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        지리산과 한라산의 역사지리적 배경과 현황 비교 고찰

        최원석 순천대학교 남도문화연구소 2014 南道文化硏究 Vol.0 No.26

        이 글은 지리산과 한라산의 명산문화 비교를 위한 기초연구로서 두 산의 자연적·인문적 배경과 현황을 역사지리적 으로 대비하여 고찰한 것이다. 산(지)의 공간범위는 자연지형적 조건, 인식주체의 관점, 분야별 접근방법에 따라 정의가 다르다. 이 글에서는 해 발 200m 이상을 기준으로 지리산과 한라산의 중산간지대를 포함하는 문화역사적 산지 영역을 설정함으로써 생활 경제공간을 포함시켰다. 지리산과 한라산의 자연적 특징을 대비하면, 산 높이는 큰 차이가 없지만, 면적은 지리산이 한라산보다 3배 이상 크다. 토양은 지리산지가 부식질로 비옥도가 높지만, 한라산지는 火山灰土로서 척박하다. 수경관 자원은 지리산이 한라산보다 압도적으로 많으며, 동물자원 역시 40배 이상의 큰 차이를 보인다. 산계의 특색은 지리산은 幹枝的 連 繫性으로 한라산은 主從的 群集性으로 대비될 수 있다. 하계망은 지리산이 樹枝狀·放射狀의 공간적 패턴을 나타내 며, 하도는 曲流度가 크고 水量도 풍부하다. 반면 한라산의 하계망은 남·북 방향으로 빗살 모양의 平行狀을 드러내 며, 하도는 대부분이 直流하고 물이 없는 乾川이 특징이다. 지리산과 한라산의 인문적 특징을 대비하면, 토지소유는 지리산이 한라산에 비해 사유지와 사찰지의 비중이 크게 높다. 상대적으로 한라산은 국유지가 대부분이다. 지리산지는 한라산지보다 촌락의 숫자가 월등하게 많으며, 분포 지역이 넓을 뿐만 아니라 고도 한계도 높다. 역사지리적으로 지리산권역은 한라산권역에 비해 벼농사(논) 규모에 서 현저한 차이를 보였다. 상대적으로 한라산의 농경지에서는 밭이 대부분의 면적을 차지했다. 두 산의 취락분포와 토지이용이 다른 배경으로는, 지리산지와 한라산지의 지질·지형적 특성으로 연유된 식수 및 농업용수 조건의 차이 에 기인되는 바가 크다. 한국의 명산과 명산문화에 대한 본격적인 연구가 학계에서 이루어진 시기는 오래되지 않는다. 앞으로 일반적인 연 구의 방법론이나 개념구성의 체계화 논의도 필요하고, 사례 연구나 비교 연구도 요청되는 실정이다. 본고는 한국의 대표적인 두 명산인 지리산과 한라산의 명산문화적 특성을 비교함에 있어서 기초적인 토대연구로서 역사지리적 배경과 현황을 고찰했다는 점에서 의의를 지닌다. 앞으로 한국, 더 나아가 동아시아의 명산과 명산문화에 대한 관 련 연구자들의 다양한 조명과 학제적 연구를 기대한다. This paper studied the geographical backgrounds of Mt. Jiri andMt. Halla from a histo-geographical perspective. The spatial range’s definition of mountain area is different inseveral aspects: the regional topography, the local people’s viewpoint,and the academic sphere’s approach. This paper established thecultural-historical boundary over 200 meters above sea level. Thisincludes the mid-mountain area as the residential life-economicspace. The physical geographical characters of Mt. Jiri and Mt. Hallaare as follows. The two mountains are similar in height, but thesize of Mt. Jiri is 3 times larger than that of Mt. Halla. Soilconditions are fertile on Mt. Jiri in contrast with the sterile soil onMt. Halla. The water landscape resources and wild animals of Mt. Jiri are overwhelmingly abundant; much more abundant that that ofMt. Halla. The visible mountain configuration of Mt. Jiri is atrunk-branch connection type; in contrast with Mt. Halla’smain-dependence relationship type. The spatial pattern of the streamnetwork on Mt. Jiri shows a radial shape, with a winding watercourse. In contrast, Mt. Halla’s stream network looks like theteeth of a comb appearance, with a straight flow. Mt. Jiri’s streamshave rich water, but Mt. Halla has many dry stream beds. Thiscondition directly affects the agriculture; rice farming on Mt. Jiriand dry-field farming on Mt. Halla. The human geographical characteristics between Mt. Jiri and Mt. Halla are as follows. The land ownership ratio of privately ownedland and Buddhist temples on Mt. Jiri is higher than that of Mt. Halla. However, government ownership is overwhelmingly high onMt. Halla compared to Mt. Jiri. On Mt. Jiri, the numbers ofsettlements are numerous, the distribution region is broad, and thealtitude is high in comparison with Mt. Halla. Historically speaking,the rice farming scale has shown a notable difference between Mt. Jiri and Mt. Halla. Mt. Halla is known mostly for dry-field farmingin the agriculture area. The primary difference in the settlementdistribution and land use is the distinction of water conditionsbetween the two mountains for drinking and irrigation. This iscaused by the geological-topographical characters of the twomountains.

