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        김소희,유수연,권의정,김소정,박소정,신민선,신현철 건강보험심사평가원 심사평가연구소 2020 연구보고서 Vol.2019 No.0

        Review system has been reformed focusing on connecting medical validity and quality of care and the need to improve data collection system is gaining more and more attention. The Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service (HIRA) has collected health outcome for value measurement using health insurance claim data and additional survey, but it required to build a system that can assure diversity and efficiency in the type and process of data collection. As such, HIRA has established and operated HIRA e-Image and e-Form System in order to reduce providers’ burden for data submission and streamline review and assessment process. The main objective of this study is to propose a road map for review and assessment data collection system revision. More specifically, i) to review efficient data collection system by researching data collection and utilization cases from Korea and abroad, ii) to set up a direction for data collection in consideration of review and assessment system reform, and iii) to propose a step-by-step road map to improve data collection system. To conduct review and assessment service,‘specific-statements’of health insurance claim statement need to be utilized in the short term, and a data submission system for review and assessment needs to be implemented in the long term. In order to expand HIRA e-Image and e-Form System, four mid and long-term strategies and nine sub-tasks were presented. First, it is necessary to decide clear objectives and utilization of data collection and define standardization template in order to switch to HIRA e-Image and e-Form System. In other words, standardization of list of collected data should precede to enhance predictability of providers and data accuracy. Second, data connection system between HIRA e-Image and e-Form System and providers’ EMR needs to be developed and data key-in principles need to be systematized. If HIRA developed and distributed a standardized data connection system or guideline, the system building period could be shortened. Also, clear principles for data key-in method should be presented to enhance data reliability. The guideline for EMR data will improve providers' understanding of data key-in, and narrow down gaps in data input. Third, legal and institutional basis should be prepared for data collection to encourage utilization of HIRA e-Image and e-Form System. System expansion mechanism and data reliability validation method are also required. To expand HIRA e-Image and e-Form System, it is essential to secure not only non-financial support like development and distribution of standardized EMR connection system, but also financial support to aid data connection system development cost. And data reliability should be checked before collection process. Forth, data collected through HIRA e-Image and e-Form System are important clinical data, such as test results and health outcome. Therefore, the value of collected data needs to be maximized through secondary utilization. A collaboration system should be discussed and reviewed to connect the HIRA e-Image and e-Form System with other healthcare information projects.

      • KCI등재

        Evolution of Aviation Safety Regulations to cope with the concept of data-driven rulemaking- Safety Management System & Fatigue Risk Management System

        이근영 한국항공우주정책⋅법학회 2018 한국항공우주정책·법학회지 Vol.33 No.2

        Article 37 of the International Convention on Civil Aviation requires that rules should be adopted to keep in compliance with international standards and recommended practices established by ICAO. As SARPs are revised annually, each ICAO Member State needs to reflect the new content in its national aviation Acts in a timely manner. In recent years, data-driven international standards have been developed because of the important roles of aviation safety data and information- based legislation in accident prevention based on human factors. The Safety Management System and crew Fatigue Risk Management Systems were reviewed as examples of the result of data-driven rulemaking. The safety management system was adopted in 2013 with the introduction of Annex 19 and Chapter 5 of the relevant manual describes safety data collection and analysis systems. Through analysis of safety data and information, decision makers can make informed data-driven decisions. The Republic of Korea introduced Safety Management System in accordance with Article 58 of the Aviation Safety Act for all airlines, maintenance companies, and airport corporations. To support the SMS, both mandatory reporting and voluntary safety reporting systems need to be in place. Up until now, the standard of administrative penal dispensation for violations of the safety management system has been very weak. Various regulations have been developed and implemented in the United States and Europe for the proper legislation of the safety management system. In the wake of the crash of the Colgan aircraft, the US Aviation Safety Committee recommended the US Federal Aviation Administration to establish a system that can identify and manage pilot fatigue hazards. In 2010, a notice of proposed rulemaking was issued by the Federal Aviation Administration and in 2011, the final rule was passed. The legislation was applied to help differentiate risk based on flight according to factors such as the pilot's duty starting time, the availability of the auxiliary crew, and the class of the rest facility. Numerous amounts data and information were analyzed during the rulemaking process, and reflected in the resultant regulations. A cost-benefit analysis, based on the data of the previous 10 year period, was conducted before the final legislation was reached and it was concluded that the cost benefits are positive. The Republic of Korea also currently has a clause on aviation safety legislation related to crew fatigue risk, where an airline can choose either to conform to the traditional flight time limitation standard or fatigue risk management system. In the United States, specifically for the purpose of data-driven rulemaking, the Airline Rulemaking Committee was formed, and operates in this capacity. Considering the advantageous results of the ARC in the US, and the D4S in Europe, this is a system that should definitely be introduced in Korea as well. A cost-benefit analysis is necessary, and can serve to strengthen the resulting legislation. In order to improve the effectiveness of data-based legislation, it is necessary to have reinforcement of experts and through them prepare a more detailed checklist of relevant variables.

