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      • KCI등재

        법담론에 있어서 자유주의와 공동체주의

        신동룡 한국법철학회 2010 법철학연구 Vol.13 No.3

        Liberalism-communitarianism debate has continued throughout history. It has many effects on the legal discourse. Liberalism is different from communitarianism in many conceptions: happiness, human nature, society and morality. Liberalism has an idea that human being is the individual, the possessive, the ecocentric, and the autonomous being. He has a power to pursuit of some happiness by himself. But he is not able to optimalize his happiness without the society, political community and law. Classical and Modern Liberalism detach the right from the good. And they separate the law from the morality. But communitarianism regards human being as the social being. In this reason, communitarianism think that the common good is enshrined in social practices and thus we are able to find sources of the principles of justice from it, while liberalism considers principles of justice as products of contracts among individuals of a society. This article studies how the legal discouses are connected with the liberalism and the communitarianism’s reasoning. For this work, I analyze ① legal reasoning’s patterns, ② the case of adultery, ③ a freedon of conscience and a conscientious objector, ④ the liberalist’s and com- munitarianist’s pre-understanding for legal interpretation, ⑤ the case of abortion and the bad Samaritan. Liberalism-communitarianism debate has continued throughout history. It has many effects on the legal discourse. Liberalism is different from communitarianism in many conceptions: happiness, human nature, society and morality. Liberalism has an idea that human being is the individual, the possessive, the ecocentric, and the autonomous being. He has a power to pursuit of some happiness by himself. But he is not able to optimalize his happiness without the society, political community and law. Classical and Modern Liberalism detach the right from the good. And they separate the law from the morality. But communitarianism regards human being as the social being. In this reason, communitarianism think that the common good is enshrined in social practices and thus we are able to find sources of the principles of justice from it, while liberalism considers principles of justice as products of contracts among individuals of a society. This article studies how the legal discouses are connected with the liberalism and the communitarianism’s reasoning. For this work, I analyze ① legal reasoning’s patterns, ② the case of adultery, ③ a freedon of conscience and a conscientious objector, ④ the liberalist’s and com- munitarianist’s pre-understanding for legal interpretation, ⑤ the case of abortion and the bad Samaritan.

      • KCI등재

        반응적 공동체주의에 근거한 효 이해

        김정희 한국기독교교육학회 2019 기독교교육논총 Vol.0 No.60

        As individualism has come to be more valued than communitarianism, intimacy among people has been weakened. Alienation, solitary death, suicide, depression and social withdrawal are on the rise year by year. Undue emphasis on individualism has negative effects on people, plaguing the society to the extent of threatening its existence. A need arises to find a principle to bring atomized individuals into an organic web of nurturing relations while maintaining the positive values of individualism. Questions to be asked are: "Should individualism take precedent over communitarianism?" "How are the corollaries of excessive individualism to be dealt with?" To answer these questions societies and the academia turn their eyes to the concept of community. They perceive what is crucial to the treatment of the harms of excessive individualism is the restoration of relationships and strengthening of solidarity through building an alternative community. It is mandatory for such a community to strike a balance between the common good and personal autonomy and individual rights. Taking into perception the fundamentals for overcoming problems engendered by individualism and envisioning an alternative communitarianism, i submit the following suggestions. I examine the responsive communitarianism. Responsive communitarianism is a kind of communitarianism that takes into account the characteristics of today's societies. It is distinguished from communitarianism in that it is committed to both individual autonomy and rights and the common good. Since i consider HYO as a fundamental value for an alternative community to become what it is, i look into the idea of HYO, particularly into the aspect of solidarity, the common good and reciprocity. 현대사회는 개인주의가 심화되고 공동체주의를 등한히 하는 경향이 나타나면서 사람들 간의 ‘친밀감’의 약화되고 있다. 그로 인해 발생한 고독사, 자살, 우울증, 유기 등은 심각한 사회 문제들이 되고 있다. 개인주의의 심화가 현대인들에게 심각한 사회적·정신적·심리적 문제가 되고 있는 것이다. 이와 같은 현상은 더 나아가 공동체의 존립에도 부정적인 영향을 미치고 있다. 이에 개인의 가치인 자율성은 유지하면서 단편화된 관계를 유기적으로 연계시키기 위한 이상적인 삶의 원칙을 찾아야 한다는 필요성이 대두되고 있다. 이때 염두해야 할 것은 다음과 같은 질문이다. “개인주의적 삶이 공동체주의적 삶보다 우선되어야 하는가?”, “개인주의의 강조로 인한 발생한 사회적 문제들을 해결하기 위한 대안은 무엇인가?” 이에 대한 답으로 최근 사회와 학계에서는 ‘공동체’에 대한 의미가 다시 재조명되고 있다. 현대사회의 문제 해결에 있어서 중요한 것은 공동체의 지향을 통한 관계성의 회복과 응집력 및 결집력의 강화에 있다고 본 것이다. 여기에 있어 전제되어야 할 것은 공동체만을 절대적으로 강조하고 개인주의를 배제해서는 안 된다는 사실이다. 즉, 개인의 자율성을 존중하고, 집단주의, 배타주의 등을 극복한 변화된 공동체성을 지향해야 한다는 것이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 '개인주의'의 문제를 예방하고 극복하기 위한 공동체주의의 가장 기본적인 전제가 무엇인가를 직시하고 다음과 같이 제안하였다. 먼저 현대사회의 특성을 고려한 공동체주의로서, 반응적 공동체주의에 대해 살펴보았다. 반응적 공동체주의는 기존의 공동체주의와 다르게 개인의 가치와 공동체의 가치를 함께 지향하는 것을 추구한다. 이러한 반응적 공동체주의를 근거로 하여 효에 대해 살펴보았다. 왜냐하면 본 연구는 공동체가 공동체 됨에 있어서 기본적인 가치 이해를 효로 규정하였기 때문이다. 그리고 반응적 공동체주의에 근거한 효가 말하는 연대성, 공동선, 호혜성의 측면에서 살펴보았다.

