lower than expected crowding, the study has proposed that it is possible to lower expected crowding by providing appropriate information on the number of tourists expected on the weekends and weekdays. Future research should control variables such as personal characteristics, seasons proper for vacation and holidays, and carefully consider their investigation and design. Moreover, it is necessary to study variables involved in expected crowding of more various space-intensive sightseeing places (mesa-events).

      • KCI등재

        Perceived Crowding at Cultural Event in China – Focused on the Ditan Temple Fair –

        박근수,이영관,진혁 한국사상문화학회 2009 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.47 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to find out the factors influencing the perceived crowding in temple fair in China, and extend the concept of perceived crowding to the event environment. Study model was based on Choi crowding model, and three theories, expectancy theory, stimulus-overload theory, and social interference theory. Correlation analysis was used to test the relationship between the perceived crowding and a variety of variables, as well as the relationship with visitor satisfaction. The study reveals that perceived crowing in Ditan Temple Fair is significantly and positively related with estimated density, and negatively related with expectation of crowding. Situation factor were also related with perceived crowding. An important finding in this study is perceived crowding in general has a positive relation with visitors’ satisfaction, which means the increasing perceived crowding did not decrease the visitors’ satisfaction in Ditan Temple Fair, but improved their recreational experiences. The suggestion for the management of Ditan Temple Fair with respect to decreasing crowding perception was also offered in this study. 북경에서 매년 음력설에 개최되는 Ditan 사찰축제는 최근 관광객들로부터 많은 인기를 모으고 있다. 이 축제의 인기도가 높은 이유는 행사기간이 중국최대의 명절기간 중에 개최된다는 점과 축제장에서 전통 북경 의상, 음식, 그리고 문화를 보고 즐길 수 있기 때문이다. Datan 사찰축제에 방문하는 관광객이 증가하면서 이들의 질적인 만족도를 높이는 요인을 문화적인 측면에서 분석할 필요성이 대두되고 있다. 이 연구는 중국의 사찰축제에서 관광객들이 지각하는 혼잡이라는 개념을 문화적인 측면에서 분석하려는 목적으로 수행되었다. 이 연구의 모형은 기존 혼잡모델을 기초로 하여 기대이론과 사회개입이론에 근거하여 구성되었다. 연구의 분석결과 연구대상이 된 북경 Ditan 사찰축제의 방문객들이 느끼는 혼잡정도는 이들의 만족도에 많은 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 구체적으로 Ditan 사찰축제에서 방문객들이 지각하는 혼잡정도가 클수록 방문객 밀도를 추정하는 정도가 커지는 것으로 나타났으며 혼잡에 대한 기대도는 낮아지는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 분석결과는 문화행사인 사찰축제에 부여하는 방문객들의 만족정도를 이해하는데 많은 도움을 준다. 이 연구의 결과는 북경 Ditan 사찰축제와 같은 문화축제의 방문객 행동을 이해하는데 다음과 같은 중요한 의미를 시사해주고 있다. Ditan 사찰축제에 방문하는 방문객들의 만족도를 높이기 위해서는 방문객들이 지각하는 혼잡정도를 높일 필요가 있다는 점이 연구결과 분석되었다. Ditan 사찰축제 방문객중 행사장이 혼잡하다고 느끼는 방문객일수록 이들이 재미있는 축제경험을 한다는 것은 중국의 사회문화적인 배경에서 그 원인을 찾을 수 있을 것이다. 이 결과를 중심으로 Ditan 사찰축제의 기획과 운영에 대한 제언이 이루어졌다.

