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      • 잣나무 조림지의 임분구조 및 생장에 관한 연구

        최정기 ( Jung-kee Choi ),최인화 ( In-hwa Choi ) 산림경영정보학회 1998 산림경영정보 Vol.1 No.2

        본 연구는 잣나무 인공조림지 영구표준지에서 1981년도(10년생)에서부터 1997년도(26년생)까지 16년 동안 6차에 걸쳐 매목조사된 자료를 이용하여, 입분구조의 변화와 생장에 대하여 조사 및 분석하였다. 본 자료를 통하여 직경, 수고, 수관직경의 변화 과정을 알아본 결과, 모든 분포들은 동령림의 전형적인 정규분포를 보였다. 직경분포는 연령이 증가함에 따라 본수가 감소하면서, 직경의 범위가 넓게 나타났으며, 수고분포는 빠른 수고생장으로 인하여 현저한 수평이동을 보였다. 수관직경 분포는 불규칙한 생장과 수관울폐로 인하여 분포범위가 좁고 서로 중첩되는 경향을 보였다. 자연고사율은 10-17년생까지 연년 0.5% 미만이었고, 그 이후 수관울폐가 진전됨에 따라 고사율이 증가되었다. 수관의 발달과정은 임분이 소개되어 있을 때, 수관폭의 장 · 단축 직경의 차이가 없는 원형 수관 형태로 발달하다가07년생까지), 그 이후 임분이 울폐되면서 수관폭은 장 · 단축 직경의 차이가 발생하여 비대칭 수관으로 변하였다. 수관투영면적을 이용한 수관경쟁 지수는 임령 13년생 때 126에 도달했고, 임령 20년생 때 최대인 234에 이르렀다. 수관직경과 흉고직경간에 상관관계는 0.75-0.88로서 매우 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 이 수관경쟁지수 및 수관 관련변수를 이용하여 향후 간벌의 시기와 정도를 정하는데 기초자료로서 활용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 임분의 평균 흉고직경, 수고, 수관직경은 임분 연령이 증가함에 따라 양적 · 선형적 생장을 나타냈다. 정기평균생장량은 흉고직경이 0.74cm/yr, 수고가 52.4cm/yr, 수관직경이 2 1.3cm/yr였다. 임령 20년생 때인 1991년에 1차 간별(본수의 21%)이 실시되었는 바, 수고생장은 촉진되었으나, 직경생장은 간별전에 비해 감소했고, 수관직경은 오히려 감소된 것으로 나타났다. We investigated the process of stand structure and growth for Pinus korariensis plantations which had 6 continuous inventory data in permanent experimental plots during 1981-1997. Various size distributions (diameter distribution, height distribution, and crown diameter distribution) were made at each inventory year. They had typically normal distribution of an even-aged stand. The more stand age increased, the more the diameter distribution gradually spread out a wide bell-shape with less density of trees. The height distribution shifted clearly to the right due to fast height growth. The crown diameter distribution also followed a normal distribution in which crown diameter had narrow and overlapped width because of irregular growth and crown closure. Natural mortality was also investigated during 10-17 of stand age. Its annual mortality rate was less than 0.5%. As crown closure increased densely in the stand, the rate of natural mortality increased. In the process of crown development, the long-width and short-width of crown diameter showed no difference when crowns of trees were not overlapped in the early stage, so the crown shape was symmetric. However, as crown closure increased more and more in the stand over time, the width of crown became to asymmetric. Crown competition factor, a criterion of stand crown closure using total crown area, approached 124 at stand age 20. The maximum of the crown competition factor was 234 at stand age 20. Crown diameter had high correlation with diameter at breast height(r=0.75-0.88). The crown competition factor or other crown-based variables could be used as a criterion for future thinning time and intensity. The means of stem diameter, height, and crown diameter increased linearly with stand age. Average periodic annual growth was investigated as 0.74cm/yr of diameter growth, 52.4cm/yr of height growth, and 21.3cm/yr of crown growth. When the 1st thinning was carried out with 21% removal of total trees at stand age 20, the thinning increased height growth, but it decreased diameter growth and crown diameter had negative growth instead.

