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        민수기의 거시구조에 대한 재조명

        김재구 한국구약학회 2017 구약논단 Vol.23 No.1

        민수기는 그동안 문학적인 구조에 관하여 구약학계에 어려운 문제를 야기 시켜왔다. 1985년 D. T. 올슨의 책, The Death of the Old and the Birth of the New: The Framework of the Book of Numbers and the Pentateuch는 민수기의 거시적인 구조를 연구하는데 획기적인 시대를 열었다. 올슨은 민수기를 두 부분으로 나누는데 1-25장(구세대의 죽음)과 26-36장(신세대의 탄생)이다. 그 이후로 그의 책은 민수기를 연구하는 학자들이 반드시 고려해야 할 위치를 차지하게 되었다. 그러나 이 소논문은 이런 올슨의 견해를 반박하고, 민수기의 더 신뢰할만한 거시구조를 제시하기 위해 의도되었다. 이 소논문은 민수기 1-20장이 구세대의 죽음까지를 다루고 있고, 21장 이후는 신세대의 희망찬 시작을 보여준다는 것을 주장한다. 통합적인 문학적 구조를 찾는다는 점에서 B. S. 차일즈의 정경적 접근법을 수용한다. 이 방법론은 민수기의 통일성에 기초를 두고 있기 때문이다. 더욱 설득력 있는 구조를 제시하기 위해 이 소논문은 민수기의 거시적 구조를 찾는데 있어 첫째, 민수기 안에서, 둘째, 오경과의 비교를 통해서, 셋째, 육경의 구조를 통해 시도할 것이다. 첫째로, 민수기에서 11:1-3절은 구세대에게 앞으로 닥칠 일을 개관하고 있으며, 21:1-3절은 신세대에게 앞으로 닥칠 일을 요약적으로 보여주고 있다. 민수기 11:1-3절은 여호와께로부터 불이 나와 진영 끝을 살랐다는 것을 보고한다. 이것은 단지 구세대의 멸망의 시작일 뿐이다. 이스라엘 진영은 세 단계로 이루어져 있는데 바깥쪽(12지파), 안쪽(레위지파) 그리고 중심(모세와 아론과 그의 아들들)이다. 이 세 단계가 차례로 무너지는데 먼저 이스라엘 12지파(11:4-14:45), 그 다음은 레위인들(16:1-17:13), 마지막으로 모세와 아론(20:1-29)이다. 이 모든 구세대의 실패 후에 마침내 민수기 21:1-3절에 신세대의 승리가 나타나며 전환점이 이루어진다. 둘째로, 민수기와 신명기를 비교해 보면 구세대와 신세대의 분기점이 분명하게 드러난다. 신명기는 구세대 전체가 세렛 시내를 건너면서 다 소멸되었다고 한다(신 2:13-15). 민수기는 세렛 시내를 건너는 사건이 21:12절에 이루어졌다고 보고한다. 이 두 책의 비교를 통해 구세대와 신세대의 분기점이 민수기 21장이라는 것이 명백하게 증거 된다. 셋째로, 육경에서 구세대와 신세대는 동일한 단계의 신앙 여정을 거친다. 애굽의 바로 왕이 이스라엘 구세대가 많고, 강하기에 두려워하고, 근심하며, 죽이려 한다(출 1장). 모압의 발락 또한 이스라엘 신세대가 많고, 강하기에 두려워하고, 근심하며, 저주하려 한다(민 22장). 이 두 왕은 이스라엘을 제거하려는 시도에서도, 그리고 그 결론에서도 동일하다(출 1-2; 민 23-24). 이 과정을 거쳐 구세대가 구원되고 시내 산에서 하나님과 언약을 맺고(출 19-24장), 신세대 또한 구원을 경험하고 모압 평야에서 하나님과 언약을 맺는다(신 1-34장). 마침내 구세대는 광야에서 언약을 어기고 소멸되고(민 11-20장), 신세대는 언약을 지키고, 약속의 땅을 정복한다(수 1-24장). 구세대와 신세대의 이러한 비교들은 이 두 세대의 전환이 민수기 25장과 26장 사이가 아니라, 20장과 21장 사이라는 것을 역력히 증거한다. 그러므로 이 연구는 민수기의 거시구조에 대한 명확한 아이디어를 제공하고 있는 것이다. The book of Numbers had caused a vexing problem related to its literary structure to Old Testament scholarship. In 1985, D. T. Olson's book, The Death of the Old and the Birth of the New: The Framework of the Book of Numbers and the Pentateuch, opened a new era to the field of the study on Numbers' macro-literary structure. Olson divided the book of Numbers into two parts, chaps. 1-25 (the death of the old generation) and 26-36 (the birth of the new generation). Since then, his book has taken a place among the scholars who study the book of Numbers should consider. But this paper intends to argue against Olson's view and to present a more reliable macrostructure of the book. I contend that chaps. 