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      • KCI등재

        현대미술의‘파괴-창조’의 변증법 - 창작 수단으로서의 예술파괴 행위를 중심으로 -

        초거성,엄혁용 한국기초조형학회 2023 기초조형학연구 Vol.24 No.5

        This research aims to pursue an innovative concept on artistic creation by attempting the investigation of the point that the impact of material art destruction functions as a means of creation in an artist’s position in contemporary art. Although destructive expression in art has been observed often, the theoretical reconsideration is rarely found in comparison with other parts of contemporary art. At this point of a view, a claim that a right of art destruction is given to us if it bears another creation of art works, provides us many implications, because such a statement can change greatly our thinking. This sort of art destruction differs itself from the conventional ‘Iconoclasm’ or ‘Vandalism.’ This research focuses, therefore, on the ‘reconstruction’ or ‘creativity’ based on Dario Gamboni’s thesis of art destruction, exemplifying six representative works on art destruction, artist’s body destruction, and de-artification, focusing on material art destruction used as a means of creation in modern art. . Also, the term ‘Dialectic of destruction-creation’ coined for this viewpoint inspired by a French philosopher Jacques Derrid, whose concept and aim of destruction have oriented not to destroy but reconstruction. The methodology of this study is the suggestion of the specific examples of art destruction in current art fields before discussing the theoretical discourse on ‘non-sculpture,’ accentuated by an American art historian and art critic, Rosalind Krauss, as well as ‘non-material’ or performance art utilizing human body, particularly exemplified in the works of Marc Quinn and Marina Avramovic. Their art works or performance will take a significant role to enhance the main topic of this research. The impact of in on contemporary art has three aspects. First, changed the creative paradigm of traditional art and enriched the means of art creation. Second, it is to increase the artistic value of the work to some extent. Third, the boundaries of art are ambiguous. It is hoped that this paper will theoretically provide a reference text for further development of art destruction-related research and provide guidance for the creation of current or future works of art. Also, this research is expected to broaden the discussion on the artistic creation through destructive acts in the fields of virtual reality in the new-media art or AI art which are excluded in this paper.

      • 형질변환(形質變換, metamorphosis)과 해체적 회화성에 대한 연구 - 아메데오 모딜리아니 회화를 중심으로 -

        장준석 유럽문화예술학회 2014 유럽문화예술학논집 Vol.5 No.2

        In this thesis, from using the meanings of destruction and deconstruc tion, to distinguish the expressive skill in contemporary art workers ar e arising. Therefore, special methods which are linked in the destructio n styles are selected. As a result, the two different purpose of destruct ion is arising. one is enmity destruction and the other is self destructi on another world, auto destruction or destruction to create. Self-destruction based paintings are clearly different in the purpose of approaching the art work. First of all, they can be auto-destruction. cr eative destruction and metamorphosis destruction. which is linked with the sk피 the material aspect and basic stature, and sign destruction or signifier destruction. which is link with the inner meaning destruction hat is considered as the destruction in the post-modem paintings. so it can be resulted in the changedness of expectation and recognition. Already in 1900 when Paris changed every trick in the academic pain tings. If Picasso and Braque and Modigliani' paintings held themselves aloof from the movement they had initiated, they were probably bette r aware than any of their contemporis of its implications. Already in 1 900 when Picasso came to Paris and Modigliani came to Paris start m etamorphosis and destructive paintings. Because Their' s paintings direc t or non-direct connecting. First of all Theirs' paintings accumulated e xperiment shape and the metamorphosis and destructive. With stsrting the 20the Century, the modem arts spread out the d리i cate conditions taking on a aspect of the repaid progress. As it is call ed a galaxy of author’s appearance and insistence their Ism beginning with the various activities, the every movements like the statement of the school answear the more varied circumstance. While they related t he 따tist of the ages, a member of Ecole De Paris, the exotic group, a nd he had same artistic taste and confirm the value of existence with each other relatively. We can discover these paintings style other selfdestructive methods. so J acques Derrida called the difference meaning i n destruction. These methods are started by Picasso, Braque and Modi gliani’ paintings who has developed the attacking heart in the spectato r ’ emotion.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 세속오계의 "살생유택계"와 원광의 계율관

