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        An Establishment of Greenhouse Gas Information System using Excel Spreadsheets

        Hae-Jung Lee(이해중),Young-Bae Chung(정영배) 한국산업경영시스템학회 2017 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.40 No.4

        Climate change is the biggest environmental issue of our times. A variety of activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have been in progress to observe the Kyoto Protocol. Especially, the Energy Target Scheme is created to reduce greenhouse emission with the supervision of Korean government. This includes Green-house Gas Information Systems to promote activities in the private sector to reduce green-house gas emissions, to cut a cost of energy use, and to reduce GHG emissions. Also, the system has calculated the amount of greenhouse gases. Without any additional investment, 2.75% savings are increased over the previous year. In service sector, a cooperation of customers and employees is necessary. A reduction of GHG emissions requires a proper service organization, considering an amount of investment and payback period. Without any additional investment or replacement, employees can save energy easily turning off ventilation systems an hour before employees’ departure, installing timers to turn off water purifiers and vending machines after some period of no use. The Green-house Gas Information System is similar to that of Environmental Management System. However, the Excel is the best program to calculate an amount of green-house gas emissions, and to assess for a reduced amount of GHG emissions. A goal of this research is to propose a practical method in the private sector to calculate an amount of green-house gases. The Green-house gas Information System based on Excel spreadsheet gives standards for good evaluation. The greenhouse gas information system establishes and executes the policies and objectives related to greenhouse gas emissions Similar to ISO 14001 environment management system structures, the advantages of using simplified Excel Sheet for calculating GHG emissions and reducing GHG emissions are easy to access.

      • KCI등재

        배출권거래제를 통한 녹색기술 촉진 방안

        최선영 한국환경법학회 2022 環境法 硏究 Vol.44 No.3

        In order to achieve ultimate carbon neutrality, it is necessary to convert high-carbon energy and industrial structure into low-carbon energy and industrial structure by using green technology. On the other hand, the Emission Trading Scheme encourages the use of greenhouse gas reduction through green technology by allowing economic benefits. The Emission Trading Scheme allows greenhouse gas reduction using green technology to be converted and traded with external reduction certification and offset emission rights, or excludes greenhouse gas emissions when calculating. It also stipulates economic support for the development of greenhouse gas reduction technologies and the installation of facilities. However, currently, the Emission Trading Scheme does not the function of promoting the development and utilization of green technology. the Emission Trading Scheme is not activated so Emissions are not actively traded. And the Emission Trading Scheme just provide economic support for only facility installation, although It has regulations of economic support for the development of greenhouse gas reduction technologies. Accordingly, So the Climate Response Fund have to provide more actively economic support to development of green technologies by companies subject in the Emission Trading Scheme. Because Innovative development of green technology is necessary. And the exclusion regulation for calculating greenhouse gas emissions should be specified in the Emissions Trading Act to ensure legal safety. Also, the classification of greenhouse gas reduction technologies should be listed in the Emissions Trading Act enforcement ordinance for enforcement of enhance predictability and legal safety. In addition, it is necessary to give the benefit of recognizing the greenhouse gas reduction of CCS technology to be commercialized soon in the Emission Trading Scheme. Furthermore, for green-house gases were leaked after green technology reduce green house gas, the Emissions Trading Act have to prescribe regulation to the purchase of emission rights and differential purchase regulation to whether the business operator's obligations to prevent leakage are fulfilled. 궁극적인 탄소중립 달성을 위하여 녹색기술을 활용해 고탄소 에너지 및 산업구조를 저탄소 에너지 및 산업구조로 전환해야 한다. 한편, 배출권거래제에서는 녹색기술을 통한 온실가스 감축분으로 경제적 이익을 얻을 수 있도록 하여 활용을 촉구하고 있다. 배출권거래제에서는 녹색기술을 활용한 온실가스 감축분을 외부감축 인증량과 상쇄배출권으로 전환하고 거래할 수 있고 온실가스 배출량 산정 시 제외해주기도 한다. 또한 온실가스 감축 기술의 개발과 설비설치에 경제적 지원을 하도록 규정하고 있다. 그러나 현재 배출권거래제는 녹색기술의 개발과 활용을 촉진하는 기능을 제대로 수행하고 있지 못하다. 배출권거래제가 활성화되지 않아 활발하게 배출권이 거래되지 않으며, 온실가스 감축 기술 개발에 경제적 지원에 대한 명문의 규정이 있음에도 설비설치에만 경제적 지원이 되는 실정이다. 이에 기후대응기금 내에 배출권거래제 할당대상업체의 녹색기술에 대한 혁신적인 개발을 위한 지원을 명시하여 더욱 적극적으로 녹색기술 개발에 경제적 지원을 하도록 하여야 한다. 그리고 온실가스 배출량 산정 제외 규정을 배출권거래법에 명시하여 법적 안전성을 보장하고, 더불어 배출권거래법에 온실가스 감축 기술 활용의 법적 근거와 시행령에 온실가스 감축 기술의 분류를 열거하여 사업자의 예측 가능성과 법적 안전성을 제고시켜야 한다. 또한 곧 상용화를 앞둔 CCS 기술의 온실가스 감축분을 배출권거래제 내에서 인정해주는 혜택을 주어야 한다. 더 나아가 온실가스 감축 기술로 감축한 이후 재배출되었을 시, 그에 대한 배출권 구매에 관한 규정과 누출 방지를 위한 사업자의 의무 이행 여부에 따른 차등 구매 규정을 마련하여야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        엑셀 스프레드시트를 활용한 온실가스 정보시스템 구축

