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        기상요인이 농산물 유통에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        이현정(Hyunjoung Lee),홍진환(Jinhwan Hong) 한국유통학회 2012 流通硏究 Vol.17 No.5

        농업은 타 산업 대비 기상환경에 큰 영향을 받는 산업이다. 기상 상태는 수시로 변화하며, 지역에 따라 서로 다른 특성을 보인다. 또한 이러한 지역적 특성은 그 지역의 농산물의 재배환경에도 영향을 주게 된다. 이러한 특성 때문에 기상이 농업에 미치는 영향에 대해서는 그동안 많은 연구가 이루어져 왔다. 그러나 대부분의 연구가 농작물의 생산에만 초점이 맞춰져, 농작물이 생산에서 유통과정에서 기상요인이 미치는 영향을 통합적으로 살펴본 연구는 매우 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 대표적인 농작물인 배추를 중심으로, 기상요인이 농산물 유통에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 배추는 우리 식탁에서 빼놓을 수 없는 식재료이면서, 기상 변화에 영향을 많이 받는 품목이다. 기상이변으로 배추의 가격이 폭등하게 되면 서민가계에 직접적으로 영향을 받게 된다. 이러한 관점에서 생산과 유통단계별로 기상요인이 배추에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 분석하였다. 본 연구에서는 배추의 재배유형별 거래량과 거래가격에 대한 실거래 데이터와 재배시기와 판매지역에 따른 기상요인에 대한 자료를 수집하여, 배추의 도매시장 거래량과 거래가격에 영향을 미치는 기상요인을 파악하고자 하였다. 연구 결과 배추의 생산지 기상요인보다 판매지역 기상요인의 영향이 배추의 거래량과 거래가격에 상대적으로 더 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 본 연구의 결과를 바탕으로, 향후 기상요인을 고려한 출하시기와 반입량에 대한 정책적 가이드라인을 제시하여 농산물 수급에 대한 선제적이고 체계적인 대응체제가 구축된다면, 기상변화에 민감한 농산물의 가격안정에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. Agriculture is a primary industry that influenced by the weather or meterological factors more than other industry. Global warming and worldwide climate changes, and unusual weather phenomena are fatal in agricultural industry and human life. Therefore, many previous studies have been made to find the relationship between weather and the productivity of agriculture. Meterological factors also influence on the distribution of agricultural product. For example, price of agricultural product is determined in the market, and also influenced by the weather of the market. However, there is only a few study was made to find this link. The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of meterological factors on the distribution of agricultural products, focusing on the distribution of chinese cabbages. Chinese cabbage is a main ingredient of Kimchi, and basic essential vegetable in Korean dinner table. However, the production of chinese cabbages is influenced by weather and very fluctuating so that the variation of its price is so unstable. Therefore, both consumers and farmers do not feel comfortable at the unstable price of chinese cabbages. In this study, we analyze the real transaction data of chinese cabbage in wholesale markets and meterological factors depending on the variety and geography. We collect and analyze data of meterological factors such as temperatures, humidity, cloudiness, rainfall, snowfall, wind speed, insolation, sunshine duration in producing and consuming region of chinese cabbages. The result of this study shows that the meterological factors such as temperature and humidity significantly influence on the volume and price of chinese cabbage transaction in wholesale market. Especially, the weather of consuming region has greater correlation effects on transaction than that of producing region in all types of chinese cabbages. Among the whole agricultural lifecycle of chinese cabbages, ‘seeding - harvest - shipment - wholesale’, meterological factors such as temperature and rainfall in shipment and wholesale period are significantly correlated with transaction volume and price of crops. Based on the result of correlation analysis, we make a regression analysis to verify the meterological factors’ effects on the volume and price of chines cabbage transaction in wholesale market. The results of stepwise regression analysis are shown in 〈Table 1〉 and 〈Table 2〉. The type of chinese cabbages are categorized by 5 types, i.e. alpine, gimjang for winter, spring, summer, and winter crop, and all of the regression models are shown significant relationship. In addition, meterological factors in shipment and wholesale period are entered more in regression model than those in seeding and harvest period. This result implies that weather in consuming region is also important in the distribution of chinese cabbages. <Table 1> Regression Result of Meterological Factors on the Wholesale Transaction Price of Chinese Cabbage (표 내용은 원문 참조) <Table 2> Regression Result of Meterological Factors on the Wholesale Transaction Volume of Chinese Cabbage (표 내용은 원문 참조) Based on the result of this study, we find several implications and recommendations for policy makers of agricultural product distribution. The goal of agricultural product distribution policy is to insure proper price and production cost for farmers and provide proper price and quality, and stable supply for consumers. Therefore, coping with the uncertainty of weather is very essential to make a fruitful effect of the policy. In reality, very big part of consumer price of chinese cabbage is made up of the margin of intermediaries, because they take the risk. In addition, policy makers make efforts for farmers to utilize AWIS (Agricultural Weather Information System). In order to do that, it should integrate the relevant information including distribution and marketing as well as production. Offerin

