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        작전 수행역량의 하락을 고려한 효과적인 작전 규칙 수립

        임종욱(Jong-Wook Lim),오세영(Se-young Oh),김수찬(Soo-Chan Kim),류준열(Jun-Yeol Ryu) 한국산학기술학회 2022 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.23 No.10

        본 연구는 군사 작전 초기에 작전 수행 요소 내의 일부 요인을 고정하는 의사결정인 작전 규칙의 수립을 통해 작전 수행 시간이 줄어드는 효과를 모델링하는 것을 목표로 한다. 작전 규칙의 수립은 작전을 수행하는 조직 사이 의사결정의 반복을 제거함으로써 작전 종료 시점을 앞당기는 효과를 가지나 작전을 수행하는 부대 사이의 의사 교환을 통제함으로 인한 작전 수행역량의 하락 또한 발생시킨다. 본 연구에서는 이와 같은 작전 규칙과 관련한 상충관계를 고려하여 작전 수행 시간을 줄이는 목적을 달성하면서도 작전 수행역량의 과도한 저하를 야기하지 않는 효과적인 작전 규칙 수립에 대해 제안한다. 이를 위해 work transformation matrix (WTM) 방법론을 활용하여 군사 작전 중 의사결정 반복이 수렴하는 과정을 모델링하며, 정의한 모델과 Sherman-Morrison 공식을 사용해 작전 수행역량의 하락이 기존 작전수행역량 대비 일정 임계치 이상 발생하지 않도록 하는 동시에 최적의 작전 수행 시간을 확보할 수 있는 작전 규칙을 수립하는 정수 최적화 모형을 개발하였다. The aim of this paper is to reduce military operation time by showing effects of an operation rule, which is a strategic decision-making rule to fix certain operation elements in the early stage of the operation. The formation of an operation rule accelerates the point at which the operation ends by eliminating iterations of decision-making and quality degradation due to the hindrance of information flow between operation teams. In this context, effective operation rules that minimize the operation time while not causing critical degradation of operation quality need to be established. This study modeled the convergence process of military operations by using a work transformation matrix (WTM). An optimal operation rule was obtained to minimize operation time with guarantee of the threshold of operation quality through an integer optimization programming using the Sherman-Morrison formula.

      • The Service Recommendation Method based on Semantic Technology in Ubiquitous Computing

        Yun-Young Hwang,Jungsun Yoon,Kyu-Chul Lee 보안공학연구지원센터 2014 International Journal of Smart Home Vol.8 No.6

        In ubiquitous computing environments, users usually compose several services to achieve their goals. The service composition method of this paper is based on WSUN(Web Services on Universal Networks). WSUN approach supports dynamic service composition which takes account of the dynamic factors of ubiquitous environments. In service composition, an operation of a service should be substituted by another operation when the operation is not available. The substitutable operation should support same functionality of unavailable operation. Moreover, it should be able to communicate with pre operation and post operation. The service composition mechanism of WSUN considers the functional similarity between unavailable operations and substitutable operation, but it does not take account of I/O message structures and parameter types of operations. In order to enhance WSUN service substitution method, we use SAWSDL(Semantic Annotation WSDL for XML Schema), which is Semantic Web Services technique. SAWSDL provides two construct: modelReference and schemaMapping. A modelReference specifies the association between a WSDL or XML Schema component and a concept in some semantic data. Semantic annotations using modelReference help to discover substitutable operations. In addition, a schemaMapping solves the heterogeneity of I/O message structures and parameter types of operations. Consequently, even if the operation, which has same functionality of unavailable operation, has different I/O message structures and parameter types of unavailable operation. In order to recommend the operation has good quality, we define the quality of operation. It is a criteria that user can choose the best operation. In addition, we take a user weight for accommodation of user’s requirements. The recommendation system prioritizes operation through calculating quality of operation based on user weight value. Therefore, operation by operation’s priority recommends users. Our system supports substitutable operation discovery mechanism using Semantic Web Services technique, and substitutable operations list to satisfy user’s requirement recommend in ubiquitous environment. Therefore, user can discover substitutable operation in substitution situation. In addition, substitutable operations to fit user requirement recommend user according to weight value from user.

