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      • KCI등재후보

        한ㆍ러 공동 발해유적 발굴조사의 성과와 과제

        정석배(JUNG Suk-bae) 고구려발해학회 2008 고구려발해연구 Vol.32 No.-

        대한민국은 1993년부터 2007년까지 러시아의 연해주 지역 및 아무르 강 유역에서 러시아와 공동으로 신석기시대부터 여진시기에 걸친 16개의 유적을 발굴 조사하였다. 한ㆍ러 공동 발굴조사는 2007년까지 모두 27회 31건이 실시되었으며, 그 중 16건이 발해유적 조사였다. 공동조사를 실시한 발해유적의 수는 끄라스끼노 성터, 체르냐찌노 5 고분군, 체르냐찌노 2 주거유적, 마리야노브까 성터, 꼬르싸꼬브까 절터 등 5개소에 제한되었지만, 끄라스끼노 성터와 체르냐찌노 5 고분군과 같은 연해주의 대표적인 발해유적에 대해서는 수차에 걸쳐 집중적인 발굴조사가 이루어졌다. 발해는 한반도 북부지역, 중국의 만주지역, 그리고 러시아의 연해주-아무르 지역에 걸쳐 존재하였고, 중국과 북한 지역은 여러 가지 이유로 인해 발해유적에 대한 우리의 직접적인 발굴조사가 불가능하다. 때문에 공동조사가 가능한 러시아의 연해주-아무르 지역에 대한 우리의 관심은 매우 남다르다고 할 수 있다. 중국의 발해 유적은 우리가 답사하기도 힘들고, 발굴 자료 또한 구하기도 힘들며, 설령 구한다하더라도 지극히 소략하여 그 전모를 파악하기가 매우 어렵다. 때문에 연해주의 발해유적발굴 자료는 우리에게 발해의 역사와 문화를 연구하는데 뿐만 아니라, 발해의 강역문제를 해결하고, 발해와 고구려의 계승관계를 증명하는데 매우 중요하다. 연해주의 발해유적에서 확인된 석실묘, 쪽구들, 회색의 니질계 토기, 철제 무기, 기와 등등 수많은 자료들이 발해의 고구려 계승을 증명하고 있다. 오늘날 한ㆍ러 공동 발굴조사, 특히 발해유적에 대한 발굴조사는 그 자체가 역사적 의미를 띤다고 말할 수 있다. 세계적 경제위기와 급변하는 동북아의 정치적 상황은 한ㆍ러 공동발굴조사의 전망을 어둡게 하고 있다. 공동조사의 가능성이 남아있는 지금 연해주의 발해유적에 대한 발굴조사에 보다 큰 관심을 가져야할 것이다. Republic of Korea in 1993-2007 carried out with Russia joint excavations of 16 sites from Neolith to Yeojin(ZhurZhen) period in Primorie and Amur region of Russia. Korean and Russian joint archaeological excavations up to 2007 were realized 31 times in 27 expeditions, 16 among them were on Balhae sites. There were five Balhae sites where the joint researches were carried out: Kraskino fortress, Chernyatino 5 burial ground, Chernyatino 2 settlement, Mariyanovka fortress, Korsakovka Buddhist temple. Some representative sites were excavated more than one year. The territory of Balhae there was in the Nothern part of Korean peninsula, in Manchuria of China and in Primorie and Amur region of Russia. In China and North Korea we can t make direct excavations on Balhae sites because of different reasons, and so the territory of Primorie and Amur region where the joint excavations are possible, naturally attracts our special attention. We can hardly view Balhae sites in China and besides it s difficult to get materials of excavations. Moreover, if we obtain them, their content is very brief, and it s difficult to form a general picture. Therefore results of excavations on Balhae sites in Primorie are very important not only for studying of Balhae history and culture, but also to resolve a question about Balhae territory and to prove a succession of Balhae from Koguryo. Stone crypts, ondols, grey good floated clayed ceramic, iron arm, tiles and many other finds on Balhae sites in Primorie testify to inheritance of Koguryo by Balhae people. Now the joint Korean and Russian archaeological researches and especially excavations on Balhae sites themselves are of historical importance. The world economy crisis and quickly changing political situation in North East Asia threaten prospects of Korean and Russian joint expeditions. At the present moment, when there is a possibility of joint researches, we have to pay more attention to excavations of Balhae sites in Primorie.

