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        포경 ( Bao Qing ),조량용 ( Zhao Liangyong ),한호성 ( Hosung Han ) 관광경영학회 2019 관광경영연구 Vol.87 No.-

        The paper researches the phenomenon of uncivilized conduct as well as the tourist’s morality progress and its intrinsic dynamic mechanism, which specialises in tourist behavior in the perspective of morality. The tourist is the principal part of tour activity, so that the tourist’s morality progress is the radical resolvent to the problem of tourist’s uncivilized conduct. With vast literature studies, the paper focuses on a concept of moral self which crossed Ethnics, Psychology, Education and other disciplines. The paper introduces this concept into the field of tourism research, and analyzes the concept with measurable structures, which is referred to the research ideas of Western Psychology. At the same time, the paper also discusses the philosophical origin and the identification expansion of moral self, combined with the traditional culture of China. To identify with the moral self is not only the practice path for the tourist’s moral development, but also improve the quality of tourism experience. Similar to the footprint of tourism activities, continuous expansion of identity with the moral self has contributed to the progress of the tourist’s moral development. This thesis combines the springhead of moral self based on philosophical thinking and the moral self performance of virtue quality which emphasized in Psychology, and finds out an operable way for practice and research, on the basis of that the empirical study is carried out. After gained empirical data with interview and questionnaire investigation, the paper use Structural Equation Model and other statistical analytical methods to analyze the data. Research results show that the moral self identification has a positive role in promoting the moral development and the civilized conduct of the tourist. The paper compiles a questionnaire about the moral self identification and civilized conduct of the tourist, which provides an operable tool for the related research and the practice of tourism management in future. This thesis attempts to combine the traditional thinking of moral philosopy with modern empirical research method better in the study field of Tourism Ethnics.

      • KCI등재

        도덕과교육에서 윤리학의 역할 고찰

        이상희 한국교원대학교 교육연구원 2021 敎員敎育 Vol.37 No.4

        This study explains that moral education through studies has distinctive characters and advantagesfrom other methods of moral education and then tries to clarify the role and contribution of ethicsin moral education through subjects. There are contradictions of developmental queries alternativeaccounts for discontinuities of development, in which very few people reach to the highest level ofdevelopment. Moreover, in many empirical studies, regular schooling has been identified as a variableleading to high levels of moral development. It is because comprehensive social experience itself cansometimes interfere with moral development, and the specific impact of education has lead to highlevels of moral development that lies in fostering the “moral reasoning ability” to adequately understand,explain, and judge moral issues. In addition, at ethical discourse levels, moral development means ashift from natural justification of moral judgment to a principled justification, so students should learncontents of moral thinking of high-quality. Thus, ethics in moral education through subjects playsa central role in raising abilities of moral reasoning in terms of how to study morality. Also it wouldconstructs learning contents and provides reasons of principled justification of moral judgment anddecision making. Moral education through subjects based on cognition or social cognition has distinctivefeatures from other moral educations, and the effectiveness of education should be evaluated inconsideration of these differences. 본 연구는 도덕과교육이 다른 도덕교육의 접근들과 구별되는 특징을 가지고 있음을 밝히고, 윤리학이 도덕과교육에서 어떤 역할과 기여를 할 수 있는지를 고찰한다. 발달의 최고 수준에 도달하는사람들이 극히 적다는 발달이론의 모순성은 발달의 불연속성을 설명하도록 촉구하였고, 여러 실증연구에서 교육이 높은 수준의 도덕 발달을 이끄는 변인으로 확인되었다. 포괄적인 사회적 경험 자체는 때때로 도덕성 발달에 방해가 될 수 있다. 그러므로 높은 수준의 도덕 발달을 이끄는 교육의구체적 영향은 도덕적 문제를 적합하게 이해하고 설명, 판단 내리는 ‘도덕적 추론 능력’을 함양하는데 있다. 또한, 도덕 발달은 도덕 판단의 자연적 정당화에서 원리적 정당화로의 윤리적 담론 수준의이동을 의미하므로 학생들은 먼저, 질 높은 ‘도덕적 사고의 내용과 형식’을 배워야 한다. 따라서, 도덕과교육에서 윤리학은 도덕을 공부하는 방법적 측면에서 도덕적 추론 능력을 기르는 데 도움을주고, 도덕 공부의 내용을 구성하며 도덕 판단 및 의사결정의 원리적 정당화의 틀을 제공해 주는역할을 한다. 인지 혹은 사회인지에 기반한 도덕과교육은 다른 도덕교육과는 구별되는 특장점을지니고 있으므로 도덕과교육의 실효성은 이러한 차이를 고려해서 평가될 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        도덕적 상상력과 기독교인성교육