      • KCI등재

        윤작작물 재배에 의한 배추 뿌리혹병 방제 효과

        김점순,이정태,이계준 한국식물병리학회 2009 식물병연구 Vol.15 No.3

        To select rotation crops for control of clubroot of Chinese cabbage, potato, corn, soybean, onion and groundsel were planted in the field infected with clubroot pathogen (Plasmodiophora brassicae) in highland area in 2000. In comparison of economical efficiency among rotation crops, potato and onion gained about 16.9 and 14.9 times higher, respectively, than successive cultivation of Chinese cabbage. Resting spore densities of Plasmodiophora brassicae after harvesting rotation crops were in the range of 0.3~1.2×103/g soil in all cultivated soils with rotation crops while that of successive Chinese cabbage cultivation soil was very high as much as 89.3×103/g soil. And disease severity of Chinese cabbage clubroot was 4.9, 20.2, 24.4, 25.1 and 27.8% in onion, soybean, potato, corn, and groundsel cultivation plot, respectively, while that of successive Chinese cabbage cultivation plot was very high as 77.8%. Effect of rotation period of onion, potato, soybean on disease control was investigated from 2002 to 2005. Resting spore densities of Plasmodiophora brassicae after cultivating rotation crops were decreased until 2nd year and maintained low density at 3rd year in all plots, while that of successive Chinese cabbage cultivation plot was increased 2.6 to 23.6 times for three years. When Chinese cabbage was rotation-cultivated with potato, soybean and onion for three years, disease severities of Chinese cabbage clubroot decreased 92 to 4.4%, 72 to 10.4% and 72 to 12.2%, respectively, while that of successive Chinese cabbage cultivation plot maintained 100%. As the rotation period increased, the yields of Chinese cabbage increased, while that of successive Chinese cabbage cultivation plot decreased. At 3rd year, Chinese cabbage with high quality could be much more produced 2,205, 2,493 and 2,476 g in potato, soybean and onion cultivation plot, respectively, than 95 g in successive Chinese cabbage cultivation plot. To select rotation crops for control of clubroot of Chinese cabbage, potato, corn, soybean, onion and groundsel were planted in the field infected with clubroot pathogen (Plasmodiophora brassicae) in highland area in 2000. In comparison of economical efficiency among rotation crops, potato and onion gained about 16.9 and 14.9 times higher, respectively, than successive cultivation of Chinese cabbage. Resting spore densities of Plasmodiophora brassicae after harvesting rotation crops were in the range of 0.3~1.2×103/g soil in all cultivated soils with rotation crops while that of successive Chinese cabbage cultivation soil was very high as much as 89.3×103/g soil. And disease severity of Chinese cabbage clubroot was 4.9, 20.2, 24.4, 25.1 and 27.8% in onion, soybean, potato, corn, and groundsel cultivation plot, respectively, while that of successive Chinese cabbage cultivation plot was very high as 77.8%. Effect of rotation period of onion, potato, soybean on disease control was investigated from 2002 to 2005. Resting spore densities of Plasmodiophora brassicae after cultivating rotation crops were decreased until 2nd year and maintained low density at 3rd year in all plots, while that of successive Chinese cabbage cultivation plot was increased 2.6 to 23.6 times for three years. When Chinese cabbage was rotation-cultivated with potato, soybean and onion for three years, disease severities of Chinese cabbage clubroot decreased 92 to 4.4%, 72 to 10.4% and 72 to 12.2%, respectively, while that of successive Chinese cabbage cultivation plot maintained 100%. As the rotation period increased, the yields of Chinese cabbage increased, while that of successive Chinese cabbage cultivation plot decreased. At 3rd year, Chinese cabbage with high quality could be much more produced 2,205, 2,493 and 2,476 g in potato, soybean and onion cultivation plot, respectively, than 95 g in successive Chinese cabbage cultivation plot.