      • KCI등재

        Evolution of Aviation Safety Regulations to cope with the concept of data-driven rulemaking - Safety Management System & Fatigue Risk Management System

        ( Gun-young Lee ) 한국항공우주정책·법학회(구 한국항공우주법학회) 2018 한국항공우주정책·법학회지 Vol.33 No.2

        국제민간항공협약 37조는 ICAO에서 제정하는 국제표준 및 권고에 따라 각국의 사정에 맞는 입법을 할 것을 요구하고 있다. 국제표준 및 권고는 매년 개정되고 있으므로 각 회원국은 적기에 해당 내용을 자국 항공법규에 반영할 필요가 있다. 최근에는 데이터 기반 국제표준이 만들어지고 있으며 그 이유는 인적요소를 주축으로 하여 사고예방을 위해서는 항공안전 데이터와 정보에 기반한 입법이 중요하게 되었기 때문이다. 데이터 기반 입법의 예로 안전관리시스템과 승무원 피로위험관리시스템이 검토 되었다. 안전관리시스템은 부속서 19가 2013년 채택되었으며 관련 매뉴얼 제5장에는 안전데이터의 수집과 분석 시스템에 기술되어 있다. 안전데이터와 정보의 분석을 통하여 의사결정권자는 데이터에 기반한 결정을 할 수 있다. 대한민국은 항공안전법 제58조에 따라 모든 항공사, 정비업체, 공항공사 등이 안전관리시스템을 도입하고 이행하여야 한다. 이러한 안전 관리시스템을 뒷받침하기 위해서는 의무보고와 자발적 안전보고 시스템이 활성화 될 필요가 있으며 현재까지는 안전관리시스템 도입 위반에 대한 행정처분 기준은 아주 미미한 상태이다. 미국과 유럽도 안전관리시스템의 적절한 입법을 위하여 다양한 규정이 개발되어 시행되고 있다. 피로위험관리시스템의 경우 2009년 Colgan 항공기 추락을 계기로 미국교통안전위원회는 미연방항공청에 조종사 피로위험을 확인하고 관리할 수 있는 시스템 구축을 권고하였으며 2010년 미연방항공청에서 발행한 입법예고에는 약 8,000여개의 제안이 있었다. 2011년 최종 법안이 통과되었으며 조종사의 조종사가 업무를 시작한 시간, 보조 승무원의 탑승여부, 휴식시설의 등급 등에 따라 승무시간을 차등 적용하는 입법이 이루어지게 되었다. 이러한 입법과정에 수많은 데이터와 정보가 분석되었으며 그 내용이 승무시간에 반영되었다. 최종 입법이 이루어지기 이전에 비용 대비 효과 분석이 실시되었으며 10년간 운영할 경우 비용보다는 효과가 더 크다는 결론이 이루어 졌다. 대한민국도 승무원 피로위험 관련 항공안전법 조항이 있으며 항공사는 전통적인 승무시간 제한 방법 또는 피로위험관리시스템 둘 중 하나를 선택할 수 있다. 데이터 기반 입법을 위하여 미국의 경우 항공입법위원회를 구성하여 운영하고 있는데 이는 대한민국에도 도입이 필요한 내용이며 유럽에서 시행하고 있는 D4S 도 고려할 만한 시스템이다. 비용 대비 효과 분석은 입법을 견고하게 할 수 있어 필요하다고 판단되며 데이터 기반 입법의 실효성을 제고하기 위해서는 전문 인력의 보강, 보다 자세한 점검표 작성 등이 필요하다. Article 37 of the International Convention on Civil Aviation requires that rules should be adopted to keep in compliance with international standards and recommended practices established by ICAO. As SARPs are revised annually, each ICAO Member State needs to reflect the new content in its national aviation Acts in a timely manner. In recent years, data-driven international standards have been developed because of the important roles of aviation safety data and information-based legislation in accident prevention based on human factors. The Safety Management System and crew Fatigue Risk Management Systems were reviewed as examples of the result of data-driven rulemaking. The safety management system was adopted in 2013 with the introduction of Annex 19 and Chapter 5 of the relevant manual describes safety data collection and analysis systems. Through analysis of safety data and information, decision makers can make informed data-driven decisions. The Republic of Korea introduced Safety Management System in accordance with Article 58 of the Aviation Safety Act for all airlines, maintenance companies, and airport corporations. To support the SMS, both mandatory reporting and voluntary safety reporting systems need to be in place. Up until now, the standard of administrative penal dispensation for violations of the safety management system has been very weak. Various regulations have been developed and implemented in the United States and Europe for the proper legislation of the safety management system. In the wake of the crash of the Colgan aircraft, the US Aviation Safety Committee recommended the US Federal Aviation Administration to establish a system that can identify and manage pilot fatigue hazards. In 2010, a notice of proposed rulemaking was issued by the Federal Aviation Administration and in 2011, the final rule was passed. The legislation was applied to help differentiate risk based on flight according to factors such as the pilot's duty starting time, the availability of the auxiliary crew, and the class of the rest facility. Numerous amounts data and information were analyzed during the rulemaking process, and reflected in the resultant regulations. A cost-benefit analysis, based on the data of the previous 10 year period, was conducted before the final legislation was reached and it was concluded that the cost benefits are positive. The Republic of Korea also currently has a clause on aviation safety legislation related to crew fatigue risk, where an airline can choose either to conform to the traditional flight time limitation standard or fatigue risk management system. In the United States, specifically for the purpose of data-driven rulemaking, the Airline Rulemaking Committee was formed, and operates in this capacity. Considering the advantageous results of the ARC in the US, and the D4S in Europe, this is a system that should definitely be introduced in Korea as well. A cost-benefit analysis is necessary, and can serve to strengthen the resulting legislation. In order to improve the effectiveness of data-based legislation, it is necessary to have reinforcement of experts and through them prepare a more detailed checklist of relevant variables.

