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      • KCI등재

        휴먼에러를 중심으로 한 위험요인 도출 방법론에 관한 연구

        정상교 ( Sang Kyo Jung ),장성록 ( Seon Pok Chang ) 한국안전학회(구 한국산업안전학회) 2014 한국안전학회지 Vol.29 No.3

        Human error is one of the major contributors to the accidents. A lot of risk assessment techniques have been developed for prevention of accidents. Nevertheless, most of them were interested in physical factors, because quantitative evaluation of human errors was difficult quantitatively. According to lack of risk assessment techniques about human errors, most of industrial risk assessment for human errors were based on data of accident analysis. In order to develop an effective countermeasure to reduce the risk caused by human errors, a systematic analysis is needed. Generally, risk assessment system is composed of 5 step(classification of work activity, identification of hazards, risk estimation, evaluation and improvement). This study aimed to develop a risk identification technique for human errors that could mainly be applied to industrial fields. In this study, Ergo-HAZOP and Comprehensive Human Error Analysis Technique were used for developing the risk identification technique. In the proposed risk identification technique, Ergo-HAZOP was used for broad-brush risk identification. More critical risks were an alysed by Comprehensive Human Error Analysis Technique. In order to verify applicability, the proposed risk identification technique was applied to the work of pile head cutting. As a consequence, extensive hazards were identified and fundamental countermeasures were established. It is expected that much attention would be paid to prevent accidents by human error in industrial fields since safety personnel can easily fint out hazards of human factors if utilizing the proposed risk identification technique.

      • KCI등재

        이동식크레인 작업의 중대재해예방을 위한 표준 리스크 평가 지수 개발 (건설업을 중심으로)

        최종국,이종우 한국재난정보학회 2023 한국재난정보학회 논문집 Vol.19 No.3

        연구목적: 이동식크레인은 높은 사망률에 기여하는 기계이다. 최근 6년간(2016~2021) 사고사망사례중 건설업 2,574건을 분석한 고위험요인(SIF)정보에서 이동식크레인의 사고는 총 61건의 재해가 발생하였다. 많은 연구와 안전대책에도불구하고 현장에서 활용이 안되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 리스크 평가지수를 제시하여 사고예방에 기여하고자 한다 연구방법: 전문가 면담과 사망사고 사례분석, 현장실태분석, 문헌조사를 통해 위험성평가의 4M방식의 리스크평가지수 방법을 제시하고자 한다. 연구결과: 현장사례 분석한 결과 현행 위험성평가로는 재해예방에 실질적인 기여를 할 수 없다는 결론을 얻었으며, 위험성평가 4M방식의 리스크평가지수 방식의 개선방안으로 적합하다는 결론을 얻었다.결론: 건설현장에서 주관적인 위험요인을 4M방식의 리스크평가지수 방식으로 전환함으로써 안전보건관계자 및 근로자가 쉽게 이용할 수 있고 재해감소에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 보여진다 Purpose: Mobile cranes are machines that contribute to high mortality rates. According to the High Risk Factors (SIF) information, which analyzed 2,574 accident fatalities in the construction industry over the past six years (2016-2021), a total of 61 accidents involving mobile cranes occurred. Although much research and safety measures have been developed for this purpose, they have not been properly applied in the field. In this study, we present a risk evaluation index using a risk evaluation index and attempt to contribute to accident prevention. Method:We would like to propose a risk assessment index method of the 4M method of risk assessment through expert interviews, analysis of fatal accident cases, site analysis, and literature research.Result:As a result of site case analysis, it was concluded that the current risk assessment cannot make a substantial contribution to disaster prevention, and that it is suitable as an improvement method for the risk assessment index method of the 4M method of risk assessment.Conclusion: By converting subjective risk factors at construction sites into a 4M risk assessment index method, it is expected to be easily usable by safety and health officials and workers and contribute to reducing accidents.

