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      • KCI등재

        Explaining Local Government Reform

        Lee, Jeongho(이정호) 서울행정학회 2019 한국사회와 행정연구 Vol.30 No.3

        본 논문은 지방정부인 교육구(school districts)에서 나타나고 있는 정부개혁의 차이를 연구하고 있다. 이를 위해 학교선택운동의 대표적 기제인 자율형공립학교의 운영 실태를 분석하여 정부개혁의 주요 원인이 무엇인지를 밝히고 있다. 콜로라도 교육구(school districts)를 연구분석단위로 하여 수집한 데이터는 다중회귀분석에 의해서 분석되었으며 그 결과는 1) 행정선도자(public entrepreneurs)가 많은 교육구, 2) 정부개혁을 먼저 경험한 이웃한 교육구를 많이 가지고 있는 교육구, 그리고 3) 많은 학생들을 가지고 있는 교육구일수록 정부개혁을 더 적극적으로 추진하는 것으로 나타났다. 한편 본 논문은1990년 대 이후 시장지향적 정부개혁(market-oriented government reform)의 이론적 토대가 되고 있는 학교선택운동(school choice movement) 내용을 한국행정학분야에 소개함으로써 미래 한국정부개혁의 새로운 방향성을 제시해 주는 역할을 한다고 사료된다. In the United States, a school district as a local government has conducted its own government reform by operating charter schools among several school choice movement tools. This article empirically examines why the variation in government reform occurs among school districts. To seek an accurate answer to this research question, this study uses Colorado’s school districts as the units of analysis and tests six hypotheses created by the contents of public entrepreneurs, regional diffusion, and school district attribute factors. The final statistical results demonstrate that three predictor variables-public entrepreneurs, regional diffusion, and student population size-are statistically significant. That is to say, the statistical findings explain that a school district with many public entrepreneurs, many contiguous school districts having previously experienced similar government reform, and many K-12 students is more likely to conduct its own government reform. Meanwhile, this article contributes to developing Korean government reform by introducing the contents of the school choice movement (SCM), which has provided fundamental logic for the market-oriented government reform since the 1990s, to the Korean public administration field.

      • KCI등재

        한국 로스쿨(법학전문대학원)제도의 개선방안에 관한 연구 -일본 로스쿨(법과대학원)제도의 운영 경험을 중심으로-

        ( Chang Shin Kwack ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2013 법학논총 Vol.37 No.4

        Both Korean and Japanese Government decided to introduce the ‘law school system’ for reforming the long-debated problems such as the education system in the college of law, the bar-examination and the training system of the future legal professionals. While Korean government approved only small number of law schools by establishing the high criteria which were very difficult to reach. Japanese government approved many law schools if they passed the certain low criteria which were very easy to meet. Twenty-five law schools with 2,000 students in Korea started in March of 2009, while sixty-eight law schools with 5,600 students in Japan started in April of 2004. There are many similarities between Korean law school system and that of Japanese in that two systems are one of modified American-style law school. However, we can find more differences than we think, if we compare them in detail. During the five-year-experiences of operation, Korean law schools found some problems. We can separate the problems of Korean law school into two categories. One group of problems is short-term problems which are necessary for the soft landing of Korean law school system. The other group of problems is fundamental problems including the assertion of abolition of law school system itself. Short-term problems of Korean law schools are as follows, excessive financial burden of students because of expensive tuition, abnormal operation phenomena of law school curriculum because of the over-heated competition for good GPA and for the preparation of bar-examination, the criticism on the lack of law-related knowledge of law school graduates because of the shortage of learning time within 3 years of law school system, serious financial difficulties of each law school, the serious difficulties in finding the lawyer-jobs for the law school graduates and so on. From the opening of law school system, Japanese law schools have been in difficult situation because of fundamental problems such as imbalance between the number of law school(students) and number of successful applicants in Japanese Bar-examination. For example, only 26.8%(2,049) of applicants(7,653) could pass the Japanese Bar-exam. in 2013. Because of the above-mentioned problems, Japanese law schools have suffered from the shortage of applicant in entrance examination. In 2013, 64 law schools(93%) could not fill the entrance exam. quota of each law school, and only 2,698 students(63%) entered 69 law schools with the total quota of 4,261 students. The on-going process of reforming the Japanese law schools could be expected from the start of law school system. And the problems of Japanese law schools have been deteriorating from the opening year. Finally in August of 2012 the Central Government of Japan decided to establish ‘Committee of Ministers for the Reform of the Legal Professionals’ Education and Training’. And it was expected to finalize its duty in August of 2013. The Committee disclosed its final report in July 16th of 2013. According to the report, the Committee decided to maintain the current law school system for the time being. It decided to reform some easy problems of law school system, however it delayed its final decision regarding the difficult tasks such as the optimum number of lawyers in Japan in the future, the methods of reforming the low-performance law schools, preliminary-exam. system for the regular bar-exam.Japanese Government decided to create and operate the new special Committee composed of 6 related-Ministers and the Advisory Group composed of experts under its jurisdiction. The newly established Committee will deal with the fundamental reform of the Japanese law school systems including the fore-mentioned difficult tasks. The new Committee was established in September of 2013 and it will last for 2 years. From the lessons of the Japanese law school reform experience, there can be two approaches for Korean law schools. In the short term, Korean law schools have to improve the urgent problems arising from the 5 years of operation. In the long term, Korean law schools and Government had better wait and see the Japanese reform of law school system. Lastly, it is advisable that Korean Central Government and Korean Association of Law Schools should be prepared to learn from the Japanese law school reform experiences. And it is also advisable that Korean Central Government and National Assembly should establish the ‘Joint Committee’ to discuss the ‘Reform Plan’ of the Korean law schools.

