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      • 표기형 선택 경험을 중심으로 한 표기 의식 고양 교육 내용 연구

        이주영 ( Ju-young Lee ) 서울대학교 국어교육과 2018 先淸語文 Vol.45 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to draw up the contents of grammar education to enhance ‘spelling awareness(language awareness about spelling)’ of middle school learners. Conventional orthographic education has been associated with ‘writing correctly and accurately’ or ‘understanding the norm of the written language’, but since it focused on consequential accuracy, there was a lack of attention in the judgment process of learners. The experiences are necessary for the learners to connect knowledges and to think grammatically within orthographic education, and that middle school learners who experienced this ‘maximization of experience’ can mostly achieve ‘growth of linguistic subject in terms of accuracy.’ To this end, the subject of this study is learners in the third year of middle school that can be considered to generally have experience in all orthographic education provided at the middle school level. I want to establish educational contents to provide learners with the experience of ‘grammaring’ in orthographic education, through analyzing their awareness shown in the process in which the learners are selecting orthographic forms in various aspects. First, Chapter II set the definition of ‘spelling awareness’ in this study based on the concept of ‘language awareness’. This study defines it as ‘conscious perception and knowing of language and orthographic behaviors of the linguistic subject in the act of spelling.’ This has the characteristic of metacognition for orthography and the characteristic of problem-solving process for actual orthographic forms, and it is also a broad concept that embraces not only knowledge in orthography but also grammatical awareness and attitude. Next, this study explored the specific process in which spelling awareness is actualized. spelling awareness occurs in the process of selecting a specific orthographic form, which, as mentioned above, is characterized by the process of problem solving. As a result of examining the ‘process of selecting orthographic forms’ by experts through interviews, this study could divide the process into the following steps: ‘judging the orthographic context- polishing options- selecting the option by analyzing options- verifying the selection results.’ These steps can be used to expand the vertical experience of learners. Furthermore, this study explored the factors that affect the process in which spelling awareness is actualized. Three dimensions of factors were established based on studies related to taxonomy of educational objectives or inquiry learning of grammar, as well as data from interviews with experts. The three factors are ‘knowledge,’ ‘cognitive process’ and ‘options,’ and they are then divided into sub-factors. These can be used to expand the horizontal experience of learners. Chapter III analyzed the spelling awareness patterns of learners based on the process and factors established above. Two surveys are conducted on learners in the third year of middle school, and data was collected by interviewing learners that showed distinctive features as a result of the surveys. First, in the ‘process of selecting the orthographic form,’ it was found that two criteria - accuracy and appropriacy - have an effect on the process in which learners judge the orthographic context, that their act of polishing options is poor, and that the selection of the orthographic context is one-sided and does not undergo the verification step. With regard to ‘options’, it was found that learners tended not to think systematically as they did not focus on options that were candidates for selection, thereby narrowing the scope in which knowledge combines with the cognitive process. With regard to ‘knowledge,’ it was discovered that learners made judgments based mostly on empirical knowledge and lacked connection among knowledge, and that there were many deficiencies and errors in knowledge. In particular, it was found that measures must be taken for education on orthographic principles. With regard to ‘cognitive process,’ learners tended to depend mostly on intuition, used the cognitive process fragmentarily, and used each cognitive process non-strategically. Based on these patterns, Chapter IV selected the contents of education and set the direction of organization. First, in terms of knowledge, detailed contents of knowledge were drawn up, which require more details and improvement. In terms of systemization, types of knowledge that need to be linked were presented. As for the cognitive process, it was found that it is necessary to provide experience of multilateral thinking and strategic thinking as the content of education, which can be implemented in two methods of activity considering the tendency of combination with knowledge. Lastly, it is necessary to secure authenticity by providing the experience of selecting the orthographic form as the content of education, expand vertical and horizontal experience, and provide education on attitudes in terms of accuracy and appropriacy. Moreover, this study presented actual cases of implementing each content of education by focusing on knowledge, cognitive process and experience of selecting orthographic forms. This study has significance in that it approached orthographic education, which had been focused on consequential accuracy or understanding the norm of the written language, in the perspective of the linguistic subject’s awareness. Learners will be able to make a habit of thinking grammatically through the cognitive experience in various aspects and actively approach spelling in life.