      • 침몰선박 위험성 평가절차 및 평가방법

        이승현(Seung-Hyun Lee),최혁진(H.J.Choi),오상우(S.W.Oh),박기철(Ki-Cheol Pak),서재준(Jae-Joon Suh) 한국해양환경·에너지학회 2018 한국해양환경·에너지학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2018 No.5

        해양환경관리법 82조2는 침몰선박 관계 법령으로 2012년12월 본조가 신설되었다. 관련법에서는 침몰선박을 해양사고로 해양에서 침몰한 선박으로 정의하고 있다. 관련법에서는 침몰선박으로 인하여 발생할 수 있는 추가적인 해양오염사고 예방을 위해 침몰선박의 체계적인 관리 및 해양오염 유발가능성에 대한 위해도를 평가하고 위해도 저감대책 및 실행을 하도록 명시하고 있다. 이와 관련하여 본 연구에서는 관련법의 위해도 평가절차를 개선하여 1차와 2차 평가를 통해 관리대상 선박을 결정하도록 하였다. 그리고 위해도 평가대상 및 범위를 민감해역에 침몰한 선박과 100톤 이상 또는 위험물질 50Kl 이상 보유한 침몰선박으로 구분하였다. 위해도 평가방법은 현행 일곱 개 요소에서 두 개 요소(선체위험성, 조류)를 추가적으로 식별하고, 해양환경보전이 우선 고려되는 위해도 평가항목의 가중치를 조정하였다. 또한 위해도 평가 항목별 위해도 산정방법을 민감자원의 거리 및 위험물질의 양과 위험도를 곱하여 가중치를 산정하도록 제시하였다. 이와 같이 제시된 위해도 평가절차 및 위해도 평가방법에 대한 연구결과는 델파이기법의 전문가 설문조사를 통해 타당성을 검증하고 수정 보완되었다. Para. 2 of Art. 82 of the Marine Environment Management Act is the Act on the Relations of Sunken Ships and was established in December 2012. The related law defined sunken ship as ‘ship that sank at sea as a result of marine accident.’ The relevant law stipulates that to prevent additional marine pollution accidents that might occur due to sunken ships, systematic management of sunken ships, risk assessment of the potential marine pollution, and reduction measures and execution should be made. In this regard, this study aimed to improve the risk assessment procedure as specified in the related law and determine the ‘ships to be managed’ after the 1st and 2nd assessment. It also divided the risk assessment target and scope into sunken ships to the sensitive waters and those holding more than 100 tons or more than 50kl of hazardous materials. As the risk assessment method, it identified two additional elements (hull hazard, current) although there are seven elements currently and adjusted the weights of the risk assessment items considering the marine environment conservation by priority. It also provided the risk calculation method by risk assessment item to calculate the weights by multiplying the distance of sensitive resources and/or the amount and risk of hazardous materials. The research findings from the risk assessment procedure and risk evaluation method as stated above were verified and modified/supplemented through survey of the delphi technique experts.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        식물육종신기술(NPBTs)의 발전에 따른 신규식물(Novel Plant)의 위해성평가 동향

