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      • KCI등재

        입학전형 유형별 대학생활 적응 및 성과: 재학 기간 경과에 따른 변화

        이진화,김윤경 인하대학교 교육연구소 2019 교육문화연구 Vol.25 No.1

        This study aims to investigate if there are any differences in university students’ adaptation to college and their performance 1) depending on college admission types (admission officer system, rolling admission, special admission, and regular admission) and 2) over years (Year 1 vs. Year 3). The same questionnaire survey was conducted to the same cohort of students in 2014 and 2016. In November 2014, a total of 277 freshmen in C university participated in the survey. In November 2016, 399 juniors who had entered the university in 2014 took part in the survey. The collected data were analyzed by using one-way ANOVAs and independent samples t-tests. The findings indicated that there were no significant differences in the freshmen’s adaptation and performance depending on admission types. However, as for juniors, a statistically significant difference was found in the extent of participating in active and collaborative learning between the students from the admission officer system and those from the regular admission, with the former showing a higher level. When Year 1 and Year 3 were compared within each admission type, the level of interaction between professors and students was found to be significantly enhanced in all the admission types except for the regular admission. The levels of intellectual activities, active and collaborative learning, and peer relationship decreased over the years among the students from the admission officer system, the rolling admission, and the special admission types. Finally, perceived enhancement of internal competence was found to be higher among the students from the rolling and special admissions. This study has shown that each admission type has its own strength and weakness and it is worthwhile to examine the differences in the students accepted from different admission types from a long-term perspective. 본 연구는 2014학년도 C 대학교 신입생을 대상으로, 대학생활 적응 및 성과에서 나타나는 입학전형별 차이에 중점을 둔 박상규, 송해덕, 김연경(2015)의 후속 연구의 일환으로 수행되었다. 유사 종단 연구 방식을 채택하여 2016년도에 3학년이 된 14학번 학생들을 대상으로, 대학생활 적응도, 학습과정 참여도, 핵심역량 향상도에 대한 인식을 조사하는 동일한 설문 조사를 시행하였고, 신입생 당시와 3학년 때의 결과를 비교 분석함으로써 재학 기간이 경과하면서 대학생활 적응 및 성과에서 입학전형별로 상이한 변화가 발생하였는지 알아보고자 하였다. 연구 결과, 첫째, 1학년 때에는 모든 구인에서 입학전형별 유의미한 차이가 나타나지 않았으나, 3학년 때에는 학습과정 참여도의 하위 요인인 능동적・협 동적 학습에서 유의미한 차이가 발견되었고, 입학사정관 전형으로 입학한 학생들이 정시 전형으로 입학한 학생들보다 능동적・협동적 학습에 더 활발하게 참여하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 각 입학전형 내에서 1학년과 3학년의 적응 및 성과에 변화가 있었는지를 분석한 결과, 대학생활 적응도를 나타내는 모든 요인에서는 학년 간 유의미한 차이가 없었고, 학습과정 참여도 하위 요인인 교수와 학생 교류, 지적활동, 능동적・협동적 학습, 교우관계 측면에서 유의미한 증감이 입학사정관, 수시일반 전형을 중심으로 발견되었다. 핵심역량 향상도 측면에서는 개인 내적 역량 향상도에서 수시일반과 정시 집단의 인식이 유의미하게 증가한 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 입학전형에 따른 대학 적응 및 성과의 차이가 재학 기간 동안 장기간에 걸쳐 나타날 수 있음을 보여주며, 종단 연구 방식의 추수 연구의 필요성을 확인해 준다.

