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        국제촉진수단으로서의 무역전시회(Trade Show)의 효과성 및 전략적 활용방안 연구

        서민교(Min-Kyo Seo),이창현(Chang-Hyun Lee) 한국통상정보학회 2006 통상정보연구 Vol.8 No.1

        Though trade shows have emerged as an increasingly significant component in companies’ international promotional tools, little research has examined this activity and previous findings on this theme are few and mostly foreign. With the trade show costs rising, exhibitors are forced to exert more effort to their trade show success. This research studies the effectiveness of trade show as a international promotion method and suggests strategic management program to enhance trade show performance such as image-building, sales-related, information-gathering, and relationship-improvement. Our suggestions are as follows: (1) Marketing executives should make a plan for trade show management and set their trade show objectives before trade show opens. (2) Companies should reinforce pre-show promotion and booth staff training. (3) After trade shows close, it should measure their trade show performance. These are key success factors for companies to enhance their trade show performance. By implementing these success factors effectively, exhibitors can have better performance of trade show.

      • KCI등재

        무역계약 촉진을 위한 무역전시회 활용 방안에 관한 연구

        서문성(Mun-Sung Seo) 한국국제상학회 2010 國際商學 Vol.25 No.3

        최근에는 전통적인 상품 무역 거래와는 다른 특수거래 형태로서 특허권, 상표권, 의장(디자인)권, 실용신안권 따위의 산업소유권이나 노하우 등을 수출하고 로열티를 받는 수출도 늘고 있으나 우리나라의 경우 여전히 상품 수출이 대부분을 차지하고 있다. 우리나라의 무역 기업이 수출드라이브 시대를 본격적으로 시작한 이래 전통의 재래산업에서 자동차, 반도체, 핸드폰 등의 ICT산업과 물류산업 등의 고부가가치산업 위주로 패러다임이 바뀌고 있으나, 아직도 무역기업이 수출업무에 있어서 애로사항은 해외시장에 대한 어려움이 여전히 높은 것으로 나타나고 있다. 이 국간 거래의 어려움은 계약의 중요성을 더욱 높여주고 있으며, 이머징 마켓 개척 시에는 수출입 이행력이 있는 계약 당사자를 발굴하는 것이 관건이나 이러한 발굴은 대기업뿐만 아니라 중소수출입기업에는 더 큰 어려움으로 나타나고 있다. 계약에 대한 이행력 있는 수출입 당사자 발굴은 계약의 효율성을 높이는데, 개개의 무역 거래를 수행하기 위해서는 반드시 필요한 전제조건으로 목표시장, 대상상품, 거래처 선정과 계약 체결과 이에 대한 성실한 이행이다. 최근 상공회의소 조사에 따르면 수출 중소기업의 93.4%가 해외사업 추진과정에서 애로를 겪고 있다고 응답 했으며, 애로 유형으로는 전시회참가 애로(41.1%),를 많이 지적 하였다. 다음으로 해외시장 정보부족(17.5%), 수출절차상 애로(16.8%), 무역금융애로(9.9%) 등으로 나타났으며, 효율적이고 이행력 있는 수출입 기업을 발굴 하기위해서는 수출거래의 개시에 앞서서 해외시장에 대한 조사가 철저하게 이루어져야하며, 여러 해외시장 조사를 수행하는 해외 유수의 많은 기업들도 무역전시회를 활용하고 있는 데서도 알 수 있다. 