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      • KCI등재

        머신러닝을 활용한 음원 차트와 뉴미디어 데이터를 활용한 K-POP 아이돌 인기 요인 분석

        최지원,정다연,최강규,임태인,김대훈,정종균,노승민 아이씨티플랫폼학회 2024 JOURNAL OF PLATFORM TECHNOLOGY Vol.12 No.1

        The K-POP market has become influential not only in culture but also in society as a whole, including diplomacy and environmental movements. As a result, various papers have been conducted based on machine learning to identify the success factors of idols by utilizing traditional data such as music and recordings. However, there is a limitation that previous studies have not reflected the influence of new media platforms such as Instagram releases, YouTube shorts, TikTok, Twitter, etc. on the popularity of idols. Therefore, it is difficult to clarify the causal relationship of recent idol success factors because the existing studies do not consider the daily changing media trends. To solve these problems, this paper proposes a data collection system and analysis methodology for idol- related data. By developing a container-based real-time data collection automation system that reflects the specificity of idol data, we secure the stability and scalability of idol data collection and compare and analyze the clusters of successful idols through a K-Means clustering-based outlier detection model. As a result, we were able to identify commonalities among successful idols such as gender, time of success after album release, and association with new media. Through this, it is expected that we can finally plan optimal comeback promotions for each idol, album type, and comeback period to improve the chances of idol success.

      • KCI등재

        한국 대중문화의 아이돌(idol) 시스템 작동방식

        김호영(Hoyoung Kim),윤태진(Tae-Jin Yoon) 문화방송 2012 방송과 커뮤니케이션 Vol.13 No.4

        본 연구는 아이돌 산업 내 전문가와의 심층면접을 활용하여 아이돌문화의 생산·소비 지형도를 그리려는 시도였다. 아이돌 팬덤에 대한 참여관찰도 부분적으로 활용하였다. ‘생산’ 측면을 보자면, 우선 아이돌은 소비되는 양식뿐 아니라 이익을 창출하는 방식 역시 미디어 텍스트와 유사해졌음을 알 수 있었다. 아이돌은 대규모 대중을 대상으로 하는 복합적 미디어 상품이 되었고, 대중매체와 인터넷을 통해 소비되는 하나의 미디어 셀러브리티가 되었다. 아이돌 시스템은 음반 산업의 몰락, 산업의 수직적 통합이라는 미디어산업의 환경 변화에 적응하는 과정에서 탄생한 최적화된 시스템이며, 이 시스템을 통하지 않고서는 대중문화 산업의 주류가 되기 거의 불가능한 상황이다. ‘소비’ 측면을 보자면, 팬들은 2차 텍스트의 생산과 공유 등 미시적 생산·소비뿐 아니라 아이돌의 팬층 확대 과정에 참여하고 있다. 아이돌 시스템의 발단은 생산 측면에서 이루어졌으나, 유지와 작동, 재생산 과정에서는 팬덤의 역할이 매우 크다고 볼 수 있다. 즉, 아이돌 시스템은 기획사, 대중매체 등을 통해 이루어지는 제도적 영역의 시스템과 팬들에 의해 운영되는 비체계적이지만 효율적인 비공식적 시스템이라는 이중적 구조로 되어 있다. The purpose of this research is to investigate the process in which idols are produced and consumed in recent years in Korea. For the analysis, we conducted in-depth interviews with five experts in entertainment industry. We found out, first of all, idols are media celebrities who have been consumed as media texts themselves. Idols these days are similar to media texts by making profits as well as by being consumed. In other words, idols have become a media product to target large-scale public. In a production side, idol system has been optimized to the vertical integration of industry and the downfall of the music industry. In a consumption side, fans participate not only in producing/consuming media texts in micro level but also in expanding idol’s fans/consumers. Compared to producers‘ idol system which takes place mainly in established media, fandom’s system is very informal and unstructured, but at the same time, is a highly effective system. As a result, we conclude that the idol system in Korea is made of a dual structure in which consumers and producers organize in different ways with different purposes.

