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        The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities and the Protection of Minority Rights in Europe

        Jungwon Park 대한국제법학회 2009 國際法學會論叢 Vol.54 No.3

        유럽안보협력기구의 소수자문제 고등판무관 제도는 1990년대 이래 유럽에서의 소수자권리 보호에 있어 독특한 역할을 해왔다. 고등판무관제도는 소수자라는 용어를 사용하고 있지만 소수자권리 보호 그 자체 보다는 인종분규로 인한 OSCE 회원국 내의 혹은 회원국간의 안보 위험을 방지하자는 목표에서 출범하였다. 그러나 이러한 지역적 안보 위험 방지의 목표와는 별도로 고등판무관은 소수자권리 보호를 위한 법적 기준 확립 및 발전에도 기여해왔다. 본고는 고등판무관 제도를 소수자권리 보호의 차원에서 살펴보았다. 현대국제법의 세계에서 소수자보호 문제는 법적기준의 확립과 국가적 의무이행 확보라는 차원에서 매우 불충분한 상태로 존재하고 있다. 무엇보다도 소수자권리의 확대가 국내 질서의 안정을 저해할 수 있다는 다수 국가의 소수자문제를 바라보는 소극적인 시각이 실효적인 소수자권리 보호를 어렵게 만들고 있다. 그렇다고 해서 소수자보호의 국제법이 완전한 정체상태에 빠져있다는 뜻은 아니다. 소수자권리 보호를 위한 국제법적 기준의 확립과 발전이 소수자 문제의 민감성으로 인해 매우 더딘 상태로 진행되고 있지만 그럼에도 불구하고 소수자보호의 국제법은 꾸준히 발전하고 있기 때문이다. 소수자문제 고등판무관이 소수자권리 보호를 위해 적극적으로 활용하는 수단은 이른바 권고제도이다. 권고제도는 고등판무관이 스스로의 관행을 통해 발전시킨 것으로서 소수자권리 보호를 위해 매우 효과적으로 사용되고 있다. 권고제도에는 두 가지 있는바 일반적 권고와 특정국가 권고가 그것이다. 일반적 권고는 소수자권리 보호에 대한 고등판무관의 기대와 요구가 반영된 것으로 기존의 국제법상의 소수자권리의 기준을 명확화하고 구체화시키는 기능을하고 있다. 특정국가 권고는 실제로 인종 분규가 심각한 양상을 띠고 있는 국가를 고등판무관이 방문하면서 관계 당국과의 계속적인 서신 교환의 방식으로 구체화된다. 이러한 권고제도의 적극적인 사용을 통해 고등판무관은 유럽에서의 소수자권리 보호 문제에 있어 기준의 설정자로서의 기능과 기준의 이행에 대한 감독자로서의 기능을 사실상 수행하면서 소수자권리의 공고화에 크게 기여하고 있다고 평가된다. 뿐만 아니라, 고등판무관은 특정국가 권고제도를 통해 소수자의 인적 범위를 탄력적으로 해석함으로써 소수자보호 국제법의 매우 민감한 문제인 이주노동자와 이민자 등 새로운 소수자에 대한 보호 가능성을 보여주고 있다. 애초에 고등판무관 제도의 탄생 목적이 소수자권리 보호 그 자체에 있지 않기 때문에 이 제도를 오로지 소수자보호를 위한 독립 기구로 파악하는 것은 곤란하며 따라서 이 제도의 한계를 인식하는 동시에 이 제도의 특징인 동적인 자생적 발전 가능성에 주목하여 효과적으로 운용하면서 소수자보호의 실질화에 적극적으로 활용하는 것이 매우 필요하다고 보여진다. The High Commissioner on National Minorities within the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has played a unique role in the field of the protection of minority rights in Europe since the early 1990s. Even though the institution was not established for the protection of minority rights as such, it has functioned to protect minority rights by establishing its uniquely self-sustained practices. The central and most effective instrument for the High Commissioner in minority issues in the OSCE states is the recommendation procedure. There are two types of recommendations issued by the High Commissioner: general recommendations and country-specific recommendations. General recommendations are primarily concerned with the clarification and elaboration of existing minority rights standards in a way to present the High Commissioner's expectations and policy guidelines of minority rights for all participating states of the OSCE. The High Commissioner has also issued country-specific recommendations for the purpose of the resolution of ongoing serious conflicts regarding the treatment of minority groups in particular countries in the OSCE area. The country-specific recommendations are more carefully formulated and describe specific suggestions, which in his opinion might resolve the conflict in question. The High Commissioner has sought to induce a particular OSCE state faced with serious ethnic conflicts to comply with minority rights standards by issuing country-specific recommendations, which could have great impacts on the domestic minority policies of the state concerned. The High Commissioner has also functioned as an 'actual' monitor for the protection of minority rights, though there are no concrete provisions for such functional aspects under the Mandate. The monitoring functional aspects of the High Commissioner have become more real and effective with the normative coalition with other European organizations on human rights such as the Council of Europe whose institutional concerns also cover minority protection. Moreover, the High Commissioner seems to have contributed to providing the possibility for the protection of 'new minorities' by taking a flexible position on the question of the citizenship requirement for the minority definition under international law. The practice of the High Commissioner in the field of minority protection has shown that the High Commissioner has contributed to consolidating minority rights in Europe by playing double roles as standard-setter and monitor for the protection of minority rights. The point is that the very institutional nature of the High Commissioner in relation to minority protection is dynamic, instead of being static or neutral and these features must be considered and used more effectively in a constructive manner for the future mandates.

