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      • KCI등재

        주거공간의 지속가능성 계획 사례 분석

        이현창(Hyun-chang Lee),남경숙(Kyung-sook Nam) 한국생활환경학회 2008 한국생활환경학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        As pursuit of eco friendly housing, it was came out a requirement to develop sustainable design in housing. Sustainable development is a eco friendly development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This study is to set up the sustainable development in housing which is a countermeasure in the long term of a environmental changing. The purpose of the study is to offer information about sustainable design in housing to residents which is related with solving the problems in housing and considering the future housing. A study would like to contribute to design development for sustainable development in housing. To study sustainable development in housing, we researched and analyzed of brand apartments model which will be completed in 2010 through model house, documents, catalog and internet sites. We knew that the progress are doing consistently to increase energy efficiency design as applying ecological design and make a design for decreasing environment pollution. But convenience design and universal design are not enough in housing. So there need to supply convenience, universal space design with equipment design for sustainable development in housing. Environment-friendly design of housing for health is a obligation and fundamental element in the world. As pursuit of convenience, we also want to request of convenience system which is based on the convenience and development of the machine civilization supports the equipment system development. So interior design and equipment system need of convenience as considering the changing lifestyle and applying the culture, trend.

      • KCI등재

        임대주택의 디자인 다양화를 위한 사례분석 연구

        이소영,오명원,강현재 한국실내디자인학회 2017 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.26 No.6

        Since public rental housings (social housings) in Korea are extremely standardized and uniformed, a variety of needs of residents for their housing are hardly satisfied. Public rental housing conditions, its low quality and size limitations regardless of residents type and needs resulted into negative images of social housing and social discriminations. Therefore there is a growing demand for alternative housing options in terms of diversification of social housing design with consideration for changing households and housing requirements. The purpose of this study to investigate some housing design guidelines, to analyze layout of building complex, community designs, household units and characteristics, overall design characteristics (sustainable design features, facade design, window and balcony composition, color and materials) and to provide some design suggestions for social housing. Design guidelines are classified into site planning and building layouts, residential building and household units, and performance of housing. Community facilities and their design features provide uniqueness of the public residence. Overall housing size of foreign cases is bigger than the domestic cases. Narrow shape of household units are more dominant in Korean public rental housing. More various shape and forms are found in facade and window design in foreign cases. Some design suggestion are provided for more diverse housing units and design for public rental housing in Korea. 공공주도의 임대주택은 전형적이고 획일적인 주호계획과 배치로 주거취약계층의 다양한 가구 구성과 주거요구를 충족시키기 어렵고 변화하는 사회적 주거수준과 동떨어져 임대주택의 부정적 인식을 높인 원인이 되었다. 이러한 기존 임대주택에 대한 부정적인 인식을 개선하기 위해서는 주택의 질을 높이는 것이 우선되어야 하며, 디자인 다양화는 주택의 내실화와 차별성을 이루는 방법으로 부정적인 인식을 개선하는 구체적인 방법이 될 수 있다. 본 연구는 임대주택계획의 디자인 측면에서 다양성을 확보하기 위한 방안을 제시하기 위해, 국내외의 디자인 가이드라인을 비교 분석하고 디자인 다양성 요소를 추출하여 이를 바탕으로 국내외 임대주택의 사례를 분석하여 주동 배치 및 커뮤니티 특성, 주호 구성 및 특성, 파사드 및 발코니 등 디자인 특성을 분석하여 디자인 다양성을 구현하는 방안을 조사하였다. 사례조사 결과, 단지의 배치계획에서는 일반적으로 중정형과 계단형이 많았지만, 싱가포르의 경우 열대기후적 특성이 고려되어 병렬형과 타워형으로 계획되었다. 해외사례의 커뮤니티 계획에서는 지역의 특수성에 바탕을 둔 차별화된 디자인 개념이 사용되었다. 주호의 유닛구성에서, 해외사례의 면적과 장단변비를 국내사례와 비교하면, Studio형에서 면적은 해외사례보다 1/2 작은 반면, 장단변비는 크게 3배 가깝게 긴 차이를 보였다. 국내 Studio형의 면적과 유닛구성을 다양하게 개발하는 노력이 요구되며, 이는 최근 증가하고 있는 1인가구의 수요에도 부합할 수 있을 것이다. 전체적인 파사드 계획에서는 창과 발코니 등의 비율변화를 주거나 차양디자인을 통하여 입면의 변화를 주었다. 해외사례에서는 자연환기, 빗물관리시스템, 태양열 이용 등을 이용한 지속가능성 기술을 기본적으로 사용하고 있는 경우가 많았으며, 이러한 지속가능성 기술은 저에너지를 실현하는 동시에 디자인 다양성을 구현하는 방안으로 활용될 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        미래 환경 변화 대응을 위한 임대주택 공간 디자인 요소에 관한 연구 -청년층을 위한 중국 보장성 임대주택을 중심으로-

