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      • KCI등재

        매체를 넘어선 매체: 로잘린드 크라우스의 "포스트-매체" 담론

        김지훈 ( Ji Hoon Kim ) 한국미학회 2016 美學 Vol.82 No.1

        이 글은 미술비평가 로잘린드 크라우스(Rosalid Krauss)가 1990년대 말부터 제시한 ‘포스트-매체(post-medium)’ 담론을 다각적으로 살펴본다. 한편으로 이 글은 크라우스의 ‘포스트-매체’ 담론이 모더니즘적 매체 특정성 주장의 종언을 알리는 것을 넘어, 이러한 주장에 함축된매체 관념을 갱신하는 두 가지 방식으로 인해 의미가 있음을 주장한다. 첫째는 크라우스가 모더니즘적 매체 관념을 넘어서는 매체 관념을 주장한다는 것이다. 이는 매체를 ‘기술적 지지체’와 ‘관습’의 겹침이자 열린구조로 개념화하는 방식, 그리고 매체를 이질적이고 자기-변별적이며 인접 예술들과의 새로운 관계에 열린 것으로 파악한다는 점으로 연결된다. 다른 하나는 크라우스의 매체 관념에 담긴 발터 벤야민의 영향으로, 이는 쇠퇴한 기술적 지지체에서 미학적 잠재성과 문화적 기억을 회복하는 실천들로 연결된다. 다른 한편으로 이 글은 크라우스의 매체 관념이 가진 이 두 가지 함의를 평가하는 동시에 그것이 커뮤니케이션 수단으로서의 ‘미디어’어와 대립적인 것으로 규정될 때 한계를 노출한다고 주장한다. ‘포스트-미디어 담론’과의 비교는 바로 이러한 이분법적 한계를 지적하는데 유용한 통찰을 제공한다. This paper offers a multifaceted, close reading of the ‘post-medium’ discourse proposed by art critic Rosalid E. Krauss since the late 1990s. I argue that Krauss’s ‘post-medium’ discourse is meaningful in its two ways of reconfiguring the ideas of medium, more than declaring the demise of modernist medium specificity thesis. The first lies in Krauss’s conception of the medium as internally heterogeneous, self-differing, and opening itself to new relations to its neighboring arts and their corresponding material, technical, and aesthetic components. The second lies in Krauss’s elaboration on Walter Benjamin’s idea on the redemptive possibilities of the outmoded, which leads to her critical evaluation of the artistic practicies that recuperate the aesthetic potential and cultural memory from now obsolete technical supports. While discussing the implications andinfluences of these two conceptual layers in Krauss’s ‘post-medium’ discourse, this paper also argues for its limitation, that is, her strict dichotomy between her idea of the medium open to renivention and the media as the means of communication that threatens to annihilate the idea of medium specificity. My comparative reading of the ‘post-medium’ and the ‘post-media’ discourses offers a useful insight into this limitation caused by Krauss’s binary oppostion.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Effects of Substrate and Rootone on the Rooting of (Mentha spicata), Mentha x piperita, and Nepeta cataria