      • KCI등재

        형평운동과 소수자운동

        윤수종 한국사회사학회 2023 사회와 역사 Vol.- No.140

        This paper examines the characteristics of equity movement in light of the trend of minority movement that have been actively developing since the 1990s and raises several research issues. First, it identifies that the human rights movement has changed from a human rights movement based on the concept of sameness to a minority human rights movement based on the concept of identity (human right) and furthermore to a minority movement based on the concept of singularity (desire). In this flow, we identified the issues of minority movement and briefly summarized the history of equity movement research according to minority movement issues. Then, we compared the equity movement and the current minority movement by issue. As a result, we found the following similarities and differences. Regarding subjectivity, the equity movement sought to acquire civic or national subjectivity by eradicating the Baekjeong identity rather than emphasizing it. The current minority movement not only affirms identity but also emphasizes singularity and explores the possibility of different subjectivity formation. In terms of organization, the equity movement has pursued a network type of organization more than a centralist organization of the class movement, but it is different from the minority movement in that it has constantly pursued a representative (leadership)-mass structure. In terms of movement ideology and character, the equity movement was based on the concept of passive human rights that are liberated from the feudal class system. While the equity movement demanded the abolition of differentiation of differences, the current minority movement has gone beyond this to make different demands through the expansion of differences. Regarding institutional improvements, the equity movement demanded the elimination of caste-based discrimination in public administration and local government offices, and sought to eliminate the discriminatory perceptions and practices of the surrounding population. Minority movements also campaign for institutional reformation, pushing for legislation to prohibit discrimination, but this is no longer a major area of activity. Regarding peripheral struggles, when the equity movement emerged, anti-equity movements activities emerged in response to it, and the equity movement actively responded to them. Minority movements do not directly fight back against the anti-activities, but continue their activities by coming out. Regarding solidarity, the equity