      • KCI등재

        잣나무 인공림(人工林)의 간벌계획(間伐計劃)에 관한 연구(硏究)(I)

        최인화,서옥하,Choi, In-Hwa,Seo, Ok-Ha 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 1997 Journal of Forest Science Vol.13 No.-

        잣나무는 최근 10년간 우리나라 인공조림실적 중 31%를 차지하는 주요 조림수종이다. 현재 우리나라 산림(山林)은 대부분의 인공조림지를 포함하여 30년생 이하의 유령림(幼齡林)이 87%를 점유하고 있음에도 보육간벌은 거의 실시되지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 또한 현실정에 적합한 잣나무의 보육간벌 지침도 충분히 확립되어 있지 못하다. 본 연구는 잣나무림의 장기적 보육간벌 시험을 통하여 장차 최적(最適)한 간벌계획(間伐計劃) 및 방법(方法)의 확립 에 기여하고자, 우선 강원대학교(江原大學校) 연습림(演習林)에 설정된 잣나무의 간벌시험지와 기존의 임분수확표를 대상으로 생장함수를 이용하여 잣나무의 생장과정의 변화 등을 분석 고찰하였다. 간벌과정을 파악하기 위한 기초적인 단계로 생장과정을 표현하기 적합한 이론적 생장함수를 선정할 필요가 있다. 이를 위해 Mitscherlich, 4 parameter Richards, 3 parameter Richards의 3종의 생장함수식(生長函數式)을 간벌시험지에서 채취한 임령 18년 전후의 공시목의 직경생장 과정에 적용하였다. 그 결과 3변수 Richards 생장함수식이 가장 적합한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 산림청에서 작성한 잣나무 수확표의 직경과 수고생장, 입목본수의 감소 과정도 3변수 Richards 생장함수식에 의하여 적합하게 추정할 수 있음을 확인하였다. 장래 단목의 간벌에 따른 생장의 변화과정을 추정하기 위해, 단목의 점유 면적에 관계하는 계수 h를 포함하는 생장(生長)모델을 제안하였다. 현재 설치된 간벌시험지에서 향후 일정간격으로 얻어질 간벌시험지의 직경생장 공시자료를 이용하면 계수 h를 추정할 수 있고, 이를 이용하여 제안된 모델의 유용성을 검증, 보완한다면 단목의 생장과정을 사전에 유추하여 간벌의 효과를 표현할 수 있는 수식을 구축할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. Pinus koraiensis is one of the major speciese which have been recently planted for ten years and consists of 31% of total plantation. Presently young stand less than 30 years consists of 87% of total forest, but tending thinning of it is hardly carried out and the desirable direction for the thinning is not established yet. The objective of the study is to introduce the optimum thinning plan and thinning method through the long-run experiment of tending thinning for the Pinus koraiensis stand. The experiments carry out to interprete its growth model on the subject of two thinning experimental plots and yield table of Pinus koraiensis. As the basic step for understanding the thinning process, a theoretical growth model which is suitable to express the growth process is required. For that purpose, three growth functions (Mitscherlich, 4 parameter Richards, 3 parameter Richards) are applied to the diameter growth of the sample trees which are taken in the two plots. The results show that 3 parameter Richards is the most suitable. It is also verified that the diameter growth, the height growth, and the decrease in the number of stocks can be estimated by this function. To estimate the growth change of single tree, growth model including parameter h which is related to the occupation area of single tree are introduced. The parameter h can be estimated by using the data of the diameter growth obtained from the established experimental plots. Therefore, if both verification and modification of the usefulness of the model suggested is made, equations which tell about the thinning effects could be drived by estimating the growth process of single tree in advance.

      • KCI등재

        정기평균생장을 이용한 잣나무 임분의 흉고직경 생장예측모델 및 고사예측모델의 개발

        김선영 ( Seon Young Kim ),설아라 ( A Ra Seol ),정주상 ( Joo Sang Chung ) 한국임학회 2011 한국산림과학회지 Vol.100 No.1

        본 연구는 기존의 잣나무임분 거리독립 개체목 생장모델을 개선하기 위해 수행되었다. 직경생장함수 및 고사율함수의 매개변수들을 고정표본점의 정기평균생장량을 토대로 추정하고, 이 함수들의 특성을 기존의 총평균생장량을 토대로 추정한 모델과 비교하였다. 여기서 생장함수는 수관율함수, 잠재직경생장함수 및 임분을 구성하는 임목간 경쟁효과를 고려하기 위한 수정율함수를 의미한다. 고사율예측함수의 경우에는 고정표본점 자료의 한계로 인해 정기평균생장량 측정값을 구할 수 없어 대신 총평균생장량과의 관계식을 추정하여 대체하여 적용하였다. 연구결과 정기평균생장량을 토대로 하는 직경생장함수가 총평균생장량을 토대로 추정한 함수에 비해 개체목의 생장특성을 보다 현실적으로 반영하는 것을 보여주었다. 고사율함수의 경우, 총평균생장량을 적용하여 개발한 경우 고사율이 과대한 것으로 나타나는 문제가 있었으나 새로운 모델에서는 이 문제가 개선된 것으로 나타났다. The objective of this study was to improve the performance of the existing individual-tree/distant-independent stand growth model in predicting the growth of Pinus koraiensis forest stands. The parameters of diameter growth and mortality prediction models were estimated using periodic annual increment (PAI) of permanent plots and the performance of the models were compared with that of the existing ones using mean anuual increment (MAI). The diameter growth model includes crown ratio, potential diameter growth and modifier to compute for competitions of trees of a stand. In deriving the mortality prediction model, the parameters were estimated based on PAI which was also estimated as the function of MAI due to the lacking of permanent plot data. The results of this study showed that the newly-estimated functions based on PAI provide more realistic patterns in diameter growth of individual trees. The new approach using PAI in mortality model seems to overcome the over-estimate problem by the MAI-based model in estimating mortality of stand trees.

