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        영화 분장 캐릭터의 녹색 상징성 연구

        채송화(Chai, Song Wha),신세영(Shin, Sae Young) 한국디자인문화학회 2016 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        본 연구는 녹색이미지 캐릭터를 주인공으로 한 영화 3편(헐크, 마스크, 그린치)을 선정하여 녹색의 색채 상징성을 통해 영화 속 특수 분장 캐릭터의 특성 및 이미지를 비교 분석함으로써 작품의 정확한 의도와 캐릭터의 효과적 해석을 위해서 캐릭터이미지의 색상이 중요한 역할을 하고 있음을 인식하고자 하는데 그 목적이 있다. 본 연구는 대표적인 영상매체인 영화 속에서 효과적으로 나타난 색채 상징성을 선행 논문을 통하여 고찰하여 캐릭터분장에 대한 접근 방법을 체계화 하여 제시하였다. 녹색이미지의 색채상징성을 변형성, 타자성, 악마성, 기괴성으로 분류하였고, 캐릭터 분류기준을 제시한 연구로 정은영(2013), 윤고운(2013), 장미숙(2004)의 연구를 토대로 특수 분장 캐릭터의 녹색이미지의 색채 상징성을 비교분석 하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 영화 ‘헐크’는 청색이 가미된 녹색을 사용하여 낯선 이미지를 표현하였으며, 캐릭터의 상징성과 색채이미지는 자유, 성장, 생동감, 불안, 공포, 두려움, 경계 대상 등이었다. 녹색캐릭터 헐크 분장의 연상에는 괴물, 외계인, 돌연변이, 거인 등으로 나타났다. 헐크의 녹색이미지는 극도의 흥분상태에서 괴물과 같은 이미지로 변하는 변형성과 불안한 감정이 폭발하여 이질적인 캐릭터로 바뀌어 타자성이 강조되며, 난폭하고 통제가 불가능한 파괴적 캐릭터의 전형인 악마성이 나타나고 녹색피부와 비정상적으로 확장된 거대한 크기는 기괴성을 느끼게 하고 있었다. 둘째, 영화 ‘마스크’는 코믹한 이미지 표현을 위해 노란기미가 가미된 고명도, 고채도의 녹색을 사용하였으며, 캐릭터의 상징성과 색채이미지는 자유, 젊음, 생동감, 범죄, 경계대상, 공포, 두려움, 기이함 등이었고, 녹색 캐릭터 마스크 분장의 연상으로는 가면, 외계인, 마술, 변신 등으로 나타났다. 마스크의 녹색이미지는 몸과 얼굴이 자유자재로 바뀌게 되는 변형성을 보여주며 마스크를 쓰고 나면 새로운 캐릭터로 바뀌게 되는 타자성을 느끼게 한다. 또한 초인적인 힘을 가진 불사신 같은 존재로 바뀌게 되어 악마성이 나타나며 상상만 할 수 있었던 행동을 과감하게 하는 기괴성을 보여주고 있었다. 셋째, 영화 ‘그린치’는 회색기미가 많은 칙칙한 녹색을 사용하여 비 호감 이미지를 표현하였으며, 녹색캐릭터의 상징성과 색채이미지는 미성숙, 풋내기, 비 호감, 혐오대상, 공포, 두려움, 불안함, 기이함 등이었고, 녹색 캐릭터 그린치 분장의 연상으로는 괴물, 악마, 짐승, 원시인 등으로 나타났다. 그린치 녹색이미지에는 그린치의 성격적 결함과 미성숙함이 변형된 이미지로 나타나고 혼자만 이기적으로 살아가는 타자성도 보여준다. 또 질투와 이기적인 마음이 복수심으로 나타난 악마성과 함께 인간과 동물의 경계적 불확실성으로 기괴함이 나타나고 있었다. 본 연구는 영화 속 캐릭터 특수 분장의 녹색이미지 색채 상징성을 분석하여 체계화한 것에 의의가 있으며, 색채상징을 통한 특수 분장 캐릭터이미지가 영화의 완성도를 높이는데 기여하므로 영화 캐릭터의 색채 상징성에 대한 분장 전문가들의 이해와 분석이 요구된다고 할 것이다. The purpose of this study is to understand the important role and effects that a movie character’s color play in conveying the film’s intention and interpretation of the main character by comparing and analyzing the characteristics and images of the characters’ make-up in films according to color symbolism, focusing on the color green in three films (‘The Hulk’, ‘How The Grinch Stole Christmas’, and ‘The Mask’), all of which have green-colored protagonists. This study presents how to approach the characters’ make-up systematized through looking at prior thesis written on color symbolism, which is effectively conveyed through films – one of the most representative visual media – , and studying it in depth. Color symbolism of green colored image is categorized as transmutability, otherness, Satanism, and weirdness, and color symbolism of the characters’ green colored make-up is compared and analyzed based on studies of Jeong Eun Young(2013), Yoon Go