      • KCI등재

        신교육목표분류학의 틀에서 본 구강보건교육학 목표 분석

        최규일 ( Gyu Yil Choi ),최병욱 ( Byung Ok Choi ) 한국치위생과학회 2012 치위생과학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        This study examined in what category that the knowledge dimension and the cognitive processes dimension are described based on ``A revision o Bloom``s taxonomy of educational objectives`` in oral health education textbooks. Oral health education and practice from Educational Objectives of Dental Hygiene Department(Korea dental hygienist Prof Council, 2009) were selected to analyze a textbook, the body contents was analyzed in the knowledge dimension, and the activity was analyzed in cognitive processes dimension. Three experts were selected as a corder for reliable analysis. As a result of this study, the knowledge dimension in oral health education textbook was focused on the categories of factual knowledge and conceptual knowledge in textbook analysis based on ``A revision of Bloom``s taxonomy of educational objectives``, and the category dimension of ``understand`` showed to be the most for the cognitive processes dimension. Moreover, there was no ``meta cognitive knowledge`` that conforms to a higher-order thinking and the category dimensions of ``analyze``, ``evaluate``, and ``create`` took very low proportion or did not exist. Conclusion, Oral health education textbooks were analyzed to fragmentary and Memorizing the level knowledge. Thus we have to develop oral health education textbooks reflected a variety of cognitive and knowledge dimension.

      • KCI등재

        마가의 구술-청각적 서사(Mark's Oral and Aural Narrative) 이해를 위한 인지모형(cognitive model)으로서 틀 이론(frame theory)

        박윤만(Yoon Man Park) 한국복음주의신약학회 2008 신약연구 Vol.7 No.4

        It is no longer new in current biblical scholarship to say that New Testament literature, and thus as its second document Mark's Gospel, was written to be heard, that is, read out (thus oral narrative) and listened to (aural narrative) rather than read to oneself. What has received very little attention, however, is that, although being in a written document, the oral and aural narrative of Mark relied on human memory for the preservation and communication of its information. Since both the oral and aural narrative of Mark must have relied on human memory for communication between Mark and his audience, it is in no way, then, an exaggeration, to state that the Gospel of Mark is constructed in such a way as to facilitate the memory processes of a listening audience. In order to illuminate the role of human memory in understanding Mark's oral-aural narrative, this study draws on frame theory which, regarding human memory or the cognitive processing of story, has been developed and used in a wide range of fields, including linguistics, artificial intelligence, cognitive psychology, classics, and pedagogy since first being introduced to psychology. In doing so, we have surveyed, first of all, that Mark's Gospel is an ancient oralaural narrative which is supposed to be communicated depending on the background knowledge or traditions shared among the speaker and audience. And then we have demonstrated that since frame theory holds that the understanding of grammars and linguistic expressions may be possible only against background of a particular body of knowledge and assumptions, that is, frames, the theory is a cognitive model that can best account for the original audience's understanding process of Mark's oral and aural narrative. For this purpose, two things have been suggested as examples. First, we have focused on several Greek grammars, with the result of verifying that many Greek grammars in Mark's Gospel are in fact used to guide the audience to make use of frames for an understanding of the discourse. Second, it has been made clear that not only expectationdriven narrative processing but also inference-based information one which has been known as necessary competencies in understanding for oral-aural narrative is nothing but frame-based story processing. My argument, consequently, is that frame theory is the cognitive model that can best account for the hearer's cognitive processing and understanding of Mark's oral-aural narrative. Indeed, this study does not pretend that frame theory can alone explain all features of Mark's oral-aural narrative; rather frame theory is greatly dependent on other methodologies such as social-scientific study and form criticism, discourse analysis, and even traditional grammar. The use of frame theory, nonetheless, enriches our reading of Mark's oral-aural text not least because the theory incorporates extra-linguistic knowledge (human cognitive processing, social and cultural information), para-linguistic features (medium of presentation) and linguistic knowledge (lexemes, grammar and semantics) into its methodology. In this respect frame theory lays a crucial theoretical foundation for the application of this interdisciplinary work into the study of the Gospels in an attempt to illuminate how the audience uses their memory resources in the process of coming to an understanding of the oral-aural narrative.

