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      • KCI등재

        우리나라 식품안전보건지표를 활용한 사례연구: 다양한 통합지수 산출을 통한 주요 지표 확인 및 사회경제적 지위와의 상관성 파악

        최지혜,변가람,이종태 한국식품위생안전성학회 2015 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.30 No.3

        Food-Health indicators have been developed and utilized internationally in the ‘Food’ domain of environment and health indicators. In Korea, however, Food Safety Health Indicators which are in the introductory stage had been developed separately from Environmental Health Indicators. The aim of the current study is to suggest feasible applications of the domestic Food Safety Health Indicators as a case study. We introduced 3 possible applications which are as follows: 1) production of two types of Integrated Food Safety Health Index; 2) conduction of correlation analysis between the Integrated Food Safety Health Index and Food Safety Health Indicators; 3) conduction of regression analysis to evaluate the relationship between the Integrated Food Safety Health Index and socioeconomic status. As a result, we provided the calculated Integrated Food Safety Health Index Ⅰ and Integrated Food Safety Health Index Ⅱ, which represents the regional food safety level in relative and absolute terms, respectively. Integrated Food Safety Health IndexⅠwas significantly correlated with the outbreaks of food-borne diseases (caused by Campylobacter jejuni, Bacillus cereus, Salmonella spp. and unknown cause) and incidence of E.coli infections. Integrated Food Safety Health Index Ⅱ significantly decreased as the proportion of foreigners and women increased, and increased as the population density increased. Utilization of such Integrated Food Safety Health Indicators may be helpful in understanding the overall domestic food safety level and identifying the indicators which must be considered with priorities to enhance the food safety levels regionally and domestically. Furthermore, analyzing the association between Integrated Food Safety Health Index and factors other than food safety could be useful in conducting risk management and identifying susceptible populations. Food Safety Health Indicators can be useful in other applications, and may serve as a supporting material in establishing or modifying policy plans to enhance food safety. Therefore, keen interests by researchers accompanied by further studies on food safety health indicators are needed.

      • KCI등재

        미국 상위 30개 연구 중심 대학들의 실험실 환경보건안전 담당 부서 -MIT 사례를 중심으로-

        안광석 ( Kwang Seog Ahn ),강동묵 ( Dong Mug Kang ),신용철 ( Yong Chul Shin ),전영희 ( Young Hee Jun ) 한국산업위생학회 2007 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        Objectives: The objectives of this research are to examine the missions, organization, and programs of the environmental, health and safety(EHS) offices of the major research universities in the U.S.A., particularly the case of Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) EHS Office, and to suggest ways to address the EHS issues of the universities and research institutes in South Korea. Methods: The top 30 research universities in the U.S.A. were selected by the total amounts of research funds they annually received. The web sites of the 30 universities were searched to identify the names of the departments that address environment, health, and/or safety related issues, the missions of those departments, the major programs of those departments, and the number of staff in those departments. Also, a case study was conducted for the Environment Health and Safety Management System and the Environment, Health and Safety Office of the MIT, using literature and web searches and a meeting with the Director of the MIT Environment, Health and Safety Office. Results: All the top 30 research universities in the U.S.A. had designated departments that dealt with EHS issues. Most of them were by the name of or similar to environmental, health and safety. The mission statements of those departments were mostly about improving the safety and health of their community members, improving the environment, and complying to EHS regulations. Most of those departments had an environmental management program, industrial hygiene program, radiation protection program, safety program, and biosafety program as their major programs. The components of the environment, health and safety management system(EHS-MS) of the MIT were examined in detail. In contrast, not many universities in South Korea had designated departments that dealt specifically with EHS issues. Also, the number of fulltime staff for EHS was only 1-2 in most of the Korean universities and their work duties included only general safety, while neglecting other health/environment related issues. Conclusions: Well organized and functioning environmental, health and safety offices were present in all of the top 30 research universities in the U.S.A., whereas similar organizations of the universities in South Korea were virtually non-existent and/or had very limited EHS activities. Therefore, in order to reduce potential risks of accidents and health problems in the Korean universities and research institutions, well established and functioning EHS-MSs and EHS offices are warranted. The case of the EHS-MS and EHS Office in the MIT demonstrate a successful case to follow.