      • KCI등재

        2018학년도 대학 신입생의 진학 전형에 영향을 미친 요인: 수시 및 정시 전형을 중심으로

        하희수,이경건,홍훈기 고려대학교 교육문제연구소 2022 敎育問題硏究 Vol.35 No.1

        This study aimed to identify factors that influenced college entrance through early and regular admission processes. Variables expected to be related to college admission in 2018 were selected from data from the Korean Education Employment Panel (KEEP) II, and the significant factors were derived through logistic regression analysis. The analysis results revealed that all variables regarding student personal characteristics, except for gender, influenced on types of students’ college admission. In terms of admission-related decision-making propensity, geographical conditions, the influence of social celebrities on college decisions, and priority consideration of universities compared to the departments were shown to be variables that had impacts on college admission through regular admission process. The influence of private institution’s teachers was a variable that impacted on college admission through early admission process. Among the variables related to admission-related achievement factors, school grades, award performance, and time for club activities contributed to college admission through early admission process, while club activities in the art field contributed to college admission through regular admission process. Among the factors belonging to the family background, only parents’ educational background was analyzed as a variable that contributed to college entrance through regular admission process. As for the school environment, studying at the science high school was a variable that contributed to college admission through early admission process, and the location of schools had a significant impact on students’ college admission through early admission process. This study can contribute to understanding student-related personal and environmental factors affecting their college admission and seeking policies for college admission in the future. 본 연구는 2018학년도 정시 또는 수시 전형을 통한 대학 진학에 주된 영향을 미친 요인을 도출하는 것을 목표로 하였다. 이를 위해 선행 문헌을 기반으로 한국교육고용패널(KEEP) II의 2017년도 데이터를 중심으로 대학 입시와 관련 있을 것으로 예상되는 변수들을 선정하였고, 로지스틱 회귀분석을 통해 대학 진학 전형에 영향을 미친 변수들을 도출하였다. 분석 결과, 학생 개인 특성 영역 중 성별을 제외한 모든 변수들이 두 대학 입시 전형 방법의 선택에 유의미한 영향을 미친 것으로 나타났다. 입시 관련 의사결정 성향 측면에서는 지리적 여건, 대학 결정에 유명인사의 영향을 받은 경우, 입시 과정에서 학과 대비 대학을 우선적으로 고려한 경우가 정시 전형을 통한 대학 진학에 유의미한 영향을 미쳤으며, 학원(과외) 선생님이 학과 결정에 영향을 준 경우가 수시 전형을 통한 대학 진학에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 입시 관련 성취 요인 중에서는 내신 등급, 주지 교과 분야의 수상 실적, 주요 동아리 활동 시간이 수시 전형을 통한 대학 진학에 주된 영향을 미쳤으며, 미술 분야의 동아리 활동은 정시 전형을 통한 대학 진학에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 변수로 나타났다. 가정 환경에 속하는 요인 중에서는 부모의 학력만이 정시 전형을 통한 대학 진학에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 변수로 분석되었다. 학교 환경 영역에서는 과학고등학교의 재학이 수시 전형을 통한 대학 진학에 큰 영향을 미치는 변수로 나타났으며, 학교의 소재지가 학생들의 수시 전형을 통한 진학 여부에 유의미한 영향을 미친 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과는 대학 입시와 관련된 학생의 개인적・환경적 특성을 이해하고 추후 대학입시 정책의 방향을 모색하는 데에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        응급의료센터를 보유한 의료기관 입원 중 응급실경유입원 관련 요인

        나백주 ( Baeg Ju Na ),정설희 ( Seol Hee Chung ),이선경 ( Sun Kyung Lee ),오경희 ( Kyung Hee Oh ),김건엽 ( Keon Yeop Kim ) 한국보건행정학회 2009 보건행정학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        Objectives: The purpose of this study is to analyze the proportion of admission via the emergency room(the rest is ER) in an emergency medical center and to examine the factors related to admission. Methods: This study used 2005 National Health Insurance claims data for admitted patients of 112 hospitals having emergency medical centers in Korea. The study sample had 2,335,610 patients. The data was classified into emergency admission and non-emergency admission. To investigate the factors affecting the type of admission, the following were included as independent variables: type of health assurance_(national health insurance beneficiaries or medical aid beneficiaries), demographic characteristics_ (sex, age), cause of admission_ (disease or injury), whether an operation was performed or not, DRG severity level, the number of beds, and the location of the hospital. Data were analyzed using the Chi?square test for the differences in emergency admission rates for each variables, and multiple logistic regression analysis was used for identifying the factors affecting admission type. Results: The proportion of admission via the ER accounted for 40.6% of the total admission among hospitals having emergency medical centers. The risk of admission via ER was relatively high for patients who were male, the aged, the injured, the surgical patients, the patients having more severe symptoms, and the patients admitted the hospitals located in metropolitan areas, and the patients admitted the hospitals having 300?699 beds. Medical aid patients were more likely admitted through the emergency room than health insurance patients after other variables ware adjusted. Conclusions and Discussion: We analyzed the proportion of admission via the ER for the total admission rate of hospitals having an emergency medical center in Korea. And we explored the factors related to admission via the ER. This proportion may be used as an indicator of the adequacy of medical utilization or low accessibility to hospitals of patients with low socioeconomic status.

