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      • KCI등재

        PR 실무자의 젠더와 문화에 따른 조직 내 권력 이데올로기 연구

        정은경 ( Eun Kyung Chung ),권수미 ( Soo Me Kwon ) 한국PR학회 2010 PR연구 Vol.14 No.4

        Power/influence and gender have become a clustered structure that is giving a crucial effect to our society. And they interfere in the way workers in PR organization identify PR. The initial studies on gender mainly targeted at symmetrical concepts between men and women. But recognizing power gap between genders in PR organizations and concentrating political attributes of PR, researchers started to scrutinize intervention of power in gender role. This study has another variable except for power and gender. It is culture of collectivism and low context communication in Korea, which can explain the work of power and gender more elaborately. Survey research was carried on in order to raise PR workers` opinions data and the precedent study of Aldoory(2008) was used for cross cultural analysis. The result presents there be small differences between genders in conception of power and power source. And women in US shows attachment to high level of position or leader of the organization. There is more differences between genders in ways and vocabulary of advocacy appeals to do the right thing. Korean men considerably prefer indirect and ambiguous ways and vocabulary while korean women comparatively more choose persuasion toward people and exposure of there emotions. Men in US prefer a sort of combatant vocabulary While women in US prefer relation-oriented ways that prove impact of gender. The Korean men`s ways of behavior specify cultural dominance of collectivism in which they exclude self judgement, emphasize ``we``, and then obscure concluding who the person in charge is.

      • KCI등재


        니나 비노그라도바 한국노어노문학회 2017 노어노문학 Vol.29 No.4

        It is generally known that the lexical system is the most flexible one, which could be connected with its nature, its ability to reflect extra-linguistic realities. Following the changes in people's lives and reacting promptly to these changes, usually it is a vocabulary (not a grammar) that is replenished with new units. However, this does not mean that other levels of the language remain stable and unchanged. This article attempts to explore the mechanism of functioning of the grammatical category of gender of nouns in the modern Russian language. Taking several lexical-semantic groups of nouns as an example, we demonstrate the influence of extra-linguistic factors on fluctuations of gender. The paper is about the category of the gender of nouns in the process of redistribution of its composition. The study verifies the hypothesis that there are two tendencies: under the influence of Americanization, there become more masculine nouns in the Russian literary language. Simultaneously, due to the influence of the conversational style, the words of the feminine gender replace the ones of the masculine and neuter gender. Общеизвестно, что лексическая система любого языка – это наиболее быстро изменяемая его часть, что связано с её природой, её способностью отражать экстралингвистические реалии. В любом языке именно она изменяется в первую очередь: следуя за изменениями в человеческой жизни и реагируя на эти изменения, именно словарь, а не грамматика пополняется новыми элементами. Однако это не значит, что другие уровни языка остаются постоянными и неизменными. Внутри многих грамматических категорий происходят определённые изменения. В данном исследовании предпринимается попытка исследовать механизм функционирования грамматической категории рода в современном русском языке на примере колебаний рода, то есть речь в нём идёт о категории рода имён существительных в процессе перераспределения её состава. Автор рассматривает гипотезу о том, что в современных условиях в русском языке наблюдаются две тенденции: под влиянием американизации языка увеличивается количество существительных мужского рода, одновременно с этим под влиянием просторечия некоторые существительные мужского и среднего рода заменяются в речи говорящих по-русски на существительные женского рода.

