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        임진왜란 시기 부산포의 위상과 해전

        김강식 부산광역시사편찬위원회 2020 항도부산 Vol.39 No.-

        임진왜란 시기에 부산진성전투와 부산포해전이 전개되었던 釜山浦는 임진왜란 전부터 경상좌도 수군의 본영으로서 해상 방어의 중심지였다. 임진왜란을 일으킨 일본의 입장에서 부산포는 조선에서 일본군의 교두보를 확보하고, 본국과의 연락을 위한 운송 거점으로서 중요하였다. 이에 일본군은 1592년 4월 14일 임진왜란 첫 전투였던 釜山鎭城을 침략하여 점령하였다. 이후 일본군은 순차적으로 부산포로 상륙하여 한성으로 진격하였지만, 전선이 확대되자 일본 본국과의 연락 기지이자 병참 거점으로서 부산포를 적극적으로 장악할 필요성이 있었다. 1592년 9월 1일 전개되었던 부산포해전은 부산포 일대가 임진왜란 시기에 일본군의 교두보와 병참 기지 역할을 하고 있을 때, 일본군의 근거지를 무력화시키기 위해서 필요한 전투였다. 때문에 이순신의 조선 수군 연합함대는 해양이 아니라 포구 안의 적진으로 직접 뛰어들어 전투를 수행하는 위험을 감수하였다. 부산포해전은 경상도와 전라도의 두 수군들이 연합하여 대승을 거둔 전투로서 임진왜란 시기의 전세를 바뀌게 할 만큼 획기적인 승리였다. 부산포해전의 패배 이후 일본군의 수군은 서해로의 진출이 불가능해졌으며, 동시에 육군의 진출도 어렵게 되었다. 이후 일본군은 한반도 남단에 고립되면서 강화회담에 나서지 않을 수 없었다. 반면 조선에서는 일본군의 군량 공급지와 보급지를 공략하여 승리함으로써 회복의 발판을 마련할 수 있었다. 부산포해전은 임진왜란 시기의 여러 해전 중에서 일본 전선을 많이 쳐부순 대첩 중의 하나였으며, 일본 수군의 기동력을 약화시켜 전쟁사 전체의 흐름에도 막대한 영향을 끼친 전투였다. 이에 부산포해전은 임진왜란 4대 해전으로 평가받고 있으며, 후대에 군수전에서의 승리 때문에 부산포대첩으로 평가 받기도 하였다. Busan-port(釜山浦), which had the battle of Busanjinseong(釜山鎭城) and the naval battle of Busan-port during the Japanese Invasion of Joseon in 1592, was the main headquarters of the JwaSooyoung(左水營) of Gyeongsang-do even before the Japanese Invasion of Joseon. For Japan, which caused the Japanese Invasion of Joseon in 1592, Busan-port was important as a transportation hub for securing a bridgehead in Joseon and contacting Japan. First, on April 14, 1592, Japan attacked and occupied Busanjin, the first battle of the Japanese Invasion of Joseon in 1592. After that, the Japanese army gradually advanced to Hansung after landing at Busan-port, but as the front expanded, it actively controlled the Busan-port as a liaison base and logistics hub with its home country. The naval battle of Busan-port, which took place on September 1, 1592, was a necessary battle to weaken the base of the Japanese army when the area of Busan-port was a bridgehead and a logistical base for the Japanese army during the Japanese invasion of Joseon. Therefore, Yi Sun-shin's combined fleet of Joseon's Sooyoung took the risk of jumping directly into the enemy camp inside the port and carrying out the battle. The naval battle of Busan-port was such a landmark victory that the two naval forces of Gyeongsang and Jeolla combined to win a major victory that the war was fought during the Japanese invasion of Joseon. After the loss of the naval battle of Busan-port, the Japanese military became unable to make inroads into the West Sea, while at the same time making it difficult for the army to advance. As Japan became isolated at the southern tip of the Korean Peninsula, it was forced to stay away from the peace talks. In Joseon, on the other hand, the Japanese military could gain a foothold for recovery by targeting supply and supply areas of the armed forces. The naval battle of Busan-port was one of many naval battles during the Japanese Invasion of Joseon in 1592, and it greatly affected the flow of the entire history of the war by weakening the mobility of the Japanese navy. As a result, the naval battle of Busan-port can be regarded as one of the four major naval battles of the Japanese Invasion of Joseon in 1592, and was also regarded as the a sweeping victory of Busan-port for later generations. Because of the victory in the naval battle of Busan-port, Joseon was able to win the munitions war.

