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      • KCI등재

        한국 서해 중부 연안역의 수질환경 특성

        임동일,강미란,장풍국,김소영,정회수,강양순,강영실 한국해양과학기술원 2008 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.30 No.4

        Spatial-temporal variations in physiochemical water qualities (temperature, salinity, DO, SPM, POC and nutrients) of surface and bottom waters were investigated along the mid-western coastal area (Taean Peninsula to Gomso Bay) of Korea. Spatial distribution patterns of temperature and salinity were mostly controlled by the physical mixing process of freshwater from Geum River and/or Gyunggi Bay with nearby coastal water. A strong tidal front is formed off Taean Peninsula during spring and summer. Seasonal variations in nutrient concentrations, lower in spring and summer and higher in fall and winter, are primarily regulated by magnitude of phytoplankton occurrence rather than freshwater loadings into the bay. Based on seasonal and spatial variability of physicochemical parameters, water quality of the study area can be divided into four water masses; Gyunggi Bay-influenced Water Mass (GBWM), Geum River-influenced Water Mass (GRWM), Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water Mass (YSBCWM) and Cheonsu Bay Water Mass (CBWM). Water quality of the GBWM (Taean Peninsula coastal area), which has relatively low salinity and high concentrations of nutrients, is strongly controlled by the Gyunggi Bay coastal water, which is under influence of the Han River freshwater. In this water mass, the mixed layer is always developed by strong tidal mixing. As a result, a tidal front is formed along the offshore boundary of the mixed layer. Such tidal fronts probably play an important role in the distribution of phytoplankton communities, SPM and nutrients. The GRWM, with low salinity and high nutrients, especially during the flood summer season, is closely related to physiochemical properties of the Geum River. During the flood season, nutrient-enriched Geum River water mass extends up to 60 km away from the river mouth, potentially causing serious environmental problems such as eutrophication and unusual and/or noxious algal blooms. Offshore (>30~40 m in water depth) of the study area, YSBCWM coupled with a strong thermocline can be identified in spring-summer periods, exhibiting abundant nutrients in association with low temperature and limited biological activity. During spring and summer, a tidal front is formed in a transition zone between the coastal water mass and bottom cold water mass in the Yellow Sea, resulting in intensified upwelling and thereby supplying abundant nutrients to the GBWM and GRWM. Such cold bottom water mass and tidal front formation seems to play an important role in controlling water quality and further regulating physical ecosystem processes along mid-western Korean coastal area. Spatial-temporal variations in physiochemical water qualities (temperature, salinity, DO, SPM, POC and nutrients) of surface and bottom waters were investigated along the mid-western coastal area (Taean Peninsula to Gomso Bay) of Korea. Spatial distribution patterns of temperature and salinity were mostly controlled by the physical mixing process of freshwater from Geum River and/or Gyunggi Bay with nearby coastal water. A strong tidal front is formed off Taean Peninsula during spring and summer. Seasonal variations in nutrient concentrations, lower in spring and summer and higher in fall and winter, are primarily regulated by magnitude of phytoplankton occurrence rather than freshwater loadings into the bay. Based on seasonal and spatial variability of physicochemical parameters, water quality of the study area can be divided into four water masses; Gyunggi Bay-influenced Water Mass (GBWM), Geum River-influenced Water Mass (GRWM), Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water Mass (YSBCWM) and Cheonsu Bay Water Mass (CBWM). Water quality of the GBWM (Taean Peninsula coastal area), which has relatively low salinity and high concentrations of nutrients, is strongly controlled by the Gyunggi Bay coastal water, which is under influence of the Han River freshwater. In this water mass, the mixed layer is always developed by strong tidal mixing. As a result, a tidal front is formed along the offshore boundary of the mixed layer. Such tidal fronts probably play an important role in the distribution of phytoplankton communities, SPM and nutrients. The GRWM, with low salinity and high nutrients, especially during the flood summer season, is closely related to physiochemical properties of the Geum River. During the flood season, nutrient-enriched Geum River water mass extends up to 60 km away from the river mouth, potentially causing serious environmental problems such as eutrophication and unusual and/or noxious algal blooms. Offshore (>30~40 m in water depth) of the study area, YSBCWM coupled with a strong thermocline can be identified in spring-summer periods, exhibiting abundant nutrients in association with low temperature and limited biological activity. During spring and summer, a tidal front is formed in a transition zone between the coastal water mass and bottom cold water mass in the Yellow Sea, resulting in intensified upwelling and thereby supplying abundant nutrients to the GBWM and GRWM. Such cold bottom water mass and tidal front formation seems to play an important role in controlling water quality and further regulating physical ecosystem processes along mid-western Korean coastal area.