1-20 deal with the death of the old generation and chap. 21 shows the hopeful start of the new generation. In finding its integral literary structure, B. S. Childs' canonical approach is employed because this method sees the book of Numbers as a unified whole. To present a more persuasive structure, this paper tries to find the macrostructure, firstly, in the book of Numbers, secondly, in the literary structure of the Pentateuch, and, thirdly, in the literary structure of the Hexateuch. Firstly, in the book, Numbers 11:1-3 functions to outline what is to come to the old generation and Numbers 21:1-3 functions to sum up what is to come to the new. Numbers 11:1-3 tells that the fire of Yahweh consumed some outlying parts of the camp. This is only the beginning of the demise of the old generation. The camp of Israel consists of three parts, the outer (the twelve tribes), the inner (the Levites), and the center (Moses, Aaron, Aaron's sons). This three part camp collapses one after another, first, the twelve tribes (11:4-14:45), second, the Levites (16:1-17:13), and third, Moses and Aaron(20:1-29). Finally, after all these failures, Numbers 21:1-3 presents the victory of the new generation as a turning point. Secondly, the comparison between Numbers and Deuteronomy reveals the clear demarcation of the old generation and the new. Deuteronomy tells that the entire old generation had perished until they crossed the Wadi Zered (Deut 2:13-15). In Numbers, the event of the old generation crossing Wadi Zered is reported in Numbers 21:12. Then the comparison of the two books clearly proves that the turning point from the old generation to the new is at Numbers 21. Thirdly, in the Hexateuch, the old generation and the new have the same stages of faith journey. The Pharaoh of Egypt fears the old generation because of their numbers and strength, worries and orders to kill them (Exod 1). Balak, king of Moab, fears the new generation because of their numbers and strength, worries and orders to curse them (Num 22). The two kings' behavior to remove the Israelites is the same and the result is also the same (Exod 1-2; Num 23-24). Then the old generation are saved by God and make a covenant with God at Sinai (Exod 19-24), and the new are also saved by God and make a covenant with God at the plains of Moab (Deut 1-34). Finally, the old generation break the covenant and perish in the wilderness (Num 11-20), but the new keep the covenant and conquer the Promised Land (Josh 1-24). These comparisons between the old generation and the new clearly demonstrates that the shift in generation does not occur between Numbers 25 and 26, but between Numbers 20 and 21. Therefore, this study provides the obvious ideas for the macrostructure of the book of Numbers.