      • KCI등재

        Choice Factors of Transshipment Port in Northeast Asia

        박남규,임채관 한국항해항만학회 2009 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.33 No.7

        In order to attract more transshipment cargoes, Busan Port Authority (BPA) has, since 2003, adopted the volume incentive policy by which more than US$ 10 million annually have been paid back to shipping lines that were called at the port. However, having been a transshipment port for the Northeast region of China, the port of Busan has come under threat from bold Chinese port development projects, notably Shanghai, as northern Chinese regional ports place more emphasis on building facilities capable of handling growing trade volumes. Undoubtedly this would lead to a decline in transshipment container traffic moved via Busan. The purpose of this paper is to identify some core factors that have been affecting the increase of transshipment cargoes of Busan and further to recommend BPA an improved incentive scheme with which more T/S cargoes can be attracted into the port of Busan. To clarity the reason why T/S cargoes have increased in the port of Busan, several steps are made as follows: The first step is to make a quantitative model for explaining the development of T/S cargoes during the last decade. The second step is to define the dependent and the independent variables for multiple regressions after testing variable significance. For this, data collection and the accuracy of validation have been done by the direct interview with the experienced staffs in shipping companies of both domestic and foreign country. After validating the model with collected data, the final step is to find variables which are explaining the model mostly. In conclusion, 2 variables were clearly identified as core factors that explain well the development of T/S cargoes in the port of Busan: ‘Mohring effect’ and total cost. It is strongly recommended, by an empirical study, that an incentive scheme be changed to a way which more feeder vessels rather than mother vessels can reduce their direct costs to call in the port of Busan. In order to attract more transshipment cargoes, Busan Port Authority (BPA) has, since 2003, adopted the volume incentive policy by which more than US$ 10 million annually have been paid back to shipping lines that were called at the port. However, having been a transshipment port for the Northeast region of China, the port of Busan has come under threat from bold Chinese port development projects, notably Shanghai, as northern Chinese regional ports place more emphasis on building facilities capable of handling growing trade volumes. Undoubtedly this would lead to a decline in transshipment container traffic moved via Busan. The purpose of this paper is to identify some core factors that have been affecting the increase of transshipment cargoes of Busan and further to recommend BPA an improved incentive scheme with which more T/S cargoes can be attracted into the port of Busan. To clarity the reason why T/S cargoes have increased in the port of Busan, several steps are made as follows: The first step is to make a quantitative model for explaining the development of T/S cargoes during the last decade. The second step is to define the dependent and the independent variables for multiple regressions after testing variable significance. For this, data collection and the accuracy of validation have been done by the direct interview with the experienced staffs in shipping companies of both domestic and foreign country. After validating the model with collected data, the final step is to find variables which are explaining the model mostly. In conclusion, 2 variables were clearly identified as core factors that explain well the development of T/S cargoes in the port of Busan: ‘Mohring effect’ and total cost. It is strongly recommended, by an empirical study, that an incentive scheme be changed to a way which more feeder vessels rather than mother vessels can reduce their direct costs to call in the port of Busan.

