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      • KCI등재

        관광지 친숙성의 다차원적 접근을 통한 관광지 이미지 형성 연구

        류재숙 ( Ryu Jse-sook ),임재필 ( Lim Jae-pil ) 한국관광진흥학회 2024 관광진흥연구 Vol.12 No.1

        This study identified the relationship between tourism destination familiarity and destination image. In this context, this study aimed to explore the concept of destination familiarity in a multidimensional manner, examining the interrelations among its various components. In addition, the purpose of this study was to provide practical implications to DMOs, including local destination managers and marketers, by identifying whether the image of a tourism destination can be formed through destination familiarity. To this end, the relationship between each factor was identified by dividing the familiarity of tourism destinations into five factors: informational familiarity, self-described familiarity, self-assured familiarity, expected familiarity, and proximate familiarity. In addition, the influence relationship between expected familiarity and proximate familiarity on the image of tourism destinations was confirmed. To this end, the relationship between each factor was identified by dividing the familiarity of tourism destinations into five factors: informational familiarity, self-described familiarity, self-assured familiarity, expected familiarity, and proximate familiarity. In addition, the influence relationship between expected familiarity and proximate familiarity on the image of tourism destinations was confirmed. As a result of empirical analysis, it was found that informational familiarity had a positive effect on self-described familiarity and proximate familiarity, and self-described familiarity had a positive effect on self-assured familiarity and proximate familiarity. In addition, it was found that self-described familiarity, self-assured familiarity, and expected familiarity all affect proximate familiarity. Additionally, it was confirmed that expected familiarity and proximate familiarity are factors that improve the image of destinations.

      • KCI등재

        한국인 일본어 학습자의 한자어 친밀도에 관한 고찰

        조남성 ( Cho Nam-sung ) 한국일본근대학회 2018 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.60

        본고에서는 한국인 일본어 학습자의 한자어 742개의 친밀도에 대해서 살펴보았다. 그 주요한 결과는 다음과 같다. (1) N1ㆍN2 학습자는 모두 5개 이상의 척도치를 사용하고 있어서 한자어에 친밀도 차이가 있다고 판단하고 있다. (2) 학습 수준이 높은 N1 학습자는 N2 학습자보다 한자어 친밀도를 높게 판단하고 있으며, 개별 한자어에서도 92.2%나 높게 판단하고 있다. (3) 742개의 한자어 친밀도는, N1 학습자에서는 人氣, 相手, 明日, 勉强, 大丈夫 등, N2 학습자에서는 明日, 名前, 勉强, 大丈夫, 大人 등이 가장 높다. 그리고 N1 학습자에서는 嘴, 蝋燭, 艶, 瀨戶物, 壷 등, N2 학습자에서는 壷, 嘴, 艶, 贋物, 掏摸 등이 가장 낮다. (4) N1ㆍN2 학습자의 한자어 친밀도는 난이도가 높은 것(1ㆍ2급 어휘)이 반드시 친밀도가 낮은 것은 아니다. (5) N1ㆍN2 학습자의 급수별 한자어 친밀도에서, 1급(p<0.1) 이외 모든 급수에서 N1 학습자가 N2 학습자보다 친밀도가 높은 결과가, 유의미한 차이를 보이고 있다(p< 0.05). (6) 학습 수준별(N1 학습자 >N2 학습자) 한자어 친밀도에 따른 난이도에서 한자어 비율은, N1 학습자는 난이도 D4(친밀도 5.00 이상~6.00 미만:34.2%), N2 학습자는 난이도 D3(친밀도 4.00 이상~5.00 미만:31.0%)에서 가장 높다. In this paper, I examined the familiarity of 742 Chinese characters of Korean learners of Japanese. The main results are as follows. (1) N1 and N2 learners use more than 5 levels of scale, so I conclude that there is a difference in familiarity with Chinese character. (2) The N1 learners who have high levels of Japanese judge higher familiarity in Chinese character than N2 learners. The N1 learners also judge higher in individual Chinese characters as 92.2%. (3) In the familiarity of 742 Chinese character, N1 learners have high familiarity on 人氣, 相手, 明日, 勉强, 大丈夫, etc. N2 learners have high familiarity on 明日, 名前, 勉强, 大丈夫, 大人, etc. In addition, N1 learners have low familiarity on 嘴, 蝋燭, 艶, 瀨戶物, 壷, while N2 learners have low familiarity on 壷, 嘴, 艶, 贋物, 掏摸. (4) For N1ㆍN2 learners’ familiarity of Chinese characters, high levels of difficulty (D1 and D2) does not necessarily have low familiarity. (5) In the N1ㆍN2 learners’ familiarity of Chinese characters by levels, N1 learners have higher familiarity than N2 learners in all levels(p<0.05), except level 1 (p< 0.1). (6) In the difficulty according to familiarity of Chinese character by the level of learning (N1 learners > N2 learners), the proportion of Chinese characters is the highest in the N1 learners at the difficulty level D4 (familiarity from 5.00 to less than 6.00: 34.2%) and N2 learners at the difficulty level D3 (familiarity from 4.00 to less than 5.00: 31.0%).

