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        『三字经』의 중국어 교육에서의 활용 가치 고찰 : 언어지식 및 문화역량을 중심으로

        김은영(Kim Eunyoung),김현태(Kim Hyuntae) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2021 인문사회과학연구 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구는 『三字经』의 중국어 교육에서의 활용 가치를 고찰하여 언어 및 문화 교육의 활용 방안을 제안하고, 『三字经』 관련 연구에 참고할 수 있는 기초 자료를 제공하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 <국제한어교학통용과정대강>이 의사소통능력 제고 요소로 지정한 언어지식과 문화역량을 중심으로 『三字经』의 중국어 교육에서의 활용가치를 고찰하였다. 결과 『三字经』에는 유교문화, 가문화, 입덕수인, 역사 이해 등 중국 문화를 알 수 있는 내용이 직・간접적으로 내포되어 문화역량 제고에 도움을 줄 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 『三字经』의 상용자 비율을 분석한 결과 『三字经』은 83%가 상용한자, 70% 가량이 상용어휘로 나타나삼자경을 통해 어휘 관련 언어지식 역량을 기를 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 급수별로는 초급>중급>고급 순으로 비율이 높아 초・중급 단계에서 활용도가 높을 것이며 고급 단계에서 활용하기 위해서는 고급 어휘 변환 및 문장 해설 추가 등 보완이 필요할 것으로 보인다. 『三字经』을 중국 언어 및 문화 교육용으로 활용하기 위해 다음의 두 가지 방안을 제안한다. 첫째, 『三字经』을 활용하여 중국어 학습에 대한 종합적 언어활용능력을 제고하도록 교육한다. 『三字经』을 현대 중국어로 풀어 어휘, 문법, 읽기, 말하기 등 언어기능과 언어지식 배양, 권학사례를 통한 학습전략 수립, 내용학습을 통한 문화역량 제고 등 이 네가지 요소가 교차 학습된다면 중국어 능력을 향상시킬 수 있다. 둘째, 초・중・고급별로 어휘 연계를 달리하고 수준별 풀이와 해설을 활용한다. 즉, HSK급수별 지정 단어에 따라 어휘를 변환하고 높은 급수일수록 풀이와 해설에 더 많은 중국어 문장을 사용하여 모든 단계에서 『三字经』을 활용할 수 있도록 한다. 다만 현재 중국어 교육용으로 활용할 수 있는 교재가 전무하므로 교수자의 노력이 요구되며 보편적 활용을 위해서는 교재연구가 필요하다. The purpose of this study is to consider the value of utilization in Chinese language education of the Sanzijing and propose the use of language and culture education, and to provide basic data for reference in the study of Sanzijing . Therefore, this paper studied the value of utilization in Chinese language education of Sanzijing , focusing on language knowledge and cultural competence designated by <International Curriculum for Chinese Language Education> as elements for improving communication skills. As a result, the Sanzijing contains information on Chinese culture, such as Confucian culture, family culture, Human resources development, history education which helps to enhance cultural competences. In addition, 83% of Sanzijing is common characters and about 70% is common vocabulary, so it is thought that studying Sanzijing can develop vocabulary-related language knowledge. The ratio of each step is the highest in beginner level, followed by intermediate level, and the lowest in advanced level. Therefore, utilization will be high at the beginning and intermediate level. In order to be used at the advanced level, it is necessary to supplement it by converting advanced vocabulary and adding sentence descriptions. In order to utilize the Sanzijing for Chinese language and culture education, the following two measures are proposed: First, it is educated to improve the language ability for Chinese language learning by utilizing Sanzijing . Through the Sanzijing , the four elements of language ability, such as language function and knowledge, strategy, cultural competence, can be cross-learned to improve Chinese language skills. Second, the learning difficulty is constructed differently depending on the level. Utilize the vocabulary according to the level words specified by HSK and use more Chinese sentences at the advanced level to make use of the Sanzijing at all levels. However, since there are currently no textbooks that can be used for Chinese language education, teachers efforts are required, and for universal use, teaching materials research is needed.