        임명호,우희종,신공식,류태훈,여윤수,권순종,박순기 한국육종학회 2014 한국육종학회지 Vol.46 No.4

        기존의 유전자변형식물은 외래의 도입유전자를 갖고 있으며 이들로부터 기인한 단백질 또는 합성물질에 의한 의도적/비의도적 영향에 대한 안전성 논란이 사회적 이슈가 되어 왔다. 최근의 기술적 진보에 의하여 이른바 식물육종의 신기술이 발달하게 되었고 이들 기술로 만든 신규식물에 대한 안전성평가에 GMO 관련 규제의 적용 여부 문제가 대두되게 되었다. 이들 NPBTs 기술로 만든 신규식물의 특징은 SDN이나 ODM과 같이 염색체상의 정확한 위치에 짧은 염기서열의 indel(s)이나 단일염기 돌연변이를 도입하여 자연적인 돌연변이와의 구별이 거의 불가능하거나, cisgenesis와 같이 성적교잡이 가능한 종 유래의 유전자를 구조변형 없이 도입하여 근연종과 동질적인 식물을 만들거나, heterozygous 형질전환체 후대세대의 null-segregant 선발이나 epigenetic를 이용하여 도입유전자가 존재하지 않지만 목적 형질을 갖는 식물체를 만드는 장점이 있다. 또한 grafting이나 Agro-infiltration 등의 방법으로 안전성평가를 회피하거나 경감할 수 있는 가능성을 높이게 되었다. OECD를 비롯한 주요 GMO 개발국의 관련 학회에서는 SDN, ODM 및 cisgenesis 또는 intragenesis 기술로 만든 식물에 대하여 non-GM 식물과 동일한 위해성평가 규정을 적용하거나 상황에 따라 완화된 규정을 적용할 수 있다고 판단하고 있다. 현 시점에서 이들 NPBTs 기술을 이용하여 개발된 식물이 상업화된 예는 없으나 많은 국가에서 상업화를 목적으로 개발 중이며 일부에서는 안전성평가를 완료한 단계이다. 이러한 현실에서 NPBTs 기술의 개념 정립, 신규식물의 안전성평가의 방향 설정 및 현실성 있는 작물개발 방안을 마련하여야 한다. 이를 통하여 GMO에 대한 안전성 논란과 사회적 거부감을 우회하는 동시에 답보 상태에 있 는 분자육종 분야의 발전을 도모할 계기를 마련하여야 한다. In recent years, novel plant breeding techniques (NPBTs) have emerged, and safety assessment of the novel plant(s) generated using the NPBTs has drawn the attention of many stakeholders. The notable characteristics of the novel plants are as follows: firstly, it is almost impossible to distinguish from the natural mutations in the conventional counterparts, because site-directed nuclease (SDN) and oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis (ODM) could introduce short indel(s) in the targeted region(s) of the chromosomes. Secondly, the genome constitution of novel plants is almost identical to that of their conventional counterparts, eventually becoming indistinguishable by the introduction of only unmodified gene(s) from sexually compatible species to the target host plant. Thirdly, it is possible to generate new plants that have the desired traits, but without introducing genes. These plants will have some modified bases in their genome by selecting null-segregant(s) from heterozygous transgenic plants or by other epigenetic methods. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and many countries developing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have concluded that novel plants developed using SDN, ODM, cisgenesis, intragenesis, or null-segregant techniques are treated in the same manner as non-genetically modified (GM) plants or may even have less strict risk assessments depending on the case. Additionally, grafting and agro-infiltration are methods that can be used to avoid or reduce the burden of current strict GMO risk assessment. The risk assessments of some of the novel plants have already been performed and those of commercially important plants are expected to be performed in the near future. Hence, it is necessary to develop a competitive and practical NPBT that can mitigate the concern and revulsion toward GMOs in Korea.

      • Developing JSA techniques with video to analyze user emotions

        ( Kim Da Som ),( Lee Kyung Eun ),( Song Kyung Chun ),( Min Seung Nam ) 한국감성과학회 2023 한국감성과학회 국제학술대회(ICES) Vol.2023 No.-

        The aim of this study is to develop a novel risk assessment technique that can be readily applied across various industries. To achieve this, we reviewed the advantages and disadvantages of each risk assessment type and introduced procedures and management methods for new risk assessments. Additionally, we proposed an effective training method utilizing Building Information Modeling (BIM) in standardized work. Consequently, it is anticipated that the application of this research method will enable easy implementation of risk assessment in all industries.


        Lee, Jong-Seok Korea Water Resources Association 2002 Water engineering research Vol.3 No.4

        Uncertainty in dam breach flood routing results was analyzed in order to provide the basis fer the investigation of their effects on the flood damage assessments and dam safety risk assessments. The Monte Carlo simulation based on Latin Hypercube Sampling technique was used to generate random values for two uncertain input parameters (i.e., dam breach parameters and Manning's n roughness coefficients) of a dam breach flood routing analysis model. The flood routing results without considering the uncertainty in two input parameters were compared with those with considering the uncertainty. This paper showed that dam breach flood routing results heavily depend on the two uncertain input parameters. This study indicated that the flood damage assessments in the downstream areas can be critical if uncertainty in dam breach flood routing results are considered in a reasonable manner.