      • KCI등재

        Consideration of the Possibility of Excursion Ship Passage in Busan North Port using Marine Traffic Assessment Index

        Young-Soo Park,Jin-kwon Kim,Yun-Sok Lee,Min-Jeong Park,Myoung-ki Lee 해양환경안전학회 2019 해양환경안전학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        The demand for the revitalization of marine tourism in Busan North Port is increasing due to changes in functions such as an increase in harbor traffic volume and the expansion of marine leisure space in Busan. As a result, Busan City plans to set a phased alleviation target for prohibition of cruise ship operations, and to lift the prohibition of excursion ship operations in North Port following the cancellation of the prohibition of excursion ship operations in South Port in 2017. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the risk of excursion ship operations in Busan North Port by applying the marine traffic assessment index and to examine the possibility of excursion ship operations. For this purpose, port status, marine accidents, and traffic flow of Busan North Port were investigated. In addition, marine traffic assessment indexes, such as traffic congestion, risk based on an ES Model, and IWRAP MkII, a maritime risk assessment tool, were used to assess the risk and possibility of excursion ship operations in Busan North Port. This study can be used as basic data for analyzing the risk factors that may occur when excursion ships are operated in Busan North Port and to define how excursion ships should operate, with related safety measures.

      • KCI등재

        코로나 19 이후 부산항만경찰의 대테러리즘 역할에 관한 연구

        전헌두,주성빈 한국민간경비학회 2022 한국민간경비학회보 Vol.21 No.2

        The Busan Port Police Organization conducts guidance and supervision about Registered Security Guard which conducts security screening of the carry-on items of passengers using international passenger ships and cruise ships at the International Passenger Terminal of Busan Port. And the Busan Port Police has been continuously carrying out activities to prevent terrorism in Busan Port by concentrating all its capabilities through preventive policing such as inspection of vulnerable places such as Busan Port North Port, Gamcheon Port, Dadae Port, and New Port, and patrol of Busan Port. In addition, the Busan Port Police has been developing police awards only for advanced external matters, such as conducting active lifesaving on cruise ships targeting Koreans and foreigners, and this has been an opportunity to highlight the roles and activities of the Busan Port Police. This study started from the point of view that the Busan Port Police should play an important role in counter-terrorism and that it is necessary to devise continuous countermeasures. In other words, it is necessary to examine the activities of the Busan Port Police to make Busan Port safe from terrorism before the COVID-19 pandemic, and also, the Port Police should play an important role in counter-terrorism after the COVID-19 pandemic. To this end, the necessity of an organization to efficiently carry out search tasks at airports and seaports, and to take charge of airport and port security and foreign affairs activities was mentioned. In other words, it is necessary to review ways to establish and operate the ‘International Airport/Port Police Headquarters (tentative name)’, a new police organization for unified and integrated management within the National Police Agency.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 부산항의 무역 변동 - 시계열 통계의 정비와 기초적 분석 -

        김대래,정이근 부산광역시사편찬위원회 2023 항도부산 Vol.46 No.-

        This thesis reorganized the time series of trade statistics of Busan Port trade during the Japanese colonial period, and analyzed the trade trend based on this. During the Japanese colonial period, the annual average national trade growth rate was very high, around 10%. As a result, Joseon rapidly transformed into an open economy despite being an agricultural society. However, the bias toward Japan in trade was extremely unreasonable, and it was found that the Joseon economy was completely subsumed by the Japanese economy during the Japanese colonial era. In addition, Japan cut off the Joseon economy from other foreign countries thoroughly and subordinated it to serve only the Japanese economy. Busan Port was the one of the key channel of Japanese colonial rule. Thus, the proportion of Busan Port in the total trade of Joseon showed an increasing trend, accounting for around 30%. From 1912, Busan Port overtook Incheon Port to become the nation's largest trading port. As Busan became the largest port in Joseon, the port of Busan was changing from a port more specialized in exporting to Japan to a port in which import from Japan was more important in trade after the annexation. During the Japanese colonial era, the trade balance was chronically in deficit both nationwide and at Busan Port. This deficit was made up by the outflow of gold and silver and the inflow of Japanese capital. In the late 1930s, the export-import balance showed a surplus because goods produced in Joseon and goods imported from Japan increased in export to regions within the en(円) block. Busan Port, which was geographically close to Japan, had a particularly high concentration of trade with Japan. During the Pacific War, the volume of trade with Joseon as a whole decreased based on current prices, but the volume of trade at Busan Port increased. Overall, the trade fluctuations at Busan Port during the Japanese colonial period were more sensitive than nationwide. This uniqueness was due to the geographical proximity to Japan. The largest trading port in Joseon, a much higher share of trade than other ports and high sensitivity to changes in the Japanese economy can be pointed out as major characteristics of Busan Port trade during the Japanese colonial period.