      • KCI등재

        중국 전통사회에서 『삼자경』이 아동교육에 미친 영향

        황성규(Hwang Seong-Kyu) 한국동양철학회 2009 동양철학 Vol.0 No.32

        『삼자경』은 『소학』단계 입문 이전의 아동들로 하여금 유가적 소양과 도덕적 의지를 확충시키기 위해 편집된 교재이다. 『삼자경』과 관련된 많은 주석본(註釋本)과 정보본(訂補本)이 전해 오는 것은 전통사회에서 중국인들이 아동교육에 대한 관심이 지대했음을 의미하는 것이며, 또한 몽학 학습교재 중 『삼자경』이 가장 이상적인 교범이었음을 입증하는 것이다. 『삼자경』의 가장 특징적인 부분은 전래의 고사, 경전, 역사 등의 원전에서 전달하고자 하는 핵심만을 발췌하며 세 글자씩 조합한 형식에 있다. 이것은 암기를 해야만 체득되는 한 장어의 단점을 극복하여 아동들로 하여금 최대한 간편하게 문자를 익힐 수 있도록 배려한 교육방법의 진전이다. 내용에 있어서도 『삼자경』은 그 첫 글자를 사람(人)으로 시작하여 사람이란 어떤 존재이며, 또 어떻게 사는 것이 인간답게 하는 것인가를 말하고 있는데, 이는 『삼자경』이 전통사회 아동들의 인성교육에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 충분히 가늠해 볼 수 있는 중요한 단서라고 할 수 있다. 중국 전통사회에서 아동들은 『삼자경』을 통하여 그들의 전통문화를 조명할 수 있었고, 그 속에서 인간이 인간답게 사는 윤리의 중요성을 확인하게 된다. 그리고 이러한 기초 소양을 바탕으로 아동들은 좀 더 구체적이고 높은 단계의 학습을 수행할 수 있는 자질을 갖추게 된 것이다. Sanzijing, book for children education, was written for extending moral will and Confucian morality for children. Explanatory notes book and supplement book related to Sanzijing mean that the chinese were much interested in children education in the traditional society and Sanzijing was ideal book for children at that time. The Characteristic part is Sanzijing was to form the new word from the existent legend, scriptures, history. It was the improvement of teaching methods in that a word written in Chinese characters should have been memorized mechanically. According to Sanzijing, the content was beginning with the person, which indicated what the human beings were and how human beings would live well. It has told us that Sanzijing have had a great effect on children's well-rounded education. Through the Sanzijing, children in chinese traditional society can confirm how to live well in private and harmony. They, also, are qualified to the higher stage on the basis of it.

      • KCI등재

        『三字經』의 인물고사를 통한 학습동기 유발 연구

        한상덕(Han Sang Deok)(韓相德) 대한중국학회 2017 중국학 Vol.61 No.-

        『三字經』은 중국의 학동 계몽도서로, 내용은 여러 인물과 史實·典籍·名物 등으로 구성되어 있다. 이를 주제별로 보면 가정교육·학식·역사·勤學으로 대별된다. 이 중, 마지막 주제인 ‘勤學’ 부분에서는 학동들이 훌륭한 동량으로 성장하는데 모범으로 삼을만한 역사적 인물들을 학습의 ‘롤 모델’로 제시하고 있다. 이들 중에는 이미 성현이 되었거나 벼슬아치가 되었으면서도 배움의 끈을 놓지 않고 열심히 공부했던 인물 이야기도 있고, 가난을 극복한 이야기, 神童 이야기를 비롯하여 조기학습과 만학, 성별을 무시하고 능력을 보여주었던 여성 이야기도 있으며, 열악한 환경에서도 훌륭한 인물로 성공한 여러 인물들의 이야기도 있다. 본고는 勤學을 통해 성공한 롤 모델을 여섯 종류의 주제로 나눠 그 특징과 의미를 살피고 있다. 오늘날 아동교육은 날로 발전을 거듭해 가고 있지만, 고전을 통한 인성교육 및 진로지도는 상대적으로 미미한 현실이다. 이런 현실에서 『三字經』이 소개하고 있는 학습동기 유발을 위한 인물과 고사 유형들을 오늘날에도 적절하게 ‘스토리텔링’하여, 아동교육 자료로 활용할 수 있다면 학습의욕을 고취시키고, 학습 동기를 부여하는데 크게 일조할 것으로 사료된다. Sanzijing(三字經) is a book created for the childhood education of China and is composed of facts, achievements as well as the specialties of diverse figures. It can be classified into home education, knowledge, history and diligent studying. In the last section, diligent studying proposes learning of the ‘role model’ of historic figures to children in the hope that they will become outstanding individuals. This section also contains stories on those inspirational figures who never once stopped learning even when they had already become sages or high-ranking government officials, those who had overcome poverty or poor surroundings and succeeded in life as well as stories about gifted children, education during the early ages and late in life, and women who had fearlessly displayed their abilities regardless of their gender. This study looks into the characteristics and meanings of the successful role models by dividing them into six types. Today, children’s education is continuously developing every day though character education and career guidance via the classics are relatively rare. However, it is considered that Sanzijing(三字經) can be utilized as child education material and the belief is that the pertinent ‘storytelling’ centered around the figures and historic records of Sanzijing(三字經) would be able to motivate and inspire children to study.

