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      • KCI등재

        E-government Strategic Plan Implementation in Tanzania:Learning from Challenges and Experiencesfrom Kenya, Korea, India and Malaysia

        Emmanuel Constantine Lupilya 서울대학교행정대학원 2015 The Korean Journal of Policy Studies Vol.30 No.2

        For the past two years, the implementation of e-government strategic plan in Tanzania has been in a mixed approach resulting from lack of conceptual understanding: firstly, is the lack of a conceptual framework as a baseline for e-government strategic plan implementation. Secondly, is the mixture of understanding the two concepts, the institutional accountability and institutional ownership. The failure to understand these two concepts obscures the institutional process efforts to implement the e-government strategic plan. The study pointed out that such complexities continue to disrupt the institutional efforts in dealing with competing conflicts of interest, corruptions and delays between institutions process, resources and the enhancement of guidelines factors. Thirdly, is the idea that the implementation of the e-government strategic plan can be explained in view of mono-tasking; in a sense that tasks of developing the e-government strategic plan focusing on the guidelines, the institutional process, and enhancing the resource factors are reduced into a single task. In additional, the failure of e-government strategic plan was regarded as a linear timeline factor: for instance, there is a persisting lack of guidelines, resources and institutional process framework in the development of the specific sectorial guidelines. The aim of this research is twofold: First, is to identify factors that affect the successful implementation of the e-government strategic plan. Second is to suggest a conceptual framework for implementing the e-government strategic plan in the context of Tanzania. To do so, the current study examines these factors using a descriptive cases drawn from four countries: Kenya, Korea, Malaysia, and India. The study analyzed different models from these cited countries and suggests a spectacular method on how the e-government conceptual framework can be established within their effort of achieving the e-government strategic plan. The study concluded that a conflict of interest, IT/e-government system ownership and accountability, within the institutions and the private sector were the stumbling block to forward the implementation of the e-government strategy plan. For the success of implementing the e-government strategic plan more efficiently therefore, ties with guidelines, resources and institutional process that should be monitored by e-government task force to eliminate barriers and forge ahead to results oriented. The proposed conceptual framework is inevitable to address the problems that a parasite to the implementation of the e-government strategic plan in Tanzania.

      • KCI등재

        정부입법계획제도의 실효성 제고방안 연구

        김창범 한국법제연구원 2009 법제연구 Vol.- No.37

        A government legislation plan in Korea has been operated during 30 years since 1980. It is somewhat productive in that government legislation is systematically established and promoted in the perspective of the whole government. However, frequent changes and delay in a government legislation plan, such as many bills withdrawn from and new bills added to an established government legislation plan in the top of the year, have brought discredit on a government legislation plan. A government legislation plan has four functional purposes as follows: 1. It encourages people’ participation and democracy in the process of legislation by informing people of an established government plan through an official gazette and the Internet, etc. (prior notice of government policy) 2. It improves the efficiency of legislation promotion by deliberately and systematically implementing government legislation. (deliberate and systematic implementation of a government legislation) 3. It comprehensively adjusts the contents of legislation in the perspective of the whole government by indentifying and coordinating conflicts in advance among agencies and conflicts among stakeholders.(early detection of conflicts and prior coordination) 4. It enhances the completeness of drafts by the competent authorities and the completeness of legislative review by the Ministry of Government Legislation and the National Assembly, securing sufficient prior preparation period and review period regarding bills. (enhancement of completeness of drafts and legislative review) Analysis on the operation of government legislation plan shows the following problems. Problem 1: It is difficult to perform the prior notice function of government policy since a government legislation plan is one-year plan established on a yearly basis and government policy information is very poor. Problem 2: It is impossible to perform the function of deliberate and systematic implementation of a government legislation since the promotion of legislation is delayed due to insufficiently drafted bills not reviewing the contents of policy and bills are withdrawn in the middle of legislation. Problem 3: It is impossible to perform the function of early detection of conflicts and prior coordination since conflict factors among agencies and stakeholders are not revealed quickly due to very poor government policy information provided by a government legislation plan. Problem 4: It has limitation to perform the function of enhancing the completeness of drafts and legislative reviewsince government bills are intensively submitted to annual regular session, resulting from delay in the following legislation process due to unconfirmed bills according to delayed policy decision making of the competent authorities, unconfirmed bills according to the coordination of different opinions with stakeholders, and conflicts among ministries. The following measures are suggested to solve above problems. 1. A one-year government legislation plan should be changed into a mid-term government legislation plan over two or three years and the contents of a government legislation plan should be suggested as clearly as possible. 2. Bills not fully reviewing the contents of policy should not be included in a government legislation plan and analysis skills of legislation environment related to the law should be enhanced. 3. The government needs to actively introduce a conflict coordination system in case that conflict factors among stakeholders or other ministries are revealed in the process of legislation according to a government legislation plan. 4. If the above second and third measures are promoted, it can be solved automatically that government bills are intensively submitted to annual regular session, considering that a government legislation plan includes insufficiently reviewed bills and the process of legislation is delayed due to the conflicts among stakeholders or ministries.

