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        현대 디자인의 체험화 경향과 사용자 내외적 영향 요인 : 문화적, 심리적 영향 요인과의 연관성 분석

        이정민 ( Jeongmin Lee ) 한국공간디자인학회 2017 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.12 No.5

        (Background and Purpose) The world is changing in an unpredictable way and at an unpredictable speed. So is the change in design in many aspects. Among all the new aspects of contemporary design, this paper pays attention to the role of user experience and the dissolution of the boundary between a user and a designer. In developed countries, the service economy has become the core of economic activities. With this change, companies have been using experiential marketing as their main marketing strategy, because it focuses more on the service activities related to the product rather than the physical product itself. Contemporary designs accepted this change, and are going in the direction of incorporating user’s experience and participation as the main focus of the design. This paper studies the development of this experience-focused design tendency and influence factors for its development. It analyzes the cultural and psychological causes for this design tendency, so that designers can recognize the importance of these factors and use them in the programming process of their design works. (Method) The study has been conducted with the methods of literature review and case analysis. In Chapter 3, exemplary artwork or design cases for each classification were provided. In Chapter 4, psychological experiments were provided as the supporting information for analyses. The results of Chapter 4, which are nine psychological theories regarding experience-focused design, were applied to real design cases so that they can be checked for their validity and usefulness. (Results) The categories for the experience-focused design are immaterial design, service design, customized and DIY design, and user-led design. The cultural influence factors (post-modern artistic development by avant-garde artists) include performance art, installation art, interactive art, and participatory art. The psychological influence factors are studied in aspects of cognitive, behavioral, social, developmental, and personal psychology. They consist of nine psychological theories; the effect of integrated cognitive system, sensory adaptation and the perception of change, cognitive dissonance theory, flow theory and optimal experience, the importance of a sense of control, need hierarchy and self-actualization, social need, the IKEA effect, and the extended-self theory. (Conclusions) Experience-focused designs have been directly influenced by post-modern artistic activities. Therefore, they have been incorporating time, change, and user commitment as artistic media. The psychological effects which were analyzed in this study can have more influence when the design incorporates more of these media. The results of this study will be useful for designers in creating the contents of experience-focused design in the programming process.

      • Recognising the Importance of Visual Elements in Experience Design for Motivation

        Amic G. Ho 한국HCI학회 2016 한국HCI학회 학술대회 Vol.2016 No.1

        The concept of experience design which focuses on providing an unforgettable experience for the end-user was started to be discussed in the symposium in the recent years. In order to face the increasing competitions in the market, most designers explored methods to satisfy users’ wants and desires through the experience of design consumption. Designers sought for solutions to increase the interaction and motivation by collecting users’ feedback, user experiences management, and continuous innovation. To manage users’ experience, some scholars suggested the perception of user on the design is one of the important aspects they have to consider. To generate the perception of users, various aspects of the experience design were involved, e.g. usability, mood and feel, etc. Many studies have already investigated the directions under the usability and the research result contributed the generation of some creative designs. It is possible to further investigate the other directions, for example, creating the mood and feel by visual elements (included points, lines, curves, etc.) in experience design. There were some studies explored that visual elements took main role on the creating perception. This paper aimed to investigate how the visual elements creating perception in design experience and how it enhanced the users’ interactions and motivations. In this paper, a qualitative research was conducted to examine how the visual elements in experience design influence the users’ emotional changes and perceptions of the experience design. And then, the way of the visual elements in experience design encouraged the users’ motivations were also investigated. Participants were invited to describe their experience, mapped out their emotional changes those caused by the experience and identify their motivated action after the design experience. It was found that visual elements created users’ perceptions to affect interaction behavior, relationships between visual elements and motivation is strongly mediated by eliciting certain types of emotional behavior. This connection provided understandings on how designers’ efforts work in visual elements actually influence users’ experience in the design consumption. The importance and role of visual element in experience design were explored. The influences on the emotion of the users among the different categories of visual elements were compared.