      • KCI등재

        제조업 사업장의 안전보건활동이 안전보건수준 인식에 미치는 영향

        이경용(Kyung Yong Rhee) 한국사회정책학회 2011 한국사회정책 Vol.18 No.4

        근로자의 건강을 보호하기 위해서는 안전보건수준을 향상시키는 것이 필요하다. 사업장의 안전보건수준은 다양한 안전보건활동을 통해서 향상될 수 있다. 사업장의 안전보건활동은 법적 규제에 대응하는 활동과 경제적 합리성에 근거해서 이루어지는 활동으로 구분될 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 제조업체의 다양한 안전보건활동 중에서 사업장의 안전보건수준에 대한 인식에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 활동이 무엇이며, 위험도 수준에 영향을 미치는 활동이 무엇인지를 알아보았다. 본 연구에 활용된 자료는 2009년 산업안전보건연구원이 실시한 산업안전보건동향조사 자료이며, 이 중에서 제조업체 응답 자료만 선별하여 분석에 활용하였다. 사업장의 다양한 안전보건활동을 범주화하기 위하여 요인분석을 한 결과 사업주의 일반적인 안전보건경영활동, 근로자 건강관리 활동, 화학물질 관리, 보호구 및 유해위험기계기구관리, 및 정보전달과 의사소통 등의 5개 하위 활동으로 분류되었다. 5개로 분류된 안전보건활동은 모두 사업장의 안전보건활동 수준에 대한 인식에 통계적으로 유의한 영향을 미쳤으며, 이 중에서 사업주의 일반적인 안전보건경영활동의 영향이 가장 큰 것으로 나타났다. 반면 위험도에 대한 인식은 5%의 유의수준에서 보호구 및 유해위험기계기구 관리만 통계적으로 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 결국안전보건수준에 대한 인식과 위험도에 대한 인식이 서로 다른 차원으로 구성되고 있음을 보여주는 것이다. 본 연구는 단면조사 자료를 이용하였기 때문에 인과관계에 대한 해석에 한계를 지니고 있으며, 안전보건활동의 다양성을 충분히 포괄하지 못한 제한점이 있다. In order to protect workers` health it is needed to improve the level of occupational safety and health. The level of workplace safety and health can be improved through a variety of activities of occupational safety and health. Workplace safety and health activities can be divided into two categories such as response to the legal and regulatory activities and economically rational activities for profit making. Author investigated which activities have the greatest effect on awareness of workplace safety and health levels and workplace risk level. Materials utilized for this study was data from 2009 Occupational Safety and Health Trend Survey conducted by Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute. Using factor analysis the various activities of workplace safety and health were classified into five sub categories such as employer`s general safety and health management activities, employee health-related activities, management of chemicals, machinery protection and personal protective equipment management, and information delivery and communication. All of the activities of safety and health has had a significant impact on perceived level of workplace safety and health. Among five categories of activities, the employer`s general health and safety management showed the largest impact. Whereas awareness of risk was influenced by only activity of personal protection equipment and hazard machinery at 5% significance level. After all perceived level of health and safety and risk awareness are recognized differently by safety and health managers in workplace. This study has some limitation. Cross sectional survey data cannot be interpreted as causal relationship and surveyed activities about workplace safety and health cannot cover all kinds of activities.