      • KCI등재

        지방정부개혁 메커니즘에 관한 경험적 연구

        이정호(Lee, Jeongho) 한국지방정부학회 2020 지방정부연구 Vol.24 No.1

        본 연구는 지방정부개혁의 메커니즘을 연구한 논문이다. 연구분석단위는 지방정부인 교육구(school districts)이며 콜로라도 교육구를 표본으로 하고 있다. 콜로라도 교육구를 통해서 얻은 데이터 셋(data set)은 강압적 동형화(coercive isomorphism), 사회적 네트워크(social networks), 그리고 교육구의 특성 요소를 토대로 만들어진 여섯 개의 가설을 검증하는데 사용되고 있다. 전체 가설을 검증하기 위해서 사용된 통계기법은 다중회귀분석이며 최종분석결과는 1) 주정부로부터 재정적 지원을 많이 받고 있는 교육구, 2) 교육개혁을 주도하고 있는 타 공교육조직과 강한 네트워크를 형성하고 있는 교육구, 3) 고학력 주민이 많은 교육구일수록 정부개혁을 더 적극적으로 추진하는 것으로 나타났다. 한편 본 논문은 정부개혁의 주요 사례인 학교선택운동(school choice movement)의 내용과 원리를 한국에 소개하고 있다. 이에 저자는 21세기에 들어서 적극적인 정부개혁과 국민의 삶의 질을 높이고자 노력하고 있는 한국 정부가 학교선택운동에서 강조하고 있는 경쟁적 접근법(competitive approach)과 사회적 형평성(social equity)의 의미를 올바로 이해하고 적용함으로써 더 나은 국가를 만드는데 있어서 도움을 받을 수 있기를 기대한다. This article aims to empirically explicate why the variation in government reform appears among local governments. For this, this study uses a school district as the units of analysis and tests six hypotheses made based on coercive isomorphism, social networks, and jurisdictions’ attributes. In the United States, a school district as a local government has tried to reform its own conventional public education system by operating several school choice movement tools. Among them, charter schools have been recognized as a representative school choice movement tool that leads a school district to reform itself. This study uses the percentage of charter schools in each school district to measure the response variable. Using multiple ordinary least square regression analysis, this study finds that three explanatory variables—coercive isomorphism, social networks, and residents’ socioeconomic status—are statistically significant. Namely, these analyzed findings can be explained as follows: A school district that 1) receives many financial aids from a state government, 2) has strong social networks with other public organizations supporting conventional education system reform, and 3) has many highly educated residents more actively attempts its own government reform. Meanwhile, introducing the contents and principles of the school choice movement to Korea, the author emphasizes that to success local government reform, it is very important to apply the competitive approach of government reform into Korea.