        주연수 한국실천신학회 2019 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.63

        Faith is holistic human experience that requires participation of whole being. Christian character education aims to restore the image of God and to represent the virtual character of Jesus Christ in the world. Its goal is transformation of individuals' personality in fundamental level in a way that their faith, value, and practice are integrated. It involves holistic moral development in its cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects. Sanctification and maturity in Christian character demonstrate keen moral insight, sound moral judgement, inner motivation toward moral action, sensitive moral responsibility, and active participation as a moral agent in any circumstance. Such integrated growth in morality and faith cannot be achieved through a fragmented educational approach. Neither can it be achieved through simple exercises to apply moral rules to particular situation nor through routine performances to make used to several behavior patterns associated with a certain Christian virtue. Rather, it requires creative and participative way facilitating organic and living experiences in Christian moral and character education. Mark Johnson insists that moral imagination can contribute to holistic development of morality. This article attempts to comprehend role and function of imagination in moral and religious aspects and to suggest the ways in which development of moral imagination can contribute to integrated growth of Christian faith and character. 신앙은 전존재(the whole being)의 참여를 요구하는 전인적(holistic) 경험이다. 기독교인성교육은 지적, 정서적, 행동적 측면에 있어 신앙과 도덕성이 통합된 전인적 인성 함양을 지향한다. 신앙과 도덕성이 통합된 성화된 인격은 단순히 기독교적 도덕률을 배워 개별 상황에 기계적으로 적용하는 연습이나 성경에 기록된 덕목에 부합되는 몇 가지 행동을 습관화하는 훈련을 통해서 형성될 수 없다. 기독교인성교육이 단순히 객관적 지식을 전수하거나 부정적인 행동을 수정하는 차원에 머물지 않고 전인적 경험으로 승화되기 위해서는 창조적(creative)이며 참여적(participative)이고, 또한 유기적(organic)이며 살아있는(living) 경험을 촉진하여야 한다. 존슨(M. Johnson)은 인간을 본질적으로 ‘상상력을 지닌 도덕적 동물(imaginative moral animal)'이라 규정하면서, 도덕성의 인지적, 정의적, 행동적 영역에서 상상력이 핵심적인 역할을 한다고 주장한다. 도덕적 상상력은 단지 사물의 상을 모방하고 복사하는 것을 넘어서 다른 관점과 시각에서 새로운 방식으로 사물을 보고 의미를 재구성 할 수 있는 능력이다. 다익스트라(C. R. Dykstra)에 따르면 인간의 인격은 결국 상상력의 변형을 통하여 일어난다. 본 연구는 상상력에 대한 개괄적 이해와 함께 상상력이 도덕적 영역과 종교적 영역에서 지니는 의미와 역할을 검토하면서 통합적 기독교인성교육을 도모하기 위해 도덕적 상상력을 촉진할 수 있는 방안들을 모색해보고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        ‘심성교육’으로서의 도덕교육: 쉴러의 관점

