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        Ruchi Verma 한국외국어대학교 아프리카연구소 2019 Asian Journal of African Studies Vol.- No.45

        With the beginning of 21st century the process of global economic, social and cultural integration has received a stimulus from the presence of transnational communities. In such circumstances the study of Diaspora has gained momentum. Diaspora is a diversified group in terms of their language, identity, status, socio-economic political role, level of integration and assimilation. The actors of Diaspora are either looked at with suspicion or with awe. Diasporas have been posited as challenging traditional state institutions of citizenship and loyalty, and as an important feature of the relationship between domestic and international politics. Indian Diaspora is playing a very significant role in international affairs due to its presence in large numbers in almost all parts of the World. Africa is the host of more than three million people belonging to Indian Diaspora. And it is an undeniable fact that a new dimension to India-Africa relations was added when a large number of Indians went to, and settled in Africa. But as a heritage resource Indian Diaspora contribution to the African society had not got much attention thus, this paper will try to look into that gap. This paper will particularly focus on Indian Diaspora in Tanzania and thus, taking Indian Diaspora into account as a heritage resource will try to look into India-Tanzania relations.

      • KCI등재

        Arranged Love Marriage - the Problematics of Diaspora’s Indianness

        ( Wenyang Zhai ) 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2010 영어권문화연구 Vol.3 No.1

        The younger generation's marriage of Indian diaspora is a popular plot in Bollywood romance. For the elder parents, the first generation immigrants, marrying a traditional conservative Indian girl or man would be the perfect match for their children but their children always express resistance against the arranged marriage for most of them have been largely Westernized. Around the issues of family values, kinship and marriage choice, there are series of conflicts and contradictions between parents and children, between diasporic parents’ struggling identity preservation and their gradual influence by the Western values, between the younger generation's devotion to individual emotional love and their obedience to parents’ wishes. The Indian popular cinema tends to resolve this dilemma with an ideal imagination: the arranged love marriage, i.e. they would be able to fulfill both demands―the son or daughter falls in love with the marriage choice that arranged by parents. Such a balancing depiction of love stories in Indian popular cinema discloses an unresolved, destabilized and utopian immature proposition of filmmakers. Such a solution would conveniently satisfy those diasporic audiences of Indian cinema and strategically please the foreign spectators who are fond of seeing exotic Indians demonstrating their Indianness. However this ideal happy ending ignores quite some unresolved problems that reside in diasporic Indian families and will not be very helpful in resolving their real concerns. One the one hand, the arranged love marriage is commonsensically very rare that its occurrence may only amount to a happening of luck; on the other, this form tends to strengthen the stereotype of diasporic marriage formats and internalize the already poignant contradictions that exist in Indian diasporic families. This essay will engage in explicitly confront the series of conflicts and contradictions Indian diasporic families concern and present the problematics of their maintaining the Indian identity in diaspora.

