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        결핵의 재구성 - 질병분류의 정치와 식민지 조선 한의학의 정체성

        박승만 ( Park Seung-mann ) 연세대학교 의과대학 의사학과 의학사연구소 2017 연세의사학 Vol.20 No.2

        This article examines the identity of Korean traditional medicine under the influence of western medicine in Colonial Korea by investigating conceptual reconstruction of tuberculosis. Western medicine and Korean traditional medicine, which faced each other in the time and space of modern Korea, constructed new identities through each other. This process was initially directed against Korean traditional medicine. It was because the Japanese Government-General of Korea imposed the learning of western medicine upon traditional practitioners. Korean traditional medicine, devoted to study western medicine while preserving its own theory and practice in the 1910s and 1920s, later established a new identity through the debate on the revival of Korean traditional medicine in 1934. The existing studies have explained that after the debate, Korean traditional medicine regained self-confidence and returned to its original appearances or placed itself at a level equal to or surpassing western medicine. They successfully explain the changing status of Korean traditional medicine. Meanwhile, they also show the limitation of assuming it as a fixed subject. In their descriptions, Korean traditional medicine only adjusted its attitude toward western medicine while keeping its knowledge system intact. However, the re-drawn Korean traditional medicine was a new kind of thing, far from the traditional or western medicine. In the 1930s, Korean traditional medicine produced hybrid theory, a compound of the traditional and the western. In this paper, it is claimed that the internalization of western medicine, which is symbolized by germ theory, had a great influence on the identity of Korean traditional medicine. The disease classification of western medicine, which Korean traditional medicine learned and practiced for the preparation of the examination or the sale of western drugs, changed the epistemological frame, and the change in the frame of perception was reflected in the identity of Korean traditional medicine. That explains why newly constructed Korean traditional medicine used the language of germ theory. For traditional practitioners, western medicine was ‘what I have to know’ and ‘what I want to learn,’ but it was also ‘what I got used to involuntarily’ as the system of knowledge was reconstructed.