다른 나라 기업들도 무역전시회의 특성을 살려서 수출입 효율성을 제고 하고 상품 수출 증대에 적극 활용 하고 있으며, 우리나라 대기업들도 무역전시 활용성이 증대 되고 있는데, 수출입 기업들의 무역전시회 활용 제고에 대한 전략이 필요 하며, 무역전시회도 향후 수출입기업의 유관산업의 동력으로 성장을 할 수 있도록 육성 하고 국제적인 경쟁력을 확보 하도록 하여 산업 간의 시너지를 가질 수 있도록 하여야 하겠다. 심화되어가고 있는 국제 경쟁 속에서 국가의 경제성장을 지속적으로 유지하고 수출입기업의 국제경쟁력 확보를 위해서는 무역전시회의 활용이 필요하며, 글로벌 기업뿐만 아니라 최근에는 각국의 수많은 기업들이 무역전시회를 활용 하고 있으며, 지식경제부에서도 지속적으로 유망무역전시회를 육성하여 해외바이어 발굴과 해외 유명전시회에 우리나라 무역기업의 참가 지원을 통해 수출입기업들을 실질적으로 지원하고 있다. 수출입기업들이 무역 계약의 효율성을 높이고 계약에 대한 이행력 있는 해외 수출입 기업들을 발굴하기 위해서는 무역전시회를 적극 활용할 필요가 있으며, 무역전시회의 관련 산업을 살펴보면, 다음과 같다. 무역전시장을 중심으로 하는 무역 전시산업은 국가 경쟁력 차원에서 무역인프라 확충 등에 기여 하고 무역전시기획사 등은 무역전시회 개최와 관련된 기업들에는 고부가가치 서비스 산업으로 발전한다는 점에서 중요하며, 국가적 차원에서의 무역전시산업의 중요성은 무역인프라의 확충을 통한 수출기반을 강화하고, 교역ㆍ투자증진, 고용확대 등의 효과가 있다. 또한, 막대한 재원을 투입한 무역전시장 시설의 활용도를 제고함으로써, 공공재로서의 역할 강화와 국내무역전시회의 발전은 국내 수출기업의 해외 유명전시회 참가 지원정책의 내실화에도 기여하게 되며. 수출입 기업의 해외시장 조사와 개척에 등 무역실무상의 애로 해소에도 큰 기여를 하고 있다. 이러한 무역전시회는 크게 전시회가 열리는 전시장과 전시회를 주최하는 무역 전시 기획업 및 무역전시디자인ㆍ장치업, 운송업, 광고업등과 연계되어 있는 업종으로서 무역전시회를 통해서 실현되며, 무역전시분야는 제조업에서 서비스업, 중공업에서 경공업에 걸쳐서 매우 다양해 우리나라의 모든 수출입기업에서 활용이 가능하다. 수출입 중소기업에도 안정적인 구조를 조성하는 등의 무역인프라 확충에 기여 할 수 있으며, 무역 거래 및 정보비용을 최소화하고 신상품 소개 및 업계최신 정보를 접할 수 있는 등의 기회를 제공하며, 관련 산업에 부대효과가 높고 산업의 특성상 외화 가득률이 높으며, 건립되어 운영 중인 우리나라 주요 도시별 각 무역전시장은 지역산업의 특성을 살린 무역전시회가 열리고 있어 해외 바이어 유치 및 활용에도 유리한 작용을 하고 있다. International trade shows have become a significant promotional tool for exporters. However, little academic research has been used to examine the role of trade shows at the national level. In a dynamic international trade environment, it can affect the national economy along a number of channels. International trade shows havea strong correlation with economic growth. In this study, relevant literature is reviewed to identify strategies for the development of trade show industries that scholars and others claim are important influences on boosting the economy. Various policies are obtained from the case studies. This study explains why the government's support to the trade show industries is necessary and suggests national implications for developing theindustry. This study provides directions for research about international trade shows.