movement emphasized solidarity with sectors of the class movement and stood in solidarity with Japanese horizontal movement (anti-burakmin discrimination movement), but not with other minorities. Minority movements prioritize solidarity with other minorities and secondarily consider solidarity with sectors of the class movement. In relation to the state, the equity movement initially took the form of petitioning the state, but gradually took on a socialist coloration and was repressed by the state (governorate). The current minority movements are petitioning the state in terms of human rights and institutionalizing human rights, but in terms of desires, they are creating communities that are illegal or independent of the state. The equity movement, on the other hand, has not made unique demands, proposed alternatives, or created other communities. Based on the above issue-specific characteristics, the equity movement can be considered a human rights movement in the passive sense of human rights, but in light of contemporary minority 이 논문은 1990년대 이후 활발하게 전개되어 온 소수자운동의 동향에 비추어 형평운동의 특성을 살펴보면서 몇 가지 연구쟁점을 제기하고자 한다. 먼저 인권운동이 동일성 개념에 입각한 인권운동에서 정체성(인권) 개념에 입각한 소수자인권운동으로, 더욱이 특이성(욕망) 개념에 입각한 소수자운동으로 변화 해 왔다고 파악하였다. 이러한 흐름에서 소수자운동의 쟁점들을 확인하고 형평운동 연구사를 소수자운동 쟁점별로 간략하게 정리하였다. 이어서 형평운동과 현재의 소수자운동을 쟁점별로 비교해 보았다. 그 결과 다음과 같은 유사성과 차이를 확인할 수 있었다. 주체성과 관련하여, 형평운동은 백정 정체성을 강조하는 것이 아니라 무화하면서 시민 또는 국민 주체성을 획득하고자 하였다. 현재의 소수자운동은 정체성을 확인할 뿐만 아니라 특이성을 강조하고 색다른 주체형성의 가능성을 탐색한다. 조직과 관련해서는, 형평운동은 계급운동의 집중제 조직보다 네트워크 형식의 조직을 추구하였지만 끊임없이 대표(지도)-대중 구도도 추구하였다는 점에서 네트워크 형식의 조직을 주로 추구하는 소수자운동과는 다르다. 운동 이념 및 성격과 관련하여, 형평운동은 신분제로부터 해방되는 수동적 인권 개념에 입각해 있었다. 형평운 동은 차이의 차별화를 폐지할 것을 요구하였지만, 현재의 소수자운동은 이를 넘어서 차이의 확장을 통한 색다른 요구를 해 나가고 있다. 제도개선과 관련하여, 형평 운동은 행정관리들이나 지방 관청들에서 여전히 유지되고 있는 신분제차별 요소를 없앨 것을 요구하고 주변 주민들의 차별인식과 관습을 혁파하려고 하였다. 소수자 운동도 차별을 금지하는 법제화를 추진하며 제도개선운동을 하지만 이것은 더 이상 주요 활동영역이 아니다. 주변투쟁과 관련해서는, 형평운동이 나타나자 이에 반발하는 형평운동 반대활동이 나타났는데, 형평운동은 이에 대해 적극적으로 대응하였다. 소수자운동은 자신들에 반대하는 활동에 대해 직접 반격하지 않고 커밍아웃을 통해 자신들의 활동을 지속한다. 연대와 관련해서, 형평운동은 계급운동의 부분운동과 연대를 강조하였고 일본의 수평사와 연대하였지만, 여타 소수자와 연대해 나가지는 않았다. 소수자운동은 다른 소수자들과의 연대를 우선시하고 계급운동의 부문운동과의 연계를 부차적으로 고려한다. 국가와 관련해서, 형평운동은 초창기에는 국가에 청원하는 방식을 취했으나 점차 사회주의적인 색채를 띠어가면서 국가(총독부)의 탄압을 받게 되었다. 현재의 소수자운동은 인권 차원에서는 국가에게 청원하고 인권의 제도화를 가져왔지만, 욕망과 관련해서는 불법적이거나 국가와 독립적인 커뮤니티를 만들어 가고 있다. 그에 반해 형평운동은 백정들만의 고유한 요구를 하고 대안을 제시하거나 색다른 커뮤니티를 만들어 가지는 않았다. 이상의 쟁점별 특성을 확인한 결과, 형평운동은 소극적 의미의 인권 개념에서 볼 때 인권운동이라고 할 수 있지만, 현대의 소수자인권운동과 소수자운동에 비추어 볼 때 소수자운동이라고 하기보다는 전통적인 사회운동에 가깝다고 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        주식매수청구권에 관한 쟁점과 개선방안에 대한 고찰