      • KCI등재

        배추 무사마귀병 발병 억제 및 생육증진을 위한 달걀껍질 토양혼화처리 효과

        가오유량,김병관,임태헌,리규화,백기엽,차병진 한국식물병리학회 2009 식물병연구 Vol.15 No.2

        Before transplanting Chinese cabbage seedlings, two kinds of eggshell powder were blended into the soil of cabbage field where the clubroot pathogen, Plasmodiophora brassicae, was infested. The incidence of clubroot disease, the shoot and root growth of cabbages, and soil pH were examined four times at 10 to 13 days interval from transplanting Chinese cabbage. As results, the cabbages treated with eggshell powder without membrane showed the fastest growth in above ground part, and the lowest disease index for clubroot disease. The cabbages treated with eggshell powder with membrane showed better growth than the cabbages of non-treated check, but lower growth than those treated with eggshell powder without membrane. Soil pH started to increase from 3 weeks after soil blending of eggshell powder, and it reached to above 8.0. However, the soil pH of non-treated check stayed at around 6.8. In the experiment to compare the effect of eggshell powder with other calcium compounds, soil-blending of CaCO3 resulted the lowest disease incidence of 1.7 and the registered fungicide, ‘flusulfamide’, and the resistant variety ‘CR Green cabbage’ followed with the incidence of 1.9. Cabbages of non-treated check scored the highest disease incidence, 3.4, and that of eggshell powder without membrane was as high as 2.7. However, the growth of Chinese cabbage showed the different pattern to the disease incidence. Chinese cabbages treated with eggshell without membrane recorded the highest average growth, around 2.1 kg. On the other hand, the average growth of CR Green Chinese cabbage was about 2.0 kg, that of flusulfamide-treatment plot was 1.7, and that of non-treated check was as low as 1.3 kg. Soil blending of eggshell powder without membrane did not inhibit the development of clubroot, but increased the growth of cabbage to a great extent. Therefore, it was confirmed that soil blending of eggshell powder before transplanting makes the Chinese cabbage culture possible even in the field infested with clubroot pathogen. Before transplanting Chinese cabbage seedlings, two kinds of eggshell powder were blended into the soil of cabbage field where the clubroot pathogen, Plasmodiophora brassicae, was infested. The incidence of clubroot disease, the shoot and root growth of cabbages, and soil pH were examined four times at 10 to 13 days interval from transplanting Chinese cabbage. As results, the cabbages treated with eggshell powder without membrane showed the fastest growth in above ground part, and the lowest disease index for clubroot disease. The cabbages treated with eggshell powder with membrane showed better growth than the cabbages of non-treated check, but lower growth than those treated with eggshell powder without membrane. Soil pH started to increase from 3 weeks after soil blending of eggshell powder, and it reached to above 8.0. However, the soil pH of non-treated check stayed at around 6.8. In the experiment to compare the effect of eggshell powder with other calcium compounds, soil-blending of CaCO3 resulted the lowest disease incidence of 1.7 and the registered fungicide, ‘flusulfamide’, and the resistant variety ‘CR Green cabbage’ followed with the incidence of 1.9. Cabbages of non-treated check scored the highest disease incidence, 3.4, and that of eggshell powder without membrane was as high as 2.7. However, the growth of Chinese cabbage showed the different pattern to the disease incidence. Chinese cabbages treated with eggshell without membrane recorded the highest average growth, around 2.1 kg. On the other hand, the average growth of CR Green Chinese cabbage was about 2.0 kg, that of flusulfamide-treatment plot was 1.7, and that of non-treated check was as low as 1.3 kg. Soil blending of eggshell powder without membrane did not inhibit the development of clubroot, but increased the growth of cabbage to a great extent. Therefore, it was confirmed that soil blending of eggshell powder before transplanting makes the Chinese cabbage culture possible even in the field infested with clubroot pathogen.