      • KCI등재

        공동체주의적 관점에서의 헌법 고찰

        조수영(Cho Soo Young) 세계헌법학회 한국학회 2010 세계헌법연구(世界憲法硏究) Vol.16 No.2

        이 논문은 지금까지 인류공동체를 이끈 자유주의와 민주주의 그리고 기타 이념에 근거하되, 조금은 수정된 형태의 이념이 앞으로의 인류공동체를 이끌어야 한다는 생각에서 출발한다. 그리고 이러한 인류공동체를 이끌 수정된 이념으로 공동체주의를 논의의 대상으로 삼고자 한다. 때문에 이 논문에서는 공동체주의란 무엇이며, 이 공동체주의는 과연 미래사회의 인류공동체를 이끌 이념으로 가능한 가를 헌법학적인 관점에서 접근해 보고자 한다. 이를 위해 우선 공동체주의의 개념을 파악하고, 헌법에서는 공동체주의를 어떻게 해석할 수 있는지 접근방식에 대해 논의해 보고자한다. 이에 근거해서 한국헌법과 헌법 재판소의 판례에서 나타난 공동체주의적 요소를 검토해 봄으로써, 더 이상 공동체주의가 새로운 개념이 아니라 헌법 안에 내재해 있는 개념이라는 사실을 파악할 수 있을 것이다. 특히 공익과 사익이 상충할 경우 헌법 제37조 제2항에 의해 행정상 공익우선성이 보다 크게 작용하고 있음에도 불구하고, 현재까지 공익의 개념이 단지 무조건적으로 따라야 하는 개념일 뿐 개념 정의에 대한 논의인 법학적 검토가 거의 이루어 지지 않았다는 사실에 근거할 때 공동체주의가 이러한 공익관의 사상적 기초가 될 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 무엇보다 우리나라의 헌법 제37조 제2항은 미국, 독일, 프랑스, 일본 등의 헌법에는 없는 고유한 조항으로 공동체주의적 요소를 가장 강하게 지닌 법조문이기에 공익관을 공동체주의로 한다면, 앞으로 보다 실질적인 개인의 자유와 권리를 보장하면서 공동체구성원의 공동선을 함양하는데도 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 보인다. The starting point of this thesis is that human community should be led not only by liberalism and democracy which has led our society so far but also by a revised version of ideology. This study chooses communitarianism as a candidate for a ideology for our future. Therefore, this study focuses on 'what is communitarianism?', and address communitarianism in a constitutional perspective in terms of whether it is feasible to lead a human community of the future society. It firstly examines the definition of communitarianism, and addresses the question of how to interpret communitarianism with regard to the Korean Constitution. In particular, study on examining cases of the Korean Constitutional Court may guide you to the position that communitarianism is not a new theory, rather it is the inherent concept in Korean constitution. Having reviewed communitarianism in the context of the Constitution, in particular, communitarianism could be a grounding point for the principle of public interest which, in accordance with Korean Constitution §37②, has been applied to the conflict between public interest and individual liberty. In other words, communitarianism could provide an opportunity of studying and addressing legal scope of "public interest" defined in the Constitution in depth. The article of Korean Constitution is a unique concept adopting community interest compared with that of U.S.A., Germany, France, and Japan which do not have the concept of "public interest" in their Constitutions. Therefore, the article 37 ② could provide a constitutional ground for Korea to establish enhanced prosperity of the community if we regard public interest as a good combination of public prosperity and individual liberty based upon an ideology of communitarianism.