      • SCOPUS

        Experience Design Board: A tool for visualizing and designing experience-centric service delivery processes

        Lim, Chiehyeon,Kim, Kwang-Jae Elsevier 2018 Journal of retailing and consumer services Vol.45 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Experience-centric service (ExS) is a type of service through which customers experience emotionally appealing events and activities that result in distinctive memory. The literature argues that ExS design should be a research priority in this experience economy, yet little is known on how to articulate ExSs in their design. This paper proposes a tool called Experience Design Board for visualizing an ExS delivery process as a basis for its analysis and design. The tool is a matrix-shaped board where the key factors of experience creation in ExS (namely, servicescape, frontstage employees, other customers, backstage employees, and technology support systems) are represented in rows, and the customer experience phases are placed in columns. The tool is useful in analyzing and designing how the key factors of ExS create customer experience. The tool integrates several work streams within the evolving ExS literature into its structure and is generic enough to accommodate various ExSs in physical and digital experience contexts. By visualizing an ExS delivery process from beginning to end, the designer can obtain a systematic understanding of the essential attributes of ExS and can use it for an effective design. This tool would serve as a basis for service design in this experience economy.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> We live in an “experience economy”. </LI> <LI> A key deliverable of this economy is experience-centric service (ExS). </LI> <LI> This paper proposes a tool called Experience Design Board for ExS visualization and design. </LI> <LI> The tool is useful in analyzing and designing key factors of experience creation in an ExS. </LI> <LI> The tool would serve as a basis for service design in this experience economy. </LI> </UL> </P>


        Kyeong Kook Jang,Sang Jin Kim,Sung Hwan Yeo,Kyung Hoon Kim 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2016 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2016 No.7