      • KCI등재

        아이돌 휴먼브랜드 특성이 아이돌 우상화, 팬 인게이지먼트, 상품 구매의도에 미치는 영향 -1세대 K-POP 아이돌을 중심으로-

        김종무 한국디자인문화학회 2023 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.29 No.3

        The study analyzed the characteristics of 1st generation K-pop idol human brands and examined the influence of idol human branding on idol worship, as well as the mediating role of fan engagement in purchase intention. A total of 572 questionnaires were collected and analyzed using SPSS 27.0. Factor analysis and reliability analysis were conducted to validate the survey, followed by correlation analysis, regression analysis, mediation analysis, and Sobel test to investigate the mediating effect of fan engagement. The results of the analysis are as follows. First, the characteristics of the human brands of 1st generation K-pop idol groups were identified as “closeness”, “attractiveness”, and “expertise”. Second, the analysis revealed that the human brand characteristics of 1st generation K-pop idol groups had a positive impact on idol worship, with closeness, attractiveness, and expertise all playing significant roles, with attractiveness exhibiting the greatest influence. Third, the analysis demonstrated that the human brand characteristics of 1st generation K-pop idol groups positively influenced fan engagement, with closeness, attractiveness, and expertise all playing significant roles, and expertise having the strongest effect. Fourth, the examination of the mediating role of fan engagement in the relationship between the human brand characteristics of 1st generation K-pop idol groups, idol worship, and purchase intention revealed that closeness and attractiveness had partial mediating effects, while expertise had a complete mediating effect. Finally, idol worship of 1st generation K-pop idols was found to have a positive impact on purchase intention. The findings of this study provide essential data for understanding fan attitudes towards K-pop idols in future research.

      • KCI등재

        베이컨과 회의주의

        황설중 대한철학회 2022 哲學硏究 Vol.161 No.-

        The most important epistemological task of modern philosophers was to defeat skepticism. Bacon was no exception. The skeptics propounding that “nothing can be known (acatalepsia)” were destroyers of knowledge, i.e. the power of man. According to Bacon, they were specifically the new-academics and pyrrhonists in the ancient Hellenistic period. Bacon tried to build the luminous world of “knowledge is attainable” (eucatalepsia) by uprooting the ancient dark skepticism that led man to intellectual desperation. To do so, Bacon developed his well-known doctrine of four idols. As long as man is obsessed with idols, so to speak, immersed in the swamps of ancient skepticism, there is no way out of the path of delusion and error. So Bacon declared that these idols must be renounced and put away with a fixed and solemn determination. But could our intellect be completely liberated from idols, that is, from the arguments of ancient skepticism, as Bacon hoped? Bacon talked about the hope of increasing knowledge by suitable experiments, true induction, continuous gradual progress, and mutual cooperation between scientists. But it is rather the doctrine of idols which disclose that such works can never completely wipe out idols. This suggests that in Bacon’s philosophy it would be futile to find a theory that could refute or eradicate skepticism. Approaching Bacon's philosophical project from the perspective of establishing a theory to overcome skepticism is unprofitable. Bacon is, as it were, a friend of the ancient skeptics. In my opinion, the new path Bacon pioneered in responding to skepticism is in his view of the problem of idols thoroughly from the practical consequence standpoint, while stubbornly refusing to enter the useless arena of arguments developed by ancient skeptics. 근대 철학자들의 가장 커다란 인식론적 과제는 회의주의를 물리치는 것이었다. 베이컨도 예외가 아니었다. “어떤 것도 알려질 수 없음(acatalepsia)”을 내세우는 회의주의자들은 인간의 힘인 지식을 파괴하는 자들이었다. 베이컨에 의하면, 이들은 구체적으로 고대 헬레니즘 시대의 신(新)아카데미학파와 피론주의자들이었다. 베이컨은 인간을 자포자기로 이끄는 고대 회의주의를 뿌리째 뽑아버리고, 마침내 “잘 알 수 있음(eucatalepsia)”이라는 광명의 세계로 나아가고자 하였다. 그렇게 하기 위해 베이컨은 잘 알려진 우상론을 전개하였다. 우상들에 사로잡혀 있는 한, 말하자면 고대 회의주의자들의 논변의 늪에 빠져 있는 한, 인간은 미망과 오류의 길에서 벗어날 길이 없기에 베이컨은 이 우상들을 확고하고 엄숙한 결의로써 물리치고 폐기해야 한다고 천명하였다. 그러나 과연 베이컨이 희망한 대로 우리의 지성이 우상들로부터, 즉 고대 회의주의의 논변들로부터 완전히 해방되었거나 그렇게 될 수 있었는가? 베이컨은 감각을 도울 수 있는 안성맞춤의 실험, 참된 귀납법, 지속적이며 점진적인 전진 과정, 과학자들 상호간의 협력에 의해 지식의 증대에 대한 희망을 이야기하고 있지만, 그런 작업들이 결코 우상들을 완전히 몰아낼 수 없다는 것을 오히려 우상론은 밝혀주고 있다. 이것은 근대의 주류 철학자들이 시도했던 바, 회의주의를 논박하거나 근절할 수 있는 이론을 베이컨에게서 찾는 일이 별 소득이 없으리라는 것을 시사한다. 회의주의를 극복하려는 이론의 정립이라는 시각에서 베이컨의 철학적 기획에 접근하면, 베이컨은 고대 회의주의자들의 희생양이 되고 만다. 내 생각에, 회의주의에 대한 대응에 있어 베이컨이 개척한 새로운 길은 고대 회의주의자들의 갑론을박의 장(場)에 들어서기를 완강히 거부하면서, 우상들의 문제를 철저하게 실질적인 성과의 관점에서 접근한 데 있다.