      • 화공생물공학전공 대입전형 간 GPA와 이탈률 비교 연구

        최덕현 한국교통대학교 2021 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.56 No.-

        In nowadays education policies, as an attempt to improve university admission system, a variety of admission systems have been devised and applied. With the purpose of scrutinizing the relationship between admission systems and GPA/defection rate within chemical and biological engineering major context, this study conducted statistical tests with 317 students data. In this study, the types of admission system were categorized into four types (regular admission, nonscheduled general admission, admission officer system, and special admission). The results of analysis of variance showed that regular admission and nonscheduled general admission have the higher GPA than special admission type. Especially for nonscheduled general admission type, the recent student group showed the better GPA trend than the prior year group. On the contrary, in the case of regular admission type, the recent student group showed the worse GPA trend than the recent year group. The results of cross-tabulation analysis showed that there is significant relationship between admission types and defection rate. The type of special admission showed the higher defection rate compared to other admission types in chemical and biological engineering major. It seems notable that admission officer system type showed zero defection case. In chemical and biological engineering major, thus, it seems worth considering the increase of nonscheduled general admission type portion and the decrease of special admission type portion for better student's academic ability and defection rate.

      • 경영학전공 대입전형 간 GPA와 이탈률 비교 연구

        최덕현 한국교통대학교 2018 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.53 No.-

        Nowadays, a variety of admission systems have been applied as an attempt to improve university admission system. In this study, for the purpose of scrutinizing the influence of admission systems on GPA and defection rate within business administration major context, statistical tests was conducted with 231 students data. For this study, the types of admission system were categorized into four types (regular admission, nonscheduled general admission, admission officer system, and special admission). The results of analysis of variance and cross-tabulation analysis showed that there is no significant relationship between admission types and GPA. The relationship between admission types and defection rate was not significant in the context of business administration major. Thus, it seems that the customized follow-up services for each admission types are not required for business administration major. In addition, it seems that there are not any urgent necessities for admission systems changes.