      • KCI등재

        고려후기 경남지역 성곽 연구

        안성현 한국중세사학회 2012 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.34

        The aims of this study are to identity the characteristics of the castles in Goryeo Dynasty and the military defense systems in the late Goryeo Dynasty. The type of the castles in Goryeo is divided into a flatland castle and a mountain castle. The flatland castles were mainly constructed in the areas close to the ocean while the mountain castles were built in the rest of the areas. The size of the Goryeo castles varies from under 200m to above 3000m, with a high possibility of variation depending on the construction purpose. It is estimated that the Guryangdong site, particularly, would serve as a lookout post in the early Goryeo Dynasty as the historical structure is sized small and measures 176m in circumference. The altitude of the castles found in the Goryeo period is also diverse, however, with a marked preference to mountaintop, having the same features of castles in other areas during the period. The method of construction can be classified into earthen castle construction and stone castle construction. As there are similar earthen castles in the United Silla Dynasty, it is indicated that the United Silla Dynasty passed on the same method to the Goryeo Dynasty. On stone castles, it is hard to figure out the standardization of stone castle because of the various foundation and outer wall construction techniques, although they became narrower from the former period. Some areas with rock exposure and steep slope skipped to build the stone castle walls. It is found that such measures were used in other areas as well, and only a minimum effort was put into the castle construction. The military defense system in the late Goryeo Dinasty can be divided into a coastal area system and an inland area system. The coastal area had quite good general and regional defense systems. Such defense systems were built upon the existing castles from the previous period after reconstruction work, not by brand-new construction, and bridging the gap between the existing system, by adding the castles in areas regarded as militarily vulnerable or important as a watchtower. In particular, the fact that most of the earthen castles from United Silla and Goryeo were reused indicates that the marine transportation system still existed in the late Goryeo Dynasty. In inland areas, it is difficult to find an area with an obvious general or regional defense system like coastal areas. The castle construction was heavily concentrated to the neighboring areas of today’s residential districts of town and township, and sized big. Considering that, it is highly possible that the inland area was armed with the similar general and regional defense system of coastal areas and people often avoided to the mountain castle from their residence when Japanese pirates invaded. The castles in the late Goryeo Dynasty were also located in the west or north of the river, which demonstrates that castle construction was focused on the defense against the continuous invasion of Japanese raiders since the United Silla Dynasty. The aims of this study are to identity the characteristics of the castles in Goryeo Dynasty and the military defense systems in the late Goryeo Dynasty. The type of the castles in Goryeo is divided into a flatland castle and a mountain castle. The flatland castles were mainly constructed in the areas close to the ocean while the mountain castles were built in the rest of the areas. The size of the Goryeo castles varies from under 200m to above 3000m, with a high possibility of variation depending on the construction purpose. It is estimated that the Guryangdong site, particularly, would serve as a lookout post in the early Goryeo Dynasty as the historical structure is sized small and measures 176m in circumference. The altitude of the castles found in the Goryeo period is also diverse, however, with a marked preference to mountaintop, having the same features of castles in other areas during the period. The method of construction can be classified into earthen castle construction and stone castle construction. As there are similar earthen castles in the United Silla Dynasty, it is indicated that the United Silla Dynasty passed on the same method to the Goryeo Dynasty. On stone castles, it is hard to figure out the standardization of stone castle because of the various foundation and outer wall construction techniques, although they became narrower from the former period. Some areas with rock exposure and steep slope skipped to build the stone castle walls. It is found that such measures were used in other areas as well, and only a minimum effort was put into the castle construction. The military defense system in the late Goryeo Dinasty can be divided into a coastal area system and an inland area system. The coastal area had quite good general and regional defense systems. Such defense systems were built upon the existing castles from the previous period after reconstruction work, not by brand-new construction, and bridging the gap between the existing system, by adding the castles in areas regarded as militarily vulnerable or important as a watchtower. In particular, the fact that most of the earthen castles from United Silla and Goryeo were reused indicates that the marine transportation system still existed in the late Goryeo Dynasty. In inland areas, it is difficult to find an area with an obvious general or regional defense system like coastal areas. The castle construction was heavily concentrated to the neighboring areas of today’s residential districts of town and township, and sized big. Considering that, it is highly possible that the inland area was armed with the similar general and regional defense system of coastal areas and people often avoided to the mountain castle from their residence when Japanese pirates invaded. The castles in the late Goryeo Dynasty were also located in the west or north of the river, which demonstrates that castle construction was focused on the defense against the continuous invasion of Japanese raiders since the United Silla Dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        진도 관마리 1호분의 성격에 대한 시론적 고찰 - 한반도 서남해안권 도서 · 해안지역 고분과의 비교 -