      • KCI등재후보

        글로벌 민족네트워크와 각국의 동포정책- 인도와 이스라엘 사례를 중심으로 -

        전형권 한국동북아학회 2004 한국동북아논총 Vol.9 No.4

        This study examines the development of Jewish abroad and the Overseas Indian networks and the diaspora policies of their homelands in the concept of globalization, diaspora and network. Most Overseas Indian and Jewish diaspora have double-faced identities and communities which are appropriate for windows of opportunity in the globalization. The development of these networks are playing critical roles throughout world, especially in U.S.A, and their linkage bond are building up virtue-cycle with the development of their homelands. American Jewish has crucial power and induce American government the military and political economic support to Israel. Overseas Indians also encourage Indian IT industries by human relationships and intelligence networks, moreover, the investment and remittance of NRIs and PIOs to India are contributing development of motherland. Though their successful experiences are supported by favorable linguistic and historical advantages comparing with Korea, it should be more noted that most of such adaptability and spreadability are derived from institutionalized power of networks and policies of homelands complying with them. In the policy aspect, India recently focus on making the good use of Indian diaspora parallel to supporting settlement policies, while Israel focus on returning diaspora to and settlement in home. It is more important for Korea to note the interpretative implication over diaspora rather than consistence comparative analysis in view of their historical experiences. Moreover we should study multilaterally the opportunities and needs of various Overseas Korean fitting to regional conditions, for this, first of all, we have to attempt comprehensive basic research and diagnosis of the overall economic and socio-cultural situations of the Korean diaspora. 이 논문은 지구화와 디아스포라, 그리고 네트워크의 개념을 통해 글로벌 민족네트워크의 기회적 측면에서 유대상과 인상의 성공적 경험과 모국의 정책사례를 연구한다. 인도와 유태인 디아스포라는 지구화가 양산하는 기회적 측면에 적합한 양면적 유형의 정체성과 사회조직체를 갖고 있다. 이들은 미국이라는 정착지를 중심으로 전세계적으로 큰 영향력을 발휘하고 있으며, 이는 다시 모국발전과의 선순환의 고리를 형성한다. 미국의 유대인들은 미국정부의 군사적, 경제적 지원을 유도하여 아랍세계에서 이스라엘을 보호하는 결정적 역할을 해왔다. 또한 인도인들 역시 풍부한 인적, 지적네트워크를 통해 인도의 IT산업을 부흥시키고 있으며, NRI와 PIO의 인도에 대한 투자와 송금은 인도의 경제발전에 크게 기여하고 있다. 이들의 성공은 한국에 비해 유리한 언어적·역사적 조건에 힘입은 바가 크지만, 더 중요한 것은 그러한 적응력과 전파력이 제도화된 네트워크의 힘, 그리고 그에 조응하는 모국의 정책에 기인한다는 점이다. 인도정부가 최근 이중국적을 허용함으로써 재외인도인의 활용과 정착지원을 병행하는 데 초점을 맞추는 데 비해, 이스라엘 정부는 디아스포라의 이스라엘로의 이주와 정착지원에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 뒤늦게나마 이들의 경험을 타산지석으로 삼고자 하는 우리로서는, 이들의 역사적 경험에서 일관된 설명과 예측을 설파하는 비교분석적 함의보다는 디아스포라를 둘러싼 맥락의존적인 이해와 해석적 차원의 함의에 보다 주목할 필요가 있다. 무엇보다도 지역별 한인들의 기회와 요구에 적합한 다변화된 접근방식을 개발할 필요가 있으며, 이를 위해서는 우선 재외한인의 경제와 사회문화전반에 관한 광범위한 기초조사와 진단이 선행되어야 할 것이다.

      • Re-creating "India" through Ritual and Musical Practices in Pittsburgh, USA

        Eguchi Yuko 아시아음악학회 2008 Asian Musicology Vol.12 No.-

        In the suburbs of Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania, U.S.A, sits the Sri Venkateswara Temple, the oldest Hindu Temple constructed in the Penn Hills section of Pittsburgh in 1976. Living on the opposite side of the globe, diasporic Indians in Pittsburgh reconstruct their "home" surroundings and rigidly follow the Indian religion, tradition, and culture-especially inside the Sri Venkateswara Temple. In fact, the temple is a small version of "India" itself; things that are experienced in daily lives in India are reproduced and materialized by priests and devotees every day inside the temple. Immigrant Indians often feel alienated from their host society, and attending rituals, music and dance concerts, lectures and language classes in the Sri Venkateswara Temple provide diasporic Indians not only psychological consolation, but an aid to construct their identities as Indian. In Indian traditions, the boundary between "sacred" and "secular" is vague, and diasporic Indians usually express their Indian identities through "performing" their tradition. In this essay, I focus on Indian-Americans' (especially Hindu Tamils) perceptions of religion and culture by examining a musical performance during a ritual ceremony and a children's Sunday school session based on field research from 2006 and 2007. I address the following question: What roles do ritual ceremonies and musical practices play in constructing notions of "India" in Pittsburgh? My findings show how essentialized notions of culture are central to identity construction in diasporic communities.