      • KCI등재

        의류 수주전시회를 통한 해외 시장 진출 방안에 관한 연구 -라스베이거스 매직쇼 (Magic Show)를 중심으로-

        임지숙 ( Jisook Lim ) 한국패션비즈니스학회 2021 패션 비즈니스 Vol.25 No.1

        Apparel fairs are business platforms specializing in selling fashion products. As the largest apparel fair in the United States and with the highest number of animated buyers in the entire world, the Las Vegas Magic Show utilizes this distribution platform to the greatest extent by sustaining over 90,000 buyers annually. In accordance, the exhibiting companies also participate in commercial functions by striving to promote brand awareness to consumers as they carefully plan to increase actual sales and secure new customers. Domestically, numerous organizations such as the Trade Promotion Administration, the Korean Apparel Association, and KOTRA(Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency) present similar international apparel fairs to strongly encourage domestic companies to exhibit at international apparel fairs. However, many companies fail to succeed in achieving actual results, which frequently causes them to attend the shows for the short term only. This may occur due to the lack of research on apparel order-writing exhibitions by academia and proactive workers. This research study was based on the careful observation and analysis of the three most recent years of Magic exhibitor attendees’ operations and changes to accomplish the final objective of presenting a basic guideline to attend an international apparel exhibition.

      • 해외무역전시회 참가성과에 관한 실증적 연구

        연영철(Yeon Young-Chul) 한국무역학회 2008 무역학자 전국대회 발표논문집 Vol.2008 No.8

        This study is intended to empirically verify the hypotheses of the causal relationship among pavilion participant's activities, visitor interest and performance. The structural equation modeling analysis, using data of 220 participants at Korean pavilions, was employed to test the goodness of the research model fitness. The research model met fitness criteria, and the empirical findings of this research are; first, marketing activities of participants at the each stage of pre-show, on-show, positively caused the visitor interest: secondly, with exception of pre-show activities, on-show and post show activities positively and directly affected the performance of pavilion participants: thirdly, visitor interest has positively influenced on post-show activities and strongly on individual participant's performance. Besides, pre-show activities have causal relationship with on-shows, on-show activities with post shows. The result of this study suggests that co-participants of group pavilion should, in spite of pavilion organizer's supporting role, exert their best efforts on each pre-show, on-show, and post-show stage, to invite many potential visitors and buyers, and to make active promotional activities at each stage, as those factors caused positively the good performance of participants which is the most important reason for Korean companies' participation at the international trade shows.

      • KCI등재

        A Comparison of the Image of Korea as Perceived by Foreign Tourists Before and After the International Trade Show - The Case of 2005 Seoul International Sports & Leisure Industry Show -

        최상수,Choi, Sang-Su Korea Association for International Commerce and I 2007 통상정보연구 Vol.9 No.2

        This research empirically examined changes in the images of Korea over three points in time among Japanese, Chinese, and U.S. visitors to South Korea. Between March 14 and May 31, 2005, about two to three months after the 2005 Seoul International Sports & Leisure Industry Show ended, 153 tourists from America, 129 from China, and 156 from the Japan completed the survey instrument. The results from a General Linear Model (GLM) with repeated measures showed that tourists from all three countries had more positive images after the Seoul International Sports & Leisure Industry Show than before it. It was concluded that the 2005 Seoul International Sports & Leisure Industry Show appeared to have a significant positive effect in enhancing the image of South Korea. The study suggests that an internationally significant trade Show can change the image of a tourism destination in a short time period.

      • KCI등재

        한국기업의 해외전시회 선택요인이 참가성과와 시장성과에 미치는 영향

        최미나 ( Meina Cui ),김봉석 ( Bong-seok Kim ),오가림 ( Jialin Wu ) 한독경상학회 2017 經商論叢 Vol.35 No.3