      • KCI등재후보

        Bloom의 신교육목표 분류 체계에 기초한 학문 목적 한국어 쓰기 교수-학습 활동 분석 연구

        장미정 ( Jang Mijung ) 한성대학교 한성어문학회 2019 漢城語文學 Vol.41 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the teaching-learning activities provided in Korean writing education for academic purposes and to reveal what dimension of teaching-learning activities is provided at the knowledge dimension and the cognitive process dimension. Thirty-four studies were selected for analysis, and they stated that the results of education were significant among the preceding studies on Korean writing for academic purposes. In each study, the teaching-learning activities were extracted, organized, and analyzed based on Bloom’s revised taxonomy of educational objectives. As a result of the analysis, the teaching-learning activities in Korean writing education were provided in the order of procedural knowledge, conceptual knowledge, and meta-cognitive knowledge. When each knowledge was analyzed at the cognitive process dimension, conceptual knowledge provided many activities related to understanding and remembering. Procedural knowledge was the most part of the understanding activity in the cognitive process, and the activities related to applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating were provided evenly. Meta-cognitive knowledge also provided many activities related to remembering, evaluating, and understanding in the cognitive process dimension. Through the analysis of the teaching-learning activities of Korean writing for academic purposes, it proposed that an attempt should be made to develop and provide more teaching-learning activities of meta-cognitive knowledge in a reality wherein self-directed learning is being emphasized. In addition, given the diversity of learners’ variations in the teaching field, it will be necessary to develop teachinglearning activities at various dimensions of the cognitive process rather than focusing on the specific cognitive process dimension.

      • KCI등재

        Transformation Process of Content Knowledge through Authoring Hypertext

        Jeeheon Ryu 한국교육방법학회 2004 교육방법연구 Vol.16 No.2

        This study was a follow-up research of the Model Initiation stage, which had been conducted to build an initial model of cognitive model in authoring hypertext. The purpose of present study was to elaborate the initial model of cognitive process of the Model Initiation stage. This study identified further findings of the transformation process of content knowledge when learner applies prior knowledge in the authoring process to construct a hypertext. Five cognitive processes and components were identified: 1) content knowledge, 2) trade-off between authoring goal and tool, 3) internal modification of content knowledge, 4) external representation, and 5) instructional knowledge. It was observed that the trade-off between authoring goal and tool play a crucial role to determine the direction of knowledge transformation. Specifically, authoring goal significantly affected internal modification of content knowledge, and the functions of authoring tool affected external representation.

      • KCI등재

        연장된 지식이 가능한가?

        고인석 서강대학교 철학연구소 2018 철학논집 Vol.52 No.-

        연장된 지식은 가능한가? 이 논문은 Clark & Chalmers 1998에 담긴 연장된 정신 논의의 적정한 함의를 탐구하는 시도의 일환으로, 연장된 지식이 가능한지를 따진다. 클락과 찰머스의 논문에 등장하는 오토가 그의 노트를 펼치기도 전에 미술관의 위치를 알고 있었다고 보는 것이 옳은가? 또 Bjerring & Pedersen 2014 에 묘사된 로네가 그녀의 컴퓨터에 저장된 방대한 지식을 가지고 있다고 인정하는것은 어떠한가? 이 논문은 이런 물음들에 대한 긍정의 대답이 지니는 문제점들을 분석함으로써, 연장된 정신 논제의 핵심 취지를 수용하더라도 문제의 상황에서 연장된 지식을 인정하는 것이 적절하지 않다는 평가를 도출한다. 비판의 주안점은 두 가지다. (1) 인식적 상황의 평가를 위한 분석이 적절한 해상도를 구현해야 한다는 것; (2) 누군가가 어떤 지식을 가졌다고 인정하기 위해서는 해당 주체가 지불한 유관한 인식적 비용이 있어야 하고, 인정의 기준은 지식의 평가에 관한 사회의 일반관행과 부합해야 한다는 것. 이런 관점에서 이 논문은 외부 세계에 연장된 방식으로 실현되는 인지적 과정과 달리 앎이라는 인지적 상태는 외부 자원에 연장되지 않는다고 결론 내린다. Is extended knowledge possible? This paper examines, whether extended knowledge is possible. This is an attempt to evaluate the boundary of proper implications of the extended mind thesis originated from Clark & Chalmers 1998. Is it right to see that Otto Clark and Chalmers’ paper knew the location of the MoMA before his notebook was opened? Shall we admit that Lone, as described in Bjerring & Pedersen 2014, has the vast amount of knowledge? This paper analyzes the problems we meet when we choose the positive answers to these questions. It thereby derives an evaluation that it is not reasonable to recognize extended knowledge even if we accommodate the core tenets of the extended mind thesis. The criticism is twofold. (1) The analysis of the cognitive situations should implement adequate resolution; (2) To acknowledge that someone has certain knowledge, there must be relevant cognitive cost paid by the subject, and the criteria of recognition must be consistent with the general social practice of evaluation about knowledge. In this sense, this paper concludes that, in contrast to cognitive processes that are realized in an extended way to the external world, cognitive state of knowing is not extended to external resources.