        라결여,김영진,김경숙 한국공간디자인학회 2022 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.17 No.8

        (Background and Purpose) With the recent acceleration of urbanization, people have tended to flock to large cities and metropolitan areas where there is greater economic development in order to access fairer, more diverse employment and start-up opportunities as well as to obtain broader living support. On the other hand, young people, the mainstay of the floating population, are struggling with housing issues due to their limited income. Data shows that over 70% of young people are currently solving their housing issues through renting houses. Against this backdrop, the Chinese government officially launched a government-subsidized rental housing program in 2021, which is expected to play an important role in solving the problem. In addition, the preferred lifestyles and housing types of this younger population have shifted significantly due to complex environmental changes, such as the Fourth Industrial Revolution and COVID-19. Therefore, this study aims to derive the key elements for the space design of government-subsidized rental housing to respond to these environmental changes. (Method) Through a theoretical review, the shifting environmental factors affecting the development of government-subsidized rental housing were examined, and the basic space design for this future housing was derived. Based on the new environmental factors and the basic space design, a research model was constructed by deriving the space design elements through FGI and selecting variables. Accordingly, a questionnaire focusing on young people in large cities was administered, and the results were statistically analyzed. To verify the suitability of the research model and questionnaire, reliability and validity analyses of the results were conducted. In addition, the correlation between space design elements and space design for future government-subsidized rental housing was verified through correlation analysis. Important design elements influencing space design for future government-subsidized rental housing were derived through regression analysis. (Results) Questionnaire data showed the results are highly reliable, the research models and variables can be selected, and space design elements are closely correlated with space design for future government-subsidized rental housing. In addition, spatial design elements such as convenience, health, self-sufficient energy, residential production, artificial intelligence, automation, home network, variable space, and remote control are important factors and positively influence space design for future government-subsidized rental housing. (Conclusions) Space design studies for rental housing to prepare for future environmental changes is expected to play a positive role in identifying the appropriate direction for the space design of future government-subsidized rental housing developed to address the housing issues faced by young Chinese people living in large cities.

      • KCI등재

        해외 고령친화 주택디자인 가이드라인 특성 분석

        황윤서,이연숙,임예지,전은정 한국공간디자인학회 2023 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.18 No.8