      • KCI등재

        남성 예술인의 여성 복식 착용이 젠더 평등에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

        남정아 강원대학교 비교법학연구소 2021 江原法學 Vol.63 No.-

        대중 예술인이 미디어를 통해 미칠 수 있는 사회적 영향력과 그들의 특정한 복식에 대한 기호성 표현이 젠더(gender) 평등실현에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 밝히기 위해, 특히 남성 예술인의 여성 복식(服飾) 선호성과 성차별적 인식구조 내지 편견 개선 관계를 살펴보는 것이 필요하다. 더불어 대중 예술인의 특정 복식에 대한 기호성이 성적 정체성과 연결되기도 하지만, 헌법 제22조 제1항의 예술의 자유, 헌법 제10조의 행복추구권에 근거한 일반적 행동자유권, 자기결정권 등의 기본권 실현의 관점도 살펴볼 필요가 있다. 대중 예술인은 대중을 대상으로 하는 예술에 전문적으로 종사하는 사람. 영화배우, 가수, 탤런트 등을 말하며 여기에는 유튜브, SNS상에서도 상당한 사회적 영향력을 가진 사람들, 소위 인플루언서도 포함된다. 또한, 여성 복식 착용의 본래적 의미가 있지만, 이 글에서는 주로 남성 대중 예술인이 여성복과 여성 장신구 및 색조 화장을 선호하는 경우를 의미하는 것으로 한정한다. 남성 예술인의 여성 복식 착용은 우리 사회의 고정관념을 타파하는데 상당한 영향을 끼칠 수 있을 것이다. 사실 지금껏 남자와 여자를 구분하는 일반적인 기준 혹은 고정관념에 따르면 여성 복식 착용 남성 예술인은 예술인의 세계에서든 일반인 차원에서든 배격되곤 하였다. 이들에게는 소위 괴짜(geek), 별난 놈(freak), 심지어는 변태(pervert)라는 표현까지 따라다닌다. 하지만 대중 예술인이 일반인의 고정관념을 부수고 누구라도 성별에 구애됨이 없이 복식 혹은 패션을 선택할 수 있다면 그것은 젠더 평등에 기여할 수 있는 방법이라고 생각한다. 그런 관점에서 이 글은 먼저 젠더 개념에 대한 대표적인 이론들을 고찰해 보고, 이를 바탕으로 패션과 젠더 정체성을 논의하면서, 대중 예술인의 여성 복식 착용과 젠더 평등 영향성의 관계에 대해 검토한다. 남성 예술인에게 있어서 여성 복식 착용의 자발적 수용은 기존의 ‘남성적’ 혹은 ‘여성적’이라는 사회적 구분의 무의미성의 투영이며, 기성질서의 사회적 관습에 의문을 제기하는 예술적 메시지이므로, 이를 보부아르와 버틀러의 젠더 관점으로 승화시킨다면 남성 대중 예술인의 여성 복식 착용이 젠더평등에 기여하는 바를 찾을 수 있다. 젠더 평등의 실현은 우리 사회에 내재해 온 성에 대한 편견을 타파하고 극복하는 노력을 통해 실현해야하는 당위의 과제이며 헌법적 명령이다. The purpose of this article is to examine the social influence that popular artists can have on the media and how their particular expression of preference for gender equality, especially male artists' preference for female fashions, gender-based perception structures and bias improvement relationships. A popular artist is a person who specializes in the art of the public such as actors, singers, performers, including people with considerable social influence on YouTube and SNS, the so-called influencer. In addition, Feminine Look is inherently meaningful, but in this article it is limited to the case where male popular artists prefer women's clothing, women's accessories, and color makeup. Feminine look preference of male artists can have a significant impact on breaking down stereotypes in our society. However, I think it is a way to contribute to gender equality if popular artists break down the stereotypes of ordinary people and anyone can choose clothing or fashion regardless of gender. From that point of view, this article, Gender is the first concept for the leading theories, based on this, discussing the Gender identity, public artists and fashion. For male artists, Feminine look's voluntary acceptance is a projection of the meaningless social distinction of “male” or “feminine”, and an artistic message that questions the social customs of the established order, so if it is sublimated to the gender perspective of Beauvoir and Butler, it can be found. The realization of gender equality is a constitutional order and a task that must be realized through efforts to overcome and overcome prejudice against sex that has been inherent in our society.