      • KCI등재

        광고모델 친숙도의 효과에 관한 고찰: 중복 출연 친숙도와 일상 친숙도를 중심으로

        황인석 ( In Suk Hwang ),김문용 ( Moon Yong Kim ) 한국소비자학회 2011 소비자학연구 Vol.22 No.3

        본 연구는 광고모델 친숙도를 중복 출연 친숙도와 일상 친숙도로 나누고 이들 친숙도가 광고효과에 미치는 영향을 실증적으로 고찰하고 있다. 여기서 중복 출연 친숙도란 인위적인 클러터 상황에서 동일 모델의 (다른 광고에) 반복 출연으로 인해 생겨나는 친숙도를 말하며, 일상 친숙도란 일상생활에서 자연스러운 접촉 혹은 직·간접적인 경험 등으로 인해 형성된 친숙도를 의미한다. 실험은 대학생 180명을 대상으로 모의 상황에서 실시되었다. 연구 결과 일상 친숙도가 낮은 광고모델의 경우 중복 출연 친숙도가 높을 때보다 낮을 경우에 메시지 기억이 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 일상 친숙도가 높은 광고모델의 경우 중복 출연 친숙도 고/저에 따라 분명한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 또한 본 연구에서는 중복 출연 친숙도와 광고태도의 관계는 ∩ 형태로 나타났으며, 이러한 ∩ 형태의 정점은 일상 친숙도가 높은 모델보다 낮은 모델에서 더 늦게 나타났다. 본 연구는 광고모델 친숙도를 세분화하고, 그 영향을 광고효과 측면에서 실증 고찰하고 있다는 점에서 의의를 지닌다고 할 수 있다. This study investigates effects of endorser familiarity on ad effectiveness, suggesting that the familiarity can have two dimensions, multiple endorsement and ordinary familiarity. The multiple endorsement familiarity refers to the familiarity formed by repetitive exposures to the same endorser in various ads in an ad-clutter. The familiarity may be formed on a short-term basis. For example, if a person watched a lot of ads with the same endorser, but in the different product category, in a clutter, the person could have the relatively high multiple endorsement familiarity with the endorser. While the ordinary familiarity is a long-term based concept, formed by natural contact or direct or indirect experience with something in a real life. Based on the past studies, a total of five hypotheses are addressed in the study; The memory performance for ad messages will be higher in the condition of the low multiple endorsement familiarity of an endorser than in the condition of the high(H1-1). The H1-1 will be more evident in the condition of the low ordinary familiarity of an endorser than in the condition of the high(H1-2). Theses hypothesis are based on the assumption that the decrease of interest in the ad or the distraction of attention to the ad can be higher in the condition of the high multiple endorsement familiarity or the high ordinary familiarity. The H2-1 asserts that the relationship between the multiple endorsement familiarity and the ad attitude will be a ∩ shape. The mere exposure theory and the wear-out effect are adopted for the theoretical background for the hypothesis. The peak of that shape is expected to come later in the condition of the low ordinary familiarity compared to in the condition of the high(H2-2), which can be explained by the assumption for the H1 and the wear-out effect. In addition, this study predicts, referring to earlier works, that the ad attitude will have more influences on the ad effectiveness than the memory performance(H3). To test the hypotheses, the experiment took place at a regular undergraduate class time. One hundred and eighty-six undergraduate students at the college of one of authors participated in the study. Their ages ranged from 20 to 29 with an average of 24.4. The sample was 62.2 percent male. Before the experiment, all participants were told that the purpose of the study was to analyze consumers` responses to TV ads and they would watch twenty print ads as a clutter on the screen, for fifteen seconds per each. The target ad were placed at the end of the clutter. All participants were randomly assigned to one of six independent experimental groups. After showing the ads in the clutter to participants, we let them take a distraction task such as watching pictures of beautiful landscape on the screen for one minute. Then, they were given the message recall and recognition tasks for one minute per each. The recognition task was done after the recall task. After the memory tasks were finished, participants filled out items measuring attitudes, behavior intention, likeability of an endorser, and fit between an endorser and the ad. They also answered to the items for the manipulation check and were given a debriefing questionnaire that asked them in an open-ended format to report what they believed to be the purpose of the study at the end of the experiment. It was found that our manipulation was successful and no participants had noticed the purpose of the study. Also, there was no significant difference of the likeability of an endorser or the fit between the endorser and the ad among groups in each ordinary familiar condition. But because six participants were found to have watched some ads in the clutter, they were excluded from the further analyses. Results showed that the memory performance was higher in the condition of the low multiple endorsement familiar group than in the condition of the high in the low ordinary familiar condition. However, there was no statistical difference between them in the high ordinary familiar condition. As noted, this study assumed that the group of the high multiple endorsement familiarity could have a limitation of the interest or attention-gaining compared to that of the low in the low ordinary familiar condition. But such effects are thought to be disappear in the high ordinary familiar condition. It was also found that there was a ∩ shape between the multiple endorsement familiarity and the ad attitude, that is, as the multiple endorsement familarity increased, the slope of the ad attitude decreased. The degree of the decreasing was more greater in the high ordinary familiar condition than in the low. The ad attitude was found to play a more role on the persuasion than the memory performance. This finding is in line with the previous empirical findings that suggest the memory performance has no or little effect on the persuasion. Consistent with this suggestion, we also found that the relationship between the familiarity of the endorser and the persuasion was more closer to the relationship between the familiarity of that and the ad attitude than to the relationship between the familiarity and the memory performance. This study has limitations related to the generalization of results in several ways. First, there is the possibility that the findings could appear only when consumers are in the high involvement condition. If consumers were in the extremely low involvement condition, they would not pay attention to the endorser, even the noble or unfamiliar endorser, which subsequently could affect on the memory performance negatively. Second, being performed in a simulated and one-time situation using non-professional print ads with the exposure on a screen, the study would have the limitation of external validity. Further study is necessary to examine effects of the familiarity of an endorser in a real situation using professional ads with the natural exposure. Third, our sample was limited to one population group such as college students. This also decrease the generality of the study`s results. Further research should explore the effect by including other population groups and get the confirming results. In spite of the limitations, the findings in the study are expected to contribute to the existing theory and marketing communication practices.