        (연구배경 및 목적) 인구 고령화는 글로벌 현상으로서 급격하게 증가하는 노인의 안전과 자립생활을 지원해주는 고령친화적인 환경 조성을 위한 구체적인 실천 지침이 세계 여러 나라에서 제시·적용되고 있다. 한국의 고령화는 OECD 국가 중 가장 빠른 증가 속도를 보이며 2025년 고령인구가 20%가 넘는 초고령사회를 진입을 앞두고 있어 고령자 주거복지정책에 대한 시급성이 요구되고 있다. 이에 따라 본 연구는 한국보다 앞서 고령화를 겪어온 해외 선진국의 최근 개발된 고령친화 주택 디자인 가이드라인의 주요 특성을 살펴보고 한국적 현실에 맞는 주거모델 개발을 위한 기초자료 제공에 목적이 있다. (연구방법) 최근 개발된 해외 고령친화 가이드라인의 내용분석 연구로서 이를 위해 미국(HomeFit Guide), 호주(Livable housing Design), 아일랜드(Universal Design Guidelines For Homes in Ireland)의 고령친화 주택 디자인 가이드라인을 대상으로 디자인 주요 특성을 비교·분석하였다. 이를 위해 WHO 고령친화도시 가이드라인 8대 분야 중 주거공간 지침에 해당하는 ‘housing checklist’를 분석 틀로 하였다. (결과) 분석결과 모든 국가는 Aging in place(AIP)의 실현을 위해 노인의 취약한 신체적 특성을 고려한 주택계획 요소는 물론 다양한 모든 사람이 생애주기 변화에 대응할 수 있는 지역 내 거주 가능한 주택(AIP)으로서의 시장가치(Affordability)를 중시하였다. 미국의 ‘HomeFit Guide’는 거주 노인의 입장에서 부담없이 기존 주택 개조 및 유지관리할 수 있는 측면에서 중점을 두었고, 호주의 ‘Livable housing Design Guidelines’와 아일랜드의 ‘Universal Design Guidelines for Homes in Ireland’는 신축 주택계획 및 시공 시 추후 거주자의 요구에 맞출 수 있는 개조의 용이성 측면에서 더 세심한 노력이 있었다. 특히 아일랜드의 경우 주택에 원격 의료 및 모니터링 기술을 도입하여 일상생활 및 돌발상황 관리 서비스가 가능하게 하였다. (결론) 고령친화 주택의 보편화와 주택개조 시장의 활성화를 위해 각 지역 특성을 고려한 접근과 노인 주거복지 관련 정부관계자, 정책담당자, 주택계획 전문가 및 노인을 대상으로 한 교육 프로그램의 필요성이 부각되었다. 또한 누구나 쉽게 접근하고 정보를 활용할 수 있는 플랫폼 지원으로 정보 교류 및 모니터링 등이 가능하게 함으로써 자발적 참여 증진의 중요성을 시사하였다. (Background and Purpose) The global phenomenon of population aging has prompted numerous countries to adopt and implement specific practice guidelines, aiming to cultivate an age-friendly environment conducive to the safety and independent living of the burgeoning older adult population. Among OECD nations, South Korea stands out with the fastest-growing aging population, poised to transition into a super-aged society with a projected elderly population of over 20% by 2025. This demographic shift urgently necessitates the formulation of housing welfare policies tailored to the specific needs of older adults in Korea. Consequently, this study endeavors to scrutinize the key attributes of recently developed age-friendly housing design guidelines from advanced nations that have confronted the challenges of aging before Korea. The goal is to furnish foundational data for the creation of housing models aligned with the distinctive realities of the Korean context. (Method) Employing a content analysis approach, this study delves into recently formulated age-friendly guidelines from overseas. The focus extends to housing design guidelines from the United States (HomeFit Guide), Australia (Livable Housing Design), and Ireland (Universal Design Guidelines for Homes in Ireland). The primary design characteristics are subjected to a comparative analysis using the 'housing checklist,' aligned with the residential space guidelines among the eight areas outlined in the WHO Age-Friendly City Guidelines. (Results) The analysis reveals a consensus across nations on the imperative consideration of housing planning elements geared towards accommodating the vulnerable physical characteristics of older adults, emphasizing the concept of Aging in Place (AIP). Furthermore, the significance of habitable housing, responsive to changes in the life cycle, is underscored, with an added emphasis on market value, particularly affordability. The 'HomeFit Guide' from the United States places a premium on enabling older adults residents to remodel and maintain existing homes without undue burden. In contrast, Australia's 'Livable Housing Design Guidelines' and Ireland's 'Universal Design Guidelines for Homes in Ireland' exhibit a meticulous focus on facilitating ease of modification during the planning and construction of new housing. Notably, Ireland introduces remote medical and monitoring technology into homes, enhancing daily life and emergency management services. (Conclusions) To propagate senior-friendly housing on a universal scale and invigorate the housing renovation market, there is a pressing need for a nuanced approach that considers the distinctive characteristics of each region. An education program targeting government officials, policymakers, housing planning experts, and older adults, related to senior citizen housing welfare, is paramount. Additionally, promoting voluntary participation is highlighted, facilitated through information exchange and monitoring supported by an easily accessible platform.

      • KCI등재

        상암 새천년주거단지 현상설계안에서 나타나는 우리나라의 지속가능한 주거단지계획 적용특성

        이아영,김진균 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.20 No.1

        The Design competition of Sangam residential area held by SMDC is representative of Korean sustainable housing design. 31 entries were proposed by many well-known architects groups. For that reason, this is a good object to explore the cognition and applications of sustainable housing design in Korea. Through literature studies, it can be said that sustainable housing could be fulfilled when energy, environment, ecology and humanity would be in harmony mutually in a circular system. These four sections are categorized by several factors like passive design, microclimate, traffic, cycle of water, etc. Index was made after analyzing the index of the domestic verifications and foreign sustainable housing examples. And then, all designs of Sangam were explored and compared with foreign examples within this index. These results are followings: The prize-winning designs are specially apt to enlarge the underground built area to remove lots of parking areas on the ground, finally reduce the natural land area. When the frequency of the use of factors was analyzed as a whole, total frequencies of Sangam and foreign ones are similar. In sections, ecology in Sangam shows higher frequency than foreign ones. But in the design methods, Sangam designs are poorer than foreign ones. Therefore it can be said that the principles of sustainable housing are applied roughly and there are many complications and contradictions in determining building forms, floors and uses of natural environment.