      • KCI등재

        Longitudinal Evidence of Social Influences on Cognitive Decline in South Korea: Focusing on the Joint Effects of Age, Gender, and Education

        이진우,김정석 서울대학교 사회발전연구소 2017 Journal of Asian Sociology Vol.46 No.1

        A burgeoning research documented protective effects of education on later life cognitive health but available evidences of gender difference, or female disadvantage, in cognitive health have not been consistent --some supporting female disadvantage while others no meaningful difference between genders. This study, through examining the joint effect of gender, age and education on cognitive health, aims to test whether and to what extent portrayed gender difference depends on education. This study, utilizing Korean Longitudinal Survey of Aging (KLoSA), analyzed 5,772 persons aged 45 and over who have completed five times of biannual survey since 2006. The results from the random coefficient model indicate that female disadvantage in cognitive health is indeed observed and it increases as age advances. Furthermore, the growing gender difference with age depends on education. More specifically, no cognitive disadvantage observed among female with high education yet increasing cognitive disadvantage with age observed among female with low education. The findings suggest that the female disadvantage in cognitive decline observed frequently by previous research may be conditional on socio-environmental contexts such as age and education.

      • KCI등재

        중국 라이브 커머스 인플루언서와 플랫폼이 소비자의 구매의도에 미치는 영향 요인에 관한 연구: 틱톡 플랫폼을 중심으로

        장염군,강윤희 부산대학교 중국연구소 2022 Journal of China Studies Vol.25 No.4

        As COVID-19 spreads, live streaming commerce is progressively evolving into a new business model. Parallel to this, the live broadcast commerce has entered a period of explosive growth and rising interest. The social atmosphere is shifting swiftly towards the age of Untact economy, marked by characteristics like social distancing, which have hardened in the aftermath of the pandemic, and live streaming commerce, a kind of e-commerce centered on real-time interaction. China's streaming economy is growing at a staggering rate. In this study, the factors affecting the purchase intention of live commerce are distinguished into the characteristic dimensions of influencers (Trustworthiness, Attractiveness, and Professionality) and the selection attributes centered on TikTok platform (Informality, Interactivity), and the influence of each component and the moderating effect of gender are investigated. Although 273 questionnaires were completed, only 219 valid responses were selected for analysis. Prior to conducting the primary statistical analysis, a confirmatory factor analysis was undertaken to assess the scale's reliability and validity. Afterwards, a multiple regression analysis was performed to verify the hypothesis. The control regression analysis and straightforward slope verification of the control effect were performed in order to confirm the control effect of gender. The results are as detailed below. The influencer's credibility (Trustworthiness, Attractiveness, and Professionality) was found to have a favorable impact on purchase intention, and the choice attribute of the platform (Informality, Interactivity) was also found to have a substantial impact on purchase intention. As a consequence of gender input, it was confirmed that the influence of influencers on purchase intentions varied by gender. Increases in the influencer's attractiveness are associated with increased spending by women but a decrease in spending by men. It was proposed that, in the future, gender-specific content strategies can be required, particularly for men. In light of the results of this study's research, expanding live streaming commerce can be a worthwhile consideration, and e-commerce marketing strategies will serve as a useful foundation upon which information can be utilised to assure desired outcomes. In addition, it forecasts that the results will have practical ramifications for TikTok operators domestically and internationally. It has important implications for the gendered future of live-business production as a whole.