      • KCI등재

        한라산의 지형 특성을 활용한 자연해설 탐방 프로그램의 개발

        김태호 ( Tae Ho Kim ) 한국지형학회 2012 한국지형학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        In order to improve a trip pattern in Mt. Halla climbing only to a summit, two trip programs with nature interpretation have been developed using the geomorphic characteristics of Mt. Halla which are distinct from those of mountains in the Korean peninsula. It also aims to help conservation of natural environment of Mt. Halla and to enhance the visitor satisfaction in Mt. Halla. The subalpine trip program is carried out on a 1.5 km-long trail between Wissaeoreum Hut and Janggumokoreum, Program participants are able to learn expertise about, and understand vulnerability of, a subalpine ecosystem, Consequently, the program can obtain an educational attainment getting them to recognize the necessity of preserving the subalpine zone of Mt. Halla as an important natural resource. The mountain river trip program is performed on a 1.5 km-long reach of Byeongmun River between Gwaneumsa trailhead and a gorge upstream of Gurin Cave. The program is capable of exhibiting effectively the river characteristics of Jeju Island using the geomorphic and hydrologic properties of Byeongmun River which differ from those of rivers in the Korean peninsula. Since the subalpine grassland and ephemeral stream of Mt. Halla are the visiting places which are rarely experienced in the Korean peninsula, the program participants can understand the regionality of Jeju Island as well as Mt. Halla through trip activities.

      • KCI등재

        제주도 한라산 1100고지와 고산 지역 미세먼지의 오염 특성

        강창희,송정민,박숙영,강희주,김원형 한국환경분석학회 2019 환경분석과 독성보건 Vol.22 No.3

        Ambient fine particulate matters of PM10 and PM2.5 were collected at the Mt. Halla-1100 site (a site at an altitude of 1100 meters on Mt. Halla) and the Gosan site, which comprise a typical mountainous site and coastal background site, respectively, on Jeju Island. The major water-soluble ionic species of these sites were analyzed. The average mass concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 at the Mt. Halla-1100 site were 0.59 times lower and 0.78 times lower, respectively, than those at the Gosan site. The composition ratios of the major secondary air pollutants (nss-SO42-, NO3-, and NH4+) of PM10 and PM2.5 were 86.2% and 93.2%, respectively, at the Mt. Halla-1100 site, while those at the Gosan site were 67.7% and 87.2%, respectively. These results show the comparatively larger contributions at the Mt. Halla-1100 site. The principal component analysis reveals that the main affecting factors for the ionic compositions of PM10 and PM2.5 particles at both sites are the anthropogenic emission sources, especially the comparative influence of organic acids at the Mt. Halla-1100 site, and the marine sources at the Gosan site. Based on the neutralization factors, the fine particulate matters were acidified mainly by sulfuric and nitric acids, and the neutralization was relatively caused by calcium carbonate in PM10particles and ammonia in PM2.5 particles. The clustered back trajectory analyses indicated that the major ionic concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 comparatively increased when the airflow moved from continental China and the Korean Peninsula. The polluting influence from China was apparent in the upper planetary boundary layer (PBL) compared with that at ground level.