      • KCI등재

        다문화주의와 관련된 몇 가지 쟁점들

        손철성(Son Cheol-Sung) 대한철학회 2008 哲學硏究 Vol.107 No.-

        이 논문은 다문화주의와 관련된 몇 가지 논쟁점들을 검토한다. 한국 사회에서 다문화주의 담론이 어떤 의미를 지니고 있는지, 다문화주의가 공동체의 분열과 파편화를 낳지 않는지, 다문화주의가 내부 구성원에 대한 억압을 용인하지 않는지, 만약 소수자 집단의 특수한 문화적 권리를 인정한다면 이에 대한 관용의 한계는 어디까지인지 등의 문제를 자유주의와 공동체주의 입장에서 접근하여 고찰해 본다. 우리 사회에서는 외국인 이주자들을 비롯한 소수자 집단이 정체성 모델보다는 동화 모델을 추구하고 있기 때문에 다문화주의가 사회의 주요 의제로 부각되는 데는 한계가 있다. 그렇지만 우리 사회에서도 정체성 모델을 강하게 추구하는 소수자 집단이 등장할 수 있기 때문에 미래적 관점에서 다문화주의 담론은 의미가 있다. 특정 공동체가 다문화주의를 수용하면 공동체의 약화와 분열을 가져오기 때문에, 공동체주의 입장에서 다문화주의의 수용은 자기 모순적인 측면이 있다. 이 문제를 해결하기 위한 방안은 복수의 공동체에 뿌리를 내리는 다원적 또는 다문화적 공동체주의인데, 이것은 강한 공동체주의에서 후퇴한 완화된 공동체주의이다. 그렇지만 다문화적 공동체주의 모델도 공동체들 사이의 문화적 충돌이라는 문제에 부딪칠 수 있으며, 그래서 상위 공동체가 하위 공동체를 어느 정도까지 관용해야 하는가라는 문제가 발생한다. 자유주의자인 킴리카는 집단의 특수한 문화적 권리가 추구하는 목적이 내부 통제인지, 아니면 외부로부터의 보호인지를 구분하는 전략을 통해서 다문화주의가 자유주의와 양립 가능하다는 점을 주장한다. 그의 입장은 자유주의적인 보편적 가치를 중시하면서도 집단의 특수한 권리를 인정하고 있다는 점에서 ‘완화된 자유주의’이다. 공동체주의자인 왈쩌는 최소주의 원칙을 끌어들임으로써 공동체주의나 다문화주의가 빠질 수 있는 문화적 상대주의의 문제점을 피하려고 한다. 시민적 최소주의는 모든 공동체가 준수해야 할 대략적인 보편적 원칙을 제시하고 있다는 점에서 그의 입장은 ‘완화된 공동체주의’이다. 이처럼 킴리카와 왈쩌는 다문화주의와 더불어 소수자 집단의 특수한 문화적 권리를 인정한다는 점에서 상당히 가까이 접근한다. 그러나 킴리카는 관용의 한계를 설정할 때 자발적 선택권(자율성)과 같은 보편적 권리를 중시하지만, 왈쩌는 그보다 완화된 시민권과 같은 대략적 보편성을 내세운다는 점에서 차이가 있다. This paper inquires some controversial problems of multiculturalism. Is the discourse of multiculturalism in Korea important? Dose multiculturalism disrupt community? Dose multiculturalism recognize the suppression of members? What is the limitation of recognition of cultural rights which the minority group have? This paper inquires those problems from the viewpoints of liberalism and communitarianism. In Korea the minority groups prefer assimilation model to identity model and multiculturalism is not main agenda of our society. But the minority group which seeks for identity model strongly is to appear, so that the discourse of multiculturalism is important in the viewpoint of future. If a community admits multiculturalism, it weakens and disrupts the community. The admission of multiculturalism by communitarianism is self-contradictory. We should admit plural or multiculral communitarianism to solve this problem, it is not the strong communitarianism but the weakened communitarianism. But the model of multiculral communitarianism has the problem of conflicts among communities, we should decide to the limitation of recognition of the sub-community. On the position of liberalism W. Kymlicka insists that communitarianism is compatible with liberalism by the strategy of distinction of purposes - inner suppression or protection from outer - which the cultural rights of minority group seek for. His viewpoint is the weakened liberalism in that he admits the liberal universal values and the differential rights of group. On the position of communitarianism M. Walzer try to solve the problem of relativism met by communitarianism or multiculturalism by the principle of civic minimalism. It advocates rough general principle to be observed by all communities, so that his viewpoint is the weakened communitarianism. W. Kymlicka and M. Walzer are near in that they admit multiculturalism and the differential rights of the minority groups. But they are different in that W. Kymlicka emphasizes the universal rights as voluntary right of option(autonomy) and M. Walzer emphasizes the rough universal rights from the viewpoint of civic minimalism.