      • KCI등재

        안중근의 연해주 의병투쟁 연구

        박민영(Park Min-Young) 독립기념관 한국독립운동연구소 2010 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.35

        안중근은 1907년 8월 망명한 이후 연해주에서 2년간 의병으로 활동했다. 그는 최고 지휘관인 전제익 아래에서 중간 지휘관으로 활동하였다. 안중근이 거느리던 의병부대는 1908년 7월 7일 연해주 포시에트를 출발하여 두만강을 건너 북한으로 진공하였다. 이때 국내로 진공한 연해주의병의 전체 규모는 1천명이었고, 그 가운데 안중근이 거느린 부대는 2백명 규모였다. 안중근 부대는 도강 직후인 7월 7일 두만강변 마을인 홍의동을 습격하여 일본군 4명을 사살하는 전과를 올렸다. 이 부대는 이어 신아산으로 올라가 10일 그곳 일본군 수비대를 격파하였다. 안중근은 이 전투에서 다수의 일본군을 생포하였으나, 인도주의적 입장에서 이들을 석방시켰다. 홍의동과 신아산에서 승리를 거둔 뒤 안중근 부대는 홍범도 의병부대와 연합하기 위해 함경남도 삼수를 향해 남하하였다. 하지만, 길목을 차단한 일본군과 격전을 벌였으나, 결국 패퇴하고 말았다. 7월 21일 벌어진 회령군 영산전투가 그것이다. 이 전투에는 안중근 부대 외에도 우덕순, 김영선 등이 거느리던 연해주의병 4백 명이 참전하였다. 이에 안중근은 1908년 8월 말 연해주로 귀환하게 되었다. 안중근은 1908년 여름 한 달 보름 동안 국내진공전을 전개하면서 모진고통을 당했다. 이에 그는 국가독립을 수호하기 위해서는 전 민족이 일치단결해야 한다고 믿었다. 그 결과 그는 동지 11명과 함께 동의단지회를 결성하게 되었다. 곧 안중근의 이등박문 처단의거는 우리 민족이 수행한 의병전쟁의 일환이었던 것이다. After fleeing from Korea in August, 1907, Ahn Jung-Geun took a part in a righteous army in Primorie. He worked for the righteous army as a middle class commander under the supreme commander, Chun Je-Ik. His righteous army left Yanchian, Primorie on 7th of July, 1908 and made an advance to the north part of Korea, crossing the Tumen river. At this time, 1,000 Primorie righteous army soldiers advanced to Korea, and 200 soldiers among them belonged to Ahn Joong-Geun. On 7th of July right after crossing the river, his army attacked Hongeui-dong, a village near the Dooman river, and achieved success in battle to kill 4 Japanese soldiers. In succession, his army went up to Shinahsahn and defeated the Japanese guards there on 10th of April. Even though he captured a number of Japanese soldiers in the battle, he released them from a humanitarian point of view. After achieving a victory in the battles of Hongeui-dong and Shinahsahn, his army went down to Samsoo, Hamgyeongnam province to join Hong Beom-Do’s righteous army. However, his army was defeated by the Japanese army which blocked his way to Samsoo. This was the battle of Yongsan, in Hoiryeoung-gun on 21st of July. Other than his army, 400 Primorie righteous army soldiers under the command of Woo Deok-Soon and Kim Young-Seon took part in the battle, too. After the battle, he came back to Primorie at the end of August, 1908. As he advanced to Korea for a month and a half in the summer of 1908, he suffered acute anguish, however, he believed that all Korean people should hold together to defend the independence of Korea. As a result, he formed Danji union (Cutting off a finger union as their pledge) with his 11 comrades. Therefore, his patriotic deed to kill Ito Hirobumi was a part of the righteous army battle that Korean people carried out.

