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      • KCI등재

        다세대 기술 시장진입모드(Market entry mode)의 정의 및 종류에 대한 연구: 반도체 및 스마트폰 시장진입모드 사례

        박창현(Changhyun Park) 한국산학기술학회 2020 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.21 No.9

        여러 세대가 공존하는 다세대 기술 시장의 경우 성능, 가격 및 진입시점 등의 조정을 통해 다양한 진입모드가 가능하므로, 다세대 기술의 시장진입모드에 대한 이해가 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 다세대 기술의 시장진입모드에 대해 기술, 시간, 성능(또는 가격)의 다차원 관점에서 개념에 대해 정의하고, 다양한 진입모드의 종류에 대해 모형을 제시하고자 하였다. 문헌리뷰를 통해 다세대 기술의 시장진입모드의 정의 및 종류에 대한 모형을 제시하였고, 도출한 모형의 정합성을 반도체 및 스마트폰 시장 사례를 바탕으로 검증하였다. 다세대 기술의 시장진입모드는 6가지 종류(중간 성능 및 일찍 진입 모드, 높은 성능 및 일찍 진입 모드, 낮은 성능 및 일찍 진입 모드, 중간 성능 및 늦게 진입 모드, 높은 성능 및 늦게 진입 모드, 낮은 성능 및 늦게 진입 모드)로 모형화가 가능하였다. 본 연구를 토해 도출한 시장진입모드의 정의 및 종류에 대한 모형은 다세대 기술의 시장진입모드를 이해하는데 유용할 것이고, 다세대 기술 외에도 다른 특성의 시장에서도 적용 가능할 것이다. Since multiple generation technology can have various entry modes by adjusting performance, price, and entry timing, understanding of market entry mode of multiple generation technology is important. This study defined the concept of market entry mode based on multiple dimensions (technology, time, performance, or price) and developed a model for various types of market entry modes. Based on a literature review, the definition and types of market entry mode were provided, and the accuracy of the model was verified based on a case study on the semiconductor and smartphone market. Six market entry modes of multiple generation technology were modeled as moderate performance and early entry, high performance and early entry, low performance and early entry, moderate performance and late entry, high performance and late entry, and low performance and late entry. This study will be useful to understand the market entry mode of multiple generation technology by defining and developing a model for entry mode and can be applied to other markets in addition to multiple generation technology.

      • KCI등재

        外國銀行의 進入類型과 基準에 관한 考察 - 한국과 미국의 法的 規制를 중심으로 -

        김병태(Kim, Byung-Tae) 경희법학연구소 2004 경희법학 Vol.39 No.2

        Each country has different regulations and policies for foreign bank entry. There are no even international standards or principles on the available entry types of organization for foreign banks. On international level, other than the entry type of organization, there are some principles for a general foreign bank supervision which are principally announced by the Basel Committee for Banking Supervision(Basel Committee) or in the national treatment instrument of the General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS) or the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD). On domestic level, all depository institutions in Korea and the United States, including foreign banks, are subject to a high degree of government regulation. While there are four principal types of organization through which foreign banks can engage in varying degrees of banking activities or business in Korea: representative offices, agencies, branches and bank subsidiaries, there are six principal types of organization through which foreign banks can engage in varying degrees of banking activities or business in the United States: representative offices, agencies, branches, bank subsidiaries, Edge Act and Agreement international banking corporations and commercial lending companies. Among available entry types for foreign banks in both countries, branches are the preferred form of organization for foreign banks entering the U.S. or Korean market. Foreign banks entering the foreign market through branches have traditionally emphasized wholesale international commercial banking activities, such as interbank lending, trade finance and corporate lending, as well as money market and capital markets activities. In both Korea and the United States, foreign banks that wish only to have a representative office or offices are subject to simple and minor entry standards and restrictions for their non-bank activities. Foreign banks that wish to maintain other types such as an agency, branch or bank subsidiary in both countries or a commercial lending company, Edge Act or Agreement corporation in the United States are subject to complicated entry standards and prohibitions on their foreign entries. Different entry standards are applied to each entry type of organization for foreign banks. Those entry standards are mostly complied with the Basel Committee s relevant principles.