      • KCI등재

        파트너개인연고를 따라 감사법인을 변경선임한 기업의 차별적 감사시간 · 감사보수 및 감사품질

        양일수,정도삼,이재은 韓國公認會計士會 2015 회계·세무와 감사 연구 Vol.57 No.3

        본 연구는 파트너개인연고가 갖는 긍정적 영향(지식축적-Blouin et al. 2007)과 부정적 영향(독립 성훼손위험-유착위협; 윤리기준위원회 2006)의 상반된 영향가능성에 대해서 조사한다. 특히 파트너 개인연고 기업의 경우 감사인변경 후의 변경형태(효율성 유지 측면-Vermeer et al. 2008; 품질관리 차이 영향-Cahan and Zhang 2006, Nagy 2005)에 대해서도 조사한다. 구체적으로, 본 연구는 파트 너개인연고를 감사시간 · 보수와 감사품질에 끼칠 수 있는 영향 관점에서 조사한 것이다. 본 연구의 실험표본은 감사인(회계법인)이 변경되었으나 감사파트너가 동일한 경우이다. 연구 결과, 파트너개인연고기업은 상대적으로 더 낮은 감사시간을 보이고, 감사인변경 후에도 이 러한 상대적으로 낮은 감사시간이 유지되었다. 반면에 파트너개인연고기업의 시간당감사보수가 상대 적으로 더 높으며, 감사인변경 후에도 유지되었다. 이는 파트너개인연고기업에 대해서 상대적으로 낮은 감사투입노력으로 높은 수익성을 실현한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 다만 이러한 낮은 감사시간이 감 사효율성 때문인지, 낮은 감사품질을 초래하는 낮은 투입노력인지는 감사품질의 영향을 함께 보아야 할 것이다. 이를 위해서, 재량발생액(절댓값)으로 측정한 감사품질 관련성을 조사한 결과, 파트너개 인연고기업의 감사품질은 통제표본과 대비해서 대체로 유의한 차이가 나지 않았으며, 감사인변경 전 · 후의 차이도 유의하지 않았다. 이상의 결과는 파트너개인연고기업의 감사가 효율적으로 수행하지 만(낮은 감사시간) 감사품질의 하락을 수반하지는 않는다는 점에서 주목을 끈다. 이는 파트너개인연 고가 감사인 독립성 훼손의 부정적 영향은 미미하고 감사경험의 긍정적 영향이 나타난 것으로 해석 할 수 있다. 본 연구의 공헌점은 감사인독립성 유착위협 우려에도 불구하고, 파트너개인연고기업에 대해서 감 사인은 감사품질을 희생하지 않으면서 낮은 감사투입시간을 통해서 감사를 수행한다는 점을 발견하 였다는 점이다. 특히 2016년 시행예정으로 개정 예고된 국제감사기준(IAASB 2015a; 2015b)과 미국 PCAOB(2011; 2013b; 2015) 감사기준개정안 등에서 파트너개인정보 공개방안이 포함되어 있는데, 이 와 관련하여 본 연구는 파트너 개인차원의 독립성 훼손 위험에 대한 실증 정보를 제공한다. Blouin et al. (2007) and Vermeer et al. (2008) identify the audit firm changes by audit clients which are coinciding with their audit partner’s transfer of audit firms upon the collapse of Arthur Andersen(AA), and define them as “the auditor changes following partner familiarity.” We refer to individual partner’s transfer of audit firms where their audit clients subsequently selected auditors coincident with the individual partner’s audit firm transfers. Since such audit firm changes are not mandated by the laws or regulations, and moreover, the ex-audit partners have taken audit partner responsibility after the audit firm changes, they could be recognized as “the auditor changes following going after individual partner familiarity.” Audit firm changes going after individual partner familiarity, as compared to non-familiarity clients, have dual aspects: (i) individual partner’s familiarity with the client would indicate that the audit partners have accumulated knowledge of the clients (Blouin et al. 2007), which would lead to audit efficiency and effectiveness (i.e. lower audit hours with no sacrifice of audit quality), and (ii) individual partner’s familiarity with the client would indicate “familiarity threats” in auditor independence (Korea Ethics Standards Board 2006), thereby