      • KCI등재

        아이돌산업 이해를 위한 한류 아이돌 유형에 관한 연구: 시스템사고 관점에서의 구조 분석

        김승범,신호상 한국시스템다이내믹스학회 2018 한국시스템다이내믹스 연구 Vol.19 No.2

        This study finds a way to understand Korean wave by concentrating on K-pop and idols like BTS. There are few researchs that have studied about why K-pop is loved. It is a reason why study this topic. The results are as follows. First, fans, idols, agents, and media should co-work each other. Idols want strong fandom to success, because fandom is the most powerful and effectful factor to make idols success. However, success does not only come from focusing on fandom, but also co-work. Second, K-pop should consider how they make people to be fans and help them to support K-pop stars. Last, this study suggests that some of reasons which make K-pop industry to a step backwards. The conclusion provides the K-pop should find the proper ways to solve the problems above and suggests a way - CLD model to understand K-pop idols.

      • KCI등재

        팬덤과 아이돌의 상호 채팅 플랫폼에서 원활한 커뮤니케이션을 위한 메시지 출력 속도에 관한 연구

        김정하 (사)한국스마트미디어학회 2023 스마트미디어저널 Vol.12 No.7

        In this study, I would like to conduct a study on the design of chat UX between fandom and idol. The 1:多 form of message exposure method between idols and fandom was studied and the optimal exposure form and speed were tested. Based on the results of the experiment, 30 sentences were selected per second among various options, and based on this, the results were applied to the actual Universe platform to facilitate communication between idols and fans.

