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      • KCI등재

        Farmers' management of cabbage and cauliflower pests in India and their approaches to crop protection

        Katinka Weinberger,R. Srinivasan 한국응용곤충학회 2009 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.12 No.4

        Cabbage (Brassica olearaceae var. capitata) and cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) are two major vegetables produced and consumed in India. Over the years, they have been cultivated more intensively. This has resulted in higher rates of pest infestation, especially by the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) and higher pesticide use. This, in turn, has contributed to insecticide resistance, environmental degradation, and human health impacts, which have triggered a growing interest in alternative management techniques. There is a dearth of knowledge on current pest management practices in cabbage and crucifer. Knowledge about pest management practices is necessary to develop appropriate strategies such as Integrated Pest Management. The main purpose of this study was to obtain comprehensive information on pest management practices among farmers growing cabbage and cauliflower in India. A survey was conducted in the states of Gujarat, West Bengal, and Karnataka from October 2006 through January 2007. Three hundred farmers were interviewed to obtain information on pesticide use in cabbage and cauliflower production, the cost of pesticide use, and socioeconomic characters that influence cabbage and cauliflower production. Farmers relied on pesticides as the major and often exclusive crop protection strategy. Ten of the active ingredients (16.4% of all pesticides reported by all farmers in this survey) were listed as extremely or highly hazardous (classes Ia and Ib) by the World Health Organization. The results confirmed that pesticide use differs between states of India, but that location alone does not determine pesticide spraying pattern. A regression model was used to identify determinants of pesticide application frequency and pesticide cost per hectare. After controlling for location, individual level variables, such as age, education and experience, had significant effects on how often farmers sprayed. Farmers also spent more for pesticides, and sprayed more frequently on cauliflower than on cabbage and on open-pollinated varieties than on hybrid varieties. Our findings highlight the excessive use of pesticides in cabbage and cauliflower, and the reliance on pesticides as the only pest management strategy. The results confirm the need for alternative management strategies. Bt vegetables may be one of these alternative strategies. However, it is questionable whether cultivation of Bt vegetables will reduce the strong reliance on pesticides. Small-scale farmers will need training in the identification of pests, natural enemies, basic ecology, and integrated pest management strategies to ensure sustainable and safe vegetable production. Cabbage (Brassica olearaceae var. capitata) and cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) are two major vegetables produced and consumed in India. Over the years, they have been cultivated more intensively. This has resulted in higher rates of pest infestation, especially by the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) and higher pesticide use. This, in turn, has contributed to insecticide resistance, environmental degradation, and human health impacts, which have triggered a growing interest in alternative management techniques. There is a dearth of knowledge on current pest management practices in cabbage and crucifer. Knowledge about pest management practices is necessary to develop appropriate strategies such as Integrated Pest Management. The main purpose of this study was to obtain comprehensive information on pest management practices among farmers growing cabbage and cauliflower in India. A survey was conducted in the states of Gujarat, West Bengal, and Karnataka from October 2006 through January 2007. Three hundred farmers were interviewed to obtain information on pesticide use in cabbage and cauliflower production, the cost of pesticide use, and socioeconomic characters that influence cabbage and cauliflower production. Farmers relied on pesticides as the major and often exclusive crop protection strategy. Ten of the active ingredients (16.4% of all pesticides reported by all farmers in this survey) were listed as extremely or highly hazardous (classes Ia and Ib) by the World Health Organization. The results confirmed that pesticide use differs between states of India, but that location alone does not determine pesticide spraying pattern. A regression model was used to identify determinants of pesticide application frequency and pesticide cost per hectare. After controlling for location, individual level variables, such as age, education and experience, had significant effects on how often farmers sprayed. Farmers also spent more for pesticides, and sprayed more frequently on cauliflower than on cabbage and on open-pollinated varieties than on hybrid varieties. Our findings highlight the excessive use of pesticides in cabbage and cauliflower, and the reliance on pesticides as the only pest management strategy. The results confirm the need for alternative management strategies. Bt vegetables may be one of these alternative strategies. However, it is questionable whether cultivation of Bt vegetables will reduce the strong reliance on pesticides. Small-scale farmers will need training in the identification of pests, natural enemies, basic ecology, and integrated pest management strategies to ensure sustainable and safe vegetable production.