        이해중,정영배 한국산업경영시스템학회 2017 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.40 No.4

        Climate change is the biggest environmental issue of our times. A variety of activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have been in progress to observe the Kyoto Protocol. Especially, the Energy Target Scheme is created to reduce greenhouse emission with the supervision of Korean government. This includes Green-house Gas Information Systems to promote activities in the private sector to reduce green-house gas emissions, to cut a cost of energy use, and to reduce GHG emissions. Also, the system has calculated the amount of greenhouse gases. Without any additional investment, 2.75% savings are increased over the previous year. In service sector, a cooperation of customers and employees is necessary. A reduction of GHG emissions requires a proper service organization, considering an amount of investment and payback period. Without any additional investment or replacement, employees can save energy easily turning off ventilation systems an hour before employees’ departure, installing timers to turn off water purifiers and vending machines after some period of no use. The Green-house Gas Information System is similar to that of Environmental Management System. However, the Excel is the best program to calculate an amount of green-house gas emissions, and to assess for a reduced amount of GHG emissions. A goal of this research is to propose a practical method in the private sector to calculate an amount of green-house gases. The Green-house gas Information System based on Excel spreadsheet gives standards for good evaluation. The greenhouse gas information system establishes and executes the policies and objectives related to greenhouse gas emissions Similar to ISO 14001 environment management system structures, the advantages of using simplified Excel Sheet for calculating GHG emissions and reducing GHG emissions are easy to access.

      • KCI등재

        그린스쿨과 비그린스쿨 학생들의 에너지-온실가스 환경소양 차이

        이향연(Rhee, Hyang-yon) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2016 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.16 No.6

        지구온난화를 비롯한 기후변화가 체감할 수 있는 수준에 다다르면서 최근 학교에서의 온실가스 감축을 위한 노력으로 학교 건물 및 설비를 개보수하거나 학습 공간을 포함한 주변 환경을 친환경적으로 변화시키고 이를 환경교육과 연계하는 그린스쿨 (green school) 사업이 전 세계적으로 시행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 우리나라 그린스쿨 환경교육의 효과를 파악하기 위하여 그린스쿨 시설을 교육에 활용하고 있는 중·고교 각 1개 학교 295명 학생과 동일 지역에서 유사한 학생 분포를 가지고 있는 비그린 스쿨 중·고교 각 1개 학교 237명 학생의 전체 532명을 대상으로 2014년 4월 14일부터 5월 12일까지 에너지-온실가스 환경소양(지식, 태도, 행동)을 측정하여 그 차이를 분석 하였다. 설문조사는 연구 결과, 전체 그린스쿨 학생들의 지식 및 태도는 비그린스쿨 학생에 비해 유의하게 높았으나, 행동에서는 유의한 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 학교급에 따른 차이에서는 전체 고등학생의 지식 점수가 중학생에 비해 유의하게 높았으나, 태도와 행동에서는 유의한 차이가 없었다. 이와 같이 에너지-온실가스 환경소양의 행동 점수에서는 학교유형별(그린스쿨과 비그린스쿨), 학교급별(중학교와 고등학교) 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았으나, 학교유형 및 학교급에 따른 상호작용 효과는 유의한 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 비그린스쿨에서는 학교급이 높을수록 행동점수가 낮은 반면, 그린스쿨에서는 학교급이 높을수록 행동점수가 높은 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of environmental education in green schools, which renovate school buildings and facilities or change learning environments eco-friendly, and link to environmental education. This study analyzed the difference of secondary students’ energy-greenhouse gas-related environmental literacy between green schools and general schools. Total 532 students, 295 from green schools and 237 from general schools, participated in the study. Both green and general schools consisted of one middle school and one high school. Correlation analyses and two-way MONOVA were utilized to test the relationships between the three literacy domains, knowledge, attitude, and behavior. There were significant correlations between all of the three domains and the relationship between attitude and behavior literacies showed the highest correlation(r=.646). The green school students had the significantly higher levels of knowledge and attitude than the general school students while the difference in the behavior literacy was not significant between two types of school. The high school students had the significantly higher levels of knowledge than the middle school students, but there were not significant differences in the attitude and behavior literacies depending on the school levels. However, the interaction between the types of school and the levels of school was significant in terms of behavior, i.e., high school students’ behavior literacy was higher than middle school students in the green schools while high school students’ behavior literacy was lower than middle school students in the general schools.