        이자랑 ( Ja Rang Lee ) 한국사상사학회 2014 韓國思想史學 Vol.0 No.46

        불교적 입장에서 원광(圓光) 세속오계(世俗五戒)의 사상적 배경을 논할 경우, 특히 살생유택(殺生有擇)은 불살생 계율과의 상치로 인해 해석이 쉽지 않다. 불살생은 불교 계율 중에서도 가장 중요한 위치를 차지하는, 그야말로 거의 절대적인 원칙이다. 하지만 살생유택은 ‘살생을 하되 가려서 하라’라고 하여 부분적으로 살생을 용인하고 있다는 점에서 불살생계와 정면으로 부딪히게 된다. 양자 간에 발생하게 되는 모순은 기존의 연구에서 ‘정법호지라는 대의적 차원에서라면 불교에서도 살생을 용인한다’는 논리 하에 설명되었다. 이는 당시 신라가 놓여 있던 정치적 상황 및 원광이 보여준 일부 행적을 염두에 둔 해석이기도 하다. 하지만 이렇게 해석할 경우, 원광은 전쟁에서의 살생을 합리화시켜주는 이론으로 살생유택을 제공한 것이 된다. 이는 승려로서의 원광의 정체성을 심각하게 훼손하는 해석이라고 생각된다. 원광의 행적을 보면, 세속오계나 걸사표 작성 등과 같이 현실적 요청에 타협하는 모습도 보이지만, 이러한 행동을 하면서도 항상 승려로서 자신을 인식하고 나아가 보살계 설시를 통해 대중을 교화하는 등의 모습도 발견된다. 이는 원광이 불살생계를 비롯한 불교계율에 무지하지도 또한 무관심하지도 않았음을 보여주는 것으로 해석할 수 있을 것이다. 그리고 무엇보다 귀산 등의 질문에 대한 원광의 답변 속에서 적극적인 살생 용인의 흔적은 찾아보기 어렵다. 따라서 본고에서는 불도 수행을 하는 ‘승려’로서의 원광과 불도 실천행의 근간인 불살생계에 초점을 두고 살생유택계를 재고하였다. 이를 통해 지금까지 제시되어 온 해석과는 달리, 살생유택은 현실적으로 불살생계를 실천하기 어려운 사람들에게 실천 가능한 최대한의 불살생 실천을 권장하는 가르침으로서 오히려 불살생 강조의 시각에서 해석되어야 한다는 의견을 제시했다. 그리고 살생유택과 불살생계 간에 발생하게 되는 모순을 극복하기 위해 종래에 근거로 제시되어 왔던 한 두 가지 점에 대해서도 재검토의 필요성을 지적하고, 나아가 원광과 불살생계의 관련성에 대해서도 약간의 의견을 제시했다. When the ideological background for Won Gwang`s Sesok Ogye is discussed from Buddhist position, in particular, Salsaeng Yutaek (never take a life without a just cause) is difficult to interpret because it conflicts with the religious precept of no destruction of life. No destruction of life occupies the most prominent place among Buddhist religious precepts; It is literally an almost absolute principle. However, Salsaeng Yutaek to be selective in destruction of life confronts the principle of no destruction of life in that it partially permits destruction of life. In prior studies, such conflict was explained with the logic that Buddhism permits destruction of life for the cause of Jeongbeop Hoji(正法護持). Making such interpretation, they kept in mind the political situation of Silla at the time and Won Gwang`s deeds. However, such interpretation leads to Won Gwang`s provision of Salsaeng Yutaek as a theory to rationalize destruction of life in a war. The author regards that such interpretation severely damages identity of Won Gwang as a monk. To look into Won Gwang`s deeds, although he showed an aspect of compromising with realistic demands through Sesok Ogye or Geolsapyo(乞師表), he always perceived himself as a monk and further taught people through instructions on Bodhisattva-precepts. This shows that Won Gwang was neither ignorant of nor indifferent to Buddhist religious percepts including the principle of no life destruction. Most of all, it is difficult to find traces of active permission of life destruction in his answers to Gwisan`s questions. Accordingly, this study examined the principle of Salsaeng Yutaek, focusing on Won Gwang as a monk practicing Buddhism and the principle of no life destruction, the basis for Buddhism practice. Thereby this study presented an opinion that unlike interpretations thus far, Salsaeng Yutaek rather should be interpreted from the perspectives of no life destruction; Won Gwang recommended people who had difficulty with practicing the principle of no life destruction in realistic terms practice no life destruction they could practice. This study also pointed out the need to review the grounds presented to overcome inconsistency between Salsaeng Yutaek and the principle of no life destruction and briefly opined relationship between Won Gwang and the principle of no life destruction.