      • KCI등재

        도심 공유 주택 생성 파라메트릭 디자인 방법론 연구

        박정은,이현수 한국실내디자인학회 2019 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.28 No.5

        Due to the increase in the importance of the sharing economy, the number of shared houses that could share lounge, kitchen, and dining and make space-efficient and social experiences is increasing. However, the existing design way of collective houses is limited to the uniform design aimed only for the economy, or the lack of awareness of the importance of the shared space induces a problem in dissatisfaction with the convenience facilities and the community space. It is necessary to change the design method by integrating the new technology of the design and improving the efficiency of the space sharing in the housing design reflecting the changing housing trend. In this study, the parametric design process is proposed to increase the efficiency of shared flow in shared housing through the idea of a tree structure which is an efficient system of nature. The study explored the characteristics of shared housing planning through previous studies on shared housing and examines the parametric approach to housing design. In addition, the branch structure which has the efficient flow of nature was studied and a concept that could increase the level of sharing through the integration of branch structures in the design of shared houses was proposed. A radial tree diagram related to the branch structure was drawn considering the relation of spaces in shared housing for driving the efficient plan and a parametric design algorithm was constructed. Finally, the simulation of shared housing model formation was carried out for verification of the derived methodology. The methodology proposed in this study could be a new attempt to design housing that increases sharing efficiency in the age of sharing the importance and it could be a solution to social sustainability.

      • KCI등재

        해외 고령친화 주택디자인 가이드라인 특성 분석

        황윤서 ( Hwang Yoonseo ),이연숙 ( Lee Yeunsook ),임예지 ( Lim Yeaji ),전은정 ( Jun Eunjung ) 한국공간디자인학회 2023 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.18 No.8

        (Background and Purpose) The global phenomenon of population aging has prompted numerous countries to adopt and implement specific practice guidelines, aiming to cultivate an age-friendly environment conducive to the safety and independent living of the burgeoning older adult population. Among OECD nations, South Korea stands out with the fastest-growing aging population, poised to transition into a super-aged society with a projected elderly population of over 20% by 2025. This demographic shift urgently necessitates the formulation of housing welfare policies tailored to the specific needs of older adults in Korea. Consequently, this study endeavors to scrutinize the key attributes of recently developed age-friendly housing design guidelines from advanced nations that have confronted the challenges of aging before Korea. The goal is to furnish foundational data for the creation of housing models aligned with the distinctive realities of the Korean context. (Method) Employing a content analysis approach, this study delves into recently formulated age-friendly guidelines from overseas. The focus extends to housing design guidelines from the United States (HomeFit Guide), Australia (Livable Housing Design), and Ireland (Universal Design Guidelines for Homes in Ireland). The primary design characteristics are subjected to a comparative analysis using the 'housing checklist,' aligned with the residential space guidelines among the eight areas outlined in the WHO Age-Friendly City Guidelines. (Results) The analysis reveals a consensus across nations on the imperative consideration of housing planning elements geared towards accommodating the vulnerable physical characteristics of older adults, emphasizing the concept of Aging in Place (AIP). Furthermore, the significance of habitable housing, responsive to changes in the life cycle, is underscored, with an added emphasis on market value, particularly affordability. The 'HomeFit Guide' from the United States places a premium on enabling older adults residents to remodel and maintain existing homes without undue burden. In contrast, Australia's 'Livable Housing Design Guidelines' and Ireland's 'Universal Design Guidelines for Homes in Ireland' exhibit a meticulous focus on facilitating ease of modification during the planning and construction of new housing. Notably, Ireland introduces remote medical and monitoring technology into homes, enhancing daily life and emergency management services. (Conclusions) To propagate senior-friendly housing on a universal scale and invigorate the housing renovation market, there is a pressing need for a nuanced approach that considers the distinctive characteristics of each region. An education program targeting government officials, policymakers, housing planning experts, and older adults, related to senior citizen housing welfare, is paramount. Additionally, promoting voluntary participation is highlighted, facilitated through information exchange and monitoring supported by an easily accessible platform.