      • KCI등재

        비규제 농약 관리를 위한 한국, 유럽, 미국의 농약관리체계 비교분석

        남선화,곽진일,김다솜,안윤주 한국응용생명화학회 2018 Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry (J. Appl. Vol.61 No.2

        Pesticide residue in the eggs in the market has become a significant problem in Korea. In particular, the detection of fipronil indicated that unregulated pesticide residue can be present in livestock products, including eggs. Institutionally unregulated pesticides are a risk to human health and the ecosystem. In this study, we analyzed the system of agricultural pesticide management in Korea, the European Union, and the United States of America (USA) and discussed the problems of the Korean management system and the possible improvement directions. Based on the analysis, we considered three tasks: registration of pesticides, pesticide residue levels in food, and pesticide residue levels in environmental media. The registration of pesticides was conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs in Korea; the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety in the European Commission (EC); and the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) in the USA. The work regarding pesticide residue levels in food was conducted by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in Korea, the Directorate-General for the Health and Food Safety in the EC, and the USEPA and Food and Drug Administration in the USA. The work regarding pesticide residue levels in environmental media was conducted by the Ministry of Environment in Korea, the Directorate-General for Environment in the EC, and the USEPA in the USA. Therefore, Korea should review the extension of pesticide residue standards in the environmental media for strengthening the system of management of unregulated agricultural pesticides. 국내외적으로 계란 중 잔류 농약 검출 사례가 보고되었고, 한국에서도 축산물의 농약 잔류허용기준 중 계란에 대한 기준치가 미제시된 항목인 fipronil 등이 검출되었다. 비규제 농약으로인해 국민건강 위해 및 환경오염 문제가 나타날 가능성이 있으므로, 한국, 유럽연합, 미국의 부처 및 산하 협력기관의 담당 법령 및 업무 관련 농약관리체계 비교 분석을 통해 현 시점에서한국의 농약관리체계의 문제점을 파악하고, 비규제 농약에 관한개선 방향을 모색하였다. 한국, 유럽연합, 미국의 농약관리체계비교한 결과, 농약 등록, 식품 중 잔류농약, 환경매체 중 잔류농약으로 크게 나누어 관리하는 것으로 나타났다. 농약을 시중유통시키기 위해 농약의 기본정보(이화학성, 독성, 위해성 등)를바탕으로 검토 및 승인 절차를 거치는 농약 등록 부분은 한국의 농림축산식품부, 유럽집행위원회의 보건식품안전국, 미국환경부가 관여하는 것으로 나타났다. 식품 안전성을 증대시키기위해 식품 중 잔류농약 기준 설정 및 모니터링을 수행하는 부분은 한국의 식품의약품안전처, 유럽집행위원회의 보건식품안전국이 전담하나, 미국은 미국환경부(식품 중 잔류농약농도 설정) 와 식품의약처(식품 및 사료 중 농약 모니터링)가 분업하는 것으로 나타났다. 국민건강 및 환경상의 위해를 예방하기 위해 환경매체 중 잔류농약 기준 설정 및 모니터링을 수행하는 부분은한국, 유럽연합, 미국 모두 환경부, 유럽집행위원회의 환경국, 미국환경부 중심으로 운영되는 것으로 나타났다. 한국은 부처간협의를 통해 농약관리를 제도적으로 수행하고 있으나, 비규제농약에 대한 관리를 강화하기 위해 환경매체 중 잔류농약기준항목의 계열 확대 및 개별항목 신설을 검토할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        1956년 파라치온 집단중독 사건과 ‘농약관리법’의 제정