      • KCI등재

        한・양방 협진제도에 관한 고찰

        왕비(Wang Fei) 중앙대학교 법학연구원 2021 法學論文集 Vol.45 No.2

        With the development of science and technology, medical technology for survival environments has been advanced for the prolongation of human lifespan, while aging and increasing of chronic diseases threaten human survival. Traditional medicine has contributed significantly to protecting human health by continuously transmitting and developing for thousands of years. However, since the last century, the rapid therapeutic effect, advanced medical equipment, and scientific treatment methods of Western medicine have profoundly impacted the traditional medicine system worldwide. With changes in social development and medical hygiene structure, the increase of the number of people in the gray zone, elderly and chronic diseases, and the limitations of Western medicine in treating incurable diseases are becoming more pronounced. In contrast, traditional medicine has fewer side effects, lower prices, and unique treatment techniques, which have revealed its strength in the health gray zone, geriatric disease, chronic disease, incurable disease. The popularity of traditional medicine around the world is increasing again. As traditional medicine in Korea and China, Korean medicine and traditional Chinese medicine originated from the same medical theory system but developed into a completely different medical system depending on history. Korea is more focused on the succession and development of traditional medicine and expects to further develop Korean medicine based on traditional medical culture to form a unique medical culture globally. Through the revision of the National Medical Law in 1951, Korea has established a dualized medical system in which Korean medicine and western medicine coexist and have equal legal status. There is a distinction between Korean medicine and western medicine in the legal system, but due to unclear declarative divisions, conflicts over areas such as medical equipment and instruments come out in an unending flow. With current science and technology development, future medical fields will raise more legal problems regarding the intersection and fusion of modern science and technology. In China, traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine are poised to develop fusion, and the government encourages the integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine, hopes that traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine will take advantage of each other and compensate for their shortcomings to achieve results that cannot be obtained in a single field, and jointly contribute to China s medical hygiene business. Chinese hygiene and health government have already developed with mutual complement and harmonious development of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, and it is advancing in a multilevel medical system including traditional Chinese medicine, western medicine, and integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine. It is also advancing into the global traditional medicine market. In Korea, under a dualized medical system, Korean medicine doctors and western medicine doctors have many problems such as lack of mutual trust, conflict of interest, and overlapping medical care. Therefore, to solve these problems and improve the quality of medical services, it is necessary to establish and develop a collaborative medical care system in which Korean medicine doctors and western medicine doctors can cooperate for treatment. Through the introduction of the integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine system of China, this paper particularized the problems of separation of Korean medicine and western medicine and the necessity of collaborative medical care system, for the further development of Korean medicine system, this paper also analysed the development status and improvement direction of the collaborative medical care system. It is hoped that the Korean medicine system can establish a perfect collaborative medical care system, 과학기술의 발전에 따라 수명 연장을 위한 의료기술은 진보하고 있는 반면, 그에 따른 노령화와 만성질환의 비율의 증가 등은 인류 생존을 위협하고 있다. 전통의학은 오랫동안 끊임없이 계승, 발전하여 인류의 건강을 지키는 데 중요한 공헌을 해 왔다. 그러나 지난 세기 이래 서양의학의 빠른 치료효과와 의료장비의 발달, 그리고 과학적인 치료방법은 전세계의 의료체계에 지대한 영향을 미치게 된다. 반면, 사회발전과 의료위생 구조의 변화에 따라 건강 회색지대(Gray Zone) 한의학에서는 특별히 아픈 곳은 없지만 몸이 계속해서 무겁고 피로한 상태를 호소하는 사람들의 신체상태에 대해 “미병(未病)”이라고 이야기한다. 이는 건강과 질병의 중간 상태로, 아건강(亞健康), 반건강(半健康) 또는 회색지대(grey zone)라고도 불린다. 한국한의학연구원은 지난 2012년 국제심포지엄을 통해 아직 세계적으로 낯선 개념인 “미병(未病)”을 집중적으로 언급한 바 있다. 기후와 라이프스타일, 식습관과 의생활 등이 과거와 다르게 변모하면서 현대인들 사이에서 미병을 앓고 있는 사람은 증가하고 있다(이시우, “질병과 건강의 회색지대, 미병을 아시나요”, The Science Times, 2014. 01. 06). 인 사람과 노인병, 만성질환환자가 늘면서 난치병 치료에서 서양의학의 한계가 점점 뚜렷해지고 있다. 이에 반해 전통의학은 부작용이 적고 가격이 저렴하며 독특한 치료기법으로 건강회색지대, 노인병, 만성병, 난치병 등의 분야에서 강점이 점차 드러남에 따라 전세계적으로 전통의학의 인기가 다시 높아지고 있다. 한의학과 중의학(中醫學)은 한국과 중국의 전통의학으로서 같은 의학이론체계에서 기원했지만, 역사에 따라 완전히 다른 의료체계로 발전하였다. 한국은 전통의학의 계승과 발전에 더 중점을 두어, 한의학을 기존의 전통적인 의료문화에 기초하여 발전시킴으로써 독보적인 의료문화를 형성하고자 한다. 1951년 국민의료법의 개정을 통해 한의학과 양의학의 두 체계가 공존하며 동등한 법적 지위를 갖는 이원화된 의료체계를 마련하게 된다. 그러나 의료와 한방의료의 불분명한 선언적 구분으로, 의료장비나 기구의 활용 등 영역에 관한 갈등이 지속되고 있다. 과학기술의 발전으로 인해 미래의 의료 분야에서는 현대 과학기술의 교차와 융합에 관한 더 많은 법적인 문제들을 야기할 것이다. 중국에서는 중의학(中醫學)과 서의학(西醫學)이 서로 융합, 발전하는 태세이다. 국가는 중서의결합의학(中西醫結合醫學)을 장려하며, 중의학과 서의학이 서로 장점을 취하고 단점을 보완하여 단일 영역에서 획득할 수 없는 결과를 얻고자 하며 공동적으로 중국의 의료위생사업에 공헌하도록 하고 있다. 중국의 위생보건사업은 이미 중의학과 서의학의 상호 보완과 조화로운 발전을 촉진하는 것을 특색으로 하여 발전시켜 나가고 있고 국가의 정책지원하에 중의, 서의, 중서의결합의의 다방면의 의료체계를 공동 발전시키고 있고 세계 전통의학시장에도 진출하고 있다. 한국은 이원화된 의료체계하에서 의사와 한의사의 상호 신뢰부족, 이해관계 충돌, 중복의료 등의 문제가 발생하고 있다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하고 의료서비스의 질을 높이기 위한 보완책으로써 의사와 한의사가 상호 협력하여 진료하는 협진제도를 장려하고 발전시켜야 할 것이다. 본 연구는 중국 중서의결합제도를 통해 한・양방 의료 분업의 문제점과 협진제도 도입의 필요성을 살펴보고, 한국의 전통의학 법률체계의 건전한 발전을 촉진하기 위하여 특히 한・양방 협진제도의 발전현황과 개선방향에 대하여 중점적으로 검토하고자 한다. 이를 통해 한국 의료체계 상의 갈등을 해결하고 협진제도의 설립에 대한 법제적 연구의 첫걸음이 됨으로써 한의학의 세계 시장 진출에 촉진제가 되고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 한방의료의 현황과 과제 : 미래사회를 위한 정책적 선택