      • KCI등재후보

        국치 전후 李相卨의 연해주지역 독립운동

        朴敏泳(Min-Young Park) 독립기념관 한국독립운동연구소 2007 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.29

        독립운동가 이상설은 1909년 4월 22일 미국 샌프란시스코를 떠나 7월 14일 블라디보스토크에 도착하였다. 연해주에 도착한 이상설이 가장 먼저 착수한 독립운동 사업이 봉밀산 독립운동기지 개척이었다. 봉밀산에 건설된 한인거주지는 네 곳이 확인되는데, 이상설은 이들네 곳 개척에 모두 관계하였다. 이상설은 연해주에서 항일의병세력 통합에도 노력하였다. 의병세력 통합노력은 한말 의병의 상징적 인물인 제천의병장 유인석과 함께 추진하였다. 1910년 6월 21일에 결성된 십삼도의군은 그러한 통합노력의 소산이었다. 이상설은 십삼도의군의 사무와 조직을 관리하던 실질적 책임자였던 것으로 보인다. 이상설은 유인석과 연명으로 십삼도의군 편성 직후인 7월 28일 황무황제에게 상소를 올려 연해주로 파천하기를 요청하였다. 당시 광무 황제는 여전히 한민족의 정신적 구심체였고 대한제국을 상징하는 인물이었다. 그러므로 광무황제가 파천하게 되면 국제공론을 환기할 수 있고 국내 인심을 고취할 수 있었기 때문이었다. 십삼도의군을 편성하고 광무황제 연해주 파천계획을 수립한 것은 국망 저지를 위한 방략이었던 것이다. 이상설은 1910년 8월 국치에 즈음해 병탄 무효를 선언하고 병탄반대투쟁을 조직적으로 전개하기 위해 성명회를 조직하였다. 성명회는 십삼도의군이 국망을 계기로 한 단계 더 발전된 형태로 조직된 것이다. 이상설은 성명회의 활동내용 가운데 핵심되는 선언서를 집필하였고, 대규모 병탄반대 서명록 작성을 주도하였다. 이러한 성명회는 1911년까지 해체되지 않고 존속해 있었던 것으로 확인된다. Sang-Seol Lee, an esteemed independence activist left San Francisco on the 22nd of April, 1922 and arrived at Vladivostok on the 14th of July. When he arrived at Vladivostok, the first business for the independence movement he set to work was to establish a base for the independence movement at Mt. Bongmil. 4 places of Korean residence established at Mt. Bongmil were identified and he was connected with their establishment. He made an effort to unify the forces of the army in the cause of justice in Primorie. Such his effort was propelled with In-Seok Yoo who was the symbolic man of note as the head of the army in the cause of justice in Jecheon at the end of the Korean Empire. “The army in the cause of justice of thirteen provinces” which was formed on the 21st of June, 1910 was the outcome of his unification effort. It seems that he was the actual leader managing the clerical work and organization of “The army in the cause of justice of thirteen provinces”. Right after the formation of “The army in the cause of justice of thirteen provinces” under joint signature with In-Seok Yoo he presented a memorial to the Emperor Gwangmoo on the 28th of July and asked him to flee from the palace to Primorie. Because the Emperor was still the spiritual center of Koreans and symbol of the Korean Empire at that time, if the Emperor fleed from the palace, he could arouse public opinion of the international community and get Koreans’ mind. The formation of “The army in the cause of justice of thirteen provinces” and his plan of royal refuge were the stratagem to obstruct the fall of Korea. He declared the ineffectiveness of the Japanese annexation of Korea at the time of National Humiliation Day and organized Seongmyeonghoi to develop the struggle against the Japanese annexation of Korea systematically. It seems that Seongmyeonghoi was the organization that “The army in the cause of justice of thirteen provinces” took a step forward. He wrote a manifesto which was one of core activities of Seongmyeonghoi and led making a book containing the signatures of the people who were against the Japanese annexation of Korea. It is verified that Seongmyeonghoi existed till the year of 1911.