      • KCI등재

        한국 로스쿨(법학전문대학원)제도의 개선방안에 관한 연구-일본 로스쿨(법과대학원)제도의 운영 경험을 중심으로-

        곽창신 단국대학교 법학연구소 2013 법학논총 Vol.37 No.4

        Both Korean and Japanese Government decided to introduce the ‘law school system’ for reforming the long-debated problems such as the education system in the college of law, the bar-examination and the training system of the future legal professionals. While Korean government approved only small number of law schools by establishing the high criteria which were very difficult to reach. Japanese government approved many law schools if they passed the certain low criteria which were very easy to meet. Twenty-five law schools with 2,000 students in Korea started in March of 2009, while sixty-eight law schools with 5,600 students in Japan started in April of 2004. There are many similarities between Korean law school system and that of Japanese in that two systems are one of modified American-style law school. However, we can find more differences than we think, if we compare them in detail. During the five-year-experiences of operation, Korean law schools found some problems. We can separate the problems of Korean law school into two categories. One group of problems is short-term problems which are necessary for the soft landing of Korean law school system. The other group of problems is fundamental problems including the assertion of abolition of law school system itself. Short-term problems of Korean law schools are as follows, excessive financial burden of students because of expensive tuition, abnormal operation phenomena of law school curriculum because of the over-heated competition for good GPA and for the preparation of bar-examination, the criticism on the lack of law-related knowledge of law school graduates because of the shortage of learning time within 3 years of law school system, serious financial difficulties of each law school, the serious difficulties in finding the lawyer-jobs for the law school graduates and so on. From the opening of law school system, Japanese law schools have been in difficult situation because of fundamental problems such as imbalance between the number of law school(students) and number of successful applicants in Japanese Bar-examination. For example, only 26.8%(2,049) of applicants(7,653) could pass the Japanese Bar-exam. in 2013. Because of the above-mentioned problems, Japanese law schools have suffered from the shortage of applicant in entrance examination. In 2013, 64 law schools(93%) could not fill the entrance exam. quota of each law school, and only 2,698 students(63%) entered 69 law schools with the total quota of 4,261 students. The on-going process of reforming the Japanese law schools could be expected from the start of law school system. And the problems of Japanese law schools have been deteriorating from the opening year. Finally in August of 2012 the Central Government of Japan decided to establish ‘Committee of Ministers for the Reform of the Legal Professionals’ Education and Training’. And it was expected to finalize its duty in August of 2013. The Committee disclosed its final report in July 16th of 2013. According to the report, the Committee decided to maintain the current law school system for the time being. It decided to reform some easy problems of law school system, however it delayed its final decision regarding the difficult tasks such as the optimum number of lawyers in Japan in the future, the methods of reforming the low-performance law schools, preliminary-exam. system for the regular bar-exam.Japanese Government decided to create and operate the new special Committee composed of 6 related-Ministers and the Advisory Group composed of experts under its jurisdiction. The newly established Committee will deal with the fundamental reform of the Japanese law school systems including the fore-mentioned difficult tasks. The new Committee was established in September of 2013 and it will last for 2 years. From the lessons of the Japanese law school reform experience, there can be two approaches for Korean law schools. In the short term, Korean ...

      • KCI등재

        한국 로스쿨(법학전문대학원)제도 현황 및 향후 개선방향에 관한 연구 -일본 로스쿨(법학대학원)제도 운영 경험을 중심으로-

        곽창신 ( Chang-shin Kwack ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2012 법학논총 Vol.36 No.2

        Both Korean and Japanese law schools were introduced to reform the long-debated problems of the education system in the college of law, the bar-examination and the training system of the future legal professionals. In Korea the discussion of reforming the Judicial System including the introduction of American the law school system officially started on the government level in 1995 during the Kim Young-sam Government. However, it failed because of the strong resistance from the legal circles. Another attempt during the following Kim Dae-jung Government also failed because of the unprecedented IMF financial crisis in Korea and persistent resistance from the legal circles. During Noh Mu-hyun Government, ``the Act on the Establishment and Management of Law School`` finally passed the National Assembly in July of 2007. While Korean government approved only small number of law schools by establishing the high criteria which were very difficult to reach. Japanese government approved many law schools if they passed the certain low criteria which were very easy to satisfy. Twenty-five law schools with 2,000 students in Korea started in March of 2009, while sixty-eight law schools with 5,600 students in Japan started in April of 2004. There are many similarities between Korean law school system and that of Japanese in that two systems are one of modified American-style professional graduate schools such as medical school. However, we can find more differences than we imagine, if we compare them in detail. During three-year-experiences of operation, Korean law schools found some problems such as lack of faithful practice-oriented education and the need for strengthening the relation between the bar examination and the law school education. We can separate the problems of Korean law school into two groups. One group of problems is short-term problems which are necessary for the soft landing of Korean law school system. The other group of problems is fundamental problems including the assertion of abolishment of law school system which should be dealt with long-term perspectives. Short-term problems of Korean law schools are as follows, the difficulties in finding the jobs of future lawyers of law school graduates, excessive burden of law school students because of expensive tuition, serious financial difficulties of each law school and so on. From the beginning of law school system, Japanese law schools have been in difficult situation because of fundamental problems such as imbalance between the number of law school(students) and number of successful applicants in Japanese Bar-examination. For example, only 23.5%(2,063) of applicants(8,765) passed the Japanese Bar-exam. in 2011. The on-going process of reforming of Japanese law schools could be expected from the start of law school system. The Central Government of Japan adopted the policy of voluntarism in correcting the problems from 2009 with financial assistance measures. It advised each law school to cut the number of student quota and close the law schools in the extreme cases. Thus 5 law schools among 74 Japanese law schools are scheduled to close as of April of 2013. Finally, in August of 2012 the Central Government of Japan decided to establish ``Ad-hoc ministers meeting for reforming the training legal professionals`` and it is expected to finalize its duty in August of 2013. In Korea also new Government will start from February of 2013. It means that ``the year of 2013`` will be an golden opportunity for Korea to reform its law school system. There have been claims that Korea also should reform its law school system fundamentally. So it is advisable that Korean Central Government and Korean Association of Law Schools should be prepared to learn from the Japanese law school reform experiences.