      • KCI등재후보

        사회복지기관에 대한 정부 보조금이 기부금에 미치는 구인· 구축효과

        정무성(Chung, Moo Sung),김예진(Kim, Ye Jin) 한국비영리학회 2017 한국비영리연구 Vol.16 No.1

        급격한 사회변동으로 국민들의 사회복지의 수요는 급증하고 있으나, 사회복지기관에 대한 정부 보조금은 그에 미칠 수 없는 상황에 놓여있다. 이에 사회복지기관들은 복지 서비스 공급자의 역할에서 더 나아가 사회복지 자원을 개발하는 역할까지 맡게 되었다. 자원의 개발이 공공과 민간 공동의 역할이 됨에 따라 사회복지기관의 중요 재원인 정부 보조금과 민간자원의 관계를 분석할 필요가 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 사회복지기관의 2015년, 2016년 결산보고서 자료와 보건복지부에서 공시한 현황자료를 활용하여, 정부 보조금이 민간자원 중 기부금에 미치는 영향에 대해 검증하였다. 또한, 선행연구를 바탕으로 운영기간에 따라 정부 보조금 효과가 달라지는가를 확인하기 위하여 운영기간 10년 미만 기관과 10년 이상 기관으로 나누어 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과, 기관의 운영기간과 상관없이 정부 보조금의 증가는 민간자원을 감소시키는 구축효과가 발생한 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 정부 보조금이 민간자원 효과성에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증적인 연구를 진행하여 후속 연구들을 위한 토대를 마련했다는 점과 사회복지기관에 대한 정부 보조금이 민간자원의 개발을 구인할 수 있는 방향으로 제공되어야 한다는 점을 강조하는데 의의가 있다. The increase in demand for social welfare can not be met by government grants alone. Social welfare centers have also served as the role of developing social welfare resources in the role of welfare service providers. As the development of resources becomes a common role in the public and private sector, It needs to analyze the relationship between government grants and private resources, which are important sources of social welfare. In this study, we use the data provided by the Social Welfare Center in 2015 and 2016 report on the settlement of accounts, and the status data provided by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. To identify the crowding-in or out effect between the government grants and the private donation. In addition, based on the preceding study, it is necessary to determine whether the effectiveness of government grants varies depending on the operating period. As a result, the increase in governmental grants, regardless of the operating period of the institution, has resulted in decrease of private donations. This study investigates the crowding-out effects of government grants on the effectiveness of the private resources. This study has the meanings for providing empirical studies on the effects of government grants on private resources, and laying out the groundwork for follow-up studies. Also, The social welfare center has the conviction that the development of private resources should be vigorous as the government grants increase.

      • KCI등재

        Culture : Perceived Crowding at Cultural Event in China -Focused on the Ditan Temple Fair-

        박근수 ( Keun Soo Park ),이영관 ( Young Kwan Lee ),진염 ( Yan Chen ) 한국사상문화학회 2009 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.47 No.-

        북경에서 매년 음력설에 개최되는 Ditan 사찰축제는 최근 관광객들로부터 많은 인기를 모으고 있다. 이 축제의 인기도가 높은 이유는 행사기간이 중국최대의 명절기간 중에 개최된다는 점과 축제장에서 전통 북경 의상, 음식, 그리고 문화를 보고 즐길 수 있기 때문이다. Datan 사찰축제에 방문하는 관광객이 증가하면서 이들의 질적인 만족도를 높이는 요인을 문화적인 측면에서 분석할 필요성이 대두되고 있다. 이 연구는 중국의 사찰축제에서 관광객들이 지각하는 혼잡이라는 개념을 문화적인 측면에서 분석하려는 목적으로 수행되었다. 이 연구의 모형은 기존 혼잡모델을 기초로 하여 기대이론과 사회개입이론에 근거하여 구성되었다. 연구의 분석결과 연구대상이 된 북경 Ditan 사찰축제의 방문객들이 느끼는 혼잡정도는 이들의 만족도에 많은 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 구체적으로 Ditan 사찰축제에서 방문객들이 지각하는 혼잡정도가 클수록 방문객 밀도를 추정하는 정도가 커지는 것으로 나타났으며 혼잡에 대한 기대도는 낮아지는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 분석결과는 문화행사인 사찰축제에 부여하는 방문객들의 만족정도를 이해하는데 많은 도움을 준다. 이 연구의 결과는 북경 Ditan 사찰축제와 같은 문화축제의 방문객 행동을 이해하는데 다음과 같은 중요한 의미를 시사해주고 있다. Ditan 사찰축제에 방문하는 방문객들의 만족도를 높이기 위해서는 방문객들이 지각하는 혼잡정도를 높일 필요가 있다는 점이 연구결과 분석되었다. Ditan 사찰축제 방문객중 행사장이 혼잡하다고 느끼는 방문객일수록 이들이 재미있는 축제경험을 한다는 것은 중국의 사회문화적인 배경에서 그 원인을 찾을 수 있을 것이다. 이 결과를 중심으로 Ditan 사찰축제의 기획과 운영에 대한 제언이 이루어졌다. The purpose of this study was to find out the factors influencing the perceived crowding in temple fair in China, and extend the concept of perceived crowding to the event environment. Study model was based on Choi crowding model, and three theories, expectancy theory, stimulus-overload theory, and social interference theory. Correlation analysis was used to test the relationship between the perceived crowding and a variety of variables, as well as the relationship with visitor satisfaction. The study reveals that perceived crowing in Ditan Temple Fair is significantly and positively related with estimated density, and negatively related with expectation of crowding. Situation factor were also related with perceived crowding. An important finding in this study is perceived crowding in general has a positive relation with visitors` satisfaction, which means the increasing perceived crowding did not decrease the visitors` satisfaction in Ditan Temple Fair, but improved their recreational experiences. The suggestion for the management of Ditan Temple Fair with respect to decreasing crowding perception was also offered in this study.