        심장후 한국도덕교육학회 2022 道德敎育硏究 Vol.34 No.4

        Since Plato and Aristotle, two different perspectives have been suggested regarding how human can be morally educated: formation of habit and development of moral thinking. The difference of view about moral education is originated from the difference on how morality is defined. Hence the meaning of moral education can be answered by explaining the morality itself which has been the aim of diverse types of moral education. Considering ‘the paradox of moral education’, R. S. Peters indicates that the two perspectives of view about morality which are the basis of two moral educations are two aspects of morality, but he does not focus attention on the matter of what the morality itself is. Investigating the matter of Ideal of humanity in Aesthetic Education, Schiller finds that the Ideal of humanity indicates a harmonious state of sense and reason that are considered as fundamental aspects of human nature. And he suggests ‘aesthetic education’ as a way of realizing the harmony. The discussion in his book shows that the harmonious mind as ‘aesthetic state’ is the criteria as well as the source of the morality. In this regard, ‘aesthetic education’ that realizes the ‘aesthetic state’ of mind can be considered a moral education proper.

      • KCI등재

        행위의 도덕성과 존재의 도덕성: 자유의지에 관한 쇼펜하우어의 관점

        장효진 한국도덕교육학회 2011 道德敎育硏究 Vol.22 No.2

        The concept of morality is always in the center of interest in educational practice and theory, as efforts to lead man to the right direction. It is commonly accepted that we can confirm our morality only by our moral act. Following this common notion of morality, moral education must provide some moral guidelines in everyday life. This idea of morality and moral education relies on a specific view of 'free will'. In this view, man determines his own act because he has freedom to choose his act. We can call it 'morality of act'. However, in the Schopenhauer's view of 'freedom of will', 'free' is the particular quality of Will, the World as a whole, or the 'Thing-in-itself' in Kant's philosophy. Kant thought, through his analysis of the concept of freedom, that, though man is a part of nature and though his conduct is therefore necessarily determined, he is free and therefore capable of morality. Both Kant and Schopenhauer agree that man cannot be the exceptional being to necessity; that is sufficient reason. But Schopenhauer strictly distinguishes the two aspects of human character: 'empirical character' and 'intelligible character'. By virtue of this distinction, man can have 'morality of being' along with 'morality of act', and 'freedom of human will' in the genuine sense becomes possible. In this aspect of 'morality of being', the moral man is the one who realizes the very essence of his being, taking the dual nature of his character as seriously as possible. His morality emerges from his practical moral act directly caused by his 'compassion', which is also the way of forming his being as Will 사람을 올바르게 기르려는 교육적 관심에서는 언제든지 도덕의 개념 문제가 부각된다. 도덕에 관한 통념에서 도덕의 의미는 행위에만 국한되며, 도덕적 인간을 기르기 위해서는 일상적인 행위지침을 제시하는 것 이외의 다른 것이 있을 수 없다. 이런 식으로 규정되는 통념적 도덕은 자유 의지에 관한 한 가지 관점에서 따라 나오는 것으로서, 그 관점에서는 행동의 동기를 가지고 있는 개인이 자신의 모든 행위를 결정하는 '자유'를 가진다. 그러나 자유의지에 관한 쇼펜하우어의 관점에 의하면, 자유는 총체로서의 세계 그 자체인 '의지'만이 가질 수 있는 특성이다. 그러나 '인간 의지의 자유' 라는 것이 가능한 것은 인간이 경험적 성격과 예지적 성격의 결합으로 이루어진 이중적 존재이기 때문이다. 존재의 도덕성에서 규정되는 도덕적 인간은 자신의 존재와 세계의 이중적 성격을 가장 세밀하게 인식하는 존재이다. 진정한 세계인식과 자기인식에 도달하는 그러한 인간의 도덕성은 구체적 행위에서 자비심을 통하여 나타나며, 또한 자비심은 의지로서의 그의 존재를 형성하는 경로가 된다고 말할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Varieties of Politically Moderate Groups in South Korea: Social Identity, Morality, and Political Attitude