        정준호 역사문제연구소 2023 역사비평 Vol.- No.144

        This study examines how poisoning and toxicity of pesticides were shaped by the introduction of organically synthesized pesticides in South Korea. In particular, the study focus on the 1956 parathion mass poisoning in Gyeongbuk Province, which resulted in a large number of deaths due to poisoning and was a direct trigger for the enactment of the Pesticide Control Act. Also, the study examine the changes in health problems and social responses to the emergence of new pesticides technologies. First, identify the policy and technological background of the introduction of new brand of organophosphate pesticides in 1950s Korea, and examine the process by which the medical understanding of pesticide poisoning was formed. The policy responses that emerged from these technical and medical understandings, as well as the processes of deliberate concealment and ignorance regarding the mass poisoning was analysed. Thus, a new technological element – organophosphate pesticides - has influenced the formation of chemical regulation in South Korea, based on previous Japanese experiences. Yet, medical knowledge and treatment options were rapidly adopted, but policy implementation had severe limitation to regulate highly toxic pesticides. Also, the Pesticide Control Act failed the address issue of pesticide poisoning as public health problem, rather creating further dilemma as Parathion became common choice of suicidal drugs. 이 연구는 한국에 유기합성농약이 도입된 후 농약의 독성과 중독에 대한 문제가 형성되는 과정을 살폈다. 특히 1956년 경상북도에서 발생한 파라치온 집단 중독으로 다수의 사망자가 발생하여, 이후 농약관리법 제정의 직접적인 계기가 된 사건에 초점을 맞추었다. 또한 유기인계 농약이라는 새로운 고독성 농약의 등장에 따른 건강 문제와 사회적 대응의 변화를 살펴보았다. 먼저 1950년대 한국에 새로운 형태의 유기인계 농약이 도입된 농업, 정책, 기술의 배경을 파악하고, 이후 농약 중독에 대한 의학적 이해가 형성되는 과정을 분석했다. 이러한 기술적, 의학적 이해에 따른 정책적 대응, 즉 농약관리법 제정의 과정을 살펴보았다. 이는 앞서 1950년대 초반 일본에서 경험한 집단중독 경험에 영향을 받았으며, 이후 한국의 농약 규제 형성 과정에도 반영되었다. 일본에서 연구된 의학적 지식과 치료 방법은 빠르게 도입되어으나 고독성 농약을 규제하는 정책을 그대로 수입하여 시행하는 것은 한계가 있었다. 그 과정에서 농약관리법은 농약 중독 문제를 공중보건학적 문제로 접근하여 해결하기 보다는, 농업 생산성 증대에 초점을 맞추었다. 결과적으로 파라치온과 같은 고독성 농약은 음독자살에 활용되는 등 또 다른 공중보건의 문제를 낳게 되었다.

      • Relationship between Exposure to Pesticides and Occurrence of Acute Leukemia in Iran

        Maryam, Zakerinia,Sajad, Amirghofran,Maral, Namdari,Zahra, Lesan,Sima, Pooralimohamad,Zeinab, Attabac,Zahra, Mehravar,Fariba, Ebrahimi,Sezaneh, Haghpanah,Davood, Mehrabani Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2015 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.16 No.1

        Background: One of the causes of acute leukemia can be exposure to certain chemicals such as pesticides. This study determined the relationship between exposure to pesticides and the occurrence of acute leukemia in Fars province, south of Iran. Materials and Methods: Between April 2011 and April 2013 in a case-control study conducted in Nemazee Hospital in Shiraz, Southern Iran; 314 subjects diagnosed with acute leukemia (94 pediatric cases and 220 adults) were enrolled to determine any correlation between exposure to pesticides and the occurrence. Controls (n=314) were matched by sex and age. Results: There was a history of exposure to pesticides among 85% of pediatric cases and 69% of their controls and 83% of adult cases and 75% of their controls while 87.5% of pediatric cases and 90% of adult cases reported exposure to intermediate and high doses of pesticides and among the controls, the exposure to low doses of pesticides was 70.5% and 65%, respectively. Exposure to indoor pesticides was seen among most of cases and controls. Being a farmer was at a significantly more increased risk of developing acute leukemia in comparison to other jobs, especially for their children. Conclusions: Exposure to pesticides was shown to be one of the most important causes of acute leukemia. It seems that there is a need to educate the people on public health importance of exposure to pesticides especially during school time to reduce the risk of malignancies during childhood.

      • KCI등재

        농약의 독성에 대한 농민과 도시민의 인지도 분석

        조택수(Taik-Soo Cho),문영희(Young-Hee Moon) 한국농약과학회 2000 농약과학회지 Vol.4 No.4

        This study examined how does farm producers and urban consumers recognize the toxicity of pesticides application to agricultural production. The survey was carried out with questionnaires, and found the fellowing results. The 60% of the total respondents in urban residents acknowledged that it is necessary for farming to apply pesticides. Nevertheless, they think that pesticides application have excessively been done more than necessary, and they would cause the problem of agrochemical-residual in agricultural products. They preferred to the crops produced by organic-farming. But they do not believe that the organic crops are pure one that pesticides are not applied at all. They thought that pesticides remained in the crops and they cause a chronic toxicity and cancer, though their degree of causing cancer would not be high. The other hand, farmers among the total respondents expressed that pesticides are absolutely needed to farming. However, about half of the total farmers’ respondents did not follow the recommended guide line for proper use of pesticides and applied its double amount of the recommended dose. The most of farmers thought that the applied pesticides would be persisted into the crops. The 69 % of the total respondents did not know that crops over MRL(Maximum Residue Limit) of Pesticides must be discarded and the farmer who distributed the crops over MRL of pesticides have to pay some kind of penalty.