        Ji An Rim,Eu Jean Jang 한국인간·식물·환경학회 2017 인간식물환경학회지 Vol.20 No.5

        Effects of substrates, non-aggregated medium and Rootone on the rooting of spearmint (Mentha spicata), peppermint (Mentha x piperit) and catmint (catnip:Nepeta cataria) were investigate and results were as follow. Five types of substrate (saproilite (S), peatmoss (P), S:P 75:25, S:P 50:50, S:P 25:75v/v) were used as rooting media. In the rooting rate and number of roots, peppermint and catmint had higher values in saprolite with significant, but spearmint was shown the better result in S:P 25:75 mixed substrate than saprolite without significances. Root length of spearmint was promoted in mixed substrate of S:P 50:50 and 75;25, and catmint was better in saprolite substrate. Rooting rate and number of roots were shown more decreased in single peatmoss substrate and mixed substrate than saproilte. The effects of aggregated medium (S) and non aggregated medium (tap water) on the rooting of different stem part of mints were tested. Rooting and number of rooting of spearmint and peppermint in water medium were more increased than in saprolite medium. But catmint was not rooted in any medium. Rooting of upper parts with growing points was more increased than under part of stem, which was relative hardy. In Rootone treatments test on rooting of stem cuttings, all treatments very strongly promoted the rooting and number of roots not only in upper stems but also in under part of stem in saprolite and water medium. Rootone treatments (drying 10 minutes after dipping on wetted stem) was very effective in water medium. Especially catmint treated with Rootone promoted a root formation in water medium This research was clarified the possibilities of rooting on spearmint, peppermint, and catmint cuttings in water medium, when especially treated with Rootone.

      • KCI등재

        동시대 미술에 나타난 포스트미디엄 연구 - 로잘린드 크라우스의 포스트미디엄 이론을 중심으로 -

        허시하,김석 한국문화융합학회 2024 문화와 융합 Vol.46 No.1(특별호)

        본 논문은 다양한 매체의 활용으로 다변화한 매체 조건이 형성된 동시대 미술을 분석하는 것이 목적이다. 연구 방법으로는 20세기 말 로잘린드 크라우스가 선언한 ‘포스트미디엄 조건’이 도래하기까지 미술사적인 매체 개념의 흐름을 살펴보았고, 아울러 다변화한 매체 조건 속에서 예술가들의 표현 양상을 확인하였다. 이를 바탕으로 연구자는 새로운 매체를 예술 작품의 지지체로 삼아 탐구한 표본 작가들의 작품을 크라우스가 제시한 확장된 매체개념을 이입하여 분석하였다. 이러한 관점에서 연구자는 새롭고 다양한 매체가 예술작품으로 확립되기 위해 재고하고 극복해야 할 점들을 제시하였으며, 확장된 매체 개념으로 매체를 재 창안한 예술의 경우, 매체를 물리적 대상으로만 간주했던 기존 매체 개념의 한계와매체를 수단으로만 사용할 때 예술의 가치가 약화되는 모순에 대하여 극복하고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. The purpose of this paper is to analyze contemporary art in which diversified medium conditions were formed through the use of various medium. As a research method, the flow of the concept of art-historical medium was examined until the 'post-medium condition' declared by Rosalind Kraus at the end of the 20th century, and the expression of artists was confirmed in the context of the diversified medium establishment conditions. Based on this, the researcher analyzed the works of sample artists who explored new medium as a support for works of art by introducing the extended medium concept suggested by Kraus. From this point of view, the researcher suggested points that need to be reconsidered and overcome in order for new and diverse medium to be established as works of art, and in the case of art that reinvention medium with an expanded medium concept, it was confirmed that it was overcoming the limitations of the existing medium concept, which regarded the medium only as a physical object, and the contradiction that the value of art was weakened when the medium was used only as a means.

