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      • KCI등재

        The Impact of Robot Appearance Types and Robot Behavior Types on People's Perception of a Robot

        Choi, Jung Ju(최정주),Kwak, Sonya S(곽소나) 한국디지털디자인협의회 2014 디지털디자인학연구 Vol.14 No.3

        로봇의 외형과 행동은 인간형과 제품형, 두 가지 유형으로 분류될 수 있다. 인간형 로봇은 인간의 외형과 행동을 닮은 유형이며, 제품형 로봇은 기존 제품과 유사한 형태를 지닌 유형으로써, 제품의 기능을 극대화시켜주는 유형이다. 본 연구에서는 인간형 로봇과 제품형 로봇에 대해 비교하고, 로봇의 유형이 사람이 인식하는 로봇의 사회적 실재감, 사회성과 서비스 만족도에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아보고자 한다. 이 실험은 로봇의 외형유형 (인간형 vs. 제품형)과 행동유형 (인간형 vs. 제품형)에 따른 사용자의 로봇 인상평가에 대한 2X2 피험자 내 실험을 실시하였다. 실험 결과, 피험자는 인간형 외형을 지닌 로봇에 제품형 외형을 지닌 로봇보다 더 많은 사회적 실재감과 사회성을 느끼는 반면, 제품형 외형을 지닌 로봇이 제공하는 서비스에 인간형 외형을 지닌 로봇이 제공하는 서비스보다 더 만족하였다. 로봇의 행동유형에서도 동일한 결과가 나타났다. 또한, 인간형 행동을 지닌 로봇의 경우, 제품형 외형이 인간형 외형보다 더 많은 사회적 실재감과 사회성을 지닌다고 평가되는 반면, 제품형 행동을 지닌 로봇의 경우, 인간형 외형이 제품형 외형보다 더 많은 사회적 실재감과 사회성을 지닌다고 평가되었다. Robot"s appearance types and behavior types could be classified into two types: human-oriented and product-oriented. Human-oriented robot resembles human"s appearance and behavior whereas product-oriented robot maximizes the robot"s dedicated functions. In this study, we compared human-oriented and product-oriented robots, and investigated the impact of two robot appearance types and two robot behavior types on perceived social presence, sociability, and service evaluation of a robot. We executed a 2 (robot appearance types: human-oriented vs. product-oriented) x 2 (robot behavior types: human-oriented vs. product-oriented) within-participants experiment design (N=24). Participants perceived more social presence and sociability to a robot with human-oriented appearance than that with product-oriented appearance whereas they were more satisfied with service provided by a robot with product-oriented appearance than that with human-oriented appearance. The same results were revealed for robot behavior types. Moreover, in the case of a robot with human-oriented behavior, people perceived product-oriented appearance as having more social presence and sociability than human-oriented appearance while in the case of a robot with product-oriented behavior, they evaluated human-oriented appearance more positively than product-oriented appearance. Implications for the design of human-robot interaction are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        신유물론자의 기계: 레비 브라이언트의 기계지향존재론과 1920년대 로봇

        이재준 인천대학교 인문학연구소 2023 인문학연구 Vol.39 No.-

        Machine-Oriented Ontology (MOO) challenges the traditional concept of ‘object’ by introducing the concept of ‘machine’, advocating for a posthuman media ecology that emphasizes the interactions and interdependencies between humans and non-human machines. MOO also puts forth correlational presuppositions that consider machines as tangible entities, intentionally designed artifacts, and hybrid forms of instrumentality. This paper examines R.U.R. (1920), significant narrative showcasing correlations, and explores how it aligns with MOO. In R.U.R., robots initially conform to humans’ narcissistic mirror logic but ultimately attain liberation through the deconstruction of this mirror. The concept of the “power to work” establishes a horizontal ontology, placing humans and non-human robots on equal footing. Humans who do not engage in work are deemed unproductive and self-destructive. As working robots dissolve the instrumental relationship that centers around humans in all productive interactions, a paradigm shift occurs. Concurrently, Eric and Televox, the actual robots of R.U.R.’s era, challenge traditional humanistic relationships by interacting with humans beyond their predetermined design while also engaging in an instrumental relationship with them. This subversion of the expected human-robot dynamic introduces a disruptive element. The unexpected behaviour of actual machines operating outside their designated roles and contrary to human intentions creates a crack in the humanist mirror. As humans attribute materiality to the machines themselves, interspecies connections and transitions with non-humans become apparent. These relationships suggest an interconnected assemblage of machines. Through the exploration of MOO, this discussion opens up possibilities for a community that encompasses both human and non-human machines.

      • 작업지향 설계를 위한 의복형 보행보조 로봇의 분류방법

        김헌희,정진우,장효영,김진오,변증남 한국로봇학회 2006 로봇학회 논문지 Vol.1 No.1

        In this paper, we propose a methodology for classfying types of lower limb disability and their mechanical structure, based on extensive survey of previous developments. We also propose a task-oriented design with human-friendly and energy-efficient assistive system. The result can be used for optimal design of wearable walking-assistive robot donsidering the type of disability and the content of task.