        한동운,김향자,윤태형,우혜경,Han, Dong-Woon,Kim, Hyang-Ja,Yoon, Tae-Hyung,Woo, Hye-Kyung 대한예방한의학회 2005 대한예방한의학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        Since 1990's, the Korean society, experiencing the low fertility and aging society, has been confronting with the threats in health care sector. The threats are the increases in the demand for health care, health care financial burden, and so on. In particular, the change of disease pattern and aging population result in the increases patients' demand for not only western medical services but also oriental medical services and complimentary medicine. Recently, the increases in availability of oriental medical services and the health care resources related to oriental medicine are raising some issues and conflicts in the Korean health sector. Theses circumstance required policy makers, central and local government, and public health sector to develop health policies related to oriental medicine and interface or integrate of traditional Korean medicine and Western medicine. For the near future, these issues will probably remain the focus of integration of traditional Korean medicine and Western medicine in public health sector. To cope with the threats in health care sector, one of the opportunities is to scale-up e public role of traditional Korean medical services. The main purpose of this study was to develop strategies to scale-up the Public role of traditional Korean medical services for the future society. The research questions are: what are the trends and problems in traditional Koran medical sector; what are the causes of or associated factors to the problems; how to cope with the problems and how to resolve the cause?; what are the health policy directions and its strategies that the government should take to cope with the future demand and the burden on health care sector? The results of this study are as follows. In order ta scale-up the public role of traditional medicine, this research offered health policy directions for traditional Korean medicine in response to a change environment of health care sector. There are four directions to be addressed: 1) the development of and investment in public oriental medicine infra-structure; 2) the development of public policy on oriental medicine; 3) modernization and globalisation of traditional Korean medicine; 4) the expansion of academic exchange between Western medicine and traditional Korean medicine. Finally, we discussed stakenholders' on traditional Korean medicine in the health care market. Then, public policy options for future society was suggested.

      • KCI등재

        한약업사의 약업 일상을 통해 본 전통의료의 민속지적 이해

        박경용 국립민속박물관 2007 민속학연구 Vol.0 No.20

        The purpose of this article is to investigate folk cultures of traditional medicine through everyday lives of Korean herbal pharmacists. In order to achieve the purpose, I applied anthropological methods of field work; collecting oral life histories through in-depth interviews, and collecting documents (official and private) and other things from the everyday lives of practitioners. Korean herbal pharmacists, called Hanyakupsa, are specialists of Korean medicinal herbs (Hanyak: 韓藥) used in Korean traditional medicine. They have handed down from generation to generation various Hanbang practices (韓方文化) comprising not only skills and knowledge of Hanyak, but also material evidence of its effectiveness and its customs and basic principles. Hanyakupsa have contributed their share to national medical welfare by managing dispensaries of Korean traditional medicine (Hanyakbang: 韓藥房) in rural areas with no medical facilities. However, the role and status of Hanyakupsa have been merely as complements to the established national medical welfare. Therefore, their legal and social status has weakened gradually, and now their existence is being seriously threatened. It is necessary to take special steps towards insuring the continued use of Hanyak so that we may be healthy. It is also important that Korean traditional medicine develops harmoniously with pharmacies. We all must agree to unite for discussion about the special qualities, benefits and the continued use of Hanyak. The purpose of this article is to investigate folk cultures of traditional medicine through everyday lives of Korean herbal pharmacists. In order to achieve the purpose, I applied anthropological methods of field work; collecting oral life histories through in-depth interviews, and collecting documents (official and private) and other things from the everyday lives of practitioners. Korean herbal pharmacists, called Hanyakupsa, are specialists of Korean medicinal herbs (Hanyak: 韓藥) used in Korean traditional medicine. They have handed down from generation to generation various Hanbang practices (韓方文化) comprising not only skills and knowledge of Hanyak, but also material evidence of its effectiveness and its customs and basic principles. Hanyakupsa have contributed their share to national medical welfare by managing dispensaries of Korean traditional medicine (Hanyakbang: 韓藥房) in rural areas with no medical facilities. However, the role and status of Hanyakupsa have been merely as complements to the established national medical welfare. Therefore, their legal and social status has weakened gradually, and now their existence is being seriously threatened. It is necessary to take special steps towards insuring the continued use of Hanyak so that we may be healthy. It is also important that Korean traditional medicine develops harmoniously with pharmacies. We all must agree to unite for discussion about the special qualities, benefits and the continued use of Hanyak.