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      • KCI등재

        Socio-Cultural Traits and Gender Elements: An Analysis through Indian Diaspora in Germany

        Maya Subrahmanian 건국대학교 아시아・디아스포라연구소 2022 International Journal of Diaspora&Cultural Critici Vol.12 No.2

        What makes a culture and what are the cultural traits identified by people are important questions to be developed more within diaspora studies. This article proposes a critical inquiry into the ways of defining socio-cultural traits through the discussions with Indian diaspora living in the context of Western culture. It suggests hypothesis that there is a possibility of hybrid cultures between the Eastern and Western. The ontological status of being ‘Indian’ would be different while living in India and abroad, and the cultural ontology in those subject positions would also vary to produce hybrid cultures. Theories of migration, culture and gender constitute a background and framework in this study. Reflections on cultural identity and cultural traits are obtained in this study through direct interviews with diaspora Indians living in Germany. In this process of analyses, the methodology of gender is adopted along with other methods of qualitative research to see how the socio-cultural perspectives change after migration to Western cultures, and how those are different among men and women. The preliminary argument derived in this article is that cultural traits can be traced in aspects of people’s daily life, but not only through dominant art forms, literature or historical monuments. It is done with a critical perspective on the existing dominant methods of defining culture. This study has a critic on existing methodologies that are Eurocentric, male-centric and neglecting the individual and mundane experiences of people who live in varied cultural contexts with complex cultural identities.

      • KCI등재

        인도인 사진가 파블로 바쏠로미유(Pablo Bartholomew)의 사진으로 서술하는 역사 : 델리, 뭄바이, 꼴까따 세 도시 풍경과 인도인 해외 디아스포라 사진을 중심으로

        이광수(Lee, Kwangsu) 부산경남사학회 2021 역사와 경계 Vol.120 No.-

        인도의 사진가 파블로 바쏠로미유는 1970년대 중반부터 80년대 중반까지 델리, 뭄바이, 꼴까따 세 도시의 사진을 찍었고, 그로부터 30년 정도가 지난 뒤 그 사진들을 재구성해 전시와 책 출판을 했다. 세 도시의 주변부에 대한 시선은 이후 미국과 프랑스를 비롯한 몇몇 해외 인도인 디아스포라로 향했다. 델리에서부터 프랑스에 이르기까지의 사진은 ‘주변부’라는 정체성을 주제로 삼아 작업한 것으로서 사진으로 서술한 하나의 역사서술이라 평가할 수 있다. 화이트는 역사란 절대적인 것이 아니어서 감성적이고 창의적인 방식 즉 이미지(영상)로 서술할 수 있다고 했다. 그리고 영상을 의미하는 ‘포티(photy)’를 ‘히스토리’에 붙여 ‘히스토리오포티’라고 신조어를 만들었다. 이 개념을 원용해서 파블로의 ‘주변부’에 대한 사진 작업을 하나의 역사서술로 해석해 보면, 우리는 그가 긴 시간의 작업을 통해 어떻게 가족과 친구들로 구성된 델리에서의 사적 공간을 통해 관찰한 자아 정체성을 뭄바이 도시 거리를 관찰해 공공 정체성으로 연결하려 하였는지, 그리고 이어 꼴까따에서의 중국인 난민의 사회적 위치와 정체성의 변화를 어떻게 그것들과 이었는지, 그리고 그 작업이 어떻게 미국과 유럽에서의 인도인 디아스포라 사진으로 이어질 수 있는지에 대한 의미를 찾을 수 있다. 특히 ‘아웃사이드인’과 같이 30년 전에, 전혀 다른 세 개의 공간에서, 전혀 다른 대상으로 촬영한 것을 하나의 큰 주제로 묶어 서사를 구성하는 것은, 바로 이성과 사실 중심으로 역사를 재구성하지 않고, 각각의 장면 안에 내재한 보이지 않는 ‘본질’을 감성으로 재구성하는 히스토리오포티로서 감성적이고 상상력에 의존하는 좋은 역사서술이 될 수 있음을 알 수 있다. Indian photographer Pablo Bartholomew took pictures of Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata from the mid-1970s to the mid-80s. About 30 years later, he reconstructed the photos and published them in exhibitions and book publications. The eyes on the periphery of the three cities later turned to the American and French and several overseas Indian diasporas. Photographs from Delhi to France were created under the theme of the identity of ‘periphery’, and can be evaluated as a historical narrative with photographs. Historian Hayden White said that history is not absolute, so it can be described in emotional and creative ways, that is, images. And the word ‘historiophoty’ was created by adding ‘photy’, which means image to ‘history’. Using this concept and interpreting Pablo’s photographic work on the ‘periphery’ as a historical narrative, we can see how he observed his self-identity through his long-time work in his private space in Delhi. He observed the streets of Mumbai and tried to connect them with public identity, and then how he related the social position and identity of Chinese refugees in Kolkata and how the work could lead to photos of the Indian diaspora in the United States and Europe. In particular, composing a narrative by tying together what was photographed 30 years ago, in three completely different spaces and with completely different subjects like ‘Outside In’ into one big theme, is not to reconstruct history based on reason and facts. It can be seen that it can be a good historical narrative that is emotional and relies on imagination as a historiophoty that reconstructs the invisible ‘essence’ that is ‘spirituality’ of Pablo inherent in each scene with emotion.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        세계의 인교(印僑) 네트위크 발전과 인도의 재외 동포정책 : 한국에 주는 함의 Implication to Korea