      • KCI등재

        자유주의와 공동체주의

        권용혁(Kwon, Yong-Hyek) 사회와철학연구회 2014 사회와 철학 Vol.0 No.28

        이 글은 한국 근대 개인과 공동체의 변화상을 기반으로 개인과 공동체의 관계를 재해석하고 있다. 기존의 자유주의와 공동체주의는 서구 근대를 그 바탕으로 하고 있어 한국사회를 해석하는 틀로 사용할 수 없는 많은 문제를 지니고 있다. 이 글에서 논자는 한국 가족 구성원의 ‘개인화’ 과정을 분석하고 이를 바탕으로 개인과 공동체의 관계를 재해석한다. 자유주의와 공동체주의는 이 재해석을 위해 도입되고 있다. 따라서 이 글은 이념을 중심으로 현실을 해석하는 작업을 하는 것이 아니다. 거꾸로 개인과 공동체의 관계를 기초로 열린 공동체주의라는 새로운 해석 틀을 제시하고 있다. 이 논점의 타당성을 확보하기 위해 논자는 2장에서는 개인과 공동체의 관계를 한국 근대의 흐름 속에서 정리한다. 3장에서는 구성원들이 점점 더 개인화되고 있는 한국 가족 및 가족주의의 변화된 모습을 중심으로 기존 서구의 자유주의와 공동체주의를 재해석한다. 마지막으로 결론부에서는 가족 공동체에서 작동되고 있는 정서적 친밀성과 사회적 연대성의 상호 연관 관계를 탐구한다. 그리고 열린 공동체주의를 중심으로 개인과 공동체의 관계를 재구성하고 있다. In this thesis was reanalyzed the relation between individuals and community on the basis of the change of Korean modern individuals and communities. The conventional liberalism and communitarianism are based on the modern West. Therefore, they have many problems when being used as a tool of analyzing the Korean society. In this thesis, I analyze the ‘individualization’ process of Korean family members, and thereby reinterpret the relation between individuals and community. Liberalism and communitarianism are introduced for the reanalysis. Therefore, this thesis is not aimed at analyzing the reality based on ideas, but suggests a new analysis tool of open communitarianism on the basis of the relation between individuals and community. To secure the validity of the research points, in chapter 2, I describe the relation between individuals and community in the flow of the modern Korea; in chapter 3, reanalyze the conventional western liberalism and communitarianism by focusing on the changed features of Korean families whose members become more individualised and of familism; in the chapter of conclusion, explore the interrelation between emotional intimacy and social solidarity which run in family community, and reconstruct the relation between individuals and community on the basis of open communitarianism.

