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        법조인 선발제도별 비용분석과 진입유인 분석

        천도정 ( Do Jeong Cheon ),황인태 ( In Tae Hwang ) 한국회계학회 2016 회계저널 Vol.25 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 기존 사법시험이 갖는 소위 ‘고시낭인’이 되어 역기능으로서 사회가 부담하고 있는 사회적비용을 감소시키고 법조인의 다양성과 전문적 지식을 법에 도입하기 위한 제도로서 법학전문대학원(law school; 로스쿨: 이하 ‘법전원’)이 갖는 장점에도불구하고 법전원의 고비용구조가 우리 국민 모두가 진입할 수 있는 법조영역에 대한 진입장벽이 되어 특정 소득계층이 진입하지 못하는 문제가 과연 존재할 수 있는지의 여부를 분석하고자 하는데 있다. 법전원이 출범했음에도 불구하고 지금까지 구체적인 분석이 이루어지지 않고 막연한 추측과 여론에 의하여 고비용구조이기 때문에 법조인이 되는데 진입장벽이 되고, 오히려 기존의 사법시험을 존치하여 문제를 해결하여야 한다는 주장이 많이 제기되고 있는 실정이다. 현재 국회에는 김용남 의원 등이 발의한 사시 존치 관련 법안 4건이 계류되어있다. 여기에 오신환 의원이 대표발의한 사시 존치 법안이 지난 6월 제출되어 법안소위 회부를 기다리고있는 상태다. 그러나 기존의 사법시험과 비교하여 얼마나 많은 비용차이가 발생하는지 구체적인 분석은 이루어진 적이 없다. 본 분석의 목적은 기존 사법시험제도와 법전원체제에 대한 가치판단의 문제에 대한 접근은 제외하고, 순수한 비용분석에 의하여 국민소득계층에서 법조계에 진입하지 못하는 소득계층이 존재하는지 여부를 비교분석하는데 있으며, 만일 존재한다면 어떠한 계층이 진입할가능성이 적은지를 분석하였다. 이러한 분석은 국민의 교육과 직업기회에 대한 형평성과 법조분야의 발전에 매우 중요한 의미를 갖는다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 비용분석은 법전원 출신의 변호사시험과 기존 사법시험과의 분석에서 측정 불가능한 요인은 배제하고, 측정 가능한 범위 내에서 비용의 총액과 차액분석을 통하여 비교하고, 법조인이 되기 위한 기회비용을 이용하여 비용의 차이를 비교 분석하여 소득계층의 진입가능여부의 판단기준을 제시한다는 것은 원가(비용)분석의 사례로서 큰 의미가 있다고 생각한다. The goal of this cost analysis is to explore and analyze, despite the advantages the new ``law school`` system, which reduces the social costs of the ‘entrance exam vagabond’ problem by solving this social issue the previous judicial bar entrance exam had, and allows the for the diversification of the pool of applicants and encourages professional knowledge in the law industry, if in fact there is a possibility that the cost structure of law school serving as an entrance barrier for certain socio-economic groups to apply to be a Judicial Officer is a problem that exists. Even though the law school system was established, there has not yet been a detailed analysis, and the reality is that through vague guesswork and media spin, the system is blamed as being of high cost and therefore the cause for being a high barrier of entry to certain socioeconomic classes to become a Judicial Officer, and that it also retains the problems of the previous judicial bar examination, so there are many opinions that these problems of the new law school system need to be solved. However, there has yet to have been a detailed cost comparison analysis to explore how much the cost difference is with the old judicial bar examination system. The goal of this analysis is in the case where the previous judicial bar examination has been abolished and the law school system goes into full effect, excluding the qualitative comparison of which selection process is more practical in turning out Judicial Officers, to evaluate from a strictly cost analysis point of view whether the law school system serves as a barrier of entry to any socioeconomic group. And if in fact this barrier exists, to analyze which socioeconomic group has the