      • KCI등재

        入國禁止決定과 査證發給 拒否處分의 違法性 判斷

        정남철 한국행정판례연구회 2019 행정판례연구 Vol.24 No.2

        In this ruling of the Supreme Court of Korea, the Minister of Justice’s decision to ban entry is identified as an instruction, a kind of administrative rule, but the Minister of Justice’s decision to prohibit entry can seriously limit citizen’s rights or fundamental rights. In addition, the decision to prohibit entry has a great influence on visa issuance and immigration examination. It is not efficient to remedy the right of refusal to issue a visa leaving the Minister of Justice’s decision to ban entry. It is also practically difficult to argue when an entry permit is denied at the port of entry. Therefore, the theory should be constructed in a way that recognizes the Minister of Justice’s decision to prohibit entry as the disposition. The Minister of Justice should establish a notification procedure for the decision to ban entry, taking into account privacy protection and personal information protection. When at least grasp of the location is possible or notice of disposal is possible, it is desirable to individually notify the entry decision. In the judgment, the formal requirements for the rejection of visa is strictly judged, but the administrative procedure law cannot be applied to the case of entry and immigration of foreigners entirely. However, in order to ensure the procedural fundamental right, it is necessary to improve the legislative system so that the form of disposition and procedural requirements are well adhered to the field of foreign administration. Reasons for the denial of the visa and opportunity to submit comments could be given if possible. However, it is not appropriate to admit the illegality of the denial of visa issuance for reasons of discretionary nonuse related to the review of substantive illegality. There is little discretion in the embassies and legations abroad to judge differently from the entry ban decision of the Ministry of Justice. We look forward to a change and development in the Supreme Court’s ruling relating the determination of illegality in administrative disposal in the future. 대상판례는 법무부장관의 입국금지결정을 행정규칙의 하나인 ‘지시’로보고 있지만, 법무부장관의 입국금지결정은 상대방의 권리나 기본권을 중대하게 제한할 수 있다. 또한 이러한 입국금지결정은 이후의 사증발급이나입국심사허가 등에 큰 영향을 미친다. 법무부장관의 입국금지결정을 그대로두고, 사증발급 거부처분만을 다투는 것은 권리구제의 실익이 없다. 또한출입국항에서 입국허가를 거부당하는 때에 이를 다투는 것은 현실적으로쉽지 않다. 따라서 법무부장관의 입국금지결정의 처분성을 인정하는 방향으로 이론구성을 해야 한다. 법무부장관은 사생활보호와 개인정보보호 등을고려하면서 입국금지결정의 공지절차를 마련해야 한다. 적어도 소재지의 파악이 가능하거나 처분의 통지가 가능한 경우에는 입국금지결정을 개별적으로 통지하는 것이 바람직하다. 대상판결에서는 사증발급 거부처분의 형식적요건을 엄격히 판단하고 있으나, 행정절차법을 그대로 적용하기 어려운 측면이 있다. 다만, 절차적 기본권을 충실히 보장하기 위해서는 외무행정에서도 처분의 형식이나 절차적 요건 등이 잘 준수되도록 입법적 제도개선을할 필요가 있다. 사증발급 거부의 사유를 밝히고 의견 제출의 기회를 부여하는 방안도 고려할 수 있다. 다만, 실체적 위법성 판단과 관련하여 재량권불행사를 이유로 사증발급 거부처분의 위법을 인정한 것은 적절하지 않다. 입국금지대상자에 대해 재외공관장이 이를 달리 판단할 수 있는 재량권은거의 없다. 향후 행정처분의 위법성 판단과 관련된 대법원 판례의 변화를기대해 본다.