      • KCI등재

        1960·70년대 부산항 무역 변동

        정이근 ( Lee Gun Jung ) 부산광역시사편찬위원회 2015 항도부산 Vol.31 No.-

        This paper is intended to analyse the change in the status of Busan port as a trade port and the causes of that change during the 1960ㆍ70s which is the period of high growth of Korean economy. Especially, the change in the status of Busan port is searched in respects of the export-import declaration record through customs, the export-import cargo volume through the harbors, and the entry-departure magnitude of the ocean ships. In all this three standards, the status of Busan port as a trade port was fallen relatively. Nevertheless, Busan port was the first trade port during all the 1960ㆍ70s in the respects of the declaration record and the entry-departure magnitude of the ocean ships. And though Ulsan port took up the first status in the short time around 1970, Busan port was the greatest port in Korea in the respect of the export-import cargo volume also. The causes through which Busan port fell relatively in the status as a trade port are as follows. Firstly, the growth of the other trade ports because of the development of those adjacent industrial zones. Secondly, the increase in the import of the raw materials through those ports. Thirdly, the decline of the trade structure weighted towards the United States and Japan and the diversification of the trade partners. Fourthly, the relatively low growth of the heavy chemical industry in Busan district and according to this the relatively low growth of the export record by the exporters in Busan. Though the status of Busan port was fallen relatively by those causes, Busan port had retained the first status as the trade port during the 1960ㆍ70s. The one of the important reasons of this fact was that the container shipping was performed almost the whole through Busan port after the around 1970.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 부산항의 무역- 상품 종류별 구조를 중심으로 -

        김대래,정이근 부산광역시사편찬위원회 2024 항도부산 Vol.47 No.-

        Grain accounted for the highest proportion of exports in Busan Port as well as in the entire Chosun in Japanese colonial era. Minerals, metals, and machinery accounted for the second-highest proportion of exported goods after grains in the entire Chosun, but textiles and clothing was second largest exports in Busan Port. As Chosun functioned as a food base for Japan, grain became the most important item for export. However, the role of Busan Port in the export of grain was decreasing. Textiles and clothing products was an important export of Busan Port. In both the country and Busan Port, the highest proportion of exports of textile and clothing products was the export of thread to Japan. The threads included cotton and cotton types, cocoons and raw silk, and most of them were used as raw materials for Japanese spinning and manufacturing businesses. The export of much threads through Busan Port to Japan is a good example of the close inclusion of the Chosun economy in the division of labor with the Japanese economy. In Busan Port as well as the whole Chosun country, the major imported goods was grain, textiles, clothing, and metal and machinery. However, the proportion of grain and food imports in Busan Port was relatively low across the country. This is because cheap overseas agricultural products, especially those from China, which accounted for a large portion of grain and food imports, were imported through the border area and Incheon Port. In Busan Port, the import of agricultural products except in the 1910s was high. This is because foreign rice, especially Taiwanese rice, was imported through Japan and flour was imported from Japan. The growth rate of imports of textile and clothing products in Busan Port was higher than that of the whole country. Textiles and clothing products are classified into yarn, textiles, and clothing, and in Busan, yarn and clothing showed a higher growth rate than textiles. This is due to the development of the spinning and textile industries along the Gyeongbu Line. In particular, it is related to the full-scale operation of Chosun Textile Co., Ltd. located in Busan. The proportion of metals and machinery in import had steadily increased through Japanese colonial era in both the Chosun country and Busan. This reflects the progress of industrialization in Chosun. In particular, the proportion of import of machinery products was high in Busan, which included much of the re-export to Manchuria.