        Supply and demand patterns have dynamically changed in recent years due to the increased global competition. Firms have selected quality and price as competition components and have accomplished corporate innovation in order to achieve competitive advantage. Innovation has been recognized as the way to enhance corporate competitiveness and to continuously grow in churning global competition (Homburg, Schwemmle, & Kuehnl, 2015; Moon, Miller, & Kim, 2013). Although innovation becomes a common means to improve a firm’s performance, it has the limitation of achieving a firm’s strategic goal as a long-term strategy. Thus, firms need to have more fine-grained strategies to survive in dynamically changing business environment, such as design innovation (Moon et al., 2015). For example, Apple has produced its products (e.g., iPhone, iPod and iPad) focusing on innovative product design to influence consumer purchase intention. Design can lead to a distinct competitive advantage (Bolch, 1995). Furthermore, product design can be used by firms to create amd enhance brand recognition, as well as to increase firms’ value (Mozota, 2002). Brand experience positively influences customer satisfaction and brand loyalty (Brakus, Schmitt, & Zarantonello, 2009). Thus, we assume that design experience and product innovation have a positive effect on consumers’ purchase behavior and customer value. However, while the importance of design innovation is recognized, it is not easy to apply the design innovation to marketing due to the lack of relevant research in the field. In fact, relevant research on the influence of innovative new product design and design experience on customer value is scarce. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate how brand experiences and innovative product design affect customer value. Successful innovation is accomplished by identifying customer needs first and developing innovative products to satisfy their needs (Hauser et al., 2006). Design is seen as the core of innovation and the moment when a new object is conceived of, devised, and shaped in a prototype form (Landwehr, Wentzel, & Herrmann, 2013). Verganti (2008) studies the concept of user-centered design, which describes how companies can use design to improve their relationships with users and develop a better understanding of user needs. In this research, design innovation has three dimensions: aesthetic attributes, feature attributes, and emotional attributes. First, aesthetic attributes focus on the product design itself. The aesthetic appearance of a product has a large bearing on its potential market share (Liu, 2003). Second, feature attributes focus on the product features and functional aspects that are required to satisfy customer needs. Feature attributes enable performance that can give results in the operating process (Crawford & Di Benedetto, 2007). Third, emotional attributes focus on consumers’ feeling when they purchase a new product to satisfy their needs. Emotional attributes are generated by consumers’ experience when they purchase a new product in the store. The more the product design satisfies customer's emotional needs, the more customers’ attention is attracted to the purchase of a product (Mokarian, 2007). A product satisfying the aesthetic, feature, and emotional attributes through design innovation provides a new experience to customers (Desmet & Hekkert, 2007). A consumer’s purchase decision making is affected by both direct and indirect experience of using the product and the function of product (Brakus, Schmitt, & Zarantonello, 2009). Therefore, a designer comes to design the product, taking an interest in the experience that the product gives besides its shape and function. Product experiences occur when a customer interacts with the product ? for example, when customers search for, examine, and evaluate products (Hoch, 2002). The product experience can be direct, i.e. when there is physical contact with the product (Hoch & Ha 1986) or indirect, i.e. when a product is presented virtually or in an advertisement (Hoch & Ha 1986; Kempf and Smith 1998). Brand experience can be split into four dimensions (sensory, affective, intellectual, and behavioral), which are differentially evoked by various brands (Brakus, Schmitt, & Zarantonello, 2009). According to previous studies, these four experience dimensions (sensory, affective, intellectual, and behavioral experience dimensions) have an effect on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Customer value can be defined as the trade-off between the benefits and sacrifices as a customer purchases a product or service from a supplier (Ulaga & Chacour, 2001). Ulaga and Chacour presented three dimensions of customer value: product-related components, service-related components, and promotion-related components. The researchers argued that customer value could be an important strategic marketing tool to clarify a firm's proposition to customers. Product-related components are intrinsic product characteristics. Product quality is a key factor of relationship value (Ulaga, 2003). Customer value consists of product value and service value. Customer value can be enhanced by quality, diversity, payment, and service quality and decreased by price, convenience, and risk (Jarvenpaa & Todd, 2003). Service-related components include all aspects of service associated with the product. Various service components play an important role in differentiating a supplier's offering (Narus & Anderson, 1996). Promotion-related components include all items used to promote the product to the customer. For all purchasing processes, it is necessary to assess the perceived customer value, such as service quality and promotional quality (Qualls & Rosa, 1995). In the present study, we conducted a research survey with 300 subjects and analyzed the data. In order to test the reliability of questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha was used. In order to test the validity, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted. Measurement was made for 3 variables, i.e. design innovation, design experience, and customer value. Three variables (aesthetical attributes, feature attributes, and emotional attributes) were used for design innovation. Three types of attributes were introduced for a mobile phone design innovation. Four dimensions (sensory, affective, intellectual, behavioral) were measured using a technical design experience and a humanistic design experience. Three variables (product-related customer value, service-related customer value, and promotion-related customer value) were employed for customer value. The results of the analyses demonstrate that design innovation has a positive effect on design experience, while design experience has a positive effect on customer value. Aesthetic attributes of design innovation have a positive effect on technical design experience and humanistic design experience. Feature attributes have a positive effect on the technical design experience and the humanistic design experience. Emotional attributes have an effect on the technical design experience and the humanistic design experience. The technical design experience has a positive effect on product-related customer value, service-related customer value, and promotion-related customer value. The humanistic design experience has a positive effect on product-related customer value, service-related customer value and promotion-related customer value. This study will make it possible to empirically examine how customer's experience in design innovation affects customer value. Our results will provide a theoretical foundation for examining a relationship between variables regarding how design innovation influences customer value through design experience. It is intended to give a direction as to the design innovation of firms by clarifying and presenting antecedent factors having an effect that design innovation produces on customer value. The results of the present study will inspire designers to design in consideration of design experience. Finally, our study will provide marketers with guidelines as to how design experience can influence customer satisfaction and loyalty.