        권치웅(Kwon Chiung),김상민(KIM Sangmin) 한일관계사학회 2024 한일관계사연구 Vol.85 No.-

        최근 한반도 서남해안권 도서 · 해안지역에서는 이른바 마한역사문화권 정비, 보존 · 활용이라는 공통된 목적으로 학술조사가 이루어지고 있다. 그중에서 신안의 도서지역과 해남반도의 고고학적 조사의 성과가 두드러진다. 반면 두 지역과 인접한 진도는 넓은 면적을 가진 도서지역임에도 불구하고 그간 미진한 학술적 성과로 인해 서남해안의 고고학적 연구에서 크게 주목받지 않았다. 따라서 본고에서는 최근 조사된 진도 관마리 1호분의 조사 성과를 소개하고, 진도와 인접한 도서 · 해안지역의 자료와 비교를 통해 그 성격을 추정하였다. 이를 토대로 5~6세기 서남해안 도서 · 해안지역 고분문화 속 진도 관마리 1호분의 학술적 의미를 도출하고자 하였다. 진도 관마리 1호분은 도서지역 구릉 말단에 위치한 원형분으로 매장주체부는 남북을 장축으로 하는 횡혈식석실묘이다. 이를 인접한 서남해안 도서도서 · 해안지역의 고분들과 입지, 장축방향, 석실 규모, 개석의 특징 등을 고려하여 비교한 결과, 해남반도권보다는 신안의 도서지역과 유사성이 강한 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 신안 도창리 고분, 읍동 2호분이나 상태서리 상서고분군의 고고학적 현상과도 강한 연관성을 띤다는 점을 확인하였다. 이를 통해 진도 관마리 1호분의 연대는 신안 도서 일대에 횡혈식석실의 조성시점을 토대로 백제 사비기에 해당하는 6세기 중엽 이후로 추정하였다. 한편 진도 관마리 관마고분군이 위치하는 지산면 일대 고분의 분포를 살펴보면, 관마리 관마고분군과 인접한 내삼당고분은 고지형 상 바다로 이어지는 길목에 위치한다. 신안 도서지역의 사례에 비추어 보면, 진도 역시 바다와 인접한 지역 내 5세기 대 왜계고분, 구릉 말단부에 6세기 대 백제계 횡혈식석실묘가 입지하고 있음을 추정하였다. 현재까지 조사된 서남해안 도서지역의 조사 사례에 준하여 살펴보면, 진도의 고분문화도 서남해안 도서지역에서 공유한 5~6세기의 고분문화 속에서 나타나는 현상으로 판단된다. 진도 관마리 1호분의 학술조사는 최근 해남반도, 완도, 고흥반도 등에서 지속적으로 발견되는 동시기 고분군과 함께 서남해안 도서 · 해안지역의 고분 축조 집단을 추정할 수 있는 하나의 사례임에 분명하다. The islands and coastal areas of the southwestern coast of the Korean Peninsula are undergoing intensive academic research as one of the so-called ‘Mahan historical and cultural areas’, starting with the results of archaeological remains investigated in the island area of Shinan-gun and the Haenam Peninsula. On the other hand, Jindo islands, which is adjacent to the two regions, has not received much attention in archaeological research on the southwest coast due to its lack of academic achievements despite being an island region with a large area. In this paper, we introduce the results of the recently surveyed Gwanma-ri Tomb No.1 in Jindo islands and estimate its characteristics through comparison with data from adjacent islands and coastal areas. Based on this, the characteristics of the tomb culture in the southwestern coastal island area in the 5th and 6th centuries were inferred. Gwanma-ri Tomb No. 1 is a circular tomb located at the end of a hill in the island region, and the main burial part is a Horizontal hole type stone chamber with the long axis running north and south. As a result of comparing this with the ancient tombs of the adjacent southwestern coastal islands and coastal areas, taking into account the location, long axis direction, size of the stone chamber, and characteristics of the stone, it was confirmed that it had a stronger similarity with the island area of Shinan-gun than the Haenam Peninsula area. It was confirmed that it has a strong connection with the archaeological phenomenon of Dochang-ri and Eupdong Tombs No. 2 in Shinan-gun and the Sangtaeseo-ri Sangseo Tombs in Shinan-gun. Through this, Gwanma-ri Tomb No. 1 was estimated to date from the mid-6th century CE, which corresponds to the Sabi period of Baekje, based on the construction of Horizontal hole type stone chamber tomb in the Shinan-gun island area. Meanwhile, looking at the distribution of ancient tombs in the Jisan-myeon area where the Gwanma-ri Ancient Tombs are located, the Naesamdang Ancient Tomb adjacent to the Gwanma-ri Ancient Tombs are located on a road leading to the sea due to their highland shape. In light of the case of the Shinan-gun island region, it is assumed that Jindo island also has a circular tomb from the 5th century in an area adjacent to the sea, as well as a Horizontal hole type stone chamber tomb from the 6th century at the end of a hill. Based on the research cases of the southwestern coastal island area investigated to date, Jindo island tomb culture is also judged to be a phenomenon that appears in the 5th to 6th century tomb culture shared by the southwestern coastal island area. The Gwanma-ri Tomb No.1 in Jindo island is together with the contemporaneous burial mounds that have continued to be discovered in recent years on the Haenam Peninsula, Wando island, Goheung Peninsula, etc., has led to the estimation of a cluster of ancient tombs built on islands and coastal areas along the southwest coast. It is clear that this is one example of this.