      • KCI등재

        여름 및 가을배추로 제조한 절임배추의 품질지표 평가

        박상언,송혜연,천호현,한응수,정영배 한국식품조리과학회 2017 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.33 No.4

        Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality index of the correlation between the growth characteristics of Chinese cabbage and quality characteristics of salted Chinese cabbage. Methods: Growth, physicochemical, and microbiological characteristics were investigated. Results: Weight, height, and width of autumn Chinese cabbages were higher than those of summer Chinese cabbages. The head formation index of “Chuwol (13.30±0.84)” in autumn Chinese cabbages was higher than those of other cultivars. The salting ratio of summer Chinese cabbages was lower than those of autumn Chinese cabbages, and the salting ratio of “Gangsimjang (13.79±0.79%)” in summer Chinese cabbages was the lowest compared to other cultivars. There was no significant difference in moisture content, pH, titratable acidity, or reducing sugar content of salted Chinese cabbages between cultivars and seasons. However, the salinity and firmness of summer salted Chinese cabbages were higher than those of autumn salted Chinese cabbages. The number of lactic acid bacteria in summer Chinese cabbages was more significant, and yeast and molds were detected. In the correlation analysis of the quality index, head formation index of growth characteristics and group of quality index (salinity, firmness, lactic acid bacteria, yeast and molds, and coliforms) were significantly correlated at a 1% significance level. Salinity as an important quality index of salted Chinese cabbage and group of quality index (firmness, lactic acid bacteria, yeast and molds, and coliforms) were significantly correlated at a 1% significance level. Conclusion: As a result, the growth characteristics of Chinese cabbage were significantly correlated with the physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of salted Chinese cabbage, and quality index can be used to manufacture salted Chinese cabbage.

      • Improvement of Power Cutting Module for Advanced Small Chinse Cabbage Harvest Machine

        ( Seong-jin Park ),( Kyu-won Yang ),( Gwang-shim Kim ),( Mohammod Ali ),( Hoon Seonwoo ),( Hyuck-joo Kim ) 한국농업기계학회 2018 한국농업기계학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.23 No.1

        Development of automatic chinese cabbage harvester is required to mechanization of dry-field farming. However, current commercial chinese cabbage harvester is large machines which are mainly improved from combine or attached to tractor, that is, conventional chinese cabbage harvester is not suitable for the Korean farming environments. To solve this problem, our group has developed small-sized chinese cabbage harvester. In previous studies, however, due to the difference between the transfer belt and the running speed causing slip of the power belt, the pulled chinese cabbage could not be transported in an appropriate position, resulting in the unstable cutting of chinese cabbages. Therefore, in this study, we focused on the improvement of transportation belts and cutters in the cutting module to solve this problem. To reduce the power losses, an AC motor was installed in the cutting module to directly operate the transport belt and cutting blade, and a generator is additionally mounted on the vehicles for power supplying of AC motor drive and a control distribution panel is installed for speed control. Cutting blades with two left and right blades running at the center of the transportation route were installed to improve the chinese cabbage sticking to the shaft. In field experiments, the success rate of chinese cabbage cutting into the right position was 93%, but the rate in which chinese cabbages were inserted into the cutting machine well was only 53% during the cutting process. The improvement of drawing and the replacement of transfer belt causing more friction are expected in the further study. The improvement of cutting module will facilitate the commercialization of Chinese cabbage harvester, contributing the mechanization of dry-field farming.

      • KCI등재

        Estimation of Chinese Cabbage Growth by RapidEye Imagery and Field Investigation Data

        나상일,이경도,백신철,홍석영 한국토양비료학회 2015 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.48 No.5

        Chinese cabbage is one of the most important vegetables in Korea and a target crop for market stabilization as well. Remote sensing has long been used as a tool to extract plant growth, cultivated area and yield information for many crops, but little research has been conducted on Chinese cabbage. This study refers to the derivation of simple Chinese cabbage growth prediction equation by using RapidEye derived vegetation index. Daesan-myeon area in Gochang-gun, Jeollabuk-do, Korea is one of main producing district of Chinese cabbage. RapidEye multi–spectral imagery was taken on the Daesan-myeon five times from early September to late October during the Chinese cabbage growing season. Meanwhile, field reflectance spectra and five plant growth parameters, including plant height (P.H.), plant diameter (P.D.), leaf height (L.H.), leaf length (L.L.) and leaf number (L.N.), were measured for about 20 plants (ten plants per plot) for each ground survey. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for each of the 20 plants was measured using an active plant growth sensor (Crop CircleTM) at the same time. The results of correlation analysis between the vegetation indices and Chinese cabbage growth data showed that NDVI was the most suited for monitoring the L.H. (r=0.958~0.978), L.L. (r=0.950~0.971), P.H. (r=0.887~0.982), P.D. (r=0.855~0.932) and L.N. (r=0.718~ 0.968). Retrieval equations were developed for estimating Chinese cabbage growth parameters using NDVI. These results obtained using the NDVI is effective provided a basis for establishing retrieval algorithm for the biophysical properties of Chinese cabbage. These results will also be useful in determining the RapidEye multi-spectral imagery necessary to estimate parameters of Chinese cabbage.