      • KCI등재후보

        러시아 沿海州 세형동검 관계유적의 고찰

        姜仁旭(Kang, In-Uk),千羨幸(Cheon, Seon-Haeng) 한국상고사학회 2003 한국상고사학보 Vol.42 No.-

        본고에서는 1960년에 보고된 러시아 연해주 소재 이즈웨스토프까 유적에서 출토된 세형동검반출 유적을 검토하고 더불어 새롭게 알려진 연해주 지방에서 출토된 세형동검 관련 유적?유물을 살펴보았다. 필자들의 조사를 통해서 이즈웨스토프까 유적 이외에도 쉬꼬또프까, 말라야 뽀두쉐치까, 올레니 유적 등에서 세형동검 관련 유물이 발견되었음이 밝혀졌다. 또 새롭게 확인된 이즈웨스토프까 유적 출토의 토기를 통해서 이 유적이 연해주 초기철기시대에 존재했던 끄로우노프까문화에 속함을 밝혔다. 이즈웨스토프까 유적을 포함한 연해주의 세형동검관련 유적은 모두 피터대제만과 아무르만으로 흐르는 쉬꼬또프까 강과 아르떼모프까 강의 하류에 집중 분포한다. 이즈웨스토프까 출토 청동기의 합금비율은 납과 주석이 각각 6%, 3% 내외로 한반도를 비롯한 다른 지역과는 확연히 다른 합금비율을 보인다. 한국의 세형동검관련 유물과 비교할 때 이즈웨스토프까 유적은 세형동검문화의 초기에 해당하는 기원전 3세기 중반 경으로, 쉬꼬또프까 유적은 세형동검문화의 말기에 해당하는 기원전 1세기 중~후반으로 편년할 수 있다. 전기와 후기의 세형동검이 모두 발견되며 단편적이나마 연해주에서 세형동검 관련 유적이 발견되고 있으며, 그 위치가 연해주의 남부 해안가에 집중된다는 것은 향후 한국과 연해주의 기원전 3~0세기의 문화교류에 대한 구체적인 연구가 필요하다는 것을 시사한다. The Izvetovka site was found in 1959 by a excavator near the village of Maikhe Primoire Krai, Russia, and the found materials, included slender daggers(細形銅劍) was reported by russian archaeologist in 1960. Because of lack of information about this site, the Izvestovka was undervalued in korean archaeology. In this study, authors reexamine the Izvestovka and another related sites with the view to correlation with korean peninsula and publish newly measured drawings. Nowdays, in the Primorie krai(or maritime region) of Russia were found weveral wites related materials of slender dagger culture. All that sites are belonged to Krounovka culture, dated from 3th c. B.C. to first part of 1st c. A.D.. Contrast to previous Yankovski culture(or shell midden culture), Krounovka culture was based on agricultural economy, which are believed to be influenced from Manchuria and Korea. It is worth to remind that most of these sites are concentrated on the lower basin of Artemovka and Shkotovka rivers, near the East Sea. The composition of bronze implements from Izvestovka were identified as 90% Cu, 6% Pb, and 3% Sn. This portion is characterized to almost bronze from Primorie. Furthermore, bronze from the metallurgical site Petrova, regarded as Krounovka culture had the same portion. Based on the typological analysis of bronze implements, Izvestovka site are dated to the middle of 3th century B.C., and Shkotovka are in the second half of 1st century.

      • KCI등재

        환동해선사문화권의 설정과 분기

        강인욱 동북아시아문화학회 2009 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.19

        The cultural interaction(mainly with the coastal area on the East sea of Korea) is revealed from the upper paleolithic period until the early iron age, author suggest this connection named as “Pan-eastern sea cultural area”. In detail, this cultural area could be divided into 4 period. 1st period is characterize as the ancient pottery from transit period with the microblade industry and the shell-mound culture of middle neolithic age and Seopohang site of the lower Tuman river, Tongsam-dong site. In this period. pottery is decorated with applique, stamped pattern ornament. 2nd period(B.C. 3500~1200) is co.C.rned with the spread of slash-and-burn agriculture in the late neolithic age - the Zaisan aka culturea, which included the comb-pattern pottery culture on the coastal area of the East sea. From 1500 B.C. in East Amentspread over the bronze age culture with plain coarse pottery. 3nd period(11~4 century B.C.) co.C.rns with the middle bronze age. In this period, the s 35e cist tombstspread over aknchuria(mainly Yknbian region thRecently, the s 35e cist tomb from Dvoryankntshows this cultural tradition protruded to Khankntregion. 4th period(4 century B.C. ~ 1st century n D.) is most sigueficant period, and well-studiedtrecentlyn tB.C. Kroun aka culture in Primorie and North-east part of Korea and the culture with Jungdo type pottery in the central part of Korea have strong similarities in pottery and settlement pattern, many investigation were contributed to this period by author. These cultures could be identified as Ilou, Wuju, Dongyi. Like this, the Pan-eastern sea cultural area could shed light on the autonomous prehistorical development in the East Sea Coastal area of Korea and Primorie. Furthermore, the suggestion of this cultural area could propose that the concept of cultural area in Korean archaeology could be beneficial.