      • KCI등재

        The Influences of the Sanzijing on Premodern Vietnam’s Literary Sinitic Textbooks

        Nguyễn Tuấn Cường,Nguyễn Thị Tú Mai 경성대학교 한국한자연구소 2016 한자연구 Vol.0 No.14

        After spreading into Vietnam, the Sanzijing () had a strong influence on the Sino-Nom writings by Vietnamese authors in both of their form and content. On the form, the three-character verse style of the Sanzijing was adopted in many Vietnam’s works. About the content, premodern Vietnamese authors compiled their works by re-using examples of fondness for learning and categories of traditional concepts. In the process of reception of the Sanzijing, these authors also made immitation, adjustment, application, and combination in many aspects of this book, in order to compile primary textbooks for the education of script, language, history, thoughts, culture of Vietnam.

      • KCI등재후보


        阮俊强,阮氏秀梅 경성대학교 한국한자연구소 2016 한자연구 Vol.0 No.14

        After spreading into Vietnam, the Sanzijing (三字經) had a strong influence on the Sino-Nom writings by Vietnamese authors in both of their form and content. On the form, the three-character verse style of the Sanzijing was adopted in many Vietnam’s works. About the content, premodern Vietnamese authors compiled their works by re-using examples of fondness for learning and categories of traditional concepts. In the process of reception of the Sanzijing, these authors also made immitation, adjustment, application, and combination in many aspects of this book, in order to compile primary textbooks for the education of script, language, history, thoughts, culture of Vietnam.

      • KCI등재

        고전을 활용한 중국 언어와 문화 교수·학습에 대한 논의-『삼자경(三字經)』을 중심으로-

        문영희,박지영 연세대학교 언어정보연구원 2017 언어사실과 관점 Vol.42 No.-

        The main purpose of Chinese language education is to improve learners communication ability. In order to reach the intermediate-high levels, learners of Chinese need to expand their knowledge about Chinese history, geography, literature and current affairs. Also learners of Chinese need to develop their Chinese language skills based on a deep understanding of Chinese and Chinese people. In this regard, this study confirms the value that can be utilized in Chinese language education and conducted specific proposals to utilize the Sanzijing education.

      • 청소년 인성역량 강화를 위한 전통 인성교육 교재의 활용 가능성 탐색

        박영민 ( Park¸ Young-min ) 한국청소년효문화학회 2021 청소년과 효문화 Vol.37 No.-

        The purpose of the study was to explore ways to reinforce youths’ character competencies by using textbooks of traditional character education. As a theoretical basis through literature research, the study examined the characteristics of youths, the current status of character education, and the possibility of character education using traditional character education textbooks in school education. Based upon the theories explored, a character education program using 『Sanzijing(三字經)』, 『Sizixiaoxue(四字小學)』, and『Mingxinbaojian(明心寶鑑)』as textbooks for traditional character education was illustrated for school education. The summary of the research results is as follows: Firstly, it focused on the theory of character education in connection with school curriculum education, and suggested the possibility of applying ‘classical reading’ as a character education method. Through the process, the contents related to ‘care’, ‘respect for (life)’, ‘responsibility’, ‘etiquette(禮)’ and ‘filial piety(孝)’, which are inherent in traditional character education textbooks, were re-examined from a modern perspective. Secondly, the teaching materials for character education in connection with the subject (Chinese) are illustrated. It is expected that these classes not only embody the character virtues of ‘empathy’, ‘communication’ and ‘cooperation’ to learners through the process of reading the contents of traditional character education textbooks, selecting topics for each time, and discussing them in groups, but also to be able to cultivate the ability to communicate with Chinese each other. In conclusion, it can be concluded that the instructional materials of character education linked to ‘reading classics’ in the school can be used in the (non) subject-linked character education program.

      • KCI등재

        Chinese Islam: A Complete Concert

        Zvi Ben-Dor Benite 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2017 Cross-Currents Vol.- No.23

        Why study a Chinese “minority” and its history? The task of scholars of Chinese Islam since the 1990s has been twofold: on the one hand, we have wanted to study Islam in China in its Chinese social and cultural context, as opposed to imagining it as a single separate entity, and to show that its history is relevant and meaningful for Chinese history in general. One could almost say that this goal was achieved a while ago. The next task has been to make the study of Chinese Islam and its history meaningful and useful for the greater community of scholars of Islam in general. It seems to me that with the books reviewed here, and with others in the making, we are getting close to reaching this target. In 1910, Marshall Broomhall’s Islam in China declared that Chinese Islam was a “neglected problem.” These books show that it is no longer neglected, and no longer a “problem”; rather, it is an exciting topic. Indeed, a complete, even if not harmonious, concert.

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