      • KCI등재

        Estimation of Chinese Cabbage Growth by RapidEye Imagery and Field Investigation Data

        Sangil Na,Kyoungdo Lee,Shinchul Baek,Sukyoung Hong 한국토양비료학회 2015 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.48 No.5

        Chinese cabbage is one of the most important vegetables in Korea and a target crop for market stabilization as well. Remote sensing has long been used as a tool to extract plant growth, cultivated area and yield information for many crops, but little research has been conducted on Chinese cabbage. This study refers to the derivation of simple Chinese cabbage growth prediction equation by using RapidEye derived vegetation index. Daesan-myeon area in Gochang-gun, Jeollabuk-do, Korea is one of main producing district of Chinese cabbage. RapidEye multi–spectral imagery was taken on the Daesan-myeon five times from early September to late October during the Chinese cabbage growing season. Meanwhile, field reflectance spectra and five plant growth parameters, including plant height (P.H.), plant diameter (P.D.), leaf height (L.H.), leaf length (L.L.) and leaf number (L.N.), were measured for about 20 plants (ten plants per plot) for each ground survey. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for each of the 20 plants was measured using an active plant growth sensor (Crop Circle<SUP>TM</SUP>) at the same time. The results of correlation analysis between the vegetation indices and Chinese cabbage growth data showed that NDVI was the most suited for monitoring the L.H. (r=0.958~0.978), L.L. (r=0.950~0.971), P.H. (r=0.887~0.982), P.D. (r=0.855~0.932) and L.N. (r=0.718~0.968). Retrieval equations were developed for estimating Chinese cabbage growth parameters using NDVI. These results obtained using the NDVI is effective provided a basis for establishing retrieval algorithm for the biophysical properties of Chinese cabbage. These results will also be useful in determining the RapidEye multi-spectral imagery necessary to estimate parameters of Chinese cabbage.

      • KCI등재

        Estimation of Chinese Cabbage Growth by RapidEye Imagery and Field Investigation Data

        Na, Sangil,Lee, Kyoungdo,Baek, Shinchul,Hong, Sukyoung 한국토양비료학회 2015 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.48 No.5

        Chinese cabbage is one of the most important vegetables in Korea and a target crop for market stabilization as well. Remote sensing has long been used as a tool to extract plant growth, cultivated area and yield information for many crops, but little research has been conducted on Chinese cabbage. This study refers to the derivation of simple Chinese cabbage growth prediction equation by using RapidEye derived vegetation index. Daesan-myeon area in Gochang-gun, Jeollabuk-do, Korea is one of main producing district of Chinese cabbage. RapidEye multi-spectral imagery was taken on the Daesan-myeon five times from early September to late October during the Chinese cabbage growing season. Meanwhile, field reflectance spectra and five plant growth parameters, including plant height (P.H.), plant diameter (P.D.), leaf height (L.H.), leaf length (L.L.) and leaf number (L.N.), were measured for about 20 plants (ten plants per plot) for each ground survey. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for each of the 20 plants was measured using an active plant growth sensor (Crop $Circle^{TM}$) at the same time. The results of correlation analysis between the vegetation indices and Chinese cabbage growth data showed that NDVI was the most suited for monitoring the L.H. (r=0.958~0.978), L.L. (r=0.950~0.971), P.H. (r=0.887~0.982), P.D. (r=0.855~0.932) and L.N. (r=0.718~0.968). Retrieval equations were developed for estimating Chinese cabbage growth parameters using NDVI. These results obtained using the NDVI is effective provided a basis for establishing retrieval algorithm for the biophysical properties of Chinese cabbage. These results will also be useful in determining the RapidEye multi-spectral imagery necessary to estimate parameters of Chinese cabbage.