Woon(2013), Jang Mi Sook(2004) that suggested the categorization standard of characters. We will discuss the result of this analysis. First, the movie ‘The Hulk’ expresses an unfamiliar image by using green mixed with blue, symbolizing freedom, growth, liveliness, anxiety, horror, fear, and a cause for alarm. Images associated with The Hulk’s green of make-up turn out to be those of a monster, alien, mutant, and giant. The green image of The Hulk emphasizes transmutability, that is, the character transforms into a monster-like image when experiencing extreme excitement, and otherness when the character’s unstable emotions explode and he becomes a disparate character. Also, he suggests Satanism by his aggressive and uncontrollable characteristics and his huge green body, which is abnormally transformed and makes people feel his weirdness. Second, the movie ‘The Mask’ used a highly bright and saturated green color with a yellow tint to convey a comical image. The character’s symbolism and image suggest freedom, youth, liveliness, crime, a cause for alarm, horror, fear, and weirdness. And, the images associated with the green mask suggest a mask, an alien, magic, and transformation. The green color of the mask makes people feel transmutability, in that his body and face can freely transform their shapes, and otherness in that he becomes a totally different character after putting on the mask. In addition, he shows a satanic character by becoming an invincible character with supernatural power, and demonstrates weird behaviors, that could be only imagined in his head, without hesitation. Third, the movie ‘The Grinch’ used green with lots of grey to depict an unlikable character. The character’s symbolism and color suggest immaturity, being a novice and unlikable, a target of hate, horror, fear, anxiety, and weirdness. The associated images of the green character’s, the Grinch’s, make-up turn out to be a monster, demon, animal, and primitive man. The Grinch’s green color image illustrates the Grinch’s character flaw and immaturity, and depicts his otherness, for he lives selfishly and alone. Moreover, jealousy and an egoistic mind that turned into a feeling of vengeance demonstrate his satanic character. His weirdness comes from his uncertain species, between human and animal. This study has its significance in systematizing the color symbolism of the green colored images from the characters’ make-up in film by analyzing it. Since the image of the character’s make-up, analyzed by applying color symbolism, contributes to improving the quality of the film, this study demands a make-up artists’ understanding and an analysis of the color symbolism of certain movie characters.