resulting in deterioration of audit quality. In addition, in the comparison of experimental samples between before and after auditor changes, we also expects that (i) audit efficiency of individual partner familiarity clients could be sustained after the auditor change (Vermeer et al. 2008), or (ii) first year audits could be subject to the new audit firm’s severe quality controls (Cahan and Zhang 2006; Nagy 2005). Additionally, individual partner’s familiarity with the client would deteriorate audit quality after the audit firm changes following the individual partner familiarity. We identify 936 firm-years from non-financial December-ending fiscal year firms from 2003 to 2012 whose audit partners are same but audit firms are different, which indicates that audit partner changed audit firms and their client have voluntarily selected audit firm of the transferred ex-partners. Successions of audit firm status legally forced in the audit firm mergers (e.g. Ahnjin-Hana, Dasan-Kwangjang) are excluded from the experimental samples, but integrations in the audit firm (or audit team) level without legal audit firm merger are included in the experimental samples since they are not legally mandated audit firm transfers. Control samples are selected by the propensity-score matching method which is contended by the recent studies (e.g., Lawrence et al. 2011) that an effective approach to control for selection bias. Consistent with Lawrence et al. (2011), we match each partner-familiarity client with that has the closest predicted value from equality within a maximum distance of 3% without replacement. During the sample selection process, 182 firm-years failed to find the matched firm-years, accordingly, final experimental samples are 754 firm-years (samples before and after the auditor changes are 322 firm-years and 432 firm-years, respectively), excluding them. Final samples are 1,508 years, comprising experimental samples (FAMIL) of 754 firm-years and the same number of control samples (NON-FAMIL). Results of this study is summarized as follows. Audit hours of FAMIL are lower than those of NON-FAMIL (indicating audit efficiency), but FAMIL’s audit fees are not significantly different from those of NON-FAMIL. As a result, hourly audit fees of FAMIL are significantly higher than those of NON-FAMIL. In the comparison between samples of before and after audit firm changes, we find that lower audit hours of FAMIL are maintained without significant increase or decrease after the audit firm changes. Total audit fees of FAMIL increased significantly (10% level significance) after the audit firm changes