      • KCI등재

        MRV 규제 대응을 위한 운항선의 연료사용량 및 온실가스 배출량 데이터 수집 기술 개발

        강남선,홍연정,이재승,변상수 한국마린엔지니어링학회 2017 한국마린엔지니어링학회지 Vol.41 No.9

        In the present study, a data collection system was developed for collecting data regarding fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, which is one of the major functions of the Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification supporting system. The system’s performance was also verified in a maritime satellite communication environment and in a ship. The data collection system consists of an automatic reporting module that is interconnected with the main instruments installed on a ship to collect emission data and a manual module that collects the emission data included in the e-mails and attached files sent from a ship to shore. A user may choose one of the modules of the system based on the emission data collection method. The developed data collection system was tested in a maritime satellite communication environment, and the results showed that data communication was possible in the seas of the entire earth, and that the data collection system was normally operated. In addition, the emission data collection performance based on the e-mails and attached files was tested in a satellite environment, and the results showed that the data consistency was 96.8%, which satisfies the data accuracy requirement of the MRV system. 본 논문에서는 실연비데이터보고제도 대응을 위한 지원 시스템의 주요 기능 중 연료소모량과 온실가스 배출량 데이터 수집을 위한 데이터 수집 시스템을 개발하고 해사위성통신과 선박환경에서 시스템 성능 검증을 수행하였다. 데이터 수집 시스템은 선박에 설치된 주요 장비를 연동하여 배출량 데이터를 수집하는 자동보고 모듈과 선박에서 육상으로보고되는 이메일 내용 또는 첨부파일을 통해 배출량 데이터를 수집하는 매뉴얼 모듈로 구성하였으며, 배출량 데이터 수집 방법에 따라 사용자가 선택할 수 있도록 시스템을 구현하였다. 개발된 데이터 수집 시스템을 해사위성통신 환경에서시험한 결과 전 해역에서 데이터 통신이 가능하며 데이터 수집 시스템의 운용기능이 정상적으로 동작함을 확인하였다. 또한 해사위성환경에서 이메일 및 첨부파일을 통한 배출량 데이터 수집 성능 시험 결과 96.8%의 데이터가 일치하여 실연비데이터보고제도의 데이터 정확성 요구사항이 만족함을 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        무용가 개인컬렉션의 데이터베이스(DB) 구축을 위한 춤자료 분류체계 연구 : 김천흥컬렉션을 중심으로