      • KCI등재

        중(한)의사, 중(한)의의료기관 및 중(한)의학 관련 인식.태도 및 의료행태에 관한 연구 - 중국의 한족, 조선족과 한국인을 중심으로 -

        이선동,손애리,유형식,장경호,Lee Sun-Dong,Sohn Ae-Ree,Yoo Hyeong-Sik,Chang Kyung-Ho 대한예방한의학회 2002 대한예방한의학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        Over thousands of years oriental traditional medicine has developed a theoretical and practical approach to treat and prevent diseases and to promote people's health in China and Korea. In China, the integration of traditional Chinese medicine into the national healthcare system began in the late 1950s. This was in response to national planning needs to provide comprehensive healthcare services. On contrary to China, South Korea established the parallel operation of two independent medical systems in 1952. Hence there has been a political conflict between oriental and modern medicine over issues of fee, the ability to sell and prescribe herbal medicines, and the licensing of practitioners in traditional medicines. Given this background. This study is to compare peoples' attitudes and opinions for oriental traditional medicine by ethnicity (Chinese, Korean-Chinese and Korean). Chinese and Korean-Chinese were more used and satisfied with traditional medicine treatment and traditional practitioners compared with Koreans. The proportion of Koreans who reported the cost of traditional treatments was expensive was higher than those of Chinese and Korean Chinese. Most of Chinese, Korean-Chinese, and Koreans reported that they would use traditional medicine: 1) when they would have some disease to be treated best through traditional medicine; and 2) when traditional practitioner had a reputation and lots of experiences for those diseases. Most Korean people reported that oriental and western practitioners should cooperate each other to improve the quality of care. Therefore, policy framework including integration of traditional and western medicine, regulation, etc. is needed. In addition, research is needed to determine which diseases is treated best through traditional medicine.

      • KCI등재

        응급(應急) 한의학에 대한 고찰

        김희영,한유리,이한별,양기영,채한 대한침구의학회 2016 대한침구의학회지 Vol.33 No.2

        Systematic Review of Traditional Korean Emergency Medicine※ Hee Young Kim1, Yoo Ri Han1, Han Byul Lee1, Gi Young Yang2 and Han Chae1,* 1Division of Longevity and Biofunctional Medicine, School of Korean Medicine, Pusan National University 2Division of Clinical Medicine, School of Korean Medicine, Pusan National University Objectives : Traditional Korean Emergency Medicine (EM) has been developing for thousands of years, however its value was not properly considered after 19th century modernization. The purpose of this study was to review the current status of EM in Korean Medicine and suggest methods for improvement. Methods : We performed systematic reviews of the definition, current medical system, and educational curriculum of EM in Western Medicine, traditional Korean and Chinese Medicine, and integrated Western and traditional Chinese medicine with the use of medical classics and text books. We also analyzed the trends in published research articles to discuss the current situation in the field of traditional Korean EM, and to provide methods for its establishment and development with traditional Korean medicine. Results : The definition of EM as a treatment of acute disease shares common understanding among traditional Korean, Chinese, and Western medicine. We presented descriptions of EM in many medical classics, however current law and EM service does not include these. As for the review of publications during the last 20 years, we found 21 articles in several fields that confirmed the need for more investigation. Conclusion : Traditional Korean EM has a long history and clinical experiences that can be found in medical classics, textbooks and research articles. There is an urgent need for more studies on traditional Korean EM as an emergency medical service system, and in terms of educational curriculum and related policies to improve Evidence-Based teaching.