least chance of being able to enter. Such analysis can be seen as having significant meaning in supporting the fairness of Korea’s education system and job opportunity system and also the advancement of the Judicial Officer selection and law industry. Therefore, this study excludes any elements in the current law school entrance exam system and the previous judicial bar examination system that cannot be accurately quantified, and compares the two systems within the bounds of quantifiable ranges, such as the analysis of the total and differential costs, and also the opportunity cost of becoming a Judicial Officer. All these factors are used for comparative analysis, and to present an official set of criterion that can be used to predict the chance of a certain socioeconomic group being successfully selected as a Judicial Officer has significant meaning as a case study of cost analysis. If the law school system continues, a phenomenon in which the entry of individuals into legal circles is determined according to their economic income quantiles will set in. Therefore, various reviews on the lawyers training system should be performed. In relation to the costs of training lawyers, critics about the national judicial examination point out the seriousness of the problem of social opportunity costs due to numerous “unemployed individuals produced after failing in the examination” because the acceptance ratio remains at 3%. The costs borne by examinees who prepare for the existing national judicial examination are explicit costs that are borne by the examinees themselves. As they are willing to pay the costs, these costs can be viewed as avoidable costs. However, the costs borne by examinees for law schools are imputed costs under a system, and therefore, are more of unavoidable costs. Operating costs borne by universities to operate law schools, and scholarships and other costs borne by universities to meet the conditions required to operate law schools are indirect costs, and thus, these may be categorized as indirect opportunity costs borne by society. In addition, we should be aware that if the bar examination following the law school system continues to be operated for a long time, opportunity costs incurred by declines in the acceptance ratio should be borne. This study conducted an analysis that is limited to the analysis of costs that will actually be incurred or are projected to be incurred while excluding overall axiological judgements on the lawyers training system or discussions on the appropriateness of the system. Therefore, it should be noted that there can be a number of variations according to circumstantial changes. However, there was a limitation in the cost analysis. For example, the operating costs of law schools borne by universities and implicit social indirect costs were excluded from the analysis because it was actually impossible to obtain data on these costs or measure them.