      • KCI등재

        Destruction of HCFC-22 and Distribution of Byproducts in a Nonthermal Plasma Reactor Packed with Dielectric Pellets

        오지환,이상백,장명식,목영선 한국물리학회 2009 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.54 No.4

        The behavior of chlorodifluoromethane ( or HCFC-22) destruction and the formation of byproducts were investigated in a dielectric-packed nonthermal plasma reactor. The experimental parameters chosen were the initial concentration, the oxygen content, the hydrogen content and the discharge power. The destruction efficiency was found to be almost the same regardless of its initial concentration in the range of 250 - 2,000 ppm. The increase in the oxygen or hydrogen content significantly lowered the destruction efficiency because they acted as scavengers of the reactive species rather than contributing to the destruction. The main byproducts identified were carbonyl fluoride (), carbon oxides ( and CO) and nitrogen oxides ( and ). The energy yield for destruction was 0.38 - 3.6 , depending on its initial concentration.

      • 땅의 개념성과 멸망선포 이해

        장석정(Chang, Sok-Chung) 관동대학교 인문과학연구소 2013 人文學硏究 Vol.18 No.-

        이스라엘은 약속의 땅에 들어가기 전과 들어간 후에 각각 여호와 하나님만을 섬겨야 하는 의무를 가지고 있었다. 가나안 거민들이 섬기는 바알을 비롯한 헛된 신들을 숭배하지 말아야 한다는 것이었다. 그런데 이스라엘이 이를 지키지 못하게 되고 다른 신들을 숭배했던 것을 성서는 기록해 주고 있다. 이로 인해서 이스라엘은 하나님의 심판을 받게 되는 결과를 낳게 되었다. 이런 역사적 현실이 가시화되기 이전에, 만일 이스라엘이 하나님이 주신 의무를 잘 이해하지 못했을 경우에 약속의 땅 안에서 죽게 될 것이라는 멸망선포가 이스라엘 공동체 전체에 적용되는 경우가 있음을 구약성서에서 관찰할 수 있다. 또한 이러한 멸망에 대한 선포의 말씀이 개인적으로 적용되는 방법으로 해석된 경우도 찾아볼 수 있다. 이렇게 공동체와 개인에게 적용된 경우들 이외에도 주변 민족들에게 이스라엘이 침략을 당하는 결과가 생기는 경우를 관찰할 수 있다. 신명기뿐만 아니라, 여호수아와 사사기에 나오는 본문들을 분석한 결과, 결국 이스라엘에 대한 멸망선포는 역사적 사실로 성취되지 않은 것이 아니라, 상황에 따라 변형되고 타협된 형태로 이스라엘 백성들에게 적용되었다는 것을 보여준다. This study is to analyze the selected texts where destruction-announcement is pronounced in the Hebrew Bible Israel was supposed to worship YHWH only when they entered the promised land as she made a covenant with YHWH. If Israel worshipped other gods whom the Canaanites served in the land, she should be punished with total and quick destruction in the land. Various texts in Deuteronomy and Joshua were critically analyzed and compared focusing upon the verbs that were used in each text. The destruction-announcements uttered before Israel went into the land and those stated after Israel inherited the promised land were separated and compared in order to find out their different tendency if there is any. In the former case, Israel is doomed to perish in the land although the possibility of Israel’s survival in the land is hinted in the text. Typically Israel’s worship of other gods and marriage with the people in Canaan are major reason for YHWH’s destruction of Israel. Some texts show that the warning was fulfilled in the personal life, that is, a person who worshipped other gods should be put to death. Israel as a community did not perish in the land but individual people perish because of their idolatry. One of the most outstanding characteristics is that YHWH did not destroy Israel when she committed the most serious sin, namely following other gods. Instead, YHWH made Israel suffered from neighboring nations. However, Israel kept doing the evil things, YHWH decided to exile Israel to the foreign nations as the worst punishment. When Israel is kicked out of the promised land, she lost her relationship with YHWH and was cut off from the people of YHWH. This study shows that the destruction-announcement was executed not in the literal sense but in the transformed level. Israel was punished in the form of the exile and it is equal to the destruction in the land.