      • KCI등재

        제7차 초,중등 생물 교육과정의 수업 목표 분석 : Bloom의 신 교육목표분류학에 기초하여

        이혜숙,김영신 韓國生物敎育學會 2008 생물교육 Vol.36 No.1

        This study was conducted with the aim of classifying the instructional objectives stated in elementary, middle, and high school biology guidebooks for teachers based on Bloom's revised taxonomy table, and of seeing how the objectives of biology classes was thus categorized by grade level. The classification of the instructional objectives of biology classes based on the new taxonomy table was also examined in the study. A total of 1,743 biology objectives of third- to tenth-grade science textbooks and eleventh-grade biology textbooks were classified based on Bloom's revised taxonomy table. The results showed that the instructional objectives of biology classes disproportionately emphasized some of the knowledge and cognitive-process dimensions. 73.5% of the elementary, 84.0% of the middle school, and 97.3% of the high school biology instructional objectives fell under the two categories of "factual knowledge" and "conceptual knowledge". The percentages of the instructional objectives that were categorized as remembering and understanding were 82.5% for the elementary instructional objectives, 86.4% for the middle school objectives, and 98.6% for the high school objectives. In comparison, the percentages of the biology instructional objectives that require higher-order thinking skills (e.g., analyzing, evaluating, and creating) were relatively low. The statements of the instructional objectives specified in biology classes lacked consistency. In the dimension of knowledge, while the percentages of factual and conceptual knowledge were very high in all the school years, those of procedural and metacognitive knowledge were low. The percentages of procedural and metacognitive knowledge were 26.5% for elementary, 16.0% for middle school, and 2.7% for high school. In the cognitive-process dimension, the statements of the instructional objectives of the elementary and middle school classes had some consistency, but those of the high school classes had none.

      • KCI등재

        뉴스 미디어별 노출정도가 정치지식과 인지복합성, 개인의 정보처리에 미치는 영향

        민정식 ( Jeong Sik Min ) 한국지역언론학회 2011 언론과학연구 Vol.11 No.3

        이 연구는 신문 뉴스, TV 뉴스, 인터넷 뉴스의 노출정도가 정치지식과 인지복합성, 스키마 주도적 정보처리에 미치는 영향을 살펴보았다. 연구결과 신문뉴스의 노출정도는 정치지식과 인지복합성 형성에 정적인 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 인터넷 뉴스노출은 인지복합성과 부적인 관계를 가지는 한편, 스키마 주도적 정보처리와는 정적인 관계를 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 스키마 주도적 정보처리가 자의적이고 임의적인 정보처리로 왜곡되고 편향된 판단과 행동을 가져올 수 있고, 인지복합성은 이와 반대로 정보를 다면적이면서도 유연하고 통합적으로 처리할 수 있다고 볼 때, 뉴스 매체의 유형에 따라 지식 형성 및 정보처리가 달라진다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이 같은 결과는 성숙한 시민의식 형성과 매체의 활용, 숙의 민주주의 발달과 관련해 큰 함의점을 던져준다. 정치지식과 스키마 주도적 정보처리의 관계는 이 연구에서 발견되지 않았다. The goal of this study is to examine the effect of news media exposure to political knowledge, cognitive complexity and schema-driven information process. As a result, newspaper exposure level effects on shaping of political knowledge and cognitive complexity. Internet news exposure level related to cognitive complexity shows negative effect while shows positive effect with schema-driven information process. Schema-driven information process means distorted and stereotyped information process. Cognitive complexity is relates to multi-lateral, integrated, flexible information process. Difference in cognitive information process caused by news media use shows great implication on cultivating matured sense of civilization and deliberating democracy.