      • KCI등재

        화본과 관상용그래스 3종의 봄철 그린업과 겨울철 엽색 퇴화

        김기동,이정호,주영규 한국잔디학회 2015 Weed & Turfgrass Science Vol.4 No.1

        This research was initiated to analyze the periods of spring green-up and winter leaf discoloration of threeornamental grasses which have potential to be widely used with seed propagation. Two native grasses of Arundinella (Arundinellahirta var. ciliata Koidz), fountaingrass (Pennisetum alopecuroides (L.) Spreng), and switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) was tested. Spring green-up were evaluated after one year growth from seed propagation on April 1, 2009. Arundinella started with quick pickof spring green-up during 13th to 20th of May. Fountaingrass and switchgrass showed relatively slow picks of green-up during 20thto 27th of May. However, winter leaf discoloration started on swtichgrass and fountaingrass but Arundinella terminated relativelyslowly. Swtichgrass showed the pick discoloration during 8th to 15th of October from the bottom to top parts of the plant. Fountaingrass showed the pick winter discoloration started from bottom to top parts during the 22nd to 29th of October. However,Arundinella showed relatively slow discoloration from upper to bottom parts during October 29th to November 5th. Arundinellashowed a relatively higher ornamental value with 125 days of the complete green period compared than fountaingrass andswtichgrass which maintained approximately 105 days of green period. 본 연구는 화본과 관상용그래스 중 국내 적용 가능성이크고, 종자파종 공법에 적용이 가능한 새(Arundinella hirtavar. ciliata Koidz), 수크령(Pennisetum alopecuroides (L.)Spreng), switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) 3종을 선정하여봄철 그린업, 겨울 엽색 및 퇴화 흐름을 분석하고자 하였다. 파종은 2009년 4월 1일에 실시하였고 파종 후 1년간 생육 시킨 후 2010년 4월 1일부터 봄철 그린업(spring greenup)평가를 실시하였다. 봄철 그린업은 새 >수크령 >switchgrass의 순서로 시작되었고, 새 >수크령 switchgrass의순서로 완료되었다. 새는 5월 13-20일 사이 그린업 피크 기간 중 초기에 green-up의 증가폭이 크게 나타났으나 수크령과 switchgrass는 5월 20-27일 사이로 그린업이 상대적으로 늦었으며 중기 이후에 증가폭이 크게 나타났다. 2010년겨울 엽색 퇴화는 switchgrass≒ 수크령 >새의 순서로 시작되었고 switchgrass >새 ≒ 수크령의 순서로 완료 되었다. Switchgrass는 10월 8-15일 사이가 엽색 퇴화 피크 기간으로 초형의 하부에서 상부로 변색이 진행되었다. 수크령은10월 22-29일 사이가 엽색 퇴화 피크 기간으로 초형의 하부에서 상부로 진행되었다. 새는 10월 29일~11월 5일 사이로 상대적으로 엽색 퇴화 피크 기간이 느렸고 초형의 상부에서 하부로 변색이 진행되었다. 연중 녹색이 완전히 유지되는 기간은 새가 125일 전·후, 수크령과 switchgrass는 각각 105일 전·후로 나타났으며 새의 녹색 기간이 상대적으로 길어 녹화용 관상가치가 높았다.

      • 경기도 자연녹지지역 관리방안

        이성룡,이외희,이지은,임지현,장용혁 경기연구원 2018 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        Gyeonggi-Do has the biggest number of both public and private development activities on-going nationwide. Land use control strategy that can manage the development activities is required, since the developments mostly occur in non built-up area where the land price is relatively low. Since 2004, the size of built-up area consisted of Residential, Commercial & Industrial District in Gyeonggi-Do has doubled, while the majority of Green District has decreased. Factory and warehouse sites are increasing in non built-up area. Three main issues should be taken into consideration regarding land use control in Green District. First, the density and use of development activities in Preservation Areas should be taken account of, because the up-zoning of Green District occurs after the transitions of the Preservation Areas to Green District. The secondary issue is the amenity deterioration of residential area in Green District, resulted from permitting near-by location of the 2nd Class Neighborhood Facilities consisting of manufacturing facilities and other commercial stores. Third, the expedient or illegal changes of building usage from housing to warehouse or factory often occurred in Green District are another management issue, raising the lack of infrastructures and the landscape deterioration. The density and use of buildings is regulated by 「National Land Planning and Utilization Act」 and municipal urban planning ordinances. However, due to the lack of significant difference between regulations in developable area and preserving area, or deregulation and incentive policies, considerable cases of development activities violating planning schemes occur rather frequently. To manage land use in Natural Green District deliberately, a master plan for this areas should be established, controlling land use and managing the timing and sequence of developments. Classifying the developable area according to physical characteristics of land, and making integrated management system between Green District and Management District are the next step for the proper management. Transition of land use should be basically prohibited in order to prevent the excessive developments which speculate benefit from transition of land use as well. Reorganizing the location criteria of buildings and reclassifying 2nd Class Neighborhood Facilities will be another managemental factor. The demand for new development activities is still increasing in Gyeonggi-Do, and local municipalities have constraints in strict regulation on development activities. Gyeonggi-Do as provincial government should conduct the principles that can regulate development activities in non built-up area, and provide the guidelines for local municipalities.