      • KCI등재

        지방자치단체의 도시계획고권 강화에 관한 연구 -도시관리계획을 중심으로 -

        이주희 한국지방자치학회 2004 韓國地方自治學會報 Vol.16 No.4

        Since 1995, Korea has entered into an era of self-governance with the election of heads of local governments. Social concerns have been raised that the administrative system, which was mainly operated by the central government, should be decentralized to local government. Especially, an issue is being raised that the decision-making right for the "urban comprehensive plan" system should also be transferred to each local government. Eventually, since May 2003, 「the Presidential Commission on Government Innovation & Decentralization」has showed interest in transferring the rights of urban plan and planning from the central government to the provincial governments. The purpose of this study is to propose alternatives to transferring the function on decision and planning for the "urban management plan" to the provincial governments from the central government, or to the under-provincial governments(City․County․District: Si․Gun․Ku) from provincial governments(Do). First, upper-government(central or provincial government) has to transfer the decision making or planning function on "urban managemental plan" to local- governments (provincial government or city․county․autonomous district government) based on "Act on National Land Plan and Use". Especially, it proposes to strengthen the role's autonomous district government on "urban management plan". Secondly, because local council has natural right for the decision making authorities of local government. it has to decide "urban managemental plan" of local governments, This paper suggests alternatives to strengthen the role of local council in decision-making for the "urban management plan."

      • KCI등재

        특별지방자치단체의 기본계획에 대한 공법적 과제*

        김상태 한국지방자치법학회 2022 지방자치법연구(地方自治法硏究) Vol. No.