      • KCI등재

        공동체주의의 시민성의 성격과 시민성 함양에 대한 연구

        이범웅 ( Lee Beom-ung ) 한국초등도덕교육학회 2020 초등도덕교육 Vol.0 No.70

        유능한 시민을 육성하기 위해 젊은이를 교육하는 체계적인 노력을 소홀히 하는 공동체는 상대주의적 개인주의가 자연스럽게 시민들의 관점을 지배하게 된다. 이를 극복하기 위해 공동체주의자들은 공동체 삶의 필요성이 포용적 공동체의 개발을 통해 충족되고 유지될 수 있다고 주장한다. 이런 전제하에 본 연구에서는 먼저 공동체주의의 출현과 전개과정에서 나타난 공동체주의의 문제와 그 대안으로서 나타난 신공동체주의에 대해서 살펴볼 것이다. 신공동체주의에서 강조하는 시민성으로 개인과 공동체의 조화, 자율과 질서의 조화, 사익과 공익(공동선)의 조화, 권리와 책임의 조화, 전통과 현대의 조화, 다원성 내의 통합 등을 꼽아 보았다. 다음으로 공동체주의의 시민성의 작동기제로서 협동, 참여, 열린 토론, 숙의 등을 살펴보고자 한다. 끝으로 공동체주의의 시민성의 함양을 위해 협동적 탐구 교육, 인격교육, 가정-사회-정부-학교가 연계하여 지도, 봉사활동을 통한 체험교육 등의 방안을 살펴보았다. In a community that neglects systematic efforts to educate young people to foster competent citizens, relativistic individualism naturally dominates the views of citizens. To overcome this, communitarians argue that the need for community life can be met and sustained through the development of an inclusive community. Under this premise, this study will first look at the problems of communitarianism that emerged in the process of the appearance and development of communitarianism, then the neo-communitarianism that emerged as an alternative. As citizenship emphasized in the neo-communitarianism, I selected harmony between individuals and communities, harmony between autonomy and order, harmony between private and public interests, harmony between rights and responsibilities, harmony between tradition and modernity, and integration within diversity. Next, I would like to look at cooperation, participation, open discussion, deliberation as the working mechanism of communitarianism's citizenship. Finally, in order to cultivate the communitarianism's citizenship, I examined plans such as cooperative inquiry education, character education, the related education of family-society-government-school and the empirical education through volunteer activities.

      • KCI등재

        공동체주의 윤리관의 자유주의적 가치 수용에 관한 일고

        김진만 ( Jin Man Kim ) 한국윤리교육학회 2009 윤리교육연구 Vol.0 No.20

        본 연구는 이데올로기로서의 공동체주의가 지향하고 있는 도덕적 선과 가치에 근거하는 공동체주의의 윤리관을 분석하고, 나아가 자유주의적 가치가 통합된 공동체주의 윤리체계를 고찰하였다. 과거 공동체주의자들이 제기했던 공동체적 윤리는 대부분 자유주의적 가치와 대립되거나 상반되는 것으로 여겨져 왔다. 그러나 자유민주주의 체제 안에서도 공동체는 엄연한 현실로 존재하며 따라서 자유주의적 가치와 조화를 이룰 수 있는 공동체 윤리는 우리 사회의 현실적 요청이었기에 이후 공동체주의자들은 자유주의적 가치를 적극 수용하여 왔다. 자유민주주의 체제에 부합되는 공동체주의적 도덕원리를 검토하여 편향되지 않은 공동체 윤리관을 정립시키는 일은 자유민주주의 체제를 옹호하거나 수호하려는 노력에 분명히 중요한 부분을 차지한다. 이제 공동체주의가 자유주의자들이 추구하는 ``옳음``의 가치와 ``자율적 존재``로서의 개인의 관념을 수용하지 않을 수 없으며, 개인의 이기심을 무턱대고 배척할 수 없다. 현대 사회에서 공동체주의의 자유주의적 가치 수용은 이상적인 공동체를 구상하고 건설하는 데에 반드시 필요한 요건이라고 하겠다. The purpose of this treatise is to study ethical system in Communitarianism for liberal democratic dispensation. This study attempts to analyze the theories of communitarianism and to formulate the system of the moral principles in the community, which ideologically harmonizes with both the principles based individualism and the ethical criteria in the communitarianism. The study tries to construct an unified moral principles by fusing ethical system in communitarianism into the value system in liberal society. Communitarian`s conception of community as the constitutive conception of community have been diffused and created various analytical problems. Two dimensional concepts are formulated between the theories of communitarianism and the theories of liberalism. The concept of community in the theories of communitarianism not merely has the highest value but also implies the supreme good itself. While The concept of community in the theories of liberalism has just the instrumental value for a human, going from one extreme to another, the concept of community turns into totalitarianism - holism - or collectivism in the Communist country or libertarianism. A man`s moral value system serves not only as a criterion of behaviour but as the guiding principle of life for the man`s life. So the ethical system in community, adjusting the moral principles in liberalism which esteem an individual, is coincident with the ideology of liberal democracy. To substitute the altruistic ethics in communitarianism for ethical egoism is adequately significant. Since that human being promote to live making up community is brought out by craving for his life in itself. In Kohlberg`s theory on just community, the principle of justice plays such an absolute part in people`s value judgement that it is an essential criterion for them to decide whether something is good or bad.