      • KCI등재

        제조업의 산업안전보건 관련 의사소통이 안전보건경영 수준에 미치는 영향 - 관리감독자 인원의 매개효과를 중심으로 -

        김유리 ( You-ri Kim ),이시영 ( Si-young Lee ),천미혜 ( Mee-hye Chen ),박지영 ( Ji-young Park ),임미선 ( Mi Sun Lim ),이진아 ( Jin-a Lee ),정혜선 ( Hye-sun Jung ) 한국산업보건학회 2021 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.31 No.4

        Objectives: The purpose of this study is to identify the general characteristics of manufacturing workplaces and the characteristics of safety and health organizations, and to determine the impact of safety and health-related communication within these organizations mediated by supervisory safety and health management personnel. Methods: This study is based on the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency’s 2018 Occupational Safety and Health data targeting 1,486 manufacturing sites. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA, and mediator variable regression analysis using SPSS 25.0. Results: The average score on communication levels related to safety and health was 11.20 out of 15. The average score of the safety and health management level was 31.04 out of 40. As a result of mediation regression analysis, it was found that safety and health-related communication had an effect on the safety and health management level (β=0.434), and the number of safety and health supervisors was found to mediate the effect of this variable (β=0.069). Conclusions: The level of safety and health-related communication affects the level of health and safety management, and the number of supervisors mediates this influence. Therefore, the role of the supervisor is important in safety and health communication. It is expected that the level of safety and health management can be improved through management and supervisors.

      • KCI등재

        외국인근로자의 산업안전보건 강화방안에 관한 연구

        정진우 ( Jung Jin-woo ) 제주대학교 법과정책연구소 2016 法과 政策 Vol.22 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 외국인근로자의 산업안전보건에 관한 법적 보호의 근거와 안전보건에 관한 권리를 검토하여 외국인근로자에 대한 산업안전보건상의 보호를 법제도적으로 강화하는 방안을 제안하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 외국인근로자의 산업재해 발생의 특징을 전제적(前提的)으로 살펴보고, 그 다음으로 외국인근로자가 안전보건에 대하여 보호받을 수 있는 법적 근거를 고찰하였다. 그리고 안전보건 면에서 외국인근로자에게 상대적으로 특수하고 중요하면서도 실제로 문제될 수 있는 사항으로서, 알 권리, 안전배려의무와 이에 근거한 작업거절권 및 위험성평가(Risk Assessment), 안전보건교육 등을 주된 논점으로 삼았다. 외국인근로자는 주로 영세소규모 사업장 등에서 일하고 있는 점을 고려할 때, 취약사업장의 안전보건문제는 외국인근로자에게도 그대로 적용된다. 그리고 외국인근로자는 영세소규모 사업장의 일반적 문제 외에 언어, 문화 등의 격차에 기인하는 고유의 안전보건문제 또한 가지고 있다. 외국인근로자의 이러한 특성을 기반으로 외국인근로자의 안전보건에 관한 보호를 강화하는 주된 조치로서 다음과 같은 방안을 생각할 수 있다. 먼저, 외국인근로자의 관점에서 사법적(私法的) 권리의 주된 근거가 되는 안전배려의무의 법리와 내용을 전향적으로 개발하는 한편, 이를 통해 사법적 방법(수단)이 이들에 의해 적극적으로 활용되도록 할 필요가 있다. 둘째, 사업장변경 사유에 외국인근로자가 고용되어 있는 사업장에 안전보건상 문제가 있는 경우도 실질적으로 포함으로써 작업거절권의 실효성을 강화하여야 한다. 셋째, 외국인근로자의 리스크 커뮤니케이션 장벽이 극복되어야 한다. 안전보건에 관한 지도ㆍ교육, 설명뿐만 아니라, 표시, 게시, 상담 시에도 외국인근로자가 이해할 수 있는 방법으로 실시하도록 한다. 넷째, 외국인근로자에게는 안전보건에 관한 사항을 단순히 교육 또는 게시 등을 통해 ‘알리는’ 것에 머물지 말고 외국인근로자가 그 내용을 ‘알게 하는’ 방식으로 접근할 필요가 있다. 이를 위해서는 감독기관의 감독이 외국인근로자의 알 권리 관련 기준의 형식적인 준수 여부가 아니라 실질적인 준수 여부에 초점을 맞추어 이루어져야 한다. 마지막으로, 사업장 위험성평가를 실시할 때에는 고용하고 있는 외국인근로자의 안전보건에 대한 지식의 정도, 작업숙련도 등 외국인근로자 개인의 특성을 고려하여야 한다. This study proposes a plan for strengthening the legal and institutional protection of foreign workers from industrial accidents by reviewing and examining the legal rationale for the protection of foreign workers in terms of industrial safety and health. For this purpose, the characteristics of foreign workers’ industrial accidents have been examined as a premise, and then the legal ground for the protection of foreign workers in terms of safety and health has been studied. In addition, the study focuses on matters which are crucial for foreign workers in terms of health and safety, such as right-to-know, care duty on safety, as well as the resulting right to reject work, risk assessments and safety training. Since foreign workers usually work at small companies, policies applicable to small scale businesses ends up affecting foreign workers as well. Foreign workers also have unique safety and health problems due to distinct communication problems resulting from the difference in language and culture. Based on these characteristics of foreign workers, the following can be brought about to strengthen protective actions for the safety and health of foreign workers. First, a legal theory regarding care duty on safety which is the main basis of private rights need to be proactively developed. This then need to be actively utilized as the legal means for the protection of foreign workers. Second, considering that foreign workers need to change workplaces due to safety and health problems, it is necessary to have the right to reject work be put to practical use by enlarging the reason of workplaces change based on safety and health concerns. Third, foreign workers’ risk communication barrier must be overcome. Not only in the instruction, training, or explanation of safety and health, but disclosure, posting or consulting must also be made understandable to foreign workers by using suitable means. Fourth, rather than just simply “letting foreign workers know about safety and health” through education and postings, “helping them understand the contents of safety and health” should be the method adopted instead. For this purpose, the supervisor of the regulatory authority should not only check whether the standards regarding the foreign workers’ right-to-know are well complied with, but also focus on whether businesses actually practice them. Lastly, on conducting risk assessments, individual factors such as the foreign worker’s knowledge of safety and health and their workmanship should be considered.