      • KCI우수등재

        사례분석을 통한 규제비용편익분석의 실무적 쟁점과 정책적 함의

        서성아 ( Saungah Sau ),임인선 ( Insun Lim ),우소현 ( Sohyun Woo ),강문선 ( Moonsun Kang ),조쌍은 ( Ssangeun Jo ),배정윤 ( Jeongyoon Bae ),김진영 ( Jinyoung Kim ),김리아 ( Rhea Kim ),이민호 ( Minho Lee ) 한국정책학회 2020 韓國政策學會報 Vol.29 No.2

        과거 규제비용편익분석의 필요성을 논의하던 시기에서, 이제는 규제비용편익분석의 수행 방법을 논의하는 시기로 변모해오고 있다. 규제비용편익분석의 제도적 도입이 이미 20년 전에 이루어졌음에도 불구하고, 과거 형식적이고 부실하게 이루어진 규제비용편익분석의 경험은 오히려 비용관리제 도입 이후 규제비용편익분석의 실질적 수행을 강조하는 상황에서 실무적 혼란을 가중시키고 있다. 이러한 배경에서, 본 연구는 최근 2018-2019년도에 작성된 규제비용편익분석서들을 중심으로 탐색적 사례연구를 통해 규제비용편익분석 과정에서 논란이 제기되는 쟁점사항을 파악하고 이에 대한 해결방안을 모색하고자 하였다. 분석 결과, 영향집단의 식별과 비용편익항목의 식별, 비용편익항목의 측정의 단계별로 ①공공기관의 식별, ②대상집단의 규모 예측, ③직접효과와 간접효과의 구분, ④규제비용의 이전효과 식별, ⑤기회비용접근법을 통한 분석, ⑥규제효과 비교를 위한 기준선 설정, ⑦분석대상기간의 설정, ⑧정량적 규제편익 측정의 불확실성의 8개 항목에 대해 17개 세부 쟁점사항을 발굴하였으며, 구체적인 사례를 통해 쟁점 발생의 원인 및 해결 방안과 관련한 논의를 전개하였다. 관련 쟁점사항에 대한 다양한 규제비용편익분석의 사례들을 축적하고 그 경향성을 파악함으로써 적정한 판단기준을 경험적으로 수립할 필요가 제기되며, 규제비용편익분석 과정에서 발굴된 쟁점을 통해 현행 규제관리제도의 흠결을 개선하는 노력도 필요하다. 향후 규제비용편익분석의 활용이 더욱 확대될 것으로 예상되며 이론과 현실 간의 간극을 완화하기 위한 지속적인 검토와 대응방안 마련이 요구된다. We have moved from discussing the potential need for regulatory cost-benefit analysis to discussing how to conduct it. Although the institutional introduction of regulatory cost-benefit analysis took place 20 years ago, the past practice of formally and insufficiently conducted regulatory cost-benefit analysis rather adds to the practical confusion at a time when the actual performance of this analysis is emphasized after the introduction of the Regulatory Cost Management System(Cost-In, Cost-Out, CICO). Against this backdrop, this study sought to identify controversial issues in the process of analyzing regulatory cost-benefits through an exploratory case study focusing on the recent analysis of regulatory cost-benefits implemented in 2018-2019, as well as to seek solutions to these issues. As a result of the analysis, 17 detailed issues in 8 items(①Identification of Public Institutions, ②Prediction of Target Group Size, ③Classification of Direct and Indirect Effects, ④Identification of the Transfer Effects of Regulatory Costs, ⑤Analysis Through Opportunity Cost Approach, ⑥Setting a Baseline for a Regulatory Effects Comparison, ⑦Setting the Analysis Period ⑧Uncertainty in the Measurement of Quantitative Regulatory Benefits) were discovered at the stages of “Identification of Impact Group”, “Identification of Cost-Benefit Analysis Items” and “Measurement of Cost-Benefit Items”. An appropriate criterion for judgment must be empirically established by accumulating various cases of regulatory cost-benefit analysis on related issues and identifying their tendencies. Also it is necessary to make efforts to improve the flaws in the current CICO through issues identified in the process of analyzing regulatory cost-benefits. The use of regulatory cost-benefit analysis is expected to expand further in the future, and continuous reviews and countermeasures are required to ease the gap between theory and reality.

      • 예방접종의 경제성 평가방법과 사례

        천병철 ( Byung Chul Chun ) 대한소아감염학회 2008 Pediatric Infection and Vaccine Vol.15 No.1

        The basis of the economic evaluation of vaccination is the balance between the use of the resources (input) and the improvements that result from the vaccination (output). Techniques used for economic evaluation of vaccination are cost analysis, cost-minimization analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-utility analysis and cost-benefit analysis. Cost analysis seeks to characterize the costs of a given vaccination program. Cost-effective analysis is to helps policy-makers decide on the best use of allocated resources, whether costbenefit analysis is to helps policy-makers decide on the overall allocation of resources. Cost-utility analysis is a specific form of cost-effective analysis in which outcomes are reduced to a common denominator such as the quality-adjusted life year (QALY) or disability- adjusted life year (DALY). Many economic analyses have been conducted on vaccines in the world, but there have been a little studies on economic evaluation on vaccines in Korea. This paper reviewed the methodology used to economic evaluation on vaccines and immunizations and addressed some examples of the methods. (Korean J Pediatr Infect Dis 2008;15:19-28)