      • KCI등재

        두만강 유역 청동기시대 문화 의 변천 과정에 대하여 - 동북한 토기의 편년 및 주변 지역과의 비교를 중심으로 -

        강인욱 한국고고학회 2007 한국고고학보 Vol.62 No.-

        The current understanding of the Bronze Age in the Tumen River Basin comes from work carried out in the 1970s by Hwang Gi-deok, who excavated several multi-layered sites in Hangyongbuk Province, such as Odong, Seopohang and Hogok (Bumyiguseok). Subsequent research on the Bronze Age in this region has, unfortunately, been absent. This paper therefore aims to re-examine the cultural development of the Bronze Age in the Tumen River Basin using recently excavated material from neighbouring regions, such as the Yanbian area of Jilin Provincein China, and the Southern Primorie of Russia. Based on this re-examination of the material, the Bronze Age in the Tumen River Basin can be divided into five phases. The transitional phase from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age is dated to the twentieth to fifteenth century B.C. The Early Phase (15th to 12th century B.C.) is characterized by beaker vessels with attached rims, similar to those of the Neolithic. The Middle Phase (12th to 8th century B.C.) is represented by the Liutingdong Culture in the Yanbian region (characterized by straight rimmed beaker vessels and crescent shaped stone knives), and by the Siniy Gai Culture in Southern Primorie. Intensive cereal agriculture appears to have brought about a widespread integration of culture during this earlier period of the Bronze Age. The Late Phase (8th to 5th century B.C.) is represented by two co-existing culture types: the continental agricultural type, represented by the late Liutingdong Culture, and the maritime shell midden type, represented by the Yankovski Culture. Finally, the transitional phase from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age shares strong similarities with the Duanjie-Krounovka Culture, which has been dated to the fourth to first century B.C.

      • KCI등재

        러시아 연해주 출토 석검의 연구 : 형식, 편년 및 한반도와의 비교를 중심으로

        강인욱(Kang,In-Uk) 동북아시아문화학회 2011 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.28

        In this study, author analyzes the chronology, typological attributes of stone daggers in the Far Eastern Region(Primorie as belows). Firstly, author divides the stone daggers into four types based on tang shapes. Ⅰ type has round or rectangular shaped tang, on which separative hilt could be inserted. Ⅱ type has an oval shaped tang, on which cord could be winded to support steady handling of hilt. Especially, Ⅱ type is subdivided into two subgroupds, dependant upon the pommel shape. Ⅲ type belongs to hilt dagger with knot on pommel. Ⅳ type is similar to hilt dagger in Korean peninsula. As for the chornology, the appearance of stone dagger in Primorie is related to the diffusion of stone cist tombs culture(or Shaoyingzi culture) from Yanbian area in 12~10 th cet. B.C.. Ⅱ-2 type, whose pommel are strongly similar to Karasuk dagger ones, could be dated to the late period of Karasuk Bronzes(around 10th cen. B.C.). Ⅲ and IV types is only found in Yankovsky culture. so it could be dated to 8~3rd cen. B.C. As mentioned above, stone daggers in Primorie could be dated to 2 period. First period is pre-yankovsky culture(Ⅰ,Ⅱ type) and second period is during Yankovsky culture(III,IV type). As for the origin of stone daggers, the usage of stone daggers in Primorie is concerned with the diffusion of bronze age culture from Manchuria, and karasuk bronze also contributed to formation of pommels. As Yankovsky culture spread ovet the coastal area of Primorie and Anuchino culture in continent Ⅲ, Ⅳ types were used. Previously some researchers regarded Ⅲ,Ⅳ type daggers as result of diffusion of Tagar culture. But, there is no concrete evidences of cultural interactions between Primorie and Souther Siberia. So. authour suggested that the formation of Ⅲ, Ⅳ type dagger were developed autonomously from Ⅰ,Ⅱ daggers. The existence of stone daggers in Primorie is unique only for Primorie and Korean Peninsula. So, to investigate stone daggers in Primoire could shed light on the research on the bronze age of Korea as a comparative examples of stone dagger’s usage in bronze age.