      • KCI등재

        한라산 지역의 기후학적 사계절 개시일과 지속기간

        최광용(Choi, Gwangyong) 한국지역지리학회 2019 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        본 연구에서는 PRIDE(PRISM based Downscaling Estimation Model) 기반 고해상도(1km 간격) 재분석 일평균기온 자료를 분석하여 남한 최고봉(1,950m)인 한라산 지역의 사계절 개시일과 지속기간의 시공간적 분포 특징을 밝히고자 하였다. 봄철과 여름철(가을철과 겨울철) 개시는 각각 2월 초순과 5월 하순(7월 하순과 10월 하순)에 해안지역(한라산 정상 주변)에서 처음 시작되어 각각 4.9일/100m와 3.0일/100m(4.7일/100m와 5.8일/100m)의 속도로 전파되어 4월 하순과 7월 중순(10월 하순과 2월 초순)에 한라산 고산간지역(해안지역)에 도달한다. 이러한 사계절 개시일의 공간적 전파 속도는 한라산 지형・지세, 제주도 주변 해수 열용량, 도시화 효과, 식생 및 눈 피복 등 다양한 요인들의 영향에 의해 한라산 해발고도 구간별, 그리고 동일 해발고도 구간에서도 사면 방향별로 상이한 비선형적인 패턴을 보이는 구간도 나타난다. 겨울철(여름철) 지속기간은 해발고도 상승에 따라 각각 10.7일/100m(7.9일/100m) 비율로 증가(감소)하여 한라산 정상에서 약 6개월(0일)에 이른다. 한라산 주변 해안-중산간 넓은 지역에 걸쳐 여름철>봄철>가을철>겨울철 지속 유형이 탁월하게 나타나지만, 산간 지역으로 갈수록 다양한 기후인자들의 영향으로 다른 계절 주기 결합 유형들도 존재함을 알 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to clarify the spatio-temporal distribution characteristics of the onsets and durations of climatological seasons across Mt. Halla (1,950m) in Korea extracted from the PRIDE (PRISM based Downscaling Estimation Model)-reanalyzed daily average temperature data with high resolution (1km interval). The onsets of spring and summer (fall and winter) begin in the coastal area (top of Mt. Halla) in early February and late May (late July and late October), respectively. Then, they propagate at the rate of 4.9days/100m and 3.0days/100m (4.7days/100m and 5.8days/100m) toward higher altitude regions and arrive at the high-mountain area (coastal area) of Mt. Halla in late April and mid-July (late October and early February), respectively. Areas showing nonlinear patterns in the spatially-propagating velocity of seasonal onsets with height and aspect are found due to various factors such as the topography of Mt. Halla, sea water with high heat capacity surrounding Jeju Island, the effect of local urbanization, and vegetation or snow cover. The duration of winter season (summer season) increases (decreases) at a rate of 10.7days/100m (7.9days/100m) with the increase of elevation up to about 6 months (0 day) at the top of Mt Halla. The summer>spring>fall>winter duration type prevails across mid-mountian zones as well as coastal zones of Jeju Island, but other types of seasonal length-combination also appear over Mt. Halla due to various climatic factors.