      • KCI등재

        1920~30년대 어린이 독본(讀本) 연구 - 잡지 『새벗』과 새벗사 『어린이 독본』을 중심으로 -

        구자황 영주어문학회 2023 영주어문 Vol.55 No.-

        이 글의 주된 연구 대상은 새벗사의 어린이 독본 (1928.7)이다. 새벗사가 발행한 어린이 잡지 새벗 (1925.11~1933.3)에 수록했던 글은 물론, 내부 필진이었거나 외부 필자로 참여한 이들의 글을 엮어 만든 독본 텍스트이다. 아직 새벗 의 전체 면모를 온전히 파악기에는 제한이 있으나 이글에서는 현재까지의 자료를 수집, 정리하여 새벗 의 서지 목록을 최초로 구성하였다. 그리고 새벗 을 만든 ‘새벗회’의 실체와 필진을 실증하고, 동시대 비슷한 성격의 잡지 및 단체와 비교하였다. 아울러 어린이 독본 의 수록 작품 및 필진 분석을 통해 잡지 새벗 이 교류와 연대의 개방성을 기초로 하였다는 점, 새벗사의 어린이 독본 이 민족적 문예 기획을 수행하였다는 점을 논증하였다. 새벗사 어린이 독본 은 당대 아동문화운동의 장에서 대립과 경쟁을 넘어 공존과 연대를 선취한 귀한 사례다. 방정환과 잡지 어린이 는 천도교-개벽사-소년회-색동회로 이어지는 배후를 중심으로 1920년대 아동문화운동의 융성기를 선도하였다. 잡지 어린이 에 연재했던 글 가운데 방정환이 선별해서 엮은 「어린이 독본」은 ‘자립적 도덕 주체’를 강조하면서 잡지 어린이 가 주창한 아동중심주의와 천사동심주의 어린이상을 보여주었다. 이에 비해 동인회 수준의 새벗회가 만든 잡지 새벗 은 새벗회-꽃별회-별탑회를 위요하는 교류와 연대를 기초로 새벗사 어린이 독본 을 출판하였는바, 이 독본 텍스트는 식민지 당대 교육과 계몽을 위한 ‘민족적 문예 주체’로 어린이를 형상화하는 경로, 즉 어린이 문예 독본을 기획하였다는 점에서 독본문화사적 의미를 가진다. The main research object of this article is new friends publisher Children’s Reading Books (1928.7). It is an original text that weaves together the writings of internal and external writers as well as the writings of the children’s magazine New Friends (1925.11~1933.3) published by the company. While there are still limitations in understanding the full scope of New Friends , this article collects and organizes the data to date and constructs the first bibliography of New Friend . It also demonstrates the existence and contents of New Friends and compares it to similar magazines and organizations of the same nature. In addition, through the analysis of the works and writings contained in Children’s Reading Books , it was argued that the magazine New Friends was based on the openness of exchange and solidarity, and that new friend publisher Children’s Reading Books carried out ethnic literary planning. The magazine Children’s Reading Books is a valuable example of coexistence and solidarity beyond confrontation and competition in the children’s cultural movement of the time. Bang Jeong-hwan and the magazine Child led the children’s cultural movement in the 1920s, centered on the background of Ch’ŏndogyo, Gaebaeksa, Boys’ Association, and Sect. Among the articles published in the magazine Child , Bang Jeong-hwan’s selected “Children’s Readings” emphasized “self-reliant moral subjects” and showed the child-centeredness and angelic image of children advocated by the magazine Child In comparison, the magazine New Friend created by the Donginhoe-level Saebyeol Society published the Saebyeol Society Children’s Reading Books on the basis of exchange and solidarity between the Saebyeol Society, Flower Society, and Star Pagoda Society, and this reading text has a unique cultural history significance in that it was designed as a pathway to shape children as “national literary subjects” for education and enlightenment during the colonial period, i.e., a children’s literary reading.