      • KCI등재

        沿海州 韓人社會의 갈등과 鄭淳萬의 피살

        박걸순(Park Geol-Soon) 독립기념관 한국독립운동연구소 2009 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.34

        정순만(1876~1911)은 한말부터 망국에 이르는 시기에 국내는 물론 연해주에서 국권회복운동을 전개한 중요한 인물이다. 1906년 그는 이상설, 이동녕 등과 함께 망명하여 북간도에서 민족교육의 요람인 서전서숙을 건립하여 운영하다가, 헤이그 특사 파견 지원을 위해 블라디보스토크로 온 이래 사거할 때까지 연해주의 독립운동을 주도하였다. 그는 자금 모금을 통해 헤이그 특사 사행을 지원하였고, 海潮新聞을 창간하여 주간·주필·총무의 역할을 수행하였다. 그는 논설을 통해 냉혹한 사회진화론적 국제질서를 이겨나가기 위해 교육의 중요성을 역설하였다. 그러나 국내에서 초빙해 온 장지연과 극심한 불화 관계가 조성된 것은 안타까운 일이었다. 그는 공립협회에도 참여하여 국민회 지회장에 피선되는 등 미주 동포사회와 연계를 맺으며 민족운동을 전개하였으며, 뒤 이어 창간된 大東共報에도 주필로 참여하였다. 당시 정순만은 同義會라는 비밀결사에 안중근과 함께 참여하였는데, 이를 배경으로 안중근의거를 계획하고, 의거후에도 안중근의 변호에 힘을 쏟았다. 이는 그가 민족운동을 위해서는 대립되는 계몽운동과 무장투쟁을 병행할 수 있다는 독립운동 이념의 포용성을 보여주는 것이라 할 수 있다. 그러나 연해주 한인사회의 분파와 파쟁은 조국 독립을 위한 그의 꿈을 접게 만들고 말았다. 그는 연해주에서 ‘정순만파’나 기호파(경성파)의 수장으로 성장하였으나, 자신이 연해주 한인사회로부터 신망을 잃었다고 여긴데다 민회에서 서북파에게 밀린 나머지 격정을 이기지 못하고 1910년 1월 23일 양성춘을 사살하는 ‘양성춘 사건’을 일으켰다. 이 사건은 우발적 상황에서 오발에 의해 발생한 사고였으나, 이를 둘러싸고 제기된 각종의 설은 복잡다기한 한인 사회의 상황을 반영하는 것이었다. 그러나 그 여파는 양성춘의 형 양덕춘과 미망인의 개인적 복수 참극을 일으켰고, 결국 출옥 후 의병투쟁 등 재기를 도모하던 정순만은 1911년 6월 21일 처참한 최후를 맞이하고 말았다. 정순만의 36년 일생은 민족운동 시기의 양면성을 극명하게 보여준다. 즉, 국권회복을 다방면으로 모색한 모범적 측면과 아울러, 지역적 파쟁과 개인의 격정을 관용하지 못한 편협성은 반성하여 마땅한 것이다. 그는 민족운동 시기의 지역적 분파와 파쟁이 가져온 가해자요 피해자였다. 그러나 그의 죽음은 결국 연해주 한인사회의 반성과 단합을 촉구하여 권업회를 창립하는 계기가 되었다는 점에서 의의가 적지 않다. Jeong Soon-Man(1876~1911) is an important figure who led a movement to restore Korea’s national sovereignty in Primorie, Russia as well as Korea from the end of the Korean Empire till national ruin. He went into exile into North Jiandao together with Sang-Seol Lee, Dong-Nyeong Lee and others in 1906, and established and managed Seojeonseossok(a school to educate Koreans abroad for the restoration of national sovereignty), and then led the independence movement in Primorie till the last since he came to Vladivostok to support dispatching a special envoy to The Hague. He supported dispatching a special envoy to The Hague through fund raising and began publication of “Haejoshinmun(Haejo Newspaper)” and did his part as its chief manager, chief editor and manager. In his editorials he emphasized the importance of education to overcome the grim international order, however, unfortunately a bitter feud with Ji-Yeon Jang who was invited to Vladivostok was bred. As he took part in Gongriphyeobhoi(a body established in San Francisco in 1905 for Korea’s independence movement) and was elected branch chairman of Gookminhoi(Grand Korean’s National Assembly), he establishedties with the Korean communities in America and participated in the racial movement. After that, he worked for Daedonggongbo(a newspaper published by Korean National Assembly in Vladivostok) as the chief editor, too. As Soon-Man Jeong participated in a secret society “Dongeuihoi” together with An Jung-geun at that time, he planned the noble undertaking of An Jung-geun and did his best to defend him after the undertaking on this background. This shows us that his ideology of the independence movement embraced the two conflicting movements, that is, enlightenment movement and armed struggle for the racial movement. But the factional strife in Korean society in Primorie, Russia collapsed his dream for the independence of his fatherland. He grew into the head of Jeong Soon-Man faction or Geeho faction(or Gyeongseong faction), however, as he considered that he lost his confidence and popularity in Korean society in Primorie and he couldn’t restrain his passion driven by being overpowered by Seobook faction(Northwest faction), he caused the case of murdering Seong-Choon Yang on 23rd of January, 1910. Though the case was caused by an accidental shooting in an accidental situation, various views raised on his murder reflected the complicated situation of Korean society, however, in the aftermath of the incident, as Deok-Choon Yang, Seong-Choon Yang’s brother, and his widow avenged his death, Soon-Man Jeong who attempted to make a comeback after his coming out of prison met with a violent end on 21st of June, 1911. His 36 year life clearly shows the double-sideness of the time of the racial movement, that is, there was a model side seeking the recovery of national sovereignty in various fields, however, a factional strife based on the region and bigotry which didn’t tolerate a private passion should be reconsidered. He was the harmer as well as victim of the factional strife based on the region. But what is important is, as his death demanded the reflection and unity of Korean society in Primorie, it served as a momentum to establish Kwoneobhoi(a body for Korea’s independence movement).