      • Green-UX-Story: 온라인-오프라인 자연 체험을 통한 사용자 스토리 창출 및 공유

        최민아(Min A Choi),권두영(Doo Young Kwon) (사)한국CDE학회 2010 한국 CAD/CAM 학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.2010 No.1

        These days, it is getting important to have more chances to visit natural environment for the wellbeing life. The advancement of digital technologies allows us to get useful information regardless of time and location. In this paper, we investigate a way of improving user experience in the natural green environment using the digital technologies. This paper proposes a system called Green-UX-Story which supports users to create and share their story through the online and offline green experience. The system consists of two main systems: the “Story-Field” and the “Story-Tree”. The Story-Field consists of a certain number of the Story-Trees allocated to a certain green site. In the Story-Field, users can see the Story-Trees that are owned by other users and share their stories. . The Story-Tree contains the user-story in each branch and green information that are captured by the user on the web. The Story-Tree is generated using the L-system algorithm as the user adds stories. The main purpose of the system is to enable users to write their green stories from the both online and offline experiences. This paper describes the system configuration and the user scenario of the Green-UX-story.


        Slowdown of spring green-up advancements in boreal forests

        Park, Hoonyoung,Jeong, Su-Jong,Ho, Chang-Hoi,Park, Chang-Eui,Kim, Jinwon Elsevier 2018 Remote sensing of environment Vol.217 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>There is a consensus that the spring phenology of deciduous forests is advancing in response to global warming. Since the late 1990s, however, this tendency of spring phenology advancement has been weakened in over 60% of boreal forests, particularly in Siberia (−0.58 day yr<SUP>−1</SUP> for 1982–1997 vs. −0.17 day yr<SUP>−1</SUP> for 1982–2013) and northwestern North America (NWNA; −0.42 day yr<SUP>−1</SUP> for 1982–1997 vs. 0.07 day yr<SUP>−1</SUP> for 1982–2013). This study investigated the major factor in the weakening trends in the advancement of the start of the growing season (SOS) based on the satellite-observed normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in two regions by quantifying the effects of four climatic fields—winter duration (WD; the number of freezing days), pre-season temperature (PT; accumulated temperature from late winter to early spring), green-up temperature (GT; accumulated temperature around the green-up date), and pre-season precipitation (PR; accumulated precipitation before the green-up date)—on changes in the spring green-up trend. The GT explained the majority of the slowdown in the SOS trends in recent decades. In Siberia, the GT increases contributed to the advancement of the SOS during the 1980s and 1990s; however, the GT increase reduced to less than half of these periods resulting in a slowdown of the SOS advancing trend since the early 2000s. In NWNA, GT increases and WD shortening drove the SOS advancement until the late 1990s; however, both effects have been diminished to near zero to result in no further SOS advancements. This study demonstrates that the recent slowdown of the SOS advancing trends over Siberia and NWNA was largely attributed to the weakening of the warming trends, rather than the sensitivity changes of spring phenology to climate variables. This study suggests that the natural climate variability strongly affects the decadal variations in the boreal forest spring phenology.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Satellite data reveals a shift in large-scale spring phenology trends. </LI> <LI> The advancing of spring phenology weakened in boreal forests after the late 1990s. </LI> <LI> We assessed the influence of climate variables on the slowdown of phenology trends. </LI> <LI> This slowdown is attributed to weakened warming rather than changes in sensitivity. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        Green-UX-Story: 온라인-오프라인 자연 체험을 통한 사용자 스토리 창출 및 공유

        최민아(Min A Choi),권두영(Doo Young Kwon) (사)한국CDE학회 2010 한국CDE학회 논문집 Vol.15 No.6

        These days, it is getting important to have more chances to visit natural environment for the wellbeing life. The advancement of digital technologies allows us to get useful information regardless of time and location. In this paper, we investigate a way of improving user experience in the natural green environment using the digital technologies. This paper proposes a system called Green-UX-Story which supports users to create and share their story through the online and offline green experience. The system consists of two main systems: the “Story-Field” and the “Story-Tree”. The Story-Field consists of a certain number of the Story-Trees allocated to a certain green site. In the Story-Field, users can see the Story-Trees that are owned by other users and share their stories. The Story-Tree contains the user-story in each branch and green information that are captured by the user on the web. The Story-Tree is generated using the L-system algorithm as the user adds stories. The main purpose of the system is to enable users to write their green stories from the both online and offline experiences. This paper describes the system configuration and the user scenario of the Green-UX-story.