      • KCI등재후보

        단재 신채호의 혁명관에 관한 연구

        박부전 한국민족사상학회 2018 민족사상 Vol.12 No.2

        Danjae Shin Chae-ho is a representative thinker of Korea. In the center of his thought is an independent people linked with the situation of the era. His independence movement chose patriotic enlightenment in the initial stage and violent revolution in the final stage. He thought violent revolution was the last attempt and resort. He declared that the method of revolution was a justifiable means that we can use as the robbery imperialism deprived us of all the conditions necessary for survival. Revolution was to be conducted by the public who are the principle agent of revolution. The public with a sense of sovereignty can stand up against authoritarianism fairly and squarely being aware of the reality in which the public are plundered by imperialism, oppressed like slaves and faced with a crisis of survival. Thus, he asserted that authoritarianism should be overthrown by violence and destruction. In a way, destruction means construction, too. Construction and destruction are divided only formally, and they are the same not being able to be divided mentally. Therefore, his destruction was creative destruction. His theory of destruction involves a strong will of destruction of the status quo. Though the situation of the time made him react radically, the destination of his revolution was the construction of an ideal Joseon which would belongtothepeople. 단재 신채호는 한국의 대표적인 사상가이다. 그의 사상의 중심부에는 시대 상황과 연계된 독립된 민족에 두고 있다. 그의 독립운동은 초기에 애국계몽운동, 마지막 단계로 폭력적 혁명을 선택하였다. 그에게 있어 폭력적 혁명은 최후의 시도이며, 해결책이었다. 강도 제국주의가 우리의 생존적 필요조건을 다 박탈하였기 때문에 우리에게 있어 혁명의 방법은 정당한 수단임을 선언하였다. 혁명은 민중이 직접 하는 민중주체의 혁명이다. 주체의식의 민중은 제국주의에 수탈당하고 노예처럼 압박받고 생존위기에 봉착한 이 현실을 자각하여 강권주의와 당당하게 맞설 수 있는 행동하는 존재인 것이다. 그리고 폭력·파괴로써 타도할 것을 주장하였다. 파괴는 곧 건설을 의미하는 것으로 건설과 파괴는 형식상 구분될 뿐 정신상으로는 구분할 수 없는 동일한 것으로 보았다. 따라서 그의 파괴는 창조적 파괴인 것이다. 그의 파괴론은 현상타파의 강한 의지가 내재되어 있다. 비록 시대적 상황이 그를 과격하게 대응하도록 하였으나 그의 혁명의 목적지는 민중이 주인인 이상적 조선을 건설하려는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        모세혈관확장 치료에 있어서 혈락자파법에 대한 고찰 및 한의임상에서 현대적 활용 전망

        장인수 ( In Soo Jang ),송범용 ( Beo Myong Song ),이은희 ( Eun Hee Lee ),이동효 ( Dong Hyo Lee ),서형식 ( Hyung Sik Seo ),구성태 ( Sung Tae Koo ) 경락경혈학회 2014 Korean Journal of Acupuncture Vol.31 No.1

        Objectives: The capillary destruction has frequently been used to treat telangiectasia in Korean Medicine. The objective of this study was to review of related literature concerning the capillary destruction as treatment for telangiectasia, and to discuss the clinical application of medical devices in accordance with the principles of Korean Medicine. Methods and Results : An extensive traditional literature including Huangdi Neijing were reviewed for identification of relevant evidence for treating telangiectasia. The telangiectasia is simply defined as a dilated, superficial blood vessel. It is called as the tertiary collateral vessel, superficial collateral vessel or Hyulrak(small superficial collateral vessel). The telangiectasia could be due to disturbances in the circulation of qi and blood. According to Huangdi Neijing, one of the oldest traditional literature published in 4th century B.C. through the first century A.D., it is needed to get rid of the vessel by the capillary destruction for treating telangiectasia using lance needle, shear needle, stiletto needle or moxibustion. Several studies have examined that intense pulsed light or laser as new therapeutic tools could have an sufficiently impact on aspects of improving the effectiveness of the capillary destruction. Conclusions: The capillary destruction for the treatment of telangiectasia has been used since two thousand years ago. We suggested that medical devices, such as intense pulsed light or laser, should be used to treat telangiectasia as a safe and convenient intervention in clinical practice of Korean Medicine.