      • KCI등재

        2000년 이후 독일의 학교개혁 동향: Baden-Württemberg 주를 중심으로

        정기섭 한국국제문화교류학회 2019 문화교류와 다문화교육 Vol.8 No.1

        The purpose of study is to examine key issues for school reform since 2000 in Baden-Wörtemberg in Germany as an example and to draw implications for korean school education. For this purpose, first this study deal with the expansion of comprehensive schools(Gesamtschule), the abolishment of the Hauptschule, and the reduction of the learning period in secondary education as the main topics for school reform in Germany since 2000. Then, in the same context, this study deal with the recommendation system for advanced schools in elementary school and the adoption of community school as a major issue of the Baden-Württemberg state education policy. The main direction of school reform in Germany since 2000 has been focused on improving problems of the three school types in the secondary education I-level. The Issue can be summed up as to whether to classify the school type into various types or to allow students to learn together at the same school for a certain period of time. This study came to following conclusion als implication for korean school education: First, the effort to resolve the educational gap based on social and cultural backgrounds, second, the effort to support individual achievement at school to meet individual talent and ability, third, the direction of school reform in terms of reducing the student population, fourth, and consideration of social integration when trying the school reform. 이 연구는 2000년 이후 독일의 학교개혁과 관련된 주요 쟁점을 Baden- Württemberg주를 사례로 살펴보고 시사점을 도출하는 데 주된 관심이 있다. 이를 위하여 먼저 2000년 이후 독일 학교개혁의 주된 논제로 종합학교 확산, 하우프트슐레 폐지, 중등교육단계 학업기간 단축을 살펴보았다. 그리고 같은 맥락에서 Baden- Württemberg주 교육정책의 주요 쟁점으로 초등학교의 상급학교 추천제, 공동체학교의 도입을 살펴보았다. 2000년 이후 독일 학교개혁의 주된 방향은 초등학교 이후 세 갈래 학교유형으로 분리되는 중등교육Ⅰ단계의 문제점을 개선하는데 초점이 맞춰진 것으로 읽을 수 있었다. 그 때 쟁점이 되는 학업수준에 맞게 상급학교 유형을 다양화하느냐혹은 한 학교에서 일정기간 함께 학습할 수 있도록 하면서 학업성취 수준에 맞는 졸업장을 받도록 하느냐하는 것으로 정리될 수 있었다. 큰 흐름은 후자(두 갈래 구조)로 가고있는 것으로 보였다. 결론으로 한국교육에 줄 수 있는 시사점으로는 첫째, 사회문화적배경에 따른 교육격차 해소노력, 둘째, 개인의 재능과 능력에 맞는 개별교육지원 노력, 셋째, 학생인구 감소의 측면에서 학교개혁의 방향, 넷째, 학교개혁 방향에 사회통합의측면 고려를 들었다.