      • KCI등재

        파트너연고 감사인변경과 회계정보 가치관련성의 관계

        이재은 ( Jae Eun Lee ) 한국회계학회 2014 회계학연구 Vol.39 No.3

        선행연구(Blouin et al. 2007; Vermeer et al. 2008 등)에서는 감사담당 파트너의 소속 회계법인(감사인) 이동을 따른 고객회사의 감사인변경을 "파트너연고 감사인변경(auditor changes following partner familiarity)"이라고 표현하였다. 국제적 대형회계법인의 급격한 변동이 있었던 2000년대 초, 국내에서도 안진회계법인과 Deloitte가 새로 회원계약을 체결한 후에 Deloitte의 종전 회원법인이었던 안건회계법인("안건")은 2005년 3월에 한영회계법인("한영")과 통합하였다. 이 통합은 안건 파트너와 회계사들의 소속이동을 통해 이루어졌는데, 이에 맞추어 다수 안건 고객회사들이 한영으로 감사인을 변경한 것은 외관상으로 위 선행연구에서 언급한 파트너연고 감사인변경 사례로 볼 수 있다. 위 상황을 기초로 한 본 연구의 연구대상은 2005년 안건 고객회사 105개이며, 연구대상기간은 2002년부터 2007년까지 표본이다. 최종 표본은 결측치 등 제외 후 576 기업;연도이다(이 중에서 안건에서 한영으로 감사인을 변경한 실험표본[ Follower]은 409 기업·연도, 타 감사인으로 변경한 통제표본[ Non-Follower] 은 167 기업;연도이다). 파트너연고 감사인변경기업은 공격적 이익조정 등 감사인 교체비용이 높을 수 있으며(Blouinet al. 2007), 이에 따라 파트너연고 감사인변경이 감사인의 외관상 독립성을 훼손한다는 부정적 인식을 줄 수 있다. 동시에 안건과 한영의 통합은 감사인 합병과 유사하게 효율성 향상 등을 통한 감사품질 개선효과(Choi et al. 2013 등)를 가질 수도 있다. 본 연구는 감사인변경 전·후 및 비파트너연고 감사인변경기업과 비교할 때 파트너연고 감사인변경기업의 회계정보에 대한 투자자들의 인식에 차이가 있는지 조사한다. 본 연구의 초점은 파트너연고에 따른 감사인 독립성 훼손가능성(부정적 측면)과 감사인통합의 감사품질 개선효과(긍정적 측면)의 상반된 측면이 투자자들의 인식에 어떻게 영향을 끼치는가에 있다. 연구 결과, 파트너연고 감사인변경기업의 감사인변경 이후 순이익 가치관련성은 비파트너연고 감사인변경기업보다 유의하게 낮았다. 이러한 결과는 파트너연고 감사인변경기업의 감사인변경이후 상대적 가치관련성은 유의한 차이가 나지 않았지만, 비파트너연고 감사인변경기업의 감사인변경 이후 상대적 가치관련성이 증가된 때문으로 파악되었다. 이 결과는 몇 가지 강건성 분석결과에서도 질적으로 유사하였다. 이 조사결과는 상대적으로 투자자들이 파트너연고 감사인변경을 더 부정적으로 인식함을 나타내며, 동시에 비파트너연고 감사인변경에 대해서는 기업의 자율적 자기선택 과정에서 불리한 비대칭정보(예, 높은 감사인 교체비용 가능성)의 상황이 완화된 것으로 받아들인다고 해석할 수 있다. 본 연구가 흥미를 끄는 이유는 감사인변경에 대한 연구들에서 파트너연고 관점을 고려한 것이 많지 않기 때문이다. 특히 감사인의 연고위협(familiarity threat)은 감사인 윤리기준에서 설명하는 대표적인 감사인 독립성위협 항목의 하나라는 점에서 본 연구의 주제는 중요성을 갖는다. 본 연구의 공헌점은 파트너연고 감사인변경이 갖는 감사인의 외관상 독립성 위협에 대한 투자자들의 부정적 인식을 실증확인한 점이다. Blouin et al. (2007) and Vermeer et al. (2008) find the audit firm changes of audit clients which coincide with their audit partner`s transfer of audit firms at the clients of Arthur Andersen(AA), and explained that they are "the auditor changes following partner familiarity." For this purpose, we refer to the incident that Ahnkwon LLC. (Ahnkwon) - the former Deloitte firm in Korea - substantially finished its business in early 2005(right after completion of 2004 audits), and most of its audit partners transferred to other audit firms in March 2005. In the process, we find that substantial portion of 2004 Ahnkwon partners transferred to Ernst & Young Hanyoung (Hanyoung) - the E&Y firm in Korea - in March 2005, and majority of Ahnkwon`s 2004 audit clients also changed the auditors to Hanyoung for 2005 audits. Surviving audit firm in the merger legally succeeds audit partners of the merged audit firms and auditor positions of their clients; however, partner`s transfer of the audit firms does not legally mandate to succeed audit partners and auditor positions. If the clients want to change the audit firm to follow the partner`s transfer, they have to take auditor selection procedures where they voluntarily appoint the ex-partner`s new audit firms as their external auditors. I empirically find value relevance of accounting information audited by an audit firm in the close of its audit business and its clients change auditors following partner familiarity(the " FOLLOWER"). Through this investigation, I see how the investors perceive such auditor changes since such audit firm integration has two aspects: (i) clients having higher auditor switching costs (e.g. higher earnings management) are more likely to be the FOLLOWER(Blouin et al. 2007), and (ii) audit firm merger would gain economy of size, thereby increasing quasi rents (e.g. when the duplicate offices are integrated by the merger). The former would indicate impairment of auditor independences in appearance. i.e., the client firms with the higher auditor switching costs are more likely to be the FOLLOWER, and if the investors recognize asymmetric information unfavorable (e.g. higher auditor switching costs) they would negatively perceive such auditor changes. The latter would indicate improvement of audit quality as reported by Choi et al. (2013). However such effects may be restrictive. Based