      • KCI등재

        Stand Structure of the Natural Broadleaved-Korean Pine Forests in Northeast China

        Li, Fengri,Ma, Zhihai Korean Society of Forest Science 2005 한국산림과학회지 Vol.94 No.5

        Based on the data representing four typical Korean pine forest types, the age structure, DBH distribution, species composition, and forking rule were systemically analyzed for old-growth Korean pine forest in Liangshui Nature Reserve, northeast China. The age structure of Korean pine trees was strongly uneven-aged with one dominated peak following normal distribution, and age of trees varied from 100 to 180 years within a stand. The DBH and height differences in same age class (20 years) varied from 28 cm~64 cm and 5 to 20 m, respectively. Many conifer and hard wood species, such as spruce, fir, costata birch, basswood, oak, and elm, were mixed with dominated trees of Korean pine. The canopy of the old-growth Korean pine forest can be divided into two layers, and differences of mean age and height between Layer I and Layer II were ranged 80~150 years and 7~13 m, respectively. The Weibull function was used to model the diameter distribution and performed well to describe size-class distribution either with a single peak in over-story canopy and inverse J-shape in under-story canopy for old-growth Korean pine stands. The forking height of Korean pine trees ranged from 16m to 24 m (mean 19.4 m) and tree age about 120 to 160 years old. The results will provide a scientific basis to protect and recover the ecosystem of natural old-growth Korean pine and also provide the model in management of Korean pine plantation.

      • KCI등재후보

        설악산 잣나무(Pinus koraiensis) 천연림의 해발고별 임분구조 및 생장특성

        Hyun Seop Kim,Sang Won Bae,Seok Chang Jang,Jun Mo Jeong 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2011 Journal of Forest Science Vol.27 No.3

        This study was conducted to analyze the stand structure and growth characteristics along different elevations of Pinus koraiensis natural forests located at mean elevation 1,300 m (site1), 900 m (site2) and 600 m (site3) on Mt. Seorak. Mean DBH and height of P. koraiensis were 25.4 cm and 12.3 m in site1, while that of site2 and 3 were over 40 cm and 20 m, respectively. For this reason, there was 5 times difference of single tree volume between site1 and other sites(p<0.05). Mean ringwidth increment of P. koraiensis was 1.1 mm/yr in site1, 1.5 mm/yr in site2 and 2.6 mm/yr in site3. However, recent growth of ringwidth has increased by 8.6% in site1, whereas site2 and 3 have fallen by approximately 50% over the last 10 years. These results signify that the growth and distribution of natural P. koraiensis are effected by different climatic environment along elevations.

      • KCI등재

        잣나무 임분수확표를 이용한 등급별 목재 이용량 분석 연구

        권순덕,곽두안 경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2020 농업생명과학연구 Vol.54 No.1

        본 연구는 직경분포에 근거한 잣나무 임분수확표(지위지수 14)를 활용하여 등급별 목재 생산량을 분석하기 위해 수행되었다. 잣나무 임분수확표는 국립산림과학원에서 개발된 직경분포 함수를 이용하여 직경급별 본수를 예측하였으며, 목재 생산량은 말구직경 을 기준으로 3개 등급으로 구분하였다. 연구결과 잣나무 임분수확표를 활용한 원목생산량은 임령이 증가할수록 1등급 생산량이 증가하였고, 1등급(재장 3.6m) 원목은 40년부터 생산 가능한 것으로 분석되었다. 임분단위 원목의 생산량은 직경급별 생산되는 등급별 원목 개수와 직경급별 본수에 따라 생산량에서 차이를 보였다. 임령에 따른 등급별 원목의 이용재적은 원목 생산량에 비례하였 고, 2등급 이용재적비율은 30년과 40년일 때 전체 임분 이용재적의 60% 이상을 차지하였으며, 임령이 증가할수록 1등급 이용재적비율 이 높아짐에 따라 감소하였다. 임분단위 이용재적은 임령이 증가할수록 1등급과 2등급(재장 3.6m) 이용재적은 증가하였고 3등급은 감소하였다. 임분단위 이용재적비율은 3등급의 경우 20년일 때 85% 이상 차지하였고, 2등급은 40년일 때 74% 이상 차지하였으며, 1등급 이용재적이 증가하는 50년 이후 부터 감소하였다. This study utilized stand yield table (site index 14) of Pinus koraiensis based on diameter distribution in order to analyze timber production by grade. The stand yield table of Pinus koraiensis used the diameter distribution function, developed by the National Institute of Forest Science, to predict the number of trees by diameter classes. Timber production was classified into three grades based on the small-end diameter. The study result shows that in terms of log production, which utilized the stand yield table of P. koraiensis, the 1st grade production has risen as stand age increased, while the 1st grade (log length 3.6m) log has been analyzed that it will be able to produce starting from the year of 40. Production of log by stands unit has presented differences based on the number of trees by diameter classes, and on the amount of log by grade, which is produced by diameter classes. Merchantable volume of the log by grade based on stand age is proportional to the log production, and in the year of 30 and 40, the 2nd grade merchantable volume rate has occupied more than 60% of the entire stands merchantable volume, while it has decreased as stand age increased which leads to a rise in the 1st grade merchantable volume rate. In terms of merchantable volume by stands unit, the 1st and 2nd grade (log length 3.6m) merchantable volume has increased, and the 3rd grade has decreased as stand age increased. Moreover, in respect of merchantable volume rate by stands unit, the 3rd grade has occupied more than 85% in the year of 20, and the 2nd grade has comprised more than 74% in the year of 40, while it has decreased starting from the year of 50, when the 1st grade merchantable volume rises.