      • KCI등재

        인천상륙작전(Operation Chromite)의 계획수립과정과 4가지 작전계획

        서치종 국방부군사편찬연구소 2024 군사 Vol.- No.131

        현재까지 인천상륙작전과 관련된 연구는 계획수립과정과 계획에 대한 연구보다는 실제 수행된 작전과정과 결과에 대한 연구가 대부분이었다. 이번 연구는 인천상륙작전의 계획수립과정과 4가지 작전계획의 내용을 연구함으로써 인천상륙작전의 작전계획을 이해하고, 계획과 실제 작전수행과정을 연계하여 연구할 수 있는 근거를 제공하고자 하였다. 맥아더는 전쟁을 조기에 종결하고 다시 주도권을 확보하기 위해서는 북한군의 후방에 상륙작전을 실시해야 한다고 확신하고 인천에 상륙하는 것이 적에게 가장 취약하다고 판단하였다. 인천과 김포공항을 확보하는 것은 서울뿐만 아니라 적의 병참선을 확보하고 낙동강 방어선에서의 반격과 함께 결정적인 공격을 가능하게 할 것으로 판단하였다. 미 제24사단과 제25사단이 남쪽에서 정면공격을 실시하는 것과 연계하여 제1해병임시여단과 제1기병사단이 인천에 상륙하는 블루하트(BlueHearts) 계획을 수립하였으나 북한군의 남진을 저지하지 못해 취소되었고, 새로운 상륙작전 크로마이트(Chromite) 계획을 수립하였다. 크로마이트(Chromite) 계획은 인천지역에 상륙작전을 실시하여 낙동강 방어선에서 반격을 실시하는 제8군과 연결하여 북한군을 격멸한다는 100-B를 기본으로 남쪽에서 반격하는 제8군의 우발상황에 대한 보조계획인 100-C와 100-D, 그리고 인천지역에 대한 상륙작전이 불가능하거나 실패할 경우, 맥아더가 상륙장소를 변경할 경우를 대비한 예비계획 100-A 4가지 계획으로 수립되었다. Until now, most studies about the Inchon Landing operation have been focused on the operation process and outcome rather than on the planning of the Inchon Amphibious Operation. This study intends to understand the plans of the Inchon Amphibious Operation and provide a basis for research linking plans with the actual operation process by studying the planning process and the contents of 4 Chromites. MacArthur had become convinced that Amphibious operations should be carried out in the rear of NK forces to end the war early and regain the initiative, and he evaluated that Landing on Inchon would expose the NK forces where they were most vulnerable. It was determined that securing Inchon and Kimpo Airport would enable US and ROK forces to secure Seoul and the enemy’s line of communications and enable a decisive attack in conjunction with counter on the Naktong perimeter. Operation Bluehearts had been planned to be an amphibious attack on Inchon by the provisional 1st Marine Brigade and 1st Cavalry Division, but was canceled because US and ROK forces could not halt the advance of the enemy. Although Operation BlueHearts was canceled, MacArthur drew up a new Amphibious operation. Operation Chromite was based on 100-B, which aimed to destroy NK forces in conjunction with the 8th Army. The plan was published in 4 plans: 100-C and D for the contingencies of the 8th Army countering from the south, and 100-A in case Amphibious operation was impossible or unsuccessful in Inchon, and in case MacArthur changed the landing site.

      • 미래전 수행을 위한 합동특수작전의 발전

        박종완 ( Park Jong Wan ) 한국군사학회 2016 군사논단 Vol.88 No.-

        This research aims to prepare for the future warfare by enhancing level of special operations` jointness in battlefield situation of Peninsula. As North Korea conducted its fourth Nuclear test in beginning of this year, the crisis was created. Launching of medium and long range missile and ballistic missile of submarine and the fifth Nuclear test by North Korea that has the most powerful in history made Peninsula deeply get into serious crisis. According to continuous Nuclear threats by North Korea, Ministry of National Defense in Korea has announced its aggressive Korea Massive Punishment & Retaliation activity called KMPR instead of using defense system such as Kill Chain and KAMD in the past. Core force of KMPR primarily consists of multiple missiles capable of precision strike at once, strike force and the most elite special operation forces. Removal operation of KJU regime is the direct deterrence effect that people so far aware against of nuclear development by North Korea. Special operation forces are the most optimal force by accomplishing strategical missions such as demolition of North Korean Leaders and their utility and value are highly estimated. Literally special operation forces has prepared these missions and the active role theory recently disclosed is very inspiring. However, special operation forces are impossible to complete missions unilaterally because special operation require complicated operation`s shaping and situations and need exquisite operation progress. Awareness of special operation forces` utility is scarce in peacetime but considering future warfare, operation`s shaping, environment, operational effectiveness, contribution, and war cases that occurred in Peninsula, it is absolutely valuable. This is why we have to keep up our level of jointness for current task. Presently, each military service maintains special operation forces which nationally and strategically retain quick reaction forces level. To be against of Nuclear tests and long range missiles threats by North Korea in advance, it is believed that going for joint special operation command is the best way to develop our services and nation for upcoming future. Therefore, it is expected to perceive joint special operations` utility in Peninsula and active role by policy decision-makers through this study.