      • KCI등재

        해양오염도 분석을 위한 연안 정점 데이터의 활용방안에 관한 연구 - 부산연안해역을 중심으로 -

        황진욱 ( Jin Wook Hwang ),김호용 ( Ho Yong Kim ),이성호 ( Sung Ho Lee ) 한국지리정보학회 2006 한국지리정보학회지 Vol.9 No.4

        The land area, which is on the inner side of the water line, is controlled to a certain degree due to the purposes of space utilities controllers` respective roles, but the sea area is not so much controlled as the land area. However, as interest in the security and utility of the marine space, as well as that in the consistent development of the land space, has increased, there has been increase of the requirement for information about marine data and environment. The object of this study, Busan, plays various roles such as a harbor and bay, a tourist resort, and a port unlike coastal seas of other areas, and thus needs systematic control because it has numerous environmental factors. However, there are limitations in the number of data about Busan coastal sea constantly provided while the acquisition of data from main points and many areas is important for the analysis of marine contamination in Busan coastal sea area. Thus, using nautical charts with numerical values in preparing increase of the demand of them according to the degree of information requirement for the analysis of the changes in coastal areas, this study constructs property data and space data by combining vertex data about Busan`s 17 coastal sea areas provided by NFRDI, and tries to present the analytical techniques for grasping the environmental conditions and continuity of the coastal areas and methods of their utilities, using GIS Geostatistical Analysis Technique.

      • KCI등재

        해안지역의 경관관리방안 연구

        윤상호(Youn Sang Ho) 한국도시행정학회 2007 도시 행정 학보 Vol.20 No.3

        Recently we are concerned to the coastal area landscape. So this study is focused on the landscape management in coastal area. But much coastal landscapes are destroyed owing to artificial construction. So this study is focused to how to solve this situation. As an attempt to solve the landscape management in coastal area, this study has posed the next four sectors. Four sector are as follows. 1) the definition of coastal landscapes 2) the scope of coastal landscapes 3) the domestic and foreign case of coastal landscapes 4) the landscape management in coastal area. Especially to solve of the landscape management in coastal area, this study proposed the four parts such as national partㆍprovincial partㆍneighbourhood part including NGOㆍprofessional group including construction team.

