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      • KCI등재

        가시광통신체계에서 난반사 조명을 고려한 인코딩 스킴

        은성배,김동규,차신 한국멀티미디어학회 2019 멀티미디어학회논문지 Vol.22 No.2

        Visible light communication technology is being studied and developed in various ways due to advantages such as high transmission speed, excellent positioning and higher security. However, existing visible light communication systems have difficulties in entering the market because they use special transmitters and receivers. We will overcome the difficulty if we develope a VLC system that uses a conventional LED light as a transmitter and a smartphone camera as a receiver. What matters is that LED lights include a scatter filter to prevent glareness for human eyes, but the existing VLC(Visual Light Communication) method can not be applied. In this paper, we propose a method to encode data with On / Off patterns of LEDs in the lighting with M ⨯ N LEDs. We defined parameters like L-off-able and K-seperated to facilitate the recognition of On / Off patterns in the diffused Lights. We conducted experiments using an LED lighting and smart phones to determine the parameter values. Also, the maximum transmission rate of our encoding technique is mathematically presented. Our encoding scheme can be applied to indoor and outdoor positioning applications or settlement of commercial transactions.

      • KCI등재

        역광 이미지의 효율적인 컬러 색상 보정을 위한 Retinex 알고리즘의 성능 개선

        김영탁(Young-Tak Kim),유재형(Jae-Hyoung Yu),한헌수(Hern-Soo Hahn) 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2011 韓國컴퓨터情報學會論文誌 Vol.16 No.1

        본 논문은 상대적으로 대비도 차이가 크게 나타나는 역광 이미지에 대해서 Retinex 알고리즘을 적용하여 보정 했을 경우 발생하는 밝은 영역에서의 컬러성분의 손실을 개선하기 위한 새로운 기법을 제안한다. 역광 이미지의 경우 밝은 영역과 어두운 영역에 대한 밝기 차이가 매우 크게 발생하기 때문에 Retinex 알고리즘을 이용하여 영상의 대비도를 향상시킬 경우 밝은 영역에서의 컬러 성분이 손실되는 현상이 발생한다. 이러한 손실을 보완하기 위해서 원본 영상의 밝은 영역에 해당하는 컬러 성분을 Retinex 알고리즘으로 보정된 영상에 추가해준다. K-mean 알고리즘을 이용하여 원본 영상에서의 밝은 영역, 어두운 영역, 중간 영역을 분리하고 밝은 영역에 대해서의 컬러 성분을 추가적으로 복원해 주며, 중간 영역에 대해서는 히스토그램에서의 위치를 기준으로 밝고 어두운 성분에 대한 비율을 고려하여 각 비율에 따라 원본 영상과 Retinex 복원 영상의 밝기 값을 함께 이용하도록 한다. 제안하는 알고리즘의 성능 평가를 위해 역광 현상이 강하게 나타나는 자연영상들을 대상으로 적용하여 기존의 Retinex 알고리즘보다 우수한 성능을 가지고 있음을 보였다. This paper proposes a new algorithm that improve color component of compensated image using Retinex method for back-light image. A back-light image has two regions, one of the region is too bright and the other one is too dark. If an back-light image is improved contrast using Retinex method, it loses color information in the part of brightness of the image. In order to make up loss information, proposed algorithm adds color components from original image. The histogram can be divided three parts that brightness, darkness, midway using K-mean (k=3) algorithm. For the brightness, it is used color information of the original image. For the darkness, it is converted using by Retinex method. The midway region is mixed between original image and Retinex result image in the ratio of histogram. The ratio is determined by distance from dark area. The proposed algorithm was tested on nature back-light images to evaluate performance, and the experimental result shows that proposed algorithm is more robust than original Retinex algorithm.