      • KCI등재

        부산항의 장소성과 그 재현-윤정규와 윤진상의 소설에 나타난 산업화 시기의 ‘부산항’을 중심으로

        전성욱 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2022 인문사회과학연구 Vol.23 No.3

        Busan Port is a key keyword that explains Busan's urban identity. The history of Busan Port's construction and use overlaps with the establishment of the modern city of Busan and the history of Busan's urban development after that. In the construction and utilization of the space called Busan Port, the desires and logic of the subject of the colonial empire and the post-colonial state are implemented. In addition, Busan Port has formed a unique sense of place and affection in people's memories through the numerous historical events that took place there, as well as the people who survive and live there. The role played by various discourses of representation and representation in the formation of that sense of place is enormous. The full-fledged discussion on the reproduction of Busan Port was centered on the short stories of Jeong-gyu Yun and Jin-sang Yun. There are very few novels about Busan Port itself. There are even rarer novels that depict the life history of the vagrants and the poor from their own class point of view. With Busan Port as the background, these works, which deal with smuggling, port-related labor, and the lives of the poor, can look back on the truth behind the development and modernization that took place in earnest after the 1960s. Yoon Jeong-gyu's 'The Story of Hansu' introduces the spatial structure of Busan Port in detail, while expressing the smuggling that takes place therein in detail. This novel expresses through empirical narratives such as the US military club near the pier and 'Yangkongj', the treatment of seafarers, the actual conditions of cargo handling, smuggling, and the cholera epidemic after liberation. Yoon Jin-sang's 'City of Anti-Corruption' and 'Sunshine in a Hole' focused on the victims of industrialization in the 1970s through humanism. 부산항은 부산의 도시정체성을 설명하는 핵심적인 키워드이다. 부산항이 구축되고 활용되어온 역사는 곧 근대도시 부산의 성립과 그 이후 부산의 도시 발달사와 겹쳐있다. 부산항이라는 공간의 건설과 활용에는 식민지기의 제국과 탈식민지기의 국가라는 주체의 욕구와 논리가 관철되어있다. 더불어 부산항은 그곳에 터해 생존과 생활을 영위하는 사람들은 물론이고, 그곳에서 벌어졌던 숱한 역사적 사건들을 통해서 사람들의 기억 속에서 특유의 장소적 감각과 정감을 형성해왔다. 그 장소감각의 형성에 있어 다양한 재현과 표상의 담론들이 수행하는 역할은 막대하다. 부산항의 재현에 대한 본격적인 논의는 윤정규와 윤진상의 단편소설을 중심으로 전개했다. 부산항을 다룬 소설 자체가 드물고, 특히 부랑자와 빈민의 생활사를 나름의 계급적 관점에서 그려낸 소설은 더욱 희소하다. 그런 의미에서 부산항을 배경으로 밀수와 밀항, 그리고 항구와 관련된 노동과 인근 매축지 빈민들의 삶을 다룬 두 작가의 작품들은 1960년대 이후 본격화된 개발근대화의 이면과 그 진상을 되돌아볼 수 있다는 점에서도 소중하다. 윤정규의 「恨水傳」은 부산항의 공간 구조를 상세하게 소개하는 한편, 그 속에서 벌어지는 밀항과 밀수의 내막을 자세하게 형상화했다. 이 소설은 부두 주변 미군클럽과 양공주의 존재, 외항선원들의 처우, 하역 노동의 실태, 밀수품을 빼돌리는 내막과 그 품목들 등등의 내용들은 물론, 해방 직후의 호열자 유행이나 부관페리호의 취항, 남영호 침몰사건과 같은 당대의 시대상까지를 실증적인 서술을 통해 생생하게 담아냈다. 윤진상의 「謀反의 都市」와 「구멍 속의 햇볕」은, 작가 특유의 휴머니즘을 통해 1970년대의 맹렬한 산업화 이면의 희생자들에 주목한 작품들이다. 「謀反의 都市」은 원양어선 선원들의 비인간적인 처우를 고발하면서, 그들의 비참한 죽음에 아랑곳 않는 기업과 국가의 부당함을 비판했다. 더불어 선상 폭력이나 산재에 대한 보상, 선원법의 적용문제와 같은 현실적인 의제들을 다루었다. 「구멍 속의 햇볕」은 원양어선의 선원으로 일하다가 선사의 부당한 처우로 극빈층으로 전락한 남자의 이야기이다. 이 소설은 나름의 계급주의적 관점에서 매축지 거주 빈민들의 생활상과 부산항 인근 수산가공업의 노동 실태를, 투박한 사회 비판으로써 고발한 작품이다.