      • KCI등재

        1930년대 제주도․한라산 기행문 고찰 - 여행안내서와의 상호 관련성을 중심으로 -

        박찬모 한국언어문학회 2015 한국언어문학 Vol.92 No.-

        In 1935, the Japanese Government-General of Korea promoted the selection project of the eight famous spots in Joseon as a 25th anniversary project to show scenic views of Joseon internally and externally. As a result, Mt. Halla was selected as the top of the eight spots in Joseon. Based on the selection project and its result, the study reviewed travel guide and geographical and custom books issued in 1930s to find out scenic views of Jeju, overall travel information and historic implication. With an idea that such travel information supplied to unspecified many could be factors to attract travel invoking interests and attitudes to tourists or travelers, the study discussed the itinerary and appreciation of the travel essay of Jeju and Mt. Halla in relation to travel information. The findings are as follows. Firstly, in “Joseon travel guide” and “Joseon travel guide” introduced Jeju as an ‘island with various charms and fantasy’ and with various scenic views and customs as well as the treasury of vegetation. Such travel information is same with those produced by the Japanese Government-General of Korea or the provincial office of Jeju, which reflects that selection, composition and distribution of travel information was widely affected by the colonial ruling body. In particular, in geography and custom books, close exchange between Japan and Joseon and similarity of blood descent were argued through Samsin and Samsinnyeo myths. It shows that the travel information of Jeju and Mt. Halla is based on the Japanese- Joseon cooperation theory or the Japan – Joseon in one theory, which was the ruling ideology to Joseon. Secondly, travel guide by Donghwa Park (pen name DK Saeng) was nothing but a superficial experience of the scenic views of Jeju in its attitude and behavior, and Chanil Park consumed the target of travel only superficially. As such, the travel attitude or behavior of the two subjects were problematic as it could make othering the reality of Jeju and reality of living of the residents by the travel behavior based on passive and superficial experience by means of distributed travel guides. To the contrary, while Eunsang Lee toured various attractions along with the typified travel courses, he explored unique cultural memory and its meaning in historic sites or scenic sites by utilizing linguistic methodologies and old literatures instead of depending on travel information that regulated the view and attitude of the travel subject. That is to say, Eunsang Lee solidified the national identity by reviewing the origin and prototype of the nation through unique placeness and cultural heritage of Jeju and Mt. Halla. The study is important in that it examined the momentum and process of composing travel attractions and scenic views of Jeju and Mt. Halla and its political implication, and then examined the features of experience of travel or tour subjects.

      • KCI등재

        아고산 지역의 구상나무 분포 변화에 관한 연구

        김남신 ( Nam Shin Kim ),이희천 ( Hee Cheon Lee ) 한국환경복원기술학회(구 한국환경복원녹화기술학회) 2013 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.16 No.5

        This study was carried out to analysis change of distribution and habitat location environment of Korean Fir which is typically vulnerable species by the climate change in Mt. Jiri and Halla. Korean Fir was decreased 18% during 27 year since year 1981, Mt. Halla was 34% during 15 years since year 1988. In the same periods, Temperature change was increased from 8.56 to 9.36°C, from 11.2 to 12.1°C. Distribution changes by the elevation showed higher change ratio 1,400∼1,600m in Mt. Jiri and 1,200∼1,900m in Mt. Halla. Changes of Korean Fir each slope aspects was high 180∼360° in Mt. Jiri, 45° in Mt. Halla. In slope was 30° in Mt. Jiri and 20° in Mt. Halla. Changes by reliefs was 12 in Mt. Jiri , 0 or 15 in Mt. Halla, and Sites of Korean Fir was convex slopes both of two areas. Changes by soils was in the good drainage textures.