      • KCI등재

        소비자의 상위 욕구 충족을 통한 디자인의 선호성 향상에 관한 연구 : 연관 디자인심리 원리와 공간디자인에의 적용사례 분석

        이정민 ( Lee Jeongmin ) 한국공간디자인학회 2020 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.15 No.7

        (Background and Purpose) Human-centered design is a major design paradigm in the contemporary era. As the proportion of service industry has increased, companies have become interested in the consumer experience that creates high added-value. When companies sell the product, they want to maximize its value by providing it in combination with experience, story, and service. Therefore, companies want to reflect psychological features of consumers in their designs in order to increase consumer preference. To support theses social and economic changes, this paper studies psychological principles of design. In particular, it analyzes psychological principles for improving consumer preference in relation to satisfying upper-level needs of consumers in the need hierarchy. Through this, the research intends to provide systematic information necessary to design high-quality consumer experiences. (Method) This study was conducted through literature review, case analysis, and field study. Chapters 2 and 3 were done with literature review, and chapter 4 was proceeded with case analyses of spatial designs. Data for case analysis was collected through field studies, interviews, literature, and articles. (Results) This paper analyzed psychological principles of design regarding belongingness and love needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs in Maslow's Need Hierarchy. First, experiential focus for each stage of needs were analyzed and were categorized into familiarity(pursuit of conservative experience), newness(pursuit of innovative experience), and balance(pursuit of midroad experience). The next step was to analyze psychological principles associated with these three foci. In relation to familiarity(pursuit of conservative experience), Bandwagon Effect, Preference for Archetype, Preference for Golden Ratio, Light-from-above Assumption, and Preference for Anthropomorphism were analyzed. Concerning newness(pursuit of innovative experience), Snob Effect and Scarcity Effect were analyzed. With regard to balance(pursuit of midroad experience), MAYA Principle, Mere Exposure Effect, and Flow Theory were analyzed. In Chapter 4, through case analyses of spatial designs, it was confirmed that all of these principles can be properly applied to spatial designs. Also, it was found that among the design components of spatial designs(exterior, interior, and display/contents), the one to which these principles are most frequently applied is the display/contents part. (Conclusions) Psychological principles for familiarity are associated with belongingness and love needs. In this study, more principles related to familiarity were analyzed compared to newness or balance. This result is consistent with the claim of Maslow's Need Hierarchy (lower needs are stronger, and only after lower needs are fulfilled, higher needs will be evoked). Therefore, if a brand targets a wide range of consumers, the priority should be given to the psychological principles related to familiar experiences. However, in this study, it was also confirmed that a brand needs to provide a new and innovative experience if it targets highly segmented consumers who seek esteem needs, or self-actualization needs.

      • KCI등재

        A theory of “Design for Happiness” as an analytic tool for service experience design: Focusing on Seoul Metro

        유은 한국기초조형학회 2020 기초조형학연구 Vol.21 No.1

        Service experience is emphasized as a primary object of service design. However, an approach to understanding and designing service experience is limited in variety, although the multidimensional nature of service experience allows for diverse perspectives. This paper adopts a “Design for Happiness” concept as a theory to complement existing empathy-oriented service experience design approaches. First we review studies on design for happiness theories and current approaches to service experiences. Then, we investigate 26 young users’ service experiences of Seoul metropolitan subway(Seoul Metro), using an adapted cultural probe (i.e., diary studies) as a bottom-up approach. Then, the collected user service experience are analyzed through a “Positive Design” framework as a top-down approach. The data analysis process has revealed: 1) how the three elements of the positive design framework (i.e., virtue, pleasure, and personal significance) are manifested in service experience; and 2) how the insights from the empirical research may inform generating service ideas that contribute to people’s happiness through service. This study has defined a set of lower-level constructs of the positive design framework with respect to the given service experience, thereby representing the applicability of positive design to service design. Also, based on the recognition of the service elements that mismatched the identified user concerns, this paper has discussed insights for designing for young users’ enhanced Seoul Metro service experience toward their happiness.