      • KCI등재

        건설산업에서 안전보건경영활동에 대한 경영진 태도의 중요성 - 안전보건조치 품질의 매개효과를 중심으로 -

        황성연,이슬기 사단법인 한국안전문화학회 2022 안전문화연구 Vol.- No.18

        The law focuses on punishment targets and intensity of punishment with the 'Serious Disaster Punishment Act,' which is designed to ensure that executives with critical authority, including investment in safety, fulfill their duty to prevent safety accidents. Therefore, to confirm the purpose of introducing the Serious Disaster Punishment Act, we will analyze the effect of management's attitude on safety and health measures and examine the relationship between management's attitude and safety. To empirically verify whether the quality of safety and health measures mediates the relationship between 'management attitude' and 'safety behavior level,' the "2018 Occupational Safety and Health Survey" data was used. A three-step mediated regression analysis by Baron·Kenny (1986) was conducted using the IBM SPSS Statistics 23 statistical analysis package. The results of the verification of the mediating effect are as follows. 1) All three factors of quality of safety and health measures partially affect management's influence on safety and health management activities on workers' safety behavior. 2) When the quality of safety and health measures was included as a parameter rather than the direct impact of management's attitude on safety and health standards, management's active attitude is the main prerequisite for improving the quality of safety and health measures. 3) Among the quality of safety and health measures, the direct influence and explanation of management's attitude toward "sufficiency" were the highest. Still, the parameter that made management's attitude explain higher safety behavior was "usefulness." This study is significant because it examines the basis for introducing the Serious Disaster Punishment Act based on data. In addition, it was found that the quality of safety and health measures by management's safety and health management activities is essential. Management activities should consider not only the sufficiency but also the usefulness of workers' safety activities. On the other hand, it is significant that we have prepared the basis for future research on quality evaluation of safety and health management activities.

