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        황진 시대에 살아남기: 『모래 폭풍을 지나서』에 나타난 상실, 고통, 회복

        이은아 ( Lee Euna ) 건국대학교 동화와번역연구소 2019 동화와 번역 Vol.37 No.-

        캐런 헤스는 뉴베리 상(Newbery Medal)이나 스콧 오델 상(Scott O’Dell Award)과 같은 권위 있는 문학상을 대거 수상하면서 작가로서의 명성을 얻는다. 그녀는 명확하고 객관적인 묘사를 통해 현실을 상세하게 기술하며, 따뜻한 감수성과 예술적 재능으로 감동적인 작품을 만들어내는 작가이다. 헤스의 대부분의 작품들은 실제 역사적 배경 속에서 살아가는 주인공이 어떻게 삶의 시련들을 극복하면서 성장해나가는가에 관한 것이다. 『모래 폭풍을 지나서』(Out of the Dust, 1997)는 1920년대의 미국 경제 대공황과 황진시대를 배경으로 하는 시소설이다. 헤스는 극심한 가난과 가뭄, 모래 폭풍 등으로 힘겹게 살아갔던 당시 오클라호마 사람들의 이야기를 13세 소녀 빌리 조의 목소리로 말한다. 삶을 위협하는 모래 폭풍으로 인한 두려움과 공포, 상실과 죽음을 경험하면서 희망을 잃은 그들의 삶을 객관적이고도 시적으로 그려내었다. 본 논문은 황진시대를 살아가며 상실과 고통, 회복의 과정을 겪는 한 소녀의 이야기를 살펴볼 것이다. 인간과 자연에 대한 사랑, 용서와 화해에 관한 이야기를 읽으면서, 어려움 속에 있는 청소년 독자들이 이를 지혜롭게 극복하며, 삶을 가치 있게 살아가는 방법들을 배울 수 있기를 기대한다. Karen Hesse has gained her reputation as a writer by winning a number of prestigious children's literature awards such as the Newbery Medal and the Scott O'Dell Award. She describes reality in detail through clear and objective descriptions and writes impressive works with warm sensitivity and artistic talent. Hesse's masterpiece, Out of the Dust (1997) is the story of the girl who is struggling with the remnants of the Great Depression and the natural disaster, Dust Bowl. In it, Hesse narrates the experiences of those who lived during the Dust Bowl of the 1930s through the voice of 13-year-old Billy Jo. This study will examine the story of the girl living in the Dust Bowl who experiences loss, suffering, and recovery. We hope that young readers going through troubles will be able to overcome their struggles wisely and learn how to live without losing hope through this story of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

      • KCI등재

        캐런 헤세의 『모래 폭풍을 지나서』를 통해 본 생명의 공존성 회복의 비전

        박소진(Park So-Jin) 문학과 환경학회 2010 문학과 환경 Vol.9 No.1

        This paper examines the close connections between nature and human beings, between human beings in a community, and between human beings’ physical condition and their emotional state, through Karen Hesse’s book, Out of Dust (1997). It describes the harsh reality that farmers in Oklahoma, which was caused by the combination of the economic depression and the most destructive ‘natural disaster’ in the history of the USA, the so-called Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl resulted from human abuse of the farm plains, the removal of the grass, and the destruction of the natural environmental balance in the plains. This novel, written in the form of a diary, portrays how destructive the dust and drought were during that period, and how devastated farmers’ lives were, focusing on one main character, Billy, her parents, and their neighbors. While this book warns against people’s greed for short term profit and shows their blindness concerning the consequent disaster, it also demonstrates what makes people overcome those hardships, and how the main characters sustain their hope for life despite bitter mistakes and conflicts. Hope is found in the comfort derived from the forces of nature and from people's love and forgiveness for each other, even though nature and people are the very elements that cause the misery and scars in their lives. Nature and people are portrayed in contrasting ways. No matter how destructive and threatening nature is, it is a fundamental influence on people’s lives, and no matter how unforgivable and disappointing people (especially family members) are, they may be a source of great support. Suggesting the importance of the interdependence between nature and human beings, and also between human beings, this book describes these connections by drawing parallels between these four aspects: 1) the state of nature, 2) the state of people’s lives, 3) people’s physical and emotional condition, and 4) people’s relationships. This book implies that nature, human beings’ physical and emotional condition, and the health of the community, are closely related to each other. This is related to an ecological perspective, which perceives the relationship between nature and human beings as an organic whole, no longer regarding them as separate entities.

      • KCI등재

        캐런 헤스의 『모래 폭풍을 지나서』에 나타난 애도의 메커니즘

        이은아 한국현대영미소설학회 2019 현대영미소설 Vol.26 No.2

        Karen Hesse's Out of the Dust(1997) is the story of the people who lived in the 1930s in America, a period of depression and anxiety caused by the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl. Hesse, through the eyes and voice of a young girl, recounts the dark and desperate times like a reporter who delivers realistic information. The story of ‘sustaining’ life even in such desperate situations has been recognized as a work that makes an impression on children as well as adults, and it won the 1998 Newbery Award. This paper will analyze the story of a main character, Billie Joe who suffers her mother's death and a serious natural disaster with Freud’s “Mourning and Melancholia”(1917). Her story is in line with Freud's theory of mourning which goes through the process of ‘the pain of the loss of objects, the awareness of object absence, and the substitution to the new object.’ This work explains to readers that people can be restored to a healthy subject without suffering from pathological conditions, even in the face of great tragedy, such as a serious natural disaster or the death of a family member. In particular, this offers young readers who are vulnerable in the face of psychological pain ways to overcome and mourn their losses.

      • KCI등재

        아직도분노의 포도『분노의 포도』와 끝나지 않은 길

        신현옥 ( Hyun Wook Shin ) 영미문학연구회 2014 안과 밖 Vol.0 No.37

        The Grapes of Wrath, which depicts Okie Exodus during the Dust Bowl period, gained much of its popularity by offering a realistic portrayal of the lives of Okie migrant workers uprooted by natural disasters and economic hardship of the Great Depression. The national impact of The Grapes of Wrath, which condemned the morally depraved free market capitalism stimulated certain reform measures through the New Deal intervention. The novel is sympathetic to the dispossessed but refuses to sentimentalize Okie farm hands who were criticized for their obsession with land delimited by wire fences, as was the case with California`s corporate farm owners. This paper explicates the symbolic and realistic meanings of `the grapes of wrath` in the context of the Okie migration in the 1930sand global saving glut of today, examines the road the novel takes and reconsiders the idea of ownership in the context of recurring global financial crises.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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