      • KCI등재

        주거침입죄에서 침입의 의미와 판단기준

        어재원 사법발전재단 2022 사법 Vol.1 No.60

        The gist of the instant case pertains to whether the crime of intrusion into a human habitation is established in a case where, although a defendant entered another person’s property upon the resident’s permission, it is recognized that the entry was for the purpose of criminal or illegal conduct or that the resident would not have given permission of entry had he or she known the real purpose of the defendant’s entry. The Supreme Court recognized in previous decisions that a criminal charge for intruding into a human habitation is established in a case involving a restaurant where public access is allowed, if a defendant entered the restaurant against express or assumptive intention of the owner of the restaurant. The Supreme Court changed its previous decisions by determining that the defendant in the subject case is not considered to have committed an act of intrusion on the following grounds: (a) if a perpetrator entered a restaurant where public access is allowed upon permission of the business owner by regular methods of entry, such entry does not constitute an act of intrusion as stipulated in the crime of intrusion into another person’s property unless special circumstances exist; (b) even if the perpetrator entered the restaurant for criminal purposes or it is recognized that the business owner would not have permitted the perpetrator’s entry had he or she known the true purpose of the entry, it cannot be evaluated that the perpetrator entered the restaurant in the manner of disturbing a state of peace, on the sole basis of the above circumstances, in light of the mode of conduct manifested objectively and externally at the time of entry. The Supreme Court reached the foregoing conclusion based on the legal doctrine revealed in the Supreme Court Decision 2020Do12630 Decided September 9, 2021, which goes as follows: (a) intrusion, an act which constitutes a crime of intrusion, into another person’s habitation, needs to be interpreted in comparison with the protected legal interests of the crime of intrusion; (b) intrusion means an act of entering another person’s residence in way of disturbing peace and tranquility in the said residence; (c) whether a certain act constitutes intrusion needs to be determined, as a matter of principle, on the basis of the mode of action revealed objectively and externally at the time of the entry at issue; (d) if a perpetrator enters another person’s residence in a way that disturbs a state of peace, such an act of the perpetrator would generally be against the intention of the resident; (e) however, an act of entering another person’s property cannot be immediately considered to constitute intrusion on the sole basis of the subjective circumstance