      • KCI등재

        사내하도급에서 산업안전보건법의 보호대상에 관한 연구

        나민오(Na, Min-Oh) 동아대학교 법학연구소 2020 東亞法學 Vol.- No.88

        사내하도급은 일반적인 도급계약과 달리 도급인이 관리하는 사업장에서 업무를 수행한다는 특성 때문에 수급인이 사업주로서 안전보건조치의무를 이행하는데 한계가 발생한다. 이에 산안법 제63조는 도급인에게 자신의 사업장에서 발생하는 위험을 관리하고 안전하게 유지할 의무를 규정하였다. 여기에는 도급인이 고용한 근로자뿐 아니라 수급인의 근로자에게 영향을 미치는 영역에 대한 안전보건조치를 실시할 의무가 포함된다. 또한 산안법 제66조는 수급인과 수급인의 근로자가 산안법령을 위반하는 경우 도급인이 수급인에게 시정조치를 할 수 있도록 규정하여 도급인에게 사업장에서 발생하는 위험에 대한 총괄적인 관리·감독 의무를 부여하고 있다. 산안법 제63조와 제66조는 수급인에게 안전한 사업장을 제공할 도급인의 의무를 발생시키고, 법령에 의해 수급인의 안전확보 의무의 이행을 관리·감독하는 지위를 발생시킨다. 이러한 법령상의 의무를 근거로 도급인은 수급인에 대해서도 안전배려의무를 부담하는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 연구에서는 계약상 안전배려의무에 근거하여 수급인에 대한 도급인의 안전보건조치의무를 산안법에 반영하는 방안을 제안하였다. 또한 도급인과 직접적인 계약관계가 없는 수급인의 근로자에 대해서 계약상 안전배려의무의 효력을 인정할 수 있는지 검토하였다. 수급인 근로자는 도급인과 직접 계약관계가 없어 안전배려의무를 인정하기 어렵다. 또한 산안법 제63조는 도급인이 수급인 근로자에게 안전보건조치를 제공할 의무를 규정한 것이 아니고, 자신의 사업장에 대한 지배력을 근거로 수급인에게 안전한 장소를 제공하고 수급인이 자신의 사업장에서 안전조치를 이행할 것을 감독할 의무를 부여한 것이다. 따라서 산안법 제63조는 수급인 근로자가 도급인에게 의무이행을 요청할 계약상의 권리를 발생시키지 않는다. 다만 수급인 근로자는 도급인의 산안법 위반에 의한 불법행위로 손해가 발생하면 이를 청구할 수 있을 것이다. In-house subcontracting, unlike general contracting contracts, is subject to subcontractor-managed workplace, so there is a limit to the recipient"s safety and health measures. The Article 63 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act provided contractors with the obligation to manage and maintain the risks incurred in their workplace. This includes the obligation to implement safety and health measures in areas affecting the workers of the recipient, as well as the workers employed by the contractor. In addition, The Article 66 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act provides contractors with comprehensive management and supervision over the risks arising in the workplace by providing contractors to take corrective action against contractors when the recipients and their workers violate the Occupational Safety and Health Act. The Article 63 and 66 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act makes a duty for contractors to provide safe workplaces to recipients, and to supervise the implementation of the recipient"s duty to ensure safety. Therefore, it can be considered that the contractor bears the duty to care for the safety of the recipients. In the study, a method was proposed to reflect the contractor"s Obligations of safety consideration to the recipients in the Occupational Safety and Health Act based on the safety care obligations in the contract. In addition, it was reviewed whether the contract"s safety-related obligations can be recognized for the workers of recipients who do not have a direct contract relationship with contractors. Workers of recipients have no direct contract relationship with contractors, making it difficult to recognize safety obligations. In line with that, the Article 63 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act does not stipulate that contractors are obliged to provide safety and health measures to workers of recipients. It stipulates that contractors provide safe places for recipients based on their control over their workplace(management ability), and contractors are obliged to oversee the implementation of the recipient’s duty to ensure safety at their workplace. Therefore, the Article 63 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act does not create contractual rights for contractors to request recipients to fulfill their obligations. However, workers of recipients can claim it if damages occur due to illegal acts owing to the contractor"s violation of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