      • KCI등재

        설악산 잣나무(Pinus koraiensis) 천연림의 해발고별 임분구조 및 생장특성

        김현섭,배상원,장석창,정준모 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2011 Journal of Forest Science Vol.27 No.3

        This study was conducted to analyze the stand structure and growth characteristics along different elevations of Pinus koraiensis natural forests located at mean elevation 1,300 m (site1), 900 m (site2) and 600 m (site3) on Mt. Seorak. Mean DBH and height of P. koraiensis were 25.4 cm and 12.3 m in site1, while that of site2 and 3 were over 40 cm and 20 m, respectively. For this reason, there was 5 times difference of single tree volume between site1 and other sites(p<0.05). Mean ringwidth increment of P. koraiensis was 1.1 mm/yr in site1, 1.5 mm/yr in site2 and 2.6 mm/yr in site3. However, recent growth of ringwidth has increased by 8.6% in site1, whereas site2 and 3 have fallen by approximately 50% over the last 10 years. These results signify that the growth and distribution of natural P. koraiensis are effected by different climatic environment along elevations.

      • KCI등재

        잣나무 임분에 있어서 강우수질의 이동 특성

        진현오,정덕영,이충화 한국농림기상학회 1999 한국농림기상학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        This experiment was conducted to characterize the vertical transport trend of dissolved elements through throughfall, stemflow, effluent from Ao layer, and leachate out of soil profile on Pinus koraiensis stand in Experimental Forest of Kyunghee University, located in Kwangju, Kyunggi province for 12 months from July, 1998 to Jun, 1999. In addition, we investigated the content of dissolved elements and the factors influencing the water chemistry concentrations separately collected from the field. Water movement in the process of throughfall and stemflow from precipitation, and rainfall leached from Ao layer into soil water was governed by concentration of throughfall, precipitation, rainfall intensity, seasonal variation, and other factors. Also, smaller changes of pH in soil water than that of dissolved elements in soil water could contribute buffer capacity, as well as balancing the concentration between cations and anions.

      • KCI우수등재

        잣나무 임분밀도에 따른 피톤치드 농도 및 임내환경 특성에 관한 연구

        조예슬(Yeseul Jo),박수진(Sujin Park),정미애(Miae Jeong),이정희(Jeonghee Lee),유리화(Rheehwa Yoo),김철민(Cheolmin Kim),이상태(Sangtae Lee) 한국환경보건학회 2018 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.44 No.3

        Objectives: Scientific verification for health effects has been constantly demanded through the forest healing factors. In this study, phytoncide concentration which is one of the forest healing factors, was investigated according to stand density, season and visiting time, and analyzed correlation with micrometeorology factors. Methods: Total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) and Natural volatile organic compounds (NVOCs) were collected using a measuring instrument which is connected to an air pump with the Tenax TA tube. The 32NVOCs were selected through the detailed criteria of adequacy assessment for recreational forest. The statistical analysis (correlation and stepwise regression analysis) was conducted between phytoncide concentration and micrometeorology factors. Results: NVOCs concentration linearly increased according to stand density. The high level showed in the summer (p<0.05), and there is no significant difference according to visiting hours of the Healing forest. NVOCs is a negative correlation with solar radiation, PAR and wind direction, and a positive correlation with relative humidity and temperature (p<0.01). NVOCs increased following the increase of humidity and temperature (R 2 =0.55). Conclusions: Phytoncide linearly increased according to stand density, and showed the correlation significantly with microclimate factors. In future, these results will be utilized as a basic material to promote the generation of phytoncide, which positively influences human health promotion and manage the forest welfare space.

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