that the relevant entry was made against the will of the resident. In so determining, the Supreme Court clarified that the key measure in determining whether an act of entering constitutes intrusion in the criminal charge of intruding into another person’s habitation is not whether the entry was made against the will of the resident but whether a de facto state of peace in a residence has been infringed upon considering the mode of conduct objectively and externally manifested at the time of the entry at issue. The foregoing en banc decision and the subject case revised the meaning of intrusion and the standard of determination of what constitutes intrusion to limit the scope of the establishment of the crime of intrusion in relation to its protected legal interest on the following concerns: (a) understanding the meaning of intrusion as “entering another person’s residence against the intention of the resident,” like the previous Supreme Court decision did, would enable the recognition of the establishment of the crime of intrusion on the sole basis of the subjective circumstance that the entry in question is against the will of the resident, and would therefore lead to the transcendence of the scope of legal ... 이 사건의 쟁점은 거주자의 승낙을 받아 주거에 들어갔더라도 범죄나 불법행위 등을 목적으로 한 출입이거나 거주자가 실제 출입 목적을 알았더라면 출입을 승낙하지 않았을 것이라는 사정이 인정되는 경우 주거침입죄가 성립하는지 여부이다. 대법원은 종전에 일반인의 출입이 허용된 음식점이더라도 영업주의 명시적 또는 추정적 의사에 반하여 들어갔다면 주거침입죄가 성립한다고 인정하였다. 대법원은 대상판결을 통하여 일반인의 출입이 허용된 음식점에 영업주의 승낙을 받아 통상적인 출입방법으로 들어갔다면 특별한 사정이 없는 한 주거침입죄에서 규정하는 침입행위에 해당하지 않고, 설령 행위자가 범죄 등을 목적으로 음식점에 출입하였거나 영업주가 행위자의 실제 출입 목적을 알았더라면 출입을 승낙하지 않았을 것이라는 사정이 인정되더라도 그러한 사정만으로는 출입 당시 객관적·외형적으로 드러난 행위 태양에 비추어 사실상의 평온상태를 해치는 방법으로 음식점에 들어갔다고 평가할 수 없으므로 침입행위에 해당하지 않는다고 판단하여 종전 대법원판결을 변경하였다. 이는 주거침입죄의 구성요건적 행위인 침입은 주거침입죄의 보호법익과의 관계에서 해석하여야 하므로, 침입이란 주거의 사실상 평온상태를 해치는 행위 태양으로 주거에 들어가는 것을 의미하고, 침입에 해당하는지는 출입 당시 객관적·외형적으로 드러난 행위 태양을 기준으로 판단함이 원칙이고, 사실상의 평온상태를 해치는 행위 태양으로 주거에 들어가는 것이라면 대체로 거주자의 의사에 반하겠지만, 단순히 주거에 들어가는 행위 자체가 거주자의 의사에 반한다는 주관적 사정만으로는 바로 침입에 해당한다고 볼 수 없다고 판단한 대법원 2021. 9. 9. 선고 2020도12630 전원합의체 판결이 선고한 법리에 따른 결론이다. 이는 주거침입죄에서 침입에 해당하는지의 판단은 거주자의 의사에 반하는지가 아니라 출입 당시 객관적·외형적으로 드러난 행위 태양에 비추어 주거의 사실상 평온상태가 침해되었는지를 핵심 표지로 한다는 점을 분명히 한 것이다. 위 전원합의체 판결과 대상판결은 종래 대법원 판례와 같이 침입의 의미를 ‘거주자의 의사에 반하여 주거에 들어가는 것’이라고 보게 되면 거주자의 의사에 반한다는 주관적 사정만으로 주거침입죄의 성립을 인정할 수 있게 되어 주거침입죄가 보호하려는 법익의 범위를 넘어서고, 주거침입죄의 보호법익 내용이 주관화·관념화되며, 주거침입죄로 처벌되는 범위가 지나치게 넓어져 부당한 결과를 초래할 수 있기 때문에 보호법익과의 관계에서 주거침입죄의 성립 범위를 제한하기 위하여 침입의 의미와 판단기준을 변경하였다. 나아가 대상판결에서는 사실상의 평온상태를 해치는 행위 태양인지를 판단할 때 구체적인 고려 요소로서 출입하려는 주거 등의 형태와 용도·성질, 외부인에 대한 출입의 통제·관리 방식과 상태, 행위자의 출입 경위와 방법 등을 제시하였고, 이들 요소들을 종합하여 볼 때 행위자의 출입 당시 객관적·외형적으로 드러난 행위 태양에 비추어 주거의 사실상 평온상태가 침해되었다고 규범적으로 평가되어야 침입행위에 해당할 수 있음을 분명히 하였다. 한편 거주자의 의사도 사실상의 평온상태를 해치는 행위 태양인지를 판단할 때 고려할 요소 중 하나이지만 주거 등의 형태와 용도·성질, 외부인에 대한 출입의...