      • KCI등재

        뉴미디어 시대 한국 독서문화의 특성

        김선남(Kim, Sun-Nam) 한국출판학회 2008 한국출판학연구 Vol.34 No.2

        본 연구는 한국인의 뉴미디어 시대의 독서행태를 살펴본 것이다. 본 연구 결과 뉴미디어 시대에서 한국의 독서 문화 특성을 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다. 첫째, 수용자는 독서, 신문읽기 등의 정보 지향적인 매체보다는 인터넷, 휴대폰 등 오락정보매체를 더 선호하였다. 한국 사회가 전통적인 미디어 환경에서부터 인터넷 등 뉴미디어가 중심이 되는 새로운 매체 환경의 사회로 변모하였다. 따라서 뉴미디어 시대의 새로운 독서행위 및 방법에 관심을 두어야 할 것이며 또 이러한 뉴미디어를 적극 활용한 독서 전략이 추구되어야 할 것이다. 둘째, 한국 사회에서 연도별 독서율 및 독서시간은 점차 감소 추세이지만, 전반적으로 한국인이 읽고 있는 독서 권수는 증가하였다. 즉 수용자는 베스트셀러를 선호하며 쉽고 빠르게 읽을 수 있는 도서 장르를 접촉하고 있었다. 또 이들은 “읽는” 도서보다는 “보는” 도서를 선호하였다. 이에 따라서 한국인의 독서 시간은 적었지만 읽은 책은 증가하였다. 따라서 향후 독서 활성화 전략은 이와 같은 수용자 욕구를 파악하고 또 이를 반영한 효율적인 독서정책이 수립되어야 할 것이다. 셋째, 독서는 뉴미디어 시대에 있어서도 수용자에게 중요한 여가활용 방법으로 인식되고 있었다. 따라서 독서 관련 조직에서는 지속적인 캠페인 및 독서 운동 등을 발굴하여야 할 것이다. 넷째, 연령별 독자의 양상 및 독서태도가 달리 나타나기 때문에 이에 대한 차별화된 독자세분화 및 매체활용 전략이 필요하다. 예를 들면 성인은 주로 일반 소설이나 교양 관련 도서에 관심을 두는 경향을 보였던 반면에 학생은 무협지, 판타지 및 추리소설, 연예/오락 관련도서를 선호하였다. 이 와 같이 계층별 선호하는 도서 장르가 다르기 때문에 이에 따른 매체활용전략이 마련되어야 할 것이다. 다섯째, 연령별 책을 구입하는 채널이 달리 나타났다. 성인은 주로 오프 라인 및 온라인 서점에서 직접 구입하는 채널을 가지고 있는 반면 학생들은 부모, 교사, 또래집단 등 대인 커뮤니케이션에 의존하는 것으로 나타났다. 이에 따라서 학생을 대상으로 한 독서 교육이 체계적으로 이루어져 할 것이다. 여섯째, 책은 뉴미디어 등장으로 사라지는 매체가 아니라 전자책 등 새로운 형태로 발전되고 있으며 기존의 오프라인 서점 형태도 온라인 서점을 통하여 확장되고 있다. 전자책을 포함한 디지털 콘텐츠 영역의 매출이 높아지고 있다. 뉴미디어는 독서 인구 확대에 기여할 것으로 전망된다. This study analyzed the characteristic features of reading activities. The analyses showed several visible features. First, entertainment-oriented media, like an internet or a cell-phone are preferred to information-oriented media, like a book or a newspaper. As Korean society is surrounded by a new-media environment where the internet search becomes critical, it is needed for us to understand new types of reading activities and develop new book-reading promotion strategies. Second, book-reading rate and time have decreased as time passes, but the total number of books read in a year have increased. Readers tend to favor the best seller or the fast reading book, and they are more interested in the book to watch than the book to read. Because of this change, Korean readers are likely to shorten their reading time, but increase the total number of books they read. Therefore, any strategy aiming at fostering book-reading must be mapped after taking into account these kinds of readers' new needs. Third, book-reading is perceived as one of major leasure activities even in the era of new-media. This finding suggests that organizations related with publishing business have to relentlessly launch a campaign and movement to have more people read books. Fourth, the amount of book-reading, the type of favored books and other reading attitudes are likely to vary across ages. For instance, adults are more interested in classic novels and educational materials, but students are more attracted by books related with fantasies, detectives, entertainments, sports, and others. Since people of different social classes have different tastes, readers are to be understood by social categories and their book-reading promotion strategies have to be designed differently. Fifth, the book-purchasing channel is likely to be different across social class. For instance, adults purchased books from on- and off-line book stores on the basis of information provided by the stores, while students bought more books from on-line book stores on the basis of information collected from personal communications with parents, teachers and peers. This finding suggests that reading education has to be implemented toward students more seriously in order for it to be effective. Finally, it is well evidenced that the book will not be one of disappearing media even the era of new-media is coming. It is expected to take a new style like an electronic book and sell at on-line book stores, as well as off-line book stores. This point can be clearly understood when we look at the fact that the total sale of digital content including the electronic book is rapidly growing every year. it is prospected that new-media will contribute to the expansion of reading population in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 후반~20세기 초 베트남의 ‘新書’ 수용