      • KCI등재

        다문화사회의 정치철학으로서 공동체주의의 가능성

        김범춘 ( Beom Choon Kim ) 한국철학사상연구회 2013 시대와 철학 Vol.24 No.2

        The main purpose of this paper is European countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom and France which accepted the cultural identity of immigrants change multicultural policies which emphasize christian values, british values and french identity. Melting pot theory, multiculturalism policy stance in the beginning, integrates different cultures from the point of national identity. And then the special characteristics of individuals are preserved in the cultural integration which is known as salad bowl theory. Now diversity within unity theory suggests new multiculturalism theory and puts stress upon identity and common values in the cultural diversity. With the increase of immigrant workers, immigrant women and long-term residence of foreigners, Korea is just entering the multicultural society. We can easily guess how difficult conditions Korea faces with. This worry is based on critical evaluation of european countries having already entered the multicultural society and estimated as more generous to other cultures and races. But unlike european countries and Korea, the United States accepts communitarianism as a political philosophy of the multicultural society. Communitarianism places emphasis on the community to which individuals belong, and they pursue their own interests while practicing the common good. There are many different ethnicities and people with different values in a democratic society. Communitarians like Michael Sandel assert that the program to realize the sense of community, solidarity and mutual responsibility certainly lead to a certain vision of future. In other words, we need to worry about what is the good life for us and how can we achieve the good life in what way. Furthermore we should to propose what individuals have to do for shaping more better community. This paper, by examining communitarian claims in the side of philosophy, is going to explore the possibility of communitarianism as a political philosophy of multiculturalism.

      • KCI등재

        세계시민주의, 공동체주의, 자유주의

        김지현 ( Ji Hyun Kim ),손철성 ( Cheol Sung Son ) 한국철학사상연구회 2009 시대와 철학 Vol.20 No.2

        Cosmopolitanism insists that the most important community is the community of all human beings and we should give our first allegiance to all human beings and universal moral values. It insists that all human beings have equal rights and they should be treated equally as cosmopolitans. Cosmopolitanism emphasizes universal human rights and the love of mankind on the viewpoints of universalism and philanthropism. Communitarianism denies universal moral values and approves special ethical norms applied to a certain community. It emphasizes the communal values and solidarity and insists that we should give our first allegiance to a regional community or a national community. So that communitarianism is inconsistent with cosmopolitanism. Plural communitarianism and plural cosmopolitanism are near in that they approve the values of regional community and global community. But they can not be nearer because they seek different values and have different position when the values sought by plural communities are conflict. Cosmopolitanism is more consistent with liberalism than communitarianism. Liberalism emphasizes universal human rights and insists that all human beings should be treated equally. If the ideas of liberalism are expanded to global dimension beyond national dimension liberalism may go forward to cosmopolitanism. But most of libertarians approve the liberal ideas only in the national dimension and do not expand the liberal ideas to global dimension. So that the advocates of cosmopolitanism criticize that kind of liberalism. Liberal cosmopolitanism requires the relatively lower level of love of mankind than radical cosmopolitanism and is not positive in the duty of foreign aid and sometimes approves the different level of foreign aid according to border line. In those points liberal cosmopolitanism are different from radical cosmopolitanism.