      • KCI우수등재

        고령자 주간 통행의 공간분포 패턴과 영향 요인 : 성별에 따른 차이를 중심으로

        서형주,박인권 대한국토·도시계획학회 2023 國土計劃 Vol.58 No.7

        본 연구는 은퇴 후 여가 시간이 많을 것으로 예상되는 연령층인 70세 이상의 고령자가 낮시간 동안어느 지역으로 밀집하여 이동하는지, 유출입 이동 흐름에 어떠한패턴이 존재하는지, 그리고 이러한 노인 통행을 유발하는 지역요인에 성별에 따른 차이가 존재하는지를 규명하고자 한다. 그과정에서 고령자의 내·외재적 욕구 충족을 통한 웰빙 증진이라는고령자 통행의 특수성과 성별 차이를 고려하여 모형을 구축·해석하고자 한다. 이를 위해 2021년 생활이동빅데이터를 활용하여, 서울대도시권 고령자의 주간이동 밀집 지역의 공간적 분포 특성과 이동 패턴을 파악하고, 성별에 따라 고령자들이 선호하는 시설이나 서비스 등 목적지의 지역 환경 요인들이 고령자의 주간 통행에 미치는 영향의 차이를 공간 SUR(spatial seemingly unrelated regression) 모형을 통해 분석하였다. 특히, 고령층은 타연령대에 비해 장거리 이동 비율이 높기에(추상호 외, 2013), 서울 인근 외곽지역으로의 넓은 이동 반경을 가진 고령자의 이동 특성을 반영하여 수도권 전역을 대상으로 통행 패턴을 분석하였다. This study is intended to investigate the travel patterns of individuals aged 70 and above, who are expected to have a significant amount of leisure time after retirement, and to identify the urban-environmental factors that influence elderly mobility, with a focus on gender differences. Spatial SUR (Seemingly Unrelated Regression) model analysis was conducted using mobile phone location-based OD (Origin-Destination) big data. The analysis reveals that older adults engage in active mobility, seeking to fulfill their needs and overcome personal deficiencies, while actively participating in social interactions and community engagement during their increased leisure time. Furthermore, differences in spatial distribution patterns and influencing factors are observed between genders. Female older adults tend to travel within their local neighborhoods and frequent traditional markets, while male older adults primarily engage in long-distance travel and frequent urban parks. Among urban spaces, coffee shops, “colatecs,” and dance schools are characterized by gender-inclusive usage patterns. However, public welfare facilities such as seniors’ centers and elderly classrooms have encountered resistance. When designing age-friendly cities for the ultra-aged society, careful consideration of gender is necessary to create urban spaces that fulfill the social participation needs of older adults and enable them to spend their daily lives vibrantly.

      • 2030 세대의 출산의도에 미치는 영향요인: 성별 차이 중심으로

        이지원(Ji-Won Lee),윤성하(Seong-Ha Yun),한승엽(Seung-Yeop Han),김은지(Eun-Ji Kim),이경희(Kyung-Hee Lee) 한국보건의료윤리학회 2023 한국보건의료윤리학회지 Vol.2 No.2

        Background: This study aimed to investigate the factors influencing childbirth intentions in individuals of the 2030 generation, with a focus on gender differences. The primary goal was to provide essential data for the development of policies that support childbirth. Methods: In this study, we conducted a survey on 190 individuals from the 2030 generation. After excluding three incomplete responses, we used a total of 187 datasets. The questionnaire consisted of 40 questions categorized into economic factors(9), personal factors(18), cultural factors(8), and subjective normative factors(5). General characteristics of the data were examined through frequency analysis. We conducted cross-analysis by gender to find out childbirth intentions and the preferred number of children. Gender-based differences in factors were identified using t-tests. Simple linear regression analysis was performed to find out the gender-based differences in the impact of factors on childbirth intentions. The significance level for all statistical analyses was set at p <0.05. Results: The study revealed that among the respondents, 60.4% (n=113) expressed an intention to have children, while 39.6%(n=74) did not. Specifically, 72.2% of males expressed an intention to have children, whereas only 56.1% of females did (p <0.001). When analyzing the difference in the impact on childbirth intention, there was a statistically significant difference between men 2.92(±0.70) and women 3.43(±0.48)(p <.01). When analyzing the differences in the impact of each factor on childbirth intention, for men, economic factors (+), personal factors(emotion) and subjective normative factors had a negative (-) influence (p <.001), and for women, personal factors(physical, emotion) and subjective normative factors had a negative (-) influence(p <.05). Conclusion: It was found that women in the 2030 generation had lower intentions of childbirth than men, and women also had more factors affecting childbirth intention than men and were greatly affected. Therefore, this study proposes that the childbirth promotion policy requires detailed policies divided by gender.