      • KCI등재

        영국의 공립학교 구조 개혁 : 아카데미의 자율성, 책무성, 협력적 거버넌스 측면에서

        김천홍 ( Chunhong Kim ),홍수진 ( Sujin Hong ) 충남대학교 교육연구소 2017 교육연구논총 Vol.38 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 영국 공립학교의 아카데미 전환 정책의 배경, 내용, 특징 및 주요 쟁점을 분석하여 학교 구조 개혁에 대한 시사점을 도출하는 것이다. 아카데미는 학력 저하 학교들의 성취 수준 향상을 위해 도입된 자율형 공립학교로서, 2022년까지 모든 초·중등 공립학교를 아카데미로 전환할 것을 공표한 후 다양한 논쟁이 진행 중이다. 분석 결과 영국의 아카데미 정책은 첫째, 국가수준의 학교 구조 개혁을 통해 교육 제 영역에 대한 혁신을 통합적으로 접근하는 특징이 확인되었다. 둘째, 학교 교육과정 편성·운영, 교육 재원의 사용, 교원 선발과 급여 수준 결정 등에 대한 단위학교의 자율성을 폭넓게 부여하고 있다. 셋째, 아카데미는 내적 책무성과 성과주의 학교 책무성 체제 간의 제도적 긴장 관계를 형성하고 있다. 넷째, 아카데미는 다양한 거버넌스를 구축하여 학교 간 협력 강화를 학교 발전의 핵심적 원리로 적용하고 있다. 본 연구의 분석 결과를 바탕으로 공교육 개혁을 위해서는 학교 구조 개혁의 필요성을 강조하고, 단위학교의 자율성 강화는 학교 및 교사의 자율적 교육 활동 실천을 위한 역량과 균형을 이룰 수 있는 제도적 지원 방안이 중요함을 제언하였다. 끝으로 단위학교의 자율성에 비례하는 명확한 학교 책무성 체제 구축과 함께 학교 간 협력적 네트워크 강화와 질 관리를 위한 방안을 논의하였다. The purpose of this study is to analyze school reforms whereby which all maintained schools will convert to academies by 2022 in England. Although converting maintained schools to academies, the flagship education policy for educational reform in England, has significant theoretical and practical implications, research on academy policy remains an under-explored area, and there is a noticeable lack of research exploring the background, key characteristics, impacts on educational effectiveness and improvement from a comparative perspective. The major findings show that the model of academization focuses on the educational structure to foster school innovation through school collaborative partnerships. The policy also emphasizes that school autonomy regarding curriculums, school management, initial teacher training and professional development is the driving force for school improvement. The academization model shares the feature of vertical and horizontal school accountability system. However it is apparently to enhance vertical aspect of accountability, resulting in the institutional tension between two different type of school accountability. Finally it is found that school-to-school collaborative governance is the underpinning principle of academization as the effective means in supporting underperforming schools. Based on the results, this study reflects on a number of issues related with the academization of maintained schools and suggests implications for school reform in terms of school autonomy, accountability, and collaborative governance.

      • KCI등재

        혁신학교의 쟁점 탐색

        이병환,심현 한국교육철학회 2017 교육철학 Vol.65 No.-

        This study seeks to explore the major issues of innovation schools. Innovation schools are one of the policies pursued for the normalization of public education and school renovation. Innovation schools focus on performance-centric, team-centric education, not team-centric education. The school has been designated by about 400 schools nationwide as of 2017, when it was first implemented by the Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education in 2009. There are many issues surrounding innovation schools, but this research has led to issues related to relationships related to innovation schools. Schools reform, school innovation, reform of schools, relations with general schools, and relationships with charter schools in the United States discussed the effectiveness of school reform. In the future, schools have a task to show new things for a healthy school culture based on the voluntary and participatory nature of education bodies to successfully fulfill the responsibilities of improving public education.

      • KCI등재

        A Comparative Study of Fundamentalist and Reformed Christian Schools in the United States

        Young Taek Kang 한국기독교교육정보학회 2007 Journal of Christian education information tech Vol.0 No.11

        This article explored and compared the characteristics of the theology and worldviews of fundamentalist and Reformed Christian schools in the US. For this study, the primary and secondary resources of these schools, such as faith and mission statements, bylaws, textbooks, and writings about the schools were examined. Both kinds of schools stressed the divine authority of the Bible as a principle for schooling. However, while fundamentalist Christian schools aim at evangelism, Reformed Christian schools seek the idea of the kingdom of God in education based on the covenant idea. This difference in theological characteristics results in different views on society and culture. The fundamentalist Christian schools view society somewhat pessimistically, whereas the Reformed Christian schools see society and culture more optimistically and want to teach their children to be culturally involved.