        Phenolic compound profiles and their seasonal variations in new red-phenotype head-forming Chinese cabbages

        Lee, Hyeyoung,Oh, Il-Nam,Kim, Jungeun,Jung, Dahan,Cuong, Nguyen Phu,Kim, Younmi,Lee, Jongcheol,Kwon, Oha,Park, Sang Un,Lim, Yongpyo,Kim, Byungjoo,Park, Jong-Tae Elsevier 2018 FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY -ZURICH- Vol.90 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>In previous study, red Chinese cabbages which satisfy the morphological characteristics of traditional Chinese cabbages were developed by crossing Chinese cabbage and red cabbage, with subsequent backcrossing. In this study, we evaluated the phenolic compound profiles of two newly developed red-phenotype Chinese cabbages in comparison with three typical cultivars. Anthocyanidins (cyanidin), phenolic acids (caffeic acid, <I>p</I>-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, and sinapic acid), and flavonols (quercetin and kaempferol) were identified and quantified by HPLC, LC/MS and LC/MS/MS analyses. The new cultivars contained significantly increased levels of phenolic compounds, except for kaempferol. Their contents drastically varied by sowing season. The spring-sown red Chinese cabbages contained significantly higher levels of phenolic acids (11,530 and 12,437 μg/g dry wt.) and cyanidin (1830 μg/g dry wt.) but lower levels of flavonols than their fall-sown counterparts. Correlation analysis exhibited a significant positive correlation between cyanidin and phenolic acids but a negative correlation between phenolic acids and flavonols in red Chinese cabbages. Principal component analysis could differentiate red Chinese cabbages and typical cultivars with different sowing seasons based on their phenolic compound profiles. This study provides information regarding the selection of appropriate Chinese cabbage cultivars rich in phenolic compounds that may benefit human health.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Newly developed red Chinese cultivars contained significantly increased levels of phenolic compounds. </LI> <LI> Spring-sown red Chinese cabbages contained higher levels of phenolic acids and cyanidin than their fall-sown counterparts. </LI> <LI> Developed red cultivars can be used as raw materials for further industrial application. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        달걀껍질이 배추의 생육과 무사마귀병 발병억제에 미치는 영향

        김병관,임태헌,김윤희,박석환,이상화,차병진 한국식물병리학회 2008 식물병연구 Vol.14 No.3

        Blending of eggshell powder into soil as ratio of 1:5, 1:10, 1:15, 1:20, and 1:25 did not affect seed germination rates of several crops including Chinese cabbage. The blending increased pH of distilled water and decreased the viability of resting spores of Plasmodiophora brassicae. The ratio of non-viable resting spores in eggshellblending water was over five times higher than in distilled water of the same pH. Chinese cabbage (cv. ‘Norangbom’) grew more in eggshell-blended soil than in non-treated soil, but other crops grew less. Leaf numbers and above ground growth of Norangbom increased to around 150% and 470%, respectively, in soil blended with 1:20~1:15 of eggshell powder. Even though the optimum sizes of eggshell powder were 0.8~2.0 mm for growth and smaller than 0.4 mm for inhibition of clubroot disease of Chinese cabbage, there was no statistical difference among the sizes. Soil pH was above 8.0 in all eggshell treatments without any statistical difference among them. Eggshell powder blending to 1:20 showed lower control efficacy, 58.5%, than registered fungicide ‘Hokanna (flusulfamide)’, 78.5%. However, Chinese cabbage of that blending ratio recorded the highest growth among the treatments. Therefore, blending of eggshell powder into clubroot-contaminated soil may make culture of Chinese cabbage possible by growth-increasing, even though eggshell powder could not inhibit clubroot disease entirely. Blending of eggshell powder into soil as ratio of 1:5, 1:10, 1:15, 1:20, and 1:25 did not affect seed germination rates of several crops including Chinese cabbage. The blending increased pH of distilled water and decreased the viability of resting spores of Plasmodiophora brassicae. The ratio of non-viable resting spores in eggshellblending water was over five times higher than in distilled water of the same pH. Chinese cabbage (cv. ‘Norangbom’) grew more in eggshell-blended soil than in non-treated soil, but other crops grew less. Leaf numbers and above ground growth of Norangbom increased to around 150% and 470%, respectively, in soil blended with 1:20~1:15 of eggshell powder. Even though the optimum sizes of eggshell powder were 0.8~2.0 mm for growth and smaller than 0.4 mm for inhibition of clubroot disease of Chinese cabbage, there was no statistical difference among the sizes. Soil pH was above 8.0 in all eggshell treatments without any statistical difference among them. Eggshell powder blending to 1:20 showed lower control efficacy, 58.5%, than registered fungicide ‘Hokanna (flusulfamide)’, 78.5%. However, Chinese cabbage of that blending ratio recorded the highest growth among the treatments. Therefore, blending of eggshell powder into clubroot-contaminated soil may make culture of Chinese cabbage possible by growth-increasing, even though eggshell powder could not inhibit clubroot disease entirely.

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