      • KCI등재


        최성은 한국경제학회 2010 The Korean Economic Review Vol.26 No.1

        Using a quasi-experimental approach, the paper examines how the introduction of a social security system in Korea affects household saving. The relatively short history of social security in Korea provides an exogenous source of variations both in time-series and cross-section. For time-series variation, periods 1983 to 1987 and 1989 to 1991 are used in various combinations. For cross-sectional variation, government employees with special pension plan are used as control group. The paper finds that a social security system crowds out household saving. Estimates show that the effect of Korea’s national pension on household saving ranges from -0.9 to -1.8 percentage points, and -1.4 percentage points on average. When the group-specific time trend is considered, the crowding-out effect is estimated as -3.4 percentage points to -9.3 percentage points, and -5.9 percentage points on average. The crowding-out effect might get larger as a social security system matures.

      • Incentives, Socialization, and Civic Preferences

        황성하(Sung-Ha Hwang) 한국재정학회 2017 한국재정학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2017 No.-

        preferences are updated under the influence of natural selection or some other decentralized process, or using models of cultural evolution in which parents inculcate values in their offspring. But preference change is sometimes an objective of deliberate policy, whether by religious orders, political parties, firms, or states. To study this process of deliberate preference manipulation, we consider a far-sighted social planner seeking to use material incentives to induce citizens to adopt what we term “civic preferences” that will motivate them to contribute unconditionally to a public good. A subsidy to contributors, for example, will encourage parents to raise their children to have civic preferences if, as is standard in cultural evolution models, the preference updating process favors higher payoff types. However, there is a second indirect and possibly offsetting effect that occurs if those with civic preferences are socially esteemed and contributing is a noisy signal of one’s preferences. By inducing some self-interested types to contribute to the public good, the subsidy will diminish the social esteem value of really having civic preferences and this will lead parents to place a lesser weight on inculcating civic preferences in their offspring than they would in the absence of incentives. We characterize optimal incentives that would be selected by the planner who is cognizant of this cultural crowding-out process, and identify conditions under which greater use of incentives will be called for than would be the case of the absence of this adverse indirect effect on cultural transmission (rather than the opposite as would be expected).