        서고은(SEO, GOEUN) 서강대학교 법학연구소 2021 법과기업연구 Vol.11 No.1

        회사의 의사결정은 주주총회를 통해 다수결의 원칙에 따라 이루어진다. 효율성의 측면에서 회사의 의사결정은 다수결의 원칙에 따라 이루어지는 것이 합리적이라 할 것이나, 이러한 과정에서 소수주주의 의견이 무시되거나 배척될 수 있다는 문제점이 발생한다. 따라서 우리 상법은 소수주주를 보호하기 위한 여러 가지 장치들을 마련하고 있는데, 대표적으로 ① 주주제안권, ② 주주총회소집청구권, ③ 집중투표청구권, ④ 이사해임청구권, ⑤ 대표소송제기권 등을 들 수 있고, 이러한 권리들을 통칭하여 이를 ‘소수주주권’이라 한다. 그런데 이러한 소수주주권은 ‘소수주주의 이익을 보호하기 위한 권리’라는 측면도 있지만, ‘일정 비율의 주식을 소유한 자만이 행사할 수 있는 권리’라는 이중적인 면모를 내포하고 있다. 즉, 소수주주권만으로는 소수주주 전부의 이익을 보호하기 어려운 것이다. 이에 소수주주의 이익을 보호하면서도 주식을 소유하기만 하면 행사할 수 있는 권리에 해당하는 주식매수청구권의 존재의의와 중요성이 부각되고 있다. 이와 같은 주식매수 청구권은 회사의 의사결정을 번복하거나 무효화할 수 있는 직접적인 권리에 해당하는 소수주주권과는 달리 회사의 의사결정에 반대하는 경우 회사로부터 정당한 보상을 수령한 뒤 주주로서의 지위를 반납할 수 있는 간접적인 권리이지만, 소수주주권보다 폭 넓게 소수주주의 이익을 보호할 수 있다는 특징이 있다. 그런데 이러한 주식매수청구권과 관련하여서는 다양한 쟁점이 제기되고 있는 실정이다. 이와 같은 다양한 쟁점 중에서도 본 논문에서는 ① 주식매수청구권자의 범위 확정, ② 주식매수청구권의 제한의 필요성에 관한 내용을 타국의 입법례와 논의를 바탕으로 하여 살펴보고자 한다. 나아가 이에 대한 개선방안을 고찰해 보는 것을 통해 주식매수 청구권제도의 개선과 지속적인 발전으로 도모해 보고자 한다. The Company"s decision is made in accordance with the principle of majority decision through a general meeting of shareholders. In aspect of efficiency, it is reasonable for a company to make decisions based on majority rule. However, the problem arises that minority shareholder opinions may be ignored or denied. Therefore, our commercial law provides various methods to protect minority shareholders. For example, ① the right to propose shareholders, ② the right to call a general meeting of shareholders, ③ the right to request intensive voting, ④ the right to dismiss directors, and ⑤ the right to file a representative lawsuit, est. These rights are called “right of the minority shareholders". However, right of the minority shareholders have a dual aspect of “rights to protect minority shareholder interests" and “rights that can only be exercised by those who own a certain proportion of shares." In other words, right of the minority shareholders cannot protect the interests of all minority shareholders. So, this highlights the significance and importance of the existence of the appraisal rights, which corresponds to the right to exercise only by owning shares with protecting the interests of minority shareholders. Such a appraisal rights is an indirect right to return its status as a shareholder after receiving due compensation from the company if he opposes its decision. This right is characterized by being able to protect minority interests wider than right of the minority shareholders. However, various issues have been raised regarding the appraisal rights. Among these various issues, this paper aims to examine the need to establish the scope of the shareholders who have the appraisal rights and the need to limit on the appraisal rights based on legislation and discussions in other countries. Furthermore, we would like to consider ways to improve the appraisal rights system and continuous development through the consideration of improvement measures.