      • KCI등재

        송상희 '다시 살아나거라 아가야'와 써니킴 '풍경'이 시도하는 “매체의 재창안”-로절린드 크라우스의 매체미학적 논의에 비추어-

        최수임 한양대학교 현대영화연구소 2018 현대영화연구 Vol.14 No.3

        This paper examines the landscapes of “reinventing the medium” in the contemporary projection-installation works exhibited in the art museum. Sanghee Song’s Come Back Alive Baby (2017) - a 16 minute-long 3 channel projection installation - and Sunny Kim’s Landscape (2017) - a projection installation on the painting object - are analyzed from the perspective of Rosalind Krauss’ medium concept. Krauss has discussed the possibilities of “the obsolescence” for the medium. She asserts, leaning on Walter Benjamin’s “theorization of the outmoded” related to Surrealist movement, that the obsolescence could have a redemptive role for the medium and the outmoded medium can be reinvented by the conventions derived from the technical support. The slide-tape projection installation by James Coleman is one of such works, according to Krauss. Cinema medium can be seen as an obsolescent medium when the electronic and personal viewing/streaming monitors and mobile machine screens are usual for the movie audience. In this circumstance, cinema as the projected image-space has obtained the opportunity to be reinvented and remembered in the contemporary art gallery. What are the projection installation works in the contemporary museum doing to the cinema as the medium? Could it be said that the cinema medium is being reinvented? Sanghee Song’s Come Back Alive Baby and Sunny Kim’s Landscape are the interesting examples in order to examine it. Come Back Alive Baby presents in the spatial aspect of separation and relation between images, and Landscape in the intermedial-comparative way of distinct media, the possibilities of reinventing the cinema medium in the projection installation. Come Back Alive Baby inquires the montage process of the medium and Landscape envisions the generation of the projection-image/picture as cinema. These can be seen as the attempts to reinvent the medium. 이 글은 프로젝터를 통한 다채널 영상 설치 작품인 송상희의 <다시 살아나거라 아가야>와 더불어, 그림과 영상을 독특한 방식으로 사용함으로써 매체미학적으로 새로운 시도를 하고 있는 써니킴의 <풍경>을 예로, 로절린드 크라우스가 논하는 ‘매체의 재창안’이 동시대 미술관에서 전시되는 영상 작품의 경우 어떻게 시도되고 있는지 살펴본다. 송상희의 <다시 살아나거라 아가야>는 나란히 설치된 세 개의 스크린에 세 개의 프로젝터-채널을 통한 각각의 영상이 16분 동안 동시에 전시되는 다채널 영상 설치 작품이다. 또한, 써니킴의 <풍경>은 꿈 이미지를 그린 회화를 촬영한 영상을 다시 회화설치물 위에 영사함으로써 복합매체 영상을 전시하는 작품이다. 이 두 작품은 크라우스적 관점에서 “매체의 재창안”을 실행한다고 볼 수 있을까? 로절린드 크라우스는 낡고 쇠퇴한 것이 비로소 자본주의적 실용적 가치의 굴레에서 벗어나 본연의 미적 가치를 발한다는 발터 벤야민의 논지에 기대, 낡고 쇠퇴한 매체에서 본연의 예술적 가치를 발견하는 관습들을 통해 매체를 다시 창안해 내는 예술적 시도들을 논한다. 전자 모니터 개인 기기 및 스트리밍 등을 통한 영화관람이 일상화된 현재, 영화관의 스크린에 영사되는 이미지로서의 ‘영화’매체는 어느새 낡은 매체가 되어가고 있다. 이때 미술관에서의 영사기를 통한 영상 설치 작품들은 영화 매체에 어떤 작용을 한다고 할 수 있을까? 송상희의 <다시 살아나거라 아가야>는 여러 스크린-공간에 이미지를 분리하여 연관시키며 영상 매체의 작동방식을 해체 및 재조립하고, 이미지 간의 연대로서의 몽타주를 고찰한다. 써니킴의 <풍경>은 회화와 영상이라는 두 서로 다른 매체를 중첩, 비교시키며 영상이 그림으로부터 구별되며 생겨나기 시작하는 순간의 양상을 되짚어 상상하게 한다. <다시 살아나거라 아가야>가 영화 만들기 작업의 중간 단계(편집 과정)로 영화 매체를 되돌려 보인다면, <풍경>은 영상 매체의 발생을 탐구하고 매체의 근원을 그려가며 탐색한다고 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        상토 소독방법에 따른 재사용 상토에서의 묘삼생육특성 및 미생물상 변화

        이광재 ( K J Lee ),정혜정 ( H J Jung ),정햇님 ( H N Jeong ),김성일 ( S I Kim ),안문섭 ( M S Ahn ),주진호 ( J H Joo ) 강원대학교 농업생명과학연구원(구 농업과학연구소) 2015 강원 농업생명환경연구 Vol.27 No.1