        尹大榮(Youn Dae-yeong) 동양사학회 2011 東洋史學硏究 Vol.117 No.-

        This study aims at examining the origin of the Vietnamese Reform Movement on the basis of understanding the ‘New Books’ as an East Asian intellectual trend. Colonization attempts facilitated the exchanges between the Asian countries. Policies that arose from the colonial powers’ needs for economic expansion enlarged Asia’s ground for activity, making communication between diverse parts of the Asian world faster and easier. Hence, events occurring in China were able to have a more direct repercussion over the East Asian society on a large scale. The Western impact on China and the Sino-Japanese War widened the Chinese intellectuals’ vision. They realized China’s weakness in the face of Western and Japanese military intrusions and felt the need to transform their country into a prosperous ‘modern’ nation. Therefore, Chinese reformists began to develop journalism and translate numerous European and Japanese works in order to introduce their compatriots to the various fields of Western sciences and ideas. It also so happens that this intellectual current contributed to the formation of the Vietnamese reform movement. Data now available is not helpful about precisely when Chinese reformist writings first entered Vietnam. However, Ðao Nguyen Ph?’s bibliographical list shows that the ‘New Learning’ came from very diverse sources such as books, periodicals, maps, illustrated magazines, drawings etc. But what is the meaning of this phenomenon? In order to understand what was meant by the progressive intellectual movement, it is important to take into account when and how the ‘New Books’ affected Vietnamese readers born between the 1860s and 1900s. From the late 19th century, chemistry, mechanics, physics, pharmacy and social sciences provided a way for Vietnamese to access new educational methods and intellectual tools, barely known until then. The ‘New Books’ introduced in the early 20th century were written by authors and translators of various nationalities: Western, Japanese and Chinese. In particular, Chinese reformists’ works began to substantially enter Vietnam after the Hundred Days’ Reform. After this reform and the Boxer Rebellion of 1900, Vietnamese intellectuals started to become conscious that they had entered a new epoch, and as a result, a growing interest in Western sciences spread throughout the country. It was at this time that books and newspapers of Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao penetrated even deeper into Vietnamese society. That’s why the ‘New Books’ was able to give great impetus to the Vietnamese intellectual evolution, as showed in Duy Tan h?i, đong Du movement, đong Kinh Ngh?a Th?c etc.

      • KCI등재

        “不看中国书”与再造“新青年” ― 由1925年“青年必读书”事件引发的考察

        程凯 한국중국현대문학학회 2009 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.49

        After May 4th Movement, the New Youth group became the most important power of cultural and political revolution. But in middle 1920s, the New Youth group was attracted by two tendencies: the first was studying traditional culture; the second was entering “the Palace of Art”. In the view of LuXun and his comrades, these two tendencies would make the New Youth become conservative. So, in 1925, when a newspaper asked famous intellectuals for “youth’s ten essential Books”, LuXun’s response was: “don’t read Chinese books, just read foreign books.” His response sustained the attitude of Cultural Revolution. And he wanted to rebuild the New Youth through repeating, even radicalizing this attitude and position.

      • KCI우수등재

        Preservice Teachers` Responses to Postmodern Picture Books and Deconstructive Reading

        ( Eun Ja Yun ) 한국영어영문학회 2011 영어 영문학 Vol.57 No.6

        Reading postmodern texts certainly situates readers in roles different from the ones we have been used to. Recently, postmodern metafiction forms a significant body of children`s literature that is intended to challenge and transform the conventions of books in the digital age. While many studies have been done as to how child readers have capabilities to appreciate and interpret postmodern metafiction picture books, few studies on teachers and preservice teachers` reactions are not readily available. The role of teachers and preservice teachers are crucial for child readers to have access to affluent reading resources. This study discusses how preservice teachers read and respond to postmodern metafiction picture books using a deconstructive approach by means of binary opposites. Data was collected with 14 preservice teachers as to their likes/dislikes, reading levels, and reading paths about postmodern metafiction picture books. Expected pedagogical implications for literacy and language education were requested to address in their reading diaries and response papers. With their likes/ dislikes, since binary opposites always imply the hierarchy of power and value, the likes is apparently more valued and appreciated over their dislikes. This differentiated values are discussed in more detail with three recurring themes-Education, Morals and Behavior, and Tradition. With reading levels, there seems to be a gap existing between the authors` implied reader and literary critics` and the preservice teachers` ideal readers for the postmodern metafiction picture books. Although many studies have already revealed young readers` capability of appreciating postmodern metafiction, it depends a lot more on the teachers and preservice teachers whether children`s right to have access to affluent literacy resources is respected or not. Preservice teachers` awareness of the potential of postmodern metafiction will work as an initial step to bring and realize the new reading path and new literacies in classrooms. By challenging metanarratives of children`s literature, preservice teachers` readings of postmodern picture books reveals potentials to raise different reading paths and develop new literacies and other educational implications.