      • KCI등재

        南部東海岸地域靑銅器時代聚落의 變遷

        박영구 한국상고사학회 2013 한국상고사학보 Vol.79 No.-

        본 고에서는 남부동해안지역 중 포항, 경주 및 울산지역 중 최근에 조사가 활발히 이루어진 해안에 입지한 청동기시대 취락의 주거구조 및 출토유물에 대한 분석을 통해 취락의 편년작업을 시행하고, 취락의 변천양상을 살펴보았다. 남부동해안지역은 전기전엽에는 장방형 주거에 석상위석식노, 주초석이 학인되며, 토기는 이중구연요소가 출토되고, 전기중엽에는 장방형 주거에 무시설식 노가 설치되고, 이중구연요소와 공열이 결합하는 양상에서, 전기후엽에는 점차 이중구연이 퇴화 및 소멸되고, 공열단사선과 공열의 형태로 존재한다. 울산식 주거가 정형화되는 중기에도 공열은 여전히 지속되고, 공열과 단사선(낟알문)의 형태로 조합된다. 중기후반에는 공열이 거의 소멸되면서 낟알문도 횡선문으로 변화하고, 무문토기화 되어가는 양상을 보여주고 있다. 남부동해안지역 청동기시대 취락은 동일한 구릉과 충적대지 내에서 시간차이를 두고 장기간 점유되는 양상을 보인다. 반면에 하천지역과는 달리 경주와 울산지역의 해안지역에서는 울산식 주거가 중심이 되는 대규모 취락만이 조성된다. 남부동해안지역 청동기시대 취락의 시기별 분포양상은 조기에 해당하는 취락은 현재까지 확인되지 않는다. 전기전엽의 1기는 하천 주변 충적대지에 입지하며, 장방형 주거에 석상위석식노와 주초석이 설치된 포항 월포리유적이 해당한다. 복합문의 흔암리식 토기와 주거가 확인되는 2~3기 취락은 대부분 포항지역의 하천주변 구릉과 일부 충적대지에서 확인되며, 해안지역에서는 유일하게 삼정1리 취락이 확인되었다. 4기에는 공열 및 검단리식 토기가 출토되는 울산식 주거가 확인되며, 포항, 경주, 울산의 해안지역에 취락이 증가하며, 대규모로 확인된다. 5기에는 횡선문토기와 울산식 주거가 중심으로 대부분 울산 해안지역을 중심으로 확인되며, 포항지역에서는 소규모로 확인된다. In this research, we have been explored and made the chronicle of settlement area by analyzing dwelling pattern and excavated artifact of bronze era which are located in Pohang, Gyeoungju, Ulsan area in south-eastern costal area where archeological expedition has been done actively. In these areas,we identified Stone floor-Stone-lined hearth, the Foundation stone, double mouth rim elements which had been excavated on the rectangular dwelling site for early stage of bronze era. And non-facility bare ground had been put into rectangular dwelling site which had shown mixed pattern of double mouth rim elements and Rim-perforated pottery during the mid era of early stage but double mouthrim elements had been degraded and finally extinguished, the shape of rim perforated & rimperforated diagonal line pottery existed in the late era of early stage on bronze period. During the middle era of Bronze Age, Rim-perforated pottery was still existed along with standardization of dwelling pattern which named as Ulsan dwelling site and it was combined with the pattern of rimperforated and single diagonal line (single dot pottery pattern) but rim-perforated pattern had been almost extinguished, single dot pottery pattern had been turn into a horizontal line pattern and pottery had become patternless earthenware in the late middle ear of bronze age. The dwelling area of south-east costal area had been showed to extend area for a long time between hilly districts and alluvial site with time lag at the riverside but costal area of Gyeoungju and Ulsan showed large dwelling site (which is named Ulsan dwelling site) had been established. The dwelling site which was existed during the initial stage of Bronze Age has not been excavated or founded. Distribution pattern of the dwelling site during the Bronze Age in the south eastern costal area has defined into 5 stages for early-initial period on the Bronze Age. Dwelling site for the First stage was located on the All uvial site near riverside and it is rectangular shape which had Stone floor-Stone-lined hearth and The Foundation stone. The Wolpo-ri site is the one for representing first stage dwelling site. Dwelling site of Second and Third stage has been founded in the pattern of Heunam-ri pottery and residential site which had compound door and most of this dwelling site had been founded at the alluvial area and hilly area of riverside at the Pohang. Samjung1-ri is the only dwelling site which has same character at the coastal area. Dwelling pattern for the 4th stage is the Ulsan dwelling site which Geomdan-ri type pottery was excavated. It has bee n identified as massive dwelling site and showed increase of numbers for dwelling site in the coastal area of Pohang, Gyeoungju, and Ulsan. At the 5th stage, adeviant increase horizontal line pottery and Ulsan dwelling site pattern is mostly founded at the Ulsan coastal area and small portion of site has been identified at Pohang area.