      • KCI등재

        1930~1940년대 강필모의 한의학 인식과 과학화론

        박윤재(Park, Yun-jae) 한국역사연구회 2014 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.94

        After Korea’s liberation from the Japanese occupation, a person named Gang Pil-mo joined the Oriental Medicine Association to practice medicine as well as promote his proposal of how to ‘modernize’ traditional Korean medicine, and develop it into a form of ‘science.’ His practices were centered around scientific verification of traditional Korean medicinal theories, and more particularly on developing prescriptions produced via traditional Korean medicine. The scientific information set utilized for such verification was no other than western medicine, which was deemed as an absolute criterion in developing something into science. The proposal of Gang Pil-mo formed an important axis in the discussion of developing traditional Korean medicine into science, which began to flourish after the liberation. The proposal of Gang Pil-mo was especially meaningful because it expressed an interest in technologies beyond theories, while most of the other arguments regarding western and oriental medicines of the 1930∼40s were stuck in debating whether or not the value of traditional Korean medicine should be respected and accepted. Considering that medicine is only important when it could be applied to real-life practice, practical considerations on the scientific nature of traditional Korean medicine as well as all the down-to-earth measures proposed by Gang Pil-mo were nothing but significant to say the very least. However, as he had doubts in the traditional theory involving Yin and Yang figures and also the so-called Five Elements in particular, he tried to create an entirely new set of medicine through his scientific verification. In other words, he never fully accepted traditional Korean medicine, which was to him a subject that required verification. This was also why he emphasized the importance of establishing hospitals where clinical trials can be done, as he believed that verification through clinical trials could be a practical option which would be chosen by western practitioners who were interested in traditional Korean medicine. Because Gang Pil-mo recommended western medicine as an absolute criterion, his proposal can be evaluated as reflecting the medical reality of Korea at the time, which was led by western medicine. Furthermore, his view and proposal shows us the nature of the Korean society at the time, which was witnessing the thriving western civilization at its doorstep in the form of medicine, and we can see that traditional Korean medicine at the time had no other option but to depend on western medicine for its own very survival and advancements.