      • KCI등재

        반야중관학의 변증적 파기로 분석한 혜능의 선법

        김동완 동아시아불교문화학회 2024 동아시아불교문화 Vol.- No.61

        The dialectic of Nagarjuna and the ‘paradoxical theory of Buddha Nature as a Middle Way(中道佛性論)’ have the same logical structure with dialectical destruction inherent in it. The method of the Theory of Buddha Nature as a Middle Way has been inherited by the Zen method(禪法) of Huineng. This study based on the inheritance of the method, the same logical structure of dialectical destruction was extracted from Huineng’s verse and the Zen dialogue of his disciples, and it was argued that both the theory of Buddha Nature as a Middle Way and Huineng’s Zen method consisted of the same logical structure of dialectical destruction. Therefore, Huineng’s major verses are requested to be reinterpreted. All of the propositions that appear to be dogmas in Huineng’s verse were merely a means of teaching the middle way by dialectically destroying judgments that were biased towards the side. The Disciples of Huineng also employ a dialectical method to disprove Huineng’s assertions, which are not dogma, but dialectical destruction. This study will make you change to the image of the thoroughly and shrewd Prajñā- Madhyamaka(般若中觀) logicians who destroy the prevailing notion of obsessive discrimination from the existing perception of unconventional Zen masters' words and actions, because felt solemn, mysterious, or eccentric, can’t understand at all. At the same time, we will see that the arrow of dialectic that left the bow of Nagarjuna pierced through the Theory of Buddha Nature as a Middle Way and led to the Zen Method of Huineng, piercing even the language and conduct of the southern school(南宗).

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Development of Thermochemical Destruction Method of Perfluorocarbons (PFCs)

        Lee, Myung Churl,Choi, Wonyong 한국공업화학회 2004 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.10 No.1

        Abatement of green house gas (GHG) emission is a critical environmental issue. Among the six GHGs specified in Kyoto protocol, perfluorocarbons (PFCs) is the most potent. We investigated the thermal reductive destruction of PFCs using solid reagents. The complete destruction of PFCs (CF_(4), C₂F_(6), C₃F_(8) and SF_(6)) was successfully achieved by flowing the gas through a heated reagent bed (300-800℃) that contained powder mixtures of alkali halides (AX), CaO, and Si. To make this treatment process more economical, using blast fumace slag and Si-containing sludge as reagents instead of pure CaO and Si powder was also investigated. Comparable reactivities for destructing PFCs were obtained between the pure AX/CaO/Si and the AX/Slag/Si-sludge systems. Among various ternary mixture systems, the CsF-containing reagent showed the highest activity for the PFCs destruction. The thermal reductive destruction efficiency increased in the order of CF_(4)〈 C₂F_(6) 〈 C₃F_(8) < SF_(6). The pure pyrolysis of SF_(6) was observed at as low as 600℃. The destruction of SF_(6) in the ternary AX/CaO/Si system was more efficient than in the CaO or MgO-only system. The X-ray diffiaction analysis of the powder products showed that fluoride-containing materials were generated as a result of the reaction between PFCs and the heated reagents, indicating that the hot solid mixtures can effectively trap the harmfbl fluorines within the solid products. No toxic HF and SiF_(4) formation was observed in the exhaust gas stream.

      • KCI등재

        The Heterogeneity of Job Creation and Destruction in Transition and Non-transition Developing Countries: The Effects of Firm Size, Age and Ownership

        Haggai Kennedy Ochieng,박복영 대외경제정책연구원 2017 East Asian Economic Review Vol.21 No.4

        This paper investigates how firm age, size and ownership are related with job creation and destruction, and how these patterns differ across transition and non-transition economies. The analysis finds that age is inversely related with gross job creation and net job creation in the two samples. This finding is consistent with the theory of the learning effect. The relationship between age and job destruction is indifferent in non-transition economies. On the contrary, old firms in transition economies destroy more jobs than young ones. The paper further establishes an inverse relationship between size and gross job creation in the two groups. However, there is divergence between the two samples; small firms in non-transition economies also exhibit a higher gross job destruction rate. Consequently large firms have a higher net job creation rate. In transition economies, small and large firms exhibit similar rates of job destruction. But small firms retain a higher net job creation rate. A more intriguing finding is that state owned firms do not underperform domestic private ones. This means these countries may be using soft budget constraint which allows state owned firms to overstaff. Finally, crowding out of SMEs by foreign owned firms is not evident in transition economies.

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