        묘삼 안정생산 및 비용절감을 위한 상토 재활용 가능성을 확인하고자 토양훈증제와 고압멸균법을 이용하여 상토를 소독 후, 소독방법에 따른 묘삼 재배 시 상토내 미생물상 변화와 묘삼 생육특성을 비교하였다. 엽장, 엽폭, 근장 및 근경 등 묘삼 생육특성은 증기 및 약제소독 처리구에서 무처리구에 비해 우수한 것으로 나타났으며, 상토 소독처리에 의해 잘록병 및 근부병 발생이 감소함을 확인하였다. 묘삼 재배 전후의 상토 내 미생물상 조사 결과, 세균류는 처리구간에 큰 차이를 나타내지 않았으나, 진균류와 피시움균은 소독 처리한 상 토에서 묘삼 재배 후 각각 0.3 ± 0.2×103 CFU/g medium, 1.6 ± 0.1×103 CFU/g medium 및 0.7 ± 0.1×103 CFU/g medium, 2.4 ± 0.3×103 CFU/g medium으로 조사되었으며, 이는 묘삼 모잘록병 및 근부병 발생율이 무처리구에 비해 낮은 시험결과와 일치하였다. 실험 결과와 같이, 증기 또는 약제를 이용한 상토 소독을 통해 상토 구입비용 절감 및 토양병원균에 의한 인삼 연작피해 경감에 도움이 될 것으로 사료된다. This study was carried out to develop the reuse method of ginseng seedling medium for safe production of ginseng seedling and saving cost. The leaf length, leaf diameter, root length and root diameter of ginseng seedling at the medium sterilized by steam or dazomet were superior to control group. Moreover, disease incidences of damping-off and root rot were decreased at sterilized medium than control, and the densities of fungus and pythium sp. after cultivation of ginseng seedling at the medium sterilized by steam or dazomet were 0.3 ± 0.2×103 CFU/g medium, 1.6 ± 0.1×103 CFU/g medium and 0.7 ± 0.1×103 CFU/g medium, 2.4 ± 0.3×103 CFU/g medium, respectively. These results suggested that sterilization of medium using by steam or chemical could be used as proper method for reuse of ginseng seedling medium.