      • KCI등재

        네덜란드 기독교학교 운동의 역사가 한국 기독교학교의 과제에 주는 함의

        조성국 한국기독교교육학회 2009 기독교교육논총 Vol.20 No.-

        Nowadays, when Korean Christian private schooling confronts with new crisis and challenge threatening evangelical activities and Christian education, kinds of new discussions and experiments of Christian alternative schooling are attempted. Among them, the parents Christian school model of Netherlands immigrants community is paid attention by Koreans adhering to the Reformed theological traditions. This thesis is a problem-historical research on the historical development and ideas of Netherlands Christian school movement(“school struggle”) as the ideal model of the Netherlands immigrants Christian schools. In Netherlands, Reformed churches based on the Calvinistic theology administered public schooling since 16th century. Enlightenment was introduced to the country in the middle of the 18th century, and the public school system by the monopoly of the government was settled in the early 19th century. Public school system aimed at forming both patriotism and Christian virtues contributing to nationalistic solidarity on the basis of modernism. As the negative result, Bible and doctrine teaching, and clergyman’s supervision on schools were excluded. As the reaction to the government drives, evangelical Reformed Christians made all attempts establish new Christian private schools and asked education freedom and legal equality of private schools. As the result of their political and social efforts, they got the legal approval of private schools in the middle of the 19th century and the equal financial support from the government in 1920. Since then, diversity and freedom of education on the basis of world views of the certain communities have been an characteristic of the Netherlands education, and Netherlands immigrants over the world have established Christian schools for the same cause. Implications of this historical development and its ideas for the Korean Christian schools are as follows: (1) educational neutrality of modern public school has ideologically been oriented in schooling reality and threatened the Christian world view. (2) Christian community has the task of forming Christian world view for her new generation. (3) Parents’ education rights for the children according to their own life view have to be respected. (4) Freedom and rights of education can be achieved by political and social efforts. (5) Christian school movement has been developed by evangelical enthusiasm and collective efforts. 한국기독교사립학교교육이 선교와 기독교적 인재양성교육의 효율성에 있어 도전과 위기에 직면한 오늘날, 다양한 형태의 기독교대안학교에 대한 논의와 실험이 이루어지고 있다. 그 중 개혁신학을 존중하는 사람들에게 네덜란드계 이민자들의 부모설립 기독교학교 모델은 상당한 관심의 대상이 되어왔다. 본 논문은 그 기독교학교운동의 원뿌리인 네덜란드 기독교학교운동의 이념과 발전과정을 검토함으로써 우리나라 상황에 적합한 함의를 찾으려는 문제사적 탐구이다. 네덜란드는 16세기 이래로 칼빈주의 신학에 기초한 개혁교회가 학교교육을 주도하였다. 그러나 18세기 중반 이후 계몽주의의 영향을 받기 시작했고, 19세기에 접어들면서 국가가 주도하는 공립학교제도가 확립되었다. 공립학교는 근대정신에 따라 국가통합성을 목표로 한 애국심과 기독교적 도덕성에 초점을 맞추었다. 그 결과 성경과 교리수업과 목사의 장학활동이 배제되었고, 복음주의 칼빈주의자들은 기독교학교교육을 위해 사립학교설립운동을 전개하였다. 정치사회적인 기독교학교운동의 결과 19세기 중반 종교적 세계관에 따른 사립학교교육이 법적 인정을 받게 되었고, 1920년에는 공립학교와 대등한 재정지원을 받아 냄으로써 교육의 완전한 자유를 보장받았다. 오늘날 사립학교를 통한 교육의 다양성과 자유는 네덜란드 교육의 주요한 특징이며, 종교공동체가 특정 세계관에 따라 교육할 수 있는 자유를 갖고 있다. 네덜란드계 이민자들은 새로 정착한 세계 여러 지역에서 동일한 특성의 기독교학교를 설립하여 운영하고 있다. 네덜란드 사립학교운동이 우리나라 기독교학교교육에 주는 함의는, 첫째, 공립학교교육의 기반이 되는 교육의 중립성이 사실은 이데올로기 지향적이고 기독교세계관을 위협한다. 둘째, 기독교공동체는 적극적으로 기독교 세계관을 형성하는 학교 교육의 과제를 갖는다. 셋째, 학교교육에서 부모의 인생관에 따른 교육권이 인정되어야 한다. 넷째, 기독교교육의 자유와 권리는 사회 안에서 법적인 것이므로 이 목표를 위한 사회정치적 노력이 요청된다. 다섯째, 기독교학교운동은 복음화운동과 맥을 같이한다.

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