      • KCI우수등재

        Awareness of Reproductive Health Risks, Sex Hormone Levels and Sperm Indices among Farmers Exposed to Pesticides in Akungba Akoko, Nigeria

        Mathias Abiodun Emokpae,Evelyn Apiriboh Yeiya,Mathias Abiodun Emokpae 한국환경보건학회 2022 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.48 No.4

        Background: The indiscriminate use of pesticides in Nigeria may have harmful effects on reproductive health of farmers. Objectives: This study assessed the awareness of reproductive health, serum follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), testosterone, estradiol, progesterone and sperm characteristics of male farmers occupationally exposed to pesticides. Methods: Eighty four male farmers were recruited for the study. Structured questionnaire was used to obtain the socio-demographic data. Blood and semen samples were collected from the subjects in the morning for hormonal assays and semen analysis using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method and SQAV sperm quality analyzer. Data were analyzed using chi square, Student's-t-test, and Regression analysis. Results: Serum FSH (p<0.01), LH (p<0.005) and Estradiol (p<0.001) were significantly higher while prolactin (p<0.02) and testosterone (p<0.001) were significantly lower among pesticides exposed farmers than non- exposed subjects. Some 34/84 (40.5%) of the pesticides exposed farmers had serum testosterone levels below the lower limit of the reference range. Those with low testosterone levels (p<0.001), also had FSH (p<0.05), LH (p<0.001) and Estradiol (p<0.002) significantly lower than those with normal testosterone levels. The sperm count among pesticides exposed farmers; total motility and percentage morphology were significantly lower than non-pesticides exposed subjects. Some 14/84 (16.7%) of the pesticides exposed farmers had sperm count below 15 million/mL (oligozoospermia). More than 70% of the farmers were not aware of the reproductive health risks associated with pesticides and only 23.8% of the farmers were using protective devices. Conclusions: Deliberate efforts to improve awareness, knowledge, personal hygiene, and interventions necessary to lessen both pesticides exposure and health risks by adopting safe practices are suggested.

      • KCI등재

        Current Status of Botanical Pesticides for Crop Protection

        Quang Le Dang,임치환,김진철 한국식물병리학회 2012 식물병연구 Vol.18 No.3

        The problems caused by synthetic pesticides have led the need for effective biodegradable pesticides with greater selectivity. Botanical pesticides are generally recognized as safe in agriculture systems. Thus, they have been regarded as attractive alternatives to synthetic chemical pesticides for the pest management. Both lower efficacy and higher costs of production make botanicals more expensive to use than conventional pesticides. Moreover, only a small portion of plant-derived metabolites among a number of bioactive metabolites are in use because commercialization of botanicals is inhibited by several problems such as toxicity, or high production cost. However, with the growing acceptance of botanical pesticides as an efficient crop protection alternative resulting in increasing demand, plant-based pesticides will play a significant role in achieving sustainable agriculture in future.

      • 농산물에 대한 LC-MS/MS를 이용한 농약의 다성분분석법 확립

        전영환 ( Young Hwan Jeon ),황정인 ( Jeong In Hwang ),김정민 ( Jung Min Kim ),석다롱 ( Da Rong Seok ),이은향 ( Eun Hyang Lee ),전상오 ( Sang Oh Jeon ),도정아 ( Jung Ah Do ),오재호 ( Jae Ho Oh ),홍진환 ( Jin Hwan Hong ),이영득 ( You 한국환경농학회 2013 한국환경농학회 학술대회집 Vol.2013 No.-