      • KCI등재

        고객보상프로그램의 비교가능성과 매개물효과

        박상준(Sang June Park),박소진(So Jin Park) 한국마케팅학회 2008 마케팅연구 Vol.23 No.3

        본 연구는 매개물효과를 보상프로그램에 적용하여 어떤 상황에서 매개물효과가 증대되는 가를 탐구하였다. 매개물(medium)이란 아이들이 바람직한 행동을 하고 받는 스티커나 고객보상프로그램의 포인트처럼 그 자체로서는 아무런 의미가 없으나 나중에 사탕이나 사은품 같은 원하는 결과물로 교환할 수 있는 일종의 대용화폐를 의미하며, 매개물효과란 단순히 매개물의 제시만으로 대안의 선호가 바뀌는 현상을 의미한다. 본 연구는 매개물효과를 고객보상프로그램에 적용하여, 동일한 보상물이 제공되었음에도 불구하고 제시된 마일리지 또는 포인트의 변화에 따라 보상물의 선호가 달라짐을 검증하였다. 또한 본 연구는 선택 대안(보상물)의 비교가능성이 매개물효과에 영향을 줄 수 있음을 탐구하였다. 구체적으로 본 연구는 1) 보상물 대안의 수가 적은 상황 vs. 많은 상황, 2) 보상물들의 선호 차이가 적은 상황 vs. 큰 상황, 두 가지 상황의 조합에 의한 4가지의 선택상황에서 매개물효과를 분석하였다. 분석결과, 보상물 간의 선호 차이가 적을수록 매개물효과가 증가하는 것으로 나타났고, 대안의 수가 많을수록 통계적으로 유의하지는 않았지만 매개물효과의 크기가 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. This study investigated the medium effect applying to customer loyalty program and explored the comparability of alternatives might affect on the medium effect. A loyalty program offers a freebie to bond customers to a company or its products or services. In a typical loyalty program, consumers earn a number of points for every purchase they make and then they can exchange a specified number of points for a desired reward they want to choose. In other words, consumers usually have to exert effort in order to achieve the desired reward, however, the immediate payoff of their effort is not the reward they actually care about. Instead it is merely an instrument, a token, which has no value in itself but can be traded for the reward they care about. The instrument is merely a `medium` between their effort and the desired reward as in the following: effort → medium → reward. Because the medium is inherently worthless consumers should skip it and base their decision solely on the effort → reward relationship. However, the effort → reward relationship typically not direct given, and consumers have to infer it from the relationship between effort → medium and medium → reward. In order to make a reasonable choice, consumers should pay equal attention to these two types of relationship. However they often fail to pay equal attention to these two types of relationship and maximize the not just the effort → reward but also the effort → reward. When consumers are faced with options entailing different outcomes, the presence of a medium can alter what option they choose. That is, consumers choose the option with a bigger medium even though the economic value of the option is not changed by the medium. Previous researcher (Hsee et al. 2003) called this phenomenon "medium maximization (or medium effect)". In this study we manipulated two variables in the empirical study and explored if the variables affect on the medium effect. The manipulated variables are the numbers of reward options (few vs. many) and the magnitude of preference difference between reward options (little vs. much). We manipulated the numbers of reward options with wine and additional KTX (The Korean Train eXpress) discount coupon and controlled the magnitude of preference difference with Korean red wine, Italian red wine, and French red wine. In order to compare the medium effect, we measured the medium effect using the numerical formula which is based on the concept of medium effect suggested by Hsee. et al. (2003). The formula represents how much a medium influence consumers` preferences. To test all the hypotheses, 93 respondents were assigned to one of two groups (control group vs. experiment group). Different from the respondents under the control condition, the respondents under the experiment condition were presented the mediums which were points they could exchange them with the rewards. The all respondents were asked to choose one of two loyalty programs (focused program vs. compared program) in four different conditions [2(the number of reward options: few vs. many) × 2(the magnitude of preference difference between reward options: little vs. much)]. To compare the medium effects among the four experiment conditions we used "bootstrap" and ANOVA analyses. The empirical result shows the medium effect increases when the number of reward options is many and the magnitude of preference difference is little. This research gives some empirical implications to marketers that the medium with higher points will be more helpful to maintain customers than the medium with lower points although the economic values of the options (rewards) are the same. Additionally, it let us know that the comparability of alternatives can increase (or decrease) the medium effect.

      • KCI등재

        내건성 식물의 기내증식에 미치는 배양배지와 생장조절제의 영향

        박동진,김학곤,양우형,용성현,임현정,최명석 경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2017 농업생명과학연구 Vol.51 No.6