      • KCI등재

        미성년자 스포츠선수의 초상권 보호 - 독일에서의 논의를 중심으로 -

        임대성 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2022 스포츠와 법 Vol.25 No.4

        On January 3rd, 2022, the Fair Trade Commission reviewed the player contracts of Korean professional football clubs and corrected unfair terms and conditions, significantly strengthening the player's portrait rights. The Korea Professional Football Federation regulation, which attributed the player's portrait rights to the club, was corrected by acquiring only the right to use. In this regard, people’s interest in portrait rights of athletes and minor athletes has grown. The right of portrait is the right to take a picture of oneself and exhibit or distribute it, and to file an objection and to claim compensation for damages if another person takes a picture and displays or distributes it without the consent of the person who is taken in the picture and who is the subject. This also happens to athletes who are minors that is under 18 years old in Korea.. However, in the portrait right, exceptions are recognized in certain cases to the principle that others should not infringe on the portrait or portrait-photo of the subject without the consent of the person who is the subject of photo. A representative case is the case of becoming a subject of social interest. For example, when a spectator who saw Yuna Kim who won the gold medal at the Winter Olympics on the ice rink and took a picture of the medal ceremony, and later posted the video on his/her Facebook page, or when a media company writes an article and shows the photos of Yuna Kim in the news. An example is proceeding without the consent of the individual player. Comparatively, looking at the example of Germany, in recognizing such an exception of the consent of the person who is the subject of photo, Germany had a judgment theory based on the concept of a suggestive person and a judgment based on the concept of a topical event. Judgment according to the conventional concept of suggestive person ‘was’ majority theory and precedent. Then, under the influence of the Caroline decision of the European Court of Human Rights(ECHR), the concept of topical event was adopted by the German Federal Court, and judgment based on the existing concept of topical person was discarded. To this end, 'information value for the public' was presented as a criterion for legal interests based on the differentiated protection principle. Accordingly, in the existing judgment standard, if an athlete became a famous athlete, an exception to be reported without consent was granted in the right of his portrait, but now the athlete's consent only if the photo is related to a topical event that has informational value for the public. Exceptions related to the player's portrait rights have been recognized even without the consent of the person who is the subject of player's portrait. In the portrait rights of minors, it is particularly problematic whether the athlete, who is the subject, can give his or her own consent. This is because, in the case of minors, the legal representative, such as a person with parental authority, is recognized. Accordingly, in the case of a disagreement between the minor and the parental authority, it is a problem whose intention is determined based on the consent of the photographing, exhibition and distribution of the photograph. As a pure portrait right without personality, it is analyzed by dividing it into cases with only personality. This is because when examining portrait rights, the provisions of the Civil Act that restrict minors' right to consent are applied on the premise of property rights. Accordingly, in Germany in the case of pure portrait rights, the minor's right to consent is emphasized and recognized, and the age of exercise for this is also lowered to about 14 years old. In addition, in the case of portrait photos with property rights, the right of parental consent is recognized based on the provisions of the Civil Act(BGB). However, in cases which is covered by German data protection law, minors can give consent only from the age of 16. In ...

      • KCI등재

        Transformations and Challenges: A PRC Perspective on Human Rights and Koreans’ Human Rights in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture

        박선영 한국중국학회 2009 國際中國學硏究 Vol.0 No.12

        This paper examines human rights as a theory that PRC claims to support and addresses how the PRC (People’s Republic of China) applies the theory to ethnic minority groups in reality. First, analyze what the PRC perspective on human rights is in theoretical terms and how the PRC defines the protection of the rights of minority ethnic populations. Second, examine how the PRC applies the theory to the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture (YKAP). Although there are many ethnic groups living in the YKAP, this paper focuses on the human rights issues of Yanbian Koreans and North Korean refugees in that region. This paper will present a case that reviews the reality of the protection of minority ethnic groups’ human rights that the PRC stresses. I will also review the issue of ethnic self‐government that institutionally guarantees the human rights of minority ethnicities. By pointing out the issue of Koreans living in the YKAP (Yanbian Koreans and North Korean refugees) who are in socially and politically poor surroundings, I will describe myths and realities of the PRC perspective on human rights. The autonomous prefecture of an ethnic region sets up an agency for autonomy and allows each ethnic group in the respective region to supervise internal affairs of the region. Thus, in PRC, there are 159 ethnic autonomous areas that consist of 5 self‐governing regions, 30 autonomous prefectures, and 124 autonomous counties. In reality, however, the population of Koreans in the YKAP, for example, has decreased remarkably due to the artificial administrative modification and accelerating segregation against Yanbian Koreans. Moreover, ethnic autonomy policies and systems that should protect the rights of minor ethnicities socially and systematically have faded because of the reduced number of officials from the Korean group. The North Korean refugees are in the dead zone of human rights within the YKAP. Economically poor escapees must endure miserable livings in the northeast region of the PRC, and their survival, which was their main motivation for escape, is threatened once more. Men and women have to endure extremely low wages, labor exploitation, and unjust treatment. Women are especially under a condition of sexual exploitation and sex slave‐like treatment, and even under the threat of human trafficking. The PRC’s perspective and practices of human rights face challenges and need transformations. The PRC perspective on human rights is not confined only to human rights for Chinese but also includes human rights for ethnic minority groups in the PRC, including Yanbian Koreans and North Korean refugees.