      • KCI등재

        지방자치단체의 개발정책과 주민운동 -제주도의 케이블카 설치반대운동을 중심으로

        조성윤 ( Sung Youn Cho ) 한국사회역사학회 2011 담론 201 Vol.14 No.4

        오늘날 한국사회에서 케이블카 설치 반대운동은 환경 문제가 이슈가 되어 발생한 대표적인 주민운동이다. 1999년부터 2002년 사이에 본격적으로 전개되었던 제주도 한라산 케이블카 설치 계획은 많은 논란을 불러 일으켰던, 전국적으로도 유명했던 대립이었다. 이 글은 제주도 상공업자들의 케이블카 설치 활동과 이에 대한 주민들의 반대운동에 주목하였다. 제주지역 상공업자들이 한라산에 케이블카를 한라산에 설치하려 했던 이유는 그것이 중요한 관광 상품이 된다고 보았기 때문이었다. 그들이 케이블카 설치를 정당화하기 위해 개발한 논리는 급증하는 등반객 때문에 한라산 국립공원이 훼손되고 있으므로, 케이블카를 설치해 관광객을 분산시킨다는 논리와 노약자와 장애인들이 한라산 경관을 즐길 권리를 보장해야 한다는 논리였다. 제주도에서 이러한 논리는 상당한 위력을 발휘해서 케이블카 설치를 찬성하는 주민이 크게 늘어났다. 그러자 반대 운동 단체들은 다시 불교계와 손잡고 새롭게 진영을 정비하고 맞섰다. 1994년부터 2005년까지 10년 동안 지역 상공업자들과 제주도지사가 케이블카 설치를 추진했던 것은 지역상공업자들의 이익을 관철시키기 위한 행위였다. 하지만 2005년에 제주 도지사는 케이블카 포기 선언을 하였다. 그리고 그 이후 제주도에서는 상공업자들과 행정당국이 더 이상 케이블카 설치에 연연하지 않게 되었다. 그 이유는 케이블카가 없어도 관광객의 증가 추세는 빠르게 진행되고 있으며, 자칫 케이블카를 설치해서 생물권 보전지역이 파괴되고, 유네스코 세계 자연유산으로 인정받은 한라산이 훼손된다면 더 큰 손해를 볼 수도 있다는 생각이 그렇게 방향을 바꾸게 만든 것이라고 생각된다. 이렇게 이해관계를 결정짓는 요인이 바뀌자, 비로소 행정당국의 ``케이블카가 환경 보호 시설이며, 노약자의 권리를 위한 시설``이라는 논리가 사라졌다. 그리고 그것이 관광용 시설이었음을 인정하게 되었다. Anti cable-car movement is one of the representative grassroots movements in which an environmental problem becomes the issue in Korean society. The anti movement (1999-2002) against the cable car setting plan of the local government at Mt. Halla in Jeju Island became famous. This paper focuses on the conflict between the local government and the grassroots of Jeju Island around the issue of the cable car setting. The main reason that the Jeju Chamber of Commerce and Industry submitted a strong recommendation for setting a cable car in Mt. Halla to the local government was to gather more visitors. The local government accepted their suggestion in the earlier stage. But the environmental movement organizations expressed their opposite opinion. As a result, Jeju local government changed the discourse saying that we need a cable car in order to protect Mt. Halla and to guarantee a right to the old weak people to enjoy Mt. Halla scene and to scatter the hiking populations. From this, people in Jeju Island agreed on the plan to set a cable car in Mt. Halla. However, the opposition groups allied themselves to the Buddhist circle and confronted against the pros of the cable car setting plan. Consequently, there was an abandonment declaration of the cable car setting plan by the Jeju Governor in 2005. Since then, commerce and industry people no more paid attention to the cable car setting. The biggest factor which brought the policy change seems to be that Mt. Halla was designated as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 2002 and a World Natural Reserve in 2007.

      • KCI등재

        설악산과 한라산 생물권보전지역의 식물 관련 전통지식 자료 유형 분석

        이일원,김기대 한국자원식물학회 2024 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.37 No.4