      • KCI등재

        인천상륙작전 초기 구상과 좌절-블루하츠 작전에서 레드하츠 작전으로

        이상호 한국역사연구회 2023 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.129

        This paper examines the conception and evolution of Operation Blue Hearts, the initial plan for the Inchon landing, through primary sources, which is considered an important battlefield assessment of the Korean War. This paper unearthed and introduced primary sources on Operation Blue Hearts. For the first time, this thesis reveals details about the conception of Operation Blue Hearts, including the planning process of Operation Blue Hearts, and the fact that Operation Blue Hearts, which was planned as a landing in the Incheon area, was renamed Operation Red Hearts, a landing in Pohang. The execution and success of Operation Blue Hearts depended on the ability of the U.S. 24th Division to sustain a delaying action at the Kumgang Line to halt the North Korean Army’s southward advance. After the U.S. 24th and U.S. 25th Divisions halted the North Korean advance in the Daejon area, the plan was for the 1st Cavalry Division to land at Inchon and encircle the North Koreans at the Seoul-Kumgang Line. However, when the Kumgang Line showed signs of collapse at the Battle of Gongju on July 12, Operation Blue Hearts was canceled. Operation Blue Hearts was canceled and Operation Red Hearts was launched, shifting the landing area to Pohang. Pohang was chosen because it was accessible to the central region and had a developed port. Operation Red Hearts, which began on July 18, was successful, and the 1st Cavalry Division moved from Pohang to Yeongdong, on the central front. Operation Blue Hearts was called by MacArthur the prototype for the Chromite Operations. It was an application of MacArthur’s traditional tactic of island hopping to cut off enemy supply lines and thereby turn the tide of battle. By analyzing Operation Blue Hearts, the initial plan for the Inchon landings during the Korean War, I hope that this thesis will contribute to broadening the understanding of the war and popularizing the D-Day landings.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of the Prediction of Operation Processes based on Mode of Operation for Ships: Applying Delphi method

        박혜리,김정민 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2023 韓國컴퓨터情報學會論文誌 Vol.28 No.10

        The digital transformation of the shipbuilding, shipping, and logistics sectors is predicted to lead to the introduction of autonomous ships and changes in the way ships are operated. The co-existence of various operation forms, such as autonomous operation and remote operation, with the existing operation methods is expected to lead to the transformation of the ship operation process and the emergence of new stakeholders. This paper studies the future ship operation process according to the change in ship operation method, predicts the change in the operating environment of future ships, and derives functional requirements by major tasks and stakeholders. The Delphi technique is applied to construct a ship operation scenario from the planning stage of voyage and cargo transport to the stage of arrival at the final destination port and discharge of cargo, and to predict future work changes by task and actor. Seafarers' activities are expected to be minimised by remote and autonomous operation, and experts in each field are expected to have responsibilities and tasks in different aspects of ship operation.

      • KCI등재

        연산 결과의 의미 이해에 관한 연구

        노은환,강정기,정상태,Roh, EunHwan,Kang, JeongGi,Jeong, SangTae 영남수학회 2015 East Asian mathematical journal Vol.31 No.2

        The arithmetic operation have double-sided character. One is calculation as a process, the other is understanding in results as an outcome of the operation. We harbored suspicion on students' misunderstanding in an outcome of the operation, because the curriculum has focused on the calculation, as a process of arithmetic operation. This study starts with the presentation of this problem, we tried to find the recognition ability and character in the arithmetic operation. We researched the recognition ability for 7th grade 27 students who have enough experience in arithmetic operation when studying in elementary school. And we had an interview with 3students individually, that has an error in understanding in results of arithmetic operation but has no error in calculation. We focused on 3students' detailed appearance of the ability to understand in results of arithmetic operation and analysed the changing appearance after recommending unit record using operation expression. As a result, we could find the abily to underatanding in results of arithmetic operation and applicability to recommend unit record using operation expression. Through these results, we suggested educational implications in understanding in results of arithmetic operation.