      • KCI등재


        Виноградова Н.В. 한국노어노문학회 2017 노어노문학 Vol.29 No.4

        It is generally known that the lexical system is the most flexible one, which could be connected with its nature, its ability to reflect extra-linguistic realities. Following the changes in people"s lives and reacting promptly to these changes, usually it is a vocabulary (not a grammar) that is replenished with new units. However, this does not mean that other levels of the language remain stable and unchanged. This article attempts to explore the mechanism of functioning of the grammatical category of gender of nouns in the modern Russian language. Taking several lexical-semantic groups of nouns as an example, we demonstrate the influence of extra-linguistic factors on fluctuations of gender. The paper is about the category of the gender of nouns in the process of redistribution of its composition. The study verifies the hypothesis that there are two tendencies: under the influence of Americanization, there become more masculine nouns in the Russian literary language. Simultaneously, due to the influence of the conversational style, the words of the feminine gender replace the ones of the masculine and neuter gender.

      • KCI등재

        호텔 산업 종사자의 감정노동이 직무소진과 이직의도에 미치는 영향-성별의 조절효과 분석-

        임지영,고호용,이승주 한국외식산업학회 2023 한국외식산업학회지 Vol.19 No.6

        This study offers an in-depth analysis of how emotional labor influences job burnout and the intention to leave among employees in the hotel industry. The research design is grounded in existing literature and theoretical discourse, dissecting various components of emotional labor, psychological aspects of job burnout, and the internal mechanisms behind the intention to leave. Furthermore, it examines the modulating role of gender in these relationships. For the methodology, structural equation modeling is employed to analyze the data. This technique is a statistical approach that deciphers complex causal relationships between variables and unveils hidden patterns or structures. Through this method, the study accurately measures the interplay between emotional labor, job burnout, and the intention to leave, highlighting the role of gender in these dynamics. One key finding is that a component of emotional labor, known as "surface acting," significantly contributes to increasing job burnout. This aspect is directly linked to the amount of stress employees face, which, in turn, substantially impacts their intention to leave. Interestingly, it was revealed that male employees experience greater levels of job burnout and a higher intention to leave in these circumstances. These insights are crucial for developing human resource management strategies within the hotel industry. They underscore the need for educational programs and support systems related to emotional labor, contributing to enhanced job satisfaction and reduced turnover intentions. However, this study is not without its limitations, including a constrained sample size, the absence of participants from diverse demographic backgrounds, and the intricacies of the research design. Future research should overcome these issues, aiming for a more nuanced understanding of the relationships between emotional labor, job burnout, and the intention to leave within the hotel industry. This entails engaging a broader participant pool and considering various contexts to enrich the comprehension and applicability of the findings. By addressing these areas, subsequent studies can offer comprehensive insights and practical recommendations for industry stakeholders, potentially leading to healthier work environments and improved employee retention.

      • KCI등재

        Longitudinal Evidence of Social Influences on Cognitive Decline in South Korea

        Jinwoo Lee,Cheong-Seok Kim 서울대학교 사회발전연구소 2017 Journal of Asian Sociology Vol.46 No.1

        A burgeoning research documented protective effects of education on later life cognitive health but available evidences of gender difference, or female disadvantage, in cognitive health have not been consistent --some supporting female disadvantage while others no meaningful difference between genders. This study, through examining the joint effect of gender, age and education on cognitive health, aims to test whether and to what extent portrayed gender difference depends on education. This study, utilizing Korean Longitudinal Survey of Aging (KLoSA), analyzed 5,772 persons aged 45 and over who have completed five times of biannual survey since 2006. The results from the random coefficient model indicate that female disadvantage in cognitive health is indeed observed and it increases as age advances. Furthermore, the growing gender difference with age depends on education. More specifically, no cognitive disadvantage observed among female with high education yet increasing cognitive disadvantage with age observed among female with low education. The findings suggest that the female disadvantage in cognitive decline observed frequently by previous research may be conditional on socio-environmental contexts such as age and education.

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