        A Public Legal Issues on the Basic Plan of Special Local Government Kim, Sang-Tae (Professor, Department of Law, Soonchunhyang University) Today, there is a demand for metropolitan administration beyond the existing district along with the development of transportation and communication, so it became difficult for the existing local government to fulfill such demand alone. Therefore, in the Local Autonomy Act amended in January 2021, a ‘special local government’ was introduced for establishing a system to jointly handle cases that are difficult to be managed by the existing local government structure or where the existing local government structure lacks capacity. In particular, Article 203, Paragraph (1) of the amended Local Autonomy Act stipulates the basic plan of the special local government. This clause was not stipulated in the previous Local Autonomy Act and there was not enough discussion, so a detailed analysis is necessary for a more stable legal application. In this study, legal tasks for the basic plan of the special local government were reviewed under this background. The main content are as follows. First, the target affairs of the basic plan are limited to autonomous affairs and collective delegated affairs, excluding agency delegated affairs. Second, the 「Local Autonomy Act」 imposes the responsibility to establish and implement a basic plan to manage affairs under the jurisdiction to the head of a special local government. However, the process of establishing the basic plan lacks resident participation procedures, so additional legislative supplementation is needed. Third, the binding force of the basic plan on a special local government is recognized, but the binding force on a constituent local government is not recognized. However, there should be mutual harmony between the special local government and the constituent local government while contradictions and conflicts should be minimized, so in practice, the head of the constituent local government is expected to be bound by a request from the head of the special local government. Fourth, “Abwägungsgebot” (the obligation to balance private and public interests) applies to the illegal control of the basic plan, and disposability may be recognized if the basic plan is a binding plan to residents. However, it is difficult to recognize disposability because the scope of affairs, the goal of affairs, and the processing method of affairs are planned for the content of the basic plan. Fifth, the basic plan should include the goal of the basic plan, the period and target area of the basic plan, the scope of metropolitan affairs to be managed by the special local government, the processing method (criteria) of affairs, the type of affairs to be managed by the special local government and the constituent local government (role sharing), the matters regarding financial allocation, etc. 특별지방자치단체의 기본계획에 대한 공법적 과제 오늘날 교통과 통신의 발달에 따라 기존의 구역을 넘어서는 광역적 행정의 수요가 발생하면서 기존의 지방자치단체만으로는 그 수요에 대응할 수 없게 되었다. 이에 2021년 1월 개정 「지방자치법」에서는 기존의 지방자치단체 구조에서 처리하기 곤란하거나 역량이 부족한 경우에 이를 공동으로 처리하는 체계를 구축하기 위해 ‘특별지방자치제도’ 운영과 관련된 세부적인 규정을 마련하였다. 특히, 개정 「지방자치법」 제203조 제1항에서는 “특별지방자치단체의 장은 소관 사무를 처리하기 위한 기본계획(이하, “기본계획”이라 한다)을 수립하여 특별지방자치단체 의회의 의결을 받아야 한다.”고 규정하고 있는데, 동 조항의 기본계획은 이전의 「지방자치법」에서 규정하고 있지 않았을 뿐만 아니라 충분한 논의도 없어서 보다 안정적인 법적용을 위하여 입법정책적인 관점에서 세밀한 분석이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 배경 하에 특별지방자치단체의 골격을 이루는 기본계획에 대한 검토하였다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 기본계획은 특별지방자치단체의 사무를 처리함에 있어서 요구되는 사항(사무처리의 목표, 기본방향, 처리방식, 구성원 간 역할분담 등)을 정하고, 사무처리 과정에서 충돌되는 다양한 이해관계들을 조정한다. 둘째, 기본계획의 대상 사무는 자치사무와 단체위임사무에 한정하고, 기관위임사무는 제외한다. 셋째, 「지방자치법」은 특별지방자치단체의 장에게 소관 사무를 처리하기 위한 기본계획을 수립하여 시행할 책무를 부여하고 있다. 다만, 기본계획 수립 과정에서 주민참여 절차가 결여되어 있어 추가적인 입법적 보완이 필요하다. 넷째, 기본계획의 특별지방자치단체에 대한 구속력은 인정되나, 구성 지방자치단체에 대한 구속력은 인정되지 않는다. 하지만, 특별지방자치단체와 구성 지방자치단체간에는 가능한 상호 조화되어야 하며 모순과 충돌은 최소화되어야 하므로, 실무상으로는 특별지방자치단체의 장의 요청에 구성 지방자치단체의 장이 구속될 것으로 본다. 다섯째, 위법한 기본계획의 통제에 대해 형량명령이론이 적용되며, 기본계획이 주민에 대한 구속적 계획인 경우 처분성이 인정될 수 있다. 다만, 기본계획의 내용이 사무의 범위, 사무처리의 목표, 사무처리 방식 등이 예정되므로 처분성을 인정하기는 어렵다. 주제어 지방자치, 지방자치법, 지방자치단체, 특별지방자치단체, 기본계획

