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      • KCI등재

        『어우야담』 소재 인물담 연구(2)

        이월영(Weol-young, Lee) 어문연구학회 2011 어문연구 Vol.67 No.-

        You Mong In shaped his characters on which his unique recognition as a writer were projected using a variety of cross-over techniques in anecdotes to form character discourses. This paper was pursued to analyze same character discourses and similar-type character discourses among all the character discouses from Er Wu Ya Dam, and evaluate the formative meaning of the person in question and his recognition reflected in it. Character discourses for Kim Si Seup and Jung Sa Lyong were dealt with as ones which have the highest frequency in repeating same character discourses. A meaning code to penetrate Kim Si Seup's character discourses was 'five age/ arrogance,' which was due to his genius and eccentricity his whole life threw certified clues about. While Kim Si Seup's haughty attitude made himself as a 'genius' character isolated from the world, his poetic prose as an accumulative collection of his life unexpectedly resulted in ironical situation to make it possible for his descendents to commune with him forever. Jung Sa Lyong character discourses were focused on in view of his "poetic prose" and 'luxuriant life.' His luxury came to be a driving force to make possible his relationship with great authorities, which decisively played influential roles to the whole scheme of his poetic proses. After his death, however, there were doubts that his secular behaviors could be related to the whole scheme of his poetic proses and his works might not be genuine. Though he was able to enjoy his luxury and his poetic authority with the support of great masters, his snobbish desire spontaneously came to be exposed into the world after he finished his life. You Mong In can be thought to juxtapose, on latent purpose, the contrastive life and posthumous evaluation of two contemporary poets, Kim Si Seup and Jung Sa Lyong, who secured the highest reputation, by repeating discourses related to them. Hence, You Mong In reflected his relative viewpoint of life to both characters that we can't easily reach the conclusion about what is happiness or unhappiness in our life and how success or failure can be defined. Among similar-type character discourses were examined the discourses of characters whose reputation have strong effect upon their conducts. These character discourses were composed of conduct anecdotes basically related to a character in question. A basic standard of their conduct was usually related to a cause. A cause was a solidified guide to them and they were unable to tolerate a rule of conduct without cause. But since a cause couldn't help being variable, it was liable to be revealed into egoistic dogmatism according to the situation; rightness can be wrongness, and vice versa. Moreover, sticking to a inflexible cause gave rise to a violent situation and made it possible for numerous people to be forced to be scapegoats to valueless causes. Rigid and warmthless causes resulted in dangerous, violent, and funny situations all the time. They were only the consequences which were controled by unconditionally unified 'literality [名]', in spite of not satisfying "substantiality[實]." You Mong In who sought after a relative way of thinking strived to put his emphasis on danger, violence, and inconvenience which dogmatic belief in cause might bring about by repeating the discourses of characters who adhere to cause, in oder to make readers informed of it.

      • KCI등재

        '섬 정체성'의 지속과 변화

        홍석준 국립목포대학교 도서문화연구원 2023 島嶼文化 Vol.- No.62

        This article examines the cultural characteristics and meanings of the definition and use of the concepts of ‘island(섬, seom)’ and ‘islandness[섬성(섬性), seomsung)]’ by critically examining the characteristics and meanings of ‘island discourses’ related to ‘island’ and ‘islandness’. To this purpose, I would like to seek theoretical and methodological clues and ways to examine the continuity and change of ‘island identity’ in depth, focusing on the concept of island and islandness, and sustainability, and provide philosophical clues for humanistic reflections on the characteristics and use of these concepts. In particular, this article proposes the concept of ‘islandness’ as a concept which encompasses ‘island discourses’ and focuses on the cultural characteristics and meanings of ‘island discourses’. This article also aims to understand the interrelationship between these concepts in the context of islands and seas by interrelating the concept of ‘island’, ‘islandness’, ‘island humanities terrain’, and ‘sustainability’ based on a new definition of the concepts of island and islandness to understand the continuity and change of ‘island identity’. To this end, this article tried to actively utilize the concept of ‘island’ and ‘islandness’. ‘Islandness’ is a term and concept that can usually be translated into ‘islandness’,‘island identity’, and ‘islandness’. These diverse and complex island discourses are, in fact, manipulated and transformed for political, economic, and social purposes because the reality of islandness does not exist. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the process in which island discourses are produced, distributed, and consumed rather than the reality of island discourses. This aspect of islandness is overlooked because island discourses actually hinder the understanding of the phenomenon and perception of islands and seas in connection with land. In this respect, island discourses often result in not properly embodying the characteristics and meanings of islands and seas. In particular, these island discourses are mainly produced, distributed, and consumed in a direction that is not irrelevant to the maximization of political and economic benefits of a centralized state and society centered on land and inland, which paradoxically results in the reality of being alienated from the central governmental and national interest and support, and deprived of its own and independent cultural rights of islanders in islands and seas in contemporary Korean society. Depending on how the concept of islandness is defined, it is intended to reveal that these various and diverse discourses on island and islandness are in fact proceeding in the direction of maximizing the political and economic benefits of the land-centered central government or the state by paying attention to the process of manipulating and transforming various discourses for political, economic, and social purposes, despite the fact that the entity of islandness does not exist or it is fluid and flexible according to changes in the times and spatial conditions of islandness. To this end, this article intends to discuss the existing discourses on island related to ‘islandness’ under the premise that it is essential and urgent to consider what cultural characteristics and meanings are in the context of contemporary Korean society.