      • KCI등재

        19세기 전ㆍ중반기 프랑스 선교사들의 조선 입국 시도와 서해 해로

        김규성(Kim Gyu-Seong) 한국교회사연구소 2009 敎會史硏究 Vol.0 No.32

        The purpose of this thesis is to find out about the process to seek Korean entry route of French missionaries. Bishop Ferreol envisioned this work. And Father Kim-Dae-Geon(金大建) practiced it. This thesis also put great emphasis on the exploitation of the entry route through the seaway of the West Sea. There were several attempts to seek entry route of missionaries before 1843: Bishop Ferreol was appointed to Korean Vicar Apostolic in that year. In those days, the envoy's march which Korea(Jo-seon) sent to China(Cheong) was in existence. They used the route through Ui-ju Byeon-mun(義州 邊門). The emissaries of Korean church utilized this route. Father Ju-Mun-Mo entered through this way. Three French missionaries also came in by similar way. But this route was interrupted after 1839's Persecution. On December 1842, Kim-Dae-Geon searched around Ui-ju Byeon-mun. He met Kim Francisco on the envoy's march of the Winter Solstice at that time. The whole circumstances of 1839's Persecution and the situation of Korean church were reported on the outside. The connection with Korean church have been cut off since 1839's Persecution. It restored in the third year. He tried out infiltration in Korea after succeeding to contact with emissary. He wanted to take Father Maistre in Korea. Therefore he entered alone to Korea on February of the next year. But he should return as it failed to attain the desired end. Bishop Ferreol was appointed to Korean Vicar Apostolic in 1843. After that, he envisioned the entry route to penetrate effectively in Korea. And he selected Father Kim with practician of his plot. He was a seminarian at that time. Bishop Ferreol thought that Korean priest effectively would practice this plot. Besides Father Kim had courage, bravery and geographical faculty. These became important backgrounds that he was selected. At first, they envisioned and attempted the plan to enter through a land route. This route is passing Ui-ju Byeon-mun or the Northeast. Kim-Dae-Geon directly explored this area and attempted a entry. But this didn't succeed. The reason was that it would be dangerous to french missionaries of different appearance. Besides a guard of the frontier had been solemn since 1839's Persecution. Bishop Ferreol also envisioned entry through the Seaway of The West Sea on behalf of a land route. Bishop Imbert and Father Maubant had already devised this plan. In 1840, Bishop Ferreol discovered the letter which contain this scheme. He probably has referred to this letter. Kim-Dae-Geon was ordained deacon on December 1844. Thereafter he entered to Korea alone. Then he received direction from Bishop Ferreol to inquire the plan to enter through the Seaway of the West Sea. When he went to Shang-hai(上海) to be ordained priest, he passed by seaway. He was ordained priest on August 1845. After that, he entered to Korea with Bishop Ferreol and Father Daveluy by similar way. However the seaway also was dangerous and uncertain because of strict surveillance and wind wave. So Bishop Ferreol envisioned a method to use Chinese fishing craft to come and go in coast of Hwang-hai-do(黃海道) for a fishery. And he commanded exploitation of entry route by this method to Father Kim. Father Kim was arrested on the way exploration of this coast for this work. And he died for his belief. The exploitation of entry route was shrunk for a little time due to aftereffect of Father Kim's arrest and martyr. But it was continued to attempt to enter by Ui-ju Byeon-mun and coast of Hwang-hai-do in the long run. Father Choi-Yang-Eob(崔良業) entered to Korea by Ui-ju Byeon-mun on December 1849. Three missionaries including Bishop Berneux arrived in Korea by coast of Hwang-hai-do on March 1856. Thereafter another missionaries used similar seaway. In addition, Father Kim had already made geographics datas on his way to exploit. They were utilized to entry of missionaries actually. The attempt of Korean Entry of French Missionarie

      • KCI등재

        통신시장에서의 진입장벽 평가 체계 연구

        김정현 ( Jeong Hyun Kim ) 안암법학회 2011 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.34

        Whether there exist effective entry barriers or not in a certain industry is one of the crucial elements in the process of evaluating incumbents` market power in that market. The main purpose of this study is to draw competition-policy implications of entry/exit analysis in the rapidly changing telecommunications industry by surveying various sources of entry barriers and analyzing practical issues related to the way of assessing entry conditions. I critically review conflicts among various definitions of entry barriers in the literature of industrial organization in economics. Based on the theoretical findings, I suggest an eight-step procedure for assessing entry conditions of the telecommunication markets: (i) Market definition and entry by production substituters, (ii) Market conditions and historical entry, (iii) Assessment of absolute cost advantages and essential facilities, (iv) Assessment of sunk costs, scale economies, and capital requirements, (v) Assessment of product differentiation, advertising, switching costs, and network externality, (vi) Vertical foreclosure and exclusion, (vii) Predatory behaviors, and (viii) Assessment of entry impediments. At each step to evaluate the elements of entry barriers, the main characteristics of telecommunications industry are explicitly reflected. The main findings of this paper can be directly used to clarify and improve the legal clauses on market competition assessment in telecommunication laws in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        장애아동 부모의 회고를 통한 자녀 취학유예 경험의 의미 분석