      • KCI등재

        특별지방자치단체의 기본계획에 대한 공법적 과제

        김상태(Sang-Tae Kim) 한국지방자치법학회 2022 지방자치법연구(地方自治法硏究) Vol.22 No.3

        오늘날 교통과 통신의 발달에 따라 기존의 구역을 넘어서는 광역적 행정의 수요가 발생하면서 기존의 지방자치단체만으로는 그 수요에 대응할 수 없게 되었다. 이에 2021년 1월 개정 「지방자치법」에서는 기존의 지방자치단체 구조에서 처리하기 곤란하거나 역량이 부족한 경우에 이를 공동으로 처리하는 체계를 구축하기 위해 ‘특별지방자치제도’ 운영과 관련된 세부적인 규정을 마련하였다. 특히, 개정 「지방자치법」 제203조 제1항에서는 “특별지방자치단체의 장은 소관 사무를 처리하기 위한 기본계획(이하, “기본계획”이라 한다)을 수립하여 특별지방자치단체 의회의 의결을 받아야 한다.”고 규정하고 있는데, 동 조항의 기본계획은 이전의 「지방자치법」에서 규정하고 있지 않았을 뿐만 아니라 충분한 논의도 없어서 보다 안정적인 법적용을 위하여 입법정책적인 관점에서 세밀한 분석이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 배경 하에 특별지방자치단체의 골격을 이루는 기본계획에 대한 검토하였다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 기본계획은 특별지방자치단체의 사무를 처리함에 있어서 요구되는 사항(사무처리의 목표, 기본방향, 처리방식, 구성원 간 역할분담 등)을 정하고, 사무처리 과정에서 충돌되는 다양한 이해관계들을 조정한다. 둘째, 기본계획의 대상 사무는 자치사무와 단체위임사무에 한정하고, 기관위임사무는 제외한다. 셋째, 「지방자치법」은 특별지방자치단체의 장에게 소관 사무를 처리하기 위한 기본계획을 수립하여 시행할 책무를 부여하고 있다. 다만, 기본계획 수립 과정에서 주민참여 절차가 결여되어 있어 추가적인 입법적 보완이 필요하다. 넷째, 기본계획의 특별지방자치단체에 대한 구속력은 인정되나, 구성 지방자치단체에 대한 구속력은 인정되지 않는다. 하지만, 특별지방자치단체와 구성 지방자치단체간에는 가능한 상호 조화되어야 하며 모순과 충돌은 최소화되어야 하므로, 실무상으로는 특별지방자치단체의 장의 요청에 구성 지방자치단체의 장이 구속될 것으로 본다. 다섯째, 위법한 기본계획의 통제에 대해 형량명령이론이 적용되며, 기본계획이 주민에 대한 구속적 계획인 경우 처분성이 인정될 수 있다. 다만, 기본계획의 내용이 사무의 범위, 사무처리의 목표, 사무처리 방식 등이 예정되므로 처분성을 인정하기는 어렵다. Today, there is a demand for metropolitan administration beyond the existing district along with the development of transportation and communication, so it became difficult for the existing local government to fulfill such demand alone. Therefore, in the Local Autonomy Act amended in January 2021, a ‘special local government’ was introduced for establishing a system to jointly handle cases that are difficult to be managed by the existing local government structure or where the existing local government structure lacks capacity. In particular, Article 203, Paragraph (1) of the amended Local Autonomy Act stipulates the basic plan of the special local government. This clause was not stipulated in the previous Local Autonomy Act and there was not enough discussion, so a detailed analysis is necessary for a more stable legal application. In this study, legal tasks for the basic plan of the special local government were reviewed under this background. The main content are as follows. First, the target affairs of the basic plan are limited to autonomous affairs and collective delegated affairs, excluding agency delegated affairs. Second, the 「Local Autonomy Act」 imposes the responsibility to establish and implement a basic plan to manage affairs under the jurisdiction to the head of a special local government. However, the process of establishing the basic plan lacks resident participation procedures, so additional legislative supplementation is needed. Third, the binding force of the basic plan on a special local government is recognized, but the binding force on a constituent local government is not recognized. However, there should be mutual harmony between the special local government and the constituent local government while contradictions and conflicts should be minimized, so in practice, the head of the constituent local government is expected to be bound by a request from the head of the special local government. Fourth, “Abwägungsgebot” (the obligation to balance private and public interests) applies to the illegal control of the basic plan, and disposability may be recognized if the basic plan is a binding plan to residents. However, it is difficult to recognize disposability because the scope of affairs, the goal of affairs, and the processing method of affairs are planned for the content of the basic plan. Fifth, the basic plan should include the goal of the basic plan, the period and target area of the basic plan, the scope of metropolitan affairs to be managed by the special local government, the processing method (criteria) of affairs, the type of affairs to be managed by the special local government and the constituent local government (role sharing), the matters regarding financial allocation, etc.

      • KCI등재

        A Comparative Study on the Framework Plan for the Promotion of Human Rights in Local Governments

        Dong-GI, Lee 한국자치행정학회 2019 한국자치행정학보 Vol.33 No.2

        본 연구는 인권 관심이 확대되면서 지방자치단체에서 인권증진기본계획의 정책방향 및 세부 사업 등을 비교 검토함으로써 향후 인권증진기본계획의 실행력을 높일 수 있는 방안을 모색하 는데 있다. 인권기본계획은 인권헌장이나 선언을 정책적으로 반영하여 법, 제도, 정책, 관행을 개선하여 인권이 실현될 수 있도록 하는 인권종합계획으로 대게 3년에서 5년 단위로 수립한다. 또한 지방자치단체 차원의 인권규범을 단계적으로 실현하기 위한 인권정책의 기본방향과 실천 방안을 제시한다. 지방자치단체의 인권증진기본계획의 수립은 그 중요성에도 불구하고 계획수 립 자체에 의미를 부여하거나 계획과 집행이 연계되지 못하고 계획을 위한 계획으로 수립되는 경우가 많다. 또한, 인권증진기본계획이 인권과 복지가 명확하게 구분되지 못한 채 인권계획의 다수가 복지계획의 보편사업과 중복되는 현상이 있다. 이러한 점은 인권증진기본계획 수립 시 고려할 점이며 개선할 필요가 있다. This study seeks to enhance the practical ability of the basic human rights promotion plan in the future by comparing the policy directions and detailed projects of the basic human rights promotion plan in local governments as the interest in human rights expands. The Basic Human Rights Promotion Plan is a comprehensive human rights plan that improves laws, systems, policies and practices by reflecting the Charter or Declaration of Human Rights in a policy manner, usually on a three- to five-year basis. It also proposes a basic direction and action plan for human rights policies to gradually implement human rights norms at the local government level. The establishment of a basic plan for the promotion of human rights by local governments, despite its importance, often gives meaning to the planning itself or is set up as a plan for the planning without being linked to the execution. In addition, many of the human rights plans overlap with the universal projects of welfare programs, with the basic human rights promotion plan not clearly divided between human rights and welfare. This is something to consider and need to be improved in the development of a basic human rights plan.