      • KCI등재

        몸담론의 인식과 방법론

        박선경(Park, Sun kyoung) 한국언어문학회 2015 한국언어문학 Vol.95 No.-

        This essay try to investigate on a form and construt method of body discourses through research for four writers, they are Eun heekyoung, Cheon yunyoung, Jung eehyun, Back gaheum since 1990's. They have a each methods to going to writing on body discourses. Body discourses have a big features are a new idea, new representation by sensuous language of a bodily sense organ, instead of taking to pieces for an idealogical language, a symbolic code of a established discourse that is control and suppress people. This reseach present a 8 method of constructing body discourses by studies about 4 writer's method Theirs writings make up nature fitures and original figures of human in realities of life. So it enhance the value of human's primarial existence and it makes free that human's natural instinct, it dissolute a establised concepts that human being captured with a ideal, notion, moral. The new prescription of human's being shows a process of metaphysical concepts transfer phisics concepts, a ideal stationariness crash realities of existence. But that is human's being recover a essential realities. From the beginning of Body discourses, Eun heekyoung, Cheon eunyoung start and establish body discourse, they have founded it in Korea literary world. They suggest that the subject is body existence, existential subject. A existent body subject absorbe a object and world with one's six senses, is recorded a sprit, after that time a person have a conception, a dreaming, a injury. A conception for 'a body subject' of a writers compose narrative's base epistemology, also narration method and narrative method. Two authers write detailed abservation body sense and communication with a world and object, illustrate and take to pieces in body. There are only exist 'a body-subject' is communicate by body to body without a value, system, order of the existing discourse. Becoming serious process of bodily discourse, writer have conception in Buddhism's point of view on body, so they are accepted a object, a world with only body sense. From this point, authors started narrative with all sense of body, next after connected a behavier, a consciousness, a notion. The suppress and manage of power orgarnization, control to invidual subject on completely and deeply rooted. Four writeter's interest is expanding politic structure and a ideology that suppress and control in subject's body, because of being overthrown for "a fallus's established system". Body discourses and feminism discourse are based on postmodernism, disconstruct existed discours. Our body discourse started and became serious on Feminine writings. Jung eehyun continue on writing and storytelling about womans's life, experience of daily at actual environment, so she would occupied a position on ecriture feminine. Jung arrange various 'feminity' through various woman's ego and show women is achived a self identifying. In this process, her writing meet body discourses, because woman's life is full with body actives. Baek Gaheum author has constructed on body discourse rarely among man author. His heroes are proletarian on the society economy system and they don't criticize about their environment is excepted them. Heroes are showed body relations, life of body, act of body on real life, therefore expose life's real meannings in author's purpose. There are reapeted materials of violence, murther, death, so we knows that one ego is started and died only with body. This is meaning that body is grounded and established for the self, it is author's cognition about "The body subject". Furthermore a closing observate about isolation and solitude of body relationships, body subject is reprsented in a current situation being taken to pieces. The other side, through hero's relation with woman, proletaria hero exibite phallus force in the presence of a woman, repeatedly practice violence, sexual violence, murther to her. Therefore it is showed that a order Phllocentrism

      • KCI등재

        『어우야담 』 소재 인물담 연구 (1)