        석승혜,장안식,김두환 서울대학교 사회발전연구소 2019 Journal of Asian Sociology Vol.48 No.1

        Morality is an appraisal of what is right and what is not. Sociological perspective sees such morality as a product of group identity. In this regard, morality is a useful tool for identifying groups that share different beliefs about right and wrong. Recent studies have found that the root cause of social conflict is based on moral differences related to political attitudes and behaviors. This study focuses on the political moderates that previous studies regarded as lacking ideological or political orientation. However, we found that they are multiple groups composed of groups based on different moral values. We also clarified the differences in political positions according to morality. First, we classified the morality groups in South Korea into five latent groups. In addition to traditional liberals (altruistic individuals) and conservatives (paternalistic), moderates are divided into three moral groups: moral idealists, selfish individuals, and amoral individuals. The moral idealists group emphasizes both moral values that are important to conservatives and liberals. The selfish individuals group is weak in most moral values, and the amoral individuals group does not care about any moral value. In contrast to liberals and conservatives who are consistently aligned left and right in their political positions, the moral qualities of moderates have been found to be complex and dualistic. The fact that moderates are pluralistic in terms of grouping and moral values complicates the conflicts of social and political issues rather than the mere confrontation between conservatism and liberalism.

      • KCI등재

        Varieties of Politically Moderate Groups in South Korea

        Seunghye Seok,Ansik Chang,Doohwan Kim 서울대학교 사회발전연구소 2019 Journal of Asian Sociology Vol.48 No.1

        Morality is an appraisal of what is right and what is not. Sociological perspective sees such morality as a product of group identity. In this regard, morality is a useful tool for identifying groups that share different beliefs about right and wrong. Recent studies have found that the root cause of social conflict is based on moral differences related to political attitudes and behaviors. This study focuses on the political moderates that previous studies regarded as lacking ideological or political orientation. However, we found that they are multiple groups composed of groups based on different moral values. We also clarified the differences in political positions according to morality. First, we classified the morality groups in South Korea into five latent groups. In addition to traditional liberals (altruistic individuals) and conservatives (paternalistic), moderates are divided into three moral groups: moral idealists, selfish individuals, and amoral individuals. The moral idealists group emphasizes both moral values that are important to conservatives and liberals. The selfish individuals group is weak in most moral values, and the amoral individuals group does not care about any moral value. In contrast to liberals and conservatives who are consistently aligned left and right in their political positions, the moral qualities of moderates have been found to be complex and dualistic. The fact that moderates are pluralistic in terms of grouping and moral values complicates the conflicts of social and political issues rather than the mere confrontation between conservatism and liberalism.

      • KCI등재

        도덕적 정체성과 성격심리학

        손경원 ( Kyung Won Son ),장희선 ( Hee Sun Chang ) 한국윤리교육학회 2011 윤리교육연구 Vol.0 No.24

        본 연구의 목적은 성격심리학적 관점에서 수행된 도덕적 정체성의 연구결과들을 분석하여 한국의 도덕교육의 개선 방향을 모색하는 일이다. 도덕 심리학 연구의 패러다임이 도덕성으로부터 도덕적 인격으로 이동함에 따라 성격 심리학의 이론과 방법을 응용한 도덕 정체성 연구들이 수행되었다. 도덕적 정체성의 동기화 기능 및 도덕적 정체성과 환경의 상호작용이 입증되었다. 도덕적 정체성의 성격심리학적 접근은 덕과 인격의 교육의 심리학적 토대강화, 전인적 통합, 환경의 체계적 조성, 경험연구의 필요성을 시사하고 있다. The purpose of this study is to investigate scientific researches of moral identity and it`s implication to moral education in Korea. Many researches in Moral identity based on the method and theory in psychology of personality have been conducted as the paradigm of moral psychology research has turned into moral character from morality. It is identified that moral identity is not only a source of moral motivation but also interacts with circumstance by the results of scientific research of moral identity. Those implicate four aspects of moral education in Korea: building of psychological foundation of virtue and character education, the meaning of integration as a moral functioning of the person as a whole, building well-structured environment, the need of scientific research on the moral identity based on korea culture.