      • KCI우수등재

        상암 새천년주거단지 현상설계에서 나타나는 우리나라의 지속가능한 주거단지계획 적용특성

        이아영,김진균 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.20 No.1

        The Design competition of Sangam residential area held by SMDC is representative of Korean sustainable housing design. 31 entries were proposed by many well-known architects groups. For that reason, this is a good object to explore the cognition and applications of sustainable housing design in Korea. Through literature studies, it can be said that sustainable housing could be fulfilled when energy, environment, ecology and humanity would be in harmony mutually in a circular system. These four sections are categorized by several factors like passive design, microclimate, traffic, cycle of water, etc. Index was made after analyzing the index of the domestic verifications and foreign sustainable housing examples. And then, all designs of Sangam were explored and compared with foreign examples within this index. These results are followings: The prize-winning designs are specially apt to enlarge the underground built area to remove lots of parking areas on the ground, finally reduce the natural land area. When the frequency of the use of factors was analyzed as a whole, total frequencies of Sangam and foreign ones are similar. In sections, ecology in Sangam shows higher frequency than foreign ones. But in the design methods, Sangam designs are poorer than foreign ones. Therefore it can be said that the principles of sustainable housing are applied roughly and there are many complications and contradictions in determining building forms, floors and uses of natural environment.

      • KCI등재

        노후 공공임대주택 그린 리모델링 디자인 요소별 전문가 인식도 조사

        최성경 ( Choi Seongkyung ),양소영 ( Yang Soyeong ),이문수 ( Lee Munsu ),문정민 ( Moon Jeongmin ) 한국공간디자인학회 2021 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.16 No.8

        (Background and Purpose) Since the ‘Green Remodeling Project’ is spotlighted as one of the 10 key tasks of the Korean Green New Deal policy, it has gained importance as a strategy for solving various problems to aging of buildings in Korea. Moreover, the building age of public rental housings has increased over 30 years since the public rental housings scheme started in 1990. Therefore, this study aims to explore design elements and evaluate the level of awareness of experts in various fields for achieving the goal of green remodeling by improving energy efficiency and the comfort of old spaces. (Method) Our research method was conducted in three major steps. First, the current status and problems of the overall project were identified based on previous literature and case studies related to the “green remodeling project for public rental housing” in Korea. Second, FGI (Focus Group Interview) with experts was conducted based on remodeling items analyzed through literature and case studies. From its results, remodeling items for each green remodeling design element for public rental housing were classified. Third, an expert survey was conducted to understand the level of awareness of experts in each field, based on the derived design elements and remodeling items. (Results) As a result of the FGI with experts, green remodeling design elements and remodeling items for the public rental housing were derived into 32 items in four parts: energy (8), space (10), design (8), and operation (6). In addition, as a result of conducting a survey of 72 experts based on the 5-point Likert scale to evaluate the importance of each element of the remodeling design, it shows energy (4.14) and operation (4.06) are more important than design (3.85) and space (3.94). And a result of evaluation on the specialized field shows urban regeneration, administration, housing welfare field (4.14) is more important than architecture, interior design, industrial design field (4.08), and energy and technology field (3.70). (Conclusions) In general, there have been various discussions on energy efficiency management and performance improvement of old buildings, and improvement of the quality of user-customized spaces. In order to solve this problem, various methods such as institutional change, promotion of new technology, and provision of welfare services, can be considered in each field. However, for sustainable and effective problem solving, it is necessary to explore interdisciplinary approach to new directions based on appropriate design elements for collaboration of experts from various fields.