      • KCI등재후보

        연해주 한까호부근 청동기시대~중세 유적 지표조사 보고

        강인욱,양시은,Kolomiets, S.A. 한국고대학회 2005 先史와 古代 Vol.22 No.-

        In this report, authors reports the latest site survey on the Khanka lake region. Promorie, Russia. Mainly. the surveys were concentrated on the bronze age and medieval age sites. Methods for investigating sites include collecting surface artefacts, naming GPS data, and gathering carbon for C14 dating. Khanka lake region is located on the borderline with China(Yanbian korean autonomous region) and Tumen valley region of Korean Peninsula, so we hope that our preliminary survey shed light on the study of ancient culture in the Southern part of Primorie, poorly known in spite of increased interests in korean archaeology.

      • KCI등재

        고종황제와 안중근의 하얼빈의거(1904~1910)

        최덕규 한국민족운동사학회 2012 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.0 No.73

        1908년 봄 이위종이 러시아 상트페테르부르크에서 고종황제의 독립자금 1만 루블(Ruble)을 가지고 연해주의 노보키예프스코예(Novokiyevskoye)에 도착했다. 한러국경에 가장 가까운 러시아 마을인 연추는 전신국이 설치되어 있었기 때문에 정보의 집결지로서 이미 러일전쟁 초기부터 한러군사협력 및 항일의병전쟁의 중심지로서의 역할을 하고 있었다. 이에 황제의 자금이 이범윤, 안중근, 최재형 등이 참여한 연해주 대한독립군 조직인 同義會 창설에 소요되었음은 주지의 사실이다. 따라서 大韓義軍은 1907년 해산된 구한국군대를 계승하여 항일독립전쟁을 이끌어 나갈 주력부대가 됨으로써 고종황제가 그 최고통수권자가 되었음은 명백하다. 대한의군의 설립은 1908년 11월에 구체화된 고종황제의 블라디보스톡 파천계획의 전제조건으로서 고종의 연해주 망명정부수립 구상의 일환이었다. 1910년 7월 28일 “고종황제로 하여금 노령의 연해주로 조속히 파천하여 망명정부를 세워 독립운동을 영도”하라고 청한 十三道義軍都總裁 유인석과 이상설이 연명으로 올린 상소는 항일전쟁을 지휘할 최고 사령관이 고종황제임을 명백하게 밝히고 있다. 그 결과 대한의군 참모중장 안중근의 하얼빈의거는 고종황제를 정점으로 한 대한의군의 항일독립전쟁사의 序幕에 해당되는 바, 이는 1945년까지 항일독립전쟁을 지속시킬 동력을 제공했을 뿐만 아니라 대한의군의 활동에 정통성을 부여했다는 점에서 그 의의가 지대하다. 이에 본 연구는 종래의 연구에서 주목받지 못했던 고종황제의 항일독립전쟁에 주목하여 그것이 안중근의 하얼빈의거와 어떤 상관관계가 있는지를 밝히는데 그 목적이 있다. 이는 이제까지의 한국독립운동사연구를 보완하는 것으로서, 기존연구에서 고종황제를 총사령관으로 하는 대한의군에 대한 연구가 거의 이루어지지 않고 있다는 판단에서 비롯되었다. 이에 본 연구에서는 러시아의 역사문서보관소(RGIA)에 소장된 자료들을 중심으로 고종황제의 대일인식, 대한의군 창설, 해외항일투쟁 조직에 대한 재정지원 및 연해주망명정부 수립 구상 등을 살펴보고 그것이 안중근의 하얼빈의거에 어떠한 영향을 끼쳤는지 고찰해보고자 한다. 이를 통해 이 연구가 한국독립운동사에 연구에서 소외되어 왔던 고종황제를 역사의 전면으로 끌어올려 안중근 및 항일독립전쟁사 연구의 지평을 확대하는데 일조하기를 기대한다. In the spring of the 1908, as Yi Wiejong had arrived at the Novokiyevskoe, in Primorsky Kray, along with carrying a special fund about 10.000 rubles. It has been well-known fact that the independent fund which originally has been generated by the Emperor Kojong from St. Petersburg, Russia. It has been widely used for supporting on forming of the Korean Independent army which had been heavily participated by Yi Bumyun, Ahn Jungkeun, and Choi Jaehyung. There is no doubt that the Emperor Kojong has been taken a position of chief of command, since the Korean Independent army has been succeeded in the former Korean official army which has been forcefully disassembled in 1907. The army later has been transformed into the core military power for leading