      • Telecar 시스템의 경제성 평가에 관한 연구

        이은표,이경희 한국보건정보교육학회 1999 보건정보교육학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        AbstactThis study is aimed to provide the sources of rational decision making for installing(introducing) Telecar system through the cost effectiveness analysis which the direct effect of introducing Telecar system was analyzed by conversed currency value and the indirect effect was analysed by economics each effect point between users and non users this system.This study was analyzed by conversed up to data value of reduce effect on labor cost which is the direct effect of investment and maintenance cost accomplish by introducing Telecar system and the indirect effect was by comparison analysis of the better quality of medical service effects of which the details are the promptness of chart control, error rate and the extent of communication with the treating medical care, and also by comparing the number of persons in charge of chart control, departing rate, and the extent of satisfaction.According to the result of this study, the not effect of direct effect for the direct cost within limitation period was about 351 million Won and the cost rate for direct effect showed 0.65%But in the aspect of direct effect, there was no economical merit, nevertheless the indirect effect which was not measured by cost showed that the rapidity of the users of this system was 8.3min/6.7min faster in admission/outpatient, and the error case rate 0.63%/0.28% reduced in admission/outpatient. On the contrary, it showed lower extent of communication with medical care team in the user of this system according to the result of the survey using point extent.The users showed 0.1 person decrease in average numbers of employees per average lOOtimes of chart control. And the average satisfaction rate was higher than non-user group even though there was no meaningful difference in the satisfaction rate for the employee in charge of chart control in the user group.The rate of changing occupation of the user group was 4.9% higher than non-user group. Regarding the improvement of efficiency in the chart control part the user group task the recruitment the best way, and the other group took change of the chart control instrument.Although we can see the lack of the total analysis of the cost effectiveness according to use of data Telecar in this study, it could be a help in a development of the work in the medical record room by the cost-effectiveness analysis of the instrument and equipment widely used medical record room. This study is aimed to provide the sources of rational decision making for installing(introducing) Telecar system through the cost effectiveness analysis which the direct effect of introducing Telecar system was analyzed by conversed currency value and the indirect effect was analysed by economics each effect point between users and non users this system. This study was analyzed by conversed up to data value of reduce effect on labor cost which is the direct effect of investment and maintenance cost accomplish by introducing Telecar system and the indirect effect was by comparison analysis of the better quality of medical service effects of which the details are the promptness of chart control, error rate and the extent of communication with the treating medical care, and also by comparing the number of persons in charge of chart control, departing rate, and the extent of satisfaction. According to the result of this study, the not effect of direct effect for the direct cost within limitation period was about 351 million Won and the cost rate for direct effect showed 0.65% But in the aspect of direct effect, there was no economical merit, nevertheless the indirect effect which was not measured by cost showed that the rapidity of the users of this system was 8.3min/6.7min faster in admission/outpatient, and the error case rate 0.63%/0.28% reduced in admission/outpatient. On the contrary, it showed lower extent of communication with medical care team in the user of this system according to the result of the survey using point extent. The users showed 0.1 person decrease in average numbers of employees per average 1001imes of chart control. And the average satisfaction rate was higher than non-user group even though there was no meaningful difference in the satisfaction rate for the employee in charge of chart control in the user group. The rate of changing occupation of the user group was 4.9% higher than non-user group. Regarding the improvement of efficiency in the chart control part the user group task the recruitment the best way, and the other group took change of the chart control instrument. Although we can see the lack of the total analysis of the cost effectiveness according to use of data Telecar in this study, it could be a help in a development of the work in the medical record room by the cost-effectiveness analysis of the instrument and equipment widely used medical record room.

      • Cost Benefit Analysis of Treatment Process for Spent Filter

        Narae Lee,Jisoo Yoon,Kyung Rok Park,Moonoh Kim 한국방사성폐기물학회 2023 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.21 No.2

        The treatment process for Spent Filter(SF) of Kori-1 was developed that includes the following : 1) Taking out by robot system 2) Screening by ISOCS 3) Collection of representative samples using a sampling machine 4) Compression 5) Immobilization 6) Packaging and nuclide analysis and 7) Delivery/disposal. Although the robot system, ISOCS, sampling machine and immobilization facility are essentially required for building the above processing but decision to build the compression system and nuclide analysis system must be made after reviewing the need and cost benefit for their construction. In addition, for effcient SF treatment, it is necessary to determine the nuclide concentration range of the SF to which immobilization will be applied. In this study, a cost benefit analysis was performed on existing and alternative methods for processes related to compression treatment, nuclide analysis and immobilization methods, which are greatly affected by economics and efficiency according to the design. First, although the disposal cost is reduced with reducing the number of packaging drums by compressed and packaged but the expected benefits not be equal to or greater than the cost invested in building a compression system. As a result, non-compressed treatment of SF is expected to be economical because the construction cost of compression system is more expensive than the benefits of reducing disposal costs by compression. Second, a cost benefit analysis of direct and indirect nuclide analysis methods was performed. For indirect analysis, scaling factors should be developed and the drum scanner suitable for the analysis for DAW should be improved. As a result, direct analysis applied grouping options is expected to be more economical than indirect analysis requiring the cost for developing scaling factors and improving the scanner. Third, it is timeconsuming and inefficient to distinguish and collect filters that are subject to be immobilized according to the waste acceptance criteria among the disorderly stored SFs in the filter rooms. If the benefits of immobilization of the SFs selectively are not greater than the benefits of immobilization of all SFs, it can be economical to immobilize all SFs regardless of the nuclide concentration of them. As a result, it is more economical to immobilize all SFs with various nuclide concentrations than to selectively immobilize them. The conclusion of this study is that it is not only cost-effective but also disposal-effective to design the treatment process of SF to adopt non-compressed processing, direct analysis and immobilization of all SFs.