      • KCI등재

        Preservice Teachers’ Responses to Postmodern Picture Books and Deconstructive Reading

        윤은자 한국영어영문학회 2011 영어 영문학 Vol.57 No.6

        Reading postmodern texts certainly situates readers in roles different from the ones we have been used to. Recently, postmodern metafiction forms a significant body of children’s literature that is intended to challenge and transform the conventions of books in the digital age. While many studies have been done as to how child readers have capabilities to appreciate and interpret postmodern metafiction picture books, few studies on teachers and preservice teachers’ reactions are not readily available. The role of teachers and preservice teachers are crucial for child readers to have access to affluent reading resources. This study discusses how preservice teachers read and respond to postmodern metafiction picture books using a deconstructive approach by means of binary opposites. Data was collected with 14 preservice teachers as to their likes/dislikes,reading levels, and reading paths about postmodern metafiction picture books. Expected pedagogical implications for literacy and language education were requested to address in their reading diaries and response papers. With their likes/ dislikes, since binary opposites always imply the hierarchy of power and value, the likes is apparently more valued and appreciated over their dislikes. This differentiated values are discussed in more detail with three recurring themes—Education, Morals and Behavior, and Tradition. With reading levels, there seems to be a gap existing between the authors’ implied reader and literary critics’ and the preservice teachers’ ideal readers for the postmodern metafiction picture books. Although many studies have already revealed young readers’capability of appreciating postmodern metafiction, it depends a lot more on the teachers and preservice teachers whether children’s right to have access to affluent literacy resources is respected or not. Preservice teachers’awareness of the potential of postmodern metafiction will work as an initial step to bring and realize the new reading path and new literacies in classrooms. By challenging metanarratives of children’s literature, preservice teachers’ readings of postmodern picture books reveals potentials to raise different reading paths and develop new literacies and other educational implications.

      • KCI등재

        ≪新唐書≫의 ‘小說’ 인용 고찰

        안예선 중국어문연구회 2019 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.95

        This paper examines the “Xiao-Shuo” that is included in the New Tang History Book. Xiao-Shuo does not designate the modern concept of the novel or of narrative fiction, but instead refers to stories, legends and anecdotes that were spread by ordinary people. It was the term for inaccurate and unofficial records during the Tang-Song Dynasty, which today we know as Bi-ji(筆記, Miscellaneous Notes). Xiao-Shuo is often cited in the New Tang History Book, a work of official history(正史), because the authors felt it necessary to do so. This paper analyzes why, despite its shortcomings, the outstanding intellectuals of the Northern Song Dynasty engaged with Xiao-Shuo and required it as a source material for the New Tang History Book, and how Xiao-Shuo influenced the official historical narrative. It was widely perceived that the Old Tang History Book(舊唐書) was inadequate to the task of teaching its readers lessons on good and evil, and right and wrong. Given this, the scholars’ main focus in compiling the New Tang History Book was to impart moral lessons more effectively. By citing Xiao-Shuo, the New Tang History Book validated the exemplary actions of good people, and cast the bad actions of evil people in a negative light. In doing so, the text established a more rational, complete narrative. The fact that Xiao-Shuo was not an accurate account of history was disregarded, as morality and rationality were prioritized over accuracy. The New Tang History Book cited Xiao-Shuo in order to elaborate a more moral, complete historical narrative.