on these, we see the Ahnkwon`s 2004 clients who changed their external auditors to Hanyoung and other audit firms in 2005 to be the FOLLOWERclient firms who change auditors following partner familiarity." Ahnkwon`s 2004 clients are 105 firms, and final samples are 576 firm-years consisting of experimental FOLLOWERsamples of 409 firm-years and control samples (" NON-FOLLOWER") of 167 firm-years. NON-FOLLOWER samples are Ahnkwon`s 2004 clients who changed their external auditors to the other audit firms than Hanyoung in 2005. Partner`s transfer of audit firms is qualitatively different from the audit firm merger in a sense of auditor changes of the clients. More specifically, I assume that the integration of Ahnkwon and Hanyoung has both characteristics of "partner-familiarity following" and "audit firm merger", but expect that the former`s negative effects on the investor`s perception would be more significant than the latter`s positive effects since Ahnkwon was integrated into Hanyoung in the form of partners and professional staffs` transfers, instead of in the form of merger. Merger would be more unfavorable when the integrated firm succeed the potential legal liability. Before the Ahnkwon-Hanyoung integration, Ahnkwon assumed legal liability for audit failure, which reportedly triggered its farewell to the Deloitte network. If the incremental value relevance of earnings information of the FOLLOWERis significantly negative after the auditor changes, we could conclude that the investors perceive such auditor changes negatively. I found that, comparing to the NON-FOLLOWER`s, the relative value relevance of the FOLLOWER`s audited earnings information (i.e. the firms who changed auditors following partner familiarity) decreases after such auditor changes. Specifically, the consequences are the combined results that the value relevance of the NONFOLLOWER`s earnings increases after the auditor change while the FOLLOWER`s remains with no significant change. Results of the robustness tests by (i) examining the differential earnings response coefficients(ERC), (ii) expanding to transfers of multiple 2004 Ahnkwon audit partners (i.e. three or more partners transferred to the same audit firms other than Hanyoung), (iii) variable values deflated number of shares outstanding (instead of deflated by the lagged total assets in the main tests), (iv) control samples of non-Ahnkwon client samples selected using propensityscore- matching samples are also generally consistent with this finding. Based on this result, I conclude that the investors negatively perceive the auditor changes following partner familiarity. It could be interpreted that possible impairment of the "auditor independence in appearance" caused by such auditor changes following partner familiarity are negatively perceived by the investors. Contributions of this study is to identify the incidents of auditor changes following partner familiarity in the Korean audit firms` integrations, and such auditor changes following partner familiarity are resulting in the investors` negative perceptions. Moreover, it has additional contributions by expanding the audit researches one step forward in a sense that most existing audit literature has been focusing on audit quality at the audit-firm levels; but this paper extends audit quality studies to the audit partner levels. This result also has regulatory implications by empirically finding that possible impairment of auditor independence in appearance is negatively perceived by the investors no matter whether the audit quality would be actually worsened or not after the auditor changes. This indicates that the investors recognize this asymmetric information (e.g. higher auditor switching costs) captured by the auditor transfer, and negatively perceive such auditor changes. This has regulatory implications that the investors are negatively reacting to the incidents based on the asymmetric information which happened to be revealed.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Role of Topic Familiarity in Incidental Vocabulary Learning and Reading Comprehension