      • KCI등재

        대한병원 영양부서 운영체계 변경의 내용, 편익분석

        김형미,양일선,박은철,임현숙 대한영양사협회 2000 대한영양사협회 학술지 Vol.6 No.1

        Environmental pressures from such sources an economic condition, the government and inter-institutional competition create managerial challenges. Economic pressures may be forcing dietetic dept. in hospital to utilize cost·benefit analysis to assist them in their problem solving. Cost·benefit analysis have been widely used in business, industry and many other fields with only limited application to foodservice. Due to the lack or this information, the purposes of this study were to identify use of cost·benefit analysis in hospital foodservice system to evaluate the economic efficiency of alternatives, and to make recommendation for operation system change. Using the cost·benefit method, cash flows are separated into cost and benefits. These cash flows are converted to Net Present Value (NPV) and the total costs are compared to total benefits. For an alternative to be selected, indicators, such as NPV, benefit-cost ratio (B/C ratio) with 5% discount rate per annum. The sensitivity analysis was also conducted with difference rate 3%, 7% respectively and reduced employee payroll change. The result of this study can be summarized as follows : 1. The total cost of investment for operation system change was 390,570 thousand won and the total benefit through operation system change was 865,808 thousand won. 2. Net present value(NPV) for 5 years was 475,239 thousand won and benefit-cost ratio was 2.22. 3. In sensitivity analysis with different discount rate 3%, 7%, benefit-cost ratio was 2.25, 2.18 respectively, with total reduced employee payroll change, benefit-cost ratio was 2.86. In conclusion, total benefits were exceeded total costs. Therefore, the project of operation system change in hospital foodservice was found to be economically efficient.

      • KCI등재

        차세대 쇄빙연구선 건조사업 경제적 타당성 분석: 비용효과 분석을 중심으로

        정재호 ( Jung Jae Ho ),정영선 ( Jung Young Sun ) 배재대학교 한국-시베리아센터 2021 한국시베리아연구 Vol.25 No.1