        신해정,정동영 국립특수교육원 2016 특수교육연구 Vol.23 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the meanings of delayed school entry experiences through retrospections of parents of children with disabilities for suggest suitable alternatives for delayed school entry phenomenon in children with disabilities. To achieve this purpose, phenomenological qualitative research method was adopted and the selected research questions are (1) what experiences did parents of children with disabilities for decision-making process on delayed school entry? (2) what experiences did parents of children with disabilities and their children during delayed school entry period? (3) what evaluations did parents of children with disabilities for they have experienced delayed school entry? Research data was conducted private interviews with 7 participants. After that, data was analyzed by Colazzi(1978)'s analysis method. The findings of this study, parents of children with disabilities was used to delayed school entry for postponement anxiety of school entry. Also children with disabilities and their parents did not get a positive effects on ready for school readiness and school entry substantially without receiving adequate support for school readiness from schools and communities. Thus, to reduce delayed school entry phenomenon, school and society must be prepared school readiness including educational environments and psychological, educational supports and informations and counseling related school entry by priority. 본 연구는 장애아동 부모의 회고를 통해 자녀 취학유예 경험의 의미를 분석하는데 목적을 두고 첫째, 장애아동의 부모가 경험한 자녀의 취학유예 결정 과정 둘째, 장애아동 부모와 자녀의 취학유예 기간 동안의 경험 셋째, 장애아동 부모가 경험한 자녀의 취학유예에 대한 평가에 대하여 현상학적 질적 연구 방법을 채택하여 연구하였다. 7명의 연구 참여자들과 개별 면담 실시 후 자료를 수집하여 colazzi(1978)의 분석방법으로 자료를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 먼저 장애아동의 취학유예는 학교 및 사회가 장애아동과 부모에게 초등학교로의 전이 시기에 적절한 지원을 제공하지 못하여 자녀의 취학에 불안감을 가진 부모의 독자적인 판단으로 결정되었다. 다음으로 장애아동과 부모는 취학유예 기간을 학교 및 사회로부터 학교 준비를 위한 적절한 지원을 받지 못한 채 보냈다. 마지막으로 초등학교 입학 후 자녀의 학교적응에 취학유예 경험이 미친 효과는 회의적이었으며 결국 취학유예는 자녀 취학에 대한 불안감을 유예시키는 수단으로 작용한 것으로 분석되었다. 따라서 학교 및 사회가 장애아동과 부모에게 초등학교로의 전이 실재를 포함한 발달에 적합한 유아특수교육 프로그램을 제공하여 학교준비도를 갖출 수 있도록 지원하여 취학유예 현상을 감소시킬 수 있도록 하여야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 소매업의 생산성 성장 : 사업체 진입과 퇴출의 역할을 중심으로

        조장희 ( Janghee Cho ),신동한 ( Donghan Shin ),전현배 ( Hyunbae Chun ),김진영(논평),이창근(논평) 한국금융연구원 2020 한국경제의 분석 Vol.26 No.3