      • KCI등재

        한의사와 중의사의 면허제도에 관한 비교 고찰

        왕비 ( Wang Fei ) 한국외국어대학교 법학연구소 2021 외법논집 Vol.45 No.3

        한의학과 중의학(中醫學)은 한국과 중국의 전통의학으로서 같은 의학이론체계에서 기원했지만, 역 사에 따라 완전히 다른 의료체계로 발전하였다. 지난 세기 이래 서양의학의 빠른 치료효과와 의료장비의 발달, 그리고 과학적인 치료방법은 전세계의 의료체계에 지대한 영향을 미치게 된다. 사회발전과 의료위생 구조의 변화에 따라 노인병, 만성질환환자가 늘면서 난치병 치료에서 서양의학의 한계가 점점 뚜렷해지고 있다. 이에 반해 전통의학은 부작용이 적고 가격이 저렴하며 독특한 치료기법으로 노인병, 만성병, 난치병 등의 분야에서 강점이 점차 드러남에 따라 전세계적으로 전통의학의 인기가 다시 높아지고 있다. 한국은 1951년 국민의료법의 개정을 통해 한의학과 양의학의 두 체계가 공존하며 동등한 법적 지위를 갖는 이원화된 의료체계를 마련하게 된다. 이원화된 의료체계로서 한의학과 서양의학을 구분하고 있고 한의학과 서양의학의 교육과정과 치료방법이 다르므로 한의사의 한방의료행위와 의사의 의료 행위에 대해 면허된 것 이외의 의료행위는 무면허 의료행위로 해석하고 있다. 중국에서는 중의학(中醫學)과 서의학(西醫學)이 서로 융합, 발전하는 태세이다. 국가는 중서의결합 의학(中西醫結合醫學)을 장려하며, 국가의 정책지원하에 중의, 서의, 중서의결합의의 다방면의 의료 체계를 공동 발전시키고 있고 세계 전통의학시장에도 진출하고 있다. 중국 관련법에서는 중의사의 업무범위에 대한 명확한 규정이 없고 중·서의사가 상대 학과의 의료행위를 무제한 행사하는 현상은 현실에서 법제의 혼란을 초래할 수 있다고 사료된다. 의료행위가 고도의 위험성을 가지고 있어 전문적인 의료인이 아닌 경우 국민의 생명, 신체나 공중 위생에 대해 엄중한 위해성을 초래할 수 있으므로 무면허 의료행위는 엄격히 금지되어야 한다. 이러한 법익을 보호하기 위하여 형벌을 사용하여 제재하는 것이 마땅히 필요하지만 무면허 의료행위와 면허 된 것 이외의 의료행위를 구별 없이 강력한 형벌권의 행사는 의료인의 자율성에 심각한 제약을 야기 하였으며 자율권을 보장하는 세계적 추세에도 부합되지 않는다. 과학기술의 발전으로 인해 미래의 의료 분야에서는 현대 과학기술의 교차와 융합에 관한 더 많은 법적인 문제들을 야기할 것이다. 본 연구는 한의사와 중의사 면허제도의 비교를 통하여 두 제도 각각의 장단점을 살펴보고 한의사와 중의사의 면허제도의 원활한 전개 및 양국의 전통의학 법률체제의 건전한 발전을 촉진하고자 한다. As traditional medicine in Korea and China, Korean medicine and traditional Chinese medicine originated from the same medical theory system but developed into a completely different medical system depending on history. Since the last century, the rapid therapeutic effect, advanced medical equipment, and scientific treatment methods of Western medicine have profoundly impacted the traditional medicine system worldwide. With changes in social development and medical hygiene structure, the increase of the number of elderly and chronic diseases, and the limitations of Western medicine in treating incurable diseases are becoming more pronounced. In contrast, traditional medicine has fewer side effects, lower prices, and unique treatment techniques, which have revealed its strength in geriatric disease, chronic disease, incurable disease. As a result, the popularity of traditional medicine around the world is increasing again. Through the revision of the National Medical Law in 1951, Korea has established a dualized medical system. The dualized medical system distinguishes Korean medicine from Western medicine, and the curriculum and treatment methods of Korean medicine and Western medicine are different, medical practices out of licensed practice scope of Korean medicine doctors and Western medicine doctors are interpreted as unlicensed medical practices. In China, traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine are poised to develop fusion, and the government encourages the integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine. With the support of the national policy, it is advancing in a multilevel medical system, including traditional Chinese medicine, western medicine, and integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine. However, the related law does not have a precise regulation on the practice scope of traditional Chinese medicine doctors, and the phenomenon that traditional Chinese medicine doctors and Western medicine doctors exercise medical activities in each other’s departments unlimitedly can confuse the medical-legal system. Since medical practice involves invasions of the human body and contains risks that can cause harm to human life and public health, unlicensed medical practice should be strictly prohibited. But the strong punishment without distinction between unlicensed medical practices and medical practices out of licensed practice scope has caused serious restrictions on the autonomy of medical doctors and is not consistent with the global trend of ensuring autonomy. The development of science and technology will lead to more legal issues regarding the intersection and convergence of modern technology in the medical field of the future. This article compares the qualification system of Korean medicine doctors and traditional Chinese medicine doctors and analyzes their respective advantages and disadvantages. It seeks to promote the smooth development of the qualification system of Korean medicine doctors and traditional Chinese medicine doctors and the healthy development of the traditional medical-legal systems of the two countries.

      • KCI등재

        세계 시장에서 한약의 권리보호를 위한 정책적 제도에 관한 연구 -중국 입법례를 중심으로-

        김정선 ( Jung Sun Kim ),이승우 ( Seung Woo Lee ),김윤경 ( Yun Kyung Kim ) 한국법정책학회 2014 법과 정책연구 Vol.14 No.1