      • KCI등재

        1930년 『신편(新編) 고등조선어급한문독본(高等朝鮮語及漢文讀本)』 개편 요망건(要望件)에 대하여

        박영미 ( Park Youngmi ) 근역한문학회 2020 한문학논집(漢文學論集) Vol.56 No.-

        1919년 3·1 운동 직후, 조선총독부는 1922년 제2차 조선교육령을 발포하였고 이 교육령에 기반해 편찬된 것이 『新編朝鮮語及漢文讀本』이다. 『新編朝鮮語及漢文讀本』은 『稿本高等朝鮮語及漢文讀本』과는 달리 조선어부와 한문부로 구분하고 1-3권까지 현토 하였다. 『新編朝鮮語及漢文讀本』가 발간되면서 참고용 도서도 여러 종류가 간행되었다. 이 교재를 5-6년 정도 사용하다가 1930년, 경성부내 한문교원회가 중심이 되어 학무국에 『新編 高等朝鮮語及漢文讀本』 개편 要望件을 제출하였다. 그리고 『동아일보』에 1930년 2월 28일부터 3월 9일까지 총 10회에 걸쳐 『新編 高等朝鮮語及漢文讀本』 개편 要望件을 연재하였다. 한문교원회는 현행 독본이 크게 배열 순서와 存拔에 관한 것, 착오 및 중출 등에 관한 것에 문제가 있다고 하며 학생들의 수준에 맞는 내용을 선택하여야 하고, 학생들이 흥미를 잃게 해서는 안된다고 하였다. 그리고 새로운 독본에는 문법 연습, 삽화를 넣을 것, 종이 질 및 장정도 고려할 것을 요구하였다. 교재의 내용도 문학적인 성취가 있는 것을 넣고, 쉬운 데서 어려운 데로 그리고 단문에서 장문으로 학습할 것을 희망하였다. 한문교원회는 『新編 高等朝鮮語及漢文讀本』의 오류를 별표로 제공되었는데 현토 오류가 가장 많은 비중을 차지하였다. 1930년 학무국은 이들의 요구와는 별도로 교과서 개편을 준비하고 있었는데 『新編 高等朝鮮語及漢文讀本』 개편 要望件이 제출되면서 출판에 박차를 가하여 1933년부터 『中等敎育高等朝鮮語及漢文讀本』을 편찬하였다. 그러나 1937년 조선어급한문과에서 한문과는 폐지되었고 조선어과로 개편이 되었다. 이후, 고등보통교육에서의 국어(일본어)급한문과에서 이루어졌다. After the 3 · 1 Independence Movement(of Korea), the Japanese Government- General of Korea issued the second Joseon Education Decree in 1922. The Japanese Government-General of Korea published new textbooks in accordance with the new Decree. That was 『New Korean and Chinese Classic Reading book (新編朝鮮語及漢文讀本)』. 『New Korean and Chinese Classic Reading book(新編朝鮮語及漢文讀本)』 was divided into two parts: Korean and Chinese Classic, and made up to 1-3 volumes added Korean endings to classical Chinese phrases.(吐) Several kinds of reference books related to those text books had been published in particular. In 1930, the Korean-Chinese Teachers' Association submitted a proposal to the Office of Education to revise the textbook. And It was serialized 10 times in Dong-A Ilbo. They pointed out each of the problems and errors in the text books. And they hoped that the text books to be published would arouse interest in students and fill them with content that fit their learning levels. In 1930, the Office of Education was planning to compile a new textbook even before their demands. Just in time, when the proposal was submitted, the Office of Education accelerated the publication of the new textbook. As a result, 『Secondary Korean and Chinese Classic Reading book(中等敎育朝鮮語及漢文讀 本)』 was published. The new book was used from 1933 to 1937. By 1937, Korean-Chinese was finally abolished. Only Korean was left. Since then, Chinese Classic has been taught in Japnese and Chinese Classic(國語及漢文) classes.

      • KCI등재

        文化大革命時期 ‘灰皮書’의 수용과 유통 - 新階級 을 중심으로 -

        손승회 영남대학교 인문과학연구소 2023 人文硏究 Vol.- No.104

        “The Gray Books” were internally published by the Chinese Communist Party, with limited access to the general public. In the early 1960s, China translated and published various theoretical works of Western socialists in order to criticise the “international revisionists”, mainly the Soviet Union, and to secure the primacy of the Chinese socialist system. However, these banned books were transmitted to the Cultural Revolution generation through various channels and provided an intellectual opportunity for fundamental reflection on the existing communist reality and ideology. A typical example is Milovan Djilas’s The New Class: An Analysis of the Communist System. The book was written to criticise the communist system and was therefore popular with “the rights” and “the apathy mass” who were disappointed with the revolution. On the other hand, the book was also likely to be positively accepted as a reference book by the Moonhyeok school, which identified the Authoritarianism on the road to capitalism= privileged bureaucracy=new class. This was because the “new class theory” was also a discourse that guaranteed the legitimacy of the Cultural Revolution, which set out to prevent the resurgence of the privileged class. Thus, the prevalence of “the Gray Books” reveals the paradox behind the reality of the Cultural Revolution symbolised by “burning books and burying scholars”.

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