        이월영(Weol-young, Yee) 어문연구학회 2010 어문연구 Vol.63 No.-

        You-Mong-In's view of world, which could be derived from some discourses abωt their characters, was dealt with in this paper by analyzing a variety of descriptive ways to be used for character discourses and evaluating them in terms of their meaningful effect. based upon his book Er Wu Ya Dam. These character discoαses manifested complicated. polyhedral characters on diverse interrelationships assembled with anecdotes which were parts of the fulI story. Hence it is reqωred to analyze and interpret how those anecdotes were assembled in order to grasp his intention as a writer and each character’s significance. Some character discourses depend on only a single anecdote and a simple comment. A single anecdote was introduced to show the effect of embodying strong impression decisively, when a decisively -strong character was created, which may be regarded as a decisively-intended effect for an single-side anecdote. Some anecdotes were enumerated in a rational order and others were developed as the incompatible with others In the case of rationally-assembled anecdotes, character discourses with extremity manifested their significances by means of repeating and strengthening the same-typed anecdotes. A descriptive way to assemble incompatible anecdotes could be used to form interior truth unlike superficial betrayal multi- aterality. polyhedral inclination, cognition different from the established, hαnan being’s middle-layered significance, which was related‘ as a distinguishing feature in character discourse of Er Woo Ya Darm, to You Mong In’s view of the world. He denied meditating Sung Confucianism with a dualistic theαyon it, and possessed a relative theory of cognition which could be inspired from Chuangtze. And there were also character discourses to deal with two characters from one story. These discourses were composedof two: the discourse style assembled by the character having the equal relationship of juxtaposition and that in which a discourse between close characters was added to the end of main character discourse. While a discourse about two characters with juxtaposition relationship revealed the extremity in feature by dealing with two characters who have human feature in common, it maximized the significance of the character type by showing their rival situation and final moment of a flying man over a running man. This discourse for two characters added an anecdote about a character with close relationship to its end, after some description about anecdotes related to main characters, and the added anecdote was greatly helpful in interpreting a main or evaluating what a main character was like. By the reason, the significance of a main character was enhanced and highlighted, and sometimes resulted in caricatured effect.

      • KCI등재

        한국근현대연극사의 전통 담론과 근대성

        백현미 한국극예술학회 2009 한국극예술연구 Vol.0 No.30

        A study on tradition discourses in Korean modern drama focuses on the way the individual subjects in the dramatic community have translated and defined tradition, examining the connection among the elements that consist of tradition discourses. And the study leads to exploring the way how the tradition discourses have been connected with modernity in Korean drama. This paper examines the relationship between the tradition discourses and modernity in Korean modern drama history. It focuses particularly on the modernity in two aspects. First, the nationalistic/oriental modernity were presented through the tradition discourses. The nationalistic/oriental discourses have continued as a way to overcome the west-oriented modernity during the colonialized period and post-colonialized period. Second, the artistic modernity was presented through the tradition discourses. The variation of the western modern drama style such as realism, modernism, post-modernism in Korean modern drama history can be seen. Those styles on Korean drama history have not been the same as the styles in western drama history because the performance tradition has been different, dependant on the nation, the region, and the economic/cultural situation. 한국근현대연극사에서 전통연희를 활용한 연극의 창작과 그 창작 작업에 대한 논의들로 구성된 전통 담론은, 서양 발 근현대 연극 및 그에 대한 논의들로 구성된 연극론과 구별되며 공존했다. 본고에서는 전통 담론을 통해 드러나는 근대성을, 민족적/동양적 근대성과 예술적 근대성으로 나눠 살폈다. 근대계몽기 이후 1980년대까지 민족(주의) 근대성의 문제는 전통 담론의 중요한 인식 고리였다. 민족에 대한 자각과 민족의 미래에 대한 전망 모색은 한국근현대연극사의 중요한 근대적 주제였고, 이 근대적 주제의 연극적 실현은 전통연희의 재창조를 매개로 이뤄졌다. 민족적 근대성은, 서구적 근대성과 구별되는 동양적 근대성이라는 맥락과도 연계되었다. 전통연희가 근현대 서양의 연극 양식과 결합되면서 드러나는 예술적 근대성의 양상은 온전하고 직선적이라기보다 불안전하고 불연속적이다. 리얼리즘적 극 형식과 전근대적 세계관이 결합하고, 포스트모더니즘적 극 형식과 리얼리즘적 비판의식이 충돌하며, 전통연희의 충실한 재현이 모더니즘적 자의식을 드러내는 유효한 방식으로 기능한다.