      • KCI등재


        원숙화 한중법학회 2022 中國法硏究 Vol.49 No.-

        The scattered distribution of ethnic minorities in China has increasingly deepened, and the protection of the rights and interests of scattered ethnic minority has become more and more important. Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, China has implemented the system of regional national autonomy, and has gradually formed a system of national laws, including Constitution, the Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy, departmental laws, administrative regulations and local rules, as well as autonomous regulations and separate regulations. In order to ensure the equal status of the scattered ethnic minorities, the measures safeguarding scattered ethnic minorities have been stipulated for the election of deputies to the National People's Congress, the right to perform official duties, the right to equal employment, the right to operate, the right to use spoken and written language, the right to education, customs and religious beliefs in the three aspects of politics, economy and culture. However, there are still some problems to be solved in the protection of the rights of scattered ethnic minorities. For example, the definition of the concept of scattered ethnic minorities is not clear; The provisions of local regulations on the protection measures for the rights of local scattered ethnic minorities are simply restated or transformed from the provisions of the upper law, which is failed to formulate corresponding measures according to the actual situation of this place, so the operability is not strong. In order to better protect the rights of scattered ethnic minorities, we should strengthen the legislative work of local regulations related to the protection of the rights of scattered ethnic minorities, improve the operability of rights protection measures. At the same time, formulate a special law on the protection of the rights of scattered ethnic minorities to unify the definition of the concept of scattered ethnic minorities, and clarify the minimum standards or directions for the formulation of measures to protect the rights of scattered ethnic minorities.. 中国少数民族分布散居化日益深化,散居少数民族权利保障问题越发 重要. 中国自建国以来实行民族区域自治制度,逐步形成了以宪法为根本 法,以民族区域自治法为基本法的包括各部门法、行政法规、地方性法 规和规章以及自治条例和单行条例在内的民族法体系. 为保障散居少数民 族平等地位,在政治、经济、文化等三个方面,针对人大代表选举、公 务担任权、就业平等权、经营权、语言文字使用权、受教育权、风俗习 惯与宗教信仰等七项权利规定了相关保障措施. 但是散居少数民族权利保 障工作还存在一些问题. 如对散居少数民族概念的界定不明确,地方性法 规对本地方散居少数民族的权利保障措施规定存在简单复述或转换上位 法的规定,没有做到根据本地方实际情况制定相应措施等. 为了更好地保 障散居少数民族的权利,应当强化散居少数民族权利保障相关地方性法 规立法工作,提高权利保障措施的可操作性,同时制定专门的《散居少 数民族权利保障法》,统一界定散居少数民族概念,明确散居少数民族 权利保障措施的最低标准和方向.