        전 세계인의 평균 연령이 점점 늘어나 고령화 사회가 진전되면서 노년층의 의료비 지출은 점차 증가하고 있고, 현대의학도 눈부신 발전을 하였다. 그럼에도 불구하고 현대의학으로 치료할 수 없는 불치병과 난치병은 늘어나고, 이에 현대인들은 건강하게 긴 수명을 유지할 방법을 모색하기 시작했고 이러한 상황속에 인위적이지 않은 자연적인 치료를 선호하게 되었으며 그 결과 동양의학을 비롯한 세계 전통의약 시장이 아시아, 유럽, 북미 등을 중심으로 연평균 7.4%씩 성장하고 있으며, 2011년에는 약 2000억 달러에 이르렀다. 이러한 상황에서 중국은 세계 원료 한약재 생산국 1위임에도 불구하고 세계 한약제품 가공약 시장에서 3~5%의 점유율을 차지하고 있어 일본, 미국, 유럽 등 한약재가 거의 나지 않는 나라에 뒤처지고 있는 바, 이에 심각성을 깨닫고 세계 가공 한약제품 시장에서도 1위를 차지하기 위해 여러 가지 제도를 시행하며 노력중이며, 구체적으로 중국에서는 전통의약을 특허법으로 보호함과 동시에 두터운 행정적 보호 체계를 갖추었다. 그에 반해 한국은 중국에 이어 수천년의 한의학 전통과 인프라를 가지고 있고 직접 일부 한약재를 생산함에도 불구하고 한의약에 대한 체계적인 개발이 미흡하고 정부 차원의 정책과 법도 미흡하여 중국, 미국, 일본, 유럽 등에 비교해 볼 때 많이 뒤처지고 있는 것이 현실이다. 그러므로 세계시장에서 대체의학과 전통의약 분야의 발전 속도와 급속히 성장하는 시장 규모, 그리고 우리나라 한의약이 이미 세계적으로 이뤄낸 성과를 보아 우리나라도 한의약의 권리 보호를 위해 체계적이고 구체적인 법안을 마련한 필요가 있고 특히 전통의약을 상업적으로 어떻게 보호할 것인가에 초점을 두어 그 제도 마련을 위한 방안을 위한 초석으로 현재 전통의약의 권리보호에 앞장서고 있는 중국 정부의 정책적 보호제도를 면밀히 분석하여 그 해결책을 제시해 보고자 하였다. As the increasing average life span of people around the world is making an aging society, medical expenditures of older people is growing rapidly. Nevertheless the development of modern medicine is brilliant, modern medicine keeps failing to cure chronic and terminal illness, so modern people is looking for ways to keep health during their long life. In this situation, the people is in favor of non-artificial natural remedies. They are showing interest to alternative medicine and traditional medicine which are natural and relatively cost effective compared to modern medicine. Based on these results, the market of traditional medicine including herbal medicines in Asia, Europe, North America showed an average 7.4% of annual growth and the scale in 2006 reached $245 billion. In the case of traditional medicine market, about $90 billion in 2006 had reached approximately $200 billion in 2011. Now, if this growth rate in market maintained, the officials forecasts it will be about $ 5 trillion in 2050. In this exploding market, Although China is the top of the world in the production of raw medicinal herbs, they occupy only 3~5% in a manufactured herbal product market of the world and even inferior to the Japan, USA, Europe which does not produce raw herbs. Knowing the seriousness, China has implemented a number of administrative system to be in the first place of manufactured herbal product market. Specifically, they has amended the patent law and made a thick administrative protection to protect the rights of traditional medicine in China. In contrast, despite South Korea has a strong traditional korean medical resources for many years and produces raw medicinal herbs, we are lacking of a systematic development of traditional medicine and the government policies and laws. Therefore Korea is much behind to China, USA, Japan and Europe in a traditional medicine market in the world. Recently, the fields of alternative medicine and traditional medicine in the world are developing rapidly and the traditional market is also growing very fast. Besides, Traditional Korean medicine has shown some achievement like Jaseng hospital around the world. Therefore, Korea needs a government-wide effort for the globalization of Korean traditional medicine. Korean government have to establish the specific legislation system for the protection of the rights of traditional medicine by the requirements of the times. With reference to major countries around the world, especially considering the Chinese government`s policy, we carefully analyze and suggest the regulations focusing on how to protect the commercial rights of traditional medicine. Finally, we have to set up the proper system for our country and need to redefine it and so, strong support and policy-planning of the government and continuous administrative effort of enactment of a special regulation is urgently needed.