      • KCI등재

        초등교사들의 창의성에 관한 미시담론 형성 과정

        박정우,정하나,김도영,김지연,서영선,이수아,이선경 한국교원교육학회 2019 한국교원교육연구 Vol.36 No.3

        This study explored the process of micro-discourse formation about creativity of elementary school teachers. The study was conducted according to general qualitative research methods. Participants were five elementary teachers, naturally grouped through lectures, and research data were collected, analyzed, and interpreted in an open discussion about creativity. The results of the study firstly shed light on the social language of various sources implied in the “extraordinary creativity” that emerged from the teachers' early dialogue on creativity. Secondly, through the disconstructing of the “extraordinary creativity” perspective and pursuing the meaning of “everyday creativity,” Thirdly, we dealt with the process of micro-discourse formation that proceeds to rethink creativity education by dealing with the capture and interpretation of the expression of 'general creativity' in 'My Life'. In the discussion, the discourses of the participating teachers shifted from the macro to the micro perspectives of creativity. A series of discourses showed the teachers' discourse flow about opened questions of "what is creativity?" It also showed a process of generation of meaning that is interactively constructed about this question. This study shows that the formation of specific discourses by teachers is not a process of following a linear theory but of passing through a long flow of discourse intertwined with life. It also suggests that pedagogical practice should be approached with a long-term view that encompasses the formation of specific discourses. 본 연구에서는 초등교사들의 창의성과 관련된 미시담론 형성 과정을 탐색하였다. 연구는 일반적인 질적 방법에 따라 이루어졌다. 연구 참여자는 강의를 통해 자연스럽게 형성된 다섯 명의 초등 교사들이었으며, 자료는 창의성에 관한 끝열린 토론에서 수집되고 분석 및 해석되었다. 연구 결과는, 첫째 창의성에 대한 교사들의 초기 발화인 ‘비범한 창의성’에 내포된 다양한 출처의 사회적 언어를 조명하는 것으로부터, 둘째 ‘비범한 창의성’ 관점의 해체와 ‘일상적 창의성’의 의미를 추구하는 것을 통과하고, 셋째 ‘나의 삶’에서 ‘일상적 창의성’ 발현의 포착과 해석을 다루며 창의성 교육을 재고하는 것으로 진행되는 미시담론 형성 과정을 다루었다. 토론 과정에서 참여교사들의 담화는 창의성에 대한 거시적 관점에서 미시적 관점으로 이동했으며, 일련의 담화 과정은 ‘창의성이란?’이라는 열린 질문에 대한 교사들의 발화 흐름과 상호행위적으로 구성되는 공동의 의미생성 과정을 보여주었다. 이 연구는 교사들의 특정 담론 형성이 선형적인 이론을 따라가는 과정이 아니고 삶과 복잡하게 얽힌 긴 담화의 흐름을 통과해야 하는 과정임을 보여주며, 교육적 실행은 특정 담론 형성을 포괄하는 장기적 안목으로 접근해야 함을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재

        중·한 일기예보 텍스트의 완성 조건 대조 연구

        신근영 ( Shin¸ Geunyoung ),위설교 ( Wei¸ Xue-jiao ) 한국중국언어학회 2020 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.91

        This dissertation puts forward the concept of ‘Discourse-completion’, ‘Discourse-completion Elements(DCE)’ and ‘Discourse-completion Conditions(DCC)’ for discourse research on the basis of systematic concepts, from the theoretical perspectives of multidimensional, macro and dynamic. A comparative to study the different discourse features between Chinese and Korean weather forecast discourses through the internal theory and external conditions. ‘Discoursecompletion’ can be stated from two aspects: first, ‘Discourse-completion’, means to meet the internal theory and external conditions, so as the discourse can be self-sufficient. Second, ‘Discourse-completion’ and ‘Make the Discourse Completion’ means that by combining the factors of discourse to make it self-sufficient. The completeness of discourse is guaranteed if the conditions for completing such an weather forecast discourse, discourse are not violated, and the discourse function can be performed to complete the communication through discourse.