      • KCI등재

        중국 산거(散居) 소수민족 권리 보장에 관한 연구

        원숙화,박성민 한중법학회 2022 中國法硏究 Vol.49 No.-

        The scattered distribution of ethnic minorities in China has increasingly deepened, and the protection of the rights and interests of scattered ethnic minority has become more and more important. Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, China has implemented the system of regional national autonomy, and has gradually formed a system of national laws, including Constitution, the Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy, departmental laws, administrative regulations and local rules, as well as autonomous regulations and separate regulations. In order to ensure the equal status of the scattered ethnic minorities, the measures safeguarding scattered ethnic minorities have been stipulated for the election of deputies to the National People's Congress, the right to perform official duties, the right to equal employment, the right to operate, the right to use spoken and written language, the right to education, customs and religious beliefs in the three aspects of politics, economy and culture. However, there are still some problems to be solved in the protection of the rights of scattered ethnic minorities. For example, the definition of the concept of scattered ethnic minorities is not clear; The provisions of local regulations on the protection measures for the rights of local scattered ethnic minorities are simply restated or transformed from the provisions of the upper law, which is failed to formulate corresponding measures according to the actual situation of this place, so the operability is not strong. In order to better protect the rights of scattered ethnic minorities, we should strengthen the legislative work of local regulations related to the protection of the rights of scattered ethnic minorities, improve the operability of rights protection measures. At the same time, formulate a special law on the protection of the rights of scattered ethnic minorities to unify the definition of the concept of scattered ethnic minorities, and clarify the minimum standards or directions for the formulation of measures to protect the rights of scattered ethnic minorities. 중국 소수민족의 분산 거주화가 날로 심화되어 산거 소수민족의 권리 보장문제가 갈수록 중요해지고 있다. 중국은 건국 이래 민족 구역 자치 제도를 실시하여 점차 헌법을 근본법으로 하고 민족구역자치법을 기본법으로 하는 각부서법, 행정 법규, 지방 법규와 규정, 자치조례와 단행 조례가 포함된 민족법체계를 형성하였다. 산거 소수민족의 평등한 지위를 보장하기 위해 정치, 경제, 문화 등 3개 방면에서 인민대표대회 대표 선거, 공무담임권, 취업 평등권, 경영권, 언어문자 사용권, 교육권, 풍속 습관 및 종교 신앙 등 7가지 권리에대하여 관련 보장 조치를 규정하였다. 그러나 산거 소수민족의 권리 보장에는일부 문제가 있다. 예를 들면, 산거 소수민족 개념의 정의가 명확하지 않고, 지방성 법규는 본 지방 산거 소수민족의 권리 보장 조치에 대한 규정에 간단히복창하거나 상위법을 전환하는 문제가 존재하며, 해당 지역의 실정에 맞는 대응책 등을 마련하지 못하고 있다. 산거 소수민족의 권리를 더 잘 보장하기 위해서는 산거 소수민족의 권리 보장과 관련된 지방성 법규 입법 업무를 강화해야 하고, 권리 보장 조치의 조작성을 높이는 한편, 「산거 소수민족 권익 보장법」을 제정하여, 산거 소수민족 개념을 통일적으로 정의하고, 산거 소수민족권리 보장 조치의 최소 기준과 방향을 명확히 해야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        상권 : 헌법과 소수자 보호

        이준일 ( Zoon Il Yi ) 안암법학회 2014 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.43

        Minorities are defined as people whose human rights are violated. Thus, minorities are people whose rights to freedom oppressed, who are discriminated against their rights to equality and who are so poor that it is necessary for them to provide social rights, because human rights are divided in three categories, rights to freedom, equality and social rights. The oppression is the first problem of minorities. It means the infringement of the rights to freedom. The discrimination is the second problem of minorities. It means the infringement of the rights to equality. The poverty is the third problem of minorities. It means the necessity of guarantee of social rights and the notion of poverty is able to be defined in the absolute and relative meaning. Human rights of minorities are infringed by state, non-state persons and foreign states. As remedies and sanctions for violations of human rights, the parliament should make laws in order to prohibit and punish violations of human rights, courts should make rulings to control illegal acts that violate human rights, and judicial control is required in order to protect violations of human rights by legislations of the parliament and trials of courts.

      • KCI등재

        미성년자의 생명권과 국가의 보호의무

        한지혜(Ji-Hae HAN) 성균관대학교 법학연구소 2012 성균관법학 Vol.24 No.1

        This paper's topic is about minors' right to life. It mainly focuses on the conflict between the freedom of religion and the right to life in case when minors who are under parental rights lose their consciousness because of the illness. Especially I dealt with the problems can occur when parents with parental rights exercise their passed out underage children's right to life and freedom of religion. The fact is that we don't have much to do to the parents who violate their unconscious children's right to life in the name of religion. To make it clear in constitution, I made sure the minors situation as those possess both religious freedom and right to life. The government whose one of the duties is to protect its citizen's rights, must protect those minors with the fundamental human rights. Unfortunately, however, in Korea, because the provision for this is not so clear, I referred to cases in other countries. I mainly focused on the cases of United States because the hospital's ethic committee structure for the recent case of a minor's death on the religious reason resembles the one ones in America. In addition, I included recent comments on the special protection for the minors (or underaged) in the constitution. In my personal opinion, it is unnecessary to apply any other legal provisions to protect the minors with religious rights and right to life. I also researched on two Korean cases related to religious freedom.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 소수언어정책: 정책의도와 현실의 괴리