      • KCI등재

        문학 한류와 한-서 문학 번역의 새로운 전환 K-소설의 스페인어 번역출판을 중심으로

        김희진 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2022 통번역학연구 Vol.26 No.1

        In the last 10 years, Korean literature has drawn substantial attention from the global book publishing industry, with “K-Literature” and the “Korean Wave in Literature” entering the lexicon. Since Please Look After Mom by Shin Kyung-sook won the Man Asian Literary Prize in 2011, many Korean novels have won internationally renowned literary awards one after another, with an unprecedented amount of publishing rights sales to markets across the world. This indicates that Korean literature has shown potential as a new type of content for the Korean wave, and has entered the arena of international literature, shedding the tag of local literature. This study examines the Spanish translations of Korean literary works that have led the shift and the characteristics of their publishing in order to understand the changes in the translation of Korean literature into Spanish. Based on the analysis of the data from Overseas Translation Support Program (2001-2021) of the Literature Translation Institute of Korea, a government-funded program for promoting translation and publishing of Korean literary works, this study identifies three major characteristics in the translation of K-Novels in Spanish-speaking countries: a) change in the role and status of English as an intermediary language for literature, b) change in translators, and tentatively, c) the potential for a system in which the works of a specific writer are translated by the same translator.

      • KCI등재

        방광보살 신앙의 기원과 전개

        김아름(Kim, Areum) 한국미술사교육학회 2016 美術史學 Vol.- No.32

        방광보살에 대한 영험기는 북송 端拱 2년(989)에 승려 常謹이 찬한『地藏菩薩像靈驗記』卷第1「梁朝善寂寺畵地藏放光之記」에서 처음으로 등장한 이후 현세에서의 이익과 부녀자들의 안산에 대한 영험을 중심으로『삼보감응요략록』,『각선초』,『사십첩결』,『불조강목』 등 중국과 일본의 여러 문헌에 전해져 내려왔다. 이에 일찍이 많은 학자들의 논의가 이루어졌으며 기존의 학설을 검토하며 방광보살을 둘러싼 여러 문제들에 대하여 살펴보았다. 그 결과, 문헌에 전해지는 방광보살상은 관음보살과 지장보살을 그린 것이지만 현재 중국과 우리나라에 전해지는 관음·지장병립상을 방광보살로는 볼 수 없다. 그것은 중국과 우리나라의 관음보살과 지장보살의 결합이 망자를 추선하고 내세에서의 안락을 바라는 반면, 방광보살은 현세에서의 이익과 부녀자의 안산을 위해 신앙되었으며 현재 중국과 우리나라에는 방광보살상이라 전해지는 작품이 없기 때문이다. 반면『각선초』,『사십첩결』,『아사박초』등 방광보살과 관련한 다수의 문헌은 일본의 것이며,『中宮御産部類記』,『御産御祈目錄』등에는 궁궐의 중궁이나 후궁의 태자 출산시 안산을 기원하며 방광보살을 공양하였다는 내용, 공양문을 昌禮하거나 방광보살진언 각 7천 번을 외우고 水, 花, 飮, 食 등을 바치는 등 방광보살을 공양하는 행법에 대해서도 꽤 구체적으로 서술되어 있어 일본에서는 중국 및 우리나라와는 달리 방광보살 신앙이 성행하였음을 알 수 있다. 본 논문은 방광보살의 기원과 성격, 그리고 일본에서 체계화된 방광보살 신앙의 여러 양상을 살펴볼 수 있다는 점에서 의의를 찾을 수 있다. The memoirs of deity experience on Bodhisattva with a Ray of Light appeared in Writings on the Miracles of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Image for the first time, and they have been handed down in the literature in China and in Japan such as Sambogameungyoryakrok, Gakseoncho, and Asabakcho. Thus, there was a lot of discussion as to it from many scholars long ago, and this study explored existing theories and various problems surrounded with Bodhisattva with a Ray of Light. As a result, Bodhisattva with a Ray of Light image handed down in the literature was a drawing of Avalokitesvara and Ksitigarbha, but the Iconography of Avalokitesvara and Ksitigarbha handed down to China and Korea could not be regarded as Bodhisattva with a Ray of Light. While it was hoped that combination of Avalokitesvara and Ksitigarbha in China and Korea would hope for a memorial service for the deceased and comfort for the next world, Bodhisattva with a Ray of Light was believed for benefits for the current world and woman’s easy dele very and currently there is no work regarding Bodhisattva with a Ray of Light image both in China and in Korea. On the other hand, because serving methods of Bodhisattva with a Ray of Light was concretely elaborated in Asabakcho and Junggungeosanburyugi, Eosaneogimokrok, etc., in a perspective that wishing for prince safe delivery from the queen or seraglios in the palace with serving Bodhisattva with a Ray of Light, voicing serving codes, 7,000 time memorizing of Bodhisattva with a Ray of Light words served with flowers, drinks and foods, etc., the belief of Bodhisattva with a Ray of Light was found to be rampant in Japan. Accordingly, this study can be found meaningful in that explored were the origin and development of the belief in Bodhisattva with a Ray of Light, and the process and various aspects of systemizing the belief of Bodhisattva with a Ray of Light in Japan.