        The conditions of mass propagation of five plant species such as Lespedeza cuneata, Arundinellahirta, Rumex crispus, Silene firma, and Kummerowia striata. They were proved to be droughttolerant plants and investigated. Among the five species, L. cuneata showed the best lengthgrowth in WPM medium, A. hirta showed good stem growth in MS medium, R. crispus in LPmedium, S. firma in LP medium and K. striata in SH medium, respectively. The rootdevelopments were also different depending on the culture media and the plant species. In thecase of L. cuneata, no root was induced in all media, A. hirta was the MS medium, R. crispuswas the WPM medium, S. firma was the MS medium, and K. striata was the best in the 1 /2MS medium. Leaf browning of L. cuneata, showed the highest browning in B5 medium, A. hirta in WPM medium, R. crispus in B5 medium and S. firma in LP medium. Survival rates ofL. cuneata, R. crispus and S. firma were 100% in all mediums whereas A. hirta was 25% inWPM medium, and K. striata was 25% in LP medium. In the case of treatments withcytokinins to induce multiple shoots of the selected species, 0.5mg/l TDZ treatment for L. cuneata, 0.5 mg/l BA for A. hirta, 0.1 mg/l TDZ for R. crispus, 0.5mg/l BA for S. firma, K. striata formed the largest number of multiple shoots at 0.5mg/l BA treatment. The cytokinintreatment affected stem growth, in vitro rooting and multiple shoot induction. The in vitrocultivated plants were successfully acclimated in four artificial soils. The results of this studycould be contributed greatly to the development and mass propagation of 5 kinds of usefulplants and drought tolerant plants. 내건성이 우수하다고 판명되어진 비수리(Lespedeza cuneata), 새(Arundinella hirta), 소리쟁이(Rumex crispus), 장구채(Silene firma), 매듭풀(Kummerowia striata) 5수종의 기내대량증식 조건을구명하였다. 5종의 선발종 중 비수리는 WPM배지에서 길이생장이 가장 좋았으며, 새는 MS배지, 소리쟁이는 LP배지에서 장구채는 LP배지, 매듭풀은 SH배지에서 좋은 길이생장을 보였다. 뿌리발생도 수종에따라 배양배지에 따라 다르게 나타났다. 비수리의 경우 기내발근은 모든 배지에서 뿌리가 발생하지 않았으며, 새는 MS배지, 소리쟁이는 WPM배지, 장구채는 MS배지, 매듭풀은 1/2MS배지에서 가장 좋은뿌리생장을 보였다. 잎 갈변은 비수리는 B5배지, 새는 WPM배지, 소리쟁이는 B5배지, 매듭풀은 LP배지에서 가장 심한 갈변을 보였다. 생존율은 비수리, 소리쟁이, 장구채는 모든배지에서 100% 생존율을보였으며, 새는 WPM배지에서 25% 생존율을, 매듭풀은 LP배지에서 25%의 낮은 생존율을 나타냈다. 선발종의 다경줄기를 유도하기 위해 cytokinin을 처리한 결과 비수리의 경우 TDZ 0.5mg/L 처리구, 새는BA 0.5mg/L, 소리쟁이는 TDZ 0.1mg/L, 장구채는 BA 0.5mg/L, 매듭풀은 BA 0.5mg/L 처리구에서가장 많은 다경줄기를 형성하였다. cytokinin 처리는 줄기생장, 기내발근 및 다경줄기 유도에 영향을미쳤다. 기내에서 배양된 식물체는 4종의 인공상토에서 성공적으로 순화되었다. 본 연구 결과들은 내건성을 가진 5종의 유용식물의 품종개발 및 대량증식에 크게 기여할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI우수등재

        보상물 선호에 있어서 매개물효과와 합의정보효과

        박상준(Sang June Park),박소진(So Jin Park),변지연(Ji Yeon Byun) 한국경영학회 2008 經營學硏究 Vol.37 No.3