      • KCI등재

        조선총독부의 金 生産力擴充計劃 수립과 전개

        박현 한국근현대사학회 2011 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.59 No.-

        This study aims to explain the establishment and development of ‘Gold Productive Capacity Expansion Plan’ by the Government-General under Japanese Colonial Rule. To provide Japan with gold as the means of international payment, the Government-General devised ‘the Five Year Gold Production Plan in Korea’ in 1937. The Government-General set up lofty goals with no confidence of achieving them in order to receive a large inflow of Japanese capital and technology. In 1939, this five year plan became the part of the Japanese Government’s ‘Yen Bloc Gold Productive Capacity Expansion Plan’ and ‘Yen Bloc Material Mobilization Plan’. Without proper process for modification, the Yen Bloc Plans proved to be too difficult to be implemented. The Government-General also attempted to establish a company to finance the gold-mining industry, but it ended up in failure. Instead, the Government- General secured rights for ordering and monitoring the Korean office of ‘the Japanese Gold Production Promoting Company Inc.’Following the outbreak of the Pacific War, the gold-mining industry in Korea was excluded from any wartime plans, including ‘Productive Capacity Expansion Plan’. But concerning how the withdrawal of the gold-mining industry would affect colonial rule, the Government-General tried to expand compensations for closing mines. In the end, however, mining companies were hit hard by the reforms.

      • KCI등재

        문재인 정부 자치경찰제안에 대한 평가와 개선방안

        송무빈 한양법학회 2019 漢陽法學 Vol.30 No.4

        The local autonomous police system has been continuosly debated since the establishment of government in our country. In particular, the autonomous police system has emerged as a regular topic during the transition period as the local autonomy system was implemented in earnest in 1995. Moom Jae-in, the government is local autonomous police as a presidential elecion pledge, then go about it, and suggested local autonomous police to prepare a draft plan. The government's plan will introduce a metropolitan and provincial police system, retaining most of the current national police system under a two-way system, It will introduce the Provincial Police Committee, the administrative body of the agreement system and operate district police headquarters and police stations in the city, county and district under its example. The necessary personnel will be transferred to 43,000 people, which is the majority of the current national police force's personnel at district police stations. This study was used as a comparative data for the current government plan by looking at the Jeju local autonomous police system, which has been in place for the first time in Korea since 2006 when it was the foundation of the current government plan. Further, from April 2018, the government analyzed the pilot implementation of the government plan in Jeju, drawing problems and suggesting improvement measures. As a result, this study suggested ways to become a local autonomous police system suitable for the nation's actual situation. First, it was suggested that the national police should take charge of running away from home, missing, sexual violence, robbery, thef and violence, which are likely to develop into a wide-area crime, by abolishing commen duties in the division of work and to organize the jurisdiction into one institution to prevent overlapping and confusing. Second, recognizing the validity of the government's plan in terms of personnel, it proposed tranfering the investigation personnel for sexual violence, school violence, domestic violence and traffic accidents to the current employees of the Nation Police Agency, the local autonomous police agency. Third, in addition to the Government's plan in terms of authority, it was necessary to give the Government the right to dispose of notice for violators of basic order, the right to dispose of notices for violators of traffic laws, the right to summary trial, and the authority to control drinking. Fourth, in connection with political neutrality, when selecting members of the local police committee, the number of people nominated by the provincial governor in charge of the local autonomous police should be the same as those recommended by city and provincial council, and institutional devices such as banning the prodution and distribution of election-related information, no contact with candidates for bannning election participation, and the movement of long term workers to prevent adhesion was proposed. Fifth, I strongly support the establishment of new tax for local police in terms of the financial resources reqired. However, in cases where it is not feasible, it proposed to expand state subsidies and to manage the inclusiosn of a criminal buget. Sixth, it was recommended that the current eleven class system should be balanced by adjusting it to a nine class system, the same as that of ordinary local government officials.