      • KCI등재

        사회연결망 분석을 이용한 컨테이너 정기선 항로 패턴 분석에 관한 연구 : 부산항을 중심으로

        류기진,남형식,조상호,류동근 한국항해항만학회 2018 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.42 No.6

        The port industry is an important national industry which significantly affects Korea’s imports and exports which are centered on economic structure. For instance, the Port of Busan, which handles 75% of domestic container freight volume, is expected to become increasingly critical for container liner routes. For this reason, there have been continued efforts to expand freight service to attract international freight volume. This study analyzes the structural characteristics of the port network connected to the Port of Busan by analyzing the pattern of the container liner route from 2012 to 2016 by using social network analysis. According to the Port of Busan’s liner route network, the port with the highest degree of centrality, closeness centrality, and betweenness centrality was found to be the Port of Singapore. The comparison of Busan’s annual container handling rank by countries and the port center network analysis of Port of Busan rank was found to be different. As a result, it was established that China's East Port, which occupies a high percentage of the volume of cargo handled by Port of Busan, is not a hub port of Busan when viewed on the Busan's container terminal liner network. In addition, even if the number of Port of Busan container liner service increases, it is estimated that the vessels to be added to the fleet will be limited to small to medium sized, or that Busan port has characteristic of a feeder port for the Port of Singapore, according to the network. 항만산업은 수출입 중심인 우리나라의 경제구조에서 중요한 국가기간산업이라 할 수 있다. 특히 국내 컨테이너 물동량의 75%를 처리하는 부산항은 지속적으로 글로벌 선사 물동량 유치를 위해 정기선 항로 서비스를 확대하는 노력 등 컨테이너 정기선 항로에 대한 중요도가 높아질 것으로 예상된다. 본 연구는 사회연결망 분석을 활용하여 2012년부터 2016년까지 부산항을 기항하는 컨테이너 정기선 항로 패턴 분석을 통해 세계 주요항만과의 중심성을 파악하여 부산항과 연결되어 있는 항만 네트워크의 구조적인 특성을 파악하였다. 부산항 컨테이너 정기선 항로 네트워크상에 연결정도 중심성, 근접중심성, 매개중심성이 높은 항만은 싱가포르항으로 분석되었으며, 실제 연도별 부산항 주요 국가 항만별 처리물동량 순위와 부산항 컨테이너 정기선 항로 네트워크 중심성 분석 결과 간 순위 비교는 서로 상이한 것으로 나타났다. 이를 통해 부산항 처리 물동량의 높은 비율을 차지하고 있는 중국 동부항만이 부산항 컨테이너 정기선 네트워크상에서 보았을 때 부산항의 허브항으로 보기 어렵다는 점을 확인하였다. 또한 부산항 컨테이너 정기선 서비스 항로 수는 증가하더라도 해당 항로에 투입되는 선박이 중소형으로 한정되어 있거나 네트워크상 부산항이 싱가포르항 기항을 위한 피더항(Feeder Port)의 성격을 띄고 있는 것으로 추정된다.