      • KCI등재

        세계 시장에서 한약의 권리보호를 위한 정책적 제도에 관한 연구 - 중국 입법례를 중심으로 -

        김정선,이승우,김윤경 한국법정책학회 2014 법과 정책연구 Vol.14 No.1

        As the increasing average life span of people around the world is making an aging society, medical expenditures of older people is growing rapidly. Nevertheless the development of modern medicine is brilliant, modern medicine keeps failing to cure chronic and terminal illness, so modern people is looking for ways to keep health during their long life. In this situation, the people is in favor of non-artificial natural remedies. They are showing interest to alternative medicine and traditional medicine which are natural and relatively cost effective compared to modern medicine. Based on these results, the market of traditional medicine including herbal medicines in Asia, Europe, North America showed an average 7.4% of annual growth and the scale in 2006 reached $245 billion. In the case of traditional medicine market, about $90 billion in 2006 had reached approximately $200 billion in 2011. Now, if this growth rate in market maintained, the officials forecasts it will be about $ 5 trillion in 2050. In this exploding market, Although China is the top of the world in the production of raw medicinal herbs, they occupy only 3~5% in a manufactured herbal product market of the world and even inferior to the Japan, USA, Europe which does not produce raw herbs. Knowing the seriousness, China has implemented a number of administrative system to be in the first place of manufactured herbal product market. Specifically, they has amended the patent law and made a thick administrative protection to protect the rights of traditional medicine in China. In contrast, despite South Korea has a strong traditional korean medical resources for many years and produces raw medicinal herbs, we are lacking of a systematic development of traditional medicine and thegovernment policies and laws. Therefore Korea is much behind to China, USA, Japan and Europe in a traditional medicine market in the world. Recently, the fields of alternative medicine and traditional medicine in the world are developing rapidly and the traditional market is also growing very fast. Besides, Traditional Korean medicine has shown some achievement like Jaseng hospital around the world. Therefore, Korea needs a government-wide effort for the globalization of Korean traditional medicine. Korean government have to establish the specific legislation system for the protection of the rights of traditional medicine by the requirements of the times. With reference to major countries around the world, especially considering the Chinese government's policy, we carefully analyze and suggest the regulations focusing on how to protect the commercial rights of traditional medicine. Finally, we have to set up the proper system for our country and need to redefine it and so, strong support and policy-planning of the government and continuous administrative effort of enactment of a special regulation is urgently needed. 전 세계인의 평균 연령이 점점 늘어나 고령화 사회가 진전되면서 노년층의 의료비 지출은 점차 증가하고 있고, 현대의학도 눈부신 발전을 하였다. 그럼에도 불구하고 현대의학으로 치료할 수 없는 불치병과 난치병은 늘어나고, 이에 현대인들은 건강하게 긴 수명을 유지할 방법을 모색하기 시작했고 이러한 상황속에 인위적이지 않은 자연적인 치료를 선호하게 되었으며 그 결과 동양의학을 비롯한 세계 전통의약 시장이 아시아, 유럽, 북미 등을 중심으로 연평균 7.4%씩 성장하고 있으며, 2011년에는 약 2000억 달러에 이르렀다. 이러한 상황에서 중국은 세계 원료 한약재 생산국 1위임에도 불구하고 세계 한약제품 가공약 시장에서 3~5%의 점유율을 차지하고 있어 일본, 미국, 유럽 등 한약재가 거의 나지 않는 나라에 뒤처지고 있는 바, 이에 심각성을 깨닫고 세계 가공 한약제품 시장에서도 1위를 차지하기 위해 여러 가지 제도를 시행하며 노력중이며, 구체적으로 중국에서는 전통의약을 특허법으로 보호함과 동시에 두터운 행정적 보호 체계를 갖추었다. 그에 반해 한국은 중국에 이어 수천년의 한의학 전통과 인프라를 가지고 있고 직접 일부 한약재를 생산함에도 불구하고 한의약에 대한 체계적인 개발이 미흡하고 정부 차원의 정책과 법도 미흡하여 중국, 미국, 일본, 유럽 등에 비교해 볼 때 많이 뒤처지고 있는 것이 현실이다. 그러므로 세계시장에서 대체의학과 전통의약 분야의 발전 속도와 급속히 성장하는 시장 규모, 그리고 우리나라 한의약이 이미 세계적으로 이뤄낸 성과를 보아 우리나라도 한의약의 권리 보호를 위해 체계적이고 구체적인 법안을 마련한 필요가 있고 특히 전통의약을 상업적으로 어떻게 보호할 것인가에 초점을 두어 그 제도 마련을 위한 방안을 위한 초석으로 현재 전통의약의 권리보호에 앞장서고 있는 중국 정부의 정책적 보호제도를 면밀히 분석하여 그 해결책을 제시해 보고자 하였다.

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