      • 플래그쉽 스토어에 나타나는 경험디자인 특성 연구

        주현진(Hyun-Jin, Ju),최기석(Gi-Seok, Choi),문정민(Jeong-Min, Moon) 한국실내디자인학회 2014 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2014 No.5

        Recently, our rapid entrance into emotional society helps intangible designs like service, experience, and emotion to be occurred on the market. Consequently, firms have introduced flagship stores so as to narrow the gap between themselves and customers. To convey brand identity to customers effectively which firms intend, experience design is one of the most essential element. In this study, experience design focused on experience space is combined with space design to fulfill customers` various demand in the volatile consumption environment of current consumer society. The research is conducted on the state and the characters of experience design which is induced into the space of flagship stores. The research results shows that the elements which cause the combination of experience design and space design are user, behavior, and experience. From the perspective of user and behavior, the derived characters of experience design can be assorted into behavior induction, behavior lead, and behavior reaction which have been used practically at the flagship stores of luxury brands. Through experience design, firms provide customers with various event spaces and exterior spaces in which they can experience the affirmation of firms. Additional study on this topic will be surveyed continually to research the promotive elements which lead to experience design within space design and to suggest effective ways which can be applied experience design to spaces so as to heighten customers satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        Public Interaction Design의 표현특성과 그 사례에 관한 연구

        손광호,정서란,강혜경,김남훈 한국기초조형학회 2008 기초조형학연구 Vol.9 No.1

        Information age is arrived with which the field of design is emphasized experience design. In this present situation, public interaction design is developed for the plan of improvement urbanism in the field of public design. However, the verification is insufficient how public interaction design offers experiences to user in the space of public. We defined the general idea of public interaction design in the space of public, and analyzed the instances how public interaction design creates to the space of public. This case study is the priority research that analyze for the acquisition process of experience through the experienced result of users, and the way of realization and component parts experience is the standard for analysis The consist of public interaction design are according to sense experience, feel experience, act experience, relate experience, and think experience. For this paper, we analyzed the human sensuous experience, acquisition method, and component, and presented possibility to interact with human and space. Rationales and examples will have to study for the direction of new design through this research.