      • KCI등재

        컨테이너선 대형화에 따른 부산항의 대응 방안

        원승환 ( Seung Hwan Won ),조성우 ( Sung Woo Cho ),이주호 ( Joo Ho Lee ) 한국해운물류학회(구 한국해운학회) 2015 해운물류연구 Vol.31 No.2

        부산항은 해상운송에 대한 접근성이 매우 우수하지만 중국 항만의 위협에 따른 최근의 환경 변화에 대응하기 위해 인프라, 장비, 운영 등의 측면에서 종합적인 대응 전략이 필요하다. 본 연구는 컨테이너선의 대형화에 초점을 맞춘 부산항의 대응 방안을 제안하고자 한다. 먼저 선박 대형화가 항만에 미치는 영향을 정리한다. 선박이 대형화됨에 따라서 보다 깊은 수심의 확보, 선석 길이의 증가, 하역장비 사양의 변화, 하역 생산성의 향상 등이 요구된다. 이어서 최근 부산항에 입항하였던 선박 자료를 조사하여 부산항의 대형 선박 입항 현황을 파악하고 미래의 상황을 추정한다. 또한 부산항의 현재 선박 수용 환경을 토대로 선박 대형화가 보다 가속화될 미래에 대형선박을 수용 가능할지를 분석한다. 이상의 분석을 기반으로 컨테이너선 대형화에 따른 부산항의 대응 방안으로 입출항 해협 및 안벽전면의 수심 확보를 통한 접안 조건의 개선, 선박 길이의 증가에 따른 선석의 재배치, 선폭 증가에 따른 하역장비 사양의 변화, 선박의 평균 처리량 증가에 대비한 생산성의 혁신 등이 제시된다. As the size of trade between countries increased, there are rapid changes in the logistics environment concerning ports. The world container handling volume in 2013 is 642 million TEUs, which grew by 80 percent compared to 360 million TEUs in 2004. It is forecasted to reach 840 million TEUs in 2018, which grew by over 2 times compared to the amount in 2004. Due to this, the marine transportation industry has made Mega-Carrier appear through mergers and acquisitions between shipping lines to expand market dominance, and they are continuing to make enormous investments for securing mega ships over 10,000 TEUs in order to strengthen the competitiveness in shipping cost. According to such changes in the shipping environment, large ports in the world are engaging in fierce competition for hub ports by continents in order to attract mega fleet, and this is leading to the trend of strengthening port competitiveness through the securing and operation of efficient port facilities. In other words, the world’s leading ports such as Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Busan, Rotterdam, and Hamburg are not only developing large-sized terminals but also investing highly productive handling equipment for the efficiency of port operation. By the requirements of shipbuilders and shipping companies, very large container ships are becoming a reality, and 20,000 to 30,000 TEUs or more ultra large vessels are also expected a few years after. In these situations, the world’s major ports are faced with important challenges. The provision of container terminal infrastructure has to be enhanced to reduce the time that vessels need to stay in port. It is imperative for container ports and individual terminals to be efficient in order to survive in today’s competitive environment. Busan Port has a very excellent accessibility to international intermodal transportation network but is facing a serious threat from the rapid growth of Chinese Ports. Now Busan Port needs the total counter-strategies considering infrastructure, equipment, and operation. The objective of this research is to propose the counter-strategies of Busan Port against growing container vessel size. In order to achieve the objective, we firstly summarize the effects of growing container vessel size on ports. The enlargement of vessels requires deeper water level, longer berth length, bigger container handling equipment, and higher handling productivity. Second, we analyze the calling situation of large container vessels at Busan Port by investigating the historical data of vessels which recently called at Busan Port, and also estimate the future status of Busan Port. Third, we also analyze the calling acceptability of large container vessels at Busan Port in the future based on the current calling conditions of Busan Port. Finally, we suggest the counter-strategies of Busan Port against the expansion of container vessel size based on the results of analyses: the improvement of berthing condition through keeping deeper water level of sea route and quay inside the ports, the rearrangement of berths according to longer vessel length, the specification acceptance of container handling equipment according to wider vessel width, and the innovative improvement of productivity against increasing the average handling amounts of vessels.

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