        김혜숙 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2010 외국학연구 Vol.14 No.2

        This study aims to investigate the role of topic familiarity in reading comprehension and vocabulary learning when learners read L2 texts. While numerous studies have shown that topic familiarity affect comprehension, few studies account for the relations between topic familiarity and vocabulary learning. In order to better understand the role of topic familiarity on reading comprehension and vocabulary learning, the study utilizes a pedagogical reading approach grounded by the interactive-compensatory model. A questionnaire was conducted at the end of the study to determine the level of topic familiarity on each text. A test to measure reading comprehension was used to investigate the relations of topic familiarity on understanding texts. Moreover, the data from pre- and post-vocabulary tests were analyzed to find the difference of vocabulary learning by the degree of topic familiarity. The findings indicated that topic familiarity had significant effects on the students' comprehension performance and vocabulary learning. Overall, results can be concluded that not only did topic familiarity on reading comprehension help to better understand texts, but it was also able to enhance incidental vocabulary learning.

      • KCI등재

        The Influence of Experience on Online Shopping Familiarity and Purchase Intention

        Huaiqin Li,임승희,홍진환 한국무역연구원 2020 무역연구 Vol.16 No.5

        Purpose This study clarifies the mechanisms that underlie the experiences that affect Chinese consumers’ purchase intentions. The purpose of this study is to examine which type of consumer experience affects online shopping website familiarity, and how website familiarity affects trust and purchase intention. In particular, this study distinguishes between subjective and objective familiarity in an online shopping context. Design/Methodology/Approach Chinese online shopping consumers are surveyed by questionnaire, and 317 surveys were used in the empirical analysis with a structural equation model. Findings The results show that website usage and advertising are the most influential predictors of consumers’ website familiarity, particularly subjective familiarity, while electronic word of mouth (E-WOM) only affects objective familiarity. In addition, objective familiarity is positively related to trust, but subjective familiarity is not. This indicates that consumers actually know and trust more. Research Implications This study provides important insights into experience, which was found to be the most influential predictor of a consumer’s level of familiarity. This highlights the differences between what consumers think they know and what they actually know about a website. This study also built a valid and reliable scale for measuring familiarity in an online shopping market, and developed a theoretical framework identifying how direct experiences and indirect experiences influence familiarity.

      • The Cortical Representation of Visual Script Familiarity: fMRI Experiment

        ( Nambeom Kim ),( Yeong Bae Lee ),( Young Bo Kim ),( Chang Ki Kang ) 한국감성과학회 2015 추계학술대회 Vol.2015 No.-

        It has been a great interest of the extent or degree to which visual script familiarity affects cortical representation. Because an alienation of the Hanja writing system was caused by the Hangul-only policy promoted by the South Korean government in the mid-1970s, Korean younger generation has dichotomized by Hanja familiarity. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the script familiarity of Hanja and then identify the cortical foci related to the script familiarity. In this study, we recruited low familiarity group (LF) and high familiarity group (HF) by their Hanja competency, who performed fMRI reading experiment with two-letter Hanja scripts and two-letter Hangul scripts. We hypothesized that cortical representation between LF and HF during Hanja reading compared to Hangul reading would show a different pattern reflecting the script familiarity. fMRI results indicated that the LF group showed greater involvement of the right hemisphere including the right superior parietal lobule and supplementary motor area, whereas the HF group showed greater activation bilateral caudate nuclei. In conclusion, less familiar script showed greater right hemisphere lateralization during script processing, which is presumably engaged in increased general cognitive demand due to neural efficiency whereas higher familiar script was shown to engage in that of controlling language, presumably literacy skills. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Gachon University research fund (GCU-2015-5030).