        A loyalty program offers a reward to bond customers to a company or its products or services. This study compared the medium effect with the consensus information effect in a loyalty program. In a typical loyalty program, consumers earn a number of points for every purchase they make and then they can exchange a specified number of points for a desired reward they want to choose. In other words, consumers usually have to exert effort in order to achieve a desired reward, however, the immediate payoff of their effort is not the reward they actually care about. Instead it is merely an instrument, a token, which has no value in itself but can be traded for the reward they care about. The instrument is merely a ``medium`` between their effort and the desired reward as in the following: effort→medium→reward. Because the medium is inherently worthless consumers should skip it and base their decision solely on the effort→reward relationship. However, the effort→reward relationship typically not direct given, and consumers have to infer it from the relationship between effort→medium and medium→reward. In order to make a reasonable choice, consumers should pay equal attention to these two types of relationship. However they often fail to pay equal attention to these two types of relationship and maximize the not just the effort→reward but also the effort→reward. When consumers are faced with options entailing different outcomes, the presence of a medium can alter what option they choose. That is, consumers choose the option with a bigger medium even though the economic value of the option is not changed by the medium. Hsee et al. (2003) called this phenomenon “medium maximization (or medium effect)”. Meanwhile, people are influenced by the consensus information. Consensus information is defined as information involving others` opinions about or evaluations of an attitude object, for example, “80 percent of 300 customers in Korea have selected the ○○○”. This study applied these two effects to customer loyalty program and investigated which one has more powerful influence to customers` choices. Our hypotheses are followed; H1. A medium would affect on consumers` choices of the reward option, H2, An consensus information would influence consumers` choices of the reward option, H3. The consensus information effect would be more powerful than the medium effect. To test all the hypotheses, 149 respondents were assigned to one of three groups (control group vs. the medium presented group vs. the consensus information presented group). All the respondents were asked to make choices between the two different rewards (e.g. white wine vs. red wine). For the diverse 11 products including hedonic and utilitarian goods, we measured and compared the medium effect with the consensus information effect. The comparisons showed that the consensus information effect is more influential than the medium effect on consumers` choices. In the comparisons, additionally, we observed the positive correlation between the two effects. In sum, this research implies that the medium and the consensus information can be used to maintain customers although the economic value of the options (rewards) are the same.

      • Development of a Novel in vitro Maturation System for Pig Oocytes using a Medium with Reduced Sodium Chloride

        Joohyeong Lee,Eunsong Lee 한국수정란이식학회 2017 한국수정란이식학회 학술대회 Vol.2017 No.05

        In vitro maturation (IVM) systems have become indispensable for the production of large numbers of competent oocytes in domestic species. The quality of in vitro matured oocyte is one of the important factors determining the success of assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) including intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) in human and livestock. Incomplete cytoplasmic maturation of oocytes can lead not only to a failure of fertilization but also to a developmental arrest after ARTs. Thus, establishment of a stable IVM system to produce a large number of high quality oocytes, especially in domestic animals, is essential for improvement of ARTs efficiency by producing high quality embryos. The morphological characteristics are commonly used to predict the developmental potential of oocytes and embryos. Usually, normal oocytes shrink when exposed to a hypertonic medium, and recover their morphology when returned to an isotonic medium. During this process, oocytes show various morphologic changes, such as shrinkage in spherical (SSP) or irregular shapes (SIR). In the first study, we investigated whether the shrinkage pattern of oocytes that was observed after hyperosmotic treatment could be used as a morphologic characteristic to predict the quality of IVM oocytes in pigs. We found that SSP oocytes showed improved developmental competence after PA and SCNT. This improved embryonic development was most likely because of the more advanced nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation in SSP oocytes compared with SIR oocytes. Pig oocytes shows a wide variation in the size of perivitelline space (PVS) after IVM. Based on this finding, we examined in the second study whether or not there was any correlation between the PVS size of IVM oocytes and their developmental competence after PA and SCNT. Our results demonstrated that in vitro developmental competence to the blastocyst stage positively correlated with the size of the PVS of oocytes after IVM. In addition, we observed that mature oocytes with a larger PVS showed higher levels of intracellular GSH content and transcription factor expression. Furthermore, enlargement of the PVS by culturing in reduced NaCl medium improves the embryonic development after PA and SCNT. In the third study, we investigated the effects of a hypotonic medium with reduced NaCl (61.6 mM) compared with an isotonic medium (108.0 mM NaCl) on oocyte maturation and embryonic development after PA and SCNT. In addition, we attempted to optimize our IVM system using a hypotonic maturation medium by examining the effects of hypotonic medium during various stages of IVM on oocyte maturation and subsequent embryonic development. Our results demonstrated that maturation of pig oocytes in hypotonic medium with reduced NaCl during the last 11 hr of IVM increased the developmental competence of oocytes after PA and SCNT. These beneficial effects was also shown in a commercial medium (a minimum essential medium; aMEM) in which the NaCl concentration was reduced to 61.6 mM. In addition, IVM of oocytes in medium with reduced NaCl increases the proportion of SSP oocytes in pigs. In summary, our results demonstrate that IVM of pig oocytes in a hypotonic medium with low-NaCl is better able to support embryonic development after PA and SCNT, most likely by improving the cytoplasmic maturation via increased intraoocyte GSH content and widened PVS. Based on these results, the newly developed IVM system using a hypotonic medium with reduced NaCl can produce high quality oocytes and be considered a new strategy for improving ARTs efficiency in pigs.