      • KCI등재

        南部東海岸地域 靑銅器時代 聚落의 變遷

        Park Young koo(朴榮九) 한국상고사학회 2013 한국상고사학보 Vol.79 No.-

        본 고에서는 남부동해안지역 중 포항, 경주 및 울산지역 중 최근에 조사가 활발히 이루어진 해안에 입지한 청동기시대 취락의 주거구조 및 출토유물에 대한 분석을 통해 취락의 편년작업을 시행하고, 취락의 변천양상을 살펴보았다. 남부동해안지역은 전기전엽에는 장방형 주거에 석상위석식노, 주초석이 학인되며, 토기는 이중구연요소가 출토되고, 전기중엽에는 장방형 주거에 무시설식 노가 설치되고, 이중구연요소와 공열이 결합하는 양상에서, 전기후엽에는 점차 이중구연이 퇴화 및 소멸되고, 공열단사선과 공열의 형태로 존재한다. 울산식 주거가 정형화되는 중기에도 공열은 여전히 지속되고, 공열과 단사선(낟알문)의 형태로 조합된다. 중기후반에는 공열이 거의 소멸되면서 낟알문도 횡선문으로 변화하고, 무문토기화 되어가는 양상을 보여주고 있다. 남부동해안지역 청동기시대 취락은 동일한 구릉과 충적대지 내에서 시간차이를 두고 장기간 점유되는 양상을 보인다. 반면에 하천지역과는 달리 경주와 울산지역의 해안지역에서는 울산식 주거가 중심이 되는 대규모 취락만이 조성된다. 남부동해안지역 청동기시대 취락의 시기별 분포양상은 조기에 해당하는 취락은 현재까지 확인되지 않는다. 전기전엽의 1기는 하천 주변 충적대지에 입지하며, 장방형 주거에 석상위석식노와 주초석이 설치된 포항 월포리유적이 해당한다. 복합문의 흔암리식 토기와 주거가 확인되는 2~3기 취락은 대부분 포항지역의 하천주변구릉과 일부 충적대지에서 확인되며, 해안지역에서는 유일하게 삼정1리 취락이 확인되었다. 4기에는 공열 및 검단리식 토기가 출토되는 울산식 주거가 확인되며, 포항, 경주, 울산의 해안지역에 취락이 증가하며, 대규모로 확인된다. 5기에는 횡선문토기와 울산식 주거가 중심으로 대부분 울산 해안지역을 중심으로 확인되며, 포항지역에서는 소규모로 확인된다. In this research, we have been explored and made the chronicle of settlement area by analyzing dwelling pattern and excavated artifact of bronze era which are located in Pohang, Gyeoungju, Ulsan area in south-eastern costal area where archeological expedition has been done actively. In these areas, we identified Stone floor-Stone-lined hearth, the Foundation stone, double mouth rim elements which had been excavated on the rectangular dwelling site for early stage of bronze era. And non-facility bare ground had been put into rectangular dwelling site which had shown mixed pattern of double mouth rim elements and Rim-perforated pottery during the mid era of early stage but double mouth rim elements had been degraded and finally extinguished, the shape of rim perforated & rimperforated diagonal line pottery existed in the late era of early stage on bronze period. During the middle era of Bronze Age, Rim-perforated pottery was still existed along with standardization of dwelling pattern which named as Ulsan dwelling site and it was combined with the pattern of rimperforated and single diagonal line (single dot pottery pattern) but rim-perforated pattern had been almost extinguished, single dot pottery pattern had been turn into a horizontal line pattern and pottery had become patternless earthenware in the late middle ear of bronze age. The dwelling area of south-east costal area had been showed to extend area for a long time between hilly districts and alluvial site with time lag at the riverside but costal area of Gyeoungju and Ulsan showed large dwelling site (which is named Ulsan dwelling site) had been established. The dwelling site which was existed during the initial stage of Bronze Age has not been excavated or founded. Distribution pattern of the dwelling site during the Bronze Age in the south eastern costal area has defined into 5 stages for early-initial period on the Bronze Age. Dwelling site for the First stage was located on the All uvial site near riverside and it is rectangular shape which had Stone floor-Stone-lined hearth and The Foundation stone. The Wolpo-ri site is the one for representing first stage dwelling site. Dwelling site of Second and Third stage has been founded in the pattern of Heunam-ri pottery and residential site which had compound door and most of this dwelling site had been founded at the alluvial area and hilly area of riverside at the Pohang. Samjung1-ri is the only dwelling site which has same character at the coastal area. Dwelling pattern for the 4th stage is the Ulsan dwelling site which Geomdan-ri type pottery was excavated. It has bee n identified as massive dwelling site and showed increase of numbers for dwelling site in the coastal area of Pohang, Gyeoungju, and Ulsan. At the 5th stage, adeviant increase horizontal line pottery and Ulsan dwelling site pattern is mostly founded at the Ulsan coastal area and small portion of site has been identified at Pohang area.