      • KCI우수등재

        ‘선망받는’ 주체인 여성 아이돌의 ‘다층적 취약성’: 설리 사례를 중심으로

        이현숙 한국여성학회 2024 한국여성학 Vol.40 No.2

        본 연구는 여성 아이돌 설리 사례를 통해 ‘선망받는’ 주체인 여성 아이돌을 취약하 게 만드는 다양한 사회적 맥락을 분석한다. 이를 위해 전통 미디어의 설리 보도, ‘네티즌’의 악성댓글에 대한 내용 분석과 함께 온라인 공간이 여성 아이돌에게 작동되는 방식을 살펴본다. 여성 아이돌은 계급적으로 서발턴적 위치에 있지 않지만 ‘소녀적이면서 섹시’한 몸적 존재로서 자발적으로 섹슈얼리티를 판매하는 ‘판매자 정체성’을 요구받는다. 또한 섹슈얼리티에 대한 사회적 발언을 할 수 없는 무능력한 존재로 인식된다. 그런데 설리는 자신의 몸에 대한 주체성을 다양한 방법으로, 끊임없이 표명한다. 이러한 설리의 화행은 ‘네티즌’, 미디어, 여성주의 진영 모두에서 ‘이질적’으로 받아들여진다. 가부장적 소비자 정체성을 체화한 ‘네티즌’은 설리에 대한 성적 괴롭힘 등을 행하면서도 판매자 정체성을 갖지 못한 설리가 문제적이라고 생각하기 때문에 가해의식을 느끼지 못한다. 주류 언론은 ‘네티즌’과 상호작용하면서 설리를 ‘논란’, ‘책임감 없는’, ‘비정상’이라는 프레임으로 보도하고 이러한 프레임은 이후 설리의 모든 화행을 해석하는 틀로 작동한다. 설리의 경우 온라인 여성주의 진영에서도 대항 담론이 활발히 형성되지 못했다. ‘생물학적 여성’이라는 배제적 연대를 바탕으로 고통에 대한 직관적 공감, ‘완전한’ 실천을 요구한 여성주의 진영에서 설리의 화행은 이질적이고 논쟁적이었기 때문이다. 여성 아이돌이 다층적으로 취약한 환경, 여성의 섹슈얼리티가 거래되고 다양한 몸들의 소리가 논쟁적으로 발화되지 않는 환경에서는 ‘여성’은 누구든 서발턴적 지위에 이를 수 있다. This article examines the social contexts that expose female idols, who are frequently the objects of envy, to vulnerability. By conducting content analysis on media coverage, cyberharassment, and trolling regarding Sulli, a South Korean singer and actress, it reveals that the online space operates in a liberating and repressive way for female idols. Korean female idols’ social status often shields them from vulnerability. Nonetheless, this article addresses their subaltern identities as ‘willing sellers of their sexuality’ with a ‘girl-like yet seductive’ image and those incapable of articulating their views on sexuality. Sulli was perceived to be different, controversial, imprudent, and unethical by internet users, mainstream media, and even feminist groups online for expressing her views on the subjectivity of her body. The patriarchal consumer subjectivity of internet users hindered their ability to acknowledge their own harassment towards her. The mainstream media engages with them, creating and interpreting Sulli’s words and actions through the frame of the ‘abnormal subject.’ Feminist online communities did not actively counter the discourse around Sulli because she did not share their need for intuitive empathy for the suffering of ‘biological femininity,’ the shared experience that gives rise to their exclusive solidarity. This article demonstrates how treating a woman’s sexuality as a commodity and ignoring the voices of diverse bodies can turn her into a subaltern.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        The Perfect Man: The Ideal Imaginary Beauty of K-pop Idols for Chilean Fans

        ( Wonjung Min ) 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2021 Seoul journal of Korean studies Vol.34 No.1

        This paper aims to determine why Chilean fans of K-pop enjoy the incompatible aesthetics of K-pop idols. It will analyze the variation of the ideal of beauty according to socioeconomic level in Chile and fans’ perception of the beauty canons of K-pop. Hypothesizing that the relationship between race (rather skin color) and class in Chile affects K-pop consumption, this study will delve into why the canon of beauty attracts Chilean fans, despite the contrast that exists with the Chilean canon of male beauty. Latin American culture is constituted by sexual roles marked and determined by gender (Cristian Valenzuela 2015); these roles perpetuate male superiority based on the figure of the male. Specifically, the hegemonic masculinity present in the region stands out for having such characteristics as strength, rationality, seriousness, domination, heterosexuality, and sexual activity. Asians are often called Chino, and K-pop fans are considered strange. Though Chileans tend to conflate all Asian pop cultures, they are particularly suspicious of the sexual identity of K-pop fans. Based on a qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews with sixteen upper-class and twenty middle-lower-class Chileans, this paper investigates how Chilean K-pop fans consume and negotiate with the aesthetics of K-pop in a conservative, European-oriented, oligarchic society.