        적 요생물권보전지역에 서식하거나 인근 전통시장에서 거래되는민속식물에 대한 연구를 위해 이질적인 환경을 가진 설악산과한라산에 자생하고, 전통시장에서 거래되는 관속식물의 전통지식 정보를 수집 및 분석하였다. 그 결과 설악산에서 조사된 민속식물은 102과 489분류군으로 나타났다(국화과(14.5%), 백합과(6.9%), 마디풀과(3.8%), 미나리아재비과(3.6%)). 한라산에서 조사된 민속식물은 118과 374분류군으로 나타났다(콩과(4.5%), 미나리과(4.2%), 꿀풀과(4.0%)). 설악산과 한라산의 민속식물 모두 한방 및 치료의 용도로 가장 많이 사용되었고, 잎이가장 주된 이용 기관으로 나타났다. 각 지역에서 서식하는 민속식물이 이용 분야와 이용 기관에 따라 과별(Family)로 얼마나다양한 종으로 구성되는지 정량적으로 살펴보면, 기타 이용 분야에서만 유의미한 차이를 나타냈다. 설악산 인근 전통시장에서 거래되는 민속식물상은 34과 56속 59종으로 국화과(15.25%), 두릅나무과(8.47%), 콩과(8.47%)가 높은 비율을 차지했고, 한라산 인근 전통시장에서 거래되는 민속식물상은 49과 94속 102 종으로 국화과(12.75%), 콩과(8.82%), 장미과(7.82%) 가 높은비율을 보였다. 전통시장에서 거래되는 민속식물은 모두 한방및 치료의 이용이 가장 많았고, 이용기관은 설악산 인근 전통시장에서는 줄기가 가장 많이 이용되었으며, 한라산 인근 전통시장은 잎이 가장 많이 이용되었다. Abstract - To conduct ethnobotanical study that grow wild in biosphere reserves or are traded in nearby traditional markets, we collected and analyzed traditional knowledge information on vascular plants that live in Mt. Seorak and Mt. Halla. As a result, the ethnobotanical plants investigated in Mt. Seorak consisted of 102 families and 489 taxa. The ethnobotanical plants investigated in Mt. Halla consisted of 118 families and 374 taxa. Both ethnobotanical plants from Mt. Seorak and Mt. Halla were most widely used for oriental medicine and treatment, and leaves were the most used organ. Differences in diversity by family of ethnobotanical plants inhabiting Mt. Seorak and Mt. Halla showed significant differences only in other use. The ethnobotanical plants traded at the traditional market near Mt. Seorak consists of 59 species in 34 families and 56 genera. The ethnobotanical plants traded at the traditional market near Mt. Halla consists of 102 species in 49 families and 94 genera. All ethnobotanical plants traded in traditional markets were most often used for oriental medicine and treatment, and stems were used most often in the traditional market near Mt. Seorak, and leaves were used most often in the traditional market near Mt. Halla.

      • KCI등재

        한라산 지역 저온극한 체감온도 발생의 시·공간적 패턴

        최광용 건국대학교 기후연구소 2021 기후연구 Vol.16 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to explore spatio-temporal patterns of extreme low human-sensible temperature (HST) across Mt Halla (1,950m), Korea. To do this, decadal (2011/12-2020/21) averages of daily or hourly windchill index (WCI), which quantifies HST considering the combined effects of low temperature and strong wind, are calculated for 24 weather stations in Mt Halla. Time series of decadal average daily mean show that extreme low HST events with moderate risk level (-27~-10°C) occur in mid-winter (mid-January~early February) around the high mountainous areas of Mt Halla, while such risk does not exist in the low-elevated coastal regions of Jeju Island under subtropical climate. Strong wind around the subalpine climate belt lowers HST by 5°C than air temperature in mid-winter. In extreme cases when the advection of northerly cold wind is intensified by the west high-east low pressure pattern in East Asia, the HST around the peak of Mt Halla can be lowered to high risk level (-39~-28°C) in the early morning times of mid-winter days. These information about mountain bioclimate may help establish mountain extreme climate warning systems, which are needed to protect mountaineers from potential life-threatening accidents caused by extreme low HST events over high mountains such as Mt Halla.

      • KCI등재

        1930년대 제주도․한라산 기행문 고찰

        박찬모 한국언어문학회 2015 한국언어문학 Vol.92 No.-

        descent were argued through Samsin and Samsinnyeo myths. It shows that the travel information of Jeju and Mt. Halla is based on the Japanese- Joseon cooperation theory or the Japan – Joseon in one theory, which was the ruling ideology to Joseon. Secondly, travel guide by Donghwa Park (pen name DK Saeng) was nothing but a superficial experience of the scenic views of Jeju in its attitude and behavior, and Chanil Park consumed the target of travel onlysuperficially. As such, the travel attitude or behavior of the two subjects were problematic as it could make othering the reality of Jeju and reality of living of the residents by the travel behavior based on passive and superficial experience by means of distributed travel guides. To the contrary, while Eunsang Lee toured various attractions along with the typified travel courses, he explored unique cultural memory and its meaning in historic sites or scenic sites by utilizing linguistic methodologies and old literatures instead of depending on travel information that regulated the view and attitude of the travel subject. That is to say, Eunsang Lee solidified thenational identity by reviewing the origin and prototype of the nation through unique placeness and cultural heritage of Jeju and Mt. Halla. The study is important in that it examined the momentum and processof composing travel attractions and scenic views of Jeju and Mt. Halla and its political implication, and then examined the features of experience oftravel or tour subjects.

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