        본 연구는 중국전시회에 참가한 경험이 있는 한국 전시참가업체를 대상으로 한국기업의 중국전시회 선택속성이 참가성과와 시장성과에 미치는 영향에 대한 검정한 목적으로 이루는 연구이다. 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 문헌연구를 바탕으로 한 이론적 접근방법과 중국전시회에 참가한 한국기업을 대상으로 한 실증조사를 진행하였다. 한국기업의 중국전시회 선택속성(기업특성, 현지국 환경, 개최지)와 전시회 참가성과(판매성과, 시장성과), 그리고 중국 시장성과(수출성과), 일반적 특성 등에 대한 설문문항을 작성하여 조사하였다. 조사대상은 중국전시회에 참가한 경험이 있는 한국 전시참가업체로, 중국 광동성에서 개최되는 캔톤페어, 한국 코엑스와 킨텍스에서 개최되는 대표적인 국제전시회에 참가한 한국기업을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 연구결과에 따르면 한국기업의 중국전시회 선택속성 중 개최지는 판매성과에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 개최지, 기업특성, 중국 현지환경은 비판매성과에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 또한 한국기업의 중국전시회 참가성과는 중국 시장성과에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 본 논문은 그동안 간과 되었던 중국전시회와 중국시장의 영향을 분석하여 한국기업의 관점에서 중국전시회 연구에 학문적으로 기여하였다. 또한 근래 중국의 시장경제가 침체되고 있는 상황에도 불구하고 중국전시회 분야는 급속도로 성장하고 있는 추세를 비추어 보았을 때, 중국전시회 중요성에 대한 통계적 자료를 정리함으로써 한국기업이 중국전시회를 바라보는 시각이 더욱 풍부해질 수 있는 기초적 자료를 마련했다는 데 의미가 있다. This study examines that Effects of Korean companies`s China Exhibition select properties on Trade Show performance and market performance. This study is to define Korean Enterprise`s China Exhibition select properties, Trade Show participation performance, market performance and implement factor derivation through literature review. As a result, China Trade show venue has a significant effect on sales performance. It was also analyzed that the venue, the characteristics of enterprises, and the local environment in China had a significant effect on the non-sales performance. Then the Participation of Korean companies in China Trade show that it has a significant effect on Chinese market performance. In summary, Korean companies are effectively responding to changes in the Chinese market environment, So Korean companies have to strengthen their exhibition marketing strategy and plan, including China Trade Show participation marketing strategy.

      • KCI등재

        A Comparison of the Image of Korea as Perceived by Foreign Tourists Before and After the International Trade Show

        Sang-Su Choi 한국통상정보학회 2007 통상정보연구 Vol.9 No.2

        This research empirically examined changes in the images of Korea over three points in time among Japanese, Chinese, and U.S. visitors to South Korea. Between March 14 and May 31, 2005, about two to three months after the 2005 Seoul International Sports & Leisure Industry Show ended, 153 tourists from America, 129 from China, and 156 from the Japan completed the survey instrument. The results from a General Linear Model (GLM) with repeated measures showed that tourists from all three countries had more positive images after the Seoul International Sports & Leisure Industry Show than before it. It was concluded that the 2005 Seoul International Sports & Leisure Industry Show appeared to have a significant positive effect in enhancing the image of South Korea. The study suggests that an internationally significant trade Show can change the image of a tourism destination in a short time period.

      • Exhibitors at International Trade Fairs(ITFs) : The Influence of Export Support Program of Government

        Bong-Seok Kim,Yan Zhou,Chulwon Kim,Dae-Kwan Kim 韓國貿易學會 2008 國際學術大會 論文集 Vol.2008 No.12

        This research examines the issue of International Trade Fairs (ITFs) support programs as an export assistance of government and performance measurement of exhibitors at ITFs. The objective of this research is twofold: First, to identify the multi-dimensional attributes of ITFs support programs of government; second, to develop measures of exhibitor's performance whereby results from participating in ITFs can be evaluated. Attributes of ITFs support programs are reflected through multiple measures, such as selection of export-effective ITFs, the amount of supported money for attending ITFs, pavilion booth design and pavilion booth position at ITFs, and on-site management and post-show promotion supporting for the exhibitors. Performance variables are developed to capture selling and non-selling dimensions, as well as reflect overall satisfaction and intention of re-participation of ITFs. The key findings are: a) The 3-dimensional attributes of government ITFs support programs are developed with institution factor, policy implementation factor and booth factor; b) From multiple regression analyses, it is found that the institution factor and the booth factor have positive effect on the performance of non-selling aspect, while only the institution factor has positive effect on selling performance of the exhibitors; c) The selling and non-selling performance of the exhibitors have positive effect on the overall satisfaction of participation at the supported ITFs, but only the selling performance has positive effect on the intention of re-participation of the same ITFs.