      • KCI등재

        한국 법체계에서 자유주의의 의의: 종교의 자유를 중심으로

        이정훈 한국법철학회 2010 법철학연구 Vol.13 No.3

        Freedom of Religion is a key principle that supports spiritual freedom of humans who possess divine nature and intelligence. Humankind has made many sacrifices for freedom of religion, and in the Western political history, ‘freedom’ and ‘religion’ have been settled in the liberal-democratic constitutional systems as exchanging both positive and negative effects with each other. In East Asia, especially in Korea, Buddhism and Neo-Confucianism were accepted and maintained from a nationalistic perspective before modernization. Christianity that was embraced by the Enlightenment Party also had strong nationalistic overtones due to the limitation of the embracers who were under the influence of Confucian ideas. For all ages and countries, religion has its historical background that can serve as a barometer for discussions on the freedom of a society. Accordingly, this study examined liberalism in the Korean legal system, with the keyword “religion”. As reviewed above, in its legal reality, Korean society has not experienced the Western liberalistic individualism that communitarianism targets for criticizing, historically considered. This study diagnosed that Confucian ideas that have influenced Korean society was closer to nationalism than to communitarianism, and Korean nationalism, which was influenced by Japanese ultra-statism, was reinforced by dictatorial governments after liberation and has had a strong impact on overall Korean society. This study intended to argue that the problem that the Korean legal reality is facing is not to seek an alternative to liberalism, but to expand the instrumental political order of liberalism that guarantees freedoms and rights of individuals so that it can ensure freedoms and rights of disadvantaged individuals and eliminate the shadow of nationalism from the legal reality. This study also verified that the idea “Confucian communitarianism” was unsubstantial. In addition, this study identified the shadow of nationalism as a code of illiberalism in cases of conscientious objection to military service and argued that the judiciary should aim for a liberal-democratic constitutional order through rulings based on a liberalist view of justice, going against the influence of nationalism. This study also defined that pluralism as a neutral attitude toward good can be magnified as a strength of liberalism and it should be pursued as a political value that guarantees freedoms and rights of minorities from suppression and coercion of religious groups or majorities ruling religious hegemony. The principle of tolerance for minorities, who have different thoughts and values from the majority of members of society, should be realized in the legal reality with the purpose of the assimilative national unity, which will enhance the ideological justification and superiority of liberal democracy. The morality of liberalism lies in guarantees of rights of minorities and the disadvantaged, based on the tolerance and understanding. Freedom of Religion is a key principle that supports spiritual freedom of humans who possess divine nature and intelligence. Humankind has made many sacrifices for freedom of religion, and in the Western political history, ‘freedom’ and ‘religion’ have been settled in the liberal-democratic constitutional systems as exchanging both positive and negative effects with each other. In East Asia, especially in Korea, Buddhism and Neo-Confucianism were accepted and maintained from a nationalistic perspective before modernization. Christianity that was embraced by the Enlightenment Party also had strong nationalistic overtones due to the limitation of the embracers who were under the influence of Confucian ideas. For all ages and countries, religion has its historical background that can serve as a barometer for discussions on the freedom of a society. Accordingly, this study examined liberalism in the Korean legal system, with the keyword “religion”. As reviewed above, in its legal reality, Korean society has not experienced the Western liberalistic individualism that communitarianism targets for criticizing, historically considered. This study diagnosed that Confucian ideas that have influenced Korean society was closer to nationalism than to communitarianism, and Korean nationalism, which was influenced by Japanese ultra-statism, was reinforced by dictatorial governments after liberation and has had a strong impact on overall Korean society. This study intended to argue that the problem that the Korean legal reality is facing is not to seek an alternative to liberalism, but to expand the instrumental political order of liberalism that guarantees freedoms and rights of individuals so that it can ensure freedoms and rights of disadvantaged individuals and eliminate the shadow of nationalism from the legal reality. This study also verified that the idea “Confucian communitarianism” was unsubstantial. In addition, this study identified the shadow of nationalism as a code of illiberalism in cases of conscientious objection to military service and argued that the judiciary should aim for a liberal-democratic constitutional order through rulings based on a liberalist view of justice, going against the influence of nationalism. This study also defined that pluralism as a neutral attitude toward good can be magnified as a strength of liberalism and it should be pursued as a political value that guarantees freedoms and rights of minorities from suppression and coercion of religious groups or majorities ruling religious hegemony. The principle of tolerance for minorities, who have different thoughts and values from the majority of members of society, should be realized in the legal reality with the purpose of the assimilative national unity, which will enhance the ideological justification and superiority of liberal democracy. The morality of liberalism lies in guarantees of rights of minorities and the disadvantaged, based on the tolerance and understanding.

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