      • KCI등재후보

        Human and Robot Tracking Using Histogram of Oriented Gradient Feature

        이정엄,이종호,김동원 아이씨티플랫폼학회 2018 JOURNAL OF PLATFORM TECHNOLOGY Vol.6 No.4

        This paper describes a real-time human and robot tracking method in Intelligent Space with multicameranetworks. The proposed method detects candidates for humans and robots by using thehistogram of oriented gradients (HOG) feature in an image. To classify humans and robots from thecandidates in real time, we apply cascaded structure to constructing a strong classifier which consistsof many weak classifiers as follows: a linear support vector machine (SVM) and a radial-basis function(RBF) SVM. By using the multiple view geometry, the method estimates the 3D position of humans androbots from their 2D coordinates on image coordinate system, and tracks their positions by usingstochastic approach. To test the performance of the method, humans and robots are asked to moveaccording to given rectangular and circular paths. Experimental results show that the proposedmethod is able to reduce the localization error and be good for a practical application of humancenteredservices in the Intelligent Space.

      • KCI등재

        인공지능과 로봇의사윤리

        맹주만 중앙대학교 중앙철학연구소 2018 철학탐구 Vol.52 No.-

        The existing professional ethics of doctors consists of ethical principles which are centred in the vocation and obligation of doctors, and the relationship between doctors and patients. In the near future robot doctor with on-board the medical artificial intelligence will play important roles of diagnosis and treatment of disease. As the human doctor’s reliance on robot doctors increases with this, more and more ethical problems will arise. In that case the human doctor-centred medical ethics limits to solving these problems. Beacuse of this I think we need to enact robot doctor’s ethics. It is even more so when considering the expected cooperative relationship in the inevitable times of robot doctor’s help in medical practice. This paper is a preliminary consideration for this. I would suggest the fundamental principles of possible medical ethics that should be applied the future robot doctor under the name the ethical principles of robot doctor. 현행 의사의 직업윤리는 의사의 윤리적 소명과 책무 및 의사와 환자 사이의 윤리적 관계 중심의 원칙을 담고 있다. 가까운 장래에 의료인공지능이 탑재된 로봇의사는 인간의사의 질병 진단과 처방에 중요한 역할을 할 것이다. 이와 함께 인간의사의 로봇의사에 대한 의존도가 커질수록 더욱 더 많은 윤리적 문제들이 발생할 것이다. 그럴 경우에 이러한 문제들을 해결하는데 인간의사 중심의 의료윤리만으로는 한계가 있다. 이에 나는 로봇의사윤리의 제정이 필요하다고 생각한다. 의료행위에 인공지능의 도움이 불가피한 시대에서 예상되는 인간의사와의 협업 관계를 고려하면 더욱 그렇다. 이 글은 이를 위한 예비적 고찰이다. 나는 미래의 로봇의사에게 적용되어야 할 가능한 의료윤리의 근본 원칙을 로봇의사의 윤리원칙이라는 이름 아래 제시할 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI등재

        The Education Game Using Gamification in the Classroom for H-STEAM perspective

        데이빗워트리,조청원 한국전시산업융합연구원 2017 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.31 No.-

        Modern Classroom Education faces many unprecedented challenges and opportunities as a result of rapid developments in digital communication technologies since the birth of the Internet in the early 1990s. Since that time, the generation of students known as "Digital Natives" have been born into a world where desktop and home computers are commonplace. Furthermore, video games are available in homes as well as arcades and mobile phones are becoming ubiquitous. As a consequence, for the first time in history, children have access to electronic devices which they can explore and interact with, sharing their experiences and problems with their peers. From the year 2016, world community began to use the term “4th Industrial Revolution.” Under this futuristic environment, human needs to get used to learn HA-BRID, which are Humanity oriented Artificial intelligence – Biotechnology, Robots, Information technology and Design. Future generation would live with these new concepts all around the life. It is the time to transform the education at the school to adapt the coming situation in proactive manner. This paper examines the impact of digital technologies along with HA-BRID in mind on teaching roles and practices in the classroom. Suggestion would illustrate how the concept of "Gamification" can provide a modern day solution to traditional teaching practices as a new way of transition aiming for the 4th Industrial society to come.

      • KCI등재

        The Education Game Using Gamification in the Classroom for H-STEAM perspective

        David Wortley(데이빗 워트리),Chungwon CHO(조청원) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2017 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.31 No.-

        Modern Classroom Education faces many unprecedented challenges and opportunities as a result of rapid developments in digital communication technologies since the birth of the Internet in the early 1990s. Since that time, the generation of students known as "Digital Natives" have been born into a world where desktop and home computers are commonplace. Furthermore, video games are available in homes as well as arcades and mobile phones are becoming ubiquitous. As a consequence, for the first time in history, children have access to electronic devices which they can explore and interact with, sharing their experiences and problems with their peers. From the year 2016, world community began to use the term “4th Industrial Revolution.” Under this futuristic environment, human needs to get used to learn HA-BRID, which are Humanity oriented Artificial intelligence – Biotechnology, Robots, Information technology and Design. Future generation would live with these new concepts all around the life. It is the time to transform the education at the school to adapt the coming situation in proactive manner. This paper examines the impact of digital technologies along with HA-BRID in mind on teaching roles and practices in the classroom. Suggestion would illustrate how the concept of "Gamification" can provide a modern day solution to traditional teaching practices as a new way of transition aiming for the 4th Industrial society to come.

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