      • KCI등재

        Attributes and Performance of Government Export Support Programs for Exhibitors at ITFs

        김봉석,김철원,김대관,YAN ZHOU 한국무역학회 2009 Journal of Korea trade Vol.13 No.3

        In this paper, the multi-dimensional attributes of government export support programs for exhibitors at international trade fairs (ITFs) are described and their effects on sponsored firms’ performance are evaluated. The attributes of support programs include the selection of export-effective ITFs, the amount of supporting money for attending ITFs, pavilion booth design and pavilion booth position at ITFs, and on-site management and post-show promotion support for the exhibitors. Performance variables are identified by two dimensions, including selling performance and non-selling performance. The study identified three dimensional attributes of the government's supporting programs including 1) institutional factor, 2) policy implementation factor and 3) booth factor. Using multiple regression analyses, it was found that the institution factor and the booth factor have a positive effect on both the selling and non-selling performance of supported exhibitors, while the policy implementation factor does not have any effect on the selling or the non-selling performance. It was also found that both selling and non-selling performance have a positive effect on the overall satisfaction of participating in ITFs, but only the non-selling performance has a slight positive effect on In this paper, the multi-dimensional attributes of government export support programs for exhibitors at international trade fairs (ITFs) are described and their effects on sponsored firms’ performance are evaluated. The attributes of support programs include the selection of export-effective ITFs, the amount of supporting money for attending ITFs, pavilion booth design and pavilion booth position at ITFs, and on-site management and post-show promotion support for the exhibitors. Performance variables are identified by two dimensions, including selling performance and non-selling performance. The study identified three dimensional attributes of the government's supporting programs including 1) institutional factor, 2) policy implementation factor and 3) booth factor. Using multiple regression analyses, it was found that the institution factor and the booth factor have a positive effect on both the selling and non-selling performance of supported exhibitors, while the policy implementation factor does not have any effect on the selling or the non-selling performance. It was also found that both selling and non-selling performance have a positive effect on the overall satisfaction of participating in ITFs, but only the non-selling performance has a slight positive effect on

      • Exhibitors at International Trade Fairs(ITFs)

        Bong-Seok Kim,Yan Zhou,Chulwon Kim,Dae-Kwan Kim 한국무역학회 2008 한국무역학회 국제학술대회 Vol.2008 No.12

        This research examines the issue of International Trade Fairs (ITFs) support programs as an export assistance of government and performance measurement of exhibitors at ITFs. The objective of this research is twofold: First, to identify the multi-dimensional attributes of ITFs support programs of government; second, to develop measures of exhibitor's performance whereby results from participating in ITFs can be evaluated. Attributes of ITFs support programs are reflected through multiple measures, such as selection of export-effective ITFs, the amount of supported money for attending ITFs, pavilion booth design and pavilion booth position at ITFs, and on-site management and post-show promotion supporting for the exhibitors. Performance variables are developed to capture selling and non-selling dimensions, as well as reflect overall satisfaction and intention of re-participation of ITFs. The key findings are: a) The 3-dimensional attributes of government ITFs support programs are developed with institution factor, policy implementation factor and booth factor; b) From multiple regression analyses, it is found that the institution factor and the booth factor have positive effect on the performance of non-selling aspect, while only the institution factor has positive effect on selling performance of the exhibitors; c) The selling and non-selling performance of the exhibitors have positive effect on the overall satisfaction of participation at the supported ITFs, but only the selling performance has positive effect on the intention of re-participation of the same ITFs.

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