      • KCI등재

        Local-Generator-Based Virtual Power Plant Operation Algorithm Considering Operation Time

        박성원,박용기,손성용 대한전기학회 2017 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.12 No.6

        A virtual power plant (VPP) is a system that virtually integrates power resources based on the VPP participating customer (VPC) unit and operates as a power plant. When VPP operators manage resources to maximize their benefits, load reduction instructions may focus on more responsive VPCs, or those producing high profitability, by using VPC resources with high operation efficiency. VPCs may thus encounter imbalance problems during operation. This imbalance in operation time would bring more participation for some VPCs, causing potential degradation of their resources. Such an operation strategy would be not preferable for VPP operators in managing the relationship with VPCs. This issue impedes both continual VPC participation and economical and reliable VPP operation in the long term. An operation algorithm is therefore proposed that considers the operation time of VPC generators for mandatory reduction of power resource consumption. The algorithm is based on constraints of daily and annual operation times when VPP operators of local generators perform capacity-market power transactions. The algorithm maximizes the operator benefit through VPP operations. The algorithm implements a penalty parameter for imbalances in operation times spent by VPC generators in fulfilling their obligations. An evaluation was conducted on VPP operational effects by applying the algorithm to the Korean power market.

      • 뇌동맥류의 수술 시기에 관한 임상적 연구

        김수천 인제대학교 1989 仁濟醫學 Vol.10 No.3

        1986년 1월부터 1988년 12월까지 인제대학교 의과대학 부산백병원 신경외과에 입원한 뇌동맥류 환자 333례 중 수술시행한 246례에 대하여 수술 시기에 따른 결과를 임상적으로 비교 분석하고 문헌 고찰과 함께 여러가지 문제점들에 대해 보고하고자 한다. Despite wonderful improvement in the results of operation for ruptured intracranial aneurysm, the morbidity and mortality of the overalll management in ruptured aneurysm remained high and still controversed the timing of surgery. Also, it is well known that rebleeding and vasospasm frequently occur within two weeks of subarachnoid hemorrhage, and rebleeding and vasospasm in many cases leading to irreversible worsening of conditions or death. To evaluate the risk of defintive intracranial aneurysm obliteration as a function of the timing of operative intervention, we conducted a retrospective analysis of 333 patients with ruptured aneurysm admitted to the department of neurosurgery of Busan Paik's hospital, Inje college from 1986 to 1988. Of these, 81 cases of intracranial aneurysm that were operated upon within the first 3 days of their most recent subarachnoid hemorrhage formed early operation. 98 cases that were operated between 4 days and 10 days formed intermediate operation. 67 cases that were operated at least 11 days after most recent subarachnoid hemorrhage. The 85% favorable outcome estimated from early operation, 84% from intermediate operation and 78% from late operation. The mortality was estimated 6% from early operation, 9% from intermediate operation and 9% from late operation.

      • KCI등재

        타워야더에 의한 집재작업시스템 분석

        박상준 ( Sang Jun Park ) 한국산림과학회 2004 한국산림과학회지 Vol.93 No.3

        In order to establish the yarding operation system and to spread the efficient thinning yarding operation technique with a mobile tower-yarder, yarding operation efficiency and yarding operation system, yarding operation time in the line thinning yarding operation were investigated. In the line thinning yarding operation by a mobile tower-yarder, the ratio of choking time and lateral yarding time in the main operation time was the highest. The ratio of setting-up time and dismantling time in the accessory operation time was the highest. In the investigation location, an average yarding timber volume of the line thinning operation by a mobile tower-yarder was 5.25㎡ per a day and man. An average cutting and bucking timber volume was 10.5㎡ and 5.25㎡ per a day and man in the logging operation on the basis of the line thinning yarding operation by a mobile tower-yarder. The relationship of lateral wire traction distance and lateral yarding distance to time was showed low significance. But the relationship of yarding distance to time was showed high significance. Therefore, it is necessary to the raise of ability through the education and training of choking man and operator. As the results of the simulation of the line thinning yarding operation by a mobile tower-yarder, the yarding finishing time of 7 line of one block and 1 ha is about 1 day 4 hours and 5 day, respectively. This result is more high efficiency than the logging operation by man power and wood grapple, tractor winch. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce the yarding operation system by a mobile tower-yarder.

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