        유시현,권혜경,김현주,최해리 한국무용기록학회 2009 무용역사기록학 Vol.17 No.-

        무용가 개인컬렉션의 데이터베이스(DB) 구축을 위한 춤자료의 분류체계 개발은 자료를 분류하고 정리하는 기존의 목록화(cataloging) 작업에서 더 나아가 이용자의 자료 검색 환경을 최적화하는데 그 목적이 있다. 따라서 본 논문은 김천흥컬렉션을 대상으로 춤자료의 DB구축 및 일반이용자들이 춤자료를 검색하고 사용할 수 있는 검색시스템을 개발하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 우선 국내외 춤 자료관들을 대상으로 춤자료의 보유 현황 및 분류 현황을 살펴보고 춤자료 분류방식을 크게 세 가지로 구분하였다. 첫째는 자료의 저장 방식이나 저장 형식, 자료의 형식과 양식 등 매체가 갖고 있는 특징에 따라 자료의 형태(format)를 중심으로 한 분류이다. 둘째는 자료가 가진 내용을 토대로 자료가 생성된 특정 맥락에 중점을 두고 분류하는 자료의 맥락적(context) 분류이다. 셋째는 특별한 체계 없이 자료가 가진 공통적 속성을 바탕으로 동일한 분류항목으로 묶어 자료를 정리하는 방법이다. 이 중 자료를 분류하고 검색하는데 상대적으로 용이한 "형태 중심 분류법"을 김천흥컬렉션 데이터베이스(DB) 구축의 기본 틀로 정하였으며 이를 바탕으로 김천흥의 춤자료를 총 11개의 카테고리로 분류하였다. 또한 자료의 형태 중심 분류법이 놓치기 쉬운 자료의 생성 맥락과 타자료와의 연관성에 관한 정보는 상세정보들을 제시할 수 있는 필드(fields)를 구성하여 보충하였다. 이는 자료의 형태적 분류가 갖는 자료의 비맥락화에 대한 단점을 부분적으로 보충하고자 한 결과이다. 일단 데이터화 된 정보들은 검색엔진을 통해 주제어를 중심으로 다양한 자료 형태를 아우르는 통합검색 또한 가능하게 하였으며, 결과적으로 "카테고리별 상세검색"과 "통합검색"의 두 가지 방식으로 자료에 대한 횡적, 종적 접근을 모두 가능하게 하였다. 본 연구 결과는 김천흥이라는 특정 인물의 자료를 바탕으로 설계된, 즉 김천흥컬렉션에 최적화 된 시스템이며, 이후 타 예술인의 컬렉션을 형성하면서 끊임없는 수정과 보완을 거쳐 한국춤 전반에 관한 자료들을 통합적으로 분류, 검색할 수 있는 DB 시스템으로 발전해 가야 할 것이다. The development of archiving dance materials to build a DB of individual dancer's collection is to optimize users' search environment, developed from the old cataloging work, or classifying and arranging materials. Therefore, this article intends to build a DB and develop a search engine for Kim Cheon-heung Collection. For this purpose, this article examines dance materials and classifying systems of Dance Centers both in Korea and abroad, and summarized the system as three categories. The first system is the "format classification" in which materials are categorized by their format such as data storage method, storage format and forms and patterns of materials. The second one is "contextual classification" focusing on specific context based on the context of materials. The third one is the method to classify materials by same categories based on common characteristics without applying specific systematic method. Among these, "format classification system" was taken as a basic structure for Kim Cheon-heung Collection, which is relatively easy to classify and search materials, and Kim Cheon-heung Collection was classified by 11 categories. Also, the information of the history of the materials and the relationship with other materials, which is easily missed in format classification system, was supplemented by fields, which could present detailed information. This is to make up for the shortcomings of incoherence of the materials in format classification system. Data is accessible by general search engine with subject words, consequently it was made possible to access materials horizontally and vertically by "category search," and "general search." This study is optimized for Kim Cheon-heung Collection designed for the materials related to Kim Cheon-heung, and it should be developed into the DB system that could classify and search general Korean dance materials through incessant modification and complement in the process of building other collections.