      • KCI등재

        정신보건법 개정 담론에 근거한 정신건강증진 및 정신질환자 복지서비스 지원에 관한 법률 주요 쟁점 분석

        김문근 ( Kim Moon Geun ) 한국사회복지연구회 2016 사회복지연구 Vol.47 No.3

        This study aims to analyse major changes of Mental Health Promotion and Welfare Service Support Act(MHPWSSA) and critically discuss these changes based on the major discourses on Mental Health Act revision. For this purposes this study reviewed literatures and government reports to understand human rights discourses, welfare discourses, and prevention discourses. Secondly, the major changes of MHPWSSA were analysed and discussed based on those discourses. This study found that MHPWSSA defined the concept of people with mental disorders narrowly, tightened the involuntary admission procedures, introduced welfare service support provisions and mental health promotion provisions. But this study shows that the new legislation may well be criticised due to neglect of the concept of disability and people with psychiatric disability, involuntary admission without mental capacity assessment, neglect of the basic values and principles of self determination and independent living common in welfare of the persons with disability. And the new legislation may be criticised due to overuse of the concept of mental health promotion as encompassing promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.

      • KCI등재

        동아시아 지역주의 담론의 제도화에 관한 일고찰 -발전경로 탐색을 중심으로-

        장동식,전정기,송염염 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2008 국제지역연구 Vol.12 No.3

        Since the financial crises of the late 1990s spread in East Asia countries, this region had a shared identity increasingly, as well as the intensification of the demand and supply factors for the formation of a regional economic integration. Discourses on East Asian Regionalism means the intra-regional debates process for regional economic cooperations focused on East Asian what is showed up after the late of 1997. recently the institutionalization of the discourses on East Asian Regionalism is making rapid progress. This paper examines the backgrounds, substances, characteristics and institutionalization of the discourses. This paper explores the possibility of development on the systematization of discourses on East Asian Regionalism. To explore development route on the institutionalization of this discourses, we used the theory of financial regionalism of Dieter & Higgott(2003), the theory of economic integration of Balassa(1961), the concepts on formal regionalism and informal regionalization of Berslin, Higgott & Rosamond(2002) for explore development path on the institutionalization of this discourses. 동아시아에서는 동아시아 경제위기를 계기로 지역경제협력과 연대에 관한 ‘동아시아 지역주의'에 대한 논의가 활발하게 전개되고 있다. 본고에서는 이러한 동아시아 지역주의에 대한 논의와 제도화 형성과정을 담론(discourse)이란 개념을 도입하여 분석해 보았다. 동아시아 지역주의 담론의 제도화는 현재 아세안+3이 중심이 되어 동아시아 경제공동체 또는 FTA의 형성을 목표로 진행되고 있으며, 무역중심 지역주의 보다는 CMI, AMF, 아시아채권시장 육성 등과 같은 금융지역주의 부문에서의 두드러진 성과를 나타내면서 향후 발전을 위한 새로운 국면을 맞이하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구는 동아시아 지역주의 담론의 제도화에 대한 출현 배경과 관련 연구들에 대한 검토, 진전과정 등을 집중적으로 분석해 보고, 현재 교착상태에 빠진 동아시아 지역주의 담론의 제도화 발전을 금융지역주의모델을 중심으로 무역중심 경제통합 발전모델을 통합하여 새로운 발전모델을 제시해 보려고 하였다. 이를 위해 본고에서는 Dieter & Higgott(2003)의 금융지역주의(monetary regionalism) 개념과 발전경로에 관한 모형을 개선하여 사용하였고, 여기에 Balassa(1996)가 제시했던 경제통합의 발전단계 분석틀을 통합적으로 사용하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Critical analysis of contrasting identities and styles of anti- and pro-multicultural discourses in Korea

        박휴용(Park Hyu-yong) 한국사회언어학회 2013 사회언어학 Vol.21 No.3

        In a multicultural society, social discourses composed of diverse voices, identities, and subjectivities collide and naturally create tensions. Adopting Rogers' (2004) methodological approach to critical discourse analysis and Castells' (2004) categorization of identity - legitimizing, project, and resistanceas a conceptual framework, this paper analyzes the discourses between antiand pro-multiculturalist sides in Korea. This paper surveys and analyzes the discourses hosted in cyber space, such as internet agora, portal site cafes, and personal blogs, which are the outlets of common people's voices and identities regarding multiculturalism. The concrete research questions of this paper are as follows: i) how are anti- and pro-multiculturalist voices and rationales categorized?; ii) what are the types of identities in anti- and pro-multiculturalist discourses, and how do they conflict; and iii) what styles do anti- and pro-multiculturalists bear in their own discourses? This paper argues that multicultural discourses in Korea are conjugated by diverse conflicting voices of people with different standpoints and beliefs on a multicultural society. This paper also stresses that the government or academia should monitor the voices, rationales, and attitudes of both sides to establish clear directions for future multicultural policies and legislation. (190 words)

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