independent war against the Japanese army later. The establishment of the Korean Independent army has become one of part of plan among initial establishment plan of political asylum government in the area of Primorsky Kray. In July 28th, 1910, a special request which implied later that the leading the independent resistance movement should be handled by the Emperor Kojong through the political asylum government to the area of Vladivostok. The request which initiated by Yu Inseok, the General director of the Korean Independent army and Yi Sangsul clearly explained that the chief of command for the leading Korean independent army against the Japanese military occupation had assigned onto the Emperor Kojong. Therefore, the patriotic deed of Ahn Jungkeun at the Harbin station who was member of the joint chief of the staff would be an overture of starting resistance and war which leading by the Emperor Kojong in order to restore the freedom and independence against Japanese occupation over Korean peninsula. Therefore, there is an important historical founding in the connection between the Emperor Kojong and Korean resistance army against Japan; in terms of not only provided sustainable power to lead the resistance and independent war against Japan but also establishment of orthodoxy to the military activities by the Korean resistance army. In this research, I would like to focus on and pay attention to the independent resistance war against Japan by the Emperor Kojong which has been underestimated from the previous researches. The main reason of this research is to discover the co-relationship between the patriotic deed by Ahn Jungkeun at Harbin and the independent war against Japan. The idea of this research has been developed, since I was under impression that there were not many considerable numbers of research has been done in regard to the Korean independent army with the Emperor Kojong who has been acting as the chief of the command. Thus, I would like to research regard to the perception of the Japan by emperor Kojong, his supporting for establishment of the Korean independent army, and the financial supporting system development for the overseas Anti-Japan independent resistance organizations, and his plan of the political asylum government in the Primorie, Russia. Then I would like to take a look at how it made an impact on the patriotic deed of Ahn Jungkeun in Harbin(1909.10.26). Finally, I am hoping that this research can contribute on expanding on the scope in regard to research of Ahn Jungkeun and the Korean independent war against Japan by framing on the Emperor Kojong, once has been underestimated from previous researches in the field of research of Korean independent movement history.

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