      • Influence of Growth and Yield by Diffrence of Seeding Accuracy and Depth on Green Soybeans Cultivation used Up-cut Type Ridging and Mulching Seeder

        ( Masanori Saito ),( Motomu Honjo ),( Hayato Shindo ),( Satoru Takeda ),( Sho Murakami ),( Mitsuhiko Katahira ),( Jun-ichi Takeda ) 한국농업기계학회 2018 한국농업기계학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.23 No.1

        A cultivation outline of green soybeans could not set mechanical seeding technics to have difference of mulched soil temperature at any seeding season. Especially, the early cropping type of green soybeans seeding that used mulcting method to get high emergence rate on low temperature season have been high labor load to seed by manual operation. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop high efficiency and precision mechanical seeding technique which have ridging and mulching same time. We developed prototype seeding machine combined with up-cut rotary, mulching seeder and the molding implement. After that, we made control device to move diching device for up and down direction. We investigated the seeding accuracy and seeding depth of the prototype seeder, and evaluated the growth and yield, respectively. As a result, it is showed that the seeding accuracy is as same as manual seeding. Although the seeding depth was shallow compared to the conventional manual seeding, it can increase seeding depth than conventional seeding. However, the measured seeding depths were shallower than the set values. This is reason why was influenced of soil compression, posture of the seeding part and covered soil after seeding. The plant length at harvest time might become longer as the seeding depth got deeper. So, we considered that it is possible to do multiple simultaneous work used up-cut ridging and mulching seeder.

      • KCI등재

        크리핑 벤트그래스 퍼팅그린에서 동절기 및 그린업 시기 잔디 착색제 활용

        이상진(Sang-Jin Lee),장석원(Seog-Won Chang),김기동(Ki-Dong Kim),심경록(Kyung-Rok Shim),이정호(Jeong-Ho Lee) 한국잡초학회·한국잔디학회 2020 Weed & Turfgrass Science Vol.9 No.4

        우리나라 골프장에서 착색제는 잔디 품질의 시각적 측면에서 동계 잔디의 녹색을 선명하게 하고 녹색유지 기간을 연장하기 위하여 사용된다. 본 연구는 착색제 활용 범위를 확대하고자 국내 골프장에 식재되는 크리핑 벤트그래스의 동계기간 중 착색제의 활용 효과에 대하여 연구하였다. 연구결과 겨울동안 착색제가 처리된 벤트그래스는 착색제의 종류에 상관없이 착색하지 않은 대조구보다 식생지수와 엽록소 함량이 증가하였다. 또한 착색제 처리 기준량의 1/2 배액 보다 기준 배액을 처리할 경우 식생지수와 엽록소 함량이 더 높았다. 잔디착색제의 녹색도 유지기간은 착색제 별로 다르게 나타나 착색제 선정 시 착색능력과 동계 지속력을 고려해서 착색제를 선택해야 할 것으로 판단된다. 뿌리길이와 지상부 밀도 측정 결과 실험에 사용된 잔디착색제는 잔디 생육에 큰 영향을 주지 않았으며, 이듬해 봄에 전체 실험구에서 그린업도 정상적으로 진행되었고 잔디 생육도 정상적으로 진행되었다. 결론적으로 잔디의 휴면기간 착색제를 사용할 경우 녹색 유지기간을 연장할 수 있고, 이듬해 봄철 그린업에 좋은 영향을 줄 수 있으며, 동절기 퍼팅그린의 시각적 품질을 유지할 수 있어 내장객의 만족도를 높일 수 있는 방안 중 하나가 될 것으로 판단된다. From the visual aspect of turf grass quality, turf colorant has been used to keep the vividness of green color and extend the duration of green color of turfgrass during the winter season of Korean golf courses. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of turf colorant application on creeping bentgrass planted in domestic golf courses during the winter. According to the result of this experiment, the colorant-applied zone, regardless of dilution rate and colorant types, showed higher or similar normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and chlorophyll contents than in the control during the winter or the period of greenup. In addition, the NDVI and chlorophyll contents were higher in 1x treatment than 1/2x treatment. Because of the difference of green color duration of the colorants, the selection of turf colorant should consider its properties like coloration rate. According to the evaluation of root length and turf density, the colorant applied in the experiment had little effect on the growth of turfgrass, green-up started at the experiment zone in March, while as turf grass grew normally. In conclusion, the coloration rate and duration should be considered selection of turf colorant. It is possible to extend the green color duration by using the colorant during the winter season and it is confirmed that there is no damage to green-up in the following year. Also, using colorants will be one of the ways to maintain the visual quality until the recovery and increase the satisfaction of the customers.