        강휘원 ( Hwi-won Kang ) 중앙대학교 국가정책연구소 2016 국가정책연구 Vol.30 No.4

        중국의 소수민족 언어는 소수민족 보호정책 차원에서 헌법 및 법률의 보호규정으로 법적 위상이 상당히 제고되었다. 그러나 정책산출의 측면에서 실제 그 보호효과와 위상이 약화되고 오히려 동화주의적 효과가 강화되었다는 논의들이 다수 제기되었다. 이 연구는 소수언어정책목표에 함축되었던 의도와는 달리, 집행과정 및 효과의 측면에서 현실적 괴리를 초래한 소수언어 발전의 장애요인을 탐색한다. 이를 위하여, 첫째, 이론적 배경으로 중국의 민족공동체특성과 언어권리 개념 및 언어정책 유형 등을 논의한다. 둘째, 중국 소수언어정책의 전개와 내용을 살펴본다. 셋째, 실제 소수언어정책과 현실 사이의 괴리요인들을 추적한다. 넷째, 이러한 괴리요인들의 시사점을 논의한다. 소수언어정책의 현실적 괴리요인으로 소수민족지역의 일선 학교와 가정의 재정적 빈곤, 공립학교에 대한 부모의 불신, 정부 관리들의 편견, 한족 문화·지식 중심의 소수민족 교과내용, 한족 관점에서 구성된 소수민족 문화·지식 교과내용, 언어자본으로서 한어 위상 강화, 공사모든 생활영역에서 한어의 지배 영향 및 소수민족 개인의 자발적인 중앙 지향적 욕망 등을 들 수 있다. 이러한 괴리요인들로 인하여 궁극적으로 소수민족의 정체성 약화와 언어권리 박탈, 소수언어의 멸종 위기, 공용어인 한어의 우세로 인한 소수언어 위축, 중앙 지향적인 인식체계 형성, 그리고 소수민족에 대한 동화주의적 교육 등 부정적 측면을 초래하고 있다. 요컨대, 중국의 소수언어정책은 중국정부가 국가의 안정과 국민의 화합의 이름으로 소수민족의 문화와 언어에게 베푸는 관용이며, 동화주의로의 전환이 진행되고 있다. The legal status of Chinese minority languages has witnessed significant improvement through the enactment of the Constitution`s protection clauses and policies concerning minority protection. However, many have argued that this is only a declarative principle. Rather in terms of policy outputs, the status and protection effect is rather weak and the assimilation effect is stronger. This study explores the barriers to minority language development that runs counter to the intentions contained in the initial minority language policy goals and results in a disjunction between implementation processes and effects. First, as the theoretical background, this study discusses the characteristics of Chinese national communities, the concept of language rights, and types of language policies. Second, it examines the development and contents of the Chinese minority language policy. Third, it tracks the factors that resulted in a disjunction between the minority language policy and reality. Fourth, it discusses implications of these factors. A number of practical disjunction factors include financial poverty of schools and families in ethnic minority regions, parents` distrust of the public schools, prejudice of government officials towards minority culture, minority curriculum contents that focus on the Han culture, minority culture and knowledge contents constructed from the perspective of the Han tribe, reinforcement of Chinese language as a language capital for trade and job seeking, dominant influence of Chinese in all areas of life, and the voluntary central-orientation of minorities. These factors lead to negative results such as the weakening of minorities` identity, deprivation of language rights, gradual disappearance of minority languages, decline of minority language due to the dominance of the common language, the formation of a centrally-oriented cognitive system, and proliferation of assimilation approaches to minority education. In short, China`s minority language policy is reflective of the Chinese government`s desire for national stability and harmony under the form of tolerance for minority cultures and languages, and indicates how the transition to assimilation is occurring.

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