      • KCI등재

        보호의무자에 의한 입원에서 가족의 위치

        박정일 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2019 法과 政策 Vol.25 No.1

        The compulsory medical treatment for the mentally ill people is based on both “Governmental Authority” and “Governmental Guardianship.” The former comes out of the ideas that the basis of governmental coercion is obtained from the elimination of threats posed to society by the mentally ill. The latter, on the other hand, comes out of the ideas that the government and public institutions need to select and decide on medical care on behalf of mentally ill patients without pathological self-awareness. Judging from the treatment for mentally ill people so far, it has been thought that living in a same neighborhood with them is natural but uncomfortable, so governmental authority has been put in the first place for the reason of public welfare and order-keeping when something happens. Under the Act on the Promotion of Mental Health and the Support of Welfare Services for Mental Patients (hereinafter referred to as the “Mental Health Welfare Law”), the mentally ill can be hospitalized by their own will or by other people or institutions. The former, the voluntary admission of a mentally ill person, is not a problem. The latter, however, the involuntary admission of a mentally ill person, can violate human rights because he or she is hospitalized not by his or her own will but by other people’s will. Because the involuntary admission is independent of the mentally ill patients’ will, the possibility of human rights violations cannot but become bigger and bigger. The involuntary admission types are three; first, the admission by a legal guardian of the mentally ill person, second, the admission by administrative institutions, lastly the emergent admission. Among these, the admission by a legal guardian of the mentally ill person allows some family members to enable the mentally ill person to be involuntarily hospitalized. This is because people expect that family members will take care of and protect the mentally ill better than the other people, which seems to imply that other qualified individuals to protect the mentally ill person cannot be found, and that family members are the only option to protect the mentally ill person. However, the situation gets different if the family members give up the legal guardian’s role for the mentally ill person. Also, voices to ask if it is appropriate the mentally ill person’s interest should be protected only by the family members who just share bloodline are growing louder and louder, as the blood relationship is not formed by the agreement of the two parties. Nowadays, our society undergoes changes in family form and acceleration of an aged society, and overflows individualism, so I think we should seriously consider the position and role of the patients’ family members when an involuntary admission by a legal guardian is decided. In some states in the U.S. and France, the eligibility to apply the involuntary admission for the mentally ill person hasn’t been limited to only formal family members, so the third party who is actually taking care of and protecting the mentally ill person has also been allowed to apply the involuntary admission. Considering changes in family relationships and the individualism, I think it may be reasonable to let family members of the mentally ill person get a chance to back down the role protecting him or her, which will be gained not by their own will but by only their bloodline without the agreement of the two parties. In this paper, I discuss the social viewpoint on the family, the family members’ role in relation to the involuntary admission by a legal guardian, and suggest the involuntary admission by the judicial review process as an alternative. 정신질환자에 대한 강제의료의 근거로는 ‘경찰력 사상’과 ‘국가후견사상’이 들어진다. 전자는 그 강제권한의 근거를 정신질환자가 사회에 끼칠 위협의 제거에서 구하는 보안적 사고방식이다. 반면 후자는 병적자각능력이 없거나 부족한 정신질환자를 대신하여 국가와 공적기관이 의료를 선택・결정할 필요가 있다고 하는 후견적 사고방식이다. 그동안의 정신질환자에 대한 처우상황을 보면, 어쩔 수 없이 같이 살아야 하지만 매우 불편한 관계로 인식하면서 공공의 안녕과 질서유지라는 ‘경찰 관념’을 우선하여 왔다. 정신건강증진 및 정신질환자 복지서비스 지원에 관한 법률(이하 ‘정신건강복지법’이라 함)상 입원유형으로는 자의입원과 비자의입원이 있다. 자의입원은 정신질환자 본인의 의사에 기초한 자발적 입원이므로 문제될 것이 없으나 비자의입원은 정신질환자 본인의 의사와 무관하게 행해진다는 점에서 그 인권침해의 가능성은 커질 수밖에 없다. 비자의입원 유형으로는 보호의무자에 의한 입원(이하 ‘보호입원’이라 함), 특별시장・특별자치도지사・시장・군수・구청장에 의한 입원(이하 ‘행정입원’이라 함), 응급입원이 있는데, 보호입원은 가족의 신청을 전제로 한다는 점에서 다른 비자의입원과 구별된다. 이는 정신건강복지법이 가족에게 정신질환자 본인의 보호에 대한 역할기대를 하고 있는 것인데, 그 이유는 사회일반에서 다른 적임자를 용인할 수 없고 우선은 그 기대를 할 수 있는 근원이 가족밖에 없다는 사고가 내포되어 있는 것으로 보인다. 그러나 만일 가족이 정신질환자 본인에 대한 법의 이런 역할기대를 단념해 버린다면 사정은 달라질 수 있다. 또한 현재 정신질환자 본인-가족관계는 상호의사에 기초하지 않고 형성된 것으로 자연적 혈연관계만으로 정신질환자 본인의 이익을 보호할 역할을 가족에게 요구 또는 기대하는 것이 과연 적정한지에 대한 비판의식도 커지고 있다. 이런 상황에서 가족형태의 변화, 저출산・고령사회의 가속화, 개인주의적 가치관이 팽배해 있는 오늘날에는 보호입원에서 가족의 위치와 역할에 대한 더욱 깊은 고민이 필요하다고 본다. 미국 일부 주와 프랑스는 일찍부터 보호입원신청 자격을 형식적 가족에 한정하지 않고, 비록 제3자라 할지라도 정신질환자 본인을 실질적으로 보호할 수 있는 자에게 허용하고 있다. 오늘날의 가족관계의 변화와 함께, 의사를 묻지 않고 가족에게 포함시켰던 가족 개인의 자유도 고려할 필요성에서 가족의 보호책임에 대한 역할을 후퇴시키는 것도 합리적일 수 있다고 본다.

      • KCI등재

        정신건강증진 및 정신질환자 복지서비스 지원에 관한 법률 제43조 및 민법 제947조의2 제2항에 의한 비자의입원의 상호관계

        제철웅(Je Cheol Ung) 한국가족법학회 2017 가족법연구 Vol.31 No.1

        The revised Mental Health Act, which will come into force as from 30th May 2017, qualifies the involuntary admission to psychiatric hospitals and institutions more narrow than the current Mental Health Act. The involuntary admission will be allowed only where the patients suffer mental illness sufficient enough to be treated or cared in a confined environment and they are likely to harm themselves or others. With such a revision, it will become more clearly revealed that the involuntary admission to mental hospitals and institutions is a deprivation of liberty by law, which has been regarded as a family matter or as an admission by family members. The involuntary admission should, therefore, be strictly controlled in conformity with an exception to the right to liberty of persons and safety, meaning that it shall be allowed only if it is consistent with an exception to Article 12 of the Korean Constitution Act, the right to liberty. According to the revised Mental Health Act, the involuntary admission will be reviewed firstly by the Suitability of Admission Review Committee, which is an institution of administrative review. That being said, the judicial review has still been open to the in-patients in accordance with the Protection of Person Act 2007. Psychiatrists who involuntarily admit mentally ill persons to psychiatric hospitals and institutions can be exposed to criminal liabilities as well as civil liabilities if they violate the involuntary admission legal provisions. It is a by-product of the power to involuntarily admit persons with mental illness, with which the involuntary admission in the public law, the Mental Health Act, endows psychiatrists. On the other hand, the involuntary admission shall not be allowed to the persons who suffer mental illness sufficient enough to be treated or cared in a confined environment, but who are unlikely to harm themselves or others in accordance with the revised Mental Health Act. The involuntary admission will be examined only in accordance with Article 947-2 section 2 of the Civil Code in Korea. This kind of involuntary admission can be executed only by an informed consent of competent guardians. Therefore, it is a pure civil commit to psychiatric hospitals. That being said, the involuntary admission in accordance with Article 947-2 section 2 entails a deprivation of liberty of in-patients, and the article 947-2 section 2 of Civil Code requires the authorization by a competent family court of the informed consent by a competent guardian. The family court should consider the necessity and suitability of the suggested involuntary admission with the effect of a deprivation of liberty, the suggested length of stay at hospitals, the will and preference of the patients at the time od delibration for the approval of the informed consent by guardians. The patients can appeal to family court when they are under the civil commit to psychiatric hospitals. This kind of involuntary admission is on the different track from the public law involuntary admission. In the case of civil law involuntary admission, psychiatrists shall not be exposed to civil liabilities nor criminal liabilities only on the ground that guardians abuse their power to informed consent to involuntary admission.

      • KCI등재

        대학입학전형 선발 결정요인 분석: 가정배경 및 학교 관련 요인을 중심으로

        이기혜 ( Kihye Yi ),최윤진 ( Yunjin Choi ) 안암교육학회 2016 한국교육학연구 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구는 1994년 대학수학능력시험이 도입된 이후 다양화, 자율화, 간소화를 지향하며 수차례 대학입학전형개혁이 추진되어 왔으나 사교육 유발, 기득권층을 위한 전형, 입시경쟁교육 심화 등 비판적 여론이 지속되는 현실에 주목하고자 한다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 한국교육개발원의 한국교육종단연구(KELS) 1-8차 자료를 사용하여 대학입학전형을 정시 일반, 수시 일반, 입학사정관전형으로 구분하고 대학입학전형 선발에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 첫째 정시 일반전형 대비 수시 일반전형의 비교에서 성별, 내신 등급, 논술사교육여부, 각종대회수상여부는 수시 일반전형을 통한 입학가능성에, 수능성적과 재학고교의 소재지가 특별시와 중소도시인 경우, 그리고 사교육비는 정시 일반전형을 통한 입학가능성에 유의한 효과를 발휘하였다. 둘째, 정시 일반전형 대비 입학사정관전형의 비교 결과, 내신 등급, 논술사교육여부, 동아리(임원)경험여부, 각종대회수상여부, 교사영향력은 입학사정관전형을 통한 입학가능성을 높이는 반면, 수능성적과 출신고교의 소재지가 특별시인 경우는 정시 일반전형을 통한 입학가능성에 영향을 미치는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 셋째, 수시 일반전형 대비 입학사정관전형의 비교에서는 대체로 학교교육경험 관련 변인이 입학사정관전형을 통한 입학가능성을 높이는 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 바탕으로 대학입학전형의 사회적·계층적 함의를 논의하고 입학사정관전형을 계승한 학생부종합전형을 비롯하여 대학입학전형 제도의 향후 발전 방향 등을 제언하였다. Using the 1st-8th wave data from the Korean Education Longitudinal Study, this study explores the factors of university admission types. The multinominal logit model was performed separately on regular admission, rolling admission, and admission officer system. First, in comparing regular admission to rolling admission, gender, high school record, participation in private essay writing tutoring, award records are significantly effective on the likelihood of university admission, using rolling admission. When regular admission was used, SAT score and graduating from high school in Seoul or micropolitan, and private education expenses were associated with likelihood of entrance. Second, when regular admission was compared with admission officer system, high school record, private essay writing tutoring, experience of club officers, award records, teacher`s influence were positively related to likelihood of entrance through admission officer system, while SAT score and graduating from high school in Seoul had positive effect on likelihood of entrance through regular admission. Lastly, when rolling admission was compared to admission officer system, it was proven that the factors related to school experience were likely to increase possibility of entering university through admission officer system, even though there were a few variables that can distinguish rolling admission from admission officer system. Based on the findings, we discussed the implication of social and class characteristics of each university admission types and ways to improve university admission system.

      • KCI등재

        대입 자율화의 가능성에 대한 비판적 검토 : 입학사정관제를 중심으로

        양성관,김택형 안암교육학회 2008 한국교육학연구 Vol.14 No.3

        After setting of Lee government, the principle of market competition has planted in all over the national policy, and it is not exceptional in the field of education. Expecially in a realm of higher education, the need of admission autonomy of university has been raised for a long time. The purpose of this study is to discover the essence of controversy about admission autonomy by considering the history of higher education policy past three decades, and to reveal how to link main issues of admission autonomy by giving the information about the introduction background of admission officer system and the contexts of its practical operation in US. The critical reviews covers the selection and exclusion of a certain group of applicants in the college admission process, the tolerance of opacity in the selection process, and the accountability issues on college admission. The cornerstones of US college admission were ‘discretion’ and ‘opacity’- discretion so that college administrators would be free to select or to screen out students deemed socially undesirable and opacity so that how they used their discretion would not be subject to public scrutiny. These features could be possible through ‘comprehensive or individualized review’ on college admission applicants. This study says that the ‘subjective evaluation’ could be linked to the preferences of a certain group of students; should be implemented with consideration of fairness; and should set up an accountability system by informing the plan of college admission and selected students profile and monitoring the college admission decision process.

      • 대입 원서접수 시간 구간별 합격률 및 등록률 차이 분석 연구

        임진택 ( Lim Jin-teak ),이승아 ( Lee Seung-a ),김은혜 ( Kim Eun-hye ),임선영 ( Lim Sun-young ) 경희대학교 입학전형연구센터 2019 입학전형연구 Vol.8 No.-

        대학 입시 지원 과정은 ‘눈치작전의 대명사’처럼 여겨져 왔다. 지원자의 전공 적성에 따른 소신지원보다는 원서접수에서 경쟁률이 낮은 학과에 지원해 합격하겠다는 전략으로 인해, 원서접수 마지막 날 최종 경쟁률을 공개한 이후 지원자가 대거 몰리는 현상이 나타나고 있다. 이런 경향은 지원학과의 적성과 소질을 강조하는 수시모집의 확대로 인해 기존 점수 위주로 선발하는 정시모집과는 다른 양상을 보이고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 대학 입학전형 원서접수 단계에서 전형유형별 원서접수 시간 구간별로 지원율, 합격률, 등록률이 어떻게 다른지를 실증적으로 고찰하는데 목적이 있다. 연구 결과는 대입전형계획 수립, 대학별 고사 조 편성 및 고사장 배치 등 기준으로 활용할 수 있고, 대입정보 데이터 관리는 대학기관연구(IR)의 중요한 한 분야로 자리잡을 수 있을 것이다. 이를 위해 K대학의 2018학년도 신입학 모집에 지원한 93,031명 전체 지원자를 대상으로 빈도분석, 교차분석을 실시하였다. 분석 결과 첫째, 지원율은 수시 전형에서 원서접수 둘째 날, 정시전형에서 원서접수 마지막날 경쟁률 미공개 구간에서 가장 높게 나타났다. 둘째, 지원자 대비 합격률은 수시전형에서는 원서접수 시간이 빠를수록 높은 것으로 나타났고, 정시모집에서는 첫째 날과 마지막날 경쟁률 미 공개 구간보다 둘째 날, 셋째 날, 마지막 날 경쟁률 공개 구간에서 높은 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 합격자 대비 등록률은 수시와 정시 모집 모두에서 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. The processes of submitting university application have been regarded as ‘wait-and-see’ strategy. The purpose of this research is to empirically study the differences in application rate, acceptance rate and admission rate according to the application time based on university admission types during the procedures of submitting university application and to suggest standards for establishing plans per different admission types, organizing groups for admission exam and arranging exam locations. For the study, Frequency analysis and Chi-squared test were conducted on all 93,031 students who have applied to K University for 2018. The analysis results showed that in the case of application rate, the second day of application for non-scheduled admission and the last day of application for regular admission showed the highest rate when competition rate was undisclosed. Acceptance rate per applicants for non-scheduled admission was higher when application time was earlier while acceptance rate for regular admission was higher on the second, third and last day when competition rate was disclosed than on the first and last day when competition rate was undisclosed. Admission rate compared to acceptance rate showed statistically no significant differences in both the regular and non-scheduled admissions. Implications of this study would be used for establishing plans per different admission types or operating admission exam per university and controlling the data related to university admission would be critical area of the institutional research.

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