      • KCI등재

        충남 사회적기업의 고용창출효과에 대한 실증분석

        김종수(Kim, Jong Su),홍성효(Hong, Sung Hyo) 한국도시행정학회 2013 도시 행정 학보 Vol.26 No.2

        본 연구는 사회적기업 육성정책에 의한 지원사업의 고용창출관련 상반되는 이론적 배경인 구축효과와 내적인 규모의 경제에 대한 가능성을 충남 소재 사회적기업 실태조사 자료를 이용해 실증적으로 분석한다. 분석의 결과는 인건비 지원이 해당 사회적기업의 자체 예산에 의한 고용창출에 기여하는 것으로 나타나며, 이는 인건비 지원사업이 인증 전 기존 고용을 지원에 의한 고용으로 대체하는 구축효과를 야기하기 보다는 노동력의 증대를 통한 내적인 규모의 경제를 실현시켜 지원에 의한 고용 이외에 자체 예산에 의한 고용이 증가하도록 작용하기 때문인 것으로 해석된다. 더불어, 인증 전 정규직 고용의 규모가 작을수록 인증 후 보다 큰 정규직 고용의 증가를 경험하는 것으로 나타나는데, 이는 사회적기업이 일반적으로 생산시설과 같은 자본측면에서 열악성을 지녀 노동투입이 일정 범위를 넘어서는 경우 추가적인 노동투입은 오히려 혼잡비용을 초래하기 때문인 것으로 해석되며 상대적으로 영세한 업체에 대한 인건비 지원의 증가에 대한 최소한의 논리적 근거를 제공한다. This study empirically analyzes the job-creation effect of the policy supporting Chungnam social enterprises focusing on which theoretic arguments between the crowd-out effect and internal economies of scale would work. The results show that the subsidy paid as a wage contributes the creation of jobs financially supported by the social enterprise’s own budget, and imply that, rather than the crowd-out effect which would happen as workers hired previously are replaced by workers paid by the subsidy, internal economies of scale which would allow the social enterprise to be more efficient and hire additional workers by its own budget exist. Moreover, firms that had relatively fewer workers before being certified seem to hire more workers after being certified. Since social enterprises are generally inferior in physical capital such as production facilities, the increase in labor force in the beginning would realize internal economies of scale. However, the increase in labor force beyond a certain point with a fixed physical capital would cause congestion costs. Thus, relatively larger social enterprises would have no room to hire additional workers. This finding provides the minimum logical ground for the wage support to relatively smaller social enterprises.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 의례공동체로서 군중; 프랑스 실업자운동의 민족지적 연구

        김승연 ( Seung Yeon Kim ) 한국조사연구학회 2013 조사연구 Vol.14 No.1

        집단행동의 한 형태로서 군중은 사회운동이 대중을 동원하는 오랜 방식 중 하나로서, 이때 군중은 완전히 원자화된 개인들의 합이라기보다 연망으로 연결되거나 적어도 공동체의 이미지를 공유하는 개인들의 합으로 이해할 수 있다. 프랑스의 실업자운동에서 군중은 빈곤에의 저항과 사회부정·불의에 대한 실업자의 분노를 표현하는 운동의례로 자리잡았는데, 본 연구는 실업자들의 시위, 행진, 점거에 동원되는 요소들 중 상징, 감정, 그리고 폭력에 대해 논하고자 한다. 특히 군중에 대한 분석을 위해 본 논문에서는 군중의 안과 밖에서 민족지로 기술하는 방식을 각각 관찰분석과 구조분석으로 구분한다. 심층적인 민족지 분석을 통해 상징, 감정, 그리고 폭력과 같은 군중의 의례적 요소들이 군중을 구성하는 운동 조직들 및 개인들의 이념, 정체성, 구조와 연결되어 있음을 보일 수 있다. 달리 말해, 군중은 이미 존재하는 집단들의 이념과 정체성, 그들간의 구조를 드러내는 의례공동체이며, 군중 안과 밖에 대한 관찰이 연결될 때 군중의 의미를 내부자적 관점에서 이해할 수 있게 된다. As a collective action, the crowd is one of the oldest forms of mass mobilization. It is not only a gathering of atomized individuals but an assembly of the people connected in networks or community where they share same values. In the Unemployed movement in France, the crowd represents this population`s anger and resistance against the poverty and the social injustice. This article examines aspects of symbols, emotions and violence, mobilized in the Unemployed movement`s demonstrations, marchs and occupations. For a deep analysis on the crowd mobilizations, I distinguish two ethnographic descriptions : observational analysis from inside and structural analysis from outside of the crowd. In these deep ethnographic analysis, the ritual elements of the crowd as like symbols, emotions or violence are revealed linked to ideologies, identities and structure of its organizations and participants. In other words, the crowd is a ritual community, which shows the activist groups` already constructed ideologies, identities and structure. And in connecting the observations on inside and outside of crowd, we can understand their meanings from the emic point of view.

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