        While productivity growth in the manufacturing sector is mainly accounted for by technological advances of incumbent establishments, resource reallocation through both the entry of efficient establishments and the exit of inefficient ones plays a crucial role in productivity growth in the service sector. However, the high rates of entry and exit in Korean retail industry have been regarded as rather a sign of excessive competition. A main underlying reason for this view is that Korean retail industry has a relatively large share of small and less-productive establishments compared to the United States and other developed countries. This paper examines whether the frequent entry and exit of small establishments could lead to the process of creative destruction and thus productivity growth in Korean retail industry. Using establishment-level Census data and the method of Foster et al. (2006), we decompose the aggregate retail productivity growth from 2005 to 2015 into contributions of continuing, entering, and exiting establishments. We find that both the entry and exit contribute to approximately 85% of productivity growth in the retail industry. The estimate is larger than that in Canada and Japan but smaller than that in the United States. Overall, the finding indicates that both entry and exit play crucial roles in the productivity growth of Korean retail industry. Using regression analyses, we also investigate the heterogeneous productivity effects of entry and exit by establishment size as well as by subsector. Evidence on creative destruction through entry and exit is found in both the general merchandise sector (GMS) and non-GMS one. However, creative destruction is evident only for groups of small GMS establishments and medium-sized non-GMS establishments. Furthermore, both small and medium-sized establishments experience productivity growth after their entry while large ones do not. Our findings confirm that creative destruction through entry and exit contributes to productivity growth even in the sector that is mostly composed of small establishments. Furthermore, our paper provides crucial evidence for debates on entry-deterring policies aimed to ease excessive competition among small businesses.

      • KCI등재

        Entry와 Arduino를 이용한 ‘나만의 게임 만들기’가 초등학생의 창의적 문제해결력 및 대인관계능력에 미치는 영향

        김형욱(Kim, hyung-Wook),문성윤(Mun, Seoung-Yun),정소리(Jeong, So-Ri),정소진(Jeong, So-Jean) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2018 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.18 No.1

        이 연구는 Entry와 Arduino를 이용한 ‘나만의 게임 만들기’ 프로그램을 개발하여 초등학생들의 창의적 문제해결력 및 대인관계능력에 미치는 영향을 알아보는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 Entry와 Arduino의 기초 학습에서 시작하여 나만의 게임을 직접 제작할 수 있는 9차시의 프로그램을 초등학교 5∼6학년 학생 34명에게 적용하 였다. 결과, 학생들은 프로그램 적용 전과 비교하여 창의적 문제해결력의 하위영역인 특정 영역 기능·기술의 이해 및 숙달 여부, 확산적 사고, 비판적·논리적 사고, 동기적 요소에서 모두 유의미한 향상을 보였다. 또한 학생들은 창의적으로 장애물의 개수 늘리기, 변수 늘리기, 캐릭터의 모양 및 배경 다양화 등을 구체적으로 실천하 였다. 대인관계능력에서도 역시 프로그램 적용 전과 비교하여 처음 관계 맺기, 타인에 대한 불쾌감 주장, 자기노출, 정서적인 지지나 조언, 대인 갈등 다루기 영역에서 모두 유의미한 향상을 보였다. 연구결과, Entry와 Arduino를 이용한 ‘나만의 게임 만들기’ 프로그램은 초등학생의 창의적 문제해결력 및 대인관계능력 향상에 효과가 있었다. 이 연구의 결과는 2015 개정 교육과정에 의해 도입되는 소프트웨어 교육이 인성교육에 긍정적인 영향을 줄 수 있음을 의미하는 것으로 창의·인성적 요소를 고려한 소프트웨어 교육 수업 모델 개발에 도움이 될 것으로 판단된다. The purpose of this study is to develop making my own game program using Entry and Arduino, and look into the effect of it on the creative problem solving ability and interpersonal relationship ability of elementary students. For this, the study applied a 9 period-program for them to make my own game themselves beginning with basic learning of Entry and Arduino to 34 5th-6th elementary students. The results showed that compared to before when the program was applied, the students understanding of function and technology, proficiency, diffuse thinking, critical and logical thinking, motivational factor in particular area, which are subarea of creative problem solving, improved significantly. Also, the students specifically practised increasing creatively the number of obstacles and variables, and the diversification of character s shape and background, etc. Interpersonal relationship ability as well, in the area of making a first relationship, claims of displeasure with others, self-disclosure, emotional support or advice, dealing with interpersonal conflict, improved significantly compared to before when the program was applied. The study results showed that a making my own game program using Entry and Arduino had an effect on the improvement of interpersonal relationship ability and creative problem solving ability of elementary students. This study results mean that software education introduced by 2015 Revised Curriculum can positively affect personality education, and it is judged that the results help develop a software education class model considering creative and personality factors

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