      • KCI등재

        메타데이타를 비휘발성 램에 유지하는 플래시 파일시스템에서 가비지 컬렉션 수행에 대한 효율성 평가

        도인환(In Hwan Doh),최종무(Jongmoo Choi),이동희(Donghee Lee),노삼혁(Sam H. Noh) 한국정보과학회 2008 정보과학회 컴퓨팅의 실제 논문지 Vol.14 No.2

        비휘발성 속성을 가지면서 램의 특성을 동시에 제공하는 비휘발성 램의 효과적인 활용을 목적으로, 모든 메타데이타를 비휘발성 램에서 관리하고 파일데이타만 낸드플래시에서 관리하는 MiNV(Metadata in NVram) 파일시스템이 이미 제안된 바 있다. 본 연구에서는 MiNV 파일시스템에서 가비지 컬렉션 수행에 대한 효율성을 실험적으로 분석하고, 가비지 컬렉션의 효율성이 전체 파일시스템 성능에 미치는 영향에 대해서 살펴본다. MiNV 파일시스템은 동일한 가비지 컬렉션 기법을 적용하더라도 YAFFS보다 더 효율적으로 가비지 컬렉션을 수행한다. 성능 평가 결과에서 MiNV 파일시스템은 전체 낸드플래시에서 가용한 블록의 개수가 부족할 때 발생하는 공격적인 가비지 컬렉션의 발생 빈도를 줄임과 동시에 공격적인 가비지 컬렉션 수행 시점을 늦춤을 확인하였다. 이와 더불어, 실험 결과는 이러한 가비지 컬렉션에 대한 효율성이 파일시스템의 성능향상에 기여함을 보여준다. Non-volatile RAM (NVRAM) has both characteristics of nonvolatility and byte addressability. In order to efficiently exploit this NVRAM in the file system layer, we proposed the MiNV (Metadata in NVram) file system in our previous research. MiNV file system maintains all the metadata in NVRAM while storing file data in NAND Flash memory. In this paper, we experimentally analyze the efficiency for the execution of garbage collection in the MiNV file system. Also, we quantify the file system performance gains obtained from efficient garbage collection. Experimental results show that garbage collection on the MiNV file system executes more efficiently that on YAFFS even though these file systems adopt exactly the same garbage collection policy. Specifically, the MiNV file system invokes the aggressive garbage collection mechanism less frequently than YAFFS. Additionally, the MiNV file system postpones the first execution of the aggressive garbage collection mechanism in our experiments. From the experiments, we verify that the efficiency of garbage collection leads to performance improvements of the MiNV file system.