        Hazard identification and scenario selection of ship grounding accidents

        Youssef, Samy Adly Mansour,Paik, Jeom Kee Elsevier 2018 Ocean engineering Vol.153 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>The objectives of the present paper are to identify the hazard of ship grounding; where a ship runs on a rock with a forward speed, and to select a set of credible scenarios with a limited number that can still represent all possible situations of the accidents. For this purpose, the statistics of ship grounding accidents recorded by authorities for the period of 46 years during 1970–2016 are collated. An extensive analysis is undertaken to examine the statistical characteristics in association with random variables influencing the consequence of grounding. A total of six parameters, namely ship's forward speed, ship's trim angle, rock tip eccentricity, rock length, rock width and rock height are considered as random variables where the displacement or mass of the grounded ship is fixed. Each of the random variables is then formulated with a probability density function. A sampling technique is applied to the probabilistic selection of the grounding scenarios which are to be used for the consequence analysis within the framework of quantitative risk assessment. Important insights developed from the present study are discussed. Details of the analyses are documented.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> This article aims to identify the hazard of ship grounding to select a set of scenarios represent all possible situations. </LI> <LI> Statistics of ship grounding accidents recorded by authorities are collated. </LI> <LI> Extensive analyses are performed to examine the statistical characteristics with random variables of grounding. </LI> <LI> A sampling technique is applied to the probabilistic selection of the grounding scenarios. </LI> <LI> Selected credible scenarios are essential within the framework of quantitative grounding risk assessment and management. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        박막분산탐침(diffusive gradient in thin film probe)의 수중 생물학적 이용가능한 중금속 측정 적용

        홍용석 ( Yong Seok Hong ) 한국물환경학회 2013 한국물환경학회지 Vol.29 No.5

        This review paper summarizes the theory, application, and potential drawbacks of diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) probe which is a widely used in-situ passive sampling technique for monitoring inorganic contaminants in aquatic environments. The DGT probe employs a series of layers including a filter membrane, a diffusive hydrogel, and an ionic exchange resin gel in a plastic unit. The filter side is exposed to an aquatic environment after which dissolved inorganic contaminants, such as heavy metals and nuclides, diffuse through the hydrogel and are accumulated in the resin gel. After retrieval, the contaminants in the resin gel are extracted by strong acid or base and the concentrations are determined by analytical instruments. Then aqueous concentrations of the inorganic contaminants can be estimated from a mathematical equation. The DGT has also been used to monitor nutrients, such as PO4 3-, in lakes, streams, and estuaries, which might be helpful in assessing eutrophic potential in aquatic environments. DGT is a robust in-situ passive sampling techniques for investigating bioavailability, toxicity, and speciation of inorganic contaminants in aquatic environments, and can be an effective monitoring tool for risk assessment.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Intuitive Technique of Risk Assessment for Route of Ships Transporting Hazardous and Noxious Substance

        Jeong, Min-Gi,Lee, Moon-Jin,Lee, Eun-Bang Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research 2018 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.42 No.2

        Despite the development of safety measures and improvements in preventive systems technologies, maritime traffic accidents that involve ships carrying hazardous and noxious substances (HNS) continuously occur owing to increased amount of HNS goods transported and the growing number of HNS fleet. To prevent maritime traffic accidents involving ships carrying HNS, this study proposes an intuitive route risk assessment technique using risk contours that can be visually and quantitatively analyzed. The proposed technique offers continuous information based on quantified values. It determines and structures route risk factors classified as absolute danger, absolute factors, and influential factors within the assessment area. The route risk is assessed in accordance with the proposed algorithmic procedures by means of contour maps overlaid on electronic charts for visualization. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed route risk assessment technique, experimental case studies under various conditions were conducted to compare results obtained by the proposed technique to actual route plans used by five representative companies operating the model ship carrying HNS. This technique is beneficial not only for assessing the route risk of ships carrying HNS, but also for identifying better route options such as recommended routes and enhancing navigation safety. Furthermore, this technique can be used to develop optimized route plans for current maritime conditions in addition to future autonomous navigation application.

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