      • KCI등재

        근로자 예비 설문과 델파이기법을 활용한건설현장 안전보건교육 개선 방향 분석

        봉진균,원정훈 한국안전학회 2018 한국안전학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        The improvement of safety and health education method in construction site was investigated through the survey for workers and delphi technique. The results of preliminary survey done for workers were analyzed using the multi variance analyses, and the questionnaires for delphi survey were composed based on the results of preliminary survey. Finally, the participatory safety and health education method was suggested. The result showed that most of workers were very interested in accident prevention and health. On the contrary, they did not actively participate in safety activities in sites including safety and health education. In order to improve workers' levels of safety consciousness and prevent the construction accident, the participatory safety and health education method that construction workers directly examine and give presentations about accident causes and measures was suggested and verified by tests. One-way instructor-led safety and health education used widely and participatory safety and health education with workers were carried out by dividing participants into two groups. After education, the examination is done for two groups. The test results found that the average score of safety consciousness of the worker group that received participatory safety education was higher than that of the work group that received instructor-led safety education. And the Delphi technique utilizing experts was analyzed that participatory safety education has a great effect on improvement of workers' level of safety consciousness.

      • KCI등재

        상업교사 교육을 위한 산업안전보건 과목의 필요성과 교육과정 개발에 관한 연구

        김하은,방성식 한국상업교육학회 2023 상업교육연구 Vol.37 No.6

        The purpose of this study lies in analyzing the current status of occupational safety and health education at business-oriented specialized vocational high schools and, through this, developing a curriculum regarding the occupational safety and health subject at business teacher training institutions. In order to achieve this, first, analyzed through the text mining technique were three types of textbooks for the subject “Successful Vocational Life,” which are representative textbooks used in occupational safety and health education at specialized vocational high schools. In addition, the subject “Labor Human Rights and Occupational Safety and Health” to be created newly through the Draft Plan for 2022 Revied Curricula for Vocational High Schools was analyzed, and Vocational High School Field Practice Occupational Safety Manual produced by the Ministry of Education and the Korea Certified Public Labor Attorneys Association (KCPLAA) was analyzed together as well. Second, analyzed were surveys of 50 current teachers at specialized vocational high schools and 51 prospective business teachers on the current status of the operation/management of occupational safety and health education at business-oriented specialized vocational high schools and perceptions of, demands regarding, and ideas for improving the new establishment of a curriculum regarding occupational safety and health education at teacher training institutions. Based on the results of the surveys, this study presents the following research results. First, this study developed a curriculum for the occupational safety and health subject to be applied to business teacher training institutions. The curriculum for the occupational safety and health subject consists of goals, contents, teaching and learning methods, and evaluations and, through them, describes the main contents of the occupational safety and health subject that business teacher training institutions must implement. Second, a syllabus for the occupational safety and health subject was created in addition, thus presenting a plan for concrete use. In the end, this study is significant for investigating the necessity of the occupational safety and health subject, which is currently the object of public attention, developing a new curriculum reflecting its characteristics, and also presenting a syllabus, which is a concrete execution plan for implementing the curriculum.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회 노인가정의 안전보건실태와 건강상태

        최선하(Sun-Ha Choi),전은남(Eun-Nam Jeon) 한국생활환경학회 2014 한국생활환경학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        This is a cross sectional descriptive study to explore home safety health and health status and determine the relationships between them in elderly family. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data from the elderly and their home in one community from Oct. 7 to Oct. 16, 2013. The data of 192 the elderly and their home were included in data analysis. Their mean home safety health score was 3.24 (±0.53) as a 5 Likert scale. In the elderly, they perceived their physical health poor (2.57±0.88) and most of them were depressed (5.88±2.10). The relationship between home safety health and perceived physical health was significant (S=.383, p<.001). Lower score of home safety health seems depressed, but did not present statistically significant difference. Especially the elderly who have not screening test, women, uneducated, unemployed, and lower income were considered in home safety health. In conclusion, home safety health, perceive physical health and depression in the elderly were all associated each other. It is highly recommended to consider home safety health to assess and intervene health problems in the elderly.

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