      • KCI등재후보

        K2SiF6:Mn4+ 적색형광체의 발광 특성

        최희락,정영우,강태욱,Gemechu Deressa,김종수,김대원 한국화상학회 2016 한국화상학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        적색 K2SiF6:Mn4+ 형광체는 SiO2 in/HF/KMnO4H2O solution 용액의 산화환원 반응에 의해 합성된다. 이 형광체 는 450 nm 이하의 파장에서 여기되어 Mn4+의 2Eg → 4A2g에 의해 반치폭이 10 nm인 약 634 nm의 적색 빛을 발광한다. 입자의 크기는 약 5 ㎛이고 결정구조는 Fm-3m (225)의 공간군을 가지는 입방정계이다 (JCPDS85-1382). 온도의존 발광 스펙트럼에서는 약 175 ℃에서의 발광강도가 상온에서보다 66 %까지 감소하였다. 이 형광체는 청색 발광을 하는 InGaN LED에 의해 효과적으로 여기 될 수 있어서 녹색이나 황색 형광체와 함께 사용하여 연색지수가 높은 백색 LED를 만들 수 있다. Deep-red K2SiF6:Mn4+ phosphor was synthesized by are doxreaction of SiO2 in/HF/KMnO4H2O solution. Under the 450 nm excitation, it shows an arrow deep-red emitting around 634 nm which is attributed to the 2Eg to 4A2g transition of Mn4+ ion with the halfwidth of 10nm. Its size was approximately 5 ㎛. It has a single phase of cubic structure with a space group of Fm-3m (225) with JCPDS # 85-1382. In the temperature dependence of emission spectra, their intensities decrease to 66 % of that at room temperature is about 175 ℃. These phosphors can be efficiently excited by the blue light‑emitting InGaN diode and provides a high color rendering property with green or yellow phosphors.

      • KCI등재후보

        K<sub>2</sub>SiF<sub>6</sub>:Mn<sup>4+</sup> 적색형광체의 발광 특성

        최희락 ( Heelack Choi ),정영우 ( Youngwoo Jeong ),강태욱 ( Taewook Kang ),( Gemechu Deressa ),김종수 ( Jongsu Kim ),김대원 ( Daeweon Kim ) 한국화상학회 2016 한국화상학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        Deep-red K<sub>2</sub>SiF<sub>6</sub>:Mn<sup>4+</sup> phosphor was synthesized by are doxreaction of SiO<sub>2</sub> in/HF/KMnO<sub>4</sub>H<sub>2</sub>O solution. Under the 450 nm excitation, it shows an arrow deep-red emitting around 634 nm which is attributed to the <sup>2</sup>E<sub>g</sub> to <sup>4</sup>A<sub>2g</sub> transition of Mn<sup>4+</sup> ion with the halfwidth of 10nm. Its size was approximately 5 ㎛. It has a single phase of cubic structure with a space group of Fm-3m (225) with JCPDS # 85-1382. In the temperature dependence of emission spectra, their intensities decrease to 66 % of that at room temperature is about 175 ℃. These phosphors can be efficiently excited by the blue light emitting InGaN diode and provides a high color rendering property with green or yellow phosphors.