        북극은 지구 기후시스템을 모두 갖춘 기후변화 연구의 중심지이자, 미래자원의 보고 및 경제발전의 통로로서 중요성이 증가하고 있다. 동시에 북극의 연구수요도 급증하고 있음에 따라 차세대 쇄빙연구선의 건조 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 차세대 쇄빙연구선의 건조에 대한 경제적 타당성을 검토하고자 한다. 국가연구개발사업의 경제성 분석은 예비타당성조사 대상 사업의 국민경제적 파급효과와 투자 적합성을 분석하는 핵심적 조사과정으로 비용-편익분석(Cost-Benefit Analysis)을 기본적인 방법론으로 채택하여 분석한다. 하지만 순수 R&D 사업과 기타 재정사업 등 비용-편익 분석이 적합하지 않다고 판단되는 사업의 경우, 비용-효과분석(Cost-Effectiveness Analysis)을 수행한다. 비용효과분석은 ‘고정효과접근법(Fixed effectiveness approach)’과 ‘고정비용접근법(Fixed budget approach)’으로 구분되며 동 연구에서는 동일 효과 대비 비용을 비교하는 고정효과접근법을 활용하였다. 경제성 분석을 위해 ‘차세대 쇄빙연구선 건조(원안)’를 기준으로 3가지의 대안(대안 1. 쇄빙연구선 임차 / 대안 2. 외국 내빙연구선 및 쇄빙선 임차 / 대안 3. 쇄빙 화물선 건조, 아라온 개조 및 외국 쇄빙연구선 임차)을 설정하였다. 또한 원안 기준 대안의 효과를 동일하게 보정하기 위해 ‘연구 항해일 수 확대’와 ‘운항예비일 확보’를 활용하였다. 경제성 분석 결과, 총비용(현가)은 차세대 쇄빙연구선 건조(원안)가 3가지 대안 대비 약 111.7 ~ 2,699.5억 원 낮게 투입되어 경제적으로 타당성이 입증 되었다. 또한 동 연구는 대안의 실현 가능성과 운영상의 효율성을 고려할 때, 차세대 쇄빙연구선 건조가 가장 합리적인 방안임을 주장한다. 본 연구는 현재 기획 중인 사업에 대한 경제적 타당성을 분석하였다는 점에서 시의적절한 연구이자, 비용-편익분석을 대체하여 비용-효과분석을 수행하였다는 점에서 이론적으로 기여한다. 다만 아직 추진이 확정되지 않은 사업임에 따라 일부 자료 및 분석과정을 비공개로 진행하였다. 차세대 쇄빙연구선의 건조 여부가 확정되지 않았지만, 경제성 측면에서의 타당성은 입증된 만큼 연구수요 등의 기술 및 정책적 타당성이 입증되어 사업 추진이 조속히 이루어 짐에 따라 극지해역 과학플랫폼 확보, 과학외교 기반 국가 위상 제고, 북극항로 개척 및 안전운항, 미래 에너지자원 정보획득의 효과를 창출하기를 기대한다. North Pole increases importance because of central of climate change research that gear up climate system of earth, future resource and way of economic growth. Because North Pole increases importance, Research demand of North Pole is more increase and necessity of Next-generation IBRV(Ice Breaker Research Vessel) building is to come near. This study to identify economic cogency for Next-generation IBRV building through research demand of North Pole and takes best alternative through economic analysis to comparing Next-generation IBRV building block and others. Economic analysis of national R&D business is a core investigation process for economic ripple effect and investment satisfaction and Cost-Benefit Analysis is a standard process, but Cost-Effectiveness Analysis is suitable for pure R&D business and others. The analysis method is classified into two categories such as Fixed effectiveness approach and Fixed budget approach, the latter approach is used in this study. For economic analysis, three alternatives were established based on "the construction of Next-generation IBRV" (Alternative 1. Leasing of foreign IBRV / Alternative 2. Leasing of foreign icebreakers and RV / Alternative 3. Leasing of icebreakers, Araon modification and foreign IBRV). In addition, ‘expanding the number of days of research navigation’ and ‘securing the days of operation’ were utilized to equally correct the effectiveness of the original reference alternative. Resulting analysis of total cost to fixed effect model of cost effect analysis is that alternative1 low 11~27 billion won comparing other alternatives. In addition, considering the feasibility of alternatives and operational efficiency, it is suggested that the construction of Next-generation IBRV is the most reasonable measure. This study is timely in that it analyzes the economic feasibility of the project currently being pursued, and theoretically contributes to the use of cost-effectiveness analysis as an alternative to cost-benefit analysis. However, since the project has not yet been finalized, some data and analysis processes have been carried out behind closed doors. Although the construction of the Next-generation IBRV has yet to be confirmed, it is hoped that the feasibility of research demand and other projects will be proved as soon as possible as the feasibility of the Next-generation IBRV has been proven. And it will create the effects such as securing a science platform in the polar sea, enhancing the national status based on science and diplomacy, pioneering and safe operation of the Arctic route, and obtaining information on future energy resources.