        전형권 대한정치학회 2004 大韓政治學會報 Vol.12 No.2

        이 연구는 재외인도인의 형성과정과 네트워크 실태 및 본국과의 관계를 살피고 인교와 모국과의 관계발전의 요인으로서 동포정책을 분석하여 한국의 재외동포정책에 주는 시사점을 도출하고자 한다. 세계 각국에 분포된 인교들은 전체적으로 이주의 역사가 길고 네트워크가 잘 조직되어 있으며 현지 적응 능력이 뛰어나 거주국은 물론 모국에 대해 큰 영향력을 행사하고 있다. 재외인도인들은 상호 전자상거래, 모국에 대한 송금, 투자 등의 경제활동과 인권옹호, 법률적 지원, 정치적 후원 등 각 분야에서 긴밀히 관계를 맺고 있다. 인교네트워크 발전의 요인으로서 인도정부의 동포정책을 들 수 있다. 인도는 해외교민들이 체류 혹은 거주국가에 가능한 한 적응하고 동화할 것을 장려하는 데 동포정책의 기본을 두고 있으며, 최근에는 이중시민권을 허용하는 등 유연한 재외동포정책을 펼치고 있다. 대부분의 정책들은 재외인도인들에게 국내 출입국 및 투자, 구직 등의 경제 활동을 용이하게 하는 데 초점이 맞추어져 있다 하지만, 한국의 재외동포 정책은 기본방향과 조직 및 운영 등에서 상대적으로 낙후되어 있다. 추진 중인 한민족네트워크 사업은 아직까지 통일된 추진주체와 전략이 형성되지 않은 채 독자적으로 추진되고 있다. 인교의 사례를 참조하여 우리의 재외동포정책은 제외한인들의 역사적, 지역적 특수성을 고려하여 대상별로 유연하게 접근하되, 한민족네트워크의 구축이라는 하나의 발전좌표와 유기적인 틀 속에서 전개되어야 할 것이다. This paper aims to examine the development of overseas Indian network and the close relationships with their motherland, India, and explore India's diaspora policies as the promotable factors of the network development. Thus we can draw some useful implications for building global Korean network and the reasonable policies from India's case. Historically Indian abroad have been settled down successfully throughout world, especially in Europe and America, adapting themselves to the habitation with well-organized Indian communities. Moreover they have layed significant role for India's political economic and cultural development by business transactions, capital inflows(remittance, deposit, FDI), technical transfers and pro-India actions, keeping closely mutual relationships. We also needs aware that India's diaspora policies accelerate the overseas Indian networks complying with their need. The policies basically focus on encouraging the Indians to settle down and adapt to resident countries successfully as possible, and improving the policies more flexible by admitting dual citizenship to diaspora in recent. Most of policies concern for releasing the regulatory system so that attract overseas Indian to invest and access easily to motherland. In this respect, Korea need to consider unique factors of Indian case and make framework of diaspora policy more flexible, systematic and prospective.

      • KCI등재후보

        Indian Women Diaspora in East Africa, Challenges of Migration and Settlement

        Aarshi Dua 한국외국어대학교 아프리카연구소 2018 Asian Journal of African Studies Vol.- No.44

        This paper talks about the journey of Indian Women to East Africa, the hardships of migration and leaving away a well settled and established lifestyle and resettling in an unknown land. This paper aims to understand the social and psychological ramifications of a women’s journey into an unknown land of different social and culture lifestyles and standards of living. It emphasizes and highlights the lives of Indian Diasporic women in East Africa and their journeys to reach there, along with the hurdles created by the exclusive and patriarchal nature of Indian Diasporic community.

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