      • KCI등재

        월파량을 고려한 연안도시 지역의 침수면적 추정

        송영석(Song Youngseok),주진걸(Joo Jingul),이정호(Lee Jungho),박무종(Park Moojong) 한국방재학회 2017 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.17 No.2

        연안지역에 인접한 도시지역의 침수피해는 일반적인 도시침수피해의 특성뿐만 아니라 연안지역의 조위상승 및 월파량이 포함된 복합적인 형태의 침수피해가 발생한다. 그러나 국내외 연안도시지역의 특성을 고려한 연구는 미비한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 부산시 해운대구 수영만 일원을 대상으로 XP-SWMM을 활용하여 방재성능목표강우량, 설계빈도 해일고, 월파량을 고려한 연안도시지역의 침수면적을 추정하고자 한다. 월파량을 반영하지 않은 일반적인 도시침수피해 분석과 월파량을 고려한 연안도시침수피해 분석을 수행하였으며 월파량을 고려한 분석의 침수면적이 16.4% 증가하였다. 연안도시는 월파량에 의한 침수피해가 증가함을 확인할 수 있었으며, 본 연구의 대상지역처럼 고밀도로 집적된 연안도시지역에서는 침수피해에 대비하기 위하여 반드시 월파량을 고려한 배수설계가 요구될 것으로 판단된다. Inundation damage in urban area adjacent to the coastal area causes complex forms of inundation damage including not only characteristics of general urban inundation damage but also tide elevation rise and Wave Overtopping in the coastal area. But, a study on the inundation characteristics of coastal urban area are insufficient. This study estimates the inundation area in the coastal city area considering disaster prevention performance goal rainfall, design surge height, wave overtopping applying XP-SWMM to Busan-si Haeundae-gu Suyeong bay. Analysis of general urban inundation damage without wave overtopping and coastal city damage analysis considering wave overtopping were performed. As a result, inundation area was increased by 16.4%. Therefore, it confirmed the feasibility and necessity of inundation damage analysis considering the rainfall, surge height, wave overtopping in coastal urban area.