      • KCI등재

        듀이의 경험철학에 기초한 예비교사의 수업설계 경험의 성장과정 및 교육방안 탐색

        박기용 ( Kiyong Park ) 한국교육공학회 2019 교육공학연구 Vol.35 No.3

        수업설계 행위는 객관적 논리와 주관적 판단, 사고와 행동, 이성·감성·실천이 복합적으로 작용하는 전문적 행위이므로, 예비교사는 전문화된 학습경험을 통해 수업설계 전문성을 성장시켜 나가야한다. 본 연구는 전통철학의 이원론을 비판하면서 이론과 실제의 통합, 이성과 감성의 통합, 마음과 세계의 통합을 강조하는 듀이의 경험철학에 기초하여 예비교사의 수업설계 전문성 개발에 요구되는 경험과 그 성장 과정 그리고 교육적 방안을 탐색하였다. 첫째, 듀이가경험의 본질로서 설명한 ‘능동적 요소와 수동적 요소’, ‘경험과 사고’, ‘질성적 사고와 이성적 사고’, ‘계속성’, ‘교변작용’을 각각 해석한 다음, 이 개념들이 모두 통합되어 경험이 재구성되는 과정으로서 설명한 ‘하나의 경험’을 해석하고 정리하였다. 즉, 경험의 재구성은 인간이 행하는 초기의 불확실하고 시행착오적인 단순한 경험이 환경과의 계속적인 교변작용을 통해 질적으로 변화되는 과정이다. 둘째, 경험의 본질에 기초하여, 예비교사에게 요구되는 수업설계 경험의 본질을 각각 정리한 다음, 기존의 수업설계모형 관점 및 반성 관점과 비교하였다. 마지막으로, 예비교사의 수업설계 경험이 하나의 완결된 경험으로 재구성 즉, 성장해 나가는 과정을 구체적으로 설명하면서, 동시에 각 과정에서 교사교육자가 지원 및 제공해야할 교육활동이나 환경을 제안하였다. 즉, 수업설계 경험의 재구성은 초기의 불확실하고 시행착오적인 단순한 수업설계 경험이 환경과의 끊임없는 교변작용을 통해, 지적·정서적·실천적 활동이 서로 어우러지면서 질적으로 변화되는 과정이다. 따라서 교사교육자는 이 재구성 과정을 이해해야함은 물론이고, 예비교사의 수업설계 “경험의 질의 직접적 변형”을 가능케 하는 교육적 활동을 만들고 실천해야 한다. 무엇보다 교사교육자는 예비교사를 가르치는 사람이 아니라 공동의 경험을 하는 동반자이며 함께 성장해 나가는 존재이다. 예비교사의 수업설계 경험의 성장에 관심과 애정을 가지는 교사교육자는 “서로의 관심을 인정하고 자유로운 상호작용”을 자연스럽게 받아들이는 민주적교사이다. 민주적 교사교육자의 수업설계 교육은 기교에서 예술로 승화된다. The purpose of this study was explore the growth and education for pre-service teachers’ instructional design experience based on the Dewey’s philosophy. Firstly, Dewey’s concept of experience was interpreted. This means trying and undergoing, experience and thought, qualitative thought and rational thought, continuity, transaction. Moreover, the process in which all of these concepts are integrated and experience reconstructed was arranged and comprehended. Secondary, from the standpoint on Dewey’s concept about the nature of experience, the nature of instructional design experience was explored in term of ‘integration of instructional design activity with understanding activity about designed instruction’, ‘integration of instructional design experience with thinking’, ‘integration of qualitative thinking with rational thinking in instructional design experience’, ‘integration of past, present, and future’, and ‘transaction with environment in instructional design experience and thinking’. Lastly, the education plan was explored in five steps based on the process of reconstruction of experience. In this method is to support the growing process of instructional design experience of pre-service teachers. To sum up, the emotion of pre-service teachers about their first instruction design activity sets off the reflective thinking. Then, the tentative idea is derived from reflective thinking activities(defining problem, cause analysis, observation of data) and applied for redesign of instruction. This redesigned instruction was implemented and testified. These processes will continue repetitively until negative emotions are not drawn up about the proven results. The reconstruction of instructional design experience is process of the direct transformation of the quality of experience from mere activity throughout interaction with environments. In reconstruction on instructional design experience process, intellectual, emotional, and practical activities were in harmony not in isolation. The educator teaching pre-service teachers need to understand the reconstruction of instructional design experience, design and practice educational approaches for the direct transformation of the quality of pre-service teachers’ instructional design experience.

      • KCI등재

        Study on the Convergence Experience of “Five senses” in Furniture Design

        Luo, Bin jie(로빈걸) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2021 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.39 No.2

        The 21st century is an era of rapid development of world economy and technology, an era of highly developed human material culture, and an era of high demand for human spiritual experience. However, in order to meet the initial basic needs of human beings, the standardized batch design and production of furniture products, which are most closely related to human life, making the functions of furniture products more and more single. Consumers’ unilateral sensory stimulation of basic functions has gradually lost its aesthetic power. The products that can attract consumers’ attention or purchase, are not only practical in material aspects, but also spiritual in satisfying various sensory stimulation. Explore the emotional design method of modern furniture, based on the experience of five senses, enrich the design theory system of furniture products, better guide the future furniture design practice with the experience of five senses as the core, make furniture design products more in line with the needs of social development, and make people’s body and mind have more sensory interaction with furniture products. Through the analysis of literature and materials, starting from the concept of five senses, this paper expounds the application enlightenment of "five senses" experience in book design, packaging design and landscape design, and explores the innovative design ideas and methods of multiple experiences in furniture design from "five senses" - visual representation, auditory response, tactile sensation, olfactory imagination and taste perception. Finally, the case questionnaire survey and results analysis. In the diversified functional design of furniture, realizing the interactive five-sense experience, developing the design concept of furniture products, and increasing the competitive advantage of furniture products in the market, will not only contribute to the personalized innovation and development of modern furniture, but also meet the growing spiritual needs of consumers in the market environment of experience economy.

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