      • KCI등재

        서비스디자인 기반 공유주택 공간 연구 : 중국 ‘포유(泊寓)’ 공유주택을 중심으로

        마시우,홍창기,안국강 한국상품문화디자인학회 2022 상품문화디자인학연구 Vol.69 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to put forward a plan to optimize and create a shared housing service strategy for residents' experience and satisfaction with shared housing. The scope of the research site selected the “Puyou", a public house with branches all over China. Boyu shared house is the most advanced brand of public housing in China at present. It has been selected as a demonstration project by the Digital Standardization Technical Committee of China's Intelligent Buildings and Residential Areas, providing places for residents to live, communicate, study and entertain. Based on the analysis matrix of shared housing based on service design, this paper discusses the shared housing in China, and obtains the value of space service design characteristics of "Boyu" shared housing through the examination of experts' evaluation indicators. It shows that the excellent housing evaluation index, the highest safety value, the perfect convenience evaluation index, and the outstanding aesthetic evaluation index among the service design features of "Boyu" shared housing. On the contrary, it has common comfort and interactivity evaluation indexes of shared housing without satisfactory information evaluation indexes, which means that the low comfort of shared housing facilities with the interactive services of shared housing workers and residents, as well as the insufficient services of immediate information transmission.The results of the study showed that among the service design characteristics of the Boyu shared housing, the value of safety was the highest, and the value of convenience and aesthetics was also higher. However, the level of comfort, interactivity, and information is low, there are insufficient rest facilities in the public space, and the interactive facilities of residents in shared housing are insufficient, so information cannot be transmitted in time due to the lack of understanding of residents. These results prove that it is very important to plan the space by reflecting the service design components and making the service characteristics evenly distributed in the process of the formation of shared housing. This is because when the needs and characteristics of service users (tenants or potential tenants) are balanced with the service characteristics of the space, it can provide a better experience and creates a good brand image for the service provider and the company. This study only evaluates and analyzes the service design of shared residential spaces and facilities, which has limitations. In order to conduct in-depth research on shared housing, it is necessary to conduct follow-up research on the strategy and system construction to improve the service design orientation of shared housing. Finally, it is expected that the results of this study will become meaningful basic information for the development of shared housing in China, space service design and design research in related fields. 본 연구는 주민들을 위해 공유주택에서의 체험담과 만족도를 목표로 하여, 공유주택 서비스 전략의 최적화와 창조 방안을제시하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 연구의 장소적 범위는 중국의 각 지역에 지점을 두고 있는 공유주택 ‘포유(泊寓)’를 선정하였다. ‘포유(泊寓)’ 공유주택은 현재 중국에서 가장 발전이 된 공유주택 브랜드로 중국 스마트 건축 및 주거지역의 디지털 표준화 기술 위원회1)로부터 시범적 프로젝트로 선정되었으며 주민들에게 주거, 소통, 학습, 오락 등을 모두 누릴 수 있는 장소를 제공하고 있는 곳이다. 연구 방법은 서비스디자인을 기반으로 한 공유주택 분석의 매트릭스를 제안하여 중국 공유주택을 분석하고 전문가의 평가지표에 대한 심사를 거쳐 ‘포유’ 공유주택의 공간 서비스디자인 특성의 가치를 도출하였다. 연구 결과 ‘포유’ 공유주택의 서비스디자인 특징에서 ‘포유’ 공유주택의 평가지표는 매우 우수하며 안정성 수치가 가장높게 나타났고, 편의성 평가지표 또한 매우 우수하였으며, 심미성 평가지표는 우수한 것으로 나타났다. 반면, 공유주택의쾌적성과 양방향성 평가지표는 보통으로 나타났고, 정보성 평가지표는 미흡하였는데 이는 공유주택 시설의 쾌적성이 낮고, 공유주택 근로자와 주민들의 인터랙티브 서비스, 그리고 정보가 즉시 전달되는 서비스가 부족하다는 것을 말한다. 이유는 공유주택 시설의 쾌적도와 공공공간 휴게시설이 부족하고 공유주택에서 주민들이 상호 교류할 수 있는 시설이 부족하며, 주민에 대한 몰이해로 정보 전달이 즉시 이뤄지지 않는다는 것을 의미한다. 이같은 결과는 공유주택 형성에서 서비스디자인 구성 요소를 반영하여 공간 계획을 진행하고, 서비스 특성을 균일하게 분포하여 만드는 것이 아주 중요하다는 사실을 입증한다. 서비스 사용자(세입자 혹은 잠재적 세입자)의 욕구 및 특성과 공간의 서비스 특성이 균형을 잡을 때, 더 좋은 체험을선사하고 서비스 제공자 및 기업의 좋은 브랜드 이미지를 조성할 수 있기 때문이다. 본 연구는 공유주택 공간과 시설의 서비스 디자인만을 평가하고 분석했다는 한계점을 가지고 있다. 공유주택에 대한 심도 있는 연구를 위해서는 공유주택 서비스디자인 방향성을 향상시키는 전략과 시스템 구축에 대한 후속 연구도 필요하다고 사료된다. 마지막으로 본 연구의 결과가 중국 공유주택의 발전, 공간 서비스디자인 및 관련 영역에서의 디자인 연구에 도움이 되는 의미 있는 기초 자료로 활용될 것으로 기대한다.

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