      • KCI등재

        서부경남지역 음용 지하수의 수질특성에 관한 고찰

        박현건(Hyun Geoun Park),정윤호(Youn Ho Jung) 大韓環境工學會 2014 대한환경공학회지 Vol.36 No.3

        본 연구는 2007년 01월부터 2010년 07월까지 서부 경남 내륙지역 및 해안지역의 음용 지하수 1,525건에 대한 지역별부적합율, 항목별 수질특성, 수질항목 간 상관관계 등의 수질 현황을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 지역별 부적합율을 조사한결과 지하수 음용수 수질기준을 초과한 부적합율은 내륙지역이 18.2%, 해안지역이 24.5%로 나타났으며, 2가지 이상의 항목이 동시에 불합격한 비율도 내륙과 해안지역이 각각 38.9%, 51.6%로 나타났다. 항목별 수질현황을 조사한 결과 내륙지역 및해안지역의 부적합 항목 중 총대장균군이 23.8%, 26.6%, 일반세균이 16.1%, 16.0%으로 미생물 항목이 음용부적합 항목의39.9%, 42.6%로 많은 부분을 차지하는 것으로 조사되었다. 탁도의 경우 내륙 및 해안지역이 12.6%, 11.7%로 나타났고, 알루미늄은 11.9%, 11.7% 등으로 나타났다. 내륙지역의 경우 경도는 증발잔류물과 0.910, 황산이온과 0.819의 상관계수를 보였고,증발잔류물과 보론이 0.600으로 상관계수를 보였다. 해안지역의 경우 경도와 증발잔류물의 상관계수가 0.919로 나타났으며,염소이온과는 0.829로 높은 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. Water analyses were conducted on 1,525 underground water laid in the western district of Korea`s South Gyeongsang Province, from January 2007 until July 2010, according to sections, factors, fountainheads and inter-factor correlativities. The following are the results. 1. As a result of local incongruity rate, 18.2% in inland areas, coastal areas and 24.5% showed a high value comparatively. Costal areas showed high incongruity rate. 2. As a result of local incongruity rate, they were found that the total colony count and general bactria 39.9%, 42.6% showed a high in costal areas. 3. As a result of local factorial inspection, it was found that the turbidity content counted up to 0 to 0.2 NTU in 59.4% in inland areas, 60.2% in costal areas of sections, and in other 12.6%, 14.0%, it exceeded 0.5 NTU. As a result of local factorial inspection, it was found that the nitrate-nitrogen content counted up to 0 to 10 mg/L in 98.2% in inland areas, 97.6% in costal areas of sections, and in other 1.8%, 2.4%, it exceeded 10 mg/L. As regards chloride in coastal areas, water quality standards for chloride 250 mg/L exceeds the 1.4% higher then in inland areas. 4. Hardness in inland areas was closely correlated with total solids (r = 0.910), sulfate ion (r = 0.819). Also, total solids and boron (r = 0.600) showed high correlativities. On the other hand hardness in coastal areas was closely correlated with total solids (r = 0.919), chloride (r = 0.829). Also sulfate ion was closely correlated with hardness (r = 0.599), turbidity and aluminum (r = 0.635) showed high correlativities in this research.

      • KCI등재

        연안지역 취약성을 고려한 리버빌리티(Livability) 분석

        전선민,박형준,염재원,김지현,정주철 한국환경정책학회 2020 環境政策 Vol.28 No.2

        This study derives livability indicators and evaluates coastal areas through exploratory spatial analysis. The coastal area has been severely damaged and vulnerable due to indiscriminate landfill and massive development. The natural disasters caused by climate change are threatening the quality of life of local residents. Therefore, livability indicators are needed to assess the quality of life in coastal areas. Firstly, the indicators related to livability were reviewed and derived based on data that were easy to obtain. Secondly, we examined whether indicators derived from literature studies can measure the livability in the coastal area and constructed additional vulnerability indicators. Third, the difference between regions was assessed by a livability index and exploratory spatial analysis was performed. As a result of analysis, especially the coastal areas were found to be clusters with low livability. On the other hand, areas with high livability showed clustering in some areas such as the metropolitan cities. 본 연구는 연안지역 리버빌리티 지표를 도출하고 탐색적인 공간분석을 하였다. 연안지역은 무분별한매립과 난개발로 환경과 생태계가 심각하게 훼손되었고, 대규모 연안재해에 의해 지역주민의 삶의 질까지위협받고 있다. 따라서 연안지역의 삶의 질을 측정할 수 있는 리버빌리티 지표가 필요하다. 이를 위해 첫째, 리버빌리티관련 지표들을 검토하고 구득이 용이한 자료를 중심으로 지표를 도출하였다. 둘째, 문헌연구를 통해 도출된 지표가 연안지역의 리버빌리티를 측정할 수 있는지 검토를 하고 추가적으로 취약성 지표를 구축하였다. 셋째, 도출된 리버빌리티 지표로 지역 간의 차이를 평가하고 탐색적 공간분석을 수행하였다. 분석결과 연안지역에서 리버빌리티가 낮은 지역의 군집이 나타났다. 반면 리버빌리티가 높게 나타난지역은 수도권 및 울산광역시 등 일부 지역을 중심으로 군집을 보였다.

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