      • KCI등재

        부모-자녀 친밀도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구 -공공기관 가족정책 수립을 위한 탐색, 서울메트로를 중심으로-

        황춘자 ( Chun Ja Hwang ),이호규 ( Ho Gyu Lee ) 경희대학교 사회과학연구원 2013 社會科學硏究 Vol.39 No.3

        본 연구에서는 공공기관 근로자들과 자녀와의 관계에 주목한다. 부모와 자녀의 친밀도는 자녀의 지적 정서적 사회적 신체적 도덕적 성장에 영향을 미칠 수 있기 때문이다. 근로자인 부모의 입장에서 느끼는 부모 자녀의 친밀도를 살펴보고, 이에 따라 자녀가 있는 근로자를 위한 직장의 배려, 이러한 부분을 감안한 문화 및 복지정책, 조직의 운영 및 관리기법의 고민과 제언이 필요하다고 판단하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 ‘부모 자녀 친밀도 를부모가 생각하는 스스로에 대한 자녀 친밀도와, 부모의 입장에서 자녀를 바라보면서 느끼는 자녀에 대한 친밀도, 즉 예측 친밀도로 분리하여 각각의 대화요인들이 친밀도에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지 분석해 보았다. 분석결과, 대화빈도와 대화 시간, 대화 주제, 그리고 이벤트개최 여부가 친밀도 형성에 정(+)의 영향을 미치고 있음이 확인되었다. 이는 대화의 기회를 많이 갖기 위해 노력하는 부모일수록 스스로 자녀와 친밀한 정도가 높은 것을 의미한다. 친밀도 형성을 위해서는 많은 시간을 할애하기 보다는 자주 대화를 진행하는 것이 중요함을 의미한다고 볼 수 있다. 이러한 연구결과를 통해 기관에서 활용될 수 있는 향후 공공기관의 조직 및 인사정책의 계획에 반영될 수 있는 정책적 제언을 제시한다. This study focuses on relationships between public organization employees and their children. This is due to possibilities that familiarity between parents and children can have influence on children`s intellectual, emotional, social, physical, and ethical growths. It is necessary to look closely at familiarities between parents and children from the parents` point of view. Also, employers have to consider employees who have children. Regarding these points, considerations and suggestions are needed for culture and welfare policies, and organization management policies. Therefore, parents-children familiarity is separated into familiarity that parents think themselves, and their familiarity they feel towards their children, which, in other words, called expected familiarity. This study includes analysis on how each conversation cause affects familiarity. The result showed that when forming familiarity, the frequency of conversations and time, topics, and holding events caused positive effects. This means parents who try a lot to talk with their children have higher familiarity with them. This also means it is more important to have conversations often than having long ones to form familiarity. This study suggests policies that can be reflected in public organizations and human resources policies plans through the study result.

      • KCI등재

        일부 여성의 화장품에 대한 정서적 태도 차이에 관한 연구

        김명기(Kim Myung-gi) 한국인체미용예술학회 2006 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.7 No.3

          According to a few recent studies, affective attitude toward upgrade product image influences attitude toward cosmetic brand and behavior of purchase in addition to cognitive aspects which represent the acquisition of information about cosmetic product. Affective attitude toward upgrade cosmetic product image is considered as very important component to analyze effects of upgrade product image in market situation of increasing upgrade product image more and more.<BR>  Therefore this study is to investigate how cosmetic product familiarity and brand familiarity influences the affective attitude toward upgrade cosmetic product image through for empirical testing four actual advertisements. The results of empirical testing show that product familiarity and brand familiarity affect, in significance, positively on the attitude toward upgrade product image, and as comparing degree of their effects, product familiarity more affects than brand familiarity. Also, in case of affecting product familiarity and brand familiarity together, the results of empirical analysis show that the effect more increase or more decrease by interaction effect than affecting individually.<BR>  In conclusion, this study offers insights and implications for basic evaluation method of upgrade product image effect and upgrade product image strategy focused in the affective attitude toward upgrade product image.

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