      • KCI등재

        Bloom의 신교육목표분류체계를 활용한 2015 개정 여행지리 교육과정 성취기준의 인지적 영역 분석

        박진영,이보영 한국지리환경교육학회 2024 한국지리환경교육학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to develop higher-order knowledge by analyzing the achievement standards of travel geography of the 2015 revised curriculum at the level of knowledge and cognitive process, which are cognitive domain, using Bloom’s revised taxonomy of educational objectives. Analysis results are as follows; first, ‘metacognitive knowledge’ is the highest and ‘procedural knowledge’ is the lowest in terms of knowledge dimension. Second, in terms of cognitive process, ‘to analyze’, ‘remember’, and ‘understand’ appear high, but ‘to evaluate’, ‘create’, and ‘apply’ appear low. Third, the way of combining the knowledge dimension and the cognitive process dimension is combined in various ways, but the distribution style is concentrated and distributed in either side. Educational consensus on achievement-based vocabulary and clear standards for educational verbs are required. 본 연구는 2015 개정 교육과정 여행지리의 성취기준을 Bloom의 신교육목표분류체계를 활용하여 인지적 영역인 지식 차원과 인지과정 차원으로 분석하여 고차적 지식의 함양 방향을 모색하는데 목적이 있다. 분석 결과, 첫째, 지식 차원에서 ‘메타인지지식’이 가장 높고, ‘절차적 지식’이 가장 낮다. 둘째, 인지과정 차원에서 ‘분석하다’, ‘기억하다’, ‘이해하다’는 높게 나타나지만, ‘평가하다’, ‘창안하다’, ‘적용하다’는 낮게 나타난다. 셋째, 지식 차원과 인지과정 차원의 결합방식은 다양하게 결합되어 있지만, 분포양식은 하부 지식 차원이나 하부 인지과정 차원의 어느 한쪽으로 집중되어 분포하고 있다. 성취기준 어휘의 교육적 합의와 교육적동사에 대한 분명한 기준이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        표준 한국어 교재의 학습목표에 대한 고찰

        김영심(Kim, Young-Sim) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2016 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.16 No.4

        대부분의 한국어 교재는 단원 중심으로 구성되어 있고, 각 단원은 학습목표를 제시하고 있다. 단원의 학습목표는 학습 내용, 제재, 활동을 안내하는 역할을 한다. 본 연구에서는 한국어 교재의 학습목표가 적절하게 제시되어 있는지를 살펴보기 위해 Bloom 의 신교육목표분류학을 근거로 하여《표준 한국어》교재의 학습목표를 분석하였다. 신 교육목표분류학은 학습목표를 네 가지의 지식의 유형과 여섯 수준의 인지과정 유목으로 구분하는 이원적 구조로 되어 있다. 분석은 2015년 2학기 동안 수행되었다. 분석 결과,《표준 한국어》교재의 학습목표는 지식의 유형 측면에서 대부분 사실적 지식과 개념적 지식을 목표로 설정하고 있었다. 인지과정의 측면에서는 ‘기억하다, 이해하다, 적용하다’와 같은 3수준 이하의 유목으로 제시되어 있었다. 이는 한국어 교재의 학습목표가 분류학 표에 제시된 지식의 차원과 인지과정의 차원을 균형 있게 제시하지 못하고 있음을 시사한다. 따라서 한국어 교재의 질을 향상시키기 위해서는 지식의 유형 측면에서 절차적 지식과 메타 인지적 지식을 반영하고, 인지과정 측면에서는 분석하다, 평가 하다, 창안하다와 같은 인지 능력을 균형 있게 반영하여 학습목표를 개발할 필요가 있다. 그 밖에 학습목표의 진술 방법도 개선할 필요가 있다. This paper investigated the learning objectives of Standard Korean as Second Language(KSL) Textbooks, which were developed for multicultural students who studied middle schools. The learning objectives are important roles in textbooks. It directs contents, selecting text materials, and learning activities. A New taxonomy, which was invented by Anderson(2001), was used to analyzed. It was consist of 4 Knowledge types and 6 cognitive process. As a results, the learning objectives of Standard KSL Textbooks were not balanced based on knowledge types and cognitive process. On the knowledge dimension, there were only ‘factual, conceptional, and procedural’ knowledge. No meta cognitive knowledge. On the cognitive process dimension, there were only ‘remember, understand, apply’ process. No analyze, evaluate, create process. In addition, statement methods of learning objectives were not consistent. It is needed to improved.

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