      • KCI등재

        도덕(과)교육과 비판적 사고 - 관점주의적 도덕교육

        구분옥 한국니체학회 2011 니체연구 Vol.20 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to understand Nietzsche’s perspective of moral philosophy and to search its implication for Moral Education, in which the crisis of the postmodernism dominates. Nietzsche’s perspective of moral philosophy is based on the argumentation ‘my’ moral decision or choice would be individual but also general at the same time. Through the discussion in which the perspectives of others are partially accepted, my (subjective) perspective becomes my (objective) perspective that is more mature and more general. Perspective morality can be applied to students who are 12 or 13 years old. Therefore,this study will explore how the perspective of Nietzsche’s moral philosophy is embodied and used in the process of teaching and learning activities. The characteristics of modern society is described as pluralism. Postmodernism is cynically argued because it’s often confused with (subjective)relativism or egoism. Therefore we might be missing generalism of morality that emphasizes the absoluteness and generality of morality. Do we have to return to modern moral philosophy to overcome the postmodern? No. The problems that postmodern creates can be solved by correcting and altering the negative aspects of postmodern. Here plays the critical thinking a critical role. There is a strong belief about the power of reason in modern rationalism. Therefore it has been hypothesizing the existence of ‘good itself’ or ‘absolute and general’ morality. The moral education that is based on generalism aimed that metaphysical morality, is regarded as the truth and has rationally recognised its righteousness. But this aspect is strongly denied according to the perspective of moral theory because that perspective, context, and constructive moral reconstruction is not allowed within it. According to the perspective of moral education, learning is rather a process in which students experience in their lives and they create their own morality through never-ending renewal of their perspectives. 이 논문의 목적은 도덕철학과 도덕교육의 문제를 니체의 관점주의를 통해 비판하고 대안을 모색하는 것이다. 근대의 합리주의는 이성의 힘을 절대시한다. 근대 도덕철학 역시 ‘선 그 자체’ 또는 ‘절대적이고 보편적인’ 도덕 원리위에 성립한다. 따라서 보편주의에 입각한 도덕교육은 학습자로 하여금 ‘형이상학적인’ 도덕을 진리로 간주하고 그것의 당위성을 합리적으로 인정하고 수용하여 인격체로서의 삶을 영위하게 하는 것을 목표로 한다. 탈현대주의는 보편주의적 도덕철학과 도덕교육에 반론을 제기한다. 탈현대주의는 근대의 도덕 보편주의가 도덕의 구속적ㆍ당위적 측면을 지나치게 강조한 나머지 개인의 ‘구성적ㆍ관점적ㆍ맥락적’ 도덕 재구성 능력을 간과했다고 비판한다. 학습이란 삶의 현장에서 스스로의 경험을 통해 무엇인가를 습득하게 되는 과정이라고 볼 때 도덕규범이나 원리 또한 근본적으로 ‘나’의 관점에서 재구성되고 끊임없이 창조되어야 할 성질의 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        문학과 인간 발달 4 : 문학교육과 도덕성 발달 ; 고전문학교육과 도덕적 가치 -〈어부사시사〉읽기를 중심으로

        허왕욱 ( Wang Wook Heo ) 한국문학교육학회 2004 문학교육학 Vol.14 No.-

        This Essay aims to verify a influence of moral values on the classical literature education. A morality of students will be promoted through literary education As well as a reading on the moral values which expressed in literary works can elevate appreciative power of students. It is a primary supposition on this essay. To encourage moral behaviors, we strengthen moral motives participated in moral judgements. The contents of moral motives are obtained not by passive injection, but by voluntary selection. As a result, forming process of moral motives is accompanied with growth of individual aesthetic sensibility. A representative poet in Josoen(朝鮮) dynasty, Gosan(孤山) Yun, Seon-Do(尹善道, 1587-1671) wrote a 〈eobusasisa(漁父四時詞)〉 which is a yeon- sijo(聯詩調 ; string lyric) composed of forty works. A 〈eobusasisa〉 show systematic structure to us. Gosan expressed forming process of his moral judgements with this structure. And he presented not only nature-oriented moral motives but also literary aesthetic value. To utilize 〈eobusasisa〉 in moral development of students, teachers should let his students search the forming process of writer`s moral motives. It is desirable for students to read 〈eobusasisa〉 with comparative viewpoint. Through comparative reading and debating on dilemmatic values, a moral-sensibility of student`s group will be enhanced.

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