      • KCI등재

        음향 장면 분류를 위한 경량화 모형 연구

        임소영,곽일엽 한국통계학회 2021 응용통계연구 Vol.34 No.6

        Acoustic scene classification (ASC) categorizes an audio file based on the environment in which it has been recorded. This has long been studied in the detection and classification of acoustic scenes and events (DCASE). In this study, we considered the problem that ASC faces in real-world applications that the model used should have low-complexity. We compared several models that apply light-weight techniques. First, a base CNN model was proposed using log mel-spectrogram, deltas, and delta-deltas features. Second, depthwise separable convolution, linear bottleneck inverted residual block was applied to the convolutional layer, and Quantization was applied to the models to develop a low-complexity model. The model considering low-complexity was similar or slightly inferior to the performance of the base model, but the model size was significantly reduced from 503 KB to 42.76 KB. 음향 장면 분류는 오디오 파일이 녹음된 환경이 어디인지 분류하는 문제이다. 이는 음향 장면 분류와 관련한 대회인 DCASE 대회에서 꾸준하게 연구되었던 분야이다. 실제 응용 분야에 음향 장면 분류 문제를 적용할 때, 모델의 복잡도를 고려하여야 한다. 특히 경량 기기에 적용하기 위해서는 경량 딥러닝 모델이 필요하다. 우리는 경량 기술이 적용된 여러 모델을 비교하였다. 먼저 log mel-spectrogram, deltas, delta-deltas 피쳐를 사용한 합성곱 신경망(CNN) 기반의 기본 모델을 제안하였다. 그리고 원래의 합성곱 층을 depthwise separable convolution block, linear bottleneck inverted residual block과 같은 효율적인 합성곱 블록으로 대체하고, 각 모델에 대하여 Quantization를 적용하여 경량 모델을 제안하였다. 경량화 기술을 고려한 모델은 기본 모델에 대비하여 성능이 비슷하거나 조금 낮은 성능을 보였지만, 모델 사이즈는 503KB에서 42.76KB로 작아진 것을 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Kappa - light Chain 다발성 골수종에 동반된 유전분증 및 제한성 심근증 1 예

        채현기(Hyun Ki Chae),윤영무(Young Moo Yoon),김정호(Jeong Ho Kim),김경수(Kyung Soo Kim),김정현(Jeong Hyun Kim),임헌길(Heon Kil Lim),김인순(In Soon Kim),이방헌(Bang Hun Lee),이정균(Chung Kyun Lee),홍은경(Eun Kyung Hong) 대한내과학회 1994 대한내과학회지 Vol.47 No.3

        Amyloid diseases constitute a group of conditions of diverse causes characterized by the accumulation of ultrastructually fibrillar material in various tissues in quantities sufficient to compromise vital organ function. The symptoms of the amyloidoses depend upon the amount and localization of the deposits. Myocardial involvement with amyloid is a common cause of secondary restrictive cardiomyopathies caused by a variety of conditions (amyloid, sarcoid, Gaucher disease, Hurler disease). Of the three major functional categories of the cardiomyopathies (dilated, hypertropic and restrictive), the restrictive are the least common in Western countries. The hallmark of the restrictive cardiomyopathies is abnormal diastolic function with excessively rigid ventricular walls. We had experienced one case of amyloidosis, especially involving heart who was admitted to Hangyang University Hospital due to dyspnea on exertion, abdominal distension and edema on both lower extremites. Echocardiogram showed markedly thickened septum and ventricular wall, as well as mitral valve thickening, and left atrial enlargement. Doppler echocardiogram showed markedly increased E wave, and in pulmonary venous flow by tranesophageal echocardiogram, D wave was prominent. In tissue sections of endocardium and rectum, with conventional staining technique, amyloid appears homogenous and eosinophilic. Amyloid showed apple-green birefrigence withCongo-red stain and under polarized light. On electron microscopy of endocardial biopsy, typical rigid, nonbranching fibrils (amyloid fibrils) are arranged randomly and are noted in the interstitium and around blood vessels, surrounding cardiac myocytes and capillaries. Kappa light chain multiple myeloma was diagnosed by bone marrow aspiration, biopsy and immunoelectrophoresis of serum and urine. He was treated with mephalan, prednisolone and diuretics.