        Pest control is major problem in front of farmer worldwide, an enormous economic loss is observed due to pest every year. There are several chemical pesticides available for controlling agricultural pests. Studies have shown chemical pesticides can cause significant health risks to humans, contaminate water supplies, and to plant itself. To come through this problem, we previously developed some natural pesticides i.e. oak pyroligneous liquor, rice bran and phytic acid which were tested against Perilla frutescens rust disease. We found good pesticide capacity of these natural extracts, so we were veracious to know whether it has toxic effect or not for that we designed the present investigation. In the present study we have determined toxicity on the basis of fish survival assay, seed germination assay and mice feed assay. Briefly, a concentration of 50 and 100μg\ml of all pesticides were supplied in water of fishes for 96hrs. We have taken two kind of fishes for this experiment Misgurnus anguillicaudatus(10) and Cyprinus carpio(10). After completion of the incubation period number of dead fish were calculated. Simultaneously, we determined seed germination test on four types of seed Cabbage, Radish, Black beans and Red kidney beans. A number of 20 seeds in case of red kidney beans 5 seeds were kept in sterile Petri dishes bedded with layer of tissue papers (Kimtec) which were wet with autoclaved distilled water. Treatment of pesticides was done with a concentration of 50 and 100μg\ml for 48 to 96 hrs. The number of non-germinated seeds was counted after the incubation period. In the case of animal toxicity test we supplied pesticides in the drinking water of mice and they were kept under investigation of body weight and death of mice. The results obtained from fish experiment suggest no toxicity of oak and rice bran but at a higher concentration one fish was found dead. In the case of seed germination assay all the seeds were observed to be germinated at both concentrations for all pesticides. No decrease in body weight was found in mice experiment as well as all mice were live. In accordance with all data, we concluded that the use of Oak, Rice bran and Phytic acid as a pesticide is safe and effective especially in the case of Perilla rust disease.

      • KCI등재

        Current Status of Botanical Pesticides for Crop Protection

        Dang, Quang Le,Lim, Chi-Hwan,Kim, Jin-Cheol The Korean Society of Plant Pathology 2012 식물병연구 Vol.18 No.3

        The problems caused by synthetic pesticides have led the need for effective biodegradable pesticides with greater selectivity. Botanical pesticides are generally recognized as safe in agriculture systems. Thus, they have been regarded as attractive alternatives to synthetic chemical pesticides for the pest management. Both lower efficacy and higher costs of production make botanicals more expensive to use than conventional pesticides. Moreover, only a small portion of plant-derived metabolites among a number of bioactive metabolites are in use because commercialization of botanicals is inhibited by several problems such as toxicity, or high production cost. However, with the growing acceptance of botanical pesticides as an efficient crop protection alternative resulting in increasing demand, plant-based pesticides will play a significant role in achieving sustainable agriculture in future.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        영산강 및 섬진강 수계 중 농약 분포 조사

        이영준 ( Young Jun Lee ),최정희 ( Jeong Heui Choi ),김상돈 ( Sang Don Kim ),정희정 ( Hee Jung Jung ),이형진 ( Hyung Jin Lee ),심재한 ( Jae Han Shim ) 한국환경농학회 2015 한국환경농학회지 Vol.34 No.4

        BACKGROUND: A lasting release of low levels of persistence chemicals including pesticides and pharmaceuticals into river has a bad influence on aquatic ecosystems and humans. The present study monitored pesticide residues in the Yeongsan and Seomjin river basins and their tributaries as a fundamental study for water quality standard of pesticides.METHODS AND RESULTS: Nine pesticides(aldicarb,carbaryl, carbofuran, chlorpyrifos, 2,4-D, MCPA,methomyl, metolachlor, and molinate) were determined from water samples using SPE-Oasis HLB(pH 2) and LC/MS/MS. Validation of the method was conducted through matrix-matched internal calibration curve, method detection limit(MDL), limit of quantification(LOQ),accuracy, precision, and recovery. MDLs of all pesticides satisfied the GV/10 values. Linearity(r2) was 0.9965-0.9999, and a percentage of accuracy, precision, and recovery was 89.4-113.6%, 3.1-14.0%, and 90.8-106.2%,respectively. All pesticides exclusive of aldicarb were determined in the river samples, and there was a connection between the positive monitoring results and agricultural use of the pesticides.CONCLUSION: Monitoring outcomes of the present study implied that pesticides were a possible non-point pollutant source in the Yeongsan and Seomjin river basins and tributaries. Therefore, it is required to produce and accumulate more monitoring results on pesticides in river waters to set water quality standards, finally to preserve aquatic ecosystems.

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