      • KCI등재

        미학, 의미, 자연: 이문열의 「필론의 돼지」와 전상국의 「우상의 눈물」을 중심으로 본 권력/통치의 주체-대상 간 문제에 관하여

        조형래 동악어문학회 2023 동악어문학 Vol.91 No.-

        This article discusses the allegorical implications of Lee Moon-yeol's Pilon's Pig and Jeon Sang-guk's Tears of an Idol, both published during the 1980 Seoul Spring. The premise is that the two novels perform, in different ways, very interesting and fundamental insights into the ways in which power reduces the governed to nature. The “I” in “Pilon's Pig” is urgent to preserve itself through “aestheticization,” which involves looking at the soldiers' statues from a distance in a temporarily created state of natural lawlessness. On the other hand, the principal and captain of “Idol Tears” ultimately try to dominate through “semanticization,” in which they assign a story to the symbols themselves, such as the “dark core” that involuntarily promoted such a situation. The former succeeds, the latter fails. But regardless of whether they succeed or fail, they are homogeneous in that they envision a so-called “evil” or natural thing that emerges and operates on its own principles due to the temporary dysfunction of some authority representing public power. They are also identical in that they show a consciousness of the need to objectify it somehow, and in that they offer insights into the certain limits of aestheticization and semantics based on hypocrisy and incompetence as a method. The significance of “Pilon's Pig” and “Tears of the Idol” as unprecedented examples of fictional representations that capture the problems of their subjects found in the dysfunction of governing power and conduct a more fundamental reflection on them is not small. They differ only in the specific situations, the responses, the successes and failures, and the objects of criticism. A number of issues can be raised about the differences, such as whether one is more ethically desirable or effective. “Pilon's Pig” resolves this issue by aestheticizing and distancing itself from its subject. The Tears of the Idol, on the other hand, reminds us of the indeterminacy of the moment when meaning is assigned to govern, and the novel's very form suggests that there is always something that is left behind that is never encompassed by the semiotics that power imposes. This becomes an ongoing problem that can never be finalized and therefore must be continually negotiated. In this respect, the question raised by “Tears of the Idol” is worthy of repeated reflection.

      • KCI등재

        The Issue of εἰδωλόθυτον in the Early Christian Church: A Lexical Semantic Study of εἰδωλόθυτον

        이수광 한국기독교학회 2017 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.105 No.-

        Traditionally, εἰδωλόθυτον is understood as a Jewish term in a broad sense to mean ‘food sacrificed to idols,’ which includes every possible setting at the time, such as in a private home, in the marketplace, and in pagan temples. However, some scholars cast doubts on this broad notion, narrowing its scope to idol meat specifically consumed in the temple precincts or in the temple area. In this paper, I will conduct a lexical semantic study of εἰδωλόθυτον in order to determine the semantic range of the term, which can illuminate the issues of εἰδωλόθυτον in the early Christian communities. After the exhaustive survey of the data in the TLG, the PHI, and the DDbDP, I conclude that the term would be derived from the Jewish–Christian community after the mid–fifties CE, and refers originally to ‘food sacrificed to idols’ in a broad sense. However, as time passed, the semantic range of εἰδωλόθυτον seems to shift gradually from a broad sense to a narrow sense, referring to the feasting of Christians at pagan banquets or in the temple. The NT texts, along with early Christian writings in the second and third century CE, support this shift to the narrow usage, explicitly or implicitly. In addition, the socio–economic situation or temptation that Gentile Christians encounter at pagan temple feasts at the time might strengthen my assumption.

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