      • KCI등재

        봄철 크리핑 벤트그래스의 품종별 그린 업 및 시각적 품질 특성 비교

        이형석,홍범석,태현숙 한국골프학회 2007 골프연구 Vol.1 No.2

        This study was initiated to evaluate the growth characteristics of nine creeping bentgrass(Agrostis palustris Huds.) cultivars in spring. The results are as followings; In the green-up, CY2 was evaluated to the fastest cultivar among tested nine culivars, however, SR1020 was the lastest. CY2 followed by T1 > Penn A4 , Crenshaw, L93 > Penncross > Putter > Dominant > SR1020 in that order. Especially, the green- up of CY2 was begun from beginning of March when was below 5℃. The green-up of CY2 was completed within 65days, it was faster 2 weeks than that of SR1020(80 days) which was the last to green up. In result of the visual quality, CY2 showed the best visual quality the whole Spring. T1 and Crenshaw were also assorted with the high visual quality group whereas SR1020, Dominant and Penncross were included relatively low quality group. Visual quality of bentgrass cultivars was not significantly different from the middle of June. These results are expected to offer useful information for many golf course managers.

      • KCI등재

        학교 운동장 조건에서 봄철 그린업 전후 답압 강도에 따른 들잔디와 금잔디 운동장의 품질 차이

        김기동(Ki-Dong Kim),이정호(Jeong-Ho Lee),장석원(Seog-Won Chang) 한국잡초학회·한국잔디학회 2020 Weed & Turfgrass Science Vol.9 No.2

        천연잔디 학교 운동장은 이용자의 안전 확보, 자연친화적 공간 제공 및 환경조절 기능이 우수하여 맨땅, 인조잔디 운동장의 대안으로 제시되고 있다. 하지만 천연 잔디 운동장이 갖는 장점이 뚜렷하고 천연 잔디에 대한 선호도가 높음에도 불구하고 잔디 관리의 부담감으로 학교마다 운영에 어려움을 겪고 있다. 본 연구는 천연잔디 운동장의 보급 확산과 효율적 잔디 관리를 위해 가상의 학교 운동장 조건에서 그린업 전후에 답압의 강도가 들잔디와 금잔디로 조성된 운동장 품질에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 답압 처리는 들잔디와 금잔디 포장에서 70 kg의 성인 남성이 10분간, 빈도는 주 1, 3, 5회 및 무답압 처리로 3주간 실시하였다. 토양경도는 들잔디와 금잔디 포장 모두 답압 빈도가 높을수록 유의하게 증가하였고 주 3회 이상의 답압 조건에서 뚜렷하였다. 답압이 멈추면 토양 경도가 줄어드는 경향이었다. 공 튀김 높이는 들잔디와 금잔디 포장 모두 답압 빈도가 높을수록 유의하게 증가하였다. 그린업률과 지상부 밀도는 답압 빈도가 높을 수록 감소하는 경향이었다. 하지만 답압을 멈추면 그린업이 빠르게 진행되었다. 전체적으로 봄철 그린업 시기에는 금잔디가 들잔디에 비해 답압에 의한 영향을 덜 받는 경향을 보였다. Natural turfgrass playgrounds have been suggested as an alternative to bare land or artificial turf grounds for its excellence in user safety, nature friendly space, and environment control function. However, natural turfgrass playgrounds, though having many benefits and a high preference, are limitedly used at schools because of the burden of turfgrass care. In this study, playground quality by human compaction before and after spring green-up of Zoysia japonica and Z. matrella in school playground conditions were evaluated for the expansion of natural turfgrass playground and its efficient use. Human compaction was applied for three weeks by an adult of 70 kg for 10 minutes, under the condition of no compaction, once, three times, and five times per week in Z. japonica and Z. matrella field. Soil hardness of both Z. japonica and Z . matrella field significantly was increased as more compaction frequency, and it showed obviously under the condition of more than 3 times per week. When the compaction stopped, the soil hardness tended to decrease. Ball rebound height of both Z. japonica and Z. matrella fields was significantly increased as more compaction frequency. Coverage rate and shoot density of Z. japonica and Z. matrella decreased significantly as more compaction frequency. But after human compaction was stopped, the green-up progressed quickly. In general, during the spring green-up period, the Z. matrella tended to be less affected by the human compaction than Z. japonica.

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