      • KCI등재

        명세 기반 인공지능 학습 데이터 수집 방법

        김동기,최병기,이재호 한국정보처리학회 2022 정보처리학회논문지. 소프트웨어 및 데이터 공학 Vol.11 No.11

        In recent years, with the rapid development of machine learning technology, research utilizing machine learning has been activelyconducted in fields such as cognition, reasoning and judgment, and action among various technologies constituting intelligent systems. In order to utilize this machine learning, it is indispensable to collect data for learning. However, the types of data generated vary accordingto the environment in which the data is generated, and the types and forms of data required are different depending on the learningmodel to be used for machine learning. Due to this, there is a problem that the existing data collection method cannot be reused ina new environment, and a specialized data collection module must be developed each time. In this paper, we propose a specification-basedmethology for data collection in artificial intelligence system to solve the above problems, ensure the reusability of the data collectionmethod according to the data collection environment, and automate the implementation of the data collection function. 최근 기계학습 기술이 빠르게 발전함에 따라 지능형 시스템을 구성하는 여러 기술 중에서 인지, 추론 및 판단, 행위와 같은 분야에서 기계학습을 활용한 연구가 활발히 이루어지고 있다. 이러한 기계학습을 활용하기 위해서는 학습을 위한 데이터의 구축이 필수적이다. 하지만 데이터가 생성되는 환경에 따라 생성되는 데이터의 종류가 다양하고, 기계학습에 활용할 학습모델에 따라 요구되는 데이터의 종류와 양식이 다르다. 이로 인해 새로운 환경에서 기존의 데이터 수집 방법을 재사용하지 못하고 매번 특화된 데이터 수집 모듈을 개발해야 한다는 문제가 있다. 본 논문에서는 위와 같은 문제를 해결하기 위해 명세 기반 인공지능 데이터 수집 방법을 제안하여 데이터 수집 환경에 따른 데이터 수집 방법의 재사용성을 확보하고, 데이터 수집 기능 구현을 자동화할 수 있는 방법을 제시하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        우리 특허법상 증거수집제도 현황에 관한 고찰

        양철호 인하대학교 법학연구소 2023 IP & Data 法 Vol.3 No.2

        In the United States, there is a discovery system that allows parties in a lawsuit to exchange documents and materials that can be used as evidence. This is a useful system that allows mutual evidence to be exchanged in advance so that it does not have to be dragged to trial. However, this system is only meaningful in lawsuits in countries where pre-trial procedures and trial procedures are strictly separated, and it is said to be difficult to use as a meaningful means of collecting evidence in countries that follow the date management method, such as Korea. However, in fact, Korea already has regulations on an evidence collection system similar to the discovery system. These evidence collection systems include the document submission order system under the Civil Procedure Act, the data submission order system under the Patent Act, and the obligation to present specific acts under the same Act. In this article, we looked into the data submission order system and the obligation to present specific actions, which are the evidence collection systems under the Patent Act. The data submission order system under the Patent Act is a system in which the court orders the defendant to submit data related to the lawsuit to the plaintiff after filing a patent infringement lawsuit. In addition, the obligation to present specific modes of conduct is a system that obliges a party who denies the specific modes of conduct of an infringement to present its specific modes of conduct. However, in practice, these systems have shortcomings, and as a result, they are rarely seen being used. The deficiencies mentioned above include the procedure for submitting official archived documents, the possibility of abuse of the data submission order system, sanctionsregulations for non-compliance with submission orders, sanctions regulations for damage, destruction, or false submission of documents, and problems with the in-camera procedure system. You can. To overcome these shortcomings, the author proposed improvement measures. Currently, our country is in the final stages of discussions regarding the introduction of a new evidence collection system. However, if the problems pointed out in the existing systems are improved, their usability will be improved, and it will be possible to see them being applied together with the newly introduced evidence collection system.

      • KCI등재

        TCS데이터를 이용한 이상치제거 및 결측보정 알고리즘 개발

        도명식,이향미,남궁성 대한교통학회 2008 대한교통학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        With the ever-growing amount of traffic, there is an increasing need for good quality travel time information. Various existing outlier filtering and missing data imputation algorithms using AVI data for interrupted and uninterrupted traffic flow have been proposed. This paper is devoted to development of an outlier filtering and missing data imputation algorithm by using Toll Collection System (TCS) data. TCS travel time data collected from August to September 2007 were employed. Travel time data from TCS are made out of records of every passing vehicle; these data have potential for providing real-time travel time information. However, the authors found that as the distance between entry tollgates and exit tollgates increases, the variance of travel time also increases. Also, time gaps appeared in the case of long distances between tollgates. Finally, the authors propose a new method for making representative values after removal of abnormal and "noise" data and after analyzing existing methods. The proposed algorithm is effective. 지능형 교통체계구축과 교통 혼잡이 증가하면서 이용자는 과거보다 양질의 통행시간정보를 요구하고 있다. 기존연구에서는 단속류, 연속류 모두 AVI검지기 자료를 이용한 이상치제거 및 통행시간 산출에 대한 연구가 많이 이루어져왔다. 현재 한국도로공사에서는 TCS(Toll Collection System)를 기반으로 정보제공을 준비 중에 있으며, TCS 데이터는 운전자가 실제교통상황을 경험한 동적특성을 가진 통행시간이 수집된 자료로 통행시간 추정자료로 잠재력이 크다. 그러나 ‘시간처짐현상’이 발생하고 속도위반, 휴게소, 고장 등으로 인해 평균통행시간보다 작거나 큰 이상치와 결측데이터가 존재하여 기존 방법을 적용하는데 효과적이지 못한 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 TCS 데이터에 맞는 이상치제거 및 결측보정 알고리즘을 개발하였다. 기존알고리즘과 비교한 결과 개발 알고리즘이 더 효과적인 것으로 나타났다.

      • 소형 과학위성 1호에 탑재되는 광대역 데이터 수집 장치의 개발 및 이동 단말기 활용

        이우경,이현우,임종태,심은섭,Lee, U-Gyeong,Lee, Hyeon-U,Im, Jong-Tae,Sim, Eun-Seop 통신위성우주산업연구회 2002 Joint Conference on Satellite Communications Vol.2002 No.-

        현재 한국과학기술원 인공위성연구센터에서 개발되고 있는 과학위성 1 호는 우주탐사를 위한 탑재체의 개발과 지상 테이터 수집 장치 (DCS: Data Collecton System)의 개발을 그 주요 임무로 설정하고 있다. 이 중 데이터 수집 장치는 남호주 대학과 공동 개발되는 탑재체로서 지상의 단말과 저궤도 소형위성과의 효율적인 패킷 통신을 가능하게 하여 고정/이동 단말의 위치 추적 및 데이터 수집, 개인용 휴대단말 문자/음성 메시지 서비스 제공 등 다양한 분야로의 응용을 기대할 수 있는 기술을 구현할 예정이다. DCS는 지상/해양 단말과 위성간의 양방향 통신을 지원할 수 있도록 하여 단말이 위성으로부터의 명령에 따라 송신기를 동작시키고 수집된 데이터를 송신할 수 있는 알고리즘을 사용한다. 특히 해상에서의 원격탐사 기능을 수행하기 위해 Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography (ARGO)으로의 응용을 그 주요 활용 분야로 기대하고 있는 있다. 이는 기존의 ARGO 시스템이 갖고 있는 한계였던 수동적 Buoy 들의 비효율성을 극복하기 위해 능동적 제어방식을 도입하여 단말 전력을 절약하고 더 많은 데이터를 전송할 수 있는 시스템을 구축함으로서 이루어진다. KAISTSAT-4 is the fourth small experimental satellite developed by Satellite Technology Research Center (SaTReC) of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). Among several payloads uploaded in KAISTSAT-4, DCS (Data Collection System) payload is designed to apply for Earth environmental monitoring purpose. Although have been similar satellite missions and communication networks before, most of them have relied on heavy and expensive satellite system. KAISTSAT-4 will exploit a simple and cost-effective implementation of global data collection strategy. SaTReC and Institute of Telecommunication Research of University of South Australia have joined together to operate the 'Data Collection System' It wil demonstrate the efficiency of LEO satellite communication technology by adopting new protocol for bi-directional messaging, onboard modem algorithms and architectures. The primary application of DCS will be oceanographic research which is associated with ARGO (Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanoraphy) environmental monitoring project. Higher data transfer capability will be achieved by using a custom multiple access method involving two-way communication. With the efficient control of power consumption of mobile terminals, the lifetime of each buoy can be increased. DCS will be a good candidate demonstrating the potential of low cost LEO micro-satellite for implementing cost-effective communication network.

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