      • KCI등재

        가요순위 프로그램의 무대조명 변화와 트랜드 연구- 90년대부터 최근까지의 지상파3사 가요순위 프로그램 중심으로 -

        나준기 한국일러스아트학회 2014 조형미디어학 Vol.17 No.4

        The stage lighting and the production of television music shows have been changing sensitively according to display environments with the times. The broadcasting system has been changing, the scale of open broadcasting shows of TV show programs has been increasing, site performances are being planned as large concerts, and more experimental and novel forms of shows are making artists grab more attention. Accordingly, various forms of lighting and the liveliness created by the ability to produce a show have become important factors. The scope and method of this research involve the characteristics of broadcasting stage lighting in different time periods influenced by media art and the fusion of broadcast media and the capability of producing a TV show determined by the pitch of sound of music, the direction of lighting, the movement of cameras, the moving line of choreographers, the perceptional depth of the stage, and the technology and application of display. This research presents the roles and effects of the stage and broadcast lighting through stage setting, play, films, TV shows in different time periods. These days, the scale of open broadcasting shows of TV show programs is becoming larger and site performances are planned as large concerts. Thus, opening and closing ceremonies of various sporting events and other events are in need of better audience environments. Consequently, broadcasting production environments are becoming visualized in diverse forms of installation made by production and technology based on high-tech lighting. In Korea, there is an urgent need to develop creative service technology and production technology which are an integrated media operating solution to the production of national events and large-scale performances as the ITC contents industry. 가요프로그램의 무대조명과 연출은 시대에 따른 디스플레이 환경에 따라 민감하게 변화하고 있다. 방송시스템의 변화와 쇼프로그램의 공개방송 규모가 점차 커지고 현장공연은 대형으로 기획되며 더욱 실험적이고 새로운 형태로 아티스트를 주목하게 만듦으로써 다양한조명이 연출력에 의한 현장성이 중요한 요소가 되어가고 있다. 본 연구는 미디어아트로 부터의 영향과 매체의 융합으로 방송무대조명의 시대별 특징과 음악의 고저와 함께 조명의 방향에 따라 카메라의 움직임과 안무자의 동선에 따라 무대의 깊이감과 디스플레이 기술과 적용이 연출력이 변화 되는 내용을 연구범위 와 방법으로 정하였다. 시대별 무대장치와 연극, 영화, TV브라운관을 통해 무대조명 방송조명연출의 역할과 효과를 제시하여 오늘날 쇼프로그램의 공개방송 규모가 점차 커지면서 현장공연은 대형화로 기획되고 각종 스포츠 개폐회식 행사와 이벤트공연은 보다 나은 방청환경이 요구되면서 방송제작환경은 더욱 첨단조명에 의한 연출과 기술로 다양한 설치 형태로 시각화 되고 있다. 국내에서도 ITC 콘텐츠사업으로 국가적 행사 및 대형공연연출에 통합적 미디어 운용 솔루션인 창의 서비스 기술과 연출기술개발이 시급한 상황이다.

      • KCI등재

        옻나무 추출 염액을 이용한 양모혼방직물의 염색성과 항균효과

        김태연 ( Tae Yeon Kim ),장정대 ( Jeong Dae Jang ) 한국의류산업학회 2008 한국의류산업학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to define optimal conditions for wool blend fabric dyeing using Rhus verniciflua extract. K/S value, surface color change, the fastness to light, fastness to dry-cleaning, metal mordanting effects and antimicrobial activities were investigated. The results were summarized as follows; As the storage time of Rhus veniciflua stokes dyeing solution was long% WS was improved. K/S value showed the highest one when dyeing temperature and time were at 100℃ and 60 minutes respectively. As r the changes of pH values of the dyeing solution, fabric was dyed well with the pH value of acid or neutral. K/S value recorded the highest at pH6 and the lowest at pHl0. Fastness to light showed the unmordanted fabric is 2.84, and Fe is 1.69 on color difference. Antibacterial activities of Rhus verniciflua dyeing solution recorded high figures in both dyed fabric with unmordanted and dyed fabric with mordanting.

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