      • KCI등재

        조선총독부 도시계획 관련 정책 심의기구 연구

        이송순(Lee Song-Soon) 한국사연구회 2006 한국사연구 Vol.134 No.-

        This study analyzes the city planning policy implemented by the Government-General of Joseon and its policy deliberative committee. Joseon urban planning during the colonial era included the project to improve cities and districts launched in 1912, and the Joseon City Planning Decree promulgated in the 1920s. However, urban planning began to be seriously carried out in 1934 with the implementation of urban district planning. While the main actor in terms of Joseon city planning was the Government-General of Joseon, the important organizations were the Government-General of Joseon’s Public Works Committee and the Urban District Planning Committee. The Government?General of Joseon’s Public Works Committee(1910-1932) was responsible for the investigation and deliberation of the public works projects deemed necessary to the establishment of the social infrastructure of Joseon. However, its structure was organized in such a manner that the people of Joseon’s opinions were not reflected in its undertakings. The Government-General of Joseon’s Public Works Committee was abolished in 1932 and replaced by the Urban District Planning Committee(1936-1943), whose mandate was that of discussing urban planning in a more focused manner, created as a result of Urban District Planning Decree announced in 1934. In terms of the composition of its staff, the Urban District Planning Committee featured a more bureaucratic and hierarchical structure than the Government-General of Joseon’s Public Works Committee. The Urban District Planning Committee featured a Secretariat(Officials from the Government?General of Joseon who oversaw the actual implementation of the relevant affairs)-centered structure under which the latter was responsible for policy explanation, the coordination of the roles of each department, and the securing of the necessary collaboration from related organizations. This indicates that the Urban District Planning Committee exhibited the characteristics of a hierarchical bureaucracy structure which was mainly put in place to promote and coordinate the policy of the Government-General of Joseon, rather than to deliberate and adjust the policies in a manner that reflected the interests of the citizens of the relevant area. This denouement is closely related to the strengthening of colonial control over administrative affairs and society at large as a result of the establishment of the wartime control system during the latter half of the 1930s.

      • KCI등재

        경기도 내 기초자치단체의 공공디자인 진흥계획에 관한 연구

        박희경 ( Park Huigyeong ),배용진 ( Bae Yongjin ) 한국공간디자인학회 2021 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.16 No.4

        (Background and Purpose of Research) This study analyzed public design promotion plan of each local government and organization and details of the guideline, and investigated pubic design promotional strategy of Gyeonggi-do and projects recommended in consideration of regional characteristics of each local government. Through this, this study intends to examine the effectiveness of public design promotion plan of local government in Gyeonggi-do and suggest improvement direction. (Research method) This study investigated the background and hierarchy of public design promotion plans through theoretical consideration, and analyzed previous studies to present the distinction of this study. Also, this study investigated the public design promotion plan of Gyeonggi-do and strategies to create an integrated image of provinces and to revive the characteristics of local governments. This study examined the effectiveness of public design promotion plans of primary local government in Gyeonggi-do and suggested improvement direction by comparing and analyzing public design promotion plan of each local government based on the general environment and public design promotion plan of Gyeonggi-do. (Result) First, basic matters as outline, promotion plan, investigation, analysis, and guideline are included in a high proportion in the composition system of public design promotion plans. Secondly, basic matters as public space, public building, public facility, and public visual media are included in a high proportion in the composition system of public design guideline. Thirdly, in the analysis of the inclusion of recommended projects in Gyeonggi-do, how to improve attachment and pride of the region, navigation system for urban visitors, improving the quality of pedestrian spaces in urban areas, and recommended projects for urban areas of creating senior friendly living environment were generally high. (Conclusion) The establishment of a public design promotion plan plays an important role in presenting the direction of public design of local governments. Specially, guideline and standard design by field play an important role when operating the committee and progressing design consultation. Therefore, composition of standard design shall be essential when establishing a public design promotion plan, and it is desirable to reorganize the guideline at the same time. Checklist of guideline plays an important role in checking the contents of deliberation books by users as administrative practitioners and architects, but local governments, including the checklist, are very low at 21.4% and needs to be improved. To form an integrated image of Gyeonggi-do and to secure the identity of each city and county, it is necessary for each local government to present promotion strategies and recommended projects considering regional characteristics based on the public design promotion plan of Gyeonggi-do, a metropolitan and provincial government. and supplementation will be needed when the majority of local governments are established in the second half of 2021.

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