      • 옥상녹화 식생에 따른. 표면온도 변화에 대한 실험적 연구

        이두호(Lee Doo-Ho),이응직(Lee Eung-Jik),김준희(Kim Jun-Hui),윤두영(Yoon Doo-Young) 한국태양에너지학회 2013 한국태양에너지학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2013 No.11

        World Energy Council(WEC) announced the report titled "World Energy Scenario", and predicted that fossil fuel will be used as the main energy source by 2050. At this point of time, the international oil price is edging up to 110 dollars a barrel. Many countries all around the world are focusing on increasing the proportion of new renewable energy and reducing the proportion of fossil fuel, for cutting down greenhouse gas. Therefore, Korea has implemented the target management system by introducing "the Fundamental Law for Low-Carbon Green Growth" in 2012, and started the greenhouse gas and energy target management system" for cutting down the domestic green house gas by2020. In this context, Seoul City has pushed forward with the green roof project in 69 public and private buildings by investing nearly five billion won in it last year. Therefore, this study aims to obtain data to use for selection of vegetation to apply to green roofs by analyzing the change of surface temperature caused by green roof in the buildings chosen for the green roof project which Seoul City is pushing ahead with.

      • KCI등재

        노후 보건소의 그린리모델링을 통한 에너지 및 탄소배출 저감효과 분석

        조정흠,오진환,강연주,남유진 한국 지열 · 수열에너지학회 2023 한국지열에너지학회논문집 Vol.19 No.4

        Green-remodeling is to improve the energy performance of existing buildings that have been aged for more than 15 years since completion. In order to achieve the national greenhouse gas emission reduction plan in the building sector, it is necessary to analyze the carbon reduction effect by considering the internal carbon emissions that may occur during green-remodeling of old buildings. This study analyzed the effects of energy reduction and carbon emission reduction when green-remodeling was applied to old health centers constructed in 1992. When applying green-remodeling, the carbon emission reduction effect considered the embodied carbon emission of the improvement items and the carbon emission at the building operation stage. When applying green-remodeling to existing buildings, energy consumption was reduced by 39.3%, and carbon emissions were reduced by 48.9% after 27 years of greenremodeling. In order to reduce carbon emissions, it was important to apply a renewable system as an item to improve the performance of green-remodeling. In particular, it was confirmed that it is very important to consider the photovoltaic system as a top priority for the carbon emission reduction.

      • KCI등재

        토공장비조합에 따른 공사기간 및 이산화탄소 배출량의 상관성 분석

        김병수(Kim Byungsoo) 대한토목학회 2011 대한토목학회논문집 D Vol.31 No.4D

        1997년 온실가스 감축을 위한 교토의정서가 채택된 이후 각 국가들은 대표적인 온실가스인 이산화탄소를 줄이기 위하여 전 산업에 걸쳐 다각적인 노력을 하고 있다. 건설산업에서도 온실가스 배출량을 고려한 Passive Design 이나, LCA기준에 의한 환경영향평가와 같은 소프트웨어적 기술의 개발 그리고 설비시스템의 조정이나 친환경 자재의 개발과 같은 하드웨어적 기술의 개발과 같이 두 가지 형태의 기술이 다양한 방법으로 개발됨으로써 이산화탄소 저감을 시도하고 있다. 그러나 건설 산업에서 세부공정을 고려한 이산화탄소 배출과 관련한 연구는 전무하다. 본 연구에서는 철도노반공사 중에서 이산화탄소 배출량이 가장 많은 공정인 토공사를 대상으로 장비조합에 따른 이산화탄소 배출량을 산출하여 장비조합과 이산화탄소 배출량 그리고 공사기간의 상관성을 분석하였다. After Kyoto Protocol was adopted for green gas reduction, each nations are stepping up efforts to reduce CO₂ of a typical green gas. Construction industry also is trying CO₂ reduction with the techniques of two types which are software and hard-ware techniques. The software technique are Passive Design considered green gas emission and the environment impact assessment by LCA. The hardware techniques are adjustment of equipment system and development of eco- friendly material. But, it is nonexistent that a study related to CO₂ emission considered detail process in construction industry. This study analyzed the correlation of equipment combination, CO₂ emission and duration by calculate CO₂ emission follow to equipment combination on earth-work which is the process emitted most CO₂ among railway bedding construction

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국ㆍ일본 그린캠퍼스 법제도 및 추진사례 비교 연구

        김태영(Kim, Tae-Young),신은경(Shin, Eun-kyung),김세용(Kim, Sei-yong) 한국도시설계학회 2016 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        지구온난화와 기후변화, 에너지 고갈로 인해 전 세계적으로 에너지 사용 절약과 온실가스 배출감축이 주된 이슈가 되어 관련 법ㆍ제도 및 실천계획들이 등장하고 있다. 국내에서도 2010년 [저탄소 녹색성장 기본법] 제정 이후 2011년 [건축물 온실가스 에너지 목표관리제]를 시행하게 되면서 에너지 다소비 건물들에 대한 관리를 체계화시키기 시작했다. 물리적 규모가 큰 만큼 소비되는 에너지량이 많은 대학의 경우, 2011년 9개를 시작으로 2014년에는 20개 대학이 포함되어 매년 에너지 사용량과 온실가스 감축량에 대한 보고를 진행 중이다. 2015년에는 온실가스배출권 제도가 시행되기 시작하면서 대학은 또 다른 새로운 국면을 맞이하게 되었다. 따라서 대학은 에너지 절약과 온실가스 감축을 통해 스스로의 책무를 다하여야 하는 입장이 되었다. 본 연구는 이러한 배경을 기반으로 두 가지 관점에서 국내와 일본의 그린캠퍼스 추진현황과 관련 법제도 분석을 비교ㆍ분석하고자 하였다. 에너지 절약 및 온실가스 배출에 대한 법률 및 인센티브 제도를 비교하여 향후 국내 법제도들이 수정ㆍ보완해야 할 점이 무엇인지 살펴보고자 하였고, 한국 그린캠퍼스와 일본 에코캠퍼스 관련 프로그램들을 분석하여 특징 및 시사점을 도출하고자 하였다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 향후 국내 그린캠퍼스 제도 및 프로그램들이 잘 뿌리내릴 수 있도록 일본의 사례를 통한 가이드라인을 도출하였다. ‘그린캠퍼스 평가기준 확립’, ‘대학별 관련정보 공개’, ‘그린캠퍼스 온ㆍ오프라인 소통 통로 개설’, ‘관련 연구 및 홍보 확대’ 등이 포함된다. Due to global warming, climate change and exhaustion of fossil fuels, energy saving and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions became the main issues around the world, which led Korean government to establish legal systems and action plans related with the issues. After enacting [Framework Act on Low Carbon, Green Growth] in 2010, [Greenhouse Gas energy target-management] od - in 2011 started to make the management of buildings consuming excessive amount of energy systematized. Starting with 9 universities in 2011, the report on the energy consumption and the reduction of greenhouse gas emission is in progress with the colleges consuming energy as much as their scales. In 2015, as [Emissions Trading Scheme] started, the universities had to face the new situation that they have – need to take responsibility on energy saving and reduction of the greenhouse gas on their own. Due to the above backgrounds, this research compares and analyzes the current status of green-campus and the legal systems in Korea and Japan. By comparing the laws and incentive systems on energy saving and greenhouse gas emission, this research finds out what needs to be revised in current legal systems of Korea. By analyzing the programs on the green-campus in Korea and Japan, it draws characteristic features and implications. In reference to the case of Japan, this research suggests directions and guidelines which can be benchmarked for enhancing the legal systems and programs of green-campus in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        넙치 양식장에서 발생하는 온실가스 배출량 산정

        양용수 ( Yongsu Yang ),임한규 ( Han Kyu Lim ),이경훈 ( Kyounghoon Lee ),이동길 ( Dong Gil Lee ),신형호 ( Hyeong Ho Shin ) 한국어업기술학회 2015 수산해양기술연구 Vol.51 No.4

        This study aims to estimate the Green-House-Gas emissions from domestic farmed flounder in the southern sea and Jeju-Do, where is mainly produced, by the assessment of energy consumptions and GHG emissions from domestic fish farms for establishing reduce standards of greenhouse gas from a sustainable perspective. It needs to analyze such GHG emission components as feed, electricity, fuel, fixed capital, fish respiration, and liquid oxygen in two locations by 4 stage running water type farm size of small, small and medium, large and medium, large scale. The result showed that the mean GHG emissions were 36.83 kg·CO2/year in the southern sea and 24.33 kg·CO2/year in Jeju-Do, respectively, in the stage of production per fish 1kg at 2 locations and farm size from domestic farmed flounders, and it will give to be useful for policy, planning, and regulation of aquaculture development with establishing GHG reduction standards.

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