      • 중소제조기업의 관리회계시스템 실태분석

        김종민 동의공업대학 1998 論文集 Vol.24 No.1

        We are agree on the importance of medium and small manufacturing business in the national economy. But there is little actual condition research about the present condition of medium and small manufacturing business managerial accounting systems. The problem of officials in charge is the shortage of concerned useful information when making a decisions in practical business. So the first subject concerns how useful information applies to practical business. Furthermore, the company gathers and uses information concerned with decision making of management. Reasonable understanding and the comprehension ability of the officials in charge is required to design and operate the cost accumulation and managerial accounting system. To solve this problem, we should understand the status of the managerial accounting system standing of medium-small business, and this study investigates the degree of official's understanding as follows. First, to understand the managerial accounting system, we have considered practical problems compared with the results of domestic ore-research, such as in Japan and U.S.A. Second. to act the strategy of management, we are going to design a control system which supports the management plan and helps obtain of the organizational purpose of manager. Third. we are going to help make cost calculations and sound managerial accounting system affairs of Korean medium-small business. The extent of this study is as follows, (the practical research of managerial accounting system in Pusan·Kyung-nam area) First. we have analysed the manufacturing price factors, the distribution status of cost management and the status of cost calculation. Second. we have gone a practical analysis of cost management status for the managerial accounting system and the control in medium-small business. Third, we have analysed the cost calculation system and managerial accounting system in medium-small business details. Fourth. from the results of analyses compared with the results of pre-research about the managerial accounting system of company, we suggested the needs of settlement to solve problems in the managerial accounting system of medium-small business. We also suggested methods of how to advance the managerial accounting system. First, direct material cost is mostly occupies present medium-small business manufacturing cost and distributing condition of manufacturing overhead cost is made most by habit from the past and simplification of calculation. According to it. we can know that the composition of manufacture cost and distribution standard is not rational and efficient. Second, we know that the result which analyses the managerial accounting system of present medium-small business and the cost management condition for control of so many uses cost information to real cost calculation for financial report and simply stock management. So we know that it is urgent to develop a systematical managerial accounting system for applying cost calculation system from play of goods. Third. the application degree of cost information is rather high in each part of management decision making, Particularly, it shows that cost information in price making or price negotiation is useful. But managerial accounting system officials in medium-small business express that the pursuit of improvement method is main subject because the satisfaction of cost calculation method in now is lower than that of a large company. Fourth, cost management officials in medium-small business suggest getting a proper cost calculation method, preparing cost data collection system in each part and pursuing a computer system for the overcoming problem of cost calculation. And without concern for the scale of business, the method for developing managerial accounting system is to introduce of standard cost calculation system and to develop a standard distribution of reasonable manufacturing overhead cost. Generally speaking, our medium-small businesses dont have a proper managerial accounting system in the processing F.A. Compared with a large company. medium-small business does not have enough cost calculation and managerial accounting system. So. medium-small businesses need to give up their old management ways which have depended on their experience' and habits in past and it needs the change of their thoughts to recognize the importance of cost newly. Medium-small businesses have to hurry up to invest for education their officials and making high-quality of managerial accounting system.

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