      • KCI등재

        Strategic Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Improving National Cancer Screening Uptake in Cervical Cancer: A Focus on Regional Inequality in South Korea

        이태훈,김우림,신재용,박은철,박소희,김태현 대한암학회 2018 Cancer Research and Treatment Vol.50 No.1

        Purpose The purpose of this study was to conduct a cost effectiveness analysis of strategies designed to improve national cervical cancer screening rates, along with a distributional cost effectiveness analysis that considers regional disparities. Materials and Methods Cost effectiveness analysis was conducted using a Markov cohort simulation model, with quality adjusted life years as the unit of effectiveness. The strategies considered were current (biennial Papanicolaou smear cytology of females aged 20 or above), strong screening recommendation by mail to target regions (effect, 12% increase in screening uptake; cost, 1,000 Korean won per person), regular universal screening recommendation by mail (effect, 6% increase in screening uptake; cost, 500 Korean won per person), and strong universal screening recommendation by mail (effect, 12% increase in screening uptake; cost, 1,000 Korean won per person). Distributional cost effectiveness analysis was conducted by calculating the cost effectiveness of strategies using the Atkinson incremental cost effectiveness ratio. Results All strategies were under the threshold value, which was set as the Korean gross domestic product of $25,990. In particular, the ‘strong screening recommendation to target regions’ strategy was found to be the most cost effective (incremental cost effectiveness ratio, 7,361,145 Korean won). This was also true when societal inequality aversion increased in the distributional cost effectiveness analysis. Conclusion The ‘strong screening recommendation to target regions’ strategy was the most cost effective approach, even when adjusting for inequality. As efficiency and equity are objectives concurrently sought in healthcare, these findings imply a need to develop appropriate economic evaluation methodologies to assess healthcare policies.

      • KCI등재

        Determinants of Hospital Inpatient Costs in the Iranian Elderly: A Micro-costing Analysis

        Ebrahim Hazrati,Zahra Meshkani,Saeed Husseini Barghazan,Sanaz Zargar Balaye Jame,Nader Markazi-Moghaddam 대한예방의학회 2020 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.53 No.3

        Objectives: Aging is assumed to be accompanied by greater health care expenditures. The objective of this retrospective, bottom-up micro-costing study was to identify and analyze the variables related to increased health care costs for the elderly from the provider’s perspective. Methods: The analysis included all elderly inpatients who were admitted in 2017 to a hospital in Tehran, Iran. In total, 1288 patients were included. The Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used. Results: Slightly more than half (51.1%) of patients were males, and 81.9% had a partial recovery. The 60-64 age group had the highest costs. Cancer and joint/orthopedic diseases accounted for the highest proportion of costs, while joint/orthopedic diseases had the highest total costs. The surgery ward had the highest overall cost among the hospital departments, while the intensive care unit had the highest mean cost. No statistically significant relationships were found between inpatient costs and sex or age group, while significant associations (p<0.05) were observed between inpatient costs and the type of ward, length of stay, type of disease, and final status. Regarding final status, costs for patients who died were 3.9 times higher than costs for patients who experienced a partial recovery. Conclusions: Sex and age group did not affect hospital costs. Instead, the most important factors associated with costs were type of disease (especially chronic diseases, such as joint and orthopedic conditions), length of stay, final status, and type of ward. Surgical services and medicine were the most important cost items.

      • KCI등재

        라이프 사이클 코스트 분석시 의사결정자를 위한 원가분석명세 시스템에 관한 연구

        정순성 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.20 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to suggest the cost analysis breakdown system of present worth method for decision maker in life cycle cost analysis. During the LCC analysis of primary cooling system, the project phases divided into planning/design, equipment construction, maintenance/management, and demolition/sell phases. and established cost items of each phases. The main results are as follows; (1) In the cost analysis breakdown system(LCC_(15)) analysis of primary cooling system, the order of the average rates in each phases shows maintenance/management, equipment construction, planning/design, and demolition/sell phases. (2) The result of capacity base LCC_(15) of primary cooling system shows that the absorption chiller-heater system for urban gas is advantageous for less than 500USRT, and ice storage method is advantageous for more than 500USRT. (3) In the cost analysis breakdown system(LCC_(15)) analysis of primary cooling system, the order of the sensitivity analysis factor shows energy cost, operation labor cost, maintenance cost, water service cost, water clean cost, drainage cost, tax(annual), fire insurance cost, and water